path: root/desktop/tests/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'desktop/tests/')
1 files changed, 467 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/desktop/tests/ b/desktop/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..214da945
--- /dev/null
+++ b/desktop/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,467 @@
+import pytest
+import unittest
+import json
+import os
+import requests
+import shutil
+import base64
+import tempfile
+import secrets
+import platform
+from PySide2 import QtCore, QtTest, QtWidgets
+from onionshare_cli.common import Common
+from onionshare_cli.settings import Settings
+from onionshare_cli.onion import Onion
+from onionshare_cli.web import Web
+from onionshare import Application, MainWindow, GuiCommon
+from import ShareMode
+from import ReceiveMode
+from import WebsiteMode
+from onionshare import strings
+class GuiBaseTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ @classmethod
+ def setUpClass(cls):
+ common = Common(verbose=True)
+ # Delete any old test data that might exist
+ shutil.rmtree(common.build_data_dir(), ignore_errors=True)
+ qtapp = Application(common)
+ common.gui = GuiCommon(common, qtapp, local_only=True)
+ cls.gui = MainWindow(common, filenames=None)
+ cls.gui.qtapp = qtapp
+ # Create some random files to test with
+ cls.tmpdir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
+ cls.tmpfiles = []
+ for _ in range(10):
+ filename = os.path.join(, f"{secrets.token_hex(4)}.txt")
+ with open(filename, "w") as file:
+ file.write(secrets.token_hex(10))
+ cls.tmpfiles.append(filename)
+ # A file called "test.txt"
+ cls.tmpfile_test = os.path.join(, "test.txt")
+ with open(cls.tmpfile_test, "w") as file:
+ file.write("onionshare")
+ # A file called "test2.txt"
+ cls.tmpfile_test2 = os.path.join(, "test2.txt")
+ with open(cls.tmpfile_test2, "w") as file:
+ file.write("onionshare2")
+ # A file called "index.html"
+ cls.tmpfile_index_html = os.path.join(, "index.html")
+ with open(cls.tmpfile_index_html, "w") as file:
+ file.write(
+ "<html><body><p>This is a test website hosted by OnionShare</p></body></html>"
+ )
+ # A large file
+ size = 1024 * 1024 * 155
+ cls.tmpfile_large = os.path.join(, "large_file")
+ with open(cls.tmpfile_large, "wb") as fout:
+ fout.write(os.urandom(size))
+ @classmethod
+ def tearDownClass(cls):
+ # Quit
+ cls.gui.qtapp.clipboard().clear()
+ QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(200,
+ cls.gui.close()
+ cls.gui.cleanup()
+ # Shared test methods
+ def verify_new_tab(self, tab):
+ # Make sure the new tab widget is showing, and no mode has been started
+ QtTest.QTest.qWait(1000, self.gui.qtapp)
+ self.assertTrue(tab.new_tab.isVisible())
+ self.assertFalse(hasattr(tab, "share_mode"))
+ self.assertFalse(hasattr(tab, "receive_mode"))
+ self.assertFalse(hasattr(tab, "website_mode"))
+ self.assertFalse(hasattr(tab, "chat_mode"))
+ def new_share_tab(self):
+ tab = self.gui.tabs.widget(0)
+ self.verify_new_tab(tab)
+ # Share files
+ self.assertFalse(tab.new_tab.isVisible())
+ self.assertTrue(tab.share_mode.isVisible())
+ return tab
+ def new_share_tab_with_files(self):
+ tab = self.new_share_tab()
+ # Add files
+ for filename in self.tmpfiles:
+ tab.share_mode.server_status.file_selection.file_list.add_file(filename)
+ return tab
+ def new_receive_tab(self):
+ tab = self.gui.tabs.widget(0)
+ self.verify_new_tab(tab)
+ # Receive files
+ self.assertFalse(tab.new_tab.isVisible())
+ self.assertTrue(tab.receive_mode.isVisible())
+ return tab
+ def new_website_tab(self):
+ tab = self.gui.tabs.widget(0)
+ self.verify_new_tab(tab)
+ # Publish website
+ self.assertFalse(tab.new_tab.isVisible())
+ self.assertTrue(tab.website_mode.isVisible())
+ return tab
