path: root/vendor/gioui.org/internal/scene/scene.go
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Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/gioui.org/internal/scene/scene.go')
1 files changed, 251 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/gioui.org/internal/scene/scene.go b/vendor/gioui.org/internal/scene/scene.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0358858
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/gioui.org/internal/scene/scene.go
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense OR MIT
+// Package scene encodes and decodes graphics commands in the format used by the
+// compute renderer.
+package scene
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "image"
+ "image/color"
+ "math"
+ "unsafe"
+ "gioui.org/f32"
+type Op uint32
+type Command [sceneElemSize / 4]uint32
+// GPU commands from piet/scene.h in package gioui.org/shaders.
+const (
+ OpNop Op = iota
+ OpLine
+ OpQuad
+ OpCubic
+ OpFillColor
+ OpLineWidth
+ OpTransform
+ OpBeginClip
+ OpEndClip
+ OpFillImage
+ OpSetFillMode
+ OpGap
+// FillModes, from setup.h.
+type FillMode uint32
+const (
+ FillModeNonzero = 0
+ FillModeStroke = 1
+const CommandSize = int(unsafe.Sizeof(Command{}))
+const sceneElemSize = 36
+func (c Command) Op() Op {
+ return Op(c[0])
+func (c Command) String() string {
+ switch Op(c[0]) {
+ case OpNop:
+ return "nop"
+ case OpLine:
+ from, to := DecodeLine(c)
+ return fmt.Sprintf("line(%v, %v)", from, to)
+ case OpGap:
+ from, to := DecodeLine(c)
+ return fmt.Sprintf("gap(%v, %v)", from, to)
+ case OpQuad:
+ from, ctrl, to := DecodeQuad(c)
+ return fmt.Sprintf("quad(%v, %v, %v)", from, ctrl, to)
+ case OpCubic:
+ from, ctrl0, ctrl1, to := DecodeCubic(c)
+ return fmt.Sprintf("cubic(%v, %v, %v, %v)", from, ctrl0, ctrl1, to)
+ case OpFillColor:
+ return fmt.Sprintf("fillcolor %#.8x", c[1])
+ case OpLineWidth:
+ return "linewidth"
+ case OpTransform:
+ t := f32.NewAffine2D(
+ math.Float32frombits(c[1]),
+ math.Float32frombits(c[3]),
+ math.Float32frombits(c[5]),
+ math.Float32frombits(c[2]),
+ math.Float32frombits(c[4]),
+ math.Float32frombits(c[6]),
+ )
+ return fmt.Sprintf("transform (%v)", t)
+ case OpBeginClip:
+ bounds := f32.Rectangle{
+ Min: f32.Pt(math.Float32frombits(c[1]), math.Float32frombits(c[2])),
+ Max: f32.Pt(math.Float32frombits(c[3]), math.Float32frombits(c[4])),
+ }
+ return fmt.Sprintf("beginclip (%v)", bounds)
+ case OpEndClip:
+ bounds := f32.Rectangle{
+ Min: f32.Pt(math.Float32frombits(c[1]), math.Float32frombits(c[2])),
+ Max: f32.Pt(math.Float32frombits(c[3]), math.Float32frombits(c[4])),
+ }
+ return fmt.Sprintf("endclip (%v)", bounds)
+ case OpFillImage:
+ return "fillimage"
+ case OpSetFillMode:
+ return "setfillmode"
+ default:
+ panic("unreachable")
+ }
+func Line(start, end f32.Point) Command {
+ return Command{
+ 0: uint32(OpLine),
+ 1: math.Float32bits(start.X),
+ 2: math.Float32bits(start.Y),
+ 3: math.Float32bits(end.X),
+ 4: math.Float32bits(end.Y),
+ }
+func Gap(start, end f32.Point) Command {
+ return Command{
+ 0: uint32(OpGap),
+ 1: math.Float32bits(start.X),
+ 2: math.Float32bits(start.Y),
+ 3: math.Float32bits(end.X),
+ 4: math.Float32bits(end.Y),
+ }
+func Cubic(start, ctrl0, ctrl1, end f32.Point) Command {
+ return Command{
