path: root/onionshare/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'onionshare/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 454 deletions
diff --git a/onionshare/ b/onionshare/
deleted file mode 100644
index e9c4d43b..00000000
--- a/onionshare/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,454 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-OnionShare |
-Copyright (C) 2018 Micah Lee <>
-This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program. If not, see <>.
-import hmac
-import logging
-import mimetypes
-import os
-import queue
-import socket
-import sys
-import tempfile
-import base64
-from distutils.version import LooseVersion as Version
-from urllib.request import urlopen
-from flask import (
- Flask, Response, request, render_template_string, abort, make_response,
- __version__ as flask_version
-from . import strings, common
-def _safe_select_jinja_autoescape(self, filename):
- if filename is None:
- return True
- return filename.endswith(('.html', '.htm', '.xml', '.xhtml'))
-# Starting in Flask 0.11, render_template_string autoescapes template variables
-# by default. To prevent content injection through template variables in
-# earlier versions of Flask, we force autoescaping in the Jinja2 template
-# engine if we detect a Flask version with insecure default behavior.
-if Version(flask_version) < Version('0.11'):
- # Monkey-patch in the fix from
- Flask.select_jinja_autoescape = _safe_select_jinja_autoescape
-app = Flask(__name__)
-# information about the file
-file_info = []
-zip_filename = None
-zip_filesize = None
-security_headers = [
- ('Content-Security-Policy', 'default-src \'self\'; style-src \'unsafe-inline\'; script-src \'unsafe-inline\'; img-src \'self\' data:;'),
- ('X-Frame-Options', 'DENY'),
- ('X-Xss-Protection', '1; mode=block'),
- ('X-Content-Type-Options', 'nosniff'),
- ('Referrer-Policy', 'no-referrer'),
- ('Server', 'OnionShare')
-def set_file_info(filenames, processed_size_callback=None):
- """
- Using the list of filenames being shared, fill in details that the web
- page will need to display. This includes zipping up the file in order to
- get the zip file's name and size.
- """
- global file_info, zip_filename, zip_filesize
- # build file info list
- file_info = {'files': [], 'dirs': []}
- for filename in filenames:
- info = {
- 'filename': filename,
- 'basename': os.path.basename(filename.rstrip('/'))
- }
- if os.path.isfile(filename):
- info['size'] = os.path.getsize(filename)
- info['size_human'] = common.human_readable_filesize(info['size'])
- file_info['files'].append(info)
- if os.path.isdir(filename):
- info['size'] = common.dir_size(filename)
- info['size_human'] = common.human_readable_filesize(info['size'])
- file_info['dirs'].append(info)
- file_info['files'] = sorted(file_info['files'], key=lambda k: k['basename'])
- file_info['dirs'] = sorted(file_info['dirs'], key=lambda k: k['basename'])
- # zip up the files and folders
- z = common.ZipWriter(processed_size_callback=processed_size_callback)
- for info in file_info['files']:
- z.add_file(info['filename'])
- for info in file_info['dirs']:
- z.add_dir(info['filename'])
- z.close()
- zip_filename = z.zip_filename
- zip_filesize = os.path.getsize(zip_filename)
-q = queue.Queue()
-def add_request(request_type, path, data=None):
- """
- Add a request to the queue, to communicate with the GUI.
- """
- global q
- q.put({
- 'type': request_type,
- 'path': path,
- 'data': data
- })
-# Load and base64 encode images to pass into templates
-favicon_b64 = base64.b64encode(open(common.get_resource_path('images/favicon.ico'), 'rb').read()).decode()
-logo_b64 = base64.b64encode(open(common.get_resource_path('images/logo.png'), 'rb').read()).decode()
-folder_b64 = base64.b64encode(open(common.get_resource_path('images/web_folder.png'), 'rb').read()).decode()
-file_b64 = base64.b64encode(open(common.get_resource_path('images/web_file.png'), 'rb').read()).decode()
-slug = None
-def generate_slug(persistent_slug=''):
- global slug
- if persistent_slug:
- slug = persistent_slug
- else:
- slug = common.build_slug()
-download_count = 0
-error404_count = 0
-stay_open = False
-def set_stay_open(new_stay_open):
- """
- Set stay_open variable.
