path: root/src/net/hosts.go
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2018-08-21net: use internal/bytealg insetad of linkname tricksIlya Tocar
2018-06-27net: parse IPv6 address with zone using DefaultResolver.Lookup{Host,IPAddr}Michael Fraenkel
2016-02-21net: ensure lookupStatic* returns copy of slice to disallow cache corruption.Suharsh Sivakumar
2016-01-06net: check /etc/hosts for modifications every 5 seconds, not 5 minutesRuss Cox
2015-11-28net: force LookupAddr results to be rooted DNS paths even in the case of loca...Mikio Hara
2015-11-27net: fix case insensitivity lookup for local database such as /etc/hostsMikio Hara
2015-10-01net: make /etc/hosts lookups case-insensitiveBurcu Dogan
2015-06-02net: fix parsing literal IP addresses in local databaseMikio Hara
2014-09-08build: move package sources from src/pkg to srcRuss Cox