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+This list of open Tor proposals is based on one I sent out back in
+December[0], based on the one I did in November[1] based on the
+one I did in June of 2012[2], based on the one I did in May[3] of 2011.
+Future versions of this document will be maintained in the torspec
+If you're looking for something to review, think about, or comment
+ Review 212 (using older consensuses) or 215 (obsoleting
+ consensus methods) if you understand the directory system even a
+ little bit; they are quite simple.
+ Review 219 if you're a DNS geek, or you'd like Tor to work
+ better with more DNS types.
+ Review 220 (ed25519 identity keys) if you like designing
+ signature things, if you have good ideas about future-proofing
+ key type migration, or if you care about making Tor servers'
+ identity keys stronger.
+ Review 223 (ACE handshake) if you're a cryptographer, or a cryptography
+ implementer, and you'd like an even faster replacement for the
+ ntor handshake.
+ Review 224 if you want to look through a big, complex protocol
+ with a lot of pieces. Also review it if you care about hidden
+ services and making them better.
+ Review something else if you want to take a possibly good idea
+ that needs more momentum and promote it, fix it up, or finally
+ kill it off.
+Finally: if you've sent something to tor-dev or to me that should
+have a proposal number, but doesn't have one yet, please ping me
+again to remind me!
+[0] https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-dev/2013-December/005957.html
+[1] https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-dev/2013-November/005798.html
+[2] https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-dev/2012-June/003641.html
+[3] https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-dev/2011-May/002637.html
+**NOTE**: The dates after each paragraph indicate when I last
+ revised the paragraph.
+127 Relaying dirport requests to Tor download site / website
+ The idea here was to make it easier to fetch and learn about
+ Tor by making it easy for relays to automatically act as
+ proxies to the Tor website. It needs more discussion, and
+ there are some significant details to work out. It's not at
+ all clear whether this is actually a good idea or not.
+ Probably, there are better choices when it comes to
+ distributing software and updates. (11/2013)
+131 Help users to verify they are using Tor [NEEDS-REVISION]
+ This one is not a crazy idea, but I marked it as
+ needs-revision since it doesn't seem to work so well with
+ our current designs. It seems mostly superseded by proposal
+ 211. (11/2013)
+132 A Tor Web Service For Verifying Correct Browser Configuration
+ This proposal was meant to give users a way to see if their
+ browser and privoxy (yes, it was a while ago) are correctly
+ configured by running a local webserver on I'm not
+ sure the status here. Generally, I'm skeptical of designs
+ that run webservers on localhost, since they become a target
+ for cross-site attacks. (11/2013)
+133 Incorporate Unreachable ORs into the Tor Network
+ This proposal had an idea for letting ORs that can only make
+ outgoing connections still relay data usefully in the network.
+ It's something we should keep in mind, and it's a pretty neat
+ idea, but it radically changes the network topology. Anybody
+ who wants to analyze new network topologies should definitely
+ have a look. (5/2011)
+140 Provide diffs between consensuses
+ This proposal describes a way to transmit less directory
+ traffic by sending only differences between consensuses, rather
+ than the consensuses themselves. It is mainly languishing for
+ lack of an appropriately licensed, well-written, very small,
+ pure-C implementation of the "diff" and "patch" algorithms.
+ (The good diffs seem to be GPL (which we can't use without
+ changing Tor's license), or spaghetti code, or not easily
+ usable as a library, or not written in C, or very large, or
+ some combination of those.) (5/2011)
+141 Download server descriptors on demand
+ The idea of this proposal was for clients to only download the
+ consensus, and later ask nodes for their own server descriptors
+ while building the circuit through them. It would make each
+ circuit more time-consuming to build, but make bootstrapping
+ much cheaper.
+ Microdescriptors obsolete a lot of this proposal, and present
+ some difficulties in using in a way compatible with
+ it. (6/2012)
+143 Improvements of Distributed Storage for Tor Hidden Service
+ Descriptors
+ Here's a proposal from Karsten about making the hidden
+ service DHT more reliable and secure to use. It could use
+ more discussion and analysis. We should look into it as part
+ of efforts to improve designs for the next generation of
+ hidden services.
