path: root/src/test
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/test')
33 files changed, 6928 insertions, 2679 deletions
diff --git a/src/test/bench.c b/src/test/bench.c
index 70bac63727..825299835b 100644
--- a/src/test/bench.c
+++ b/src/test/bench.c
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ const char tor_git_revision[] = "";
#include "crypto_curve25519.h"
#include "onion_ntor.h"
+#include "crypto_ed25519.h"
static uint64_t nanostart;
@@ -79,6 +80,9 @@ perftime(void)
#define NANOCOUNT(start,end,iters) \
( ((double)((end)-(start))) / (iters) )
+#define MICROCOUNT(start,end,iters) \
+ ( NANOCOUNT((start), (end), (iters)) / 1000.0 )
/** Run AES performance benchmarks. */
static void
@@ -232,6 +236,63 @@ bench_onion_ntor(void)
dimap_free(keymap, NULL);
+static void
+ uint64_t start, end;
+ const int iters = 1<<12;
+ int i;
+ const uint8_t msg[] = "but leaving, could not tell what they had heard";
+ ed25519_signature_t sig;
+ ed25519_keypair_t kp;
+ curve25519_keypair_t curve_kp;
+ ed25519_public_key_t pubkey_tmp;
+ ed25519_secret_key_generate(&kp.seckey, 0);
+ start = perftime();
+ for (i = 0; i < iters; ++i) {
+ ed25519_public_key_generate(&kp.pubkey, &kp.seckey);
+ }
+ end = perftime();
+ printf("Generate public key: %.2f usec\n",
+ MICROCOUNT(start, end, iters));
+ start = perftime();
+ for (i = 0; i < iters; ++i) {
+ ed25519_sign(&sig, msg, sizeof(msg), &kp);
+ }
+ end = perftime();
+ printf("Sign a short message: %.2f usec\n",
+ MICROCOUNT(start, end, iters));
+ start = perftime();
+ for (i = 0; i < iters; ++i) {
+ ed25519_checksig(&sig, msg, sizeof(msg), &kp.pubkey);
+ }
+ end = perftime();
+ printf("Verify signature: %.2f usec\n",
+ MICROCOUNT(start, end, iters));
+ curve25519_keypair_generate(&curve_kp, 0);
+ start = perftime();
+ for (i = 0; i < iters; ++i) {
+ ed25519_public_key_from_curve25519_public_key(&pubkey_tmp,
+ &curve_kp.pubkey, 1);
+ }
+ end = perftime();
+ printf("Convert public point from curve25519: %.2f usec\n",
+ MICROCOUNT(start, end, iters));
+ curve25519_keypair_generate(&curve_kp, 0);
+ start = perftime();
+ for (i = 0; i < iters; ++i) {
+ ed25519_public_blind(&pubkey_tmp, &kp.pubkey, msg);
+ }
+ end = perftime();
+ printf("Blind a public key: %.2f usec\n",
+ MICROCOUNT(start, end, iters));
static void
@@ -514,6 +575,7 @@ static struct benchmark_t benchmarks[] = {
#ifdef CURVE25519_ENABLED
+ ENT(ed25519),
diff --git a/src/test/ b/src/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..93dc49ee93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+# Copyright 2014, The Tor Project, Inc
+# See LICENSE for licensing information
+ Reference implementations for the ed25519 tweaks that Tor uses.
+ Includes self-tester and test vector generator.
+import slow_ed25519
+from slow_ed25519 import *
+import os
+import random
+import slownacl_curve25519
+import unittest
+import binascii
+import textwrap
+#define a synonym that doesn't look like 1
+ell = l
+# This replaces expmod above and makes it go a lot faster.
+slow_ed25519.expmod = pow
+def curve25519ToEd25519(c, sign):
+ u = decodeint(c)
+ y = ((u - 1) * inv(u + 1)) % q
+ x = xrecover(y)
+ if x & 1 != sign: x = q-x
+ return encodepoint([x,y])
+def blindESK(esk, param):
+ h = H("Derive temporary signing key" + param)
+ mult = 2**(b-2) + sum(2**i * bit(h,i) for i in range(3,b-2))
+ s = decodeint(esk[:32])
+ s_prime = (s * mult) % ell
+ k = esk[32:]
+ assert(len(k) == 32)
+ k_prime = H("Derive temporary signing key hash input" + k)[:32]
+ return encodeint(s_prime) + k_prime
+def blindPK(pk, param):
+ h = H("Derive temporary signing key" + param)
+ mult = 2**(b-2) + sum(2**i * bit(h,i) for i in range(3,b-2))
+ P = decodepoint(pk)
+ return encodepoint(scalarmult(P, mult))
+def expandSK(sk):
+ h = H(sk)
+ a = 2**(b-2) + sum(2**i * bit(h,i) for i in range(3,b-2))
+ k = ''.join([h[i] for i in range(b/8,b/4)])
+ assert len(k) == 32
+ return encodeint(a)+k
+def publickeyFromESK(h):
+ a = decodeint(h[:32])
+ A = scalarmult(B,a)
+ return encodepoint(A)
+def signatureWithESK(m,h,pk):
+ a = decodeint(h[:32])
+ r = Hint(''.join([h[i] for i in range(b/8,b/4)]) + m)
+ R = scalarmult(B,r)
+ S = (r + Hint(encodepoint(R) + pk + m) * a) % l
+ return encodepoint(R) + encodeint(S)
+def newSK():
+ return os.urandom(32)
+# ------------------------------------------------------------
+MSG = "This is extremely silly. But it is also incredibly serious business!"
+class SelfTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ def _testSignatures(self, esk, pk):
+ sig = signatureWithESK(MSG, esk, pk)
+ checkvalid(sig, MSG, pk)
+ bad = False
+ try:
+ checkvalid(sig, MSG*2, pk)
+ bad = True
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ self.failIf(bad)
+ def testExpand(self):
+ sk = newSK()
+ pk = publickey(sk)
+ esk = expandSK(sk)
+ sig1 = signature(MSG, sk, pk)
+ sig2 = signatureWithESK(MSG, esk, pk)
+ self.assertEquals(sig1, sig2)
+ def testSignatures(self):
+ sk = newSK()
+ esk = expandSK(sk)
+ pk = publickeyFromESK(esk)
+ pk2 = publickey(sk)
+ self.assertEquals(pk, pk2)
+ self._testSignatures(esk, pk)
+ def testDerivation(self):
+ priv = slownacl_curve25519.Private()
+ pub = priv.get_public()
+ ed_pub0 = publickeyFromESK(priv.private)
+ sign = (ord(ed_pub0[31]) & 255) >> 7
+ ed_pub1 = curve25519ToEd25519(pub.public, sign)
+ self.assertEquals(ed_pub0, ed_pub1)
+ def testBlinding(self):
+ sk = newSK()
+ esk = expandSK(sk)
+ pk = publickeyFromESK(esk)
+ param = os.urandom(32)
+ besk = blindESK(esk, param)
+ bpk = blindPK(pk, param)
+ bpk2 = publickeyFromESK(besk)
+ self.assertEquals(bpk, bpk2)
+ self._testSignatures(besk, bpk)
+# ------------------------------------------------------------
+# From pprint.pprint([ binascii.b2a_hex(os.urandom(32)) for _ in xrange(8) ])
+ '26c76712d89d906e6672dafa614c42e5cb1caac8c6568e4d2493087db51f0d36',
+ 'fba7a5366b5cb98c2667a18783f5cf8f4f8d1a2ce939ad22a6e685edde85128d',
+ '67e3aa7a14fac8445d15e45e38a523481a69ae35513c9e4143eb1c2196729a0e',
+ 'd51385942033a76dc17f089a59e6a5a7fe80d9c526ae8ddd8c3a506b99d3d0a6',
+ '5c8eac469bb3f1b85bc7cd893f52dc42a9ab66f1b02b5ce6a68e9b175d3bb433',
+ 'eda433d483059b6d1ff8b7cfbd0fe406bfb23722c8f3c8252629284573b61b86',
+ '4377c40431c30883c5fbd9bc92ae48d1ed8a47b81d13806beac5351739b5533d',
+ 'c6bbcce615839756aed2cc78b1de13884dd3618f48367a17597a16c1cd7a290b']
+# From pprint.pprint([ binascii.b2a_hex(os.urandom(32)) for _ in xrange(8) ])
+ '54a513898b471d1d448a2f3c55c1de2c0ef718c447b04497eeb999ed32027823',
+ '831e9b5325b5d31b7ae6197e9c7a7baf2ec361e08248bce055908971047a2347',
+ 'ac78a1d46faf3bfbbdc5af5f053dc6dc9023ed78236bec1760dadfd0b2603760',
+ 'f9c84dc0ac31571507993df94da1b3d28684a12ad14e67d0a068aba5c53019fc',
+ 'b1fe79d1dec9bc108df69f6612c72812755751f21ecc5af99663b30be8b9081f',
+ '81f1512b63ab5fb5c1711a4ec83d379c420574aedffa8c3368e1c3989a3a0084',
+ '97f45142597c473a4b0e9a12d64561133ad9e1155fe5a9807fe6af8a93557818',
+ '3f44f6a5a92cde816635dfc12ade70539871078d2ff097278be2a555c9859cd0']
+PREFIX = "ED25519_"
+def writeArray(name, array):
+ print "static const char *{prefix}{name}[] = {{".format(
+ prefix=PREFIX,name=name)
+ for a in array:
+ h = binascii.b2a_hex(a)
+ if len(h) > 70:
+ h1 = h[:70]
+ h2 = h[70:]
+ print ' "{0}"\n "{1}",'.format(h1,h2)
+ else:
+ print ' "{0}",'.format(h)
+ print "};\n"
+def comment(text, initial="/**"):
+ print initial
+ print textwrap.fill(text,initial_indent=" * ",subsequent_indent=" * ")
+ print " */"
+def makeTestVectors():
+ comment("""Test vectors for our ed25519 implementation and related
+ functions. These were automatically generated by the
+ script.""", initial="/*")
+ comment("""Secret key seeds used as inputs for the ed25519 test vectors.
+ Randomly generated. """)
+ secretKeys = [ binascii.a2b_hex(r) for r in RAND_INPUTS ]
+ writeArray("SECRET_KEYS", secretKeys)
+ comment("""Secret ed25519 keys after expansion from seeds. This is how Tor
+ represents them internally.""")
+ expandedSecretKeys = [ expandSK(sk) for sk in secretKeys ]
+ writeArray("EXPANDED_SECRET_KEYS", expandedSecretKeys)
+ comment("""Public keys derived from the above secret keys""")
+ publicKeys = [ publickey(sk) for sk in secretKeys ]
+ writeArray("PUBLIC_KEYS", publicKeys)
+ comment("""The curve25519 public keys from which the ed25519 keys can be
+ derived. Used to test our 'derive ed25519 from curve25519'
+ code.""")
+ writeArray("CURVE25519_PUBLIC_KEYS",
+ (slownacl_curve25519.smult_curve25519_base(sk[:32])
+ for sk in expandedSecretKeys))
+ comment("""Parameters used for key blinding tests. Randomly generated.""")
+ blindingParams = [ binascii.a2b_hex(r) for r in BLINDING_PARAMS ]
+ writeArray("BLINDING_PARAMS", blindingParams)
+ comment("""Blinded secret keys for testing key blinding. The nth blinded
+ key corresponds to the nth secret key blidned with the nth
+ blinding parameter.""")
+ (blindESK(expandSK(sk), bp)
+ for sk,bp in zip(secretKeys,blindingParams)))
+ comment("""Blinded public keys for testing key blinding. The nth blinded
+ key corresponds to the nth public key blidned with the nth
+ blinding parameter.""")
+ (blindPK(pk, bp) for pk,bp in zip(publicKeys,blindingParams)))
+ comment("""Signatures of the public keys, made with their corresponding
+ secret keys.""")
+ writeArray("SELF_SIGNATURES",
+ (signature(pk, sk, pk) for pk,sk in zip(publicKeys,secretKeys)))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import sys
+ if len(sys.argv) == 1 or sys.argv[1] not in ("SelfTest", "MakeVectors"):
+ print "You should specify one of 'SelfTest' or 'MakeVectors'"
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if sys.argv[1] == 'SelfTest':
+ unittest.main()
+ else:
+ makeTestVectors()
diff --git a/src/test/ b/src/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..760bafb971
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+ * Test vectors for our ed25519 implementation and related
+ * functions. These were automatically generated by the
+ * script.
+ */
+ * Secret key seeds used as inputs for the ed25519 test vectors.
+ * Randomly generated.
+ */
+static const char *ED25519_SECRET_KEYS[] = {
+ "26c76712d89d906e6672dafa614c42e5cb1caac8c6568e4d2493087db51f0d36",
+ "fba7a5366b5cb98c2667a18783f5cf8f4f8d1a2ce939ad22a6e685edde85128d",
+ "67e3aa7a14fac8445d15e45e38a523481a69ae35513c9e4143eb1c2196729a0e",
+ "d51385942033a76dc17f089a59e6a5a7fe80d9c526ae8ddd8c3a506b99d3d0a6",
+ "5c8eac469bb3f1b85bc7cd893f52dc42a9ab66f1b02b5ce6a68e9b175d3bb433",
+ "eda433d483059b6d1ff8b7cfbd0fe406bfb23722c8f3c8252629284573b61b86",
+ "4377c40431c30883c5fbd9bc92ae48d1ed8a47b81d13806beac5351739b5533d",
+ "c6bbcce615839756aed2cc78b1de13884dd3618f48367a17597a16c1cd7a290b",
+ * Secret ed25519 keys after expansion from seeds. This is how Tor
+ * represents them internally.
+ */
+static const char *ED25519_EXPANDED_SECRET_KEYS[] = {
+ "c0a4de23cc64392d85aa1da82b3defddbea946d13bb053bf8489fa9296281f495022f1"
+ "f7ec0dcf52f07d4c7965c4eaed121d5d88d0a8ff546b06116a20e97755",
+ "18a8a69a06790dac778e882f7e868baacfa12521a5c058f5194f3a729184514a2a656f"
+ "e7799c3e41f43d756da8d9cd47a061316cfe6147e23ea2f90d1ca45f30",
+ "58d84f8862d2ecfa30eb491a81c36d05b574310ea69dae18ecb57e992a896656b98218"
+ "7ee96c15bf4caeeab2d0b0ae4cd0b8d17470fc7efa98bb26428f4ef36d",
+ "50702d20b3550c6e16033db5ad4fba16436f1ecc7485be6af62b0732ceb5d173c47ccd"
+ "9d044b6ea99dd99256adcc9c62191be194e7cb1a5b58ddcec85d876a2b",
+ "7077464c864c2ed5ed21c9916dc3b3ba6256f8b742fec67658d8d233dadc8d5a7a82c3"
+ "71083cc86892c2c8782dda2a09b6baf016aec51b689183ae59ce932ff2",
+ "8883c1387a6c86fc0bd7b9f157b4e4cd83f6885bf55e2706d2235d4527a2f05311a359"
+ "5953282e436df0349e1bb313a19b3ddbf7a7b91ecce8a2c34abadb38b3",
+ "186791ac8d03a3ac8efed6ac360467edd5a3bed2d02b3be713ddd5be53b3287ee37436"
+ "e5fd7ac43794394507ad440ecfdf59c4c255f19b768a273109e06d7d8e",
+ "b003077c1e52a62308eef7950b2d532e1d4a7eea50ad22d8ac11b892851f1c40ffb9c9"
+ "ff8dcd0c6c233f665a2e176324d92416bfcfcd1f787424c0c667452d86",
+ * Public keys derived from the above secret keys
+ */
+static const char *ED25519_PUBLIC_KEYS[] = {
+ "c2247870536a192d142d056abefca68d6193158e7c1a59c1654c954eccaff894",
+ "1519a3b15816a1aafab0b213892026ebf5c0dc232c58b21088d88cb90e9b940d",
+ "081faa81992e360ea22c06af1aba096e7a73f1c665bc8b3e4e531c46455fd1dd",
+ "73cfa1189a723aad7966137cbffa35140bb40d7e16eae4c40b79b5f0360dd65a",
+ "66c1a77104d86461b6f98f73acf3cd229c80624495d2d74d6fda1e940080a96b",
+ "d21c294db0e64cb2d8976625786ede1d9754186ae8197a64d72f68c792eecc19",
+ "c4d58b4cf85a348ff3d410dd936fa460c4f18da962c01b1963792b9dcc8a6ea6",
+ "95126f14d86494020665face03f2d42ee2b312a85bc729903eb17522954a1c4a",
+ * The curve25519 public keys from which the ed25519 keys can be
+ * derived. Used to test our 'derive ed25519 from curve25519'
+ * code.
+ */
+static const char *ED25519_CURVE25519_PUBLIC_KEYS[] = {
+ "17ba77846e04c7ee5ca17cade774ac1884408f9701f439d4df32cbd8736c6a1f",
+ "022be2124bc1899a78ba2b4167d191af3b59cadf94f0382bc31ce183a117f161",
+ "bf4fd38ef22f718f03c0a12ba5127bd1e3afd494793753f519728b29cc577571",
+ "56c493e490261cef31633efd2461d2b896908e90459e4eecde950a895aef681d",
+ "089675a3e8ff2a7d8b2844a79269c95b7f97a4b8b5ea0cbeec669c6f2dea9b39",
+ "59e20dcb691c4a345fe86c8a79ac817e5b514d84bbf0512a842a08e43f7f087e",
+ "9e43b820b320eda35f66f122c155b2bf8e2192c468617b7115bf067d19e08369",
+ "861f33296cb57f8f01e4a5e8a7e5d5d7043a6247586ab36dea8a1a3c4403ee30",
+ * Parameters used for key blinding tests. Randomly generated.
+ */
+static const char *ED25519_BLINDING_PARAMS[] = {
+ "54a513898b471d1d448a2f3c55c1de2c0ef718c447b04497eeb999ed32027823",
+ "831e9b5325b5d31b7ae6197e9c7a7baf2ec361e08248bce055908971047a2347",
+ "ac78a1d46faf3bfbbdc5af5f053dc6dc9023ed78236bec1760dadfd0b2603760",
+ "f9c84dc0ac31571507993df94da1b3d28684a12ad14e67d0a068aba5c53019fc",
+ "b1fe79d1dec9bc108df69f6612c72812755751f21ecc5af99663b30be8b9081f",
+ "81f1512b63ab5fb5c1711a4ec83d379c420574aedffa8c3368e1c3989a3a0084",
+ "97f45142597c473a4b0e9a12d64561133ad9e1155fe5a9807fe6af8a93557818",
+ "3f44f6a5a92cde816635dfc12ade70539871078d2ff097278be2a555c9859cd0",
+ * Blinded secret keys for testing key blinding. The nth blinded
+ * key corresponds to the nth secret key blidned with the nth
+ * blinding parameter.
+ */
+static const char *ED25519_BLINDED_SECRET_KEYS[] = {
+ "014e83abadb2ca9a27e0ffe23920333d817729f48700e97656ec2823d694050e171d43"
+ "f24e3f53e70ec7ac280044ac77d4942dee5d6807118a59bdf3ee647e89",
+ "fad8cca0b4335847795288b1452508752b253e64e6c7c78d4a02dbbd7d46aa0eb8ceff"
+ "20dfcf53eb52b891fc078c934efbf0353af7242e7dc51bb32a093afa29",
+ "116eb0ae0a4a91763365bdf86db427b00862db448487808788cc339ac10e5e089217f5"
+ "2e92797462bd890fc274672e05c98f2c82970d640084781334aae0f940",
+ "bd1fbb0ee5acddc4adbcf5f33e95d9445f40326ce579fdd764a24483a9ccb20f509ece"
+ "e77082ce088f7c19d5a00e955eeef8df6fa41686abc1030c2d76807733",
+ "237f5345cefe8573ce9fa7e216381a1172796c9e3f70668ab503b1352952530fb57b95"
+ "a440570659a440a3e4771465022a8e67af86bdf2d0990c54e7bb87ff9a",
+ "ba8ff23bc4ad2b739e1ccffc9fbc7837053ea81cdfdb15073f56411cfbae1d0ec492fc"
+ "87d5ec2a1b185ca5a40541fdef0b1e128fd5c2380c888bfa924711bcab",
+ "0fa68f969de038c7a90a4a74ee6167c77582006f2dedecc1956501ba6b6fb10391b476"
+ "8f8e556d78f4bdcb9a13b6f6066fe81d3134ae965dc48cd0785b3af2b8",
+ "deaa3456d1c21944d5dcd361a646858c6cf9336b0a6851d925717eb1ae186902053d9c"
+ "00c81e1331c06ab50087be8cfc7dc11691b132614474f1aa9c2503cccd",
+ * Blinded public keys for testing key blinding. The nth blinded
+ * key corresponds to the nth public key blidned with the nth
+ * blinding parameter.
+ */
+static const char *ED25519_BLINDED_PUBLIC_KEYS[] = {
+ "722d6da6348e618967ef782e71061e27163a8b35f21856475d9d2023f65b6495",
+ "1dffa0586da6cbfcff2024eedf4fc6c818242d9a82dbbe635d6da1b975a1160d",
+ "5ed81f98fed5a6acda4ea6da2c34fab0ab359d950c510c256473f1f33ff438b4",
+ "6e6f92a54fb282120c46d9603df41135f025bc1f58f283809d04be96aeb04040",
+ "cda236f28edc4c7e02d18007b8dab49d669265b0f7aefb1824d7cc8e73a2cd63",
+ "367b03b17b67ca7329b89a520bdab91782402a41cd67264e34b5541a4b3f875b",
+ "8d486b03ac4e3b486b7a1d563706c7fdac75aee789a7cf6f22789eedeff61a31",
+ "9f297ff0aa2ceda91c5ab1b6446f12533d145940de6d850dc323417afde0cb78",
+ * Signatures of the public keys, made with their corresponding
+ * secret keys.
