AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2017-01-13Release v0.9.1v0.9.1Florian Bruhin
2017-01-13Update changelogFlorian Bruhin
2017-01-13Prevent using %2F as slash in a Content-Disposition headerFlorian Bruhin
2017-01-13Use a tmpdir subdir for download BDD testsFlorian Bruhin
2016-12-28Release v0.9.0v0.9.0Florian Bruhin
2016-12-28Add old config for 0.9.0Florian Bruhin
2016-12-28Update changelogFlorian Bruhin
2016-12-28Update authorsFlorian Bruhin
2016-12-28Merge branch 'fiete201-jinja-error'Florian Bruhin
2016-12-28Update authorsFlorian Bruhin
2016-12-28Merge branch 'jinja-error' of into fi...Florian Bruhin
2016-12-28Merge branch 'fiete201-unicode-error'Florian Bruhin
2016-12-28Update authorsFlorian Bruhin
2016-12-28Add a test for userscript unicode errorsFlorian Bruhin
2016-12-28Also catch UnicodeDecodeError on WindowsFlorian Bruhin
2016-12-28Improve error outputFlorian Bruhin
2016-12-28Merge branch 'unicode-error' of into ...Florian Bruhin
2016-12-28Fix lintFritz Reichwald
2016-12-28Fix test for loggingFritz Reichwald
2016-12-28Remove icon from html_fallbackFritz Reichwald
2016-12-28Fix test_not_foundFritz Reichwald
2016-12-28test/codecov requirements: Update coverage to 4.3.1Florian Bruhin
2016-12-28Update ace.js to 1.2.6Florian Bruhin
2016-12-28Fix html_fallback and logged error messageFritz Reichwald
2016-12-28test/codecov requirements: Update coverage to 4.3Florian Bruhin
2016-12-27Add error handling for UnicodeDecodeErrorFritz Reichwald
2016-12-27test requirements: Update Werkzeug to 0.11.13Florian Bruhin
2016-12-27test requirements: Update CherryPy to 8.6.0Florian Bruhin
2016-12-27Add python3-pyqt5.qtquick to INSTALLFlorian Bruhin
2016-12-27Add html escape proper quotes and log callFritz Reichwald
2016-12-27Add fallback for missing error.htmlFritz Reichwald
2016-12-26test requirements: Update CherryPy to 8.5.0Florian Bruhin
2016-12-26test requirements: Update Werkzeug to 0.11.12Florian Bruhin
2016-12-22Merge branch 'Kingdread-issue-2173'Florian Bruhin
2016-12-22Merge branch 'issue-2173' of into Ki...Florian Bruhin
2016-12-22Fix lintFlorian Bruhin
2016-12-22Add __init__.pyFlorian Bruhin
2016-12-22Update changelogFlorian Bruhin
2016-12-22make test independent of previous testsDaniel Schadt
2016-12-22Move proxy/pac out of QtWebKit folderFlorian Bruhin
2016-12-22Add urlutils.proxy_for_urlFlorian Bruhin
2016-12-22Also xfail #2183 tests without Docker/TravisFlorian Bruhin
2016-12-22Merge branch 'abbradar-pac'Florian Bruhin
2016-12-22Adjust skipped testFlorian Bruhin
2016-12-22Update docsFlorian Bruhin
2016-12-22Revert "[DONOTMERGE] Re-run Codecov"Florian Bruhin
2016-12-22Merge branch 'pac' of into abbradar-pacFlorian Bruhin
2016-12-22test requirements: Update Flask to 0.12Florian Bruhin
2016-12-22Merge branch 'swalladge-master'Florian Bruhin
2016-12-22Update docsFlorian Bruhin