- """
- global stay_open
- stay_open = new_stay_open
-def get_stay_open():
- """
- Get stay_open variable.
- """
- return stay_open
-# Are we running in GUI mode?
-gui_mode = False
-def set_gui_mode():
- """
- Tell the web service that we're running in GUI mode
- """
- global gui_mode
- gui_mode = True
-def debug_mode():
- """
- Turn on debugging mode, which will log flask errors to a debug file.
- This is commented out (it's only needed for debugging, and not needed
- for OnionShare 1.3.2) as a hotfix to resolve this issue:
- """
- pass
- """
- temp_dir = tempfile.gettempdir()
- log_handler = logging.FileHandler(
- os.path.join(temp_dir, 'onionshare_server.log'))
- log_handler.setLevel(logging.WARNING)
- app.logger.addHandler(log_handler)
- """
-def check_slug_candidate(slug_candidate, slug_compare=None):
- if not slug_compare:
- slug_compare = slug
- if not hmac.compare_digest(slug_compare, slug_candidate):
- abort(404)
-# If "Stop After First Download" is checked (stay_open == False), only allow
-# one download at a time.
-download_in_progress = False
-done = False
-def index(slug_candidate):
- """
- Render the template for the onionshare landing page.
- """
- check_slug_candidate(slug_candidate)
- add_request(REQUEST_LOAD, request.path)
- # Deny new downloads if "Stop After First Download" is checked and there is
- # currently a download
- global stay_open, download_in_progress
- deny_download = not stay_open and download_in_progress
- if deny_download:
- r = make_response(render_template_string(
- open(common.get_resource_path('html/denied.html')).read(),
- favicon_b64=favicon_b64
- ))
- for header, value in security_headers:
- r.headers.set(header, value)
- return r
- # If download is allowed to continue, serve download page
- r = make_response(render_template_string(
- open(common.get_resource_path('html/index.html')).read(),
- favicon_b64=favicon_b64,
- logo_b64=logo_b64,
- folder_b64=folder_b64,
- file_b64=file_b64,
- slug=slug,
- file_info=file_info,
- filename=os.path.basename(zip_filename),
- filesize=zip_filesize,
- filesize_human=common.human_readable_filesize(zip_filesize)))
- for header, value in security_headers:
- r.headers.set(header, value)
- return r
-# If the client closes the OnionShare window while a download is in progress,
-# it should immediately stop serving the file. The client_cancel global is
-# used to tell the download function that the client is canceling the download.
-client_cancel = False
-def download(slug_candidate):
- """
- Download the zip file.
- """
- check_slug_candidate(slug_candidate)
- # Deny new downloads if "Stop After First Download" is checked and there is
- # currently a download
- global stay_open, download_in_progress, done
- deny_download = not stay_open and download_in_progress
- if deny_download:
- r = make_response(render_template_string(
- open(common.get_resource_path('html/denied.html')).read(),
- favicon_b64=favicon_b64
- ))
- for header,value in security_headers:
- r.headers.set(header, value)
- return r
- global download_count
- # each download has a unique id
- download_id = download_count
- download_count += 1
- # prepare some variables to use inside generate() function below
- # which is outside of the request context
- shutdown_func = request.environ.get('werkzeug.server.shutdown')
- path = request.path
- # tell GUI the download started
- add_request(REQUEST_DOWNLOAD, path, {'id': download_id})
- dirname = os.path.dirname(zip_filename)
- basename = os.path.basename(zip_filename)
- def generate():
- # The user hasn't canceled the download
- global client_cancel, gui_mode
- client_cancel = False
- # Starting a new download
- global stay_open, download_in_progress, done
- if not stay_open:
- download_in_progress = True
- chunk_size = 102400 # 100kb
- fp = open(zip_filename, 'rb')