+ */
+static const char *ED25519_SELF_SIGNATURES[] = {
+ "d23188eac3773a316d46006fa59c095060be8b1a23582a0dd99002a82a0662bd246d84"
+ "49e172e04c5f46ac0d1404cebe4aabd8a75a1457aa06cae41f3334f104",
+ "3a785ac1201c97ee5f6f0d99323960d5f264c7825e61aa7cc81262f15bef75eb4fa572"
+ "3add9b9d45b12311b6d403eb3ac79ff8e4e631fc3cd51e4ad2185b200b",
+ "cf431fd0416bfbd20c9d95ef9b723e2acddffb33900edc72195dea95965d52d888d30b"
+ "7b8a677c0bd8ae1417b1e1a0ec6700deadd5d8b54b6689275e04a04509",
+ "2375380cd72d1a6c642aeddff862be8a5804b916acb72c02d9ed052c1561881aa658a5"
+ "af856fcd6d43113e42f698cd6687c99efeef7f2ce045824440d26c5d00",
+ "2385a472f599ca965bbe4d610e391cdeabeba9c336694b0d6249e551458280be122c24"
+ "41dd9746a81bbfb9cd619364bab0df37ff4ceb7aefd24469c39d3bc508",
+ "e500cd0b8cfff35442f88008d894f3a2fa26ef7d3a0ca5714ae0d3e2d40caae58ba7cd"
+ "f69dd126994dad6be536fcda846d89dd8138d1683cc144c8853dce7607",
+ "d187b9e334b0050154de10bf69b3e4208a584e1a65015ec28b14bcc252cf84b8baa9c9"
+ "4867daa60f2a82d09ba9652d41e8dde292b624afc8d2c26441b95e3c0e",
+ "815213640a643d198bd056e02bba74e1c8d2d931643e84497adf3347eb485079c9afe0"
+ "afce9284cdc084946b561abbb214f1304ca11228ff82702185cf28f60d",
diff --git a/src/test/ b/src/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..606279a765
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+static const char EX_EI_MINIMAL[] =
+ "extra-info bob 3E1B2DC141F2B7C6A0F3C4ED9A14A9C35762E24B\n"
+ "published 2014-10-05 20:07:00\n"
+ "router-signature\n"
+ "-----BEGIN SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ "K5GAkVjpUlofL78NIOE1VDxFn8yYbHK50rVuZG2HxqG/727bon+uMprv4MHjfDcP\n"
+ "V3l9u1uUdGiUPOl8j+hRNw4z/ODeCj/24r2+L32MTjyfUhK49Ld2IlK9iZKlgKYi\n"
+ "zyoatxdAjU8Xc5WPX692HO4/R9CGLsUfYcEEFU2R3EA=\n"
+ "-----END SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ ;
+static const char EX_EI_MINIMAL_FP[] = "3E1B2DC141F2B7C6A0F3C4ED9A14A9C35762E24B";
+static const char EX_EI_MINIMAL_KEY[] =
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "MIGJAoGBALSppIF3t3wOAm4fzxRvK+q/wh1gGAWwS0JEn8d+c/x+rt1oQabGkqsB\n"
+ "GU6rz1z1AN02W0P2+EcyJQVBjGR3gHQNoDGx0KIdnr3caGAw3XmQXrJLPaViEk28\n"
+ "RJMxx6umpP27YKSyEMHgVTDXblKImT0mE7fVOx8tD0EWRYazmp4NAgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n";
+static const char EX_EI_MAXIMAL[] =
+ "extra-info bob FF8248FE780A7236D3FA5D62DEA642055135F942\n"
+ "published 2014-10-05 20:07:00\n"
+ "opt foobarbaz\n"
+ "read-history 900 1,2,3\n"
+ "write-history 900 1,2,3\n"
+ "dirreq-v2-ips 1\n"
+ "dirreq-v3-ips 100\n"
+ "dirreq-v3-reqs blahblah\n"
+ "dirreq-v2-share blahblah\n"
+ "dirreq-v3-share blahblah\n"
+ "dirreq-v2-resp djfkdj\n"
+ "dirreq-v3-resp djfkdj\n"
+ "dirreq-v2-direct-dl djfkdj\n"
+ "dirreq-v3-direct-dl djfkdj\n"
+ "dirreq-v2-tunneled-dl djfkdj\n"
+ "dirreq-v3-tunneled-dl djfkdj\n"
+ "dirreq-stats-end foobar\n"
+ "entry-ips jfsdfds\n"
+ "entry-stats-end ksdflkjfdkf\n"
+ "cell-stats-end FOO\n"
+ "cell-processed-cells FOO\n"
+ "cell-queued-cells FOO\n"
+ "cell-time-in-queue FOO\n"
+ "cell-circuits-per-decile FOO\n"
+ "exit-stats-end FOO\n"
+ "exit-kibibytes-written FOO\n"
+ "exit-kibibytes-read FOO\n"
+ "exit-streams-opened FOO\n"
+ "router-signature\n"
+ "-----BEGIN SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ "ZO79bLlWVNIruCnWW9duDcOKydPWbL5DfrpUv5IRLF4MMFoacMUdJPDUs9e+wY2C\n"
+ "zndHe6i2JK7yKJj+uCOSC8cx61OLG+kVxMLJ/qhA4H5thrYb+GpzMKwbHzQc3PTH\n"
+ "zHRzj041iWXTL7/DMaQlpJOBoac/wTSIKzoV2B00jBw=\n"
+ "-----END SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ ;
+static const char EX_EI_MAXIMAL_FP[] = "FF8248FE780A7236D3FA5D62DEA642055135F942";
+static const char EX_EI_MAXIMAL_KEY[] =
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "MIGJAoGBANSpkYhHUW1EqodY4d3JRbvEM1vjjR/vEE8gjONiJ5t2Sten53jzt8bh\n"
+ "8/VJn7pQGs8zR5CIxCw4P68xMtZJJedS3hhjqubheOE/yW1DtpkiCf+zVEaLpeA8\n"
+ "fYQChkRICnR/BZd4W9bbohLVII5ym2PaJt2ihB3FeVZIsGXm4wxhAgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n";
+static const char EX_EI_BAD_SIG1[] =
+ "extra-info bob 3E1B2DC141F2B7C6A0F3C4ED9A14A9C35762E24B\n"
+ "published 2014-10-05 20:07:00\n"
+ "router-signature\n"
+ "-----BEGIN SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ "K5GAkVjpUlofL78NIOE1VDxFn8yYbHK50rVuZG2HxqG/727bon+uMprv4MHjfDcP\n"
+ "V3l9u1uUdGiUPOl8j+hXXw4z/ODeCj/24r2+L32MTjyfUhK49Ld2IlK9iZKlgKYi\n"
+ "zyoatxdAjU8Xc5WPX692HO4/R9CGLsUfYcEEFU2R3EA=\n"
+ "-----END SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ ;
+static const char EX_EI_BAD_SIG2[] =
+ "extra-info bob 3E1B2DC141F2B7C6A0F3C4ED9A14A9C35762E24B\n"
+ "published 2014-10-06 20:07:00\n"
+ "router-signature\n"
+ "-----BEGIN SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ "K5GAkVjpUlofL78NIOE1VDxFn8yYbHK50rVuZG2HxqG/727bon+uMprv4MHjfDcP\n"
+ "V3l9u1uUdGiUPOl8j+hRNw4z/ODeCj/24r2+L32MTjyfUhK49Ld2IlK9iZKlgKYi\n"
+ "zyoatxdAjU8Xc5WPX692HO4/R9CGLsUfYcEEFU2R3EA=\n"
+ "-----END SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ ;
+static const char EX_EI_BAD_SIG3[] =
+ "extra-info bob 3E1B2DC141F2B7C6A0F3C4ED9A14A9C35762E24B\n"
+ "published 2014-10-05 20:07:00\n"
+ "router-signature\n"
+ "-----BEGIN SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ "K5GAkVjpUlofL78NIOE1VDxFn8yYbHK50rVuZG2HxqG/727bon+uMprv4MHjfDcP\n"
+ "V3l9u1uUdGiUPOl8j+hRNw4z/ODeCj/24r2+L32MTjyfUhK49Ld2IlK9iZKlgKYi\n"
+ "zyoatxdAjU8Xc5WPX692HO4/R9CGLsUfYcEEFU2=\n"
+ "-----END SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ ;
+static const char EX_EI_BAD_FP[] =
+ "extra-info bob C34293303F0F1E42CB14E593717B834E8E53797D8888\n"
+ "published 2014-10-05 20:07:00\n"
+ "router-signature\n"
+ "-----BEGIN SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ "IDA8ryUYeMx7+Au/xQmX7Y8fXksoHUOXmePND2JYM4rPfishQJ1LpQ15KrolOZDH\n"
+ "FVIk3RmCefNlJeS1/UgWPcU8u2nGw1YQuRBHF4ViTmZ0OevI1pTsSApl4+oIx2dy\n"
+ "DGgCQmKfMbaOixIK8Ioh1Z2NUfMkjbUUE2WWgFTAsac=\n"
+ "-----END SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ ;
+static const char EX_EI_BAD_FP_FP[] = "C34293303F0F1E42CB14E593717B834E8E53797D";
+static const char EX_EI_BAD_FP_KEY[] =
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "MIGJAoGBAKXMSbif4fG+BW/5lIq5V1tMRondIUfKiNizp0E6EcBw5LvYfQV6zrj8\n"
+ "HmMFbB/WGf9XGVMxIBzxzeQBRvCQJh+0QH7+ju5/isIHJZsACMILepr6ywmCcjVU\n"
+ "iYRtC8zGQLqfkf2cNoo7AhcI5i/YzyW2u1zmbPX5J+8sUErfxydbAgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n";
+static const char EX_EI_BAD_NICKNAME[] =
+ "extra-info bobhasaverylongnameandidontthinkweshouldlethim A4EA2389A52459B3F7C7121A46012F098BDFC2A4\n"
+ "published 2014-10-05 20:07:00\n"
+ "router-signature\n"
+ "-----BEGIN SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ "e2wLJFThRMGawxKrQPuH2XCLek/LJsg4XOB8waAjE0xdHOrzjur9x1jIxy7DVU6t\n"
+ "z1edbIoL24qucMJvFy2xjSQhFRX4OsyNc0nWr3LfJnTW9aEmxuwXM+mltUD2uFN1\n"
+ "2vYOIQjUmJwS2yfeSKnhXEl2PWVUmgzYL3r4S5kHco4=\n"
+ "-----END SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ ;
+static const char EX_EI_BAD_NICKNAME_FP[] = "A4EA2389A52459B3F7C7121A46012F098BDFC2A4";
+static const char EX_EI_BAD_NICKNAME_KEY[] =
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "MIGJAoGBAKfq7oxD1kMu1+zeG2UVXN4vOu6FDp0V/olA3ttmXpUCgCiBxWTgtwNl\n"
+ "nPf0HcKMaCp/0D9XrbhvIoOsg0OTf1TcJfGsA/zPG7jrWYa4xhD50KYvty9EINK9\n"
+ "/UBWNSyXCFDMqnddb/LZ8+VgttmxfYkpeRzSSmDijN3RbOvYJhhBAgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n";
+const char EX_EI_BAD_TOKENS[] =
+ "extra-info bob 6F314FB01A31162BD5E473D4977AC570DC5B86BB\n"
+ "published 2014-10-05 20:07:00\n"
+ "published 2014-10-05 20:07:00\n"
+ "router-signature\n"
+ "-----BEGIN SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ "lhRIafrkKoQmnUoBLiq4XC8XKXrleGJZ5vefkLcgjOJ5IffsvVdIA7Vqq/ISbPrG\n"
+ "b/Zs0sJNL6naHPxJBglgHJqksSyiYHaeOetXg2Rb+vZ1v2S5BrVgk1nPMDhyIzqc\n"
+ "zU7eCxFf/1sXKtWlEKxGdX4LmVfnIln5aI31Bc4xRrE=\n"
+ "-----END SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ ;
+const char EX_EI_BAD_TOKENS_FP[] = "6F314FB01A31162BD5E473D4977AC570DC5B86BB";
+const char EX_EI_BAD_TOKENS_KEY[] =
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "MIGJAoGBAL7Z8tz45Tb4tnEFS2sAyjubBV/giSfZdmXRkDV8Jo4xqWqhWFJn7+zN\n"
+ "AXBWBThGeVH2WXrpz5seNJXgZJPxMTMsrnSCGcRXZw0Npti2MkLuQ6+prZa+OPwE\n"
+ "OyC6jivtAaY/o9iYQjDC2avLXD3N4LvoygyF418KnNcjbzuFygffAgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n";
+static const char EX_EI_BAD_START[] =
+ "published 2014-10-05 20:07:00\n"
+ "extra-info bob 5CCCACE71A9BDB5E8E0C942AB3407452350434C0\n"
+ "router-signature\n"
+ "-----BEGIN SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ "BOiWgexqCAMZ8uyJ7jwBwRkz7Ox8cT4BImkmkV3bQiZgcWvPiYA3EnCm2ye48Ldg\n"
+ "zBST2p6zJM5o4MEDYGMxfViS86Abj/z7DOY1gtLhjmAaVjIIpXc3koxEZtzCecqy\n"
+ "JQz6xEg9/KoEuoT0DRrfYQ+KtQfzBDWrotfOvEa1rvc=\n"
+ "-----END SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ ;
+static const char EX_EI_BAD_START_FP[] = "5CCCACE71A9BDB5E8E0C942AB3407452350434C0";
+static const char EX_EI_BAD_START_KEY[] =
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "MIGJAoGBAK2OCIfM6Cin/lq99Z3w9tl6HeyGlkBZu9MQEPHxqGIHTq78lIC1UkrC\n"
+ "6NTqlrHBV9dmfzdwJn4GgMWsCZafL0FPIH3HNyNKUxLgyjixyKljHx2rfErSfOxI\n"
+ "bMoOGBKv7m1EZZ0O5uG9ly9MBiNGdJyLdlnVvH7wSCnYciizpO4lAgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n";
+static const char EX_EI_BAD_PUBLISHED[] =
+ "extra-info bob E67C477E3536BDE348BD407426D9679E5AE0BC16\n"
+ "published 2014-99-05 20:07:00\n"
+ "router-signature\n"
+ "-----BEGIN SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ "l45IziBaXRKIjPAIUogMFNjQgH6k6Vm0+6r5+oByr4sP+B3ufNdUA6+WqBs43F0Z\n"
+ "IqcJiT9nFn0DuNd/liOyOCixppDLx5h5NrhoGqcT3ySADEEXhzjlmc35TI3YBNVO\n"
+ "v98fotmwIEg9YRWVGPg6XuIn2PRyiboFyjUpaYGCV0Q=\n"
+ "-----END SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ ;
+static const char EX_EI_BAD_PUBLISHED_FP[] = "E67C477E3536BDE348BD407426D9679E5AE0BC16";
+static const char EX_EI_BAD_PUBLISHED_KEY[] =
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "MIGJAoGBAL7q8GEI18iv8Fo0QbNHmFatQ2FNacalPldpmKUdMJYEVZtdOR0nhcrY\n"
+ "BvG6303md3INygg+KP49RvWEJR/cU4RZ9QfHpORxH2OocMyRedw2rLex2E7jNNSi\n"
+ "52yd1sHFYI8ZQ4aff+ZHUjJUGKRyqpbc8okVbq/Rl7vug0dd12eHAgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n";
diff --git a/src/test/ b/src/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b49d59fd8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,668 @@
+/* This one actually succeeds */
+static const char EX_RI_MINIMAL[] =
+ "router fred 9001 0 9002\n"
+ "signing-key\n"
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "MIGJAoGBAObzT4opT9uaThByupbb96tYxVpGxzL9CRPKUcU0beGpHyognD9USHWc\n"
+ "SpSpKfBL5P3xr2i/XTs34M4UTbT9PE7bVyxv7RD/BZmI4gc8R3PMU77xxbpEU5bK\n"
+ "LF3QUPpuB88m/2fXUGgMNVDc5MIq6pod2NRoDpeU7WA8T3ewXzK5AgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "onion-key\n"
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "MIGJAoGBAM1QKsQiup9DNMCgNeE2FkAhCWzpMZKCn1nNlZbDGfE3Z22ex6bdWWY6\n"
+ "ocEZ3JZDsZsnaZrdYxrL3Mquq7MbHdfx90EdlOvDRP1SAIbZ55mLR77fZTu4BKd/\n"
+ "h9BC6I26uZE0QavFq3+BhoVVhVn5Mqv05nR9CeUMSSZLxw/RJm4DAgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "published 2014-10-05 12:00:00\n"
+ "bandwidth 1000 1000 1000\n"
+ "reject *:*\n"
+ "router-signature\n"
+ "-----BEGIN SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ "Ft/y3JXowjItgfTHwYcZzuUgXrskluoINW5sr+GQoNYE2F4sT8o0tBBJwqJ6FwKd\n"
+ "fkIprv9UXqkv5iY+pXSYSI12mY1K5GMNkXiObk46NjuoNNP9l8oidhO6eNfcE+k3\n"
+ "CRIYS4FbBaD0fWUSwgMuo0Bp83/Wzp3B9ytEBh0/624=\n"
+ "-----END SIGNATURE-----\n";
+/* So does this, and it's bigger. */
+static const char EX_RI_MAXIMAL[] =
+ "router fred 9001 0 9002\n"
+ "signing-key\n"
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "MIGJAoGBANNI56H+b7SW5LMzvXyY5NJzXszsHZZ4O1CPm4CePhBsAz1r0s1JYJ1F\n"
+ "Anrc0mEcLtmj0c5+HnhPBNrfpjO6G94Wp3NZMVykHDhfNVDBRyFZMroG8/GlysYB\n"
+ "MQPGQYR0xBgiuclNHoyk/vygQhZekumamu2O86EIPcfg9LhGIgEbAgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "onion-key\n"
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "MIGJAoGBALvuNVSmg6R9USFbQcNbRjMCJAV0Rwdv0DlS6Rl02ibJgb01G7v391xE\n"
+ "d9Njzgf93n8gOrE195bkUbvS6k/DM3HFGgArq6q9AZ2LTbu3KbAYy1YPsSIh07kB\n"
+ "/8kkvRRGx37X9WGZU3j5VUEuzqI//xDE9lbanlnnFXpnb6ymehDJAgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "published 2014-10-05 12:00:00\n"
+ "bandwidth 1000 1000 1000\n"
+ "reject*\n"
+ "accept *:80\n"
+ "reject *:*\n"
+ "ipv6-policy accept 80,100,101\n"
+ "ntor-onion-key s7rSohmz9SXn8WWh1EefTHIsWePthsEntQi0WL+ScVw\n"
+ "uptime 1000\n"
+ "hibernating 0\n"
+ "unrecognized-keywords are just dandy in this format\n"
+ "platform Tor on a Banana PC Jr 6000 Series\n"
+ "contact O.W.Jones\n"
+ "fingerprint CC43 DC8E 8C9E 3E6D 59CD 0399 2491 0C8C E1E4 50D2\n"
+ "read-history 900 1,2,3,4\n"
+ "write-history 900 1,2,3,4\n"
+ "hidden-service-dir\n"
+ "allow-single-hop-exits\n"
+ "caches-extra-info\n"
+ "or-address [::1:2:3:4]:9999\n"
+ "or-address\n"
+ "opt fred is a fine router\n"
+ "router-signature\n"
+ "-----BEGIN SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ "x5cxL2h2UsEKk2OVnCTxOF8a89HAe/HwQnSlrBy8+l0YdVCcePDJhm1WyWU7ToHZ\n"
+ "K8auwreuw+u/n14sQHPYrM9NQE689hP4LC9AYOnrCnMHysfVqKuou+DSKYYRgs0D\n"
+ "ySCmJ9p+xekfmms+JBmS5o5DVo48VGlG0VksegoB264=\n"
+ "-----END SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ ;
+/* I've messed with 12 bits of the signature on this one */
+static const char EX_RI_BAD_SIG1[] =
+ "router fred 9001 0 9002\n"
+ "signing-key\n"
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "MIGJAoGBAObzT4opT9uaThByupbb96tYxVpGxzL9CRPKUcU0beGpHyognD9USHWc\n"
+ "SpSpKfBL5P3xr2i/XTs34M4UTbT9PE7bVyxv7RD/BZmI4gc8R3PMU77xxbpEU5bK\n"
+ "LF3QUPpuB88m/2fXUGgMNVDc5MIq6pod2NRoDpeU7WA8T3ewXzK5AgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "onion-key\n"
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "MIGJAoGBAM1QKsQiup9DNMCgNeE2FkAhCWzpMZKCn1nNlZbDGfE3Z22ex6bdWWY6\n"
+ "ocEZ3JZDsZsnaZrdYxrL3Mquq7MbHdfx90EdlOvDRP1SAIbZ55mLR77fZTu4BKd/\n"
+ "h9BC6I26uZE0QavFq3+BhoVVhVn5Mqv05nR9CeUMSSZLxw/RJm4DAgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "published 2014-10-05 12:00:00\n"
+ "bandwidth 1000 1000 1000\n"
+ "reject *:*\n"
+ "router-signature\n"
+ "-----BEGIN SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ "Ft/y3JXowjItgfTHwYcZzuUgXrskluoINW5sr+GQoNYE2F4sT8o0tBBJwqJ6FwKd\n"
+ "fkIprv9UXqkv5iY+pXSYXX12mY1K5GMNkXiObk46NjuoNNP9l8oidhO6eNfcE+k3\n"
+ "CRIYS4FbBaD0fWUSwgMuo0Bp83/Wzp3B9ytEBh0/624=\n"
+ "-----END SIGNATURE-----\n";
+/* This is a good signature of the wrong data: I changed 'published' */
+static const char EX_RI_BAD_SIG2[] =
+ "router fred 9001 0 9002\n"
+ "signing-key\n"
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "MIGJAoGBAObzT4opT9uaThByupbb96tYxVpGxzL9CRPKUcU0beGpHyognD9USHWc\n"
+ "SpSpKfBL5P3xr2i/XTs34M4UTbT9PE7bVyxv7RD/BZmI4gc8R3PMU77xxbpEU5bK\n"
+ "LF3QUPpuB88m/2fXUGgMNVDc5MIq6pod2NRoDpeU7WA8T3ewXzK5AgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "onion-key\n"
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "MIGJAoGBAM1QKsQiup9DNMCgNeE2FkAhCWzpMZKCn1nNlZbDGfE3Z22ex6bdWWY6\n"
+ "ocEZ3JZDsZsnaZrdYxrL3Mquq7MbHdfx90EdlOvDRP1SAIbZ55mLR77fZTu4BKd/\n"
+ "h9BC6I26uZE0QavFq3+BhoVVhVn5Mqv05nR9CeUMSSZLxw/RJm4DAgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "published 2014-10-05 12:00:01\n"
+ "bandwidth 1000 1000 1000\n"
+ "reject *:*\n"
+ "router-signature\n"
+ "-----BEGIN SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ "Ft/y3JXowjItgfTHwYcZzuUgXrskluoINW5sr+GQoNYE2F4sT8o0tBBJwqJ6FwKd\n"
+ "fkIprv9UXqkv5iY+pXSYSI12mY1K5GMNkXiObk46NjuoNNP9l8oidhO6eNfcE+k3\n"
+ "CRIYS4FbBaD0fWUSwgMuo0Bp83/Wzp3B9ytEBh0/624=\n"
+ "-----END SIGNATURE-----\n";
+/* This one will fail while tokenizing the first line. */
+static const char EX_RI_BAD_TOKENS[] =
+ "router bob\n"
+ "signing-key\n"
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "MIGJAoGBANGCgvZc+JRtAzuzk3gBD2rH9SHrXzjJ1wqdU3tLKr7FamKCMI2pLwSA\n"
+ "FZUpTuSqB9wJ/iVcYws+/kA3FjLqgPtzJFI0SVLvQcz5oIC1rEWpuP6t88duMlO9\n"
+ "flOUzmYu29sBffrXkQr8pesYvakyXArOJVeRR7fSvouneV5aDYWrAgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "onion-key\n"
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "MIGJAoGBAML+pYZoYc+whKLijupd63xn0gzlEQqe7k07x/lWMqWFT37FfG6YeNr5\n"
+ "fpFoo77FDfuFaL+VfPfI8i88g157hcPKBVX6OyRH54+l5By0tN91S0H+abXjXQpv\n"
+ "U/Bvmul+5QpUeVJa1nPg71HRIauoDnBNexUQ7Xf/Bwb2xCt+IJ6DAgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "published 2014-10-05 12:00:00\n"
+ "bandwidth 1000 1000 1000\n"
+ "reject *:*\n"
+ "router-signature\n"
+ "-----BEGIN SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ "tbxtYYzyVqi6w6jz1k8NPjFvZaSNR0WzixVTTvKKGoMPx/6+Z8QAFK1ILzRUVucB\n"
+ "nRhmZMFaPr3vREMErLRE47ODAzwoBCE9C+vYFvROhgfzuQ3cYXla+4sMaRXYZzjH\n"
+ "PQ82bTwvSbHsR8fTTgePD/Ac082WxXTGpx6HOLBfNsQ=\n"
+ "-----END SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ ;
+static const char EX_RI_BAD_PUBLISHED[] =
+ "router fred 9001 0 9002\n"
+ "signing-key\n"
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "P5ql6o7EbGr1wnispGW/KB8Age09jGDvd/oGhQ9TDFluhLZon3obkZSFw7f9iA7Q\n"
+ "s29rNxoeXXLZVyS7+sux70b8x2Dt4CeG8GA8nQLljy1euwU+qYYJAgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "onion-key\n"
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "MIGJAoGBAPzfzQ+2WFMUvnB3z0xD+zwczWcFyYYNW8Lj7/aRGSNN2DICp5uzSjKq\n"
+ "qkYQ+C8jG21+MR2PE+ZBmq6CL5mvlFKlWKouXUlN7BejwWf2gw0UYag0SYctae1b\n"
+ "bu8NuUEvdeGWg5Odgs+abH7U9S0hEtjKrmE5vvJS5L841IcaPLCFAgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "published 2014-10-05 99:00:00\n"
+ "bandwidth 1000 1000 1000\n"
+ "reject *:*\n"
+ "router-signature\n"
+ "-----BEGIN SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ "G92pnwCIXGJ9Q0fI9y4m/fHpWCsD0Hnk81/6T4TmRH3jt77fc0uRdomUOC5id4kz\n"
+ "J2M4vqXwRs5OK+eaPbtxf8Yv6FPmB3OBNCIhwNHIIqzKQStHUhPxD3P6j8uJFwot\n"
+ "/CNGciDN+owZ2DzwrXpszDfzcyp/nmwhApbi3W601vY=\n"
+ "-----END SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ ;
+/* Bandwidth field isn't an integer. */
+static const char EX_RI_BAD_BANDWIDTH[] =
+ "router fred 9001 0 9002\n"
+ "signing-key\n"
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "MIGJAoGBAN32LAvXQaq0p554FcL4LVwnxyiZvscfuFnfpXwWTDRJJHd2+JCttWIx\n"
+ "v+eW7dNq+rq/tzSzaZwnp8b4V2skLRojSt6UUHD234eZcsPwUNhSr0y1eMuoZbnV\n"
+ "UBBPevpuXea85aSFEXXRlIpQfvFc43y3/UFoRzo5iMPqReo2uQ4BAgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "onion-key\n"
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "MIGJAoGBAMBuF1GvOyVcRDNjzlEmGHJkTA7qkaWgTp33NSY/DPEJoahg0Qswuh2w\n"
+ "1YCBqem6Txp+/Vl9hoUoUGwb7Vwq0+YDMSyr0z3Ih2NcNjOMZPVtjJuv+3wXrQC8\n"
+ "LPpCpfU9m9QvhQ7f9zprEqUHOQTT0v5j2a5bpfd++6LFxrMUNwbfAgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "published 2014-10-05 12:00:00\n"
+ "bandwidth hello world today\n"
+ "reject *:*\n"
+ "router-signature\n"
