path: root/scripts
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2023-07-22fixup! fixup! mkvenv: Fix '--pyqt-type link' without --pyqt-versionPaul Mairo
I broke it oops
2023-07-22fixup! mkvenv: Fix '--pyqt-type link' without --pyqt-versionPaul Mairo
2023-07-22mkvenv: Fix '--pyqt-type link' without --pyqt-versionPaul Mairo
This is a follow-up of #7770 which was an attempt to fix the script broken in 9212ba9. Before flipping the QT6 switch.
2023-07-22Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/pr/7789'Florian Bruhin
2023-07-22Create a workaround to install PyQT 6.5.2 until releasePaul Mairo
Right now the version of PyQT available on PyPI is 6.5.1 and it's buggy with Qutebrowser, this is a quick hack to get it working until it's released early next week.
2023-07-10Fix lint after dropping PyQt6-stubsFlorian Bruhin
2023-07-10Update changelog URLsFlorian Bruhin
2023-07-03ci: Keep WebKit on life support for longerFlorian Bruhin
2023-07-03Add exceptiongroup changelogtoofar
Ref #7763
2023-06-30qt6: Reduce duplicate codeFlorian Bruhin
2023-06-30scripts: Upgrade to Qt 6Florian Bruhin
Using qutebrowser.qt where we import from qutebrowser already anyways
2023-06-30Update vultureFlorian Bruhin
2023-06-30More qt 6 toolingFlorian Bruhin
2023-06-30qt6: Switch most tooling/linting to Qt 6Florian Bruhin
Only mypy missing now...
2023-06-30qt 6: Update for Qt 6 by defaultFlorian Bruhin
2023-06-30Merge pull request #7761 from pylbrecht/remove-vim-modelinesFlorian Bruhin
Remove vim modelines in favor of .editorconfig
2023-06-30qt6 mypy: Fix lintqt6-mypyFlorian Bruhin
2023-06-30Add misc check to prevent vim modelinesPhilipp Albrecht
We deprecated vim modelines. The introduced misc check will keep old pull requests from re-introducing vim modelines.
2023-06-30Remove vim modelinesPhilipp Albrecht
We're deprecating vim modelines in favor of `.editorconfig`. Removing vim modelines could be done using two one-liners. Most of the vim modelines were followed by an empty line, so this one-liner took care of these ones: ```sh rg '^# vim: .+\n\n' -l | xargs sed -i '/^# vim: /,+1d' ``` Then some of the vim modelines were followed by a pylint configuration line, so running this one-liner afterwards took care of that: ```sh rg '^# vim:' -l | xargs sed -i '/^# vim: /d' ```
2023-06-30Remove modeline pylint checkerPhilipp Albrecht
We're deprecating vim modelines in favor of `.editorconfig`.
2023-06-30mypy: Install more typeshed typesFlorian Bruhin
2023-06-30qt6 mypy: Fix lintFlorian Bruhin
2023-06-29scripts: Add a help to docker generate scriptFlorian Bruhin
2023-06-26Initial Python 3.7 dropFlorian Bruhin
2023-06-26Fix keyring changelog URLFlorian Bruhin
2023-06-26Pin for 3.8 and changelog URL for jaraco.functoolstoofar
2023-06-19Update changelog URLsFlorian Bruhin
2023-06-15scripts: Allow --pyqt-version in mkvenv with --pyqt-type wheelsFlorian Bruhin
To adjust which version to use for the smoketest
2023-06-15scripts: Check if PyQt wheels directory existsFlorian Bruhin
2023-06-13qt: Fix lintFlorian Bruhin
2023-06-08Fix vultureFlorian Bruhin
2023-05-31ci: Fix broken Docker conditionFlorian Bruhin
2023-05-31ci: Fix pip installs for dockerFlorian Bruhin
2023-05-31ci: Keep QtWebKit on life support, part 2Florian Bruhin
Since Archlinux upgraded to Python 3.11, we need to downgrade Python to 3.10 too, and install tox via pip instead. This starts becoming somewhat questionable, but if this approach still does indeed work, let's go for it.