+ def new_website_tab_with_files(self):
+ tab = self.new_website_tab()
+ # Add files
+ for filename in self.tmpfiles:
+ tab.website_mode.server_status.file_selection.file_list.add_file(filename)
+ return tab
+ def close_all_tabs(self):
+ for _ in range(self.gui.tabs.count()):
+ tab = self.gui.tabs.widget(0)
+ QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(200,
+ self.gui.tabs.tabBar().tabButton(0, QtWidgets.QTabBar.RightSide).click()
+ def gui_loaded(self):
+ """Test that the GUI actually is shown"""
+ self.assertTrue(
+ def window_title_seen(self):
+ """Test that the window title is OnionShare"""
+ self.assertEqual(self.gui.windowTitle(), "OnionShare")
+ def server_status_bar_is_visible(self):
+ """Test that the status bar is visible"""
+ self.assertTrue(self.gui.status_bar.isVisible())
+ def mode_settings_widget_is_visible(self, tab):
+ """Test that the mode settings are visible"""
+ self.assertTrue(tab.get_mode().mode_settings_widget.isVisible())
+ def mode_settings_widget_is_hidden(self, tab):
+ """Test that the mode settings are hidden when the server starts"""
+ self.assertFalse(tab.get_mode().mode_settings_widget.isVisible())
+ def click_toggle_history(self, tab):
+ """Test that we can toggle Download or Upload history by clicking the toggle button"""
+ currently_visible = tab.get_mode().history.isVisible()
+ tab.get_mode()
+ self.assertEqual(tab.get_mode().history.isVisible(), not currently_visible)
+ def history_indicator(self, tab, indicator_count="1"):
+ """Test that we can make sure the history is toggled off, do an action, and the indiciator works"""
+ # Make sure history is toggled off
+ if tab.get_mode().history.isVisible():
+ tab.get_mode()
+ self.assertFalse(tab.get_mode().history.isVisible())
+ # Indicator should not be visible yet
+ self.assertFalse(tab.get_mode().toggle_history.indicator_label.isVisible())
+ if type(tab.get_mode()) == ReceiveMode:
+ # Upload a file
+ files = {"file[]": open(self.tmpfiles[0], "rb")}
+ url = f"{}/upload"
+ if tab.settings.get("general", "public"):
+, files=files)
+ else:
+ url,
+ files=files,
+ auth=requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(
+ "onionshare", tab.get_mode().web.password
+ ),
+ )
+ QtTest.QTest.qWait(2000, self.gui.qtapp)
+ if type(tab.get_mode()) == ShareMode:
+ # Download files
+ url = f"{}/download"
+ if tab.settings.get("general", "public"):
+ requests.get(url)
+ else:
+ requests.get(
+ url,
+ auth=requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(
+ "onionshare", tab.get_mode().web.password
+ ),
+ )
+ QtTest.QTest.qWait(2000, self.gui.qtapp)
+ # Indicator should be visible, have a value of "1"
+ self.assertTrue(tab.get_mode().toggle_history.indicator_label.isVisible())
+ self.assertEqual(
+ tab.get_mode().toggle_history.indicator_label.text(), indicator_count
+ )
+ # Toggle history back on, indicator should be hidden again
+ tab.get_mode()
+ self.assertFalse(tab.get_mode().toggle_history.indicator_label.isVisible())
+ def history_is_not_visible(self, tab):
+ """Test that the History section is not visible"""
+ self.assertFalse(tab.get_mode().history.isVisible())
+ def history_is_visible(self, tab):
+ """Test that the History section is visible"""
+ self.assertTrue(tab.get_mode().history.isVisible())
+ def server_working_on_start_button_pressed(self, tab):
+ """Test we can start the service"""
+ # Should be in SERVER_WORKING state
+ tab.get_mode()
+ self.assertEqual(tab.get_mode().server_status.status, 1)
+ def toggle_indicator_is_reset(self, tab):
+ self.assertEqual(tab.get_mode().toggle_history.indicator_count, 0)
+ self.assertFalse(tab.get_mode().toggle_history.indicator_label.isVisible())
+ def server_status_indicator_says_starting(self, tab):