+ "-----BEGIN SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ "svABTGDNJOgaiPLqDlkRU6ldYJcoEe2qHlr4O30lVM2hS3Gg6o4QARL7QRt7VepT\n"
+ "SruR6pE83xOr7/5Ijq5PlamS4WtODMJSH3DXT2hM5dYYrEX5jsJNZTQ+cYwPQI3y\n"
+ "ykuvQIutH6ipz5MYc9n0GWAzDjLq1G8wlcEfFXQLD10=\n"
+ "-----END SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ ;
+/* Onion key is actually a signature. */
+static const char EX_RI_BAD_ONIONKEY1[] =
+ "router fred 9001 0 9002\n"
+ "signing-key\n"
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "MIGJAoGBANByIdFOKA3r2nnWyLjdZE8oGHqJE62T1zjW/nsCzCJQ8/kBMRYeGDu4\n"
+ "SeUJJ2rsh2t3PNzkqJM14f4DKmc2q76STsOW0Zcj70Bjhxb9r/OfyELVsi+x3CsE\n"
+ "Zo/W4JtdlVFjqevhODJdyFNLKOvqwG7sZo/K++Hx01Iu0zXLeg8nAgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "onion-key\n"
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "svABTGDNJOgaiPLqDlkRU6ldYJcoEe2qHlr4O30lVM2hS3Gg6o4QARL7QRt7VepT\n"
+ "SruR6pE83xOr7/5Ijq5PlamS4WtODMJSH3DXT2hM5dYYrEX5jsJNZTQ+cYwPQI3y\n"
+ "ykuvQIutH6ipz5MYc9n0GWAzDjLq1G8wlcEfFXQLD10=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "published 2014-10-05 12:00:00\n"
+ "bandwidth 1000 1000 1000\n"
+ "reject *:*\n"
+ "router-signature\n"
+ "-----BEGIN SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ "Cc/Y22KFvxXPXZtjvGIyQdjm4EMhXVXJEBwt8PvK7qlO1AgiVjEBPkUrTQQ/paLQ\n"
+ "lmeCN6jEVcZ8lNiVZgzRQ/2mTO3xLBPj26UNSDuouUwZ01tZ4wPENylNYnLKv5hg\n"
+ "gYARg/nXEJiTVe9LHl99Hr9EWWruRG2wFQjjTILaWzI=\n"
+ "-----END SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ ;
+/* Onion key has exponent 3 */
+static const char EX_RI_BAD_ONIONKEY2[] =
+ "router fred 9001 0 9002\n"
+ "signing-key\n"
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "MIGJAoGBAKP1kWHsH/BZhNSZmn0FyzIrAHtMl1IVPzc7ABbx+kK+IIEMD9k1fy2h\n"
+ "AP2JTm2UmJDUwutVxPsxmndI+9QsRDpu33E5Ai4U1Rb6Qu+2BRj43YAyg414caIu\n"
+ "J5LLn6bOzt7gtz0+q69WHbnwgI4zUgUbwYpwoB7k0dRY97xip9fHAgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "onion-key\n"
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "MIGHAoGBANBKlyoqApWzG7UzmXcxhXM4T370FbN1edPbw4WAczBDXJslXCU9Xk1r\n"
+ "fKfoi/+WiTGvH7RcZWPm7wnThq2u2EAO/IPPcLE9cshLBkK28EvDg5K/WsYedbY9\n"
+ "1Gou+7ZSwMEPv2b13c7eWnSW1YvFa64pVDKu2sKnIjX6Bm0HZGbXAgED\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "published 2014-10-05 12:00:00\n"
+ "bandwidth 1000 1000 1000\n"
+ "reject *:*\n"
+ "router-signature\n"
+ "-----BEGIN SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ "cYcBOlapA+R4xq3nn5CjpnzNXdDArMlHuXv4MairjleF1n755ecH8A/R8YIc2ioV\n"
+ "n/C1TACzFVQ12Q9P3iikVOjIXNxYzaz4Lm/L/Lq4sEOPRJC38QEXeIHEaeM51lE6\n"
+ "p6kCqXcGu/51p5vAFCSiXI1ciucmx93N+TH1yGKRLV0=\n"
+ "-----END SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ ;
+static const char EX_RI_BAD_PORTS[] =
+ "router fred 900001 0 9002\n"
+ "signing-key\n"
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "MIGJAoGBANVi/MVWhzT5uo3Jxw4ElS7UGmA24dnckdkCLetMhZOcE9e9mg4WcImL\n"
+ "NuBe2L/9YaL4PFVchCGlq73phKG6yFdqJdjDV8Qh9MJdAYWW2ORrjRvCrspPaYPN\n"
+ "BGJrkD2Gd4u3sq7f26TIkzmBx0Acd/FD4PQf8+XOt9YYd36ooS4vAgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "onion-key\n"
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "MIGJAoGBALtP4cIpAYp9nqo1ak4SxALcndFw4o51U36R4oa+uJS/lYQPHkMMOj6K\n"
+ "+AVnj9sxkDJ1POaU5lsCQ5JPG1t+Tkh7vDlJb6RCUy25vJOuaQCb9GVVY7KQTJqA\n"
+ "E0fU73JdKACNjMlbF36aliQhrG4Fq2Uv+y7yp8qsRxQ8jvzEMES/AgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "published 2014-10-05 12:00:00\n"
+ "bandwidth 1000 1000 1000\n"
+ "reject *:*\n"
+ "router-signature\n"
+ "-----BEGIN SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ "xzu2T+pMZtdsS5q1cwXM2hMIH2c8mpAV31G2hKIuiQRwtPD1ne4iJsnoVCXhFakd\n"
+ "QTq7eTXM174fGWyIT93wvQx/Uqnp29dGZp/VaNOsxHFdYVB4VIVqkBh757h+PSJ+\n"
+ "VNV5JUm4XQ1QbmniJGdTQp4PLBM++fOXMR3ZNd6rt4o=\n"
+ "-----END SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ ;
+static const char EX_RI_NEG_BANDWIDTH[] =
+ "router fred 9001 0 9002\n"
+ "signing-key\n"
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "zqsM4zKRgjtarWZvp2qxKABFAODd+j9iq5DvUGRbbXv+aR8TT/ifMtwwxHZQBk1F\n"
+ "1hbsLdwWzGIiyz5k2MVhXnt6JTlklH2hgT++gt9YTHYKxkssaq5TAgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "onion-key\n"
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "MIGJAoGBAM3vk/4kOTB1VXrve29JeHOzNUsPwKruBcjxJf+aatxjf6KO2/RW41bM\n"
+ "gRYq9V7VAYeZTsbS727fy03F5rk3QIBhMJxm9FHatQ6rT/iEDD4Q1UZQsNtm+OLf\n"
+ "/TkZZhgfB3MiDQ4ld/+GKd7qww8HXTE+m/g1rXNyZPKozn8K7YUHAgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "published 2014-10-05 12:00:00\n"
+ "bandwidth 1000 -1000 1000\n"
+ "reject *:*\n"
+ "router-signature\n"
+ "-----BEGIN SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ "bUBBZYZWqCbsH4/7fNXtC/HgIZNGOfDF9v4d9YfKaDs5xDYf2o67hRcwx5imhrgC\n"
+ "IU7n9AI4AGxkFoN6g3Y/t4pqebxdkF678rRDCtrlwwreAiUktgrwnetp9Tpo16xj\n"
+ "V7Uf6LcqQdvu78lRh1dsrY78sf7sb90vusFMPLXGUKM=\n"
+ "-----END SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ ;
+static const char EX_RI_BAD_IP[] =
+ "router fred 9001 0 9002\n"
+ "signing-key\n"
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "MIGJAoGBAMtMrM24AJpJCevxnseIpRlSuAIMksfkfky2+noe7Rok8xn6AMQzMrwx\n"
+ "AiCJ8Jy4DBzIKUiJK4/y1FimyM08qZGR0xeqblCxZ1lbSiXv6OYxoaD2xmWw8zEP\n"
+ "Zgu4jKReHh+gan1D+XpAbFNY0KrANhjRo96ZZ3AQsZQcWBiPKCynAgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "onion-key\n"
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "MIGJAoGBAOPclmBO/amw1RWTSI1y80qY/EPjc0I+sk9HKr0BQOovxqJ0lmy9Gaue\n"
+ "y+MOejQ9H2hNev0nd7z1fPxEogt7SCe22qJHHX3xDf+D9RpKsvVzDYZsk7hVL7T1\n"
+ "mwHzuiV/dtRa7yAMp7+q0vTUGesU2PYFYMOyPvz5skNLSWrXOm05AgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "published 2014-10-05 12:00:00\n"
+ "bandwidth 1000 1000 1000\n"
+ "reject *:*\n"
+ "router-signature\n"
+ "-----BEGIN SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ "g6besL/zxOp0N6Q5/7QZgai2kmCU5EAWJlvZrf5jyrjKhsv2a4LDkap07m9QRFqW\n"
+ "GGe7g5iiABIqnl0kzv7NLX7ah+d/xxv+IILXyZfVTxSw0e+zFb3uPlQ7f9JsGJ8i\n"
+ "a+w8wyyDBpOAmi8Ny866Cnp9ojVzCyIErUYHFaPvKao=\n"
+ "-----END SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ ;
+static const char EX_RI_BAD_DIRPORT[] =
+ "router fred 9001 0 bob\n"
+ "signing-key\n"
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "MIGJAoGBANKcD6DJ16X3yvdq05jatdwgjO+hyoIpckW9sV/OkdfIZwf+S6Q4pZGC\n"
+ "doMw5XeOM52gjpx42kUp6M2WlTGDFEpaNU0VyeZYG/M1CM1xvfj3+1PoebioAGdf\n"
+ "GuhNBCHZdaYNiOGnh9t2GgUomgpE6njdS/lovSrDeTL469hfcUghAgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "onion-key\n"
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "MIGJAoGBANWeGHig5wE9UijaNnEW5au3B3hZKSlzCi+T6MYDPbbYhm8qJaVoXUXF\n"
+ "EP1EUgzDcX3dPEo9upUA1+91GkjGQCo9eOYlqGib8kHIwKnHZK+hernBc/DnOeUp\n"
+ "Wyk9SW5s+fi12OQhr3NGjbSn76FMY9XU3Qt7m3EviTwWpI3Jr5eRAgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "published 2014-10-05 12:00:00\n"
+ "bandwidth 1000 1000 1000\n"
+ "reject *:*\n"
+ "router-signature\n"
+ "-----BEGIN SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ "t77wEoLjyfMf9LKgBfjveosgwvJ8Go0nb27Ae3Ng9tGtR4qaJQfmwZ5fOOuVU9QC\n"
+ "3s8ww3aY91KD3NTcN3v3FKngxWtRM8AIfwh4pqT3zW6OSP4+nO3xml7ql0Zf6wfj\n"
+ "TPFV2941O3yplAsmBJ41sRSWizF04wTtZAIgzY7dMLA=\n"
+ "-----END SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ ;
+static const char EX_RI_BAD_NAME2[] =
+ "router verylongnamethatnevereverendsandgoesontoolong 9001 0 9002\n"
+ "signing-key\n"
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "MIGJAoGBAL0mcUxg7GJ6oxgciLiBCbo+NuZ/OVKRrERCSM6j6iHERcB9+ciSRgQ5\n"
+ "H6o6FUX2LoRmHYzBk1x7kIjHa9kx9g6CAbBamdZrQbdVnc1y2NrdHB/jvwLj3C48\n"
+ "PgzFIrLg9OlkuoWck/E+YpPllONfF65e0+ualgVjPgpQpXwmz+ktAgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "onion-key\n"
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "MIGJAoGBAOgHvvTAxyjJtHx9W2X7aOI05H9sYDDY+sxhovT/8EpAHrioex54tsMT\n"
+ "ifgtoXTjGIBEOTDi/1ry39nEW5WPbowqvyzRfR2M43pc96WV7e1nhmD/JrnTYgtR\n"
+ "5/15KxcMJxoDhod7WZ/wlXBnHc2VevX8JTaeOe9KYORCj5iNbtVZAgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "published 2014-10-05 12:00:00\n"
+ "bandwidth 1000 1000 1000\n"
+ "reject *:*\n"
+ "router-signature\n"
+ "-----BEGIN SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ "j/nFT5gyj20cLHWv94O1jmnqy3n6qkO8Av0OdvvfNeXsMK2UHxk84vzFvEwpUF/Y\n"
+ "i+VR3LXY4CjTpuliMtjt7BQGtmJSvB8W0CeIUenIGzfwDxW9dG2o7spDldKDB/OU\n"
+ "C1wyHvKaA6Yss/02RIDa4AxyjsfbgdJ91qK+aAnYAtA=\n"
+ "-----END SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ ;
+static const char EX_RI_BAD_BANDWIDTH2[] =
+ "router fred 9001 0 9002\n"
+ "signing-key\n"
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "MIGJAoGBALQDCm9VEopiYILmt4X9kP6DQazfgKnLXv+6rHbc4qtmvQQD3TVYbxMP\n"
+ "F4sEUaz+YHAPnomfDVW3a0YFRYXwDzUm1n47YYCyhUzEaD2f69Mcl/gLpKdg+QOy\n"
+ "boGB1oD4CStWL3y05KhxxTNiTrg+veMzXTqNwryCYm+GoihIAM9fAgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "onion-key\n"
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "MIGJAoGBALYHwdx6bmYy09AW5ElN/DWh0fHh3mBK97ryiIMi8FImYfzbw2BR6xuT\n"
+ "aQT5omqS3PNJJcNWZt5gOyDtA9kLh03cch7t1PenXSYJshbME2bDrZDJKVJMN6vV\n"
+ "B1v/9HjXsVF50jBzZsJo3j26XCPT5s6u9wqUFWW09QR3E/1HInHVAgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "published 2014-10-05 12:00:00\n"
+ "bandwidth 1000 -1000 1000\n"
+ "reject *:*\n"
+ "router-signature\n"
+ "-----BEGIN SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ "p09ijyuvcW+WKRj4mJA/nkLCvZkRcMzykAWheJi1IHCoqhXFdkFLiIRqjaeDVHRr\n"
+ "zBtD+YCQiGvFcaQJ9IUhh7IleHcyyljmDYlvuBAxWiKvVZstJac0kclCU4W+g8yK\n"
+ "0Qug3PmGKk115x2TllHaCZqMo5OkK4I/WAsKp+DnJ1A=\n"
+ "-----END SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ ;
+static const char EX_RI_BAD_UPTIME[] =
+ "router fred 9001 0 9002\n"
+ "signing-key\n"
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "oLXqMTGmOaR0RGZOeGLgDzeY8tLrfF821IjfkXeAANZibUjdsHwqHO3wlWD2v+GN\n"
+ "0GBocWXEdAp/os229mQQKgYAATJ0Ib3jKhBdtgm5R444u8VX5XnbAgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "onion-key\n"
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "MIGJAoGBAMpyOr4kEtSTZw4H9eSkH2+WmwIlO4VBpY2HkPS00l6L5fM2REjt50Xi\n"
+ "lsNOz8Q6mAn5cMYmsGlv61kg01mCvYc7Z715jGh+1hhVAxMaNS3ED/nSPnslyjhq\n"
+ "BUm51LhYNHD4ktISIqPMurx6aC8B68UYgKzLgCYNzkathFXSBpjRAgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "uptime forever-and-a-day\n"
+ "published 2014-10-05 12:00:00\n"
+ "bandwidth 1000 1000 1000\n"
+ "reject *:*\n"
+ "router-signature\n"
+ "-----BEGIN SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ "NHYeiQOu0nZdrhSy31Xz4F0T6OTU23hPQDzoLax1/zq6iTVrz9xi3HGm7HhOMW1j\n"
+ "YgFGK3+Xm4iJL+DwriunsAIuL5axr3z2hlmFDQHYItP//KyPpOqSrfEOhwcuj/PE\n"
+ "VbWsiVYwz9VJLO8SfHoBeHI6PsjQRQFt2REBKZhYdxA=\n"
+ "-----END SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ ;
+static const char EX_RI_BAD_BANDWIDTH3[] =
+ "router lucy 9001 0 9002\n"
+ "signing-key\n"
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "MIGJAoGBAO6HrITQTEjV/v/rInQ2REmCFZa4dZg8zIh6+B51U/I6hDiZaKGwpNey\n"
+ "9OfjoRqT2DwyLEe3ORm9A2RAz2twLBixrpt5IvC0sbGustmW964BHW7k9VvRupwl\n"
+ "ovujHpLIj5dkLxD15jGXHoTp1yHUVk9NkMGN+ahg6y+QhTbIrWbRAgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "onion-key\n"
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "MIGJAoGBAOEpciJFXauEqs31GMTUTzu6edBj9WtV+sIflhGKvU1KKRfwCgOcuKMx\n"
+ "QiLHHD9AjhMAFGT/qtNbPFkzfYxHKLHw+NLJsxmNtdkYM26FX3ButPiX+69sq9fI\n"
+ "PCHqQy6z/A7hHwtEk6niWgK2PLhAZCg9duAv+mqFVXe2QEBjax/lAgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "published 2014-10-05 12:00:00\n"
+ "bandwidth 1000 1000 electric\n"
+ "reject *:*\n"
+ "router-signature\n"
+ "-----BEGIN SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ "Jk0Xk1RMJSjEflNRcp4qznaHKcfe2r0kOc7TdLAnM8zyNDVj6+Bn8HWmyp/oFmf6\n"
+ "xtWKKgkKxriAVIJgqZMchPbr9RuZS+i+cad++FCwpTVkyBP920XWC47jA3ZXSBee\n"
+ "HK6FaoK5LfmUm8XEU9BVhiwISXaUfTdkR8HfzugFbWk=\n"
+ "-----END SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ ;
+static const char EX_RI_BAD_NTOR_KEY[] =
+ "router fred 9001 0 9002\n"
+ "signing-key\n"
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "lBml6yQNK/VPftcvOekxrKq3/dISrIFBzFYj6XHNtg31d09UgitVkk0VfRarZiGu\n"
+ "O6Yv55GSJ9a3AZDE4YmIp5eBjVuChyVkeDFYKVn0ed4sj9gg35rjAgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "onion-key\n"
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "MIGJAoGBALXdUQuq1pYHyYP0qU6Ik+oOmwl0eOsuwiLWf9Vd+dsgEszICX4DRWPx\n"
+ "syDxfxyA/g9FEPvlI7Nglx6cKe2MT0AutSRLbbML4smfuRZNIF35Cnfu5qTGVVzL\n"
+ "GWVSA2Ip7p+9S9xLhLBdc6qmrxEXCPL6anEhCR4f8AeybXAsz2JLAgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "published 2014-10-05 12:00:00\n"
+ "ntor-onion-key s7rSohmz9SXn8WWh1EefTHIsWePthsEntQi0WL+ScVfjdklsdfjkf\n"
+ "bandwidth 1000 1000 1000\n"
+ "reject *:*\n"
+ "router-signature\n"
+ "-----BEGIN SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ "Yf9axWyzPudnRvQstNdbtBYo7pGpUEIdECMGcJtFb6v/00pxk4Tt3RiOKa84cOBV\n"
+ "7V9NjOLdqlx88pGz0DNCJKqToIrwjZDeQ8Q1yi9XClLDkC32fQRX4y6vNBZ3LXLe\n"
+ "ayVrdRrb41/DP+E7FP4RNPA5czujTfs8xLBMbGew8AA=\n"
+ "-----END SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ ;
+static const char EX_RI_BAD_FINGERPRINT[] =
+ "router fred 9001 0 9002\n"
+ "signing-key\n"
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "MIGJAoGBAM0wDWF2dBLzsmoIDHRugzosCSR9TSvEE0TkvKu6+agfogGtkQJwQ5zO\n"
+ "sGzZbRR+okO7d+QCED2i3rUs1iikoMUT+pwgvOm8Bxg9R64GK7fl9K5WuAiG11Uj\n"
+ "DQAfSx5Fo30+rhOhe16c9CT7xJhj//ZKDbXUW7BrJI8zpuOnvgD5AgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "onion-key\n"
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "MIGJAoGBAKACg1nWM/WjpUiGwlLQsY3Tq1h0RTz/HmOMx/6rTRxS5HLz0KnLg5zV\n"
+ "dvmfhxqQVKBkt1N2+y+qO7x71oFzIsFMfHYWSxOCEo8Nkff1BqAPqxxUHvM0HwJo\n"
+ "d7lswJ/UT1j4+WZNZ4sFIujsIW2/zZqKlxG9xaw0GXJ082Cj9XkPAgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "published 2014-10-05 12:00:00\n"
+ "fingerprint 5555\n"
+ "bandwidth 1000 1000 1000\n"
+ "reject *:*\n"
+ "router-signature\n"
+ "-----BEGIN SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ "ZzKr7KPvlBxlyolScPhTJfP98TFSubrwYz7NnQv0vLI0bD0OyoBf/9/1GYlzgTso\n"
+ "3mKfnV7THUalpxe9EjQ/x61Yqf26Co0+jYpt8/Ck6tg=\n"
+ "-----END SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ ;
+static const char EX_RI_MISMATCHED_FINGERPRINT[] =
+ "router fred 9001 0 9002\n"
+ "signing-key\n"
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "MIGJAoGBANUAvwbpGbsAyA+mBwjFkvurtRzdw9btDqNKtPImufIE+q+AFTaCnwPr\n"
+ "kA7vm/O6h6OhgfdYEC2GfYJfwPGM7MDuz+NnuKxUb3qb2DQN2laqow6qWs9La/if\n"
+ "oHKUjC5mNeAgHcbWapx9CygwaFeVW6FBPl6Db6GIRAlywPSX+XMJAgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "onion-key\n"
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "MIGJAoGBANlSGd+Vm9nLiUk6zgu8dPnSFfw4F0R2GYfmzncIGJWtRFTF9ThW/0av\n"
+ "/9vZAWyVBjjtnpAP5R1BzdJYV2RwimC/6tqoHtkSbCBhdq5Cb/EHG7Xgb8KwNWVJ\n"
+ "NV1EESDwvWnRfSPGTreRw9+2LkdXri17FhDo2GjRxAq/N7YkLK5hAgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "published 2014-10-05 12:00:00\n"
+ "fingerprint CC43 DC8E 8C9E 3E6D 59CD 0399 2491 0C8C E1E4 50D2\n"
+ "bandwidth 1000 1000 1000\n"
+ "reject *:*\n"
+ "router-signature\n"
+ "-----BEGIN SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ "Y8MwYBeEfMhoAABK/FgpVRYolZ7jQ2BJL+8Lb6i4yAuk+HeVmPKTX7MqQoekUuin\n"
+ "/HdPKP+g/9HPMS5pCiW4FMwnXAF0ZocPXF0ndmsTuh0/7VWVOUGgvBpPbIW6guvt\n"
+ "sLLQ3Cq9a4Kwmd+koatfLB6xSZjhXmOn7nRy7gOdwJ8=\n"
+ "-----END SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ ;
+static const char EX_RI_BAD_HAS_ACCEPT6[] =
+ "router fred 9001 0 9002\n"
+ "signing-key\n"
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "MIGJAoGBAJfPJNA3zZ77v2nlX2j5dXImcB/NhRtkG8XQgF7z+3H17sqoXgBgZ1dq\n"
+ "IbyJmAy2Lrvk/8VkXNFrT5/ErThn1B98V/PsJOOW1x7jGcix6X4zDYn/MvwC+AxA\n"
+ "zNP0ozNcVZ6BzVYq8w4I1V4O3Cd6VJesxRVX6mUeSeNawOb7fBY7AgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "onion-key\n"
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "MIGJAoGBAKBzfB4mDEJjFTnmtqZxDG8G1yAiccVgAtq9ECEREL/BOQyukixUBeBe\n"
+ "j/FgXzbMJ7DZAuopuJZU2ma6h14G63fZs7eNFceDtmdLpuCOsFuvJ5Mlkf3hDZ1u\n"
+ "1KK5q+tiG7MKxgnGrqjPBUO2uubs2Cpx0HmsqBNUalXd/KAkFJbXAgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "published 2014-10-05 12:00:00\n"
+ "bandwidth 1000 1000 1000\n"
+ "reject *:*\n"
+ "accept6 *:80\n"
+ "reject6 *:*\n"
+ "router-signature\n"
+ "-----BEGIN SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ "Dp9dLgs9s5beMPxfD0m96as9gNBvlmKhH1RQ/kcOKscia4R8Q42CnUtIqLkCdjOu\n"
+ "zErc2Vj9QzjKOvlqUqHxP+J+l+ZJez6F+E1tcmK/Ydz3exL8cg9f4sAOCSXcpBey\n"
+ "llTFDibz6GkQ2j3/Uc4bN/uLzoyZKunpJbSKZP5nt8Q=\n"
+ "-----END SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ ;
+static const char EX_RI_BAD_NO_EXIT_POLICY[] =
+ "router fred 9001 0 9002\n"
+ "signing-key\n"
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "MIGJAoGBAK4fbjTKYqv2fygfjzY53sVTdtbNMjq293/uffKKxFYnOVvPzrHlP6Go\n"
+ "2S19ZcyDxOuH1unbBChPnV0GpxXX6+bgfDkaFh7+jef0RQ3fpJl84hSvdM8J8SCt\n"
+ "Q/F4Oqk3NeKKs+zAHDjhAU1G4LkF9/SZ9WZVXlH4a4pf7xgQtaShAgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "onion-key\n"
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "MIGJAoGBAKahvyDkmh33ob/bLVO1icgz2ntOZN6ZQUfgpMU4Cd6DQtOEwFUGhbVt\n"
+ "gvtMHv2+VbxM31ZfUsyBqJ1rJBLpOqlPvSoYwSac2+twa+w/qjfGqcJYhBjP9TV9\n"
+ "n9y8DzBX85p6vRcCzcuZ4qUJ2nRzdLHwjdgzeLmmCHuPO2dQxQhXAgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "published 2014-10-05 12:00:00\n"
+ "bandwidth 1000 1000 1000\n"
+ "router-signature\n"
+ "-----BEGIN SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ "ntgCtMC0VrsY42dKts8igGQ2Nu1BpuzUltisIsJz75dDx2LCqTn7p4VpWbTrj1sH\n"
+ "MRNOvEPFxVMs0Lu50ZUGRzeV6GrHmzIRnOIWanb3I/jyrJLM0jTIjCOLwdMRA298\n"
+ "tw8Y9Hnwj4K7K6VvgU8LP4l7MAJNfR6UT46AJ6vkgL0=\n"
+ "-----END SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ ;
+static const char EX_RI_BAD_IPV6_EXIT_POLICY[] =
+ "router fred 9001 0 9002\n"
+ "signing-key\n"
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "MIGJAoGBAKHJKLHqjYoW9M+1q0CGHJRT5u2CnZWb8Qr1DpLkkusQ6ru+cDAG12so\n"
+ "IpDQh7IyB2JosVJi9ogekYxJ3O1p5WlFUi0X19DMoer9FJ9J7/3s4enGJ/yMBeuu\n"
+ "jLVRkjMJhsfhj3Cykon+8Rrf520wSmBg1dpJQCXTwtb7DARgYRpZAgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "onion-key\n"
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "+Vqj3LAQoMrz1PpPsF5e0VIxok10Vc8y4cWC+kIitcecut4vWC5FYTtVVP9wtlyg\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "published 2014-10-05 12:00:00\n"
+ "bandwidth 1000 1000 1000\n"
+ "reject *:*\n"
+ "ipv6-policy kfdslfdfj sdjfk sdfjsdf\n"
+ "router-signature\n"
+ "-----BEGIN SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ "XWorzVT5Owg+QcsBtksiUNtpQQ5+IdvbsN+0O9FbFtGZeaeBAbPJ3Poz+KFCUjZY\n"
+ "DeDAiu1cVgODx2St+99LpwEuIBx78HaD8RYU8tHx8LoA+mGC43ogQQS9lmfxzvP5\n"
+ "eT5WXhkOS5AZ8LZOCOmT+tj/LkSXev2x/NC9+Vc1HPo=\n"
+ "-----END SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ ;
