path: root/proposals/000-index.txt
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2024-03-06Run reindex for prop349Mike Perry
2024-01-25Re-index proposalsMicah Elizabeth Scott
2023-11-09Update proposal index for 327 marked closedMicah Elizabeth Scott
2023-11-09Mark the vanguards proposals as CLOSED.Nick Mathewson
They have been merged into the specs as /vanguards-spec.
2023-10-19Add proposal 347-domain-separation.mdNick Mathewson
2023-10-19Add proposal 346-protovers-againNick Mathewson
2023-10-12Mark proposal 345 as closed.Nick Mathewson
2023-10-12Terminate 000-index.txt correctly.Nick Mathewson
2023-10-12Merge INTRO and README; fix more titles.Nick Mathewson
2023-10-12Wrap text proposals in backticks.Nick Mathewson
2023-10-03Merge branch 'close_prop301' into 'main'Nick Mathewson
Close prop-301, describing the new consensus method 34 in dir-spec See merge request tpo/core/torspec!160
2023-10-03Add proposal 345-specs-in-mdbook.mdNick Mathewson
2023-10-03Mark proposal 332 as Closed.Nick Mathewson
2023-09-26Run re-index scriptMike Perry
2023-08-25Merge 337-simpler-guard-usability.md into guard-specNick Mathewson
This proposal gives an alternative formulation of the usability rules of guard-spec, and the relationship between guard status and circuit status.
2023-08-24Merge proposal 336-randomize-guard-retries.mdNick Mathewson
2023-08-22Add prop344 to index.Nick Mathewson
2023-08-15Merge branch 'accept_prop301' into 'main'David Goulet
Mark proposal 301 (don't vote on package fingerprints) as accepted. See merge request tpo/core/torspec!159
2023-08-15Close prop-301, describing the new consensus method 34 in dir-specNick Mathewson
See tor!743 for the implementation.
2023-08-15Mark proposal 301 as accepted.Nick Mathewson
2023-08-15Run reindex script.Nick Mathewson
2023-07-27prop296: Close it as it is implementedDavid Goulet
Signed-off-by: David Goulet <dgoulet@torproject.org>
2023-05-10Proposal 319 and 325 superseded by 340David Goulet
Signed-off-by: David Goulet <dgoulet@torproject.org>
2023-05-08prop343: Initial importDavid Goulet
CAA Extensions for the Tor Rendezvous Specification. Signed-off-by: David Goulet <dgoulet@torproject.org>
2023-01-10New proposal 342: Decoupling hs_interval and SRV lifetimeNick Mathewson
2022-07-25Add proposal 341-better-oos.mdNick Mathewson
2022-05-31Reindex for prop340.Nick Mathewson
2022-05-31prop339: Move to Accepted stateDavid Goulet
Signed-off-by: David Goulet <dgoulet@torproject.org>
2022-05-16prop275: Merged in 048 nowDavid Goulet
Signed-off-by: David Goulet <dgoulet@torproject.org>
2022-05-04Draft proposal for UDP over Tor.Nick Mathewson
This has already been discussed somewhat on a pad; now we can move to an MR and fill in the missing parts.
2022-04-29Update the status of several proposalsNick Mathewson
(Based on network team discussion, 28 April 2022)
2022-03-24Merge remote-tracking branch 'nickm/prop275'Alexander Færøy
2022-03-14Proposal 338: Use an 8-byte timestamp in NETINFO cellsNick Mathewson
2021-12-08Fold prop 335-middle-only-redux.md into the specs.Nick Mathewson
Also, mark it closed.
2021-11-22Update status for the two middle-only proposals.Nick Mathewson
334 is superseded by 335, which is Finished but not Closed.
2021-11-22Mark proposal 315 as implemented in Mathewson
2021-11-22Update proposal index based on recent reclassification.Nick Mathewson
2021-11-12Mark proposal 333 as Finished.Nick Mathewson
2021-11-09Mark proposal 275 as closed and fold it into dir-spec.Nick Mathewson
2021-11-01prop328: Close after merging it to dir-spec.txtDavid Goulet
Closes #70 Signed-off-by: David Goulet <dgoulet@torproject.org>
2021-11-01prop328: Mark if finished and update it to latestDavid Goulet
Implemented but not yet merged into main spec. Signed-off-by: David Goulet <dgoulet@torproject.org>
2021-10-25Update proposal index.Nick Mathewson
2021-10-08Proposal 335: alternative implementation for MiddleOnly.Nick Mathewson
2021-09-30proposals: Run reindex.pyDavid Goulet
Signed-off-by: David Goulet <dgoulet@torproject.org>
2021-07-12Add proposal 332: Ntor protocol with extra data, version 3Nick Mathewson
2021-06-28Make proposals 196/217 into an ext-orport-spec.txt.Nick Mathewson
Closes torspec#50.
2021-02-10Add proposal 330-authority-contact.mdNick Mathewson
2020-12-07prop328: Initial draftDavid Goulet
Signed-off-by: Mike Perry <mikeprry@torproject.org> Signed-off-by: David Goulet <dgoulet@torproject.org>
2020-10-28Proposal 318 is closed.Nick Mathewson
2020-09-22reindex proposalsNick Mathewson