AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
23 hourstestsuite docs: Update instructions (#6034)HEADnextOrestis Floros
6 daysi3bar-workspace-protocol: Make examples (more) POSIX compliant (#6029)Orestis Floros
6 dayserrorlog: Check errorfile exists (#6028)Orestis Floros
2024-04-19Use I3SOCK environment variable for path in AnyEvent::I3 (#5987)Wesley Schwengle
2024-04-19AnyEvent::I3: rip out taint mode compatibility (#5999)Michael Stapelberg
2024-04-16Add a newline at the end of the version option output. (#5980)yuvallangerontheroad
2024-04-09AnyEvent-I3: bump to 0.19 (#5990)Michael Stapelberg
2024-04-09Check if subscribe event type is supported in AnyEvent::I3 (#5988)Wesley Schwengle
2024-03-20Fix missing SIGUSR2 posix signal handling (#5960)systec-awe
2024-02-12Support multiple _NET_WM_STATE changes in one ClientMessage (#5910)Orestis Floros
2024-02-06Create new workspaces to the right of existing ones with the same numberrsgowman
2024-02-06Don't skip identically numbered workspaces when moving to next/prev (#4578)rsgowman
2024-02-05Use new GitHub issue templates (#5900)Orestis Floros
2024-02-04doc: update meson build instruction (#5899)Harimbola Santatra
2024-01-31Avoid creating redundant containers when switching between tabbed/stacked and...Orestis Floros
2024-01-30smart_borders: Deprecate option (#5889)Orestis Floros
2024-01-28Merge pull request #5787 from elebow/userguide-default_border-title-layout-noteOrestis Floros
2024-01-28Shrinking on a per-block basis (#5818)Alessandro Vinciguerra
2024-01-27clang-format: enable InsertBraces (#5882)Orestis Floros
2024-01-26con_is_maximized: Fix case where parent is workspace (#5880)Orestis Floros
2024-01-24split up compound test assertionsSeth Pollen
2024-01-22Add support for _NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_{HORZ, VERT} (#5840)sethpollen
2023-12-13Make raphamorim/rio one of i3's sensible terminals.Yonas Yanfa
2023-11-26docs: Add note to `default_border` about title bar in stacking/tabbedEddie Lebow
2023-11-05focus workspace: consider workspace_auto_back_and_forth (#5754)Orestis Floros
2023-11-05Clean up old release notes (#5753)Orestis Floros
2023-11-05bindings: Do not grab pointer when executing bindings (#5755)Orestis Floros
2023-11-04docs: fix typo in i3bar-workspace-protocola-kenji
2023-10-29debian: update changelogMichael Stapelberg
2023-10-29Merge branch 'release-4.23'Michael Stapelberg
2023-10-29Restore non-git version suffixMichael Stapelberg
2023-10-29release i3 4.234.23Michael Stapelberg
2023-09-23Fix failing testcase when the font exists (#5679)Sergey Zhmylove
2023-09-21motif hints: respect maximum border style in append_layoutOrestis Floros
2023-09-21Update to clang-format-15Orestis Floros
2023-09-13userguide: Add an example for negative lookeaheads (#5665)Orestis Floros
2023-09-06remanage_window: Refactor to make clearer when a swallowing happensOrestis Floros
2023-09-06Remanage window after urgency flag changeOrestis Floros
2023-09-05Update to actions/checkout@v4 (#5653)Orestis Floros
2023-09-04Fix dead links for Modern Perl bookWesley Schwengle
2023-09-03Fix crashes when using machine criterion (#5650)Orestis Floros
2023-07-22Share graphics context globally (#4376)Uli Schlachter
2023-07-21Remove focus workaroundslyshot
2023-07-15Fix gcc false-positive warningOrestis Floros
2023-07-15debugging docs: Add note about ptraceOrestis Floros
2023-06-30Regrab buttons on mode change (#5554)Orestis Floros
2023-06-26Improve documentation regarding tiling drag (#5541)Harm te Hennepe
2023-06-15Remove the double forking in start_application (#5510)Nikolay Nechaev
2023-05-29fix workspace not being focused on title bar scroll (#5518)Orestis Floros
2023-05-05Merge pull request #5378 from slyshot/nextOrestis Floros