+static const char EX_RI_BAD_FAMILY[] =
+ "router fred 9001 0 9002\n"
+ "signing-key\n"
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "MIGJAoGBAM62QoRxSPnm+ZM4fv9p03Qqbz5SzhXYSNjKWqylBruaofTw6oIM8DtX\n"
+ "7QnrEe/ou/WtfB+swV/2rt/r0EzmeWBWuDmuSUrN5TC2AdOi9brSJMgXVW6VW77X\n"
+ "fuIlLd5DVSId2zs3cKLDqp36CUsooA9sS6I5HrvW9QDf3VS3pGBtAgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "onion-key\n"
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "MIGJAoGBANg1trpnRzkCi4t4Z4qnBKF612H5A3Zrjg7Jo2b3ajUnON/KEuLPTc3t\n"
+ "PPN0W4qqeCMmVQEuxf3DRbTPS20ycy4B/JDWYfxCNwuj5YAx04REf7T0Hlx7Aee/\n"
+ "sHEQBhIBfasA2idhTh3cAm4DMYn+00BqjxF6jmyRA0hyntEABabrAgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "published 2014-10-05 12:00:00\n"
+ "bandwidth 1000 1000 1000\n"
+ "family aaaa,bbbb\n"
+ "reject *:*\n"
+ "router-signature\n"
+ "-----BEGIN SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ "xOgP3liKF/WEvwbbGzUUVRZ5WPrOI7jex8pZU/02UEnHjit7vCf9fsUcvkeo0xjz\n"
+ "n3FQHIO1iAJS7dEaEM4nz6wtPUb2iXSU9QajkGBkJ9/V7NHMFIU3FGfP47PIJJkd\n"
+ "nz5INoS+AsE7PmnDjUMm1H45TCCl8N8y4FO6TtN7p8I=\n"
+ "-----END SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ ;
+static const char EX_RI_BAD_EI_DIGEST[] =
+ "router fred 9001 0 9002\n"
+ "signing-key\n"
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "K8AtwjmJ4R2qJIbNlY/6oZGFbizt/B+WPuWsTj+8ACEEDlxx0ibg3EJRB8AZYiWv\n"
+ "0zC/loiUvHm6fXF5ghvDr9BQzEUo9kBk5haoHwROtGawr1+vOEiNAgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "onion-key\n"
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "MIGJAoGBAMzok3ZJtLjXOC8RKltXI8xulwn/ctCvQFHImR0+ccA1uBxaZNYgiIcc\n"
+ "q8XngROfV8xEgDbYPiWiLXJOMSwOd7hfs3YzRWF+LKftYs8PuRyMJcCoBjOPZ4QX\n"
+ "HRfTetEvu2SijZMby+lkqpZg2nuF/ipsXUjrabRZdNiIGhC451vdAgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "extra-info-digest not-a-digest\n"
+ "published 2014-10-05 12:00:00\n"
+ "bandwidth 1000 1000 1000\n"
+ "reject *:*\n"
+ "router-signature\n"
+ "-----BEGIN SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ "c/6zAxO04izQvqdM4bZVGE+ak0nna5pz9XZizFkieZEDWGzWQuVMhXyL5sbsFbsx\n"
+ "6Hn7DvNRYR/2nA0teDeRyIHMoMHi76te5X9OFDgaeUVCbyJ8h/KZYfPnN86IDbsR\n"
+ "dCSmj9kX55keu64ccCAH1CqwcN/UsbplXiJJVG5pTfI=\n"
+ "-----END SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ ;
+static const char EX_RI_ZERO_ORPORT[] =
+ "router fred 0 0 9002\n"
+ "signing-key\n"
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "MIGJAoGBAMc4MOhLG3PKPgc+xYVf4eScWzeOf8wq7Cb/JxZm50G0LuvVbhHtHEZX\n"
+ "VOSHI7mLE1ifakJvCFJRLobMU7lU0yhn18/nKl2Cu5NfFHHeF/NieUBSxBGb2wD6\n"
+ "aM1azheXrRqvDVVfbI0DLc/XfQC/YNiohOsQ/c9C6wuffA4+Sg85AgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "onion-key\n"
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "MIGJAoGBALBWdl9/Vft+NQKQlg5kgvZo+krnhNTRVQojWtUEzom4TFIT+NNKJyMG\n"
+ "reQXcNdzNptTB0aOBGGwqAesqzsZ2Hje699NsDe7hdl7Sb5yhKDqtdQY6yDXJUFt\n"
+ "zqpAUkmYMLe2p3kPiWefNso56KYXrZrlNAiIS/FhQ5cmuMC2jPydAgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "published 2014-10-05 12:00:00\n"
+ "bandwidth 1000 1000 1000\n"
+ "reject *:*\n"
+ "router-signature\n"
+ "-----BEGIN SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ "gFg08P9A6QNQjURlebfdhU3DSV0BeM0j2SFza1jF9JcBOWDRmT8FvYFK1B3js6jK\n"
+ "8LNV8JOUssv14z5CnUY9CO1BD0xSl+vGlSS4VOXD7rxui8IoWgnqnZsitq+Qzs95\n"
+ "wgFKhHI/49NHyWHX5IMQpeicg0T7Qa6qwnUvspH62p8=\n"
+ "-----END SIGNATURE-----\n"
+ ;
diff --git a/src/test/ b/src/test/
index 77c92f12f8..8d05b3b700 100644
--- a/src/test/
+++ b/src/test/
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ src_test_test_SOURCES = \
src/test/test_logging.c \
src/test/test_microdesc.c \
src/test/test_oom.c \
+ src/test/test_accounting.c \
src/test/test_options.c \
src/test/test_pt.c \
src/test/test_relaycell.c \
@@ -60,7 +61,7 @@ src_test_test_LDFLAGS = @TOR_LDFLAGS_zlib@ @TOR_LDFLAGS_openssl@ \
src_test_test_LDADD = src/or/libtor-testing.a src/common/libor-testing.a \
src/common/libor-crypto-testing.a $(LIBDONNA) \
- src/common/libor-event-testing.a \
+ src/common/libor-event-testing.a src/trunnel/libor-trunnel-testing.a \
@@ -74,7 +75,10 @@ src_test_bench_LDADD = src/or/libtor.a src/common/libor.a \
noinst_HEADERS+= \
src/test/test.h \
- src/test/
+ src/test/ \
+ src/test/ \
+ src/test/ \
+ src/test/
noinst_PROGRAMS+= src/test/test-ntor-cl
diff --git a/src/test/ b/src/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f44708b200
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+# This is the ed25519 implementation from
+# .
+# It is in the public domain.
+# It isn't constant-time. Don't use it except for testing. Also, see
+# warnings about how very slow it is. Only use this for generating
+# test vectors, I'd suggest.
+# Don't edit this file. Mess with
+import hashlib
+b = 256
+q = 2**255 - 19
+l = 2**252 + 27742317777372353535851937790883648493
+def H(m):
+ return hashlib.sha512(m).digest()
+def expmod(b,e,m):
+ if e == 0: return 1
+ t = expmod(b,e/2,m)**2 % m
+ if e & 1: t = (t*b) % m
+ return t
+def inv(x):
+ return expmod(x,q-2,q)
+d = -121665 * inv(121666)
+I = expmod(2,(q-1)/4,q)
+def xrecover(y):
+ xx = (y*y-1) * inv(d*y*y+1)
+ x = expmod(xx,(q+3)/8,q)
+ if (x*x - xx) % q != 0: x = (x*I) % q
+ if x % 2 != 0: x = q-x
+ return x
+By = 4 * inv(5)
+Bx = xrecover(By)
+B = [Bx % q,By % q]
+def edwards(P,Q):
+ x1 = P[0]
+ y1 = P[1]
+ x2 = Q[0]
+ y2 = Q[1]
+ x3 = (x1*y2+x2*y1) * inv(1+d*x1*x2*y1*y2)
+ y3 = (y1*y2+x1*x2) * inv(1-d*x1*x2*y1*y2)
+ return [x3 % q,y3 % q]
+def scalarmult(P,e):
+ if e == 0: return [0,1]
+ Q = scalarmult(P,e/2)
+ Q = edwards(Q,Q)
+ if e & 1: Q = edwards(Q,P)
+ return Q
+def encodeint(y):
+ bits = [(y >> i) & 1 for i in range(b)]
+ return ''.join([chr(sum([bits[i * 8 + j] << j for j in range(8)])) for i in range(b/8)])
+def encodepoint(P):
+ x = P[0]
+ y = P[1]
+ bits = [(y >> i) & 1 for i in range(b - 1)] + [x & 1]
+ return ''.join([chr(sum([bits[i * 8 + j] << j for j in range(8)])) for i in range(b/8)])
+def bit(h,i):
+ return (ord(h[i/8]) >> (i%8)) & 1
+def publickey(sk):
+ h = H(sk)
+ a = 2**(b-2) + sum(2**i * bit(h,i) for i in range(3,b-2))
+ A = scalarmult(B,a)
+ return encodepoint(A)
+def Hint(m):
+ h = H(m)
+ return sum(2**i * bit(h,i) for i in range(2*b))
+def signature(m,sk,pk):
+ h = H(sk)
+ a = 2**(b-2) + sum(2**i * bit(h,i) for i in range(3,b-2))
+ r = Hint(''.join([h[i] for i in range(b/8,b/4)]) + m)
+ R = scalarmult(B,r)
+ S = (r + Hint(encodepoint(R) + pk + m) * a) % l
+ return encodepoint(R) + encodeint(S)
+def isoncurve(P):
+ x = P[0]
+ y = P[1]
+ return (-x*x + y*y - 1 - d*x*x*y*y) % q == 0
+def decodeint(s):
+ return sum(2**i * bit(s,i) for i in range(0,b))
+def decodepoint(s):
+ y = sum(2**i * bit(s,i) for i in range(0,b-1))
+ x = xrecover(y)
+ if x & 1 != bit(s,b-1): x = q-x
+ P = [x,y]
+ if not isoncurve(P): raise Exception("decoding point that is not on curve")
+ return P
+def checkvalid(s,m,pk):
+ if len(s) != b/4: raise Exception("signature length is wrong")
+ if len(pk) != b/8: raise Exception("public-key length is wrong")
+ R = decodepoint(s[0:b/8])
+ A = decodepoint(pk)
+ S = decodeint(s[b/8:b/4])
+ h = Hint(encodepoint(R) + pk + m)
+ if scalarmult(B,S) != edwards(R,scalarmult(A,h)):
+ raise Exception("signature does not pass verification")
diff --git a/src/test/ b/src/test/
index 7b59864166..d28fbde80f 100755
--- a/src/test/
+++ b/src/test/
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
#! /bin/sh
+ECHO_N="/bin/echo -n"
until [ -z $1 ]
case $1 in
@@ -15,6 +17,10 @@ do
+ --delay|--sleep|--bootstrap-time|--time)
+ export BOOTSTRAP_TIME="$2"
+ shift
+ ;;
echo "Sorry, I don't know what to do with '$1'."
exit 2
@@ -39,9 +45,14 @@ PATH="$TOR_DIR/src/or:$TOR_DIR/src/tools:$PATH"
# Sleep some, waiting for the network to bootstrap.
# TODO: Add chutney command 'bootstrap-status' and use that instead.
-echo -n "$myname: sleeping for $BOOTSTRAP_TIME seconds"
+$ECHO_N "$myname: sleeping for $BOOTSTRAP_TIME seconds"
n=$BOOTSTRAP_TIME; while [ $n -gt 0 ]; do
- sleep 1; n=$(expr $n - 1); echo -n .
+ sleep 1; n=$(expr $n - 1); $ECHO_N .
done; echo ""
./chutney verify $CHUTNEY_NETWORK
+# work around a bug/feature in make -j2 (or more)
+# where make hangs if any child processes are still alive
+./chutney stop $CHUTNEY_NETWORK
diff --git a/src/test/test.c b/src/test/test.c
index a14064f237..16ad6f3ae6 100644
--- a/src/test/test.c
+++ b/src/test/test.c
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ free_pregenerated_keys(void)
/** Run unit tests for the onion handshake code. */
static void
+test_onion_handshake(void *arg)
/* client-side */
crypto_dh_t *c_dh = NULL;
@@ -245,12 +245,13 @@ test_onion_handshake(void)
/* shared */
crypto_pk_t *pk = NULL, *pk2 = NULL;
+ (void)arg;
pk = pk_generate(0);
pk2 = pk_generate(1);
/* client handshake 1. */
- test_assert(! onion_skin_TAP_create(pk, &c_dh, c_buf));
+ tt_assert(! onion_skin_TAP_create(pk, &c_dh, c_buf));
for (i = 1; i <= 3; ++i) {
crypto_pk_t *k1, *k2;
@@ -267,16 +268,16 @@ test_onion_handshake(void)
memset(s_buf, 0, TAP_ONIONSKIN_REPLY_LEN);
memset(s_keys, 0, 40);
- test_assert(! onion_skin_TAP_server_handshake(c_buf, k1, k2,
+ tt_assert(! onion_skin_TAP_server_handshake(c_buf, k1, k2,
s_buf, s_keys, 40));
/* client handshake 2 */
memset(c_keys, 0, 40);
- test_assert(! onion_skin_TAP_client_handshake(c_dh, s_buf, c_keys, 40));
+ tt_assert(! onion_skin_TAP_client_handshake(c_dh, s_buf, c_keys, 40));
- test_memeq(c_keys, s_keys, 40);
+ tt_mem_op(c_keys,==, s_keys, 40);
memset(s_buf, 0, 40);
- test_memneq(c_keys, s_buf, 40);
+ tt_mem_op(c_keys,!=, s_buf, 40);
@@ -323,7 +324,7 @@ test_bad_onion_handshake(void *arg)
/* client handshake 1: do it straight. */
- test_assert(! onion_skin_TAP_create(pk, &c_dh, c_buf));
+ tt_assert(! onion_skin_TAP_create(pk, &c_dh, c_buf));
/* Server: Case 3: we just don't have the right key. */
tt_int_op(-1, ==,
@@ -351,7 +352,7 @@ test_bad_onion_handshake(void *arg)
/* Let the client finish; make sure it can. */
tt_int_op(0, ==,
onion_skin_TAP_client_handshake(c_dh, s_buf, c_keys, 40));
- test_memeq(s_keys, c_keys, 40);
+ tt_mem_op(s_keys,==, c_keys, 40);
/* Client: Case 2: The server sent back a degenerate DH. */
memset(s_buf, 0, sizeof(s_buf));
@@ -408,9 +409,9 @@ test_ntor_handshake(void *arg)
tt_int_op(0, ==, onion_skin_ntor_client_handshake(c_state, s_buf,
c_keys, 400));
- test_memeq(c_keys, s_keys, 400);
+ tt_mem_op(c_keys,==, s_keys, 400);
memset(s_buf, 0, 40);
- test_memneq(c_keys, s_buf, 40);
+ tt_mem_op(c_keys,!=, s_buf, 40);
@@ -420,7 +421,7 @@ test_ntor_handshake(void *arg)
/** Run unit tests for the onion queues. */
static void
+test_onion_queues(void *arg)
uint8_t buf1[TAP_ONIONSKIN_CHALLENGE_LEN] = {0};
uint8_t buf2[NTOR_ONIONSKIN_LEN] = {0};
@@ -431,6 +432,7 @@ test_onion_queues(void)
create_cell_t *onionskin = NULL, *create2_ptr;
create_cell_t *create1 = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(create_cell_t));
create_cell_t *create2 = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(create_cell_t));
+ (void)arg;
create2_ptr = create2; /* remember, but do not free */
create_cell_init(create1, CELL_CREATE, ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE_TAP,
@@ -438,24 +440,24 @@ test_onion_queues(void)
create_cell_init(create2, CELL_CREATE, ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE_NTOR,
- test_eq(0, onion_num_pending(ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE_TAP));
- test_eq(0, onion_pending_add(circ1, create1));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, onion_num_pending(ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE_TAP));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, onion_pending_add(circ1, create1));
create1 = NULL;
- test_eq(1, onion_num_pending(ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE_TAP));
+ tt_int_op(1,==, onion_num_pending(ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE_TAP));
- test_eq(0, onion_num_pending(ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE_NTOR));
- test_eq(0, onion_pending_add(circ2, create2));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, onion_num_pending(ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE_NTOR));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, onion_pending_add(circ2, create2));
create2 = NULL;
- test_eq(1, onion_num_pending(ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE_NTOR));
+ tt_int_op(1,==, onion_num_pending(ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE_NTOR));
- test_eq_ptr(circ2, onion_next_task(&onionskin));
- test_eq(1, onion_num_pending(ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE_TAP));
- test_eq(0, onion_num_pending(ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE_NTOR));
+ tt_ptr_op(circ2,==, onion_next_task(&onionskin));
+ tt_int_op(1,==, onion_num_pending(ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE_TAP));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, onion_num_pending(ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE_NTOR));
tt_ptr_op(onionskin, ==, create2_ptr);
- test_eq(0, onion_num_pending(ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE_TAP));
- test_eq(0, onion_num_pending(ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE_NTOR));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, onion_num_pending(ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE_TAP));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, onion_num_pending(ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE_NTOR));
@@ -466,7 +468,7 @@ test_onion_queues(void)
static void
+test_circuit_timeout(void *arg)
/* Plan:
* 1. Generate 1000 samples
@@ -484,6 +486,7 @@ test_circuit_timeout(void)
or_state_t *state=NULL;
int i, runs;
double close_ms;
+ (void)arg;
@@ -518,11 +521,11 @@ test_circuit_timeout(void)
} while (fabs(circuit_build_times_cdf(&initial, timeout0) -
circuit_build_times_cdf(&initial, timeout1)) > 0.02);
- test_assert(estimate.total_build_times <= CBT_NCIRCUITS_TO_OBSERVE);
+ tt_assert(estimate.total_build_times <= CBT_NCIRCUITS_TO_OBSERVE);
circuit_build_times_update_state(&estimate, state);
- test_assert(circuit_build_times_parse_state(&final, state) == 0);
+ tt_assert(circuit_build_times_parse_state(&final, state) == 0);
timeout2 = circuit_build_times_calculate_timeout(&final,
@@ -532,7 +535,7 @@ test_circuit_timeout(void)
log_notice(LD_CIRC, "Timeout2 is %f, Xm is %d", timeout2, final.Xm);
/* 5% here because some accuracy is lost due to histogram conversion */
- test_assert(fabs(circuit_build_times_cdf(&initial, timeout0) -
+ tt_assert(fabs(circuit_build_times_cdf(&initial, timeout0) -
circuit_build_times_cdf(&initial, timeout2)) < 0.05);
for (runs = 0; runs < 50; runs++) {
@@ -555,8 +558,8 @@ test_circuit_timeout(void)
- test_assert(!circuit_build_times_network_check_changed(&estimate));
- test_assert(!circuit_build_times_network_check_changed(&final));
+ tt_assert(!circuit_build_times_network_check_changed(&estimate));
+ tt_assert(!circuit_build_times_network_check_changed(&final));
/* Reset liveness to be non-live */
final.liveness.network_last_live = 0;
@@ -565,27 +568,27 @@ test_circuit_timeout(void)
build_times_idx = estimate.build_times_idx;
total_build_times = estimate.total_build_times;
- test_assert(circuit_build_times_network_check_live(&estimate));
- test_assert(circuit_build_times_network_check_live(&final));
+ tt_assert(circuit_build_times_network_check_live(&estimate));
+ tt_assert(circuit_build_times_network_check_live(&final));
circuit_build_times_count_close(&estimate, 0,
circuit_build_times_count_close(&final, 0,
- test_assert(!circuit_build_times_network_check_live(&estimate));
- test_assert(!circuit_build_times_network_check_live(&final));
+ tt_assert(!circuit_build_times_network_check_live(&estimate));
+ tt_assert(!circuit_build_times_network_check_live(&final));
log_info(LD_CIRC, "idx: %d %d, tot: %d %d",
build_times_idx, estimate.build_times_idx,
total_build_times, estimate.total_build_times);
/* Check rollback index. Should match top of loop. */
- test_assert(build_times_idx == estimate.build_times_idx);
+ tt_assert(build_times_idx == estimate.build_times_idx);
// This can fail if estimate.total_build_times == 1000, because
// in that case, rewind actually causes us to lose timeouts
if (total_build_times != CBT_NCIRCUITS_TO_OBSERVE)
- test_assert(total_build_times == estimate.total_build_times);
+ tt_assert(total_build_times == estimate.total_build_times);
/* Now simulate that the network has become live and we need
* a change */
@@ -600,12 +603,12 @@ test_circuit_timeout(void)
- test_assert(estimate.liveness.after_firsthop_idx == 0);
- test_assert(final.liveness.after_firsthop_idx ==
+ tt_assert(estimate.liveness.after_firsthop_idx == 0);
+ tt_assert(final.liveness.after_firsthop_idx ==
- test_assert(circuit_build_times_network_check_live(&estimate));
- test_assert(circuit_build_times_network_check_live(&final));
+ tt_assert(circuit_build_times_network_check_live(&estimate));
+ tt_assert(circuit_build_times_network_check_live(&final));
circuit_build_times_count_timeout(&final, 1);
@@ -619,7 +622,7 @@ test_circuit_timeout(void)
/** Test encoding and parsing of rendezvous service descriptors. */
static void
+test_rend_fns(void *arg)
rend_service_descriptor_t *generated = NULL, *parsed = NULL;
char service_id[DIGEST_LEN];
@@ -642,16 +645,17 @@ test_rend_fns(void)
char address6[] = "";
char address7[] = ".abcdefghijklmnop.onion";
- test_assert(BAD_HOSTNAME == parse_extended_hostname(address1));
- test_assert(ONION_HOSTNAME == parse_extended_hostname(address2));
- test_streq(address2, "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa");
- test_assert(EXIT_HOSTNAME == parse_extended_hostname(address3));
- test_assert(NORMAL_HOSTNAME == parse_extended_hostname(address4));
- test_assert(ONION_HOSTNAME == parse_extended_hostname(address5));
- test_streq(address5, "abcdefghijklmnop");
- test_assert(ONION_HOSTNAME == parse_extended_hostname(address6));
- test_streq(address6, "abcdefghijklmnop");
- test_assert(BAD_HOSTNAME == parse_extended_hostname(address7));
+ (void)arg;
+ tt_assert(BAD_HOSTNAME == parse_extended_hostname(address1));
+ tt_assert(ONION_HOSTNAME == parse_extended_hostname(address2));
+ tt_str_op(address2,==, "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa");
+ tt_assert(EXIT_HOSTNAME == parse_extended_hostname(address3));
+ tt_assert(NORMAL_HOSTNAME == parse_extended_hostname(address4));
+ tt_assert(ONION_HOSTNAME == parse_extended_hostname(address5));
+ tt_str_op(address5,==, "abcdefghijklmnop");
+ tt_assert(ONION_HOSTNAME == parse_extended_hostname(address6));
+ tt_str_op(address6,==, "abcdefghijklmnop");
