path: root/api
diff options
authorMichael Pratt <mpratt@google.com>2021-09-30 13:26:19 -0400
committerMichael Pratt <mpratt@google.com>2021-10-04 20:20:20 +0000
commit2dc91a25f619c49b5d64af1b92497705a3325951 (patch)
treed4999df9e600eb73271ab4e84eff398c446e3bfc /api
parent579ff8b1313479b795e3b536f7b9444094060b32 (diff)
cmd/api: set architecture sizes when type checking
Otherwise the type checker defaults to amd64, which can break type-checking for definitions using unsafe.Sizeof. This has the side effect of changing the API output: constants with different values across architectures (e.g., MaxInt) are now individually listed per-arch. This actually makes the API file more accurate, but does introduce a one-time discontinuity. These changes have been integrated into the API files where the constants were added. Change-Id: I4bbb0b7a7f405d3adda2d83869475c8bacdeb6a9 Reviewed-on: https://go-review.googlesource.com/c/go/+/353331 Trust: Michael Pratt <mpratt@google.com> Run-TryBot: Michael Pratt <mpratt@google.com> TryBot-Result: Go Bot <gobot@golang.org> Reviewed-by: Dmitri Shuralyov <dmitshur@golang.org> Reviewed-by: Robert Findley <rfindley@google.com> Reviewed-by: Alexander Rakoczy <alex@golang.org>
Diffstat (limited to 'api')
3 files changed, 141 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/api/go1.1.txt b/api/go1.1.txt
index 81d095704a..bb00b3b02c 100644
--- a/api/go1.1.txt
+++ b/api/go1.1.txt
@@ -2603,7 +2603,34 @@ pkg runtime/debug, type GCStats struct, Pause []time.Duration
pkg runtime/debug, type GCStats struct, PauseQuantiles []time.Duration
pkg runtime/debug, type GCStats struct, PauseTotal time.Duration
pkg sort, func Reverse(Interface) Interface
-pkg strconv, const IntSize = 64
+pkg strconv (darwin-amd64), const IntSize = 64
+pkg strconv (darwin-amd64-cgo), const IntSize = 64
+pkg strconv (freebsd-386), const IntSize = 32
+pkg strconv (freebsd-386-cgo), const IntSize = 32
+pkg strconv (freebsd-amd64), const IntSize = 64
+pkg strconv (freebsd-amd64-cgo), const IntSize = 64
+pkg strconv (freebsd-arm), const IntSize = 32
+pkg strconv (freebsd-arm-cgo), const IntSize = 32
+pkg strconv (linux-386), const IntSize = 32
+pkg strconv (linux-386-cgo), const IntSize = 32
+pkg strconv (linux-amd64), const IntSize = 64
+pkg strconv (linux-amd64-cgo), const IntSize = 64
+pkg strconv (linux-arm), const IntSize = 32
+pkg strconv (linux-arm-cgo), const IntSize = 32
+pkg strconv (netbsd-386), const IntSize = 32
+pkg strconv (netbsd-386-cgo), const IntSize = 32
+pkg strconv (netbsd-amd64), const IntSize = 64
+pkg strconv (netbsd-amd64-cgo), const IntSize = 64
+pkg strconv (netbsd-arm), const IntSize = 32
+pkg strconv (netbsd-arm-cgo), const IntSize = 32
+pkg strconv (netbsd-arm64), const IntSize = 64
+pkg strconv (netbsd-arm64-cgo), const IntSize = 64
+pkg strconv (openbsd-386), const IntSize = 32
+pkg strconv (openbsd-386-cgo), const IntSize = 32
+pkg strconv (openbsd-amd64), const IntSize = 64
+pkg strconv (openbsd-amd64-cgo), const IntSize = 64
+pkg strconv (windows-386), const IntSize = 32
+pkg strconv (windows-amd64), const IntSize = 64
pkg strings, func TrimPrefix(string, string) string
pkg strings, func TrimSuffix(string, string) string
pkg strings, method (*Reader) WriteTo(io.Writer) (int64, error)
@@ -49366,7 +49393,7 @@ pkg syscall (windows-386), const IP_MULTICAST_TTL = 10
pkg syscall (windows-386), const IP_TOS = 3
pkg syscall (windows-386), const IP_TTL = 4
pkg syscall (windows-386), const ImplementsGetwd = true
-pkg syscall (windows-386), const InvalidHandle = 18446744073709551615
+pkg syscall (windows-386), const InvalidHandle = 4294967295
pkg syscall (windows-386), const KEY_ALL_ACCESS = 983103
pkg syscall (windows-386), const KEY_CREATE_LINK = 32
pkg syscall (windows-386), const KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY = 4
diff --git a/api/go1.17.txt b/api/go1.17.txt
index 48505381f1..ca2cd162f8 100644
--- a/api/go1.17.txt
+++ b/api/go1.17.txt
@@ -63,12 +63,93 @@ pkg image/draw, type RGBA64Image interface, RGBA64At(int, int) color.RGBA64
