path: root/desktop/tests/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'desktop/tests/')
1 files changed, 611 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/desktop/tests/ b/desktop/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0e521d52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/desktop/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,611 @@
+import pytest
+import os
+import requests
+import tempfile
+import zipfile
+from PySide2 import QtCore, QtTest
+from .gui_base_test import GuiBaseTest
+class TestShare(GuiBaseTest):
+ # Shared test methods
+ def removing_all_files_hides_remove_button(self, tab):
+ """Test that clicking on the file item shows the remove button. Test that removing the only item in the list hides the remove button"""
+ rect = tab.get_mode().server_status.file_selection.file_list.visualItemRect(
+ tab.get_mode().server_status.file_selection.file_list.item(0)
+ )
+ QtTest.QTest.mouseClick(
+ tab.get_mode().server_status.file_selection.file_list.viewport(),
+ QtCore.Qt.LeftButton,
+ )
+ # Remove button should be visible
+ self.assertTrue(
+ tab.get_mode().server_status.file_selection.remove_button.isVisible()
+ )
+ # Click remove, remove button should still be visible since we have one more file
+ tab.get_mode()
+ rect = tab.get_mode().server_status.file_selection.file_list.visualItemRect(
+ tab.get_mode().server_status.file_selection.file_list.item(0)
+ )
+ QtTest.QTest.mouseClick(
+ tab.get_mode().server_status.file_selection.file_list.viewport(),
+ QtCore.Qt.LeftButton,
+ )
+ self.assertTrue(
+ tab.get_mode().server_status.file_selection.remove_button.isVisible()
+ )
+ tab.get_mode()
+ # No more files, the remove button should be hidden
+ self.assertFalse(
+ tab.get_mode().server_status.file_selection.remove_button.isVisible()
+ )
+ def add_a_file_and_remove_using_its_remove_widget(self, tab):
+ """Test that we can also remove a file by clicking on its [X] widget"""
+ num_files = tab.get_mode().server_status.file_selection.get_num_files()
+ tab.get_mode().server_status.file_selection.file_list.add_file(self.tmpfiles[0])
+ tab.get_mode().server_status.file_selection.file_list.item(
+ 0
+ )
+ self.file_selection_widget_has_files(tab, num_files)
+ def add_a_file_and_remove_using_remove_all_widget(self, tab):
+ """Test that we can also remove all files by clicking on the Remove All widget"""
+ tab.get_mode().server_status.file_selection.file_list.add_file(self.tmpfiles[0])
+ tab.get_mode().server_status.file_selection.file_list.add_file(self.tmpfiles[1])
+ tab.get_mode()
+ # Should be no files after clearing all
+ self.file_selection_widget_has_files(tab, 0)
+ def file_selection_widget_read_files(self, tab):
+ """Re-add some files to the list so we can share"""
+ num_files = tab.get_mode().server_status.file_selection.get_num_files()
+ tab.get_mode().server_status.file_selection.file_list.add_file(self.tmpfiles[0])
+ tab.get_mode().server_status.file_selection.file_list.add_file(self.tmpfiles[1])
+ self.file_selection_widget_has_files(tab, num_files + 2)
+ def download_share(self, tab):
+ """Test that we can download the share"""
+ url = f"{}/download"
+ if tab.settings.get("general", "public"):
+ r = requests.get(url)
+ else:
+ r = requests.get(
+ url,
+ auth=requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(
+ "onionshare", tab.get_mode().server_status.web.password
+ ),
+ )
+ tmp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile("wb", delete=False)
+ tmp_file.write(r.content)
+ tmp_file.close()
+ z = zipfile.ZipFile(
+ QtTest.QTest.qWait(5, self.gui.qtapp)
+ self.assertEqual("onionshare","test.txt").decode("utf-8"))