+ tt_assert(BAD_HOSTNAME == parse_extended_hostname(address7));
pk1 = pk_generate(0);
pk2 = pk_generate(1);
@@ -684,40 +688,41 @@ test_rend_fns(void)
intro->intro_key = crypto_pk_dup_key(pk2);
smartlist_add(generated->intro_nodes, intro);
- test_assert(rend_encode_v2_descriptors(descs, generated, now, 0,
+ tt_assert(rend_encode_v2_descriptors(descs, generated, now, 0,
- test_assert(rend_compute_v2_desc_id(computed_desc_id, service_id_base32,
+ tt_assert(rend_compute_v2_desc_id(computed_desc_id, service_id_base32,
NULL, now, 0) == 0);
- test_memeq(((rend_encoded_v2_service_descriptor_t *)
- smartlist_get(descs, 0))->desc_id, computed_desc_id, DIGEST_LEN);
- test_assert(rend_parse_v2_service_descriptor(&parsed, parsed_desc_id,
+ tt_mem_op(((rend_encoded_v2_service_descriptor_t *)
+ smartlist_get(descs, 0))->desc_id, ==,
+ computed_desc_id, DIGEST_LEN);
+ tt_assert(rend_parse_v2_service_descriptor(&parsed, parsed_desc_id,
((rend_encoded_v2_service_descriptor_t *)
smartlist_get(descs, 0))->desc_str) == 0);
- test_assert(parsed);
- test_memeq(((rend_encoded_v2_service_descriptor_t *)
- smartlist_get(descs, 0))->desc_id, parsed_desc_id, DIGEST_LEN);
- test_eq(rend_parse_introduction_points(parsed, intro_points_encrypted,
- intro_points_size), 3);
- test_assert(!crypto_pk_cmp_keys(generated->pk, parsed->pk));
- test_eq(parsed->timestamp, now);
- test_eq(parsed->version, 2);
- test_eq(parsed->protocols, 42);
- test_eq(smartlist_len(parsed->intro_nodes), 3);
+ tt_assert(parsed);
+ tt_mem_op(((rend_encoded_v2_service_descriptor_t *)
+ smartlist_get(descs, 0))->desc_id,==, parsed_desc_id, DIGEST_LEN);
+ tt_int_op(rend_parse_introduction_points(parsed, intro_points_encrypted,
+ intro_points_size),==, 3);
+ tt_assert(!crypto_pk_cmp_keys(generated->pk, parsed->pk));
+ tt_int_op(parsed->timestamp,==, now);
+ tt_int_op(parsed->version,==, 2);
+ tt_int_op(parsed->protocols,==, 42);
+ tt_int_op(smartlist_len(parsed->intro_nodes),==, 3);
for (i = 0; i < smartlist_len(parsed->intro_nodes); i++) {
rend_intro_point_t *par_intro = smartlist_get(parsed->intro_nodes, i),
*gen_intro = smartlist_get(generated->intro_nodes, i);
extend_info_t *par_info = par_intro->extend_info;
extend_info_t *gen_info = gen_intro->extend_info;
- test_assert(!crypto_pk_cmp_keys(gen_info->onion_key, par_info->onion_key));
- test_memeq(gen_info->identity_digest, par_info->identity_digest,
+ tt_assert(!crypto_pk_cmp_keys(gen_info->onion_key, par_info->onion_key));
+ tt_mem_op(gen_info->identity_digest,==, par_info->identity_digest,
- test_streq(gen_info->nickname, par_info->nickname);
- test_assert(tor_addr_eq(&gen_info->addr, &par_info->addr));
- test_eq(gen_info->port, par_info->port);
+ tt_str_op(gen_info->nickname,==, par_info->nickname);
+ tt_assert(tor_addr_eq(&gen_info->addr, &par_info->addr));
+ tt_int_op(gen_info->port,==, par_info->port);
@@ -761,17 +766,17 @@ test_rend_fns(void)
} while (0)
#define CHECK_COUNTRY(country, val) do { \
/* test ipv4 country lookup */ \
- test_streq(country, \
+ tt_str_op(country, ==, \
geoip_get_country_name(geoip_get_country_by_ipv4(val))); \
/* test ipv6 country lookup */ \
SET_TEST_IPV6(val); \
- test_streq(country, \
+ tt_str_op(country, ==, \
geoip_get_country_name(geoip_get_country_by_ipv6(&in6))); \
} while (0)
/** Run unit tests for GeoIP code. */
static void
+test_geoip(void *arg)
int i, j;
time_t now = 1281533250; /* 2010-08-11 13:27:30 UTC */
@@ -825,23 +830,24 @@ test_geoip(void)
/* Populate the DB a bit. Add these in order, since we can't do the final
* 'sort' step. These aren't very good IP addresses, but they're perfectly
* fine uint32_t values. */
- test_eq(0, geoip_parse_entry("10,50,AB", AF_INET));
- test_eq(0, geoip_parse_entry("52,90,XY", AF_INET));
- test_eq(0, geoip_parse_entry("95,100,AB", AF_INET));
- test_eq(0, geoip_parse_entry("\"105\",\"140\",\"ZZ\"", AF_INET));
- test_eq(0, geoip_parse_entry("\"150\",\"190\",\"XY\"", AF_INET));
- test_eq(0, geoip_parse_entry("\"200\",\"250\",\"AB\"", AF_INET));
+ (void)arg;
+ tt_int_op(0,==, geoip_parse_entry("10,50,AB", AF_INET));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, geoip_parse_entry("52,90,XY", AF_INET));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, geoip_parse_entry("95,100,AB", AF_INET));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, geoip_parse_entry("\"105\",\"140\",\"ZZ\"", AF_INET));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, geoip_parse_entry("\"150\",\"190\",\"XY\"", AF_INET));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, geoip_parse_entry("\"200\",\"250\",\"AB\"", AF_INET));
/* Populate the IPv6 DB equivalently with fake IPs in the same range */
- test_eq(0, geoip_parse_entry("::a,::32,AB", AF_INET6));
- test_eq(0, geoip_parse_entry("::34,::5a,XY", AF_INET6));
- test_eq(0, geoip_parse_entry("::5f,::64,AB", AF_INET6));
- test_eq(0, geoip_parse_entry("::69,::8c,ZZ", AF_INET6));
- test_eq(0, geoip_parse_entry("::96,::be,XY", AF_INET6));
- test_eq(0, geoip_parse_entry("::c8,::fa,AB", AF_INET6));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, geoip_parse_entry("::a,::32,AB", AF_INET6));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, geoip_parse_entry("::34,::5a,XY", AF_INET6));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, geoip_parse_entry("::5f,::64,AB", AF_INET6));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, geoip_parse_entry("::69,::8c,ZZ", AF_INET6));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, geoip_parse_entry("::96,::be,XY", AF_INET6));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, geoip_parse_entry("::c8,::fa,AB", AF_INET6));
/* We should have 4 countries: ??, ab, xy, zz. */
- test_eq(4, geoip_get_n_countries());
+ tt_int_op(4,==, geoip_get_n_countries());
memset(&in6, 0, sizeof(in6));
@@ -852,9 +858,9 @@ test_geoip(void)
CHECK_COUNTRY("xy", 190);
CHECK_COUNTRY("??", 2000);
- test_eq(0, geoip_get_country_by_ipv4(3));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, geoip_get_country_by_ipv4(3));
- test_eq(0, geoip_get_country_by_ipv6(&in6));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, geoip_get_country_by_ipv6(&in6));
get_options_mutable()->BridgeRelay = 1;
get_options_mutable()->BridgeRecordUsageByCountry = 1;
@@ -877,41 +883,41 @@ test_geoip(void)
geoip_note_client_seen(GEOIP_CLIENT_CONNECT, &addr, NULL, now);
geoip_get_client_history(GEOIP_CLIENT_CONNECT, &s, &v);
- test_assert(s);
- test_assert(v);
- test_streq("zz=24,ab=16,xy=8", s);
- test_streq("v4=16,v6=16", v);
+ tt_assert(s);
+ tt_assert(v);
+ tt_str_op("zz=24,ab=16,xy=8",==, s);
+ tt_str_op("v4=16,v6=16",==, v);
/* Now clear out all the AB observations. */
geoip_get_client_history(GEOIP_CLIENT_CONNECT, &s, &v);
- test_assert(s);
- test_assert(v);
- test_streq("zz=24,xy=8", s);
- test_streq("v4=16,v6=16", v);
+ tt_assert(s);
+ tt_assert(v);
+ tt_str_op("zz=24,xy=8",==, s);
+ tt_str_op("v4=16,v6=16",==, v);
/* Start testing bridge statistics by making sure that we don't output
* bridge stats without initializing them. */
s = geoip_format_bridge_stats(now + 86400);
- test_assert(!s);
+ tt_assert(!s);
/* Initialize stats and generate the bridge-stats history string out of
* the connecting clients added above. */
s = geoip_format_bridge_stats(now + 86400);
- test_assert(s);
- test_streq(bridge_stats_1, s);
+ tt_assert(s);
+ tt_str_op(bridge_stats_1,==, s);
/* Stop collecting bridge stats and make sure we don't write a history
* string anymore. */
s = geoip_format_bridge_stats(now + 86400);
- test_assert(!s);
+ tt_assert(!s);
/* Stop being a bridge and start being a directory mirror that gathers
* directory request statistics. */
@@ -925,7 +931,7 @@ test_geoip(void)
geoip_note_client_seen(GEOIP_CLIENT_NETWORKSTATUS, &addr, NULL, now);
s = geoip_format_dirreq_stats(now + 86400);
- test_assert(!s);
+ tt_assert(!s);
/* Initialize stats, note one connecting client, and generate the
* dirreq-stats history string. */
@@ -933,7 +939,7 @@ test_geoip(void)
geoip_note_client_seen(GEOIP_CLIENT_NETWORKSTATUS, &addr, NULL, now);
s = geoip_format_dirreq_stats(now + 86400);
- test_streq(dirreq_stats_1, s);
+ tt_str_op(dirreq_stats_1,==, s);
/* Stop collecting stats, add another connecting client, and ensure we
@@ -942,7 +948,7 @@ test_geoip(void)
geoip_note_client_seen(GEOIP_CLIENT_NETWORKSTATUS, &addr, NULL, now);
s = geoip_format_dirreq_stats(now + 86400);
- test_assert(!s);
+ tt_assert(!s);
/* Re-start stats, add a connecting client, reset stats, and make sure
* that we get an all empty history string. */
@@ -951,20 +957,20 @@ test_geoip(void)
geoip_note_client_seen(GEOIP_CLIENT_NETWORKSTATUS, &addr, NULL, now);
s = geoip_format_dirreq_stats(now + 86400);
- test_streq(dirreq_stats_2, s);
+ tt_str_op(dirreq_stats_2,==, s);
/* Note a successful network status response and make sure that it
* appears in the history string. */
s = geoip_format_dirreq_stats(now + 86400);
- test_streq(dirreq_stats_3, s);
+ tt_str_op(dirreq_stats_3,==, s);
/* Start a tunneled directory request. */
geoip_start_dirreq((uint64_t) 1, 1024, DIRREQ_TUNNELED);
s = geoip_format_dirreq_stats(now + 86400);
- test_streq(dirreq_stats_4, s);
+ tt_str_op(dirreq_stats_4,==, s);
/* Stop collecting directory request statistics and start gathering
@@ -978,7 +984,7 @@ test_geoip(void)
geoip_note_client_seen(GEOIP_CLIENT_CONNECT, &addr, NULL, now);
s = geoip_format_entry_stats(now + 86400);
- test_assert(!s);
+ tt_assert(!s);
/* Initialize stats, note one connecting client, and generate the
* entry-stats history string. */
@@ -986,7 +992,7 @@ test_geoip(void)
geoip_note_client_seen(GEOIP_CLIENT_CONNECT, &addr, NULL, now);
s = geoip_format_entry_stats(now + 86400);
- test_streq(entry_stats_1, s);
+ tt_str_op(entry_stats_1,==, s);
/* Stop collecting stats, add another connecting client, and ensure we
@@ -995,7 +1001,7 @@ test_geoip(void)
geoip_note_client_seen(GEOIP_CLIENT_CONNECT, &addr, NULL, now);
s = geoip_format_entry_stats(now + 86400);
- test_assert(!s);
+ tt_assert(!s);
/* Re-start stats, add a connecting client, reset stats, and make sure
* that we get an all empty history string. */
@@ -1004,7 +1010,7 @@ test_geoip(void)
geoip_note_client_seen(GEOIP_CLIENT_CONNECT, &addr, NULL, now);
s = geoip_format_entry_stats(now + 86400);
- test_streq(entry_stats_2, s);
+ tt_str_op(entry_stats_2,==, s);
/* Stop collecting entry statistics. */
@@ -1017,7 +1023,7 @@ test_geoip(void)
static void
+test_geoip_with_pt(void *arg)
time_t now = 1281533250; /* 2010-08-11 13:27:30 UTC */
char *s = NULL;
@@ -1025,6 +1031,7 @@ test_geoip_with_pt(void)
tor_addr_t addr;
struct in6_addr in6;
+ (void)arg;
get_options_mutable()->BridgeRelay = 1;
get_options_mutable()->BridgeRecordUsageByCountry = 1;
@@ -1076,7 +1083,7 @@ test_geoip_with_pt(void)
/* Test the transport history string. */
s = geoip_get_transport_history();
- test_streq(s, "<OR>=8,alpha=16,beta=8,charlie=16,ddr=136,"
+ tt_str_op(s,==, "<OR>=8,alpha=16,beta=8,charlie=16,ddr=136,"
/* Stop collecting entry statistics. */
@@ -1093,7 +1100,7 @@ test_geoip_with_pt(void)
/** Run unit tests for stats code. */
static void
+test_stats(void *arg)
time_t now = 1281533250; /* 2010-08-11 13:27:30 UTC */
char *s = NULL;
@@ -1101,10 +1108,11 @@ test_stats(void)
/* Start with testing exit port statistics; we shouldn't collect exit
* stats without initializing them. */
+ (void)arg;
rep_hist_note_exit_bytes(80, 100, 10000);
s = rep_hist_format_exit_stats(now + 86400);
- test_assert(!s);
+ tt_assert(!s);
/* Initialize stats, note some streams and bytes, and generate history
* string. */
@@ -1115,10 +1123,10 @@ test_stats(void)
rep_hist_note_exit_bytes(443, 100, 10000);
rep_hist_note_exit_bytes(443, 100, 10000);
s = rep_hist_format_exit_stats(now + 86400);
- test_streq("exit-stats-end 2010-08-12 13:27:30 (86400 s)\n"
+ tt_str_op("exit-stats-end 2010-08-12 13:27:30 (86400 s)\n"
"exit-kibibytes-written 80=1,443=1,other=0\n"
"exit-kibibytes-read 80=10,443=20,other=0\n"
- "exit-streams-opened 80=4,443=4,other=0\n", s);
+ "exit-streams-opened 80=4,443=4,other=0\n",==, s);
/* Add a few bytes on 10 more ports and ensure that only the top 10
@@ -1128,13 +1136,13 @@ test_stats(void)
s = rep_hist_format_exit_stats(now + 86400);
- test_streq("exit-stats-end 2010-08-12 13:27:30 (86400 s)\n"
+ tt_str_op("exit-stats-end 2010-08-12 13:27:30 (86400 s)\n"
"exit-kibibytes-written 52=1,53=1,54=1,55=1,56=1,57=1,58=1,"
"exit-kibibytes-read 52=1,53=1,54=1,55=1,56=1,57=1,58=1,"
"exit-streams-opened 52=4,53=4,54=4,55=4,56=4,57=4,58=4,"
- "59=4,80=4,443=4,other=4\n", s);
+ "59=4,80=4,443=4,other=4\n",==, s);
/* Stop collecting stats, add some bytes, and ensure we don't generate
@@ -1142,7 +1150,7 @@ test_stats(void)
rep_hist_note_exit_bytes(80, 100, 10000);
s = rep_hist_format_exit_stats(now + 86400);
- test_assert(!s);
+ tt_assert(!s);
/* Re-start stats, add some bytes, reset stats, and see what history we
* get when observing no streams or bytes at all. */
@@ -1151,17 +1159,17 @@ test_stats(void)
rep_hist_note_exit_bytes(80, 100, 10000);
s = rep_hist_format_exit_stats(now + 86400);
- test_streq("exit-stats-end 2010-08-12 13:27:30 (86400 s)\n"
+ tt_str_op("exit-stats-end 2010-08-12 13:27:30 (86400 s)\n"
"exit-kibibytes-written other=0\n"
"exit-kibibytes-read other=0\n"
- "exit-streams-opened other=0\n", s);
+ "exit-streams-opened other=0\n",==, s);
/* Continue with testing connection statistics; we shouldn't collect
* conn stats without initializing them. */
rep_hist_note_or_conn_bytes(1, 20, 400, now);
s = rep_hist_format_conn_stats(now + 86400);
- test_assert(!s);
+ tt_assert(!s);
/* Initialize stats, note bytes, and generate history string. */
@@ -1170,7 +1178,7 @@ test_stats(void)
rep_hist_note_or_conn_bytes(2, 400000, 30000, now + 10);
rep_hist_note_or_conn_bytes(2, 400000, 30000, now + 15);
s = rep_hist_format_conn_stats(now + 86400);
- test_streq("conn-bi-direct 2010-08-12 13:27:30 (86400 s) 0,0,1,0\n", s);
+ tt_str_op("conn-bi-direct 2010-08-12 13:27:30 (86400 s) 0,0,1,0\n",==, s);
/* Stop collecting stats, add some bytes, and ensure we don't generate
@@ -1178,7 +1186,7 @@ test_stats(void)
rep_hist_note_or_conn_bytes(2, 400000, 30000, now + 15);
s = rep_hist_format_conn_stats(now + 86400);
- test_assert(!s);
+ tt_assert(!s);
/* Re-start stats, add some bytes, reset stats, and see what history we
* get when observing no bytes at all. */
@@ -1189,26 +1197,26 @@ test_stats(void)
rep_hist_note_or_conn_bytes(2, 400000, 30000, now + 15);
s = rep_hist_format_conn_stats(now + 86400);
- test_streq("conn-bi-direct 2010-08-12 13:27:30 (86400 s) 0,0,0,0\n", s);
+ tt_str_op("conn-bi-direct 2010-08-12 13:27:30 (86400 s) 0,0,0,0\n",==, s);
/* Continue with testing buffer statistics; we shouldn't collect buffer
* stats without initializing them. */
rep_hist_add_buffer_stats(2.0, 2.0, 20);
s = rep_hist_format_buffer_stats(now + 86400);
- test_assert(!s);
+ tt_assert(!s);
/* Initialize stats, add statistics for a single circuit, and generate
* the history string. */
rep_hist_add_buffer_stats(2.0, 2.0, 20);
s = rep_hist_format_buffer_stats(now + 86400);
- test_streq("cell-stats-end 2010-08-12 13:27:30 (86400 s)\n"
+ tt_str_op("cell-stats-end 2010-08-12 13:27:30 (86400 s)\n"
"cell-processed-cells 20,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0\n"
"cell-queued-cells 2.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,"
"cell-time-in-queue 2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0\n"
- "cell-circuits-per-decile 1\n", s);
+ "cell-circuits-per-decile 1\n",==, s);
/* Add nineteen more circuit statistics to the one that's already in the
@@ -1218,12 +1226,12 @@ test_stats(void)
for (i = 20; i < 30; i++)
rep_hist_add_buffer_stats(3.5, 3.5, i);
s = rep_hist_format_buffer_stats(now + 86400);
- test_streq("cell-stats-end 2010-08-12 13:27:30 (86400 s)\n"
+ tt_str_op("cell-stats-end 2010-08-12 13:27:30 (86400 s)\n"
"cell-processed-cells 29,28,27,26,25,24,23,22,21,20\n"
"cell-queued-cells 2.75,2.75,2.75,2.75,2.75,2.75,2.75,2.75,"
"cell-time-in-queue 3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3\n"
- "cell-circuits-per-decile 2\n", s);
+ "cell-circuits-per-decile 2\n",==, s);
/* Stop collecting stats, add statistics for one circuit, and ensure we
@@ -1231,7 +1239,7 @@ test_stats(void)
rep_hist_add_buffer_stats(2.0, 2.0, 20);
s = rep_hist_format_buffer_stats(now + 86400);
- test_assert(!s);
+ tt_assert(!s);
/* Re-start stats, add statistics for one circuit, reset stats, and make
* sure that the history has all zeros. */
@@ -1239,46 +1247,21 @@ test_stats(void)
rep_hist_add_buffer_stats(2.0, 2.0, 20);
s = rep_hist_format_buffer_stats(now + 86400);
- test_streq("cell-stats-end 2010-08-12 13:27:30 (86400 s)\n"
+ tt_str_op("cell-stats-end 2010-08-12 13:27:30 (86400 s)\n"
"cell-processed-cells 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0\n"
"cell-queued-cells 0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,"
"cell-time-in-queue 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0\n"
- "cell-circuits-per-decile 0\n", s);
+ "cell-circuits-per-decile 0\n",==, s);
-static void *
-legacy_test_setup(const struct testcase_t *testcase)
- return testcase->setup_data;
-legacy_test_helper(void *data)
- void (*fn)(void) = data;
- fn();
-static int
-legacy_test_cleanup(const struct testcase_t *testcase, void *ptr)
- (void)ptr;
- (void)testcase;
- return 1;
-const struct testcase_setup_t legacy_setup = {
- legacy_test_setup, legacy_test_cleanup
#define ENT(name) \
- { #name, legacy_test_helper, 0, &legacy_setup, test_ ## name }
+ { #name, test_ ## name , 0, NULL, NULL }
#define FORK(name) \
- { #name, legacy_test_helper, TT_FORK, &legacy_setup, test_ ## name }
+ { #name, test_ ## name , TT_FORK, NULL, NULL }
static struct testcase_t test_array[] = {
@@ -1322,6 +1305,7 @@ extern struct testcase_t hs_tests[];
extern struct testcase_t nodelist_tests[];
extern struct testcase_t routerkeys_tests[];
extern struct testcase_t oom_tests[];
+extern struct testcase_t accounting_tests[];
extern struct testcase_t policy_tests[];
extern struct testcase_t status_tests[];
extern struct testcase_t routerset_tests[];
@@ -1354,6 +1338,7 @@ static struct testgroup_t testgroups[] = {
{ "nodelist/", nodelist_tests },
{ "routerkeys/", routerkeys_tests },
{ "oom/", oom_tests },
+ { "accounting/", accounting_tests },
{ "policy/" , policy_tests },
{ "status/" , status_tests },
{ "routerset/" , routerset_tests },
diff --git a/src/test/test.h b/src/test/test.h
index b9e4d5bdb4..8eb2dfc016 100644
--- a/src/test/test.h
+++ b/src/test/test.h
@@ -22,25 +22,6 @@
-#define test_fail_msg(msg) TT_DIE((msg))
-#define test_fail() test_fail_msg("Assertion failed.")
