path: root/spec/tor-spec/relay-cells.md
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+<a id="tor-spec.txt-6.1"></a>
+# Relay cells {#relay-cells}
+Within a circuit, the OP and the end node use the contents of
+relay cells to tunnel end-to-end commands and TCP connections
+("Streams") across circuits. End-to-end commands can be initiated
+by either edge; streams are initiated by the OP.
+End nodes that accept streams may be:
+- exit relays (RELAY_BEGIN, anonymous),
+- directory servers (RELAY_BEGIN_DIR, anonymous or non-anonymous),
+- onion services (RELAY_BEGIN, anonymous via a rendezvous point).
+The body of each unencrypted relay cell consists of an
+enveloped relay message, encoded as follows:
+| Field | Size
+| ----- | ----
+| Relay command | 1 byte
+| 'Recognized' | 2 bytes
+| StreamID | 2 bytes
+| Digest | 4 bytes
+| Length | 2 bytes
+| Data | Length bytes
+| Padding | CELL_BODY_LEN - 11 - Length bytes
+> TODO: When we implement [prop340](../proposals/340-packed-and-fragmented.md),
+> we should clarify which parts of the above are about
+> the relay cell, and which are the enveloped message.
+The relay commands are:
+| Command | Identifier | Type | Description
+| ------- | ---------- | ---- | -----------
+| <th>Core protocol</th>
+| 1 | [BEGIN] | **F** | Open a stream
+| 2 | [DATA] | **F**/**B** | Transmit data
+| 3 | [END] | **F**/**B** | Close a stream
+| 4 | [CONNECTED] | **B** | Stream has successfully opened
+| 5 | [SENDME] | **F**/**B**, **C?** | Acknowledge traffic
+| 6 | [EXTEND] | **F**, **C** | Extend a circuit with TAP (obsolete)
+| 7 | [EXTENDED] | **B**, **C** | Finish extending a circuit with TAP (obsolete)
+| 8 | [TRUNCATE] | **F**, **C** | Remove nodes from a circuit (unused)
+| 9 | [TRUNCATED] | **B**, **C** | Report circuit truncation (unused)
+| 10 | [DROP] | **F**/**B**, **C** | Long-range padding
+| 11 | [RESOLVE] | **F** | Hostname lookup
+| 12 | [RESOLVED] | **B** | Hostname lookup reply
+| 13 | [BEGIN_DIR] | **F** | Open stream to directory cache
+| 14 | [EXTEND2] | **F**, **C** | Extend a circuit
+| 15 | [EXTENDED2] | **B**, **C** | Finish extending a circuit
+| 16..18 | Reserved | | For UDP; see [prop339].
+| <th>Conflux</th>
+| 19 | [CONFLUX_LINK][prop329] | **F**, **C** | Link circuits into a bundle
+| 20 | [CONFLUX_LINKED][prop329] | **B**, **C** | Acknowledge link request
+| 21 | [CONFLUX_LINKED_ACK][prop329] | **F**, **C** | Acknowledge CONFLUX_LINKED message (for timing)
+| 22 | [CONFLUX_SWITCH][prop329] | **F**/**B**, **C** | Switch between circuits in a bundle
+| <th>Onion services</th>
+| 32 | [ESTABLISH_INTRO] | **F**, **C** | Create introduction point
+| 33 | [ESTABLISH_RENDEZVOUS] | **F**, **C** | Create rendezvous point
+| 34 | [INTRODUCE1] | **F**, **C** | Introduction request (to intro point)
+| 35 | [INTRODUCE2] | **B**, **C** | Introduction request (to service)
+| 36 | [RENDEZVOUS1] | **F**, **C** | Rendezvous request (to rendezvous point)
+| 37 | [RENDEZVOUS2] | **B**, **C** | Rendezvous request (to client)
+| 38 | [INTRO_ESTABLISHED] | **B**, **C** | Acknowledge ESTABLISH_INTRO
+| 40 | [INTRODUCE_ACK] | **B**, **C** | Acknowledge INTRODUCE1
+| <th>Circuit padding</th>
+| 41 | [PADDING_NEGOTIATE][circ-padding] | **F**, **C** | Negotiate circuit padding
+| 42 | [PADDING_NEGOTIATED][circ-padding] | **B**, **C** | Negotiate circuit padding
+| <th>Flow control</th>
+| 43 | [XON][prop324] | **F**/**B** | Stream-level flow control
+| 44 | [XOFF][prop324] | **F**/**B** | Stream-level flow control
+[prop324]: ../proposals/324-rtt-congestion-control.txt
+[prop329]: ../proposals/329-traffic-splitting.md
+[prop339]: ../proposals/339-udp-over-tor.md
+[circ-padding]: ../padding-spec/circuit-level-padding.md#circuit-level-padding
+[BEGIN]: ./opening-streams.md#opening
+[CONNECTED]: ./opening-streams.md#opening
+[DATA]: ./opening-streams.md#transmitting
+[DROP]: ./opening-streams.md#transmitting
+[BEGIN_DIR]: ./opening-streams.md#opening-a-directory-stream
+[END]: ./closing-streams.md#closing-streams
+[RESOLVE]: ./remote-hostname-lookup.md
+[RESOLVED]: ./remote-hostname-lookup.md
+[EXTEND]: ./create-created-cells.md#EXTEND
+[EXTEND2]: ./create-created-cells.md#EXTEND
+[EXTENDED]: ./create-created-cells.md#EXTEND
+[EXTENDED2]: ./create-created-cells.md#EXTEND
+[TRUNCATE]: ./tearing-down-circuits.md
+[TRUNCATED]: ./tearing-down-circuits.md
+[SENDME]: ./flow-control.md#sendme-message-format
+[ESTABLISH_INTRO]: ../rend-spec/introduction-protocol.md#EST_INTRO
+[INTRO_ESTABLISHED]: ../rend-spec/introduction-protocol.md#INTRO_ESTABLISHED
+[INTRODUCE1]: ../rend-spec/introduction-protocol.md#SEND_INTRO1
+[INTRODUCE2]: ../rend-spec/introduction-protocol.md#PROCESS_INTRO2
+[INTRODUCE_ACK]: ../rend-spec/introduction-protocol.md#SEND_INTRO1
+[ESTABLISH_RENDEZVOUS]: ../rend-spec/rendezvous-protocol.md#EST_REND_POINT
+[RENDEZVOUS_ESTABLISHED]: ../rend-spec/rendezvous-protocol.md#EST_REND_POINT
+[RENDEZVOUS1]: ../rend-spec/rendezvous-protocol.md#JOIN_REND
+[RENDEZVOUS2]: ../rend-spec/rendezvous-protocol.md#JOIN_REND
+- **F** (Forward): Must only be sent by the originator of the circuit.