pkg image/draw, type RGBA64Image interface, Set(int, int, color.Color)
pkg image/draw, type RGBA64Image interface, SetRGBA64(int, int, color.RGBA64)
pkg io/fs, func FileInfoToDirEntry(FileInfo) DirEntry
+pkg math (darwin-amd64), const MaxInt = 9223372036854775807
+pkg math (darwin-amd64), const MaxUint = 18446744073709551615
+pkg math (darwin-amd64), const MinInt = -9223372036854775808
+pkg math (darwin-amd64-cgo), const MaxInt = 9223372036854775807
+pkg math (darwin-amd64-cgo), const MaxUint = 18446744073709551615
+pkg math (darwin-amd64-cgo), const MinInt = -9223372036854775808
+pkg math (freebsd-386), const MaxInt = 2147483647
+pkg math (freebsd-386), const MaxUint = 4294967295
+pkg math (freebsd-386), const MinInt = -2147483648
+pkg math (freebsd-386-cgo), const MaxInt = 2147483647
+pkg math (freebsd-386-cgo), const MaxUint = 4294967295
+pkg math (freebsd-386-cgo), const MinInt = -2147483648
+pkg math (freebsd-amd64), const MaxInt = 9223372036854775807
+pkg math (freebsd-amd64), const MaxUint = 18446744073709551615
+pkg math (freebsd-amd64), const MinInt = -9223372036854775808
+pkg math (freebsd-amd64-cgo), const MaxInt = 9223372036854775807
+pkg math (freebsd-amd64-cgo), const MaxUint = 18446744073709551615
+pkg math (freebsd-amd64-cgo), const MinInt = -9223372036854775808
+pkg math (freebsd-arm), const MaxInt = 2147483647
+pkg math (freebsd-arm), const MaxUint = 4294967295
+pkg math (freebsd-arm), const MinInt = -2147483648
+pkg math (freebsd-arm-cgo), const MaxInt = 2147483647
+pkg math (freebsd-arm-cgo), const MaxUint = 4294967295
+pkg math (freebsd-arm-cgo), const MinInt = -2147483648
+pkg math (linux-386), const MaxInt = 2147483647
+pkg math (linux-386), const MaxUint = 4294967295
+pkg math (linux-386), const MinInt = -2147483648
+pkg math (linux-386-cgo), const MaxInt = 2147483647
+pkg math (linux-386-cgo), const MaxUint = 4294967295
+pkg math (linux-386-cgo), const MinInt = -2147483648
+pkg math (linux-amd64), const MaxInt = 9223372036854775807
+pkg math (linux-amd64), const MaxUint = 18446744073709551615
+pkg math (linux-amd64), const MinInt = -9223372036854775808
+pkg math (linux-amd64-cgo), const MaxInt = 9223372036854775807
+pkg math (linux-amd64-cgo), const MaxUint = 18446744073709551615
+pkg math (linux-amd64-cgo), const MinInt = -9223372036854775808
+pkg math (linux-arm), const MaxInt = 2147483647
+pkg math (linux-arm), const MaxUint = 4294967295
+pkg math (linux-arm), const MinInt = -2147483648
+pkg math (linux-arm-cgo), const MaxInt = 2147483647
+pkg math (linux-arm-cgo), const MaxUint = 4294967295
+pkg math (linux-arm-cgo), const MinInt = -2147483648
+pkg math (netbsd-386), const MaxInt = 2147483647
+pkg math (netbsd-386), const MaxUint = 4294967295
+pkg math (netbsd-386), const MinInt = -2147483648
+pkg math (netbsd-386-cgo), const MaxInt = 2147483647
+pkg math (netbsd-386-cgo), const MaxUint = 4294967295
+pkg math (netbsd-386-cgo), const MinInt = -2147483648
+pkg math (netbsd-amd64), const MaxInt = 9223372036854775807
+pkg math (netbsd-amd64), const MaxUint = 18446744073709551615
+pkg math (netbsd-amd64), const MinInt = -9223372036854775808
+pkg math (netbsd-amd64-cgo), const MaxInt = 9223372036854775807
+pkg math (netbsd-amd64-cgo), const MaxUint = 18446744073709551615
+pkg math (netbsd-amd64-cgo), const MinInt = -9223372036854775808
+pkg math (netbsd-arm), const MaxInt = 2147483647
+pkg math (netbsd-arm), const MaxUint = 4294967295
+pkg math (netbsd-arm), const MinInt = -2147483648
+pkg math (netbsd-arm-cgo), const MaxInt = 2147483647
+pkg math (netbsd-arm-cgo), const MaxUint = 4294967295
+pkg math (netbsd-arm-cgo), const MinInt = -2147483648
+pkg math (netbsd-arm64), const MaxInt = 9223372036854775807
+pkg math (netbsd-arm64), const MaxUint = 18446744073709551615
+pkg math (netbsd-arm64), const MinInt = -9223372036854775808
+pkg math (netbsd-arm64-cgo), const MaxInt = 9223372036854775807
+pkg math (netbsd-arm64-cgo), const MaxUint = 18446744073709551615
+pkg math (netbsd-arm64-cgo), const MinInt = -9223372036854775808
+pkg math (openbsd-386), const MaxInt = 2147483647