+ """Test that the Server Status indicator shows we are Starting"""
+ self.assertEqual(
+ tab.get_mode().server_status_label.text(),
+ strings._("gui_status_indicator_share_working"),
+ )
+ def server_status_indicator_says_scheduled(self, tab):
+ """Test that the Server Status indicator shows we are Scheduled"""
+ self.assertEqual(
+ tab.get_mode().server_status_label.text(),
+ strings._("gui_status_indicator_share_scheduled"),
+ )
+ def server_is_started(self, tab, startup_time=2000):
+ """Test that the server has started"""
+ QtTest.QTest.qWait(startup_time, self.gui.qtapp)
+ # Should now be in SERVER_STARTED state
+ self.assertEqual(tab.get_mode().server_status.status, 2)
+ def web_server_is_running(self, tab):
+ """Test that the web server has started"""
+ try:
+ requests.get(f"{}/")
+ self.assertTrue(True)
+ except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
+ self.assertTrue(False)
+ def have_a_password(self, tab):
+ """Test that we have a valid password"""
+ if not tab.settings.get("general", "public"):
+ self.assertRegex(tab.get_mode().server_status.web.password, r"(\w+)-(\w+)")
+ else:
+ self.assertIsNone(tab.get_mode().server_status.web.password, r"(\w+)-(\w+)")
+ def add_button_visible(self, tab):
+ """Test that the add button should be visible"""
+ if platform.system() == "Darwin":
+ self.assertTrue(
+ tab.get_mode().server_status.file_selection.add_files_button.isVisible()
+ )
+ self.assertTrue(
+ tab.get_mode().server_status.file_selection.add_folder_button.isVisible()
+ )
+ else:
+ self.assertTrue(
+ tab.get_mode().server_status.file_selection.add_button.isVisible()
+ )
+ def url_description_shown(self, tab):
+ """Test that the URL label is showing"""
+ self.assertTrue(tab.get_mode().server_status.url_description.isVisible())
+ def have_copy_url_button(self, tab):
+ """Test that the Copy URL button is shown and that the clipboard is correct"""
+ self.assertTrue(tab.get_mode().server_status.copy_url_button.isVisible())
+ tab.get_mode()
+ clipboard = tab.common.gui.qtapp.clipboard()
+ if tab.settings.get("general", "public"):
+ self.assertEqual(clipboard.text(), f"{}")
+ else:
+ self.assertEqual(
+ clipboard.text(),
+ f"http://onionshare:{tab.get_mode().server_status.web.password}@{}",
+ )
+ def have_show_qr_code_button(self, tab):
+ """Test that the Show QR Code URL button is shown and that it loads a QR Code Dialog"""
+ self.assertTrue(
+ tab.get_mode().server_status.show_url_qr_code_button.isVisible()
+ )
+ def accept_dialog():
+ window = tab.common.gui.qtapp.activeWindow()
+ if window:
+ window.close()
+ QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(500, accept_dialog)
+ tab.get_mode()
+ def server_status_indicator_says_started(self, tab):
+ """Test that the Server Status indicator shows we are started"""
+ if type(tab.get_mode()) == ReceiveMode:
+ self.assertEqual(
+ tab.get_mode().server_status_label.text(),
+ strings._("gui_status_indicator_receive_started"),
+ )
+ if type(tab.get_mode()) == ShareMode:
+ self.assertEqual(
+ tab.get_mode().server_status_label.text(),
+ strings._("gui_status_indicator_share_started"),
+ )
+ def web_page(self, tab, string):
+ """Test that the web page contains a string"""
+ url = f"{}/"
+ if tab.settings.get("general", "public"):
+ r = requests.get(url)
+ else:
+ r = requests.get(
+ url,
+ auth=requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(
+ "onionshare", tab.get_mode().web.password
+ ),
+ )
+ self.assertTrue(string in r.text)
+ def history_widgets_present(self, tab):
+ """Test that the relevant widgets are present in the history view after activity has taken place"""
+ self.assertFalse(tab.get_mode().history.empty.isVisible())
+ self.assertTrue(tab.get_mode().history.not_empty.isVisible())
