path: root/onionshare/web/share_mode.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'onionshare/web/share_mode.py')
1 files changed, 376 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/onionshare/web/share_mode.py b/onionshare/web/share_mode.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eb487c42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/onionshare/web/share_mode.py
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
+import os
+import sys
+import tempfile
+import zipfile
+import mimetypes
+import gzip
+from flask import Response, request, render_template, make_response
+from .. import strings
+class ShareModeWeb(object):
+ """
+ All of the web logic for share mode
+ """
+ def __init__(self, common, web):
+ self.common = common
+ self.common.log('ShareModeWeb', '__init__')
+ self.web = web
+ # Information about the file to be shared
+ self.file_info = []
+ self.is_zipped = False
+ self.download_filename = None
+ self.download_filesize = None
+ self.gzip_filename = None
+ self.gzip_filesize = None
+ self.zip_writer = None
+ self.download_count = 0
+ # If "Stop After First Download" is checked (stay_open == False), only allow
+ # one download at a time.
+ self.download_in_progress = False
+ self.define_routes()
+ def define_routes(self):
+ """
+ The web app routes for sharing files
+ """
+ @self.web.app.route("/<slug_candidate>")
+ def index(slug_candidate):
+ self.web.check_slug_candidate(slug_candidate)
+ return index_logic()
+ @self.web.app.route("/")
+ def index_public():
+ if not self.common.settings.get('public_mode'):
+ return self.web.error404()
+ return index_logic()
+ def index_logic(slug_candidate=''):
+ """
+ Render the template for the onionshare landing page.
+ """
+ self.web.add_request(self.web.REQUEST_LOAD, request.path)
+ # Deny new downloads if "Stop After First Download" is checked and there is
+ # currently a download
+ deny_download = not self.web.stay_open and self.download_in_progress
+ if deny_download:
+ r = make_response(render_template('denied.html'))
+ return self.web.add_security_headers(r)
+ # If download is allowed to continue, serve download page
+ if self.should_use_gzip():
+ self.filesize = self.gzip_filesize
+ else:
+ self.filesize = self.download_filesize
+ if self.web.slug:
+ r = make_response(render_template(
+ 'send.html',
+ slug=self.web.slug,
+ file_info=self.file_info,
+ filename=os.path.basename(self.download_filename),
+ filesize=self.filesize,
+ filesize_human=self.common.human_readable_filesize(self.download_filesize),
+ is_zipped=self.is_zipped))
+ else:
+ # If download is allowed to continue, serve download page
+ r = make_response(render_template(
+ 'send.html',
+ file_info=self.file_info,
+ filename=os.path.basename(self.download_filename),
+ filesize=self.filesize,
+ filesize_human=self.common.human_readable_filesize(self.download_filesize),
+ is_zipped=self.is_zipped))
+ return self.web.add_security_headers(r)
+ @self.web.app.route("/<slug_candidate>/download")
+ def download(slug_candidate):
+ self.web.check_slug_candidate(slug_candidate)
+ return download_logic()
+ @self.web.app.route("/download")
+ def download_public():
+ if not self.common.settings.get('public_mode'):
+ return self.web.error404()
+ return download_logic()
+ def download_logic(slug_candidate=''):
+ """
+ Download the zip file.