+ QtTest.QTest.qWait(500, self.gui.qtapp)
+ def individual_file_is_viewable_or_not(self, tab):
+ """
+ Test that an individual file is viewable (when in autostop_sharing is false) or that it
+ isn't (when not in autostop_sharing is true)
+ """
+ url = f"{}"
+ download_file_url = f"{}/test.txt"
+ if tab.settings.get("general", "public"):
+ r = requests.get(url)
+ else:
+ r = requests.get(
+ url,
+ auth=requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(
+ "onionshare", tab.get_mode().server_status.web.password
+ ),
+ )
+ if tab.settings.get("share", "autostop_sharing"):
+ self.assertFalse('a href="/test.txt"' in r.text)
+ if tab.settings.get("general", "public"):
+ r = requests.get(download_file_url)
+ else:
+ r = requests.get(
+ download_file_url,
+ auth=requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(
+ "onionshare", tab.get_mode().server_status.web.password
+ ),
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(r.status_code, 404)
+ self.download_share(tab)
+ else:
+ self.assertTrue('a href="test.txt"' in r.text)
+ if tab.settings.get("general", "public"):
+ r = requests.get(download_file_url)
+ else:
+ r = requests.get(
+ download_file_url,
+ auth=requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(
+ "onionshare", tab.get_mode().server_status.web.password
+ ),
+ )
+ tmp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile("wb", delete=False)
+ tmp_file.write(r.content)
+ tmp_file.close()
+ with open(, "r") as f:
+ self.assertEqual("onionshare",
+ os.remove(
+ QtTest.QTest.qWait(500, self.gui.qtapp)
+ def hit_401(self, tab):
+ """Test that the server stops after too many 401s, or doesn't when in public mode"""
+ # In non-public mode, get ready to accept the dialog
+ if not tab.settings.get("general", "public"):
+ def accept_dialog():
+ window = tab.common.gui.qtapp.activeWindow()
+ if window:
+ window.close()
+ QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(1000, accept_dialog)
+ # Make 20 requests with guessed passwords
+ url = f"{}/"
+ for _ in range(20):
+ password_guess = self.gui.common.build_password()
+ requests.get(
+ url, auth=requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth("onionshare", password_guess)
+ )
+ # In public mode, we should still be running (no rate-limiting)
+ if tab.settings.get("general", "public"):
+ self.web_server_is_running(tab)
+ # In non-public mode, we should be shut down (rate-limiting)
+ else:
+ self.web_server_is_stopped(tab)
+ def set_autostart_timer(self, tab, timer):
+ """Test that the timer can be set"""
+ schedule = QtCore.QDateTime.currentDateTime().addSecs(timer)
+ tab.get_mode().mode_settings_widget.autostart_timer_widget.setDateTime(schedule)
+ self.assertTrue(
+ tab.get_mode().mode_settings_widget.autostart_timer_widget.dateTime(),
+ schedule,
+ )
+ def autostart_timer_widget_hidden(self, tab):
+ """Test that the auto-start timer widget is hidden when share has started"""
+ self.assertFalse(
+ tab.get_mode().mode_settings_widget.autostart_timer_widget.isVisible()
+ )
+ def scheduled_service_started(self, tab, wait):
+ """Test that the server has timed out after the timer ran out"""
+ QtTest.QTest.qWait(wait, self.gui.qtapp)
+ # We should have started now
+ self.assertEqual(tab.get_mode().server_status.status, 2)
+ def cancel_the_share(self, tab):
+ """Test that we can cancel a share before it's started up """
+ self.server_working_on_start_button_pressed(tab)
+ self.server_status_indicator_says_scheduled(tab)
+ self.add_remove_buttons_hidden(tab)
+ self.mode_settings_widget_is_hidden(tab)
+ self.set_autostart_timer(tab, 10)
+ QtTest.QTest.qWait(500, self.gui.qtapp)
+ QtTest.QTest.mousePress(
+ tab.get_mode().server_status.server_button, QtCore.Qt.LeftButton