2023-05-07update link_pyqt for tox 4toofar
Although we updated the tox requirements files for tox4 in December, it looks like the docker containers (or at least the one(s) that call this script) are still using tox3. `.tox-config1` isn't written anymore with tox4 (although my git-fu isn't strong enough to find the commit that removed it). The "Rebuild Docker CI images" run 912 was the last to have tox 3.26.0-2 and run 913 had version 4.4.12-1. I'm not sure the new change does the same thing as whatever the old code did. I honestly have no idea why we can't just follow the python symlink and have to go to a config file. In what case does the python binary not link to the system one? In addition to this `.tox-info.json` file there is also the more standard `pyvenv.cfg` file. I would prefer to use that over the tox thing as generally I find tox to be a high barrier of entry for contributors. But in that case the pyvenv one doesn't seem to be well documented either... Anyway, if anyone knows any cases where following the symlink of the python in the venv isn't reliable that would be great. Because that seems like the simpler method.
2023-05-07Flask updates, pin for py37 and add blinkertoofar
Pin Flask and Werkzeug for py3.7 They've removed compatibility upstream. Added example to readme file because I had to go dig for one in the commit history. Add blinker to changelog URLs as it's a required dependency of Flask now.
2023-03-29build_release: Also ignore GpuChannelMsg_CreateCommandBuffer for Qt 5Florian Bruhin
Looks like we have some failing smoke tests with: [6636:16643:0329/] ContextResult::kTransientFailure: Failed to send GpuChannelMsg_CreateCommandBuffer.
2023-03-23scripts: Fix indentFlorian Bruhin
2023-03-23scripts: Use proper Qt version for smoke testFlorian Bruhin
2023-03-23Update changelog URLsFlorian Bruhin
2023-03-18ci: attempt to make the qt6 docker run worktoofar
On CI were were getting "Could not import sip" because link_pyqt was looking for PyQt5.sip. I made that look at QUTE_QT_WRAPPER since that's being set already on tox.ini There are probably a few other changes around link_pyqt and the makefile etc we need to change when we switch the default wrapper. I overrode the default `py` tox environment with py-qt6 to override those wrapper related variables. I probably could have done something sneaky with curly braces to make it so we don't have to add a few more lines to the file. But in my opinion in config file is far to obfuscated and hard to maintain already. I changed the docker file to call the new py-qt6 env if it's a qt6 container. I'm not 100% sure that is required though since there is also a tox invocation in the GH action definition, maybe that overrides the container entrypoint? Also changed the indentation in the dockerfile template a bit to make it easier to see where the conditionals start and end. Speaking of which I changed the matrix definition and tox invocation to match a later one to hopefully make it so we can invoke different tox environments in the containers without having to rebuild the containers. Not sure I did that right, I'll see soon. I added the unstable-qt6 container generation line so we can use it in the future, and to match the not-qt6 one. I'm not switching to that in CI though because the pyqt used by that is broken at the moment (ref Also fixed the vim modeline in so my syntax highlighting works.
2023-03-18Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/qt6-v2' into master-qt6toofar
2023-03-17Make vulture happyFlorian Bruhin
2023-03-17Merge branch 'qt6-v2' into master-qt6Florian Bruhin
2023-03-17scripts: Patch relative links for correct doc generationFlorian Bruhin
In doc/help/index.asciidoc, we have links like this: * link:../quickstart{outfilesuffix}[Quick start guide] That is correct in e.g. the GitHub file structure, as those files are stored in e.g. doc/quickstart.asciidoc indeed. It's *no* longer true when we view the built files via qute://help, however: There, this turns into a flat file structure, with those pages being at qute://help/index.html and qute://help/quickstart.html, respectively. It looks like QtWebEngine < 6.5 did just ignore the <a href="../quicktart.html"> and pointed from qute://help/index.html to qute://help/quickstart.html anyways, weirdly. With QtWebEngine 6.5, however, this is now interpreted as a link pointing to qute://quickstart.html instead, which is clearly wrong. Until we have a less messy doc generation (probably as part of #345), let's just patch the link to be correct. See #7624
2023-03-05Remove pep517 changelog entrytoofar
It got split to pyproject-hooks and build. Most of our requirements switched a while ago, pyorama was the last to do so. ref: #7593
2023-02-14Update changelog URLsFlorian Bruhin
2023-02-07Merge pull request #7576 from qutebrowser/update-dependenciestoofar
Update dependencies
2023-02-06Update changelog URLsFlorian Bruhin
2023-02-06lint: no-else-raisetoofar
Unnecessary "else" after "raise", remove the "else" and de-indent the code inside it