+ """
+ # Deny new downloads if "Stop After First Download" is checked and there is
+ # currently a download
+ deny_download = not self.web.stay_open and self.download_in_progress
+ if deny_download:
+ r = make_response(render_template('denied.html'))
+ return self.web.add_security_headers(r)
+ # Each download has a unique id
+ download_id = self.download_count
+ self.download_count += 1
+ # Prepare some variables to use inside generate() function below
+ # which is outside of the request context
+ shutdown_func = request.environ.get('werkzeug.server.shutdown')
+ path = request.path
+ # If this is a zipped file, then serve as-is. If it's not zipped, then,
+ # if the http client supports gzip compression, gzip the file first
+ # and serve that
+ use_gzip = self.should_use_gzip()
+ if use_gzip:
+ file_to_download = self.gzip_filename
+ self.filesize = self.gzip_filesize
+ else:
+ file_to_download = self.download_filename
+ self.filesize = self.download_filesize
+ # Tell GUI the download started
+ self.web.add_request(self.web.REQUEST_STARTED, path, {
+ 'id': download_id,
+ 'use_gzip': use_gzip
+ })
+ basename = os.path.basename(self.download_filename)
+ def generate():
+ # Starting a new download
+ if not self.web.stay_open:
+ self.download_in_progress = True
+ chunk_size = 102400 # 100kb
+ fp = open(file_to_download, 'rb')
+ self.web.done = False
+ canceled = False
+ while not self.web.done:
+ # The user has canceled the download, so stop serving the file
+ if not self.web.stop_q.empty():
+ self.web.add_request(self.web.REQUEST_CANCELED, path, {
+ 'id': download_id
+ })
+ break
+ chunk = fp.read(chunk_size)
+ if chunk == b'':
+ self.web.done = True
+ else:
+ try:
+ yield chunk
+ # tell GUI the progress
+ downloaded_bytes = fp.tell()
+ percent = (1.0 * downloaded_bytes / self.filesize) * 100
+ # only output to stdout if running onionshare in CLI mode, or if using Linux (#203, #304)
+ if not self.web.is_gui or self.common.platform == 'Linux' or self.common.platform == 'BSD':
+ sys.stdout.write(
+ "\r{0:s}, {1:.2f}% ".format(self.common.human_readable_filesize(downloaded_bytes), percent))
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ self.web.add_request(self.web.REQUEST_PROGRESS, path, {
+ 'id': download_id,
+ 'bytes': downloaded_bytes
+ })
+ self.web.done = False
+ except:
+ # looks like the download was canceled
+ self.web.done = True
+ canceled = True
+ # tell the GUI the download has canceled
+ self.web.add_request(self.web.REQUEST_CANCELED, path, {
+ 'id': download_id
+ })
+ fp.close()
+ if self.common.platform != 'Darwin':
+ sys.stdout.write("\n")
+ # Download is finished
+ if not self.web.stay_open:
+ self.download_in_progress = False
+ # Close the server, if necessary
+ if not self.web.stay_open and not canceled:
+ print(strings._("closing_automatically"))
+ self.web.running = False
+ try:
+ if shutdown_func is None:
+ raise RuntimeError('Not running with the Werkzeug Server')
+ shutdown_func()
+ except:
+ pass
+ r = Response(generate())
+ if use_gzip:
+ r.headers.set('Content-Encoding', 'gzip')
+ r.headers.set('Content-Length', self.filesize)
+ r.headers.set('Content-Disposition', 'attachment', filename=basename)
+ r = self.web.add_security_headers(r)
+ # guess content type
+ (content_type, _) = mimetypes.guess_type(basename, strict=False)
+ if content_type is not None:
+ r.headers.set('Content-Type', content_type)
+ return r
+ def set_file_info(self, filenames, processed_size_callback=None):
+ """
+ Using the list of filenames being shared, fill in details that the web
+ page will need to display. This includes zipping up the file in order to
+ get the zip file's name and size.
+ """
+ self.common.log("ShareModeWeb", "set_file_info")
+ self.web.cancel_compression = False
+ self.cleanup_filenames = []
+ # build file info list
+ self.file_info = {'files': [], 'dirs': []}
+ for filename in filenames:
+ info = {
+ 'filename': filename,
+ 'basename': os.path.basename(filename.rstrip('/'))
+ }
+ if os.path.isfile(filename):
+ info['size'] = os.path.getsize(filename)
+ info['size_human'] = self.common.human_readable_filesize(info['size'])
+ self.file_info['files'].append(info)
+ if os.path.isdir(filename):
+ info['size'] = self.common.dir_size(filename)
+ info['size_human'] = self.common.human_readable_filesize(info['size'])
+ self.file_info['dirs'].append(info)
+ self.file_info['files'] = sorted(self.file_info['files'], key=lambda k: k['basename'])
+ self.file_info['dirs'] = sorted(self.file_info['dirs'], key=lambda k: k['basename'])
+ # Check if there's only 1 file and no folders
+ if len(self.file_info['files']) == 1 and len(self.file_info['dirs']) == 0:
+ self.download_filename = self.file_info['files'][0]['filename']
+ self.download_filesize = self.file_info['files'][0]['size']
+ # Compress the file with gzip now, so we don't have to do it on each request
+ self.gzip_filename = tempfile.mkstemp('wb+')[1]
+ self._gzip_compress(self.download_filename, self.gzip_filename, 6, processed_size_callback)
+ self.gzip_filesize = os.path.getsize(self.gzip_filename)
+ # Make sure the gzip file gets cleaned up when onionshare stops
+ self.cleanup_filenames.append(self.gzip_filename)
+ self.is_zipped = False
+ else:
+ # Zip up the files and folders
+ self.zip_writer = ZipWriter(self.common, processed_size_callback=processed_size_callback)
+ self.download_filename = self.zip_writer.zip_filename
+ for info in self.file_info['files']:
+ self.zip_writer.add_file(info['filename'])
+ # Canceling early?