+pkg math (openbsd-386), const MaxUint = 4294967295
+pkg math (openbsd-386), const MinInt = -2147483648
+pkg math (openbsd-386-cgo), const MaxInt = 2147483647
+pkg math (openbsd-386-cgo), const MaxUint = 4294967295
+pkg math (openbsd-386-cgo), const MinInt = -2147483648
+pkg math (openbsd-amd64), const MaxInt = 9223372036854775807
+pkg math (openbsd-amd64), const MaxUint = 18446744073709551615
+pkg math (openbsd-amd64), const MinInt = -9223372036854775808
+pkg math (openbsd-amd64-cgo), const MaxInt = 9223372036854775807
+pkg math (openbsd-amd64-cgo), const MaxUint = 18446744073709551615
+pkg math (openbsd-amd64-cgo), const MinInt = -9223372036854775808
+pkg math (windows-386), const MaxInt = 2147483647
+pkg math (windows-386), const MaxUint = 4294967295
+pkg math (windows-386), const MinInt = -2147483648
+pkg math (windows-amd64), const MaxInt = 9223372036854775807
+pkg math (windows-amd64), const MaxUint = 18446744073709551615
+pkg math (windows-amd64), const MinInt = -9223372036854775808
pkg math, const MaxFloat64 = 1.79769e+308 // 179769313486231570814527423731704356798070567525844996598917476803157260780028538760589558632766878171540458953514382464234321326889464182768467546703537516986049910576551282076245490090389328944075868508455133942304583236903222948165808559332123348274797826204144723168738177180919299881250404026184124858368
-pkg math, const MaxInt = 9223372036854775807
pkg math, const MaxInt ideal-int
-pkg math, const MaxUint = 18446744073709551615
pkg math, const MaxUint ideal-int
-pkg math, const MinInt = -9223372036854775808
pkg math, const MinInt ideal-int
pkg math, const SmallestNonzeroFloat32 = 1.4013e-45 // 1/713623846352979940529142984724747568191373312
pkg math, const SmallestNonzeroFloat64 = 4.94066e-324 // 1/202402253307310618352495346718917307049556649764142118356901358027430339567995346891960383701437124495187077864316811911389808737385793476867013399940738509921517424276566361364466907742093216341239767678472745068562007483424692698618103355649159556340810056512358769552333414615230502532186327508646006263307707741093494784
diff --git a/api/go1.9.txt b/api/go1.9.txt
index c23a17ea1a..87fae57920 100644
--- a/api/go1.9.txt
+++ b/api/go1.9.txt
@@ -49,7 +49,34 @@ pkg image/png, type EncoderBufferPool interface, Put(*EncoderBuffer)
pkg math/big, method (*Int) IsInt64() bool
pkg math/big, method (*Int) IsUint64() bool
pkg math/big, type Word uint
-pkg math/bits, const UintSize = 64
+pkg math/bits (darwin-amd64), const UintSize = 64
+pkg math/bits (darwin-amd64-cgo), const UintSize = 64
+pkg math/bits (freebsd-386), const UintSize = 32
+pkg math/bits (freebsd-386-cgo), const UintSize = 32
+pkg math/bits (freebsd-amd64), const UintSize = 64
+pkg math/bits (freebsd-amd64-cgo), const UintSize = 64
+pkg math/bits (freebsd-arm), const UintSize = 32
+pkg math/bits (freebsd-arm-cgo), const UintSize = 32
+pkg math/bits (linux-386), const UintSize = 32
+pkg math/bits (linux-386-cgo), const UintSize = 32
+pkg math/bits (linux-amd64), const UintSize = 64
+pkg math/bits (linux-amd64-cgo), const UintSize = 64
+pkg math/bits (linux-arm), const UintSize = 32
+pkg math/bits (linux-arm-cgo), const UintSize = 32
+pkg math/bits (netbsd-386), const UintSize = 32
+pkg math/bits (netbsd-386-cgo), const UintSize = 32
+pkg math/bits (netbsd-amd64), const UintSize = 64
+pkg math/bits (netbsd-amd64-cgo), const UintSize = 64
+pkg math/bits (netbsd-arm), const UintSize = 32
+pkg math/bits (netbsd-arm-cgo), const UintSize = 32
+pkg math/bits (netbsd-arm64), const UintSize = 64
+pkg math/bits (netbsd-arm64-cgo), const UintSize = 64
+pkg math/bits (openbsd-386), const UintSize = 32
+pkg math/bits (openbsd-386-cgo), const UintSize = 32
+pkg math/bits (openbsd-amd64), const UintSize = 64
+pkg math/bits (openbsd-amd64-cgo), const UintSize = 64
+pkg math/bits (windows-386), const UintSize = 32
+pkg math/bits (windows-amd64), const UintSize = 64
pkg math/bits, const UintSize ideal-int
pkg math/bits, func LeadingZeros(uint) int
pkg math/bits, func LeadingZeros16(uint16) int