path: root/desktop/onionshare/web/web.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'desktop/onionshare/web/web.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 426 deletions
diff --git a/desktop/onionshare/web/web.py b/desktop/onionshare/web/web.py
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index 117ea83a..00000000
--- a/desktop/onionshare/web/web.py
+++ /dev/null
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-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-OnionShare | https://onionshare.org/
-Copyright (C) 2014-2020 Micah Lee, et al. <micah@micahflee.com>
-This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-import hmac
-import logging
-import os
-import queue
-import socket
-import sys
-import tempfile
-import requests
-from distutils.version import LooseVersion as Version
-from urllib.request import urlopen
-import flask
-from flask import (
- Flask,
- request,
- render_template,
- abort,
- make_response,
- send_file,
- __version__ as flask_version,
-from flask_httpauth import HTTPBasicAuth
-from flask_socketio import SocketIO
-from .. import strings
-from .share_mode import ShareModeWeb
-from .receive_mode import ReceiveModeWeb, ReceiveModeWSGIMiddleware, ReceiveModeRequest
-from .website_mode import WebsiteModeWeb
-from .chat_mode import ChatModeWeb
-# Stub out flask's show_server_banner function, to avoiding showing warnings that
-# are not applicable to OnionShare
-def stubbed_show_server_banner(env, debug, app_import_path, eager_loading):
- pass
- flask.cli.show_server_banner = stubbed_show_server_banner
- pass
-class Web:
- """
- The Web object is the OnionShare web server, powered by flask
- """
- def __init__(self, common, is_gui, mode_settings, mode="share"):
- self.common = common
- self.common.log("Web", "__init__", f"is_gui={is_gui}, mode={mode}")
- self.settings = mode_settings
- # The flask app
- self.app = Flask(
- __name__,
- static_folder=self.common.get_resource_path("static"),
- static_url_path=f"/static_{self.common.random_string(16)}", # randomize static_url_path to avoid making /static unusable
- template_folder=self.common.get_resource_path("templates"),
- )
- self.app.secret_key = self.common.random_string(8)
- self.generate_static_url_path()
- self.auth = HTTPBasicAuth()
- self.auth.error_handler(self.error401)
- # Verbose mode?
- if self.common.verbose:
- self.verbose_mode()
- # Are we running in GUI mode?
- self.is_gui = is_gui
- # If the user stops the server while a transfer is in progress, it should
- # immediately stop the transfer. In order to make it thread-safe, stop_q
- # is a queue. If anything is in it, then the user stopped the server
- self.stop_q = queue.Queue()
- # Are we using receive mode?
- self.mode = mode
- if self.mode == "receive":
- # Use custom WSGI middleware, to modify environ
- self.app.wsgi_app = ReceiveModeWSGIMiddleware(self.app.wsgi_app, self)
- # Use a custom Request class to track upload progess
- self.app.request_class = ReceiveModeRequest
- # Starting in Flask 0.11, render_template_string autoescapes template variables
- # by default. To prevent content injection through template variables in
- # earlier versions of Flask, we force autoescaping in the Jinja2 template
- # engine if we detect a Flask version with insecure default behavior.