+ )
+ QtTest.QTest.qWait(100, self.gui.qtapp)
+ QtTest.QTest.mouseRelease(
+ tab.get_mode().server_status.server_button, QtCore.Qt.LeftButton
+ )
+ QtTest.QTest.qWait(500, self.gui.qtapp)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ tab.get_mode().server_status.status,
+ tab.get_mode().server_status.STATUS_STOPPED,
+ )
+ self.server_is_stopped(tab)
+ self.web_server_is_stopped(tab)
+ # Grouped tests follow from here
+ def run_all_share_mode_setup_tests(self, tab):
+ """Tests in share mode prior to starting a share"""
+ tab.get_mode().server_status.file_selection.file_list.add_file(
+ self.tmpfile_test
+ )
+ tab.get_mode().server_status.file_selection.file_list.add_file(self.tmpfiles[0])
+ tab.get_mode().server_status.file_selection.file_list.add_file(self.tmpfiles[1])
+ self.file_selection_widget_has_files(tab, 3)
+ self.history_is_not_visible(tab)
+ self.click_toggle_history(tab)
+ self.history_is_visible(tab)
+ self.removing_all_files_hides_remove_button(tab)
+ self.add_a_file_and_remove_using_its_remove_widget(tab)
+ self.file_selection_widget_read_files(tab)
+ def run_all_share_mode_started_tests(self, tab, startup_time=2000):
+ """Tests in share mode after starting a share"""
+ self.server_working_on_start_button_pressed(tab)
+ self.server_status_indicator_says_starting(tab)
+ self.add_remove_buttons_hidden(tab)
+ self.mode_settings_widget_is_hidden(tab)
+ self.server_is_started(tab, startup_time)
+ self.web_server_is_running(tab)
+ self.have_a_password(tab)
+ self.url_description_shown(tab)
+ self.have_copy_url_button(tab)
+ self.have_show_qr_code_button(tab)
+ self.server_status_indicator_says_started(tab)
+ def run_all_share_mode_download_tests(self, tab):
+ """Tests in share mode after downloading a share"""
+ tab.get_mode().server_status.file_selection.file_list.add_file(
+ self.tmpfile_test
+ )
+ self.web_page(tab, "Total size")
+ self.download_share(tab)
+ self.history_widgets_present(tab)
+ self.server_is_stopped(tab)
+ self.web_server_is_stopped(tab)
+ self.server_status_indicator_says_closed(tab)
+ self.add_button_visible(tab)
+ self.server_working_on_start_button_pressed(tab)
+ self.toggle_indicator_is_reset(tab)
+ self.server_is_started(tab)
+ self.history_indicator(tab)
+ def run_all_share_mode_individual_file_download_tests(self, tab):
+ """Tests in share mode after downloading a share"""
+ self.web_page(tab, "Total size")
+ self.individual_file_is_viewable_or_not(tab)
+ self.history_widgets_present(tab)
+ self.server_is_stopped(tab)
+ self.web_server_is_stopped(tab)
+ self.server_status_indicator_says_closed(tab)
+ self.add_button_visible(tab)
+ self.server_working_on_start_button_pressed(tab)
+ self.server_is_started(tab)
+ self.history_indicator(tab)
+ def run_all_share_mode_tests(self, tab):
+ """End-to-end share tests"""
+ self.run_all_share_mode_setup_tests(tab)
+ self.run_all_share_mode_started_tests(tab)
+ self.run_all_share_mode_download_tests(tab)
+ def run_all_clear_all_history_button_tests(self, tab):
+ """Test the Clear All history button"""
+ self.run_all_share_mode_setup_tests(tab)
+ self.run_all_share_mode_started_tests(tab)
+ self.individual_file_is_viewable_or_not(tab)
+ self.history_widgets_present(tab)
+ self.clear_all_history_items(tab, 0)
+ self.individual_file_is_viewable_or_not(tab)
+ self.clear_all_history_items(tab, 2)
+ def run_all_remove_all_file_selection_button_tests(self, tab):
+ """Test the Remove All File Selection button"""
+ self.run_all_share_mode_setup_tests(tab)
+ self.add_a_file_and_remove_using_remove_all_widget(tab)
+ def run_all_share_mode_individual_file_tests(self, tab):
+ """Tests in share mode when viewing an individual file"""
