AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-10-17Merge branch 'static-shim' into 'main'stagingNick Mathewson
2023-10-17do not run GitLab pages on pipelines that have access to review appsAntoine Beaupré
2023-10-17Merge branch 'static-shim' into 'main'Nick Mathewson
2023-10-17deploy to static-shim (tpo/tpa/team#41348)Antoine Beaupré
2023-10-17Merge branch 'static-shim' into 'main'Nick Mathewson
2023-10-17replace the `pages` job with a proper templateAntoine Beaupré
2023-10-17remove duplication between check and pages, and make a build jobAntoine Beaupré
2023-10-17Add (and run) script to auto-regenerate permalink redirects.Nick Mathewson
2023-10-17Add begin/end markers to redirect list.Nick Mathewson
2023-10-17Use index.html <meta> redirects in cases where the directory exists.Nick Mathewson
2023-10-14Ensure that we have no empty sections.Nick Mathewson
2023-10-14Re-run mdformat.Nick Mathewson
2023-10-14Enforce the rule that every md has a toplevel (\#) section.Nick Mathewson
2023-10-14Enforce the rule that no document has multiple top-level headings.Nick Mathewson
2023-10-14Break up some sections in dir-spec that had gotten run together.Nick Mathewson
2023-10-14Rename another file that slipped through.Nick Mathewson
2023-10-14Rename rend-spec-v3 urls to rend-spec.Nick Mathewson
2023-10-14Add short IDs for most long section namesNick Mathewson
2023-10-14Describe our link strategy a bit.Nick Mathewson
2023-10-14Remove more TOCs and merge in introductions.Nick Mathewson
2023-10-14Remove tables of contents from several specs.Nick Mathewson
2023-10-14Fix some conversation formatting in bridgdb spec.Nick Mathewson
2023-10-14Rename all long files.Nick Mathewson
2023-10-14Run mdformat on the spec files.Nick Mathewson
2023-10-13Several more warnings from markdownlint.Nick Mathewson
2023-10-13Add backticks to more things that look like html.Nick Mathewson
2023-10-13Run markdownlint --fix on spec.Nick Mathewson
2023-10-13Fix some text that is not good markdown.Nick Mathewson
2023-10-12Update more things that looked like html tags in the markdownNick Mathewson
2023-10-12Clean up a section of dirspec that looked like html tags.Nick Mathewson
2023-10-12Mark proposal 345 as closed.Nick Mathewson
2023-10-12Update README to refer to the pages.tpo url.Nick Mathewson
2023-10-12Possibly "pages" requires that the artifact be called "public"?Nick Mathewson
2023-10-12Try making a CI job for pages.tpo.Nick Mathewson
2023-10-12gitlab ci for a basic testNick Mathewson
2023-10-12Terminate 000-index.txt correctly.Nick Mathewson
2023-10-12remove existing gitlab-ci.ymlNick Mathewson
2023-10-12Merge INTRO and README; fix more titles.Nick Mathewson
2023-10-12README.md: Remove this-is-a-draft note.Nick Mathewson
2023-10-12Wrap text proposals in backticks.Nick Mathewson
2023-10-12Copy all verbatim items into spec directory.Nick Mathewson
2023-10-12Move all MD-only specifications into spec/.Nick Mathewson
2023-10-12Convert text specifications to mdbook.Nick Mathewson
2023-10-12Move all text-only specifications into the OLD_TXT directory.Nick Mathewson
2023-10-12Add mdbook default output to .gitignoreNick Mathewson
2023-10-11Merge branch 'maxunmeasured_fix_again' into 'main'David Goulet
2023-10-11Correct the versions in which "maxunmeasur[e]dbw" was fixedNick Mathewson
2023-10-10Adjust SUMMARY template.Nick Mathewson
2023-10-10Change "README" to "BY_STATUS" for symmetry.Nick Mathewson
2023-10-10hack reindex.py to generate a SUMMARY.md file for mdbook.Nick Mathewson