-#define test_assert(expr) tt_assert(expr)
-#define test_eq(expr1, expr2) tt_int_op((expr1), ==, (expr2))
-#define test_eq_ptr(expr1, expr2) tt_ptr_op((expr1), ==, (expr2))
-#define test_neq(expr1, expr2) tt_int_op((expr1), !=, (expr2))
-#define test_neq_ptr(expr1, expr2) tt_ptr_op((expr1), !=, (expr2))
-#define test_streq(expr1, expr2) tt_str_op((expr1), ==, (expr2))
-#define test_strneq(expr1, expr2) tt_str_op((expr1), !=, (expr2))
-#define test_mem_op(expr1, op, expr2, len) \
- tt_mem_op((expr1), op, (expr2), (len))
-#define test_memeq(expr1, expr2, len) test_mem_op((expr1), ==, (expr2), len)
-#define test_memneq(expr1, expr2, len) test_mem_op((expr1), !=, (expr2), len)
/* As test_mem_op, but decodes 'hex' before comparing. There must be a
* local char* variable called mem_op_hex_tmp for this to work. */
#define test_mem_op_hex(expr1, op, hex) \
@@ -50,7 +31,7 @@
mem_op_hex_tmp = tor_malloc(length/2); \
tor_assert((length&1)==0); \
base16_decode(mem_op_hex_tmp, length/2, hex, length); \
- test_mem_op(expr1, op, mem_op_hex_tmp, length/2); \
+ tt_mem_op(expr1, op, mem_op_hex_tmp, length/2); \
#define test_memeq_hex(expr1, hex) test_mem_op_hex(expr1, ==, hex)
@@ -85,9 +66,6 @@
const char *get_fname(const char *name);
crypto_pk_t *pk_generate(int idx);
-void legacy_test_helper(void *data);
-extern const struct testcase_setup_t legacy_setup;
#define US2_CONCAT_2__(a, b) a ## __ ## b
#define US_CONCAT_2__(a, b) a ## _ ## b
#define US_CONCAT_3__(a, b, c) a ## _ ## b ## _ ## c
diff --git a/src/test/test_accounting.c b/src/test/test_accounting.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..25908e942c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/test_accounting.c
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+#include "or.h"
+#include "test.h"
+#include "hibernate.h"
+#include "config.h"
+#include "statefile.h"
+#define NS_MODULE accounting
+#define NS_SUBMODULE limits
+ * Test to make sure accounting triggers hibernation
+ * correctly with both sum or max rules set
+ */
+static or_state_t *or_state;
+NS_DECL(or_state_t *, get_or_state, (void));
+static or_state_t *
+ return or_state;
+static void
+test_accounting_limits(void *arg)
+ or_options_t *options = get_options_mutable();
+ time_t fake_time = time(NULL);
+ (void) arg;
+ NS_MOCK(get_or_state);
+ or_state = or_state_new();
+ options->AccountingMax = 100;
+ options->AccountingRule = ACCT_MAX;
+ tor_assert(accounting_is_enabled(options));
+ configure_accounting(fake_time);
+ accounting_add_bytes(10, 0, 1);
+ fake_time += 1;
+ consider_hibernation(fake_time);
+ tor_assert(we_are_hibernating() == 0);
+ accounting_add_bytes(90, 0, 1);
+ fake_time += 1;
+ consider_hibernation(fake_time);
+ tor_assert(we_are_hibernating() == 1);
+ options->AccountingMax = 200;
+ options->AccountingRule = ACCT_SUM;
+ accounting_add_bytes(0, 10, 1);
+ fake_time += 1;
+ consider_hibernation(fake_time);
+ tor_assert(we_are_hibernating() == 0);
+ accounting_add_bytes(0, 90, 1);
+ fake_time += 1;
+ consider_hibernation(fake_time);
+ tor_assert(we_are_hibernating() == 1);
+ goto done;
+ done:
+ NS_UNMOCK(get_or_state);
+ or_state_free(or_state);
+struct testcase_t accounting_tests[] = {
+ { "bwlimits", test_accounting_limits, TT_FORK, NULL, NULL },
diff --git a/src/test/test_addr.c b/src/test/test_addr.c
index 50011e606b..043c2a0d4a 100644
--- a/src/test/test_addr.c
+++ b/src/test/test_addr.c
@@ -10,49 +10,50 @@
#include "addressmap.h"
static void
+test_addr_basic(void *arg)
uint32_t u32;
uint16_t u16;
char *cp;
/* Test addr_port_lookup */
+ (void)arg;
cp = NULL; u32 = 3; u16 = 3;
- test_assert(!addr_port_lookup(LOG_WARN, "", &cp, &u32, &u16));
- test_streq(cp, "");
- test_eq(u32, 0x01020304u);
- test_eq(u16, 0);
+ tt_assert(!addr_port_lookup(LOG_WARN, "", &cp, &u32, &u16));
+ tt_str_op(cp,==, "");
+ tt_int_op(u32,==, 0x01020304u);
+ tt_int_op(u16,==, 0);
- test_assert(!addr_port_lookup(LOG_WARN, "", &cp, &u32, &u16));
- test_streq(cp, "");
- test_eq(u32, 0x04030201u);
- test_eq(u16, 99);
+ tt_assert(!addr_port_lookup(LOG_WARN, "", &cp, &u32, &u16));
+ tt_str_op(cp,==, "");
+ tt_int_op(u32,==, 0x04030201u);
+ tt_int_op(u16,==, 99);
- test_assert(!addr_port_lookup(LOG_WARN, "nonexistent.address:4040",
+ tt_assert(!addr_port_lookup(LOG_WARN, "nonexistent.address:4040",
&cp, NULL, &u16));
- test_streq(cp, "nonexistent.address");
- test_eq(u16, 4040);
+ tt_str_op(cp,==, "nonexistent.address");
+ tt_int_op(u16,==, 4040);
- test_assert(!addr_port_lookup(LOG_WARN, "localhost:9999", &cp, &u32, &u16));
- test_streq(cp, "localhost");
- test_eq(u32, 0x7f000001u);
- test_eq(u16, 9999);
+ tt_assert(!addr_port_lookup(LOG_WARN, "localhost:9999", &cp, &u32, &u16));
+ tt_str_op(cp,==, "localhost");
+ tt_int_op(u32,==, 0x7f000001u);
+ tt_int_op(u16,==, 9999);
u32 = 3;
- test_assert(!addr_port_lookup(LOG_WARN, "localhost", NULL, &u32, &u16));
- test_eq_ptr(cp, NULL);
- test_eq(u32, 0x7f000001u);
- test_eq(u16, 0);
+ tt_assert(!addr_port_lookup(LOG_WARN, "localhost", NULL, &u32, &u16));
+ tt_ptr_op(cp,==, NULL);
+ tt_int_op(u32,==, 0x7f000001u);
+ tt_int_op(u16,==, 0);
- test_assert(addr_port_lookup(LOG_WARN, "localhost:3", &cp, &u32, NULL));
+ tt_assert(addr_port_lookup(LOG_WARN, "localhost:3", &cp, &u32, NULL));
- test_eq(0, addr_mask_get_bits(0x0u));
- test_eq(32, addr_mask_get_bits(0xFFFFFFFFu));
- test_eq(16, addr_mask_get_bits(0xFFFF0000u));
- test_eq(31, addr_mask_get_bits(0xFFFFFFFEu));
- test_eq(1, addr_mask_get_bits(0x80000000u));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, addr_mask_get_bits(0x0u));
+ tt_int_op(32,==, addr_mask_get_bits(0xFFFFFFFFu));
+ tt_int_op(16,==, addr_mask_get_bits(0xFFFF0000u));
+ tt_int_op(31,==, addr_mask_get_bits(0xFFFFFFFEu));
+ tt_int_op(1,==, addr_mask_get_bits(0x80000000u));
/* Test inet_ntop */
@@ -61,15 +62,15 @@ test_addr_basic(void)
struct in_addr in;
/* good round trip */
- test_eq(tor_inet_pton(AF_INET, ip, &in), 1);
- test_eq_ptr(tor_inet_ntop(AF_INET, &in, tmpbuf, sizeof(tmpbuf)), &tmpbuf);
- test_streq(tmpbuf, ip);
+ tt_int_op(tor_inet_pton(AF_INET, ip, &in),==, 1);
+ tt_ptr_op(tor_inet_ntop(AF_INET, &in, tmpbuf, sizeof(tmpbuf)),==, &tmpbuf);
+ tt_str_op(tmpbuf,==, ip);
/* just enough buffer length */
- test_streq(tor_inet_ntop(AF_INET, &in, tmpbuf, strlen(ip) + 1), ip);
+ tt_str_op(tor_inet_ntop(AF_INET, &in, tmpbuf, strlen(ip) + 1),==, ip);
/* too short buffer */
- test_eq_ptr(tor_inet_ntop(AF_INET, &in, tmpbuf, strlen(ip)), NULL);
+ tt_ptr_op(tor_inet_ntop(AF_INET, &in, tmpbuf, strlen(ip)),==, NULL);
@@ -96,67 +97,68 @@ test_addr_basic(void)
/** Helper: Assert that two strings both decode as IPv6 addresses with
* tor_inet_pton(), and both decode to the same address. */
-#define test_pton6_same(a,b) STMT_BEGIN \
- test_eq(tor_inet_pton(AF_INET6, a, &a1), 1); \
- test_eq(tor_inet_pton(AF_INET6, b, &a2), 1); \
- test_op_ip6_(&a1,==,&a2,#a,#b); \
+#define test_pton6_same(a,b) STMT_BEGIN \
+ tt_int_op(tor_inet_pton(AF_INET6, a, &a1), ==, 1); \
+ tt_int_op(tor_inet_pton(AF_INET6, b, &a2), ==, 1); \
+ test_op_ip6_(&a1,==,&a2,#a,#b); \
/** Helper: Assert that <b>a</b> is recognized as a bad IPv6 address by
* tor_inet_pton(). */
#define test_pton6_bad(a) \
- test_eq(0, tor_inet_pton(AF_INET6, a, &a1))
+ tt_int_op(0, ==, tor_inet_pton(AF_INET6, a, &a1))
/** Helper: assert that <b>a</b>, when parsed by tor_inet_pton() and displayed
* with tor_inet_ntop(), yields <b>b</b>. Also assert that <b>b</b> parses to
* the same value as <b>a</b>. */
-#define test_ntop6_reduces(a,b) STMT_BEGIN \
- test_eq(tor_inet_pton(AF_INET6, a, &a1), 1); \
- test_streq(tor_inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &a1, buf, sizeof(buf)), b); \
- test_eq(tor_inet_pton(AF_INET6, b, &a2), 1); \
- test_op_ip6_(&a1, ==, &a2, a, b); \
+#define test_ntop6_reduces(a,b) STMT_BEGIN \
+ tt_int_op(tor_inet_pton(AF_INET6, a, &a1), ==, 1); \
+ tt_str_op(tor_inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &a1, buf, sizeof(buf)), ==, b); \
+ tt_int_op(tor_inet_pton(AF_INET6, b, &a2), ==, 1); \
+ test_op_ip6_(&a1, ==, &a2, a, b); \
/** Helper: assert that <b>a</b> parses by tor_inet_pton() into a address that
* passes tor_addr_is_internal() with <b>for_listening</b>. */
#define test_internal_ip(a,for_listening) STMT_BEGIN \
- test_eq(tor_inet_pton(AF_INET6, a, &t1.addr.in6_addr), 1); \
+ tt_int_op(tor_inet_pton(AF_INET6, a, &t1.addr.in6_addr), ==, 1); \ = AF_INET6; \
if (!tor_addr_is_internal(&t1, for_listening)) \
- test_fail_msg( a "was not internal."); \
+ TT_DIE(("%s was not internal", a)); \
/** Helper: assert that <b>a</b> parses by tor_inet_pton() into a address that
* does not pass tor_addr_is_internal() with <b>for_listening</b>. */
#define test_external_ip(a,for_listening) STMT_BEGIN \
- test_eq(tor_inet_pton(AF_INET6, a, &t1.addr.in6_addr), 1); \
+ tt_int_op(tor_inet_pton(AF_INET6, a, &t1.addr.in6_addr), ==, 1); \ = AF_INET6; \
if (tor_addr_is_internal(&t1, for_listening)) \
- test_fail_msg(a "was not external."); \
+ TT_DIE(("%s was not internal", a)); \
/** Helper: Assert that <b>a</b> and <b>b</b>, when parsed by
* tor_inet_pton(), give addresses that compare in the order defined by
* <b>op</b> with tor_addr_compare(). */
#define test_addr_compare(a, op, b) STMT_BEGIN \
- test_eq(tor_inet_pton(AF_INET6, a, &t1.addr.in6_addr), 1); \
- test_eq(tor_inet_pton(AF_INET6, b, &t2.addr.in6_addr), 1); \
+ tt_int_op(tor_inet_pton(AF_INET6, a, &t1.addr.in6_addr), ==, 1); \
+ tt_int_op(tor_inet_pton(AF_INET6, b, &t2.addr.in6_addr), ==, 1); \ = = AF_INET6; \
r = tor_addr_compare(&t1,&t2,CMP_SEMANTIC); \
if (!(r op 0)) \
- test_fail_msg("failed: tor_addr_compare("a","b") "#op" 0"); \
+ TT_DIE(("Failed: tor_addr_compare(%s,%s) %s 0", a, b, #op));\
/** Helper: Assert that <b>a</b> and <b>b</b>, when parsed by
* tor_inet_pton(), give addresses that compare in the order defined by
* <b>op</b> with tor_addr_compare_masked() with <b>m</b> masked. */
#define test_addr_compare_masked(a, op, b, m) STMT_BEGIN \
- test_eq(tor_inet_pton(AF_INET6, a, &t1.addr.in6_addr), 1); \
- test_eq(tor_inet_pton(AF_INET6, b, &t2.addr.in6_addr), 1); \
+ tt_int_op(tor_inet_pton(AF_INET6, a, &t1.addr.in6_addr), ==, 1); \
+ tt_int_op(tor_inet_pton(AF_INET6, b, &t2.addr.in6_addr), ==, 1); \ = = AF_INET6; \
r = tor_addr_compare_masked(&t1,&t2,m,CMP_SEMANTIC); \
if (!(r op 0)) \
- test_fail_msg("failed: tor_addr_compare_masked("a","b","#m") "#op" 0"); \
+ TT_DIE(("Failed: tor_addr_compare_masked(%s,%s,%d) %s 0", \
+ a, b, m, #op)); \
/** Helper: assert that <b>xx</b> is parseable as a masked IPv6 address with
@@ -165,21 +167,21 @@ test_addr_basic(void)
* as <b>pt1..pt2</b>. */
#define test_addr_mask_ports_parse(xx, f, ip1, ip2, ip3, ip4, mm, pt1, pt2) \
- test_eq(tor_addr_parse_mask_ports(xx, 0, &t1, &mask, &port1, &port2), \
- f); \
+ tt_int_op(tor_addr_parse_mask_ports(xx, 0, &t1, &mask, &port1, &port2), \
+ ==, f); \
p1=tor_inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &t1.addr.in6_addr, bug, sizeof(bug)); \
- test_eq(htonl(ip1), tor_addr_to_in6_addr32(&t1)[0]); \
- test_eq(htonl(ip2), tor_addr_to_in6_addr32(&t1)[1]); \
- test_eq(htonl(ip3), tor_addr_to_in6_addr32(&t1)[2]); \
- test_eq(htonl(ip4), tor_addr_to_in6_addr32(&t1)[3]); \
- test_eq(mask, mm); \
- test_eq(port1, pt1); \
- test_eq(port2, pt2); \
+ tt_int_op(htonl(ip1), ==, tor_addr_to_in6_addr32(&t1)[0]); \
+ tt_int_op(htonl(ip2), ==, tor_addr_to_in6_addr32(&t1)[1]); \
+ tt_int_op(htonl(ip3), ==, tor_addr_to_in6_addr32(&t1)[2]); \
+ tt_int_op(htonl(ip4), ==, tor_addr_to_in6_addr32(&t1)[3]); \
+ tt_int_op(mask, ==, mm); \
+ tt_uint_op(port1, ==, pt1); \
+ tt_uint_op(port2, ==, pt2); \
/** Run unit tests for IPv6 encoding/decoding/manipulation functions. */
static void
+test_addr_ip6_helpers(void *arg)
@@ -194,28 +196,29 @@ test_addr_ip6_helpers(void)
struct sockaddr_in6 *sin6;
/* Test tor_inet_ntop and tor_inet_pton: IPv6 */
+ (void)arg;
const char *ip = "2001::1234";
const char *ip_ffff = "::ffff:";
/* good round trip */
- test_eq(tor_inet_pton(AF_INET6, ip, &a1), 1);
- test_eq_ptr(tor_inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &a1, buf, sizeof(buf)), &buf);
- test_streq(buf, ip);
+ tt_int_op(tor_inet_pton(AF_INET6, ip, &a1),==, 1);
+ tt_ptr_op(tor_inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &a1, buf, sizeof(buf)),==, &buf);
+ tt_str_op(buf,==, ip);
/* good round trip - ::ffff:0:0 style */
- test_eq(tor_inet_pton(AF_INET6, ip_ffff, &a2), 1);
- test_eq_ptr(tor_inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &a2, buf, sizeof(buf)), &buf);
- test_streq(buf, ip_ffff);
+ tt_int_op(tor_inet_pton(AF_INET6, ip_ffff, &a2),==, 1);
+ tt_ptr_op(tor_inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &a2, buf, sizeof(buf)),==, &buf);
+ tt_str_op(buf,==, ip_ffff);
/* just long enough buffer (remember \0) */
- test_streq(tor_inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &a1, buf, strlen(ip)+1), ip);
- test_streq(tor_inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &a2, buf, strlen(ip_ffff)+1),
+ tt_str_op(tor_inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &a1, buf, strlen(ip)+1),==, ip);
+ tt_str_op(tor_inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &a2, buf, strlen(ip_ffff)+1),==,
/* too short buffer (remember \0) */
- test_eq_ptr(tor_inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &a1, buf, strlen(ip)), NULL);
- test_eq_ptr(tor_inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &a2, buf, strlen(ip_ffff)), NULL);
+ tt_ptr_op(tor_inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &a1, buf, strlen(ip)),==, NULL);
+ tt_ptr_op(tor_inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &a2, buf, strlen(ip_ffff)),==, NULL);
/* ==== Converting to and from sockaddr_t. */
@@ -224,16 +227,16 @@ test_addr_ip6_helpers(void)
sin->sin_port = htons(9090);
sin->sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(0x7f7f0102); /**/
tor_addr_from_sockaddr(&t1, (struct sockaddr *)sin, &port1);
- test_eq(tor_addr_family(&t1), AF_INET);
- test_eq(tor_addr_to_ipv4h(&t1), 0x7f7f0102);
+ tt_int_op(tor_addr_family(&t1),==, AF_INET);
+ tt_int_op(tor_addr_to_ipv4h(&t1),==, 0x7f7f0102);
tt_int_op(port1, ==, 9090);
memset(&sa_storage, 0, sizeof(sa_storage));
- test_eq(sizeof(struct sockaddr_in),
+ tt_int_op(sizeof(struct sockaddr_in),==,
tor_addr_to_sockaddr(&t1, 1234, (struct sockaddr *)&sa_storage,
- test_eq(1234, ntohs(sin->sin_port));
- test_eq(0x7f7f0102, ntohl(sin->sin_addr.s_addr));
+ tt_int_op(1234,==, ntohs(sin->sin_port));
+ tt_int_op(0x7f7f0102,==, ntohl(sin->sin_addr.s_addr));
memset(&sa_storage, 0, sizeof(sa_storage));
sin6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)&sa_storage;
@@ -241,37 +244,37 @@ test_addr_ip6_helpers(void)
sin6->sin6_port = htons(7070);
sin6->sin6_addr.s6_addr[0] = 128;
tor_addr_from_sockaddr(&t1, (struct sockaddr *)sin6, &port1);
- test_eq(tor_addr_family(&t1), AF_INET6);
+ tt_int_op(tor_addr_family(&t1),==, AF_INET6);
tt_int_op(port1, ==, 7070);
p1 = tor_addr_to_str(buf, &t1, sizeof(buf), 0);
- test_streq(p1, "8000::");
+ tt_str_op(p1,==, "8000::");
memset(&sa_storage, 0, sizeof(sa_storage));
- test_eq(sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6),
+ tt_int_op(sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6),==,
tor_addr_to_sockaddr(&t1, 9999, (struct sockaddr *)&sa_storage,
- test_eq(AF_INET6, sin6->sin6_family);
- test_eq(9999, ntohs(sin6->sin6_port));
- test_eq(0x80000000, ntohl(S6_ADDR32(sin6->sin6_addr)[0]));
+ tt_int_op(AF_INET6,==, sin6->sin6_family);
+ tt_int_op(9999,==, ntohs(sin6->sin6_port));
+ tt_int_op(0x80000000,==, ntohl(S6_ADDR32(sin6->sin6_addr)[0]));
/* ==== tor_addr_lookup: static cases. (Can't test dns without knowing we
* have a good resolver. */
- test_eq(0, tor_addr_lookup("", AF_UNSPEC, &t1));
- test_eq(AF_INET, tor_addr_family(&t1));
- test_eq(tor_addr_to_ipv4h(&t1), 0x7f808182);
+ tt_int_op(0,==, tor_addr_lookup("", AF_UNSPEC, &t1));
+ tt_int_op(AF_INET,==, tor_addr_family(&t1));
+ tt_int_op(tor_addr_to_ipv4h(&t1),==, 0x7f808182);
- test_eq(0, tor_addr_lookup("9000::5", AF_UNSPEC, &t1));
- test_eq(AF_INET6, tor_addr_family(&t1));
- test_eq(0x90, tor_addr_to_in6_addr8(&t1)[0]);
- test_assert(tor_mem_is_zero((char*)tor_addr_to_in6_addr8(&t1)+1, 14));
- test_eq(0x05, tor_addr_to_in6_addr8(&t1)[15]);
+ tt_int_op(0,==, tor_addr_lookup("9000::5", AF_UNSPEC, &t1));
+ tt_int_op(AF_INET6,==, tor_addr_family(&t1));
+ tt_int_op(0x90,==, tor_addr_to_in6_addr8(&t1)[0]);
+ tt_assert(tor_mem_is_zero((char*)tor_addr_to_in6_addr8(&t1)+1, 14));
+ tt_int_op(0x05,==, tor_addr_to_in6_addr8(&t1)[15]);
/* === Test pton: valid af_inet6 */
/* Simple, valid parsing. */
r = tor_inet_pton(AF_INET6,
"0102:0304:0506:0708:090A:0B0C:0D0E:0F10", &a1);
- test_assert(r==1);
- for (i=0;i<16;++i) { test_eq(i+1, (int)a1.s6_addr[i]); }
+ tt_int_op(r, ==, 1);
+ for (i=0;i<16;++i) { tt_int_op(i+1,==, (int)a1.s6_addr[i]); }
/* ipv4 ending. */
@@ -311,7 +314,7 @@ test_addr_ip6_helpers(void)
/* Bad af param */
- test_eq(tor_inet_pton(AF_UNSPEC, 0, 0), -1);
+ tt_int_op(tor_inet_pton(AF_UNSPEC, 0, 0),==, -1);
/* === Test pton: invalid in6. */
@@ -414,10 +417,10 @@ test_addr_ip6_helpers(void)
test_addr_compare("0::ffff:", <, "::ffff:"); /* XXXX wrong. */
tor_addr_parse_mask_ports("[::ffff:]", 0, &t1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
tor_addr_parse_mask_ports("", 0, &t2, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- test_assert(tor_addr_compare(&t1, &t2, CMP_SEMANTIC) == 0);
+ tt_assert(tor_addr_compare(&t1, &t2, CMP_SEMANTIC) == 0);
tor_addr_parse_mask_ports("[::ffff:]", 0, &t1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