+- **B** (Backward): Must only be sent by other nodes in the circuit
+ back towards the originator.
+- **F**/**B** (Forward or backward): May be sent in either direction.
+- **C**: (Control) must have a zero-valued stream ID.
+ (Other commands must have a nonzero stream ID.)
+The 'recognized' field is used as a simple indication that the cell
+is still encrypted. It is an optimization to avoid calculating
+expensive digests for every cell. When sending cells, the unencrypted
+'recognized' MUST be set to zero.
+When receiving and decrypting cells the 'recognized' will always be
+zero if we're the endpoint that the cell is destined for. For cells
+that we should relay, the 'recognized' field will usually be nonzero,
+but will accidentally be zero with P=2^-16.
+When handling a relay cell, if the 'recognized' in field in a
+decrypted relay cell is zero, the 'digest' field is computed as
+the first four bytes of the running digest of all the bytes that have
+been destined for this hop of the circuit or originated from this hop
+of the circuit, seeded from Df or Db respectively (obtained in
+[Setting circuit keys](./setting-circuit-keys.md#setting-circuit-keys)),
+and including this relay cell's entire body
+(taken with the digest field set to zero). Note that these digests
+_do_ include the padding bytes at the end of the cell, not only those up
+to "Len". If the digest is correct, the cell is considered "recognized"
+for the purposes of decryption (see
+[Routing relay cells](./routing-relay-cells.md#routing-relay-cells)).
+(The digest does not include any bytes from relay cells that do
+not start or end at this hop of the circuit. That is, it does not
+include forwarded data. Therefore if 'recognized' is zero but the
+digest does not match, the running digest at that node should
+not be updated, and the cell should be forwarded on.)
+All relay messages pertaining to the same tunneled stream have the same
+stream ID. StreamIDs are chosen arbitrarily by the OP. No stream
+may have a StreamID of zero. Rather, relay messages that affect the
+entire circuit rather than a particular stream use a StreamID of zero
+-- they are marked in the table above as "**C**" ([control") style
+cells. (Sendme cells are marked as "sometimes control" because they
+can include a StreamID or not depending on their purpose -- see
+[Flow control](./flow-control.md#flow-control).)
+The 'Length' field of a relay cell contains the number of bytes in
+the relay cell's body which contain the body of the message.
+The remainder of
+the unencrypted relay cell's body is padded with padding bytes.
+handle padding bytes of unencrypted relay cells as they do padding
+bytes for other cell types; see [Cell Packet format](./cell-packet-format.md#cell-packet-format).
+<span id="relay-cell-padding">The
+'Padding' field is used to make relay cell contents unpredictable, to
+avoid certain attacks (see
+[proposal 289](../proposals/289-authenticated-sendmes.txt)
+for rationale). Implementations
+SHOULD fill this field with four zero-valued bytes, followed by as many
+random bytes as will fit. (If there are fewer than 4 bytes for padding,
+then they should all be filled with zero.</span>
+Implementations MUST NOT rely on the contents of the 'Padding' field.
+If the relay cell is recognized but the relay command is not
+understood, the cell must be dropped and ignored. Its contents
+still count with respect to the digests and flow control windows, though.
+<a id="tor-spec.txt-6.1.1"></a>
+## Calculating the 'Digest' field {#digest-field}
+The 'Digest' field itself serves the purpose to check if a cell has been
+fully decrypted, that is, all onion layers have been removed. Having a
+single field, namely 'Recognized' is not sufficient, as outlined above.
+When ENCRYPTING a relay cell, an implementation does the following:
+# Encode the cell in binary (recognized and digest set to zero)
+tmp = cmd + [0, 0] + stream_id + [0, 0, 0, 0] + length + data + padding
+# Update the digest with the encoded data
+digest_state = hash_update(digest_state, tmp)
+digest = hash_calculate(digest_state)
+# The encoded data is the same as above with the digest field not being
+# zero anymore
+encoded = cmd + [0, 0] + stream_id + digest[0..4] + length + data +
+ padding
+# Now we can encrypt the cell by adding the onion layers ...
+ When DECRYPTING a relay cell, an implementation does the following:
+decrypted = decrypt(cell)
+# Replace the digest field in decrypted by zeros
+tmp = decrypted[0..5] + [0, 0, 0, 0] + decrypted[9..]
+# Update the digest field with the decrypted data and its digest field
+# set to zero
+digest_state = hash_update(digest_state, tmp)
+digest = hash_calculate(digest_state)
+if digest[0..4] == decrypted[5..9]
+ # The cell has been fully decrypted ...
+The caveat itself is that only the binary data with the digest bytes set to
+zero are being taken into account when calculating the running digest. The
+final plain-text cells (with the digest field set to its actual value) are
+not taken into the running digest.