- if Version(flask_version) < Version("0.11"):
- # Monkey-patch in the fix from https://github.com/pallets/flask/commit/99c99c4c16b1327288fd76c44bc8635a1de452bc
- Flask.select_jinja_autoescape = self._safe_select_jinja_autoescape
- self.security_headers = [
- ("X-Frame-Options", "DENY"),
- ("X-Xss-Protection", "1; mode=block"),
- ("X-Content-Type-Options", "nosniff"),
- ("Referrer-Policy", "no-referrer"),
- ("Server", "OnionShare"),
- ]
- self.q = queue.Queue()
- self.password = None
- self.reset_invalid_passwords()
- self.done = False
- # shutting down the server only works within the context of flask, so the easiest way to do it is over http
- self.shutdown_password = self.common.random_string(16)
- # Keep track if the server is running
- self.running = False
- # Define the web app routes
- self.define_common_routes()
- # Create the mode web object, which defines its own routes
- self.share_mode = None
- self.receive_mode = None
- self.website_mode = None
- self.chat_mode = None
- if self.mode == "share":
- self.share_mode = ShareModeWeb(self.common, self)
- elif self.mode == "receive":
- self.receive_mode = ReceiveModeWeb(self.common, self)
- elif self.mode == "website":
- self.website_mode = WebsiteModeWeb(self.common, self)
- elif self.mode == "chat":
- self.socketio = SocketIO()
- self.socketio.init_app(self.app)
- self.chat_mode = ChatModeWeb(self.common, self)
- def get_mode(self):
- if self.mode == "share":
- return self.share_mode
- elif self.mode == "receive":
- return self.receive_mode
- elif self.mode == "website":
- return self.website_mode
- elif self.mode == "chat":
- return self.chat_mode
- else:
- return None
- def generate_static_url_path(self):
- # The static URL path has a 128-bit random number in it to avoid having name
- # collisions with files that might be getting shared
- self.static_url_path = f"/static_{self.common.random_string(16)}"
- self.common.log(
- "Web",
- "generate_static_url_path",
- f"new static_url_path is {self.static_url_path}",
- )
- # Update the flask route to handle the new static URL path
- self.app.static_url_path = self.static_url_path
- self.app.add_url_rule(
- self.static_url_path + "/<path:filename>",
- endpoint="static",
- view_func=self.app.send_static_file,
- )
- def define_common_routes(self):
- """
- Common web app routes between all modes.
- """
- @self.auth.get_password
- def get_pw(username):
- if username == "onionshare":
- return self.password
- else:
- return None
- @self.app.before_request
- def conditional_auth_check():
- # Allow static files without basic authentication
- if request.path.startswith(self.static_url_path + "/"):
- return None
- # If public mode is disabled, require authentication
- if not self.settings.get("general", "public"):
- @self.auth.login_required
- def _check_login():
- return None
- return _check_login()
- @self.app.errorhandler(404)
- def not_found(e):
- mode = self.get_mode()
- history_id = mode.cur_history_id
- mode.cur_history_id += 1
- return self.error404(history_id)
- @self.app.route("/<password_candidate>/shutdown")
- def shutdown(password_candidate):
- """
- Stop the flask web server, from the context of an http request.
- """
- if password_candidate == self.shutdown_password:
- self.force_shutdown()
- return ""
- abort(404)
- if self.mode != "website":
- @self.app.route("/favicon.ico")
- def favicon():
- return send_file(
- f"{self.common.get_resource_path('static')}/img/favicon.ico"
- )
- def error401(self):
- auth = request.authorization
- if auth:
- if (
- auth["username"] == "onionshare"
- and auth["password"] not in self.invalid_passwords
- ):
- print(f"Invalid password guess: {auth['password']}")
- self.add_request(Web.REQUEST_INVALID_PASSWORD, data=auth["password"])
- self.invalid_passwords.append(auth["password"])
- self.invalid_passwords_count += 1
- if self.invalid_passwords_count == 20:
- self.add_request(Web.REQUEST_RATE_LIMIT)
- self.force_shutdown()
- print(
- "Someone has made too many wrong attempts to guess your password, so OnionShare has stopped the server. Start sharing again and send the recipient a new address to share."