+ if self.web.cancel_compression:
+ self.zip_writer.close()
+ return False
+ for info in self.file_info['dirs']:
+ if not self.zip_writer.add_dir(info['filename']):
+ return False
+ self.zip_writer.close()
+ self.download_filesize = os.path.getsize(self.download_filename)
+ # Make sure the zip file gets cleaned up when onionshare stops
+ self.cleanup_filenames.append(self.zip_writer.zip_filename)
+ self.is_zipped = True
+ return True
+ def should_use_gzip(self):
+ """
+ Should we use gzip for this browser?
+ """
+ return (not self.is_zipped) and ('gzip' in request.headers.get('Accept-Encoding', '').lower())
+ def _gzip_compress(self, input_filename, output_filename, level, processed_size_callback=None):
+ """
+ Compress a file with gzip, without loading the whole thing into memory
+ Thanks: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27035296/python-how-to-gzip-a-large-text-file-without-memoryerror
+ """
+ bytes_processed = 0
+ blocksize = 1 << 16 # 64kB
+ with open(input_filename, 'rb') as input_file:
+ output_file = gzip.open(output_filename, 'wb', level)
+ while True:
+ if processed_size_callback is not None:
+ processed_size_callback(bytes_processed)
+ block = input_file.read(blocksize)
+ if len(block) == 0:
+ break
+ output_file.write(block)
+ bytes_processed += blocksize
+ output_file.close()
+class ZipWriter(object):
+ """
+ ZipWriter accepts files and directories and compresses them into a zip file
+ with. If a zip_filename is not passed in, it will use the default onionshare
+ filename.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, common, zip_filename=None, processed_size_callback=None):
+ self.common = common
+ self.cancel_compression = False
+ if zip_filename:
+ self.zip_filename = zip_filename
+ else:
+ self.zip_filename = '{0:s}/onionshare_{1:s}.zip'.format(tempfile.mkdtemp(), self.common.random_string(4, 6))
+ self.z = zipfile.ZipFile(self.zip_filename, 'w', allowZip64=True)
+ self.processed_size_callback = processed_size_callback
+ if self.processed_size_callback is None:
+ self.processed_size_callback = lambda _: None
+ self._size = 0
+ self.processed_size_callback(self._size)
+ def add_file(self, filename):
+ """
+ Add a file to the zip archive.
+ """
+ self.z.write(filename, os.path.basename(filename), zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
+ self._size += os.path.getsize(filename)
+ self.processed_size_callback(self._size)
+ def add_dir(self, filename):
+ """
+ Add a directory, and all of its children, to the zip archive.
+ """
+ dir_to_strip = os.path.dirname(filename.rstrip('/'))+'/'
+ for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(filename):
+ for f in filenames:
+ # Canceling early?
+ if self.cancel_compression:
+ return False
+ full_filename = os.path.join(dirpath, f)
+ if not os.path.islink(full_filename):
+ arc_filename = full_filename[len(dir_to_strip):]
+ self.z.write(full_filename, arc_filename, zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
+ self._size += os.path.getsize(full_filename)
+ self.processed_size_callback(self._size)
+ return True
+ def close(self):
+ """
+ Close the zip archive.
+ """
+ self.z.close()