+ self.run_all_share_mode_setup_tests(tab)
+ self.run_all_share_mode_started_tests(tab)
+ self.run_all_share_mode_individual_file_download_tests(tab)
+ # Tests
+ def test_autostart_and_autostop_timer_mismatch(self):
+ """
+ If autostart timer is after autostop timer, a warning should be thrown
+ """
+ tab = self.new_share_tab()
+ tab.get_mode()
+ tab.get_mode()
+ tab.get_mode()
+ def accept_dialog():
+ window = tab.common.gui.qtapp.activeWindow()
+ if window:
+ window.close()
+ self.run_all_common_setup_tests()
+ self.run_all_share_mode_setup_tests(tab)
+ self.set_autostart_timer(tab, 15)
+ self.set_timeout(tab, 5)
+ QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(200, accept_dialog)
+ tab.get_mode()
+ self.server_is_stopped(tab)
+ self.close_all_tabs()
+ def test_autostart_timer(self):
+ """
+ Autostart timer should automatically start
+ """
+ tab = self.new_share_tab()
+ tab.get_mode()
+ tab.get_mode()
+ self.run_all_common_setup_tests()
+ self.run_all_share_mode_setup_tests(tab)
+ self.set_autostart_timer(tab, 2)
+ self.server_working_on_start_button_pressed(tab)
+ self.autostart_timer_widget_hidden(tab)
+ self.server_status_indicator_says_scheduled(tab)
+ self.web_server_is_stopped(tab)
+ self.scheduled_service_started(tab, 2200)
+ self.web_server_is_running(tab)
+ self.close_all_tabs()
+ def test_autostart_timer_too_short(self):
+ """
+ Autostart timer should throw a warning if the scheduled time is too soon
+ """
+ tab = self.new_share_tab()
+ tab.get_mode()
+ tab.get_mode()
+ def accept_dialog():
+ window = tab.common.gui.qtapp.activeWindow()
+ if window:
+ window.close()
+ self.run_all_common_setup_tests()
+ self.run_all_share_mode_setup_tests(tab)
+ # Set a low timeout
+ self.set_autostart_timer(tab, 2)
+ QtTest.QTest.qWait(2200, self.gui.qtapp)
+ QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(200, accept_dialog)
+ tab.get_mode()
+ self.assertEqual(tab.get_mode().server_status.status, 0)
+ self.close_all_tabs()
+ def test_autostart_timer_cancel(self):
+ """
+ Test canceling a scheduled share
+ """
+ tab = self.new_share_tab()
+ tab.get_mode()
+ tab.get_mode()
+ self.run_all_common_setup_tests()
+ self.run_all_share_mode_setup_tests(tab)
+ self.cancel_the_share(tab)
+ self.close_all_tabs()
+ def test_clear_all_history_button(self):
+ """
+ Test clearing all history items
+ """
+ tab = self.new_share_tab()
+ tab.get_mode()
+ self.run_all_common_setup_tests()
+ self.run_all_clear_all_history_button_tests(tab)
+ self.close_all_tabs()
+ def test_remove_all_file_selection_button(self):
+ """
+ Test remove all file items at once
+ """
+ tab = self.new_share_tab()
+ self.run_all_common_setup_tests()
+ self.run_all_remove_all_file_selection_button_tests(tab)
+ self.close_all_tabs()
+ def test_public_mode(self):
+ """
+ Public mode shouldn't have a password
+ """
+ tab = self.new_share_tab()
+ tab.get_mode()
+ self.run_all_common_setup_tests()
+ self.run_all_share_mode_tests(tab)
+ self.close_all_tabs()
+ def test_without_autostop_sharing(self):
+ """
+ Disable autostop sharing after first download
+ """
+ tab = self.new_share_tab()
+ tab.get_mode()
+ self.run_all_common_setup_tests()
+ self.run_all_share_mode_tests(tab)
+ self.close_all_tabs()
+ def test_download(self):
+ """
+ Test downloading in share mode
+ """
+ tab = self.new_share_tab()
+ self.run_all_common_setup_tests()
+ self.run_all_share_mode_tests(tab)
+ self.close_all_tabs()
+ def test_individual_files_without_autostop_sharing(self):
+ """
+ Test downloading individual files with autostop sharing disabled
+ """
+ tab = self.new_share_tab()
+ tab.get_mode()
+ self.run_all_common_setup_tests()