+ 0: uint32(OpCubic),
+ 1: math.Float32bits(start.X),
+ 2: math.Float32bits(start.Y),
+ 3: math.Float32bits(ctrl0.X),
+ 4: math.Float32bits(ctrl0.Y),
+ 5: math.Float32bits(ctrl1.X),
+ 6: math.Float32bits(ctrl1.Y),
+ 7: math.Float32bits(end.X),
+ 8: math.Float32bits(end.Y),
+ }
+func Quad(start, ctrl, end f32.Point) Command {
+ return Command{
+ 0: uint32(OpQuad),
+ 1: math.Float32bits(start.X),
+ 2: math.Float32bits(start.Y),
+ 3: math.Float32bits(ctrl.X),
+ 4: math.Float32bits(ctrl.Y),
+ 5: math.Float32bits(end.X),
+ 6: math.Float32bits(end.Y),
+ }
+func Transform(m f32.Affine2D) Command {
+ sx, hx, ox, hy, sy, oy := m.Elems()
+ return Command{
+ 0: uint32(OpTransform),
+ 1: math.Float32bits(sx),
+ 2: math.Float32bits(hy),
+ 3: math.Float32bits(hx),
+ 4: math.Float32bits(sy),
+ 5: math.Float32bits(ox),
+ 6: math.Float32bits(oy),
+ }
+func SetLineWidth(width float32) Command {
+ return Command{
+ 0: uint32(OpLineWidth),
+ 1: math.Float32bits(width),
+ }
+func BeginClip(bbox f32.Rectangle) Command {
+ return Command{
+ 0: uint32(OpBeginClip),
+ 1: math.Float32bits(bbox.Min.X),
+ 2: math.Float32bits(bbox.Min.Y),
+ 3: math.Float32bits(bbox.Max.X),
+ 4: math.Float32bits(bbox.Max.Y),
+ }
+func EndClip(bbox f32.Rectangle) Command {
+ return Command{
+ 0: uint32(OpEndClip),
+ 1: math.Float32bits(bbox.Min.X),
+ 2: math.Float32bits(bbox.Min.Y),
+ 3: math.Float32bits(bbox.Max.X),
+ 4: math.Float32bits(bbox.Max.Y),
+ }
+func FillColor(col color.RGBA) Command {
+ return Command{
+ 0: uint32(OpFillColor),
+ 1: uint32(col.R)<<24 | uint32(col.G)<<16 | uint32(col.B)<<8 | uint32(col.A),
+ }
+func FillImage(index int, offset image.Point) Command {
+ x := int16(offset.X)
+ y := int16(offset.Y)
+ return Command{
+ 0: uint32(OpFillImage),
+ 1: uint32(index),
+ 2: uint32(uint16(x)) | uint32(uint16(y))<<16,
+ }
+func SetFillMode(mode FillMode) Command {
+ return Command{
+ 0: uint32(OpSetFillMode),
+ 1: uint32(mode),
+ }
+func DecodeLine(cmd Command) (from, to f32.Point) {
+ if cmd[0] != uint32(OpLine) {
+ panic("invalid command")
+ }
+ from = f32.Pt(math.Float32frombits(cmd[1]), math.Float32frombits(cmd[2]))
+ to = f32.Pt(math.Float32frombits(cmd[3]), math.Float32frombits(cmd[4]))
+ return
+func DecodeGap(cmd Command) (from, to f32.Point) {
+ if cmd[0] != uint32(OpGap) {
+ panic("invalid command")
+ }
+ from = f32.Pt(math.Float32frombits(cmd[1]), math.Float32frombits(cmd[2]))
+ to = f32.Pt(math.Float32frombits(cmd[3]), math.Float32frombits(cmd[4]))
+ return
+func DecodeQuad(cmd Command) (from, ctrl, to f32.Point) {
+ if cmd[0] != uint32(OpQuad) {
+ panic("invalid command")
+ }
+ from = f32.Pt(math.Float32frombits(cmd[1]), math.Float32frombits(cmd[2]))
+ ctrl = f32.Pt(math.Float32frombits(cmd[3]), math.Float32frombits(cmd[4]))
+ to = f32.Pt(math.Float32frombits(cmd[5]), math.Float32frombits(cmd[6]))
+ return
+func DecodeCubic(cmd Command) (from, ctrl0, ctrl1, to f32.Point) {
+ if cmd[0] != uint32(OpCubic) {
+ panic("invalid command")
+ }
+ from = f32.Pt(math.Float32frombits(cmd[1]), math.Float32frombits(cmd[2]))
+ ctrl0 = f32.Pt(math.Float32frombits(cmd[3]), math.Float32frombits(cmd[4]))
+ ctrl1 = f32.Pt(math.Float32frombits(cmd[5]), math.Float32frombits(cmd[6]))
+ to = f32.Pt(math.Float32frombits(cmd[7]), math.Float32frombits(cmd[8]))
+ return