path: root/src/cmd/compile/internal/typecheck/func.go
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1 files changed, 398 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/cmd/compile/internal/typecheck/func.go b/src/cmd/compile/internal/typecheck/func.go
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+++ b/src/cmd/compile/internal/typecheck/func.go
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+// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package typecheck
+import (
+ "cmd/compile/internal/base"
+ "cmd/compile/internal/ir"
+ "cmd/compile/internal/types"
+ "fmt"
+// package all the arguments that match a ... T parameter into a []T.
+func MakeDotArgs(typ *types.Type, args []ir.Node) ir.Node {
+ var n ir.Node
+ if len(args) == 0 {
+ n = NodNil()
+ n.SetType(typ)
+ } else {
+ lit := ir.NewCompLitExpr(base.Pos, ir.OCOMPLIT, ir.TypeNode(typ).(ir.Ntype), nil)
+ lit.List.Append(args...)
+ lit.SetImplicit(true)
+ n = lit
+ }
+ n = Expr(n)
+ if n.Type() == nil {
+ base.Fatalf("mkdotargslice: typecheck failed")
+ }
+ return n
+// FixVariadicCall rewrites calls to variadic functions to use an
+// explicit ... argument if one is not already present.
+func FixVariadicCall(call *ir.CallExpr) {
+ fntype := call.X.Type()
+ if !fntype.IsVariadic() || call.IsDDD {
+ return
+ }
+ vi := fntype.NumParams() - 1
+ vt := fntype.Params().Field(vi).Type
+ args := call.Args
+ extra := args[vi:]
+ slice := MakeDotArgs(vt, extra)
+ for i := range extra {
+ extra[i] = nil // allow GC
+ }
+ call.Args.Set(append(args[:vi], slice))
+ call.IsDDD = true
+// ClosureType returns the struct type used to hold all the information
+// needed in the closure for clo (clo must be a OCLOSURE node).
+// The address of a variable of the returned type can be cast to a func.
+func ClosureType(clo *ir.ClosureExpr) *types.Type {
+ // Create closure in the form of a composite literal.
+ // supposing the closure captures an int i and a string s
+ // and has one float64 argument and no results,
+ // the generated code looks like:
+ //
+ // clos = &struct{.F uintptr; i *int; s *string}{func.1, &i, &s}
+ //
+ // The use of the struct provides type information to the garbage
+ // collector so that it can walk the closure. We could use (in this case)
+ // [3]unsafe.Pointer instead, but that would leave the gc in the dark.
+ // The information appears in the binary in the form of type descriptors;
+ // the struct is unnamed so that closures in multiple packages with the
+ // same struct type can share the descriptor.
+ fields := []*ir.Field{
+ ir.NewField(base.Pos, Lookup(".F"), nil, types.Types[types.TUINTPTR]),
+ }
+ for _, v := range clo.Func.ClosureVars {
+ typ := v.Type()
+ if !v.Byval() {
+ typ = types.NewPtr(typ)
+ }
+ fields = append(fields, ir.NewField(base.Pos, v.Sym(), nil, typ))
+ }
+ typ := NewStructType(fields)
+ typ.SetNoalg(true)
+ return typ
+// PartialCallType returns the struct type used to hold all the information
+// needed in the closure for n (n must be a OCALLPART node).
+// The address of a variable of the returned type can be cast to a func.
+func PartialCallType(n *ir.CallPartExpr) *types.Type {
+ t := NewStructType([]*ir.Field{
+ ir.NewField(base.Pos, Lookup("F"), nil, types.Types[types.TUINTPTR]),
+ ir.NewField(base.Pos, Lookup("R"), nil, n.X.Type()),
+ })
+ t.SetNoalg(true)
+ return t
+// CaptureVars is called in a separate phase after all typechecking is done.
+// It decides whether each variable captured by a closure should be captured
+// by value or by reference.
+// We use value capturing for values <= 128 bytes that are never reassigned
+// after capturing (effectively constant).
+func CaptureVars(fn *ir.Func) {
+ lno := base.Pos
+ base.Pos = fn.Pos()
+ cvars := fn.ClosureVars
+ out := cvars[:0]
+ for _, v := range cvars {
+ if v.Type() == nil {
+ // If v.Type is nil, it means v looked like it
+ // was going to be used in the closure, but
+ // isn't. This happens in struct literals like
+ // s{f: x} where we can't distinguish whether
+ // f is a field identifier or expression until
+ // resolving s.
+ continue
+ }
+ out = append(out, v)
+ // type check the & of closed variables outside the closure,
+ // so that the outer frame also grabs them and knows they escape.
+ types.CalcSize(v.Type())
+ var outer ir.Node
+ outer = v.Outer
+ outermost := v.Defn.(*ir.Name)
+ // out parameters will be assigned to implicitly upon return.