+ One problem with the analysis here, though, is that it
+ assumes a fixed set of servers that doesn't change. One
+ reason that we upload to N servers at each chosen point in
+ the ring is that the hidden service host and the hidden
+ service client may have different views of which servers
+ exist. We need to re-do the analysis with some fraction of
+ recent consensuses. (11/2013)
+144 Increase the diversity of circuits by detecting nodes
+ belonging the same provider
+ This is a version of the good idea, "Let's do routing in a way
+ that tries to keep from routing traffic through the same
+ provider too much!" There are complex issues here that the
+ proposal doesn't completely address, but I think it might be a
+ fine idea for somebody to see how much more we know now than we
+ did in 2008, particularly in light of the relevant paper(s) by
+ Matt Edmann and Paul Syverson. (5/2011)
+145 Separate "suitable as a guard" from "suitable as a new guard"
+ Currently, the Guard flag means both "You can use this node as a
+ guard if you need to pick a new guard" and "If this node is
+ currently your guard, you can keep using it as a guard." This
+ proposal tries to separate these two concepts, so that clients can
+ stop picking a router once it is full of existing clients using it
+ as a guard, but the clients currently on it won't all drop it.
+ It's not clear whether this has anonymity issues, and it's not
+ clear whether the imagined performance gains are actually
+ worthwhile. (5/2011)
+156 Tracking blocked ports on the client side
+ This proposal provides a way for clients to learn which ports
+ they are (and aren't) able to connect to, and connect to the
+ ones that work. It comes with a patch, too. It also lets
+ routers track ports that _they_ can't connect to.
+ I'm a little unconvinced that this will help a great deal: most
+ clients that have some ports blocked will need bridges, not
+ just restriction to a smaller set of ports. This could be good
+ behind restrictive firewalls, though.
+ The router-side part is a little iffy: routers that can't
+ connect to each other violate one of our network topology
+ assumptions, and even if we do want to track failed
+ router->router connections, the routers need to be sure that
+ they aren't fooled into trying to connect repeatedly to a
+ series of nonexistent addresses in an attempt to make them
+ believe that (say) they can't reach port 443.
+ This one is a paradigmatic "open" proposal: it needs more
+ discussion. The patch probably also needs to be ported to
+ 0.2.3.x; it touches some code that has changed. (5/2011)
+159 Exit Scanning
+ This is an overview of SoaT, with some ideas for how to integrate
+ it into Tor. (5/2011)
+164 Reporting the status of server votes
+ This proposal explains a way for authorities to provide a
+ slightly more verbose document that relay operators can use to
+ diagnose reasons that their router was or was not listed in the
+ consensus. These documents would be like slightly more verbose
+ versions of the authorities' votes, and would explain *why* the
+ authority voted as it did. It wouldn't be too hard to
+ implement, and would be a fine project for somebody who wants
+ to get to know the directory code. (5/2011)
+165 Easy migration for voting authority sets
+ This is a design for how to change the set of authorities without
+ having a flag day where the authority operators all reconfigure
+ their authorities at once. It needs more discussion. One
+ difficulty here is that we aren't talking much about changing the
+ set of authorities, but that may be a chicken-and-egg issue, since
+ changing the set is so onerous.