+ def counter_incremented(self, tab, count):
+ """Test that the counter has incremented"""
+ self.assertEqual(tab.get_mode().history.completed_count, count)
+ def server_is_stopped(self, tab):
+ """Test that the server stops when we click Stop"""
+ if (
+ type(tab.get_mode()) == ReceiveMode
+ or (
+ type(tab.get_mode()) == ShareMode
+ and not tab.settings.get("share", "autostop_sharing")
+ )
+ or (type(tab.get_mode()) == WebsiteMode)
+ ):
+ tab.get_mode()
+ self.assertEqual(tab.get_mode().server_status.status, 0)
+ self.assertFalse(
+ tab.get_mode().server_status.show_url_qr_code_button.isVisible()
+ )
+ self.assertFalse(tab.get_mode().server_status.copy_url_button.isVisible())
+ self.assertFalse(tab.get_mode().server_status.url.isVisible())
+ self.assertFalse(tab.get_mode().server_status.url_description.isVisible())
+ self.assertFalse(
+ tab.get_mode().server_status.copy_hidservauth_button.isVisible()
+ )
+ def web_server_is_stopped(self, tab):
+ """Test that the web server also stopped"""
+ QtTest.QTest.qWait(800, self.gui.qtapp)
+ try:
+ requests.get(f"{}/")
+ self.assertTrue(False)
+ except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
+ self.assertTrue(True)
+ def server_status_indicator_says_closed(self, tab):
+ """Test that the Server Status indicator shows we closed"""
+ if type(tab.get_mode()) == ReceiveMode:
+ self.assertEqual(
+ tab.get_mode().server_status_label.text(),
+ strings._("gui_status_indicator_receive_stopped"),
+ )
+ if type(tab.get_mode()) == ShareMode:
+ if not tab.settings.get("share", "autostop_sharing"):
+ self.assertEqual(
+ tab.get_mode().server_status_label.text(),
+ strings._("gui_status_indicator_share_stopped"),
+ )
+ else:
+ self.assertEqual(
+ tab.get_mode().server_status_label.text(),
+ strings._("closing_automatically"),
+ )
+ def clear_all_history_items(self, tab, count):
+ if count == 0:
+ tab.get_mode()
+ self.assertEqual(len(tab.get_mode().history.item_list.items.keys()), count)
+ def file_selection_widget_has_files(self, tab, num=3):
+ """Test that the number of items in the list is as expected"""
+ self.assertEqual(
+ tab.get_mode().server_status.file_selection.get_num_files(), num
+ )
+ def add_remove_buttons_hidden(self, tab):
+ """Test that the add and remove buttons are hidden when the server starts"""
+ if platform.system() == "Darwin":
+ self.assertFalse(
+ tab.get_mode().server_status.file_selection.add_files_button.isVisible()
+ )
+ self.assertFalse(
+ tab.get_mode().server_status.file_selection.add_folder_button.isVisible()
+ )
+ else:
+ self.assertFalse(
+ tab.get_mode().server_status.file_selection.add_button.isVisible()
+ )
+ self.assertFalse(
+ tab.get_mode().server_status.file_selection.remove_button.isVisible()
+ )
+ # Auto-stop timer tests
+ def set_timeout(self, tab, timeout):
+ """Test that the timeout can be set"""
+ timer = QtCore.QDateTime.currentDateTime().addSecs(timeout)
+ tab.get_mode().mode_settings_widget.autostop_timer_widget.setDateTime(timer)
+ self.assertTrue(
+ tab.get_mode().mode_settings_widget.autostop_timer_widget.dateTime(), timer
+ )
+ def autostop_timer_widget_hidden(self, tab):
+ """Test that the auto-stop timer widget is hidden when share has started"""
+ self.assertFalse(
+ tab.get_mode().mode_settings_widget.autostop_timer_widget.isVisible()
+ )
+ def server_timed_out(self, tab, wait):
+ """Test that the server has timed out after the timer ran out"""
+ QtTest.QTest.qWait(wait, self.gui.qtapp)
+ # We should have timed out now
+ self.assertEqual(tab.get_mode().server_status.status, 0)
+ # Grouped tests follow from here
+ def run_all_common_setup_tests(self):
+ self.gui_loaded()
+ self.window_title_seen()
+ self.server_status_bar_is_visible()