+ if outermost.Class_ != ir.PPARAMOUT && !outermost.Name().Addrtaken() && !outermost.Name().Assigned() && v.Type().Width <= 128 {
+ v.SetByval(true)
+ } else {
+ outermost.Name().SetAddrtaken(true)
+ outer = NodAddr(outer)
+ }
+ if base.Flag.LowerM > 1 {
+ var name *types.Sym
+ if v.Curfn != nil && v.Curfn.Nname != nil {
+ name = v.Curfn.Sym()
+ }
+ how := "ref"
+ if v.Byval() {
+ how = "value"
+ }
+ base.WarnfAt(v.Pos(), "%v capturing by %s: %v (addr=%v assign=%v width=%d)", name, how, v.Sym(), outermost.Name().Addrtaken(), outermost.Name().Assigned(), int32(v.Type().Width))
+ }
+ outer = Expr(outer)
+ fn.ClosureEnter.Append(outer)
+ }
+ fn.ClosureVars = out
+ base.Pos = lno
+// typecheckclosure typechecks an OCLOSURE node. It also creates the named
+// function associated with the closure.
+// TODO: This creation of the named function should probably really be done in a
+// separate pass from type-checking.
+func typecheckclosure(clo *ir.ClosureExpr, top int) {
+ fn := clo.Func
+ // Set current associated iota value, so iota can be used inside
+ // function in ConstSpec, see issue #22344
+ if x := getIotaValue(); x >= 0 {
+ fn.Iota = x
+ }
+ fn.ClosureType = check(fn.ClosureType, ctxType)
+ clo.SetType(fn.ClosureType.Type())
+ fn.SetClosureCalled(top&ctxCallee != 0)
+ // Do not typecheck fn twice, otherwise, we will end up pushing
+ // fn to Target.Decls multiple times, causing initLSym called twice.
+ // See #30709
+ if fn.Typecheck() == 1 {
+ return
+ }
+ for _, ln := range fn.ClosureVars {
+ n := ln.Defn
+ if !n.Name().Captured() {
+ n.Name().SetCaptured(true)
+ if n.Name().Decldepth == 0 {
+ base.Fatalf("typecheckclosure: var %v does not have decldepth assigned", n)
+ }
+ // Ignore assignments to the variable in straightline code
+ // preceding the first capturing by a closure.
+ if n.Name().Decldepth == decldepth {
+ n.Name().SetAssigned(false)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fn.Nname.SetSym(closurename(ir.CurFunc))
+ ir.MarkFunc(fn.Nname)
+ Func(fn)
+ // Type check the body now, but only if we're inside a function.
+ // At top level (in a variable initialization: curfn==nil) we're not
+ // ready to type check code yet; we'll check it later, because the
+ // underlying closure function we create is added to Target.Decls.
+ if ir.CurFunc != nil && clo.Type() != nil {
+ oldfn := ir.CurFunc
+ ir.CurFunc = fn
+ olddd := decldepth
+ decldepth = 1
+ Stmts(fn.Body)
+ decldepth = olddd
+ ir.CurFunc = oldfn
+ }
+ Target.Decls = append(Target.Decls, fn)
+// Lazy typechecking of imported bodies. For local functions, caninl will set ->typecheck
+// because they're a copy of an already checked body.
+func ImportedBody(fn *ir.Func) {
+ lno := ir.SetPos(fn.Nname)
+ ImportBody(fn)
+ // typecheckinl is only for imported functions;
+ // their bodies may refer to unsafe as long as the package
+ // was marked safe during import (which was checked then).
+ // the ->inl of a local function has been typechecked before caninl copied it.
+ pkg := fnpkg(fn.Nname)
+ if pkg == types.LocalPkg || pkg == nil {
+ return // typecheckinl on local function
+ }
+ if base.Flag.LowerM > 2 || base.Debug.Export != 0 {
+ fmt.Printf("typecheck import [%v] %L { %v }\n", fn.Sym(), fn, ir.Nodes(fn.Inl.Body))
+ }
+ savefn := ir.CurFunc
+ ir.CurFunc = fn
+ Stmts(fn.Inl.Body)
+ ir.CurFunc = savefn
+ // During expandInline (which imports fn.Func.Inl.Body),
+ // declarations are added to fn.Func.Dcl by funcHdr(). Move them
+ // to fn.Func.Inl.Dcl for consistency with how local functions
+ // behave. (Append because typecheckinl may be called multiple
+ // times.)
+ fn.Inl.Dcl = append(fn.Inl.Dcl, fn.Dcl...)
+ fn.Dcl = nil
+ base.Pos = lno
+// Get the function's package. For ordinary functions it's on the ->sym, but for imported methods
+// the ->sym can be re-used in the local package, so peel it off the receiver's type.