+ If anybody is interested, it would be great to move the discussion
+ ahead here. (5/2011)
+168 Reduce default circuit window
+ This proposal reduces the default window for circuit sendme
+ cells. I think it's implemented (or mostly implemented) in
+ If so, we should make sure that tor-spec.txt is
+ updated and close it. (11/2013)
+172 GETINFO controller option for circuit information
+173 GETINFO Option Expansion
+ These would help controllers (particularly arm) provide more
+ useful information about a running Tor process. They're
+ accepted and some parts of 173 are even implemented: somebody
+ just needs to implement the rest. (5/2011)
+175 Automatically promoting Tor clients to nodes
+ Here's Steven's proposal for adding a mode between "client
+ mode" and "relay mode" for "self-test to see if you would be a
+ good relay, and if so become one." It didn't get enough
+ attention when it was posted to the list; more people should
+ review it. (5/2011)
+177 Abstaining from votes on individual flags
+ Here's my proposal for letting authorities have opinions about some
+ (flag,router) combinations without voting on whether _every_ router
+ should have that flag. It's simple, and I think it's basically
+ right. With more discussion and review, somebody could/should
+ build it, I think. (11/2013)
+182 Credit Bucket
+ This proposal suggests an alternative approach to our current
+ token-bucket based rate-limiting, that promises better
+ performance, less buffering insanity, and a possible end to
+ double-gating issues. (6/2012)
+185 Directory caches without DirPort
+ The old HTTP directory port feature is no longer used by
+ clients and relays under most circumstances. The proposal
+ explains how we can get rid of the requirement that non-bridge
+ directories have an open directory port. (6/2012)
+188 Bridge Guards and other anti-enumeration defenses
+ This proposal suggests some ways to make it harder for a relay
+ on the Tor network to enumerate a list of Tor bridges. Worth
+ investigating and possibly implementing. (6/2012)
+190 Bridge Client Authorization Based on a Shared Secret [NEEDS-REVISION]
+191 Bridge Detection Resistance against MITM-capable Adversaries
+ Proposal 187 reserved the AUTHORIZE cell type; these
+ proposals suggests how it could work to try to make it
+ harder to probe for Tor bridges. They need more alternatives
+ and attention, and possibly some revision and analysis.
+ Number 190 needs revision, since its protocol isn't actually
+ so great. (11/2013)
+192 Automatically retrieve and store information about bridges
+ This proposal gives an enhancement to the bridge information
+ protocol, where clients remember more things about bridges, and
+ are able to update what they know about them over time. Could
+ help a lot with bridge churn. (6/2012)
+194 Mnemonic .onion URLs
+ Here's one of several competing "let's make .onion URLs
+ human-usable" proposals. This one makes sentences using a
+ fixed map. This kind of approach is likely to obsoleted if
+ we go ahead with current plans for hidden services that
+ would make .onion addresses much longer, though. (11/2013)
+195 TLS certificate normalization for Tor 0.2.4.x
+ Here's the followup to proposal 179, containing all the parts
+ of proposal 179 that didn't get built, and a couple of other
+ tricks besides to try to make Tor's default protocol less
+ detectable. I'm pretty psyched about the part where we let
+ relays drop in any any self-signed or CA-issued certificate
+ that they like. Some of this is done in ticket #7145;
+ we should decide, however, how much we want to push towards
+ normalizing the main Tor protocol. (11/2013)
+196 Extended ORPort and TransportControlPort
+ Here are some remaining pieces of the pluggable transport
+ protocol that give Tor finer control over the behavior of
+ its transports. Much of this is implemented in 0.2.5
+ now; we should figure out what's left, and whether we want
+ to build that. (11/2013)
+197 Message-based Inter-Controller IPC Channel
+ This proposal is for an architectural enhancement in Tor
+ deployments, where Tor coordinates communications between the
+ various programs (Vidalia, TorBrowser, etc) that are using
+ it. (6/2012)
+199 Integration of BridgeFinder and BridgeFinderHelper
+ Here's a proposal for how Tor can integrate with a client
+ program that finds bridges for it. I've seen some work being
+ done on things called "BridgeFinder"; I don't know what the
+ status of the current proposal is, though. (11/2013)
+201 Make bridges report statistics on daily v3 network status requests
+ Here's a proposal for bridges to better estimate the number of
+ bridge users. (6/2012)
+202 Two improved relay encryption protocols for Tor cells
+ Here's a sketch of the two broad classes of alternatives for
+ improving how relay encryption works. Right now, progress on
+ this proposal is stalled waiting for the ideal wide-block
+ construction to come along the line. (11/2013)
