path: root/tox.ini
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2016-04-10tox: Update setuptools in cxfreeze-windows envFlorian Bruhin
2016-03-29tox: Update pytest-rerunfailures to 1.0.2Florian Bruhin
2016-03-28tox: Update Werkzeug to 0.11.5Florian Bruhin
2016-03-26tox: Use -m pytest instead of -m py.testFlorian Bruhin
2016-03-21tox: Update astroid/pylint to 1.4.5/1.5.5Florian Bruhin
2016-03-19tox: Update pytest-bdd to 2.16.1Florian Bruhin
2016-03-18tox: Update to pytest 2.9.1Florian Bruhin
2016-03-16Check docs on Travis, take twoFlorian Bruhin
2016-03-15Add script to check for doc changesFlorian Bruhin
2016-03-11tox: Update Mako to 1.0.4Florian Bruhin
2016-03-11tox: Update CherryPy to 5.1.0Florian Bruhin
2016-03-10tox: Add {posargs} to pylint envsFlorian Bruhin
2016-03-10tox: Rename pylint-tip to pylint-masterFlorian Bruhin
2016-03-10tox: Add missing requests dependency for pylint-tipFlorian Bruhin
2016-03-10tox: Update pylint-tip repo to githubFlorian Bruhin
2016-03-06tox: Update pyroma to 2.0.2Florian Bruhin
2016-03-06tox: Update hypothesis to 3.1.0Florian Bruhin
2016-03-06tox: Update flake8-pep3101 to 0.3Florian Bruhin
2016-03-02tox: Update pyflakes to 1.1.0Florian Bruhin
2016-03-02tox: Update pytest to 2.9.0.Florian Bruhin
2016-02-29tox: Update pyroma to 2.0.0Florian Bruhin
2016-02-28tox: Update flake8-deprecated to 1.0.Florian Bruhin
2016-02-27Revert "Use pytest-platform-markers"Florian Bruhin
2016-02-27tox: Update pytest-xvfb to 0.2.0Florian Bruhin
2016-02-27Use pytest-platform-markersFlorian Bruhin
2016-02-25tox: Update hypothesis to 3.0.5Florian Bruhin
2016-02-24tox: Update pytest-mock to 0.11.0.Florian Bruhin
2016-02-24tox: Update pytest-html to 1.8.0.Florian Bruhin
2016-02-24tox: Update hypothesis to 3.0.4.Florian Bruhin
2016-02-19Switch to flake8-docstrings with pydocstyleFlorian Bruhin
2016-02-19Move pylint plugins to an installed package.Florian Bruhin
2016-02-18tox: Upgrade hypothesis to 3.0.2.Florian Bruhin
2016-02-16Switch to pytest-xvfb. Fixes #1309.Florian Bruhin
2016-02-15tox: Update Werkzeug to 0.11.4.Florian Bruhin
2016-02-11tox: Update flake8 to 2.5.4.Florian Bruhin
2016-02-10Check pep257 via flake8.Florian Bruhin
2016-02-08tox: Update decorator to 4.0.9.Florian Bruhin
2016-02-08Rerun TestPyQIODevice.test_qprocess if needed.Florian Bruhin
2016-02-07tox: Update decorator to 4.0.8.Florian Bruhin
2016-02-07tox: Update wheel to 0.29.0.Florian Bruhin
2016-02-07tox: Filter decorator==4.0.7 for Bruhin
2016-02-06tox: Update cherrypy to 5.0.1.Florian Bruhin
2016-02-06tox: Update wheel to 0.28.0.Florian Bruhin
2016-01-31tox: Update xvfbwrapper to 0.2.8.Florian Bruhin
2016-01-30tox: Update pytest-cov to 2.2.1.Florian Bruhin
2016-01-30tox: Update flake8 to 2.5.2.Florian Bruhin
2016-01-30tox: Update check-manifest to 0.31.Florian Bruhin
2016-01-30Add a .pydocstylerc.Florian Bruhin
2016-01-30tox: Switch from pep257 to pydocstyle.Florian Bruhin
2016-01-28tox: Update pytest-mock to 0.10.1.Florian Bruhin