tor_addr_parse_mask_ports("", 0, &t2, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- test_assert(tor_addr_compare(&t1, &t2, CMP_SEMANTIC) < 0);
+ tt_assert(tor_addr_compare(&t1, &t2, CMP_SEMANTIC) < 0);
/* test compare_masked */
test_addr_compare_masked("ffff::", ==, "ffff::0", 128);
@@ -426,113 +429,113 @@ test_addr_ip6_helpers(void)
test_addr_compare_masked("0::2:2:1", ==, "0::8000:2:1", 80);
/* Test undecorated tor_addr_to_str */
- test_eq(AF_INET6, tor_addr_parse(&t1, "[123:45:6789::5005:11]"));
+ tt_int_op(AF_INET6,==, tor_addr_parse(&t1, "[123:45:6789::5005:11]"));
p1 = tor_addr_to_str(buf, &t1, sizeof(buf), 0);
- test_streq(p1, "123:45:6789::5005:11");
- test_eq(AF_INET, tor_addr_parse(&t1, ""));
+ tt_str_op(p1,==, "123:45:6789::5005:11");
+ tt_int_op(AF_INET,==, tor_addr_parse(&t1, ""));
p1 = tor_addr_to_str(buf, &t1, sizeof(buf), 0);
- test_streq(p1, "");
+ tt_str_op(p1,==, "");
/* Test decorated tor_addr_to_str */
- test_eq(AF_INET6, tor_addr_parse(&t1, "[123:45:6789::5005:11]"));
+ tt_int_op(AF_INET6,==, tor_addr_parse(&t1, "[123:45:6789::5005:11]"));
p1 = tor_addr_to_str(buf, &t1, sizeof(buf), 1);
- test_streq(p1, "[123:45:6789::5005:11]");
- test_eq(AF_INET, tor_addr_parse(&t1, ""));
+ tt_str_op(p1,==, "[123:45:6789::5005:11]");
+ tt_int_op(AF_INET,==, tor_addr_parse(&t1, ""));
p1 = tor_addr_to_str(buf, &t1, sizeof(buf), 1);
- test_streq(p1, "");
+ tt_str_op(p1,==, "");
/* Test buffer bounds checking of tor_addr_to_str */
- test_eq(AF_INET6, tor_addr_parse(&t1, "::")); /* 2 + \0 */
- test_eq_ptr(tor_addr_to_str(buf, &t1, 2, 0), NULL); /* too short buf */
- test_streq(tor_addr_to_str(buf, &t1, 3, 0), "::");
- test_eq_ptr(tor_addr_to_str(buf, &t1, 4, 1), NULL); /* too short buf */
- test_streq(tor_addr_to_str(buf, &t1, 5, 1), "[::]");
- test_eq(AF_INET6, tor_addr_parse(&t1, "2000::1337")); /* 10 + \0 */
- test_eq_ptr(tor_addr_to_str(buf, &t1, 10, 0), NULL); /* too short buf */
- test_streq(tor_addr_to_str(buf, &t1, 11, 0), "2000::1337");
- test_eq_ptr(tor_addr_to_str(buf, &t1, 12, 1), NULL); /* too short buf */
- test_streq(tor_addr_to_str(buf, &t1, 13, 1), "[2000::1337]");
- test_eq(AF_INET, tor_addr_parse(&t1, "")); /* 7 + \0 */
- test_eq_ptr(tor_addr_to_str(buf, &t1, 7, 0), NULL); /* too short buf */
- test_streq(tor_addr_to_str(buf, &t1, 8, 0), "");
- test_eq(AF_INET, tor_addr_parse(&t1, "")); /* 15 + \0 */
- test_eq_ptr(tor_addr_to_str(buf, &t1, 15, 0), NULL); /* too short buf */
- test_streq(tor_addr_to_str(buf, &t1, 16, 0), "");
- test_eq_ptr(tor_addr_to_str(buf, &t1, 15, 1), NULL); /* too short buf */
- test_streq(tor_addr_to_str(buf, &t1, 16, 1), "");
+ tt_int_op(AF_INET6,==, tor_addr_parse(&t1, "::")); /* 2 + \0 */
+ tt_ptr_op(tor_addr_to_str(buf, &t1, 2, 0),==, NULL); /* too short buf */
+ tt_str_op(tor_addr_to_str(buf, &t1, 3, 0),==, "::");
+ tt_ptr_op(tor_addr_to_str(buf, &t1, 4, 1),==, NULL); /* too short buf */
+ tt_str_op(tor_addr_to_str(buf, &t1, 5, 1),==, "[::]");
+ tt_int_op(AF_INET6,==, tor_addr_parse(&t1, "2000::1337")); /* 10 + \0 */
+ tt_ptr_op(tor_addr_to_str(buf, &t1, 10, 0),==, NULL); /* too short buf */
+ tt_str_op(tor_addr_to_str(buf, &t1, 11, 0),==, "2000::1337");
+ tt_ptr_op(tor_addr_to_str(buf, &t1, 12, 1),==, NULL); /* too short buf */
+ tt_str_op(tor_addr_to_str(buf, &t1, 13, 1),==, "[2000::1337]");
+ tt_int_op(AF_INET,==, tor_addr_parse(&t1, "")); /* 7 + \0 */
+ tt_ptr_op(tor_addr_to_str(buf, &t1, 7, 0),==, NULL); /* too short buf */
+ tt_str_op(tor_addr_to_str(buf, &t1, 8, 0),==, "");
+ tt_int_op(AF_INET,==, tor_addr_parse(&t1, "")); /* 15 + \0 */
+ tt_ptr_op(tor_addr_to_str(buf, &t1, 15, 0),==, NULL); /* too short buf */
+ tt_str_op(tor_addr_to_str(buf, &t1, 16, 0),==, "");
+ tt_ptr_op(tor_addr_to_str(buf, &t1, 15, 1),==, NULL); /* too short buf */
+ tt_str_op(tor_addr_to_str(buf, &t1, 16, 1),==, ""); = AF_UNSPEC;
- test_eq_ptr(tor_addr_to_str(buf, &t1, sizeof(buf), 0), NULL);
+ tt_ptr_op(tor_addr_to_str(buf, &t1, sizeof(buf), 0),==, NULL);
/* Test tor_addr_parse_PTR_name */
i = tor_addr_parse_PTR_name(&t1, "Foobar.baz", AF_UNSPEC, 0);
- test_eq(0, i);
+ tt_int_op(0,==, i);
i = tor_addr_parse_PTR_name(&t1, "Foobar.baz", AF_UNSPEC, 1);
- test_eq(0, i);
+ tt_int_op(0,==, i);
i = tor_addr_parse_PTR_name(&t1, "",
- test_eq(-1, i);
+ tt_int_op(-1,==, i);
i = tor_addr_parse_PTR_name(&t1, "",
- test_eq(1, i);
- test_eq(tor_addr_family(&t1), AF_INET);
+ tt_int_op(1,==, i);
+ tt_int_op(tor_addr_family(&t1),==, AF_INET);
p1 = tor_addr_to_str(buf, &t1, sizeof(buf), 1);
- test_streq(p1, "");
+ tt_str_op(p1,==, "");
i = tor_addr_parse_PTR_name(&t1, "", AF_UNSPEC, 0);
- test_eq(0, i);
+ tt_int_op(0,==, i);
i = tor_addr_parse_PTR_name(&t1, "", AF_UNSPEC, 1);
- test_eq(1, i);
+ tt_int_op(1,==, i);
p1 = tor_addr_to_str(buf, &t1, sizeof(buf), 1);
- test_streq(p1, "");
+ tt_str_op(p1,==, "");
memset(&t1, 0, sizeof(t1));
i = tor_addr_parse_PTR_name(&t1,
- test_eq(1, i);
+ tt_int_op(1,==, i);
p1 = tor_addr_to_str(buf, &t1, sizeof(buf), 1);
- test_streq(p1, "[9dee:effe:ebe1:beef:fedc:ba98:7654:3210]");
+ tt_str_op(p1,==, "[9dee:effe:ebe1:beef:fedc:ba98:7654:3210]");
/* Failing cases. */
i = tor_addr_parse_PTR_name(&t1,
- test_eq(i, -1);
+ tt_int_op(i,==, -1);
i = tor_addr_parse_PTR_name(&t1,
- test_eq(i, -1);
+ tt_int_op(i,==, -1);
i = tor_addr_parse_PTR_name(&t1,
- test_eq(i, -1);
+ tt_int_op(i,==, -1);
i = tor_addr_parse_PTR_name(&t1, "",
- test_eq(i, -1);
+ tt_int_op(i,==, -1);
i = tor_addr_parse_PTR_name(&t1, "",
- test_eq(i, -1);
+ tt_int_op(i,==, -1);
i = tor_addr_parse_PTR_name(&t1, "",
- test_eq(i, -1);
+ tt_int_op(i,==, -1);
i = tor_addr_parse_PTR_name(&t1, "",
AF_INET6, 0);
- test_eq(i, -1);
+ tt_int_op(i,==, -1);
i = tor_addr_parse_PTR_name(&t1,
AF_INET, 0);
- test_eq(i, -1);
+ tt_int_op(i,==, -1);
/* === Test tor_addr_to_PTR_name */
@@ -544,19 +547,19 @@ test_addr_ip6_helpers(void)
tor_addr_from_sockaddr(&t1, (struct sockaddr *)sin, NULL);
/* Check IPv4 PTR - too short buffer */
- test_eq(tor_addr_to_PTR_name(rbuf, 1, &t1), -1);
- test_eq(tor_addr_to_PTR_name(rbuf,
+ tt_int_op(tor_addr_to_PTR_name(rbuf, 1, &t1),==, -1);
+ tt_int_op(tor_addr_to_PTR_name(rbuf,
strlen("") - 1,
- &t1), -1);
+ &t1),==, -1);
/* Check IPv4 PTR - valid addr */
- test_eq(tor_addr_to_PTR_name(rbuf, sizeof(rbuf), &t1),
+ tt_int_op(tor_addr_to_PTR_name(rbuf, sizeof(rbuf), &t1),==,
- test_streq(rbuf, "");
+ tt_str_op(rbuf,==, "");
/* Invalid addr family */ = AF_UNSPEC;
- test_eq(tor_addr_to_PTR_name(rbuf, sizeof(rbuf), &t1), -1);
+ tt_int_op(tor_addr_to_PTR_name(rbuf, sizeof(rbuf), &t1),==, -1);
/* Stage IPv6 addr */
memset(&sa_storage, 0, sizeof(sa_storage));
@@ -573,114 +576,114 @@ test_addr_ip6_helpers(void)
/* Check IPv6 PTR - too short buffer */
- test_eq(tor_addr_to_PTR_name(rbuf, 0, &t1), -1);
- test_eq(tor_addr_to_PTR_name(rbuf, strlen(addr_PTR) - 1, &t1), -1);
+ tt_int_op(tor_addr_to_PTR_name(rbuf, 0, &t1),==, -1);
+ tt_int_op(tor_addr_to_PTR_name(rbuf, strlen(addr_PTR) - 1, &t1),==, -1);
/* Check IPv6 PTR - valid addr */
- test_eq(tor_addr_to_PTR_name(rbuf, sizeof(rbuf), &t1),
+ tt_int_op(tor_addr_to_PTR_name(rbuf, sizeof(rbuf), &t1),==,
- test_streq(rbuf, addr_PTR);
+ tt_str_op(rbuf,==, addr_PTR);
/* XXXX turn this into a separate function; it's not all IPv6. */
/* test tor_addr_parse_mask_ports */
test_addr_mask_ports_parse("[::f]/17:47-95", AF_INET6,
0, 0, 0, 0x0000000f, 17, 47, 95);
- test_streq(p1, "::f");
+ tt_str_op(p1,==, "::f");
//test_addr_parse_check("::fefe:401:107", 120, 999, 1000);
test_addr_mask_ports_parse("[::ffff:]/120:443", AF_INET6,
0, 0, 0x0000ffff, 0x04010107, 120, 443, 443);
- test_streq(p1, "::ffff:");
+ tt_str_op(p1,==, "::ffff:");
test_addr_mask_ports_parse("[abcd:2::44a:0]:2-65000", AF_INET6,
0xabcd0002, 0, 0, 0x044a0000, 128, 2, 65000);
- test_streq(p1, "abcd:2::44a:0");
+ tt_str_op(p1,==, "abcd:2::44a:0");
/* Try some long addresses. */
0, &t1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- test_assert(r == AF_INET6);
+ tt_assert(r == AF_INET6);
0, &t1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- test_assert(r == -1);
+ tt_int_op(r, ==, -1);
0, &t1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- test_assert(r == -1);
+ tt_int_op(r, ==, -1);
0, &t1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- test_assert(r == -1);
+ tt_int_op(r, ==, -1);
/* Try some failing cases. */
r=tor_addr_parse_mask_ports("[fefef::]/112", 0, &t1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- test_assert(r == -1);
+ tt_int_op(r, ==, -1);
r=tor_addr_parse_mask_ports("[fefe::/112", 0, &t1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- test_assert(r == -1);
+ tt_int_op(r, ==, -1);
r=tor_addr_parse_mask_ports("[fefe::", 0, &t1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- test_assert(r == -1);
+ tt_int_op(r, ==, -1);
r=tor_addr_parse_mask_ports("[fefe::X]", 0, &t1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- test_assert(r == -1);
+ tt_int_op(r, ==, -1);
r=tor_addr_parse_mask_ports("efef::/112", 0, &t1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- test_assert(r == -1);
+ tt_int_op(r, ==, -1);
r=tor_addr_parse_mask_ports("[f:f:f:f:f:f:f:f::]",0,&t1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- test_assert(r == -1);
+ tt_int_op(r, ==, -1);
r=tor_addr_parse_mask_ports("[::f:f:f:f:f:f:f:f]",0,&t1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- test_assert(r == -1);
+ tt_int_op(r, ==, -1);
r=tor_addr_parse_mask_ports("[f:f:f:f:f:f:f:f:f]",0,&t1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- test_assert(r == -1);
+ tt_int_op(r, ==, -1);
r=tor_addr_parse_mask_ports("[f:f:f:f:f::]/fred",0,&t1,&mask, NULL, NULL);
- test_assert(r == -1);
+ tt_int_op(r, ==, -1);
0,&t1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- test_assert(r == -1);
+ tt_int_op(r, ==, -1);
/* This one will get rejected because it isn't a pure prefix. */
r=tor_addr_parse_mask_ports("",0,&t1, &mask,NULL,NULL);
- test_assert(r == -1);
+ tt_int_op(r, ==, -1);
/* Test for V4-mapped address with mask < 96. (arguably not valid) */
r=tor_addr_parse_mask_ports("[::ffff:]",0,&t1, &mask, NULL, NULL);
- test_assert(r == -1);
+ tt_int_op(r, ==, -1);
r=tor_addr_parse_mask_ports("",0,&t1, &mask, NULL, NULL);
- test_assert(r == -1);
+ tt_int_op(r, ==, -1);
/* Try extended wildcard addresses with out TAPMP_EXTENDED_STAR*/
r=tor_addr_parse_mask_ports("*4",0,&t1, &mask, NULL, NULL);
- test_assert(r == -1);
+ tt_int_op(r, ==, -1);
r=tor_addr_parse_mask_ports("*6",0,&t1, &mask, NULL, NULL);
- test_assert(r == -1);
+ tt_int_op(r, ==, -1);
#if 0
/* Try a mask with a wildcard. */
r=tor_addr_parse_mask_ports("*/16",0,&t1, &mask, NULL, NULL);
- test_assert(r == -1);
+ tt_assert(r == -1);
&t1, &mask, NULL, NULL);
- test_assert(r == -1);
+ tt_assert(r == -1);
&t1, &mask, NULL, NULL);
- test_assert(r == -1);
+ tt_assert(r == -1);
/* Basic mask tests*/
r=tor_addr_parse_mask_ports("",0,&t1, &mask, NULL, NULL);
- test_assert(r == AF_INET);
+ tt_assert(r == AF_INET);
r=tor_addr_parse_mask_ports("",0,&t1, &mask, &port1, &port2);
- test_assert(r == AF_INET);
+ tt_assert(r == AF_INET);
- test_assert(port1 == 1);
- test_assert(port2 == 2);
+ tt_assert(port1 == 1);
+ tt_assert(port2 == 2);
r=tor_addr_parse_mask_ports("",0,&t1, &mask,NULL,NULL);
- test_assert(r == AF_INET);
+ tt_assert(r == AF_INET);
r=tor_addr_parse_mask_ports("[efef::]/112",0,&t1, &mask, &port1, &port2);
- test_assert(r == AF_INET6);
- test_assert(port1 == 1);
- test_assert(port2 == 65535);
+ tt_assert(r == AF_INET6);
+ tt_assert(port1 == 1);
+ tt_assert(port2 == 65535);
/* Try regular wildcard behavior without TAPMP_EXTENDED_STAR */
tt_int_op(r,==,AF_INET); /* Old users of this always get inet */
@@ -715,11 +718,11 @@ test_addr_ip6_helpers(void)
/* make sure inet address lengths >= max */
- test_assert(INET_NTOA_BUF_LEN >= sizeof(""));
- test_assert(TOR_ADDR_BUF_LEN >=
+ tt_assert(INET_NTOA_BUF_LEN >= sizeof(""));
+ tt_assert(TOR_ADDR_BUF_LEN >=
- test_assert(sizeof(tor_addr_t) >= sizeof(struct in6_addr));
+ tt_assert(sizeof(tor_addr_t) >= sizeof(struct in6_addr));
/* get interface addresses */
r = get_interface_address6(LOG_DEBUG, AF_INET, &t1);
@@ -736,7 +739,7 @@ test_addr_ip6_helpers(void)
/** Test tor_addr_port_parse(). */
static void
+test_addr_parse(void *arg)
int r;
tor_addr_t addr;
@@ -744,89 +747,90 @@ test_addr_parse(void)
uint16_t port = 0;
/* Correct call. */
+ (void)arg;
r= tor_addr_port_parse(LOG_DEBUG,
&addr, &port, -1);
- test_assert(r == 0);
+ tt_int_op(r, ==, 0);
tor_addr_to_str(buf, &addr, sizeof(buf), 0);
- test_streq(buf, "");
- test_eq(port, 1234);
+ tt_str_op(buf,==, "");
+ tt_int_op(port,==, 1234);
r= tor_addr_port_parse(LOG_DEBUG,
&addr, &port, -1);
- test_assert(r == 0);
+ tt_int_op(r, ==, 0);
tor_addr_to_str(buf, &addr, sizeof(buf), 0);
- test_streq(buf, "::1");
- test_eq(port, 1234);
+ tt_str_op(buf,==, "::1");
+ tt_int_op(port,==, 1234);
/* Domain name. */
r= tor_addr_port_parse(LOG_DEBUG,
&addr, &port, -1);
- test_assert(r == -1);
+ tt_int_op(r, ==, -1);
/* Only IP. */
r= tor_addr_port_parse(LOG_DEBUG,
&addr, &port, -1);
- test_assert(r == -1);
+ tt_int_op(r, ==, -1);
r= tor_addr_port_parse(LOG_DEBUG,
&addr, &port, 200);
- test_assert(r == 0);
+ tt_int_op(r, ==, 0);
r= tor_addr_port_parse(LOG_DEBUG,
&addr, &port, -1);
- test_assert(r == -1);
+ tt_int_op(r, ==, -1);
r= tor_addr_port_parse(LOG_DEBUG,
&addr, &port, 400);
- test_assert(r == 0);
+ tt_int_op(r, ==, 0);
/* Bad port. */
r= tor_addr_port_parse(LOG_DEBUG,
&addr, &port, -1);
- test_assert(r == -1);
+ tt_int_op(r, ==, -1);
r= tor_addr_port_parse(LOG_DEBUG,
&addr, &port, 200);
- test_assert(r == -1);
+ tt_int_op(r, ==, -1);
/* Only domain name */
r= tor_addr_port_parse(LOG_DEBUG,
&addr, &port, -1);
- test_assert(r == -1);
+ tt_int_op(r, ==, -1);
r= tor_addr_port_parse(LOG_DEBUG,
&addr, &port, 200);
- test_assert(r == -1);
+ tt_int_op(r, ==, -1);
/* Bad IP address */
r= tor_addr_port_parse(LOG_DEBUG,
&addr, &port, -1);
- test_assert(r == -1);
+ tt_int_op(r, ==, -1);
/* Make sure that the default port has lower priority than the real
one */
r= tor_addr_port_parse(LOG_DEBUG,
&addr, &port, 200);
- test_assert(r == 0);
+ tt_int_op(r, ==, 0);
r= tor_addr_port_parse(LOG_DEBUG,
&addr, &port, 200);
- test_assert(r == 0);
+ tt_int_op(r, ==, 0);
@@ -1047,7 +1051,7 @@ test_addr_make_null(void *data)
#define ADDR_LEGACY(name) \
- { #name, legacy_test_helper, 0, &legacy_setup, test_addr_ ## name }
+ { #name, test_addr_ ## name , 0, NULL, NULL }
struct testcase_t addr_tests[] = {
diff --git a/src/test/test_buffers.c b/src/test/test_buffers.c
index f24b80f0b0..3ab3d8d8c0 100644
--- a/src/test/test_buffers.c
+++ b/src/test/test_buffers.c
@@ -27,10 +27,10 @@ test_buffers_basic(void *arg)
* buf_new
if (!(buf = buf_new()))
- test_fail();
+ TT_DIE(("Assertion failed."));
//test_eq(buf_capacity(buf), 4096);
- test_eq(buf_datalen(buf), 0);
+ tt_int_op(buf_datalen(buf),==, 0);
* General pointer frobbing
@@ -40,16 +40,16 @@ test_buffers_basic(void *arg)
write_to_buf(str, 256, buf);
write_to_buf(str, 256, buf);
- test_eq(buf_datalen(buf), 512);
+ tt_int_op(buf_datalen(buf),==, 512);
fetch_from_buf(str2, 200, buf);
- test_memeq(str, str2, 200);
- test_eq(buf_datalen(buf), 312);
+ tt_mem_op(str,==, str2, 200);
+ tt_int_op(buf_datalen(buf),==, 312);
memset(str2, 0, sizeof(str2));
fetch_from_buf(str2, 256, buf);
- test_memeq(str+200, str2, 56);
- test_memeq(str, str2+56, 200);
- test_eq(buf_datalen(buf), 56);
+ tt_mem_op(str+200,==, str2, 56);
+ tt_mem_op(str,==, str2+56, 200);
+ tt_int_op(buf_datalen(buf),==, 56);
memset(str2, 0, sizeof(str2));
/* Okay, now we should be 512 bytes into the 4096-byte buffer. If we add
* another 3584 bytes, we hit the end. */
@@ -57,16 +57,16 @@ test_buffers_basic(void *arg)
write_to_buf(str, 256, buf);
- test_eq(buf_datalen(buf), 3896);
+ tt_int_op(buf_datalen(buf),==, 3896);
fetch_from_buf(str2, 56, buf);
- test_eq(buf_datalen(buf), 3840);
- test_memeq(str+200, str2, 56);
+ tt_int_op(buf_datalen(buf),==, 3840);
+ tt_mem_op(str+200,==, str2, 56);
for (j=0;j<15;++j) {
memset(str2, 0, sizeof(str2));
fetch_from_buf(str2, 256, buf);
- test_memeq(str, str2, 256);
+ tt_mem_op(str,==, str2, 256);
- test_eq(buf_datalen(buf), 0);
+ tt_int_op(buf_datalen(buf),==, 0);
buf = NULL;
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ test_buffers_basic(void *arg)
write_to_buf(str+1, 255, buf);
//test_eq(buf_capacity(buf), 256);
fetch_from_buf(str2, 254, buf);
- test_memeq(str+1, str2, 254);
+ tt_mem_op(str+1,==, str2, 254);
//test_eq(buf_capacity(buf), 256);
write_to_buf(str, 32, buf);
@@ -85,15 +85,15 @@ test_buffers_basic(void *arg)
write_to_buf(str, 256, buf);
//test_eq(buf_capacity(buf), 512);
- test_eq(buf_datalen(buf), 33+256);
+ tt_int_op(buf_datalen(buf),==, 33+256);
fetch_from_buf(str2, 33, buf);
- test_eq(*str2, str[255]);
+ tt_int_op(*str2,==, str[255]);
- test_memeq(str2+1, str, 32);
+ tt_mem_op(str2+1,==, str, 32);
//test_eq(buf_capacity(buf), 512);
- test_eq(buf_datalen(buf), 256);
+ tt_int_op(buf_datalen(buf),==, 256);
fetch_from_buf(str2, 256, buf);
- test_memeq(str, str2, 256);
+ tt_mem_op(str,==, str2, 256);
/* now try shrinking: case 1. */
@@ -102,10 +102,10 @@ test_buffers_basic(void *arg)
write_to_buf(str,255, buf);
//test_eq(buf_capacity(buf), 33668);
- test_eq(buf_datalen(buf), 17085);
+ tt_int_op(buf_datalen(buf),==, 17085);
for (j=0; j < 40; ++j) {
fetch_from_buf(str2, 255,buf);
- test_memeq(str2, str, 255);
+ tt_mem_op(str2,==, str, 255);
/* now try shrinking: case 2. */
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ test_buffers_basic(void *arg)
for (j=0; j < 20; ++j) {
