AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2011-11-09weekly.2011-11-08weekly.2011-11-08Andrew Gerrand
2011-11-09html: treat <image> as <img>Andrew Balholm
2011-11-08text/template: make redefinition of a template in a set more consistent.Rob Pike
2011-11-08runtime: add timespec definition for freebsdJoel Sing
2011-11-08os, syscall: fix Plan 9 buildAnthony Martin
2011-11-08html: parse <body>, <base>, <link>, <meta>, and <title> tags inside page bodyAndrew Balholm
2011-11-08runtime: add windows callback testsAlex Brainman
2011-11-08gotest: don't run examples that have no expected outputAndrew Gerrand
2011-11-08html: fix typo in package docs.Nigel Tao
2011-11-08net: fix build commentMikio Hara
2011-11-07gc: Clean up dostruct/stotype, detect broken fields and propagate up to struc...Luuk van Dijk
2011-11-07go/ast: fix bugs in SortImportsRuss Cox
2011-11-07lib9: fix windows buildRuss Cox
2011-11-07lib9: add ctimeRuss Cox
2011-11-07runtime/cgo: fix data declaration to be externRuss Cox
2011-11-07exp/ssh: improved client authentication supportDave Cheney
2011-11-07runtime: fix prototype for openbsd thrsleepJoel Sing
2011-11-07gc: use HEADER_IO macro from gopackRon Minnich
2011-11-07gc: format nitsLucio De Re
2011-11-07CONTRIBUTORS: add David Crawshaw's codereview accountRuss Cox
2011-11-07xml: allow parsing of <_> </_>.David Crawshaw
2011-11-07archive/zip: actually close file opened with OpenReader.Dmitry Chestnykh
2011-11-07net/http: fix whitespace handling in sniffer.David Symonds
2011-11-07runtime: windows_386 sighandler to use correct gAlex Brainman
2011-11-07html: be able to test more than one testdata file.Nigel Tao
2011-11-06gc: Better error message for range over non-receive channel.Luuk van Dijk
2011-11-06gc: Switch related errors should use plain format.Luuk van Dijk
2011-11-05math: faster GammaCharles L. Dorian
2011-11-05gofix: avoid panic on body-less functions in netudpgroup.David Symonds
2011-11-04test: make closedchan.go exit with failure if something failsIan Lance Taylor
2011-11-04math: improved high-angle test for Cos, Sin and TanCharles L. Dorian
2011-11-04goinstall: allow packages from launchpad.net/~user branches.Jani Monoses
2011-11-04CONTRIBUTORS: add Rietveld address for Jani MonosesGustavo Niemeyer
2011-11-04html/template: wraps package template instead of exposing func EscapeMike Samuel
2011-11-04http: support Trailers in ReadRequestBrad Fitzpatrick
2011-11-04gc: detect type switch variable not used cases.Luuk van Dijk
2011-11-04html,bzip2,sql: rename Error methods that return error to ErrGustavo Niemeyer
2011-11-04template: format error with pointer receiver.David Symonds
2011-11-04runtime: fix linux/arm nanotime?Russ Cox
2011-11-04template: format errorsRuss Cox
2011-11-04runtime: fix openbsd nanotime?Russ Cox
2011-11-04bytes: fix typo and resolve to be less idiotic next timeAndrew Gerrand
2011-11-04bytes: add Contains functionAndrew Gerrand
2011-11-04html: properly close <tr> element when an new <tr> starts.Andrew Balholm
2011-11-03http: doc nitsBrad Fitzpatrick
2011-11-03http: clarify Request docsBrad Fitzpatrick
2011-11-03httputil: move dump and chunking functions out of httpBrad Fitzpatrick
2011-11-03gob: fix bug when registering the same type multiple timesRob Pike
2011-11-03http: only recognize application/x-www-form-urlencoded in ParseFormBrad Fitzpatrick
2011-11-03httputil: move ReverseProxy out of httpBrad Fitzpatrick