- )
- r = make_response(
- render_template("401.html", static_url_path=self.static_url_path), 401
- )
- return self.add_security_headers(r)
- def error403(self):
- self.add_request(Web.REQUEST_OTHER, request.path)
- r = make_response(
- render_template("403.html", static_url_path=self.static_url_path), 403
- )
- return self.add_security_headers(r)
- def error404(self, history_id):
- self.add_request(
- request.path,
- {"id": history_id, "status_code": 404},
- )
- self.add_request(Web.REQUEST_OTHER, request.path)
- r = make_response(
- render_template("404.html", static_url_path=self.static_url_path), 404
- )
- return self.add_security_headers(r)
- def error405(self, history_id):
- self.add_request(
- request.path,
- {"id": history_id, "status_code": 405},
- )
- self.add_request(Web.REQUEST_OTHER, request.path)
- r = make_response(
- render_template("405.html", static_url_path=self.static_url_path), 405
- )
- return self.add_security_headers(r)
- def add_security_headers(self, r):
- """
- Add security headers to a request
- """
- for header, value in self.security_headers:
- r.headers.set(header, value)
- # Set a CSP header unless in website mode and the user has disabled it
- if not self.settings.get("website", "disable_csp") or self.mode != "website":
- r.headers.set(
- "Content-Security-Policy",
- "default-src 'self'; style-src 'self'; script-src 'self'; img-src 'self' data:;",
- )
- return r
- def _safe_select_jinja_autoescape(self, filename):
- if filename is None:
- return True
- return filename.endswith((".html", ".htm", ".xml", ".xhtml"))
- def add_request(self, request_type, path=None, data=None):
- """
- Add a request to the queue, to communicate with the GUI.
- """
- self.q.put({"type": request_type, "path": path, "data": data})
- def generate_password(self, saved_password=None):
- self.common.log("Web", "generate_password", f"saved_password={saved_password}")
- if saved_password != None and saved_password != "":
- self.password = saved_password
- self.common.log(
- "Web",
- "generate_password",
- f'saved_password sent, so password is: "{self.password}"',
- )
- else:
- self.password = self.common.build_password()
- self.common.log(
- "Web", "generate_password", f'built random password: "{self.password}"'
- )
- def verbose_mode(self):
- """
- Turn on verbose mode, which will log flask errors to a file.
- """
- flask_log_filename = os.path.join(self.common.build_data_dir(), "flask.log")
- log_handler = logging.FileHandler(flask_log_filename)
- log_handler.setLevel(logging.WARNING)
- self.app.logger.addHandler(log_handler)
- def reset_invalid_passwords(self):
- self.invalid_passwords_count = 0
- self.invalid_passwords = []
- def force_shutdown(self):
- """
- Stop the flask web server, from the context of the flask app.
- """
- # Shutdown the flask service
- try:
- func = request.environ.get("werkzeug.server.shutdown")
- if func is None:
- raise RuntimeError("Not running with the Werkzeug Server")
- func()
- except:
- pass
- self.running = False
- def start(self, port):
- """
- Start the flask web server.
- """
- self.common.log("Web", "start", f"port={port}")
- # Make sure the stop_q is empty when starting a new server
- while not self.stop_q.empty():
- try:
- self.stop_q.get(block=False)
- except queue.Empty:
- pass
- # In Whonix, listen on instead of (#220)
- if os.path.exists("/usr/share/anon-ws-base-files/workstation"):
- host = ""
- else:
- host = ""
- self.running = True
- if self.mode == "chat":
- self.socketio.run(self.app, host=host, port=port)
- else:
- self.app.run(host=host, port=port, threaded=True)
- def stop(self, port):
- """
- Stop the flask web server by loading /shutdown.
- """
- self.common.log("Web", "stop", "stopping server")
- # Let the mode know that the user stopped the server
- self.stop_q.put(True)
- # To stop flask, load http://shutdown:[shutdown_password]@[shutdown_password]/shutdown
- # (We're putting the shutdown_password in the path as well to make routing simpler)
- if self.running:
- if self.password:
- requests.get(
- f"{port}/{self.shutdown_password}/shutdown",
- auth=requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth("onionshare", self.password),
- )
- else:
- requests.get(
- f"{port}/{self.shutdown_password}/shutdown"
- )
- # Reset any password that was in use
- self.password = None