- done = False
- canceled = False
- while not done:
- # The user has canceled the download, so stop serving the file
- if client_cancel:
- add_request(REQUEST_CANCELED, path, {'id': download_id})
- break
- chunk =
- if chunk == b'':
- done = True
- else:
- try:
- yield chunk
- # tell GUI the progress
- downloaded_bytes = fp.tell()
- percent = (1.0 * downloaded_bytes / zip_filesize) * 100
- # only output to stdout if running onionshare in CLI mode, or if using Linux (#203, #304)
- plat = common.get_platform()
- if not gui_mode or plat == 'Linux' or plat == 'BSD':
- sys.stdout.write(
- "\r{0:s}, {1:.2f}% ".format(common.human_readable_filesize(downloaded_bytes), percent))
- sys.stdout.flush()
- add_request(REQUEST_PROGRESS, path, {'id': download_id, 'bytes': downloaded_bytes})
- done = False
- except:
- # looks like the download was canceled
- done = True
- canceled = True
- # tell the GUI the download has canceled
- add_request(REQUEST_CANCELED, path, {'id': download_id})
- fp.close()
- if common.get_platform() != 'Darwin':
- sys.stdout.write("\n")
- # Download is finished
- if not stay_open:
- download_in_progress = False
- # Close the server, if necessary
- if not stay_open and not canceled:
- print(strings._("closing_automatically"))
- if shutdown_func is None:
- raise RuntimeError('Not running with the Werkzeug Server')
- shutdown_func()
- r = Response(generate())
- r.headers.set('Content-Length', zip_filesize)
- r.headers.set('Content-Disposition', 'attachment', filename=basename)
- for header,value in security_headers:
- r.headers.set(header, value)
- # guess content type
- (content_type, _) = mimetypes.guess_type(basename, strict=False)
- if content_type is not None:
- r.headers.set('Content-Type', content_type)
- return r
-def page_not_found(e):
- """
- 404 error page.
- """
- add_request(REQUEST_OTHER, request.path)
- global error404_count
- if request.path != '/favicon.ico':
- error404_count += 1
- if error404_count == 20:
- add_request(REQUEST_RATE_LIMIT, request.path)
- force_shutdown()
- print(strings._('error_rate_limit'))
- r = make_response(render_template_string(
- open(common.get_resource_path('html/404.html')).read(),
- favicon_b64=favicon_b64
- ), 404)
- for header, value in security_headers:
- r.headers.set(header, value)
- return r
-# shutting down the server only works within the context of flask, so the easiest way to do it is over http
-shutdown_slug = common.random_string(16)
-def shutdown(slug_candidate):
- """
- Stop the flask web server, from the context of an http request.
- """
- check_slug_candidate(slug_candidate, shutdown_slug)
- force_shutdown()
- return ""
-def force_shutdown():
- """
- Stop the flask web server, from the context of the flask app.
- """
- # shutdown the flask service
- func = request.environ.get('werkzeug.server.shutdown')
- if func is None:
- raise RuntimeError('Not running with the Werkzeug Server')
- func()
-def start(port, stay_open=False, persistent_slug=''):
- """
- Start the flask web server.
- """
- generate_slug(persistent_slug)
- set_stay_open(stay_open)
- # In Whonix, listen on instead of (#220)
- if os.path.exists('/usr/share/anon-ws-base-files/workstation'):
- host = ''
- else:
- host = ''
-, port=port, threaded=True)
-def stop(port):
- """
- Stop the flask web server by loading /shutdown.
- """
- # If the user cancels the download, let the download function know to stop
- # serving the file
- global client_cancel
- client_cancel = True
- # to stop flask, load<port>/<shutdown_slug>/shutdown
- try:
- s = socket.socket()
- s.connect(('', port))
- s.sendall('GET /{0:s}/shutdown HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n'.format(shutdown_slug))
- except:
- try:
- urlopen('{0:d}/{1:s}/shutdown'.format(port, shutdown_slug)).read()
- except:
- pass