+func fnpkg(fn *ir.Name) *types.Pkg {
+ if ir.IsMethod(fn) {
+ // method
+ rcvr := fn.Type().Recv().Type
+ if rcvr.IsPtr() {
+ rcvr = rcvr.Elem()
+ }
+ if rcvr.Sym() == nil {
+ base.Fatalf("receiver with no sym: [%v] %L (%v)", fn.Sym(), fn, rcvr)
+ }
+ return rcvr.Sym().Pkg
+ }
+ // non-method
+ return fn.Sym().Pkg
+// CaptureVarsComplete is set to true when the capturevars phase is done.
+var CaptureVarsComplete bool
+// closurename generates a new unique name for a closure within
+// outerfunc.
+func closurename(outerfunc *ir.Func) *types.Sym {
+ outer := "glob."
+ prefix := "func"
+ gen := &globClosgen
+ if outerfunc != nil {
+ if outerfunc.OClosure != nil {
+ prefix = ""
+ }
+ outer = ir.FuncName(outerfunc)
+ // There may be multiple functions named "_". In those
+ // cases, we can't use their individual Closgens as it
+ // would lead to name clashes.
+ if !ir.IsBlank(outerfunc.Nname) {
+ gen = &outerfunc.Closgen
+ }
+ }
+ *gen++
+ return Lookup(fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s%d", outer, prefix, *gen))
+// globClosgen is like Func.Closgen, but for the global scope.
+var globClosgen int32
+// makepartialcall returns a DCLFUNC node representing the wrapper function (*-fm) needed
+// for partial calls.
+func makepartialcall(dot *ir.SelectorExpr, t0 *types.Type, meth *types.Sym) *ir.Func {
+ rcvrtype := dot.X.Type()
+ sym := ir.MethodSymSuffix(rcvrtype, meth, "-fm")
+ if sym.Uniq() {
+ return sym.Def.(*ir.Func)
+ }
+ sym.SetUniq(true)
+ savecurfn := ir.CurFunc
+ saveLineNo := base.Pos
+ ir.CurFunc = nil
+ // Set line number equal to the line number where the method is declared.
+ var m *types.Field
+ if lookdot0(meth, rcvrtype, &m, false) == 1 && m.Pos.IsKnown() {
+ base.Pos = m.Pos
+ }
+ // Note: !m.Pos.IsKnown() happens for method expressions where
+ // the method is implicitly declared. The Error method of the
+ // built-in error type is one such method. We leave the line
+ // number at the use of the method expression in this
+ // case. See issue 29389.
+ tfn := ir.NewFuncType(base.Pos, nil,
+ NewFuncParams(t0.Params(), true),
+ NewFuncParams(t0.Results(), false))
+ fn := DeclFunc(sym, tfn)
+ fn.SetDupok(true)
+ fn.SetNeedctxt(true)
+ // Declare and initialize variable holding receiver.
+ cr := ir.NewClosureRead(rcvrtype, types.Rnd(int64(types.PtrSize), int64(rcvrtype.Align)))
+ ptr := NewName(Lookup(".this"))
+ Declare(ptr, ir.PAUTO)
+ ptr.SetUsed(true)
+ var body []ir.Node
+ if rcvrtype.IsPtr() || rcvrtype.IsInterface() {
+ ptr.SetType(rcvrtype)
+ body = append(body, ir.NewAssignStmt(base.Pos, ptr, cr))
+ } else {
+ ptr.SetType(types.NewPtr(rcvrtype))
+ body = append(body, ir.NewAssignStmt(base.Pos, ptr, NodAddr(cr)))
+ }
+ call := ir.NewCallExpr(base.Pos, ir.OCALL, ir.NewSelectorExpr(base.Pos, ir.OXDOT, ptr, meth), nil)
+ call.Args.Set(ir.ParamNames(tfn.Type()))
+ call.IsDDD = tfn.Type().IsVariadic()
+ if t0.NumResults() != 0 {
+ ret := ir.NewReturnStmt(base.Pos, nil)
+ ret.Results = []ir.Node{call}
+ body = append(body, ret)
+ } else {
+ body = append(body, call)
+ }
+ fn.Body.Set(body)
+ FinishFuncBody()
+ Func(fn)
+ // Need to typecheck the body of the just-generated wrapper.
+ // typecheckslice() requires that Curfn is set when processing an ORETURN.
+ ir.CurFunc = fn
+ Stmts(fn.Body)
+ sym.Def = fn
+ Target.Decls = append(Target.Decls, fn)
+ ir.CurFunc = savecurfn
+ base.Pos = saveLineNo
+ return fn
+func typecheckpartialcall(n ir.Node, sym *types.Sym) *ir.CallPartExpr {
+ switch n.Op() {
+ break
+ default:
+ base.Fatalf("invalid typecheckpartialcall")
+ }
+ dot := n.(*ir.SelectorExpr)
+ // Create top-level function.
+ fn := makepartialcall(dot, dot.Type(), sym)
+ fn.SetWrapper(true)
+ return ir.NewCallPartExpr(dot.Pos(), dot.X, dot.Selection, fn)