+ self.run_all_share_mode_individual_file_tests(tab)
+ self.close_all_tabs()
+ def test_individual_files(self):
+ """
+ Test downloading individual files
+ """
+ tab = self.new_share_tab()
+ self.run_all_common_setup_tests()
+ self.run_all_share_mode_individual_file_tests(tab)
+ self.close_all_tabs()
+ def test_large_download(self):
+ """
+ Test a large download
+ """
+ tab = self.new_share_tab()
+ self.run_all_common_setup_tests()
+ self.run_all_share_mode_setup_tests(tab)
+ tab.get_mode().server_status.file_selection.file_list.add_file(
+ self.tmpfile_large
+ )
+ self.run_all_share_mode_started_tests(tab, startup_time=15000)
+ self.assertTrue(tab.get_mode().filesize_warning.isVisible())
+ self.download_share(tab)
+ self.server_is_stopped(tab)
+ self.web_server_is_stopped(tab)
+ self.server_status_indicator_says_closed(tab)
+ self.close_all_tabs()
+ def test_persistent_password(self):
+ """
+ Test a large download
+ """
+ tab = self.new_share_tab()
+ tab.get_mode()
+ self.run_all_common_setup_tests()
+ self.run_all_share_mode_setup_tests(tab)
+ self.run_all_share_mode_started_tests(tab)
+ password = tab.get_mode().server_status.web.password
+ self.run_all_share_mode_download_tests(tab)
+ self.run_all_share_mode_started_tests(tab)
+ self.assertEqual(tab.get_mode().server_status.web.password, password)
+ self.run_all_share_mode_download_tests(tab)
+ self.close_all_tabs()
+ def test_autostop_timer(self):
+ """
+ Test the autostop timer
+ """
+ tab = self.new_share_tab()
+ tab.get_mode()
+ tab.get_mode()
+ self.run_all_common_setup_tests()
+ self.run_all_share_mode_setup_tests(tab)
+ self.set_timeout(tab, 5)
+ self.run_all_share_mode_started_tests(tab)
+ self.autostop_timer_widget_hidden(tab)
+ self.server_timed_out(tab, 10000)
+ self.web_server_is_stopped(tab)
+ self.close_all_tabs()
+ def test_autostop_timer_too_short(self):
+ """
+ Test the autostop timer when the timeout is too short
+ """
+ tab = self.new_share_tab()
+ tab.get_mode()
+ tab.get_mode()
+ def accept_dialog():
+ window = tab.common.gui.qtapp.activeWindow()
+ if window:
+ window.close()
+ self.run_all_common_setup_tests()
+ self.run_all_share_mode_setup_tests(tab)
+ # Set a low timeout
+ self.set_timeout(tab, 2)
+ QtTest.QTest.qWait(2100, self.gui.qtapp)
+ QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(2200, accept_dialog)
+ tab.get_mode()
+ self.assertEqual(tab.get_mode().server_status.status, 0)
+ self.close_all_tabs()
+ def test_unreadable_file(self):
+ """
+ Sharing an unreadable file should throw a warning
+ """
+ tab = self.new_share_tab()
+ def accept_dialog():
+ window = tab.common.gui.qtapp.activeWindow()
+ if window:
+ window.close()
+ self.run_all_share_mode_setup_tests(tab)
+ QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(200, accept_dialog)
+ tab.get_mode().server_status.file_selection.file_list.add_file(
+ "/tmp/nonexistent.txt"
+ )
+ self.file_selection_widget_has_files(tab, 3)
+ self.close_all_tabs()
+ def test_401_triggers_ratelimit(self):
+ """
+ Rate limit should be triggered
+ """
+ tab = self.new_share_tab()
+ def accept_dialog():
+ window = tab.common.gui.qtapp.activeWindow()
+ if window:
+ window.close()
+ tab.get_mode()
+ self.run_all_common_setup_tests()
+ self.run_all_share_mode_tests(tab)
+ self.hit_401(tab)
+ self.close_all_tabs()
+ def test_401_public_skips_ratelimit(self):
+ """
+ Public mode should skip the rate limit
+ """
+ tab = self.new_share_tab()
+ def accept_dialog():
+ window = tab.common.gui.qtapp.activeWindow()
+ if window:
+ window.close()
+ tab.get_mode()
+ tab.get_mode()
+ self.run_all_common_setup_tests()
+ self.run_all_share_mode_tests(tab)
+ self.hit_401(tab)
+ self.close_all_tabs()