AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2016-06-10Release v0.7.0v0.7.0Florian Bruhin
2016-06-10Merge branch 'V155-master'Florian Bruhin
2016-06-10Merge branch 'master' of into V155-masterFlorian Bruhin
2016-06-10tests: Add config for v0.7.0Florian Bruhin
2016-06-10Update changelogFlorian Bruhin
2016-06-10Improve manual history testFlorian Bruhin
2016-06-10Improve original URL handlingFlorian Bruhin
2016-06-10Full redirect support for historyFlorian Bruhin
2016-06-10Revert "travis: Reactivate OS X tests"Florian Bruhin
2016-06-10Add an end-to-end test for :history-clearFlorian Bruhin
2016-06-10Update CONTRIBUTINGFlorian Bruhin
2016-06-10Fix lintFlorian Bruhin
2016-06-10Allow to pass atime to WebHistory.add_urlFlorian Bruhin
2016-06-10tests: 100% coverage for browser.historyFlorian Bruhin
2016-06-09Fix lintFlorian Bruhin
2016-06-09Add more tests for browser.historyFlorian Bruhin
2016-06-09Make WebHistory parent optionalFlorian Bruhin
2016-06-09Strip of trailing spaces for history entriesFlorian Bruhin
2016-06-09Add some documentation to WebHistoryFlorian Bruhin
2016-06-09Remove WebHistory.__getitem__Florian Bruhin
2016-06-09Add hypothesis test for history.Entry.from_strFlorian Bruhin
2016-06-09Fix lintFlorian Bruhin
2016-06-09Check if original URL is validFlorian Bruhin
2016-06-09Use QUrl with QWebHistoryFlorian Bruhin
2016-06-09Add some tests for browser.historyFlorian Bruhin
2016-06-09Refactor browser.historyFlorian Bruhin
2016-06-09Make sure there is no temp history without datadirFlorian Bruhin
2016-06-09tests: Yield fake_save_manager from fixtureFlorian Bruhin
2016-06-09tests: Move fake_save_manager to helper.fixturesFlorian Bruhin
2016-06-09tests.helpers: Clean up importsFlorian Bruhin
2016-06-09Add a manual test for visited historyFlorian Bruhin
2016-06-09Separate WebHistoryInterface from WebHistoryFlorian Bruhin
2016-06-09Improve error message when clicking invalid linkFlorian Bruhin
2016-06-09behaviour -> behavior for consistencyFlorian Bruhin
2016-06-09Clean up find-implementation in test_hints_htmlFlorian Bruhin
2016-06-09Use quteproc.set_setting in test_hints_htmlFlorian Bruhin
2016-06-09Fix lintFlorian Bruhin
2016-06-09Add a hints -> find-implementation settingFlorian Bruhin
2016-06-09Fix urlutils tests on Qt 5.6.1Florian Bruhin
2016-06-09tests: Ignore QtWebKit image format warningFlorian Bruhin
2016-06-09tests: Mark "History with an error" as flakyFlorian Bruhin
2016-06-09Use BDD test for link with spaces issueFlorian Bruhin
2016-06-09Update docsFlorian Bruhin
2016-06-09Merge branch 'stripurl' of into Konu...Florian Bruhin
2016-06-09Add missing importFlorian Bruhin
2016-06-09Fix expected data in AppendLineParser testFlorian Bruhin
2016-06-09Add a test about a href with spaces aroundSamuel Loury
2016-06-09Strip the url before processing itSamuel Loury
2016-06-08Merge branch 'EliteTK-lowercase-toggle'Florian Bruhin
2016-06-08Update docsFlorian Bruhin