path: root/misc/wasm
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-04-11misc/wasm: drop wasmtime < 14 supportJohan Brandhorst-Satzkorn
2023-11-19misc/wasm: support new wasmtime CLIJohan Brandhorst-Satzkorn
2023-11-02misc/wasm: silence Wasmtime 14 CLI warningDmitri Shuralyov
2023-07-26misc/wasm: switch default WASI runtimeJohan Brandhorst-Satzkorn
2023-05-26misc/wasm: set PATH variable in execJohan Brandhorst-Satzkorn
2023-05-25net: implement wasip1 FileListener and FileConnChris O'Hara
2023-05-25runtime: implement wasip1 netpollChris O'Hara
2023-05-22wasm: remove redundant calls to setTimeout and clearTimeoutGaret Halliday
2023-05-11misc/wasm: add wasmedge to wasip1 scriptJohan Brandhorst-Satzkorn
2023-05-09misc/wasm: add wasmer to wasip1 scriptJohan Brandhorst-Satzkorn
2023-04-26misc/wasm: default to /tmp if TMPDIR is unsetBryan C. Mills
2023-04-21misc/wasm: support wasmtime in wasip1Johan Brandhorst-Satzkorn
2023-04-06misc/wasm: add wasip1/wasm exec scriptJohan Brandhorst-Satzkorn
2023-03-02all: implement wasmimport directiveEvan Phoenix
2023-02-02misc: increase node stack sizeJohan Brandhorst-Satzkorn
2023-01-30misc/wasm: use NodeJS crypto libraryJohan Brandhorst-Satzkorn
2023-01-30misc/wasm: extend executable compatibilityJohan Brandhorst-Satzkorn
2023-01-30misc/wasm: use NodeJS performance libraryJohan Brandhorst-Satzkorn
2022-09-27misc/wasm: update deprecated substr usageMarko Kungla
2021-10-25cmd/link: increase reserved space for passing env on wasmRichard Musiol
2021-10-16misc/wasm: expect environment to provide polyfillsRichard Musiol
2021-10-07misc/wasm, cmd/link: do not let command line args overwrite global dataCherry Mui
2021-09-03misc/wasm: enable ECMAScript strict moderhysd
2021-05-24misc/wasm: ensure correct stack pointer in catch clausesRichard Musiol
2021-04-29runtime: rename walltime1 to walltimeIan Lance Taylor
2020-11-02misc/wasm: check type of argument to Go.runRichard Musiol
2020-10-21misc/wasm: improve error message if javascript polyfills are requiredRichard Musiol
2020-10-21misc/wasm: make sure sp is unsignedRichard Musiol
2020-08-25misc/wasm: make wasm_exec more robust against uncommon environmentsRichard Musiol
2020-05-12syscall/js: prepare IDs for the preset objectsHajime Hoshi
2020-03-24syscall/js: make wasm_exec.js compatible with Webpacknao20010128nao
2020-03-24syscall/js: allow copyBytesTo(Go|JS) to use Uint8ClampedArrayAurélio A. Heckert
2020-02-25misc/wasm: avoid implicit boolean to number conversionBrad Fitzpatrick
2019-11-04syscall/js: garbage collect references to JavaScript valuesRichard Musiol
2019-10-08syscall: on wasm, do not panic if "process" global is not definedRichard Musiol
2019-09-30syscall/js: add Value.Delete for deleting JavaScript propertiesRichard Musiol
2019-09-15misc/wasm: fix argv/envp layoutAustin Clements
2019-09-04runtime: wrap nanotime, walltime, and writeAustin Clements
2019-08-28runtime,syscall/js: reuse wasm memory DataViewAgniva De Sarker
2019-05-24syscall/js: replace TypedArrayOf with CopyBytesToGo/CopyBytesToJSRichard Musiol
2019-04-29misc/wasm: fix command line arguments containing multi-byte charactersRichard Musiol
2019-03-25misc/wasm: exit with code 1 if WebAssembly.instantiate failsRichard Musiol
2019-03-14misc/wasm: add workaround for missed timeout eventsRichard Musiol
2019-03-03misc/wasm: better adapt to different JavaScript environmentsRichard Musiol
2018-12-13syscall/js: rename js.Callback to js.FuncRichard Musiol
2018-11-20misc/wasm: add stub for fs.read on browsersRichard Musiol
2018-11-20misc/wasm: use temporary directory provided by Node.jsRichard Musiol
2018-11-10all: add support for synchronous callbacks to js/wasmRichard Musiol
2018-10-25misc/wasm: improve detection of Node.jsRichard Musiol
2018-10-20misc/wasm: fix panic on os.Stdout.Sync() in the browserNick Craig-Wood