+203 Avoiding censorship by impersonating an HTTPS server
+ This one is a design for making a bridge that acts like an
+ HTTPS server (by *being* an HTTPS server) until the user
+ proves they know it's a bridge. (11/2013)
+209 Tuning the Parameters for the Path Bias Defense
+ In this proposal, Mike discusses alternative parameters for
+ getting better result out of the path-bias-attack detection
+ code. (11/2013)
+210 Faster Headless Consensus Bootstrapping
+ This proposal suggests that we get our initial consensus by
+ launching multiple connections in parallel, and fetching the
+ consensus from whichever one completes. In my opinion, that
+ would be a fine idea when we're fetching our initial
+ consensus from non-Authority DirSources, but we shouldnt' do
+ anything to increase the load on authorities. (11/2013)
+211 Internal Mapaddress for Tor Configuration Testing
+ Here, the idea is to serve an XML document over HTTP that
+ would let the know when it's using Tor. The XML document
+ would be returned when you make a request over Tor for a
+ magic address in I think we need to do
+ _something_to solve this problem, but I'm not thrilled with
+ the idea of having any more magical addresses like this; we
+ got rid of .noconnect for a reason, after all. (11/2013)
+212 Increase Acceptable Consensus Age
+ This proposal suggests that we increase the maximum age of a
+ consensus that clients are willing to use when they can't
+ find a new one, in order to make the network robust for
+ longer against a failure to reach consensus. In my
+ opinion, we should do that. If I recall correctly, there
+ was some tor-dev discussion on this one that should get
+ incorporated into a final, implementable version. (11/2013)
+215 Let the minimum consensus method change with time
+ This proposal describes how we can raise the minimum
+ allowable consensus method that all authorities must
+ support, since the ancient "consensus method 1" would not
+ actually be viable to keep the Tor network running. We
+ should do this; see ticket #10163. (11/2013)
+219 Support for full DNS and DNSSEC resolution in Tor
+ Here's a design to allow Tor to support a full range of DNS
+ request types. It probably isn't adequate on its to make
+ DNSSEC work realistically, since naive DNSSEC requires many
+ round trips that wouldn't be practical over Tor. It has a
+ ton of inline discussion that needs to get resolved before
+ this is buildable.
+ One thing to consider here is whether we can get the server-side
+ done with reasonable confidence, and figure out the client side
+ once more servers have upgraded. (12/2013)
+220 Migrate server identity keys to Ed25519
+ This one is an intial design to migrate server identity keys to
+ Ed25519 for improved security margin. It needs more analysis of
+ long-term migration to other signing key types -- what do we do
+ if we want to add support for EdDSA over Curve2617 or something?
+ Can we make it easier than this? And it also needs analysis to
+ make sure it enables us to eventually drop RSA1024 keys
+ entirely.
+ I've started building this, though, so we'd better figure out
+ out fairly soon. Other proposals, like 224, depend on this one.
+ (12/2013)
+223 Ace: Improved circuit-creation key exchange
+ Here's an interesting one. It proposes a replacement for the
+ ntor handshake, using the multi-exponentiation optimization, to
+ run a bit faster at an equivalent security level.
+ Assuming that more cryptographers like the security proof, and
+ that the ntor handshake winds up being critical-path in profiles
+ as more clients upgrade to 0.2.4 or 0.2.5, this is something we
+ should consider. (12/2013)
+224 Next-Generation Hidden Services in Tor
+ This proposal outlines a more or less completely revised version
+ of the Tor hidden services protocol, improved to accomodate
+ better cryptography, better scalability, and defenses for
+ several attacks we'd never considered when we did the original
+ design.
+ Some parts of this one are clearly right; some (like
+ scalability) are entirely unwritten. This proposal needs a lot
+ of attention and improvements to get it done right. I hope to
+ implement this over the course of 2014. (12/2013)
+225 Strawman proposal: commit-and-reveal shared rng
+ Proposal 224's solutions for bug #8244 require that authorities
+ regularly agree upon a shared random value which none of them
+ could have influenced or predicted in advance. This proposal
+ outlines a simple one that isn't perfect (it's vulnerable to DOS
+ and to limited influence by one or more collaborating hostile
+ authorities), but it's quite simple, and it's meant to start
+ discussion.
+ I hope that we never build this, but instead replace it with
+ something better. Some alternatives have already been discussed
+ on tor-dev; more work is needed, though. (12/2013)
+226 (writeme)
+227 (writeme)
+Since last time:
+ 147 was closed as unnecessary. See discussion in the new "Reasons for
+ Rejection" section at the end of that proprosal.