fetch_from_buf(str2, 255,buf);
- test_memeq(str2, str, 255);
+ tt_mem_op(str2,==, str, 255);
for (j=0;j<80;++j) {
write_to_buf(str,255, buf);
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ test_buffers_basic(void *arg)
for (j=0; j < 120; ++j) {
fetch_from_buf(str2, 255,buf);
- test_memeq(str2, str, 255);
+ tt_mem_op(str2,==, str, 255);
/* Move from buf to buf. */
@@ -133,27 +133,27 @@ test_buffers_basic(void *arg)
buf2 = buf_new_with_capacity(4096);
for (j=0;j<100;++j)
write_to_buf(str, 255, buf);
- test_eq(buf_datalen(buf), 25500);
+ tt_int_op(buf_datalen(buf),==, 25500);
for (j=0;j<100;++j) {
r = 10;
move_buf_to_buf(buf2, buf, &r);
- test_eq(r, 0);
+ tt_int_op(r,==, 0);
- test_eq(buf_datalen(buf), 24500);
- test_eq(buf_datalen(buf2), 1000);
+ tt_int_op(buf_datalen(buf),==, 24500);
+ tt_int_op(buf_datalen(buf2),==, 1000);
for (j=0;j<3;++j) {
fetch_from_buf(str2, 255, buf2);
- test_memeq(str2, str, 255);
+ tt_mem_op(str2,==, str, 255);
r = 8192; /*big move*/
move_buf_to_buf(buf2, buf, &r);
- test_eq(r, 0);
+ tt_int_op(r,==, 0);
r = 30000; /* incomplete move */
move_buf_to_buf(buf2, buf, &r);
- test_eq(r, 13692);
+ tt_int_op(r,==, 13692);
for (j=0;j<97;++j) {
fetch_from_buf(str2, 255, buf2);
- test_memeq(str2, str, 255);
+ tt_mem_op(str2,==, str, 255);
@@ -163,16 +163,16 @@ test_buffers_basic(void *arg)
cp = "Testing. This is a moderately long Testing string.";
for (j = 0; cp[j]; j++)
write_to_buf(cp+j, 1, buf);
- test_eq(0, buf_find_string_offset(buf, "Testing", 7));
- test_eq(1, buf_find_string_offset(buf, "esting", 6));
- test_eq(1, buf_find_string_offset(buf, "est", 3));
- test_eq(39, buf_find_string_offset(buf, "ing str", 7));
- test_eq(35, buf_find_string_offset(buf, "Testing str", 11));
- test_eq(32, buf_find_string_offset(buf, "ng ", 3));
- test_eq(43, buf_find_string_offset(buf, "string.", 7));
- test_eq(-1, buf_find_string_offset(buf, "shrdlu", 6));
- test_eq(-1, buf_find_string_offset(buf, "Testing thing", 13));
- test_eq(-1, buf_find_string_offset(buf, "ngx", 3));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, buf_find_string_offset(buf, "Testing", 7));
+ tt_int_op(1,==, buf_find_string_offset(buf, "esting", 6));
+ tt_int_op(1,==, buf_find_string_offset(buf, "est", 3));
+ tt_int_op(39,==, buf_find_string_offset(buf, "ing str", 7));
+ tt_int_op(35,==, buf_find_string_offset(buf, "Testing str", 11));
+ tt_int_op(32,==, buf_find_string_offset(buf, "ng ", 3));
+ tt_int_op(43,==, buf_find_string_offset(buf, "string.", 7));
+ tt_int_op(-1,==, buf_find_string_offset(buf, "shrdlu", 6));
+ tt_int_op(-1,==, buf_find_string_offset(buf, "Testing thing", 13));
+ tt_int_op(-1,==, buf_find_string_offset(buf, "ngx", 3));
buf = NULL;
@@ -240,16 +240,16 @@ test_buffer_pullup(void *arg)
/* Make room for 3000 bytes in the first chunk, so that the pullup-move code
* can get tested. */
tt_int_op(fetch_from_buf(tmp, 3000, buf), ==, 3000);
- test_memeq(tmp, stuff, 3000);
+ tt_mem_op(tmp,==, stuff, 3000);
buf_pullup(buf, 2048, 0);
buf_get_first_chunk_data(buf, &cp, &sz);
tt_ptr_op(cp, !=, NULL);
tt_int_op(sz, >=, 2048);
- test_memeq(cp, stuff+3000, 2048);
+ tt_mem_op(cp,==, stuff+3000, 2048);
tt_int_op(3000, ==, buf_datalen(buf));
tt_int_op(fetch_from_buf(tmp, 3000, buf), ==, 0);
- test_memeq(tmp, stuff+3000, 2048);
+ tt_mem_op(tmp,==, stuff+3000, 2048);
@@ -269,16 +269,16 @@ test_buffer_pullup(void *arg)
buf_get_first_chunk_data(buf, &cp, &sz);
tt_ptr_op(cp, !=, NULL);
tt_int_op(sz, >=, 12500);
- test_memeq(cp, stuff, 12500);
+ tt_mem_op(cp,==, stuff, 12500);
tt_int_op(buf_datalen(buf), ==, 16000);
fetch_from_buf(tmp, 12400, buf);
- test_memeq(tmp, stuff, 12400);
+ tt_mem_op(tmp,==, stuff, 12400);
tt_int_op(buf_datalen(buf), ==, 3600);
fetch_from_buf(tmp, 3500, buf);
- test_memeq(tmp, stuff+12400, 3500);
+ tt_mem_op(tmp,==, stuff+12400, 3500);
fetch_from_buf(tmp, 100, buf);
- test_memeq(tmp, stuff+15900, 10);
+ tt_mem_op(tmp,==, stuff+15900, 10);
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ test_buffer_pullup(void *arg)
buf_get_first_chunk_data(buf, &cp, &sz);
tt_ptr_op(cp, !=, NULL);
tt_int_op(sz, ==, 7900);
- test_memeq(cp, stuff+100, 7900);
+ tt_mem_op(cp,==, stuff+100, 7900);
buf = NULL;
@@ -335,14 +335,14 @@ test_buffer_copy(void *arg)
tt_int_op(0, ==, generic_buffer_set_to_copy(&buf2, buf));
tt_int_op(len, ==, generic_buffer_len(buf2));
generic_buffer_get(buf2, b, len);
- test_mem_op(b, ==, s, len);
+ tt_mem_op(b, ==, s, len);
/* Now free buf2 and retry so we can test allocating */
buf2 = NULL;
tt_int_op(0, ==, generic_buffer_set_to_copy(&buf2, buf));
tt_int_op(len, ==, generic_buffer_len(buf2));
generic_buffer_get(buf2, b, len);
- test_mem_op(b, ==, s, len);
+ tt_mem_op(b, ==, s, len);
/* Clear buf for next test */
generic_buffer_get(buf, b, len);
@@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ test_buffer_copy(void *arg)
for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
generic_buffer_get(buf2, b, len+1);
tt_int_op((unsigned char)b[0],==,i);
- test_mem_op(b+1, ==, s, len);
+ tt_mem_op(b+1, ==, s, len);
@@ -410,7 +410,7 @@ test_buffer_ext_or_cmd(void *arg)
tt_ptr_op(NULL, !=, cmd);
tt_int_op(0x1021, ==, cmd->cmd);
tt_int_op(6, ==, cmd->len);
- test_mem_op("abcdef", ==, cmd->body, 6);
+ tt_mem_op("abcdef", ==, cmd->body, 6);
tt_int_op(0, ==, generic_buffer_len(buf));
cmd = NULL;
@@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ test_buffer_ext_or_cmd(void *arg)
tt_ptr_op(NULL, !=, cmd);
tt_int_op(0xffff, ==, cmd->cmd);
tt_int_op(10, ==, cmd->len);
- test_mem_op("loremipsum", ==, cmd->body, 10);
+ tt_mem_op("loremipsum", ==, cmd->body, 10);
tt_int_op(4, ==, generic_buffer_len(buf));
cmd = NULL;
@@ -436,7 +436,7 @@ test_buffer_ext_or_cmd(void *arg)
tt_ptr_op(NULL, !=, cmd);
tt_int_op(0x1000, ==, cmd->cmd);
tt_int_op(0xffff, ==, cmd->len);
- test_mem_op(tmp, ==, cmd->body, 65535);
+ tt_mem_op(tmp, ==, cmd->body, 65535);
tt_int_op(0, ==, generic_buffer_len(buf));
cmd = NULL;
diff --git a/src/test/test_cell_formats.c b/src/test/test_cell_formats.c
index d7f60680c2..995e519163 100644
--- a/src/test/test_cell_formats.c
+++ b/src/test/test_cell_formats.c
@@ -35,11 +35,11 @@ test_cfmt_relay_header(void *arg)
tt_int_op(rh.command, ==, 3);
tt_int_op(rh.recognized, ==, 0);
tt_int_op(rh.stream_id, ==, 0x2122);
- test_mem_op(rh.integrity, ==, "ABCD", 4);
+ tt_mem_op(rh.integrity, ==, "ABCD", 4);
tt_int_op(rh.length, ==, 0x103);
relay_header_pack(hdr_out, &rh);
- test_mem_op(hdr_out, ==, hdr_1, RELAY_HEADER_SIZE);
+ tt_mem_op(hdr_out, ==, hdr_1, RELAY_HEADER_SIZE);
@@ -402,10 +402,10 @@ test_cfmt_create_cells(void *arg)
tt_int_op(CELL_CREATE, ==, cc.cell_type);
tt_int_op(ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE_TAP, ==, cc.handshake_type);
tt_int_op(TAP_ONIONSKIN_CHALLENGE_LEN, ==, cc.handshake_len);
- test_memeq(cc.onionskin, b, TAP_ONIONSKIN_CHALLENGE_LEN + 10);
+ tt_mem_op(cc.onionskin,==, b, TAP_ONIONSKIN_CHALLENGE_LEN + 10);
tt_int_op(0, ==, create_cell_format(&cell2, &cc));
tt_int_op(cell.command, ==, cell2.command);
- test_memeq(cell.payload, cell2.payload, CELL_PAYLOAD_SIZE);
+ tt_mem_op(cell.payload,==, cell2.payload, CELL_PAYLOAD_SIZE);
/* A valid create_fast cell. */
memset(&cell, 0, sizeof(cell));
@@ -417,10 +417,10 @@ test_cfmt_create_cells(void *arg)
tt_int_op(CELL_CREATE_FAST, ==, cc.cell_type);
tt_int_op(ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE_FAST, ==, cc.handshake_type);
tt_int_op(CREATE_FAST_LEN, ==, cc.handshake_len);
- test_memeq(cc.onionskin, b, CREATE_FAST_LEN + 10);
+ tt_mem_op(cc.onionskin,==, b, CREATE_FAST_LEN + 10);
tt_int_op(0, ==, create_cell_format(&cell2, &cc));
tt_int_op(cell.command, ==, cell2.command);
- test_memeq(cell.payload, cell2.payload, CELL_PAYLOAD_SIZE);
+ tt_mem_op(cell.payload,==, cell2.payload, CELL_PAYLOAD_SIZE);
/* A valid create2 cell with a TAP payload */
memset(&cell, 0, sizeof(cell));
@@ -433,10 +433,10 @@ test_cfmt_create_cells(void *arg)
tt_int_op(CELL_CREATE2, ==, cc.cell_type);
tt_int_op(ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE_TAP, ==, cc.handshake_type);
tt_int_op(TAP_ONIONSKIN_CHALLENGE_LEN, ==, cc.handshake_len);
- test_memeq(cc.onionskin, b, TAP_ONIONSKIN_CHALLENGE_LEN + 10);
+ tt_mem_op(cc.onionskin,==, b, TAP_ONIONSKIN_CHALLENGE_LEN + 10);
tt_int_op(0, ==, create_cell_format(&cell2, &cc));
tt_int_op(cell.command, ==, cell2.command);
- test_memeq(cell.payload, cell2.payload, CELL_PAYLOAD_SIZE);
+ tt_mem_op(cell.payload,==, cell2.payload, CELL_PAYLOAD_SIZE);
/* A valid create2 cell with an ntor payload */
memset(&cell, 0, sizeof(cell));
@@ -450,10 +450,10 @@ test_cfmt_create_cells(void *arg)
tt_int_op(CELL_CREATE2, ==, cc.cell_type);
tt_int_op(ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE_NTOR, ==, cc.handshake_type);
tt_int_op(NTOR_ONIONSKIN_LEN, ==, cc.handshake_len);
- test_memeq(cc.onionskin, b, NTOR_ONIONSKIN_LEN + 10);
+ tt_mem_op(cc.onionskin,==, b, NTOR_ONIONSKIN_LEN + 10);
tt_int_op(0, ==, create_cell_format(&cell2, &cc));
tt_int_op(cell.command, ==, cell2.command);
- test_memeq(cell.payload, cell2.payload, CELL_PAYLOAD_SIZE);
+ tt_mem_op(cell.payload,==, cell2.payload, CELL_PAYLOAD_SIZE);
tt_int_op(-1, ==, create_cell_parse(&cc, &cell));
@@ -470,10 +470,10 @@ test_cfmt_create_cells(void *arg)
tt_int_op(CELL_CREATE, ==, cc.cell_type);
tt_int_op(ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE_NTOR, ==, cc.handshake_type);
tt_int_op(NTOR_ONIONSKIN_LEN, ==, cc.handshake_len);
- test_memeq(cc.onionskin, b, NTOR_ONIONSKIN_LEN + 10);
+ tt_mem_op(cc.onionskin,==, b, NTOR_ONIONSKIN_LEN + 10);
tt_int_op(0, ==, create_cell_format(&cell2, &cc));
tt_int_op(cell.command, ==, cell2.command);
- test_memeq(cell.payload, cell2.payload, CELL_PAYLOAD_SIZE);
+ tt_mem_op(cell.payload,==, cell2.payload, CELL_PAYLOAD_SIZE);
tt_int_op(-1, ==, create_cell_parse(&cc, &cell));
@@ -527,10 +527,10 @@ test_cfmt_created_cells(void *arg)
tt_int_op(0, ==, created_cell_parse(&cc, &cell));
tt_int_op(CELL_CREATED, ==, cc.cell_type);
tt_int_op(TAP_ONIONSKIN_REPLY_LEN, ==, cc.handshake_len);
- test_memeq(cc.reply, b, TAP_ONIONSKIN_REPLY_LEN + 10);
+ tt_mem_op(cc.reply,==, b, TAP_ONIONSKIN_REPLY_LEN + 10);
tt_int_op(0, ==, created_cell_format(&cell2, &cc));
tt_int_op(cell.command, ==, cell2.command);
- test_memeq(cell.payload, cell2.payload, CELL_PAYLOAD_SIZE);
+ tt_mem_op(cell.payload,==, cell2.payload, CELL_PAYLOAD_SIZE);
/* A good CREATED_FAST cell */
memset(&cell, 0, sizeof(cell));
@@ -541,10 +541,10 @@ test_cfmt_created_cells(void *arg)
tt_int_op(0, ==, created_cell_parse(&cc, &cell));
tt_int_op(CELL_CREATED_FAST, ==, cc.cell_type);
tt_int_op(CREATED_FAST_LEN, ==, cc.handshake_len);
- test_memeq(cc.reply, b, CREATED_FAST_LEN + 10);
+ tt_mem_op(cc.reply,==, b, CREATED_FAST_LEN + 10);
tt_int_op(0, ==, created_cell_format(&cell2, &cc));
tt_int_op(cell.command, ==, cell2.command);
- test_memeq(cell.payload, cell2.payload, CELL_PAYLOAD_SIZE);
+ tt_mem_op(cell.payload,==, cell2.payload, CELL_PAYLOAD_SIZE);
/* A good CREATED2 cell with short reply */
memset(&cell, 0, sizeof(cell));
@@ -556,10 +556,10 @@ test_cfmt_created_cells(void *arg)
tt_int_op(0, ==, created_cell_parse(&cc, &cell));
tt_int_op(CELL_CREATED2, ==, cc.cell_type);
tt_int_op(64, ==, cc.handshake_len);
- test_memeq(cc.reply, b, 80);
+ tt_mem_op(cc.reply,==, b, 80);
tt_int_op(0, ==, created_cell_format(&cell2, &cc));
tt_int_op(cell.command, ==, cell2.command);
- test_memeq(cell.payload, cell2.payload, CELL_PAYLOAD_SIZE);
+ tt_mem_op(cell.payload,==, cell2.payload, CELL_PAYLOAD_SIZE);
/* A good CREATED2 cell with maximal reply */
memset(&cell, 0, sizeof(cell));
@@ -571,10 +571,10 @@ test_cfmt_created_cells(void *arg)
tt_int_op(0, ==, created_cell_parse(&cc, &cell));
tt_int_op(CELL_CREATED2, ==, cc.cell_type);
tt_int_op(496, ==, cc.handshake_len);
- test_memeq(cc.reply, b, 496);
+ tt_mem_op(cc.reply,==, b, 496);
tt_int_op(0, ==, created_cell_format(&cell2, &cc));
tt_int_op(cell.command, ==, cell2.command);
- test_memeq(cell.payload, cell2.payload, CELL_PAYLOAD_SIZE);
+ tt_mem_op(cell.payload,==, cell2.payload, CELL_PAYLOAD_SIZE);
/* Bogus CREATED2 cell: too long! */
memset(&cell, 0, sizeof(cell));
@@ -620,15 +620,15 @@ test_cfmt_extend_cells(void *arg)
tt_str_op("", ==, fmt_addr(&ec.orport_ipv4.addr));
tt_int_op(258, ==, ec.orport_ipv4.port);
tt_int_op(AF_UNSPEC, ==, tor_addr_family(&ec.orport_ipv6.addr));
- test_memeq(ec.node_id, "electroencephalogram", 20);
+ tt_mem_op(ec.node_id,==, "electroencephalogram", 20);
tt_int_op(cc->cell_type, ==, CELL_CREATE);
tt_int_op(cc->handshake_type, ==, ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE_TAP);
tt_int_op(cc->handshake_len, ==, TAP_ONIONSKIN_CHALLENGE_LEN);
- test_memeq(cc->onionskin, b, TAP_ONIONSKIN_CHALLENGE_LEN+20);
+ tt_mem_op(cc->onionskin,==, b, TAP_ONIONSKIN_CHALLENGE_LEN+20);
tt_int_op(0, ==, extend_cell_format(&p2_cmd, &p2_len, p2, &ec));
tt_int_op(p2_cmd, ==, RELAY_COMMAND_EXTEND);
tt_int_op(p2_len, ==, 26+TAP_ONIONSKIN_CHALLENGE_LEN);
- test_memeq(p2, p, RELAY_PAYLOAD_SIZE);
+ tt_mem_op(p2,==, p, RELAY_PAYLOAD_SIZE);
/* Let's do an ntor stuffed in a legacy EXTEND cell */
memset(p, 0, sizeof(p));
@@ -644,15 +644,15 @@ test_cfmt_extend_cells(void *arg)
tt_str_op("", ==, fmt_addr(&ec.orport_ipv4.addr));
tt_int_op(258, ==, ec.orport_ipv4.port);
tt_int_op(AF_UNSPEC, ==, tor_addr_family(&ec.orport_ipv6.addr));
- test_memeq(ec.node_id, "electroencephalogram", 20);
+ tt_mem_op(ec.node_id,==, "electroencephalogram", 20);
tt_int_op(cc->cell_type, ==, CELL_CREATE2);
tt_int_op(cc->handshake_type, ==, ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE_NTOR);
tt_int_op(cc->handshake_len, ==, NTOR_ONIONSKIN_LEN);
- test_memeq(cc->onionskin, b, NTOR_ONIONSKIN_LEN+20);
+ tt_mem_op(cc->onionskin,==, b, NTOR_ONIONSKIN_LEN+20);
tt_int_op(0, ==, extend_cell_format(&p2_cmd, &p2_len, p2, &ec));
tt_int_op(p2_cmd, ==, RELAY_COMMAND_EXTEND);
tt_int_op(p2_len, ==, 26+TAP_ONIONSKIN_CHALLENGE_LEN);
- test_memeq(p2, p, RELAY_PAYLOAD_SIZE);
+ tt_mem_op(p2,==, p, RELAY_PAYLOAD_SIZE);
tt_int_op(0, ==, create_cell_format_relayed(&cell, cc));
/* Now let's do a minimal ntor EXTEND2 cell. */
@@ -673,15 +673,15 @@ test_cfmt_extend_cells(void *arg)
tt_str_op("", ==, fmt_addr(&ec.orport_ipv4.addr));
tt_int_op(61681, ==, ec.orport_ipv4.port);
tt_int_op(AF_UNSPEC, ==, tor_addr_family(&ec.orport_ipv6.addr));
- test_memeq(ec.node_id, "anarchoindividualist", 20);
+ tt_mem_op(ec.node_id,==, "anarchoindividualist", 20);
tt_int_op(cc->cell_type, ==, CELL_CREATE2);
tt_int_op(cc->handshake_type, ==, ONION_HANDSHAKE_TYPE_NTOR);
tt_int_op(cc->handshake_len, ==, NTOR_ONIONSKIN_LEN);
- test_memeq(cc->onionskin, b, NTOR_ONIONSKIN_LEN+20);
+ tt_mem_op(cc->onionskin,==, b, NTOR_ONIONSKIN_LEN+20);
tt_int_op(0, ==, extend_cell_format(&p2_cmd, &p2_len, p2, &ec));
tt_int_op(p2_cmd, ==, RELAY_COMMAND_EXTEND2);
tt_int_op(p2_len, ==, 35+NTOR_ONIONSKIN_LEN);
- test_memeq(p2, p, RELAY_PAYLOAD_SIZE);
+ tt_mem_op(p2,==, p, RELAY_PAYLOAD_SIZE);
/* Now let's do a fanciful EXTEND2 cell. */
memset(&ec, 0xff, sizeof(ec));
@@ -706,11 +706,11 @@ test_cfmt_extend_cells(void *arg)
tt_int_op(61681, ==, ec.orport_ipv4.port);
tt_str_op("2002::f0:c51e", ==, fmt_addr(&ec.orport_ipv6.addr));
tt_int_op(4370, ==, ec.orport_ipv6.port);
- test_memeq(ec.node_id, "anthropomorphization", 20);
+ tt_mem_op(ec.node_id,==, "anthropomorphization", 20);
tt_int_op(cc->cell_type, ==, CELL_CREATE2);
tt_int_op(cc->handshake_type, ==, 0x105);
tt_int_op(cc->handshake_len, ==, 99);
- test_memeq(cc->onionskin, b, 99+20);
+ tt_mem_op(cc->onionskin,==, b, 99+20);
tt_int_op(0, ==, extend_cell_format(&p2_cmd, &p2_len, p2, &ec));
tt_int_op(p2_cmd, ==, RELAY_COMMAND_EXTEND2);
/* We'll generate it minus the IPv6 address and minus the konami code */
@@ -722,7 +722,7 @@ test_cfmt_extend_cells(void *arg)
/* Now the handshake prologue */
- test_memeq(p2+1+8+22+4, b, 99+20);
+ tt_mem_op(p2+1+8+22+4,==, b, 99+20);
tt_int_op(0, ==, create_cell_format_relayed(&cell, cc));
/* == Now try parsing some junk */
@@ -836,11 +836,11 @@ test_cfmt_extended_cells(void *arg)
tt_int_op(RELAY_COMMAND_EXTENDED, ==, ec.cell_type);
tt_int_op(cc->cell_type, ==, CELL_CREATED);
tt_int_op(cc->handshake_len, ==, TAP_ONIONSKIN_REPLY_LEN);
- test_memeq(cc->reply, b, TAP_ONIONSKIN_REPLY_LEN);
+ tt_mem_op(cc->reply,==, b, TAP_ONIONSKIN_REPLY_LEN);
tt_int_op(0, ==, extended_cell_format(&p2_cmd, &p2_len, p2, &ec));
tt_int_op(RELAY_COMMAND_EXTENDED, ==, p2_cmd);
tt_int_op(TAP_ONIONSKIN_REPLY_LEN, ==, p2_len);
- test_memeq(p2, p, sizeof(p2));
+ tt_mem_op(p2,==, p, sizeof(p2));
/* Try an EXTENDED2 cell */
memset(&ec, 0xff, sizeof(ec));
@@ -853,11 +853,11 @@ test_cfmt_extended_cells(void *arg)
tt_int_op(RELAY_COMMAND_EXTENDED2, ==, ec.cell_type);
tt_int_op(cc->cell_type, ==, CELL_CREATED2);
tt_int_op(cc->handshake_len, ==, 42);
- test_memeq(cc->reply, b, 42+10);
+ tt_mem_op(cc->reply,==, b, 42+10);
tt_int_op(0, ==, extended_cell_format(&p2_cmd, &p2_len, p2, &ec));
tt_int_op(RELAY_COMMAND_EXTENDED2, ==, p2_cmd);
tt_int_op(2+42, ==, p2_len);
- test_memeq(p2, p, sizeof(p2));
+ tt_mem_op(p2,==, p, sizeof(p2));
/* Try an almost-too-long EXTENDED2 cell */
memcpy(p, "\x01\xf0", 2);
diff --git a/src/test/test_cell_queue.c b/src/test/test_cell_queue.c
index 92629823ec..3226f7b973 100644
--- a/src/test/test_cell_queue.c
+++ b/src/test/test_cell_queue.c
@@ -69,15 +69,15 @@ test_cq_manip(void *arg)
pc_tmp = cell_queue_pop(&cq);
tt_int_op(cq.n, ==, 1);
tt_ptr_op(pc_tmp, !=, NULL);
- test_mem_op(pc_tmp->body, ==, "\x12\x34\x56\x78\x0a", 5);
- test_mem_op(pc_tmp->body+5, ==, cell.payload, sizeof(cell.payload));
+ tt_mem_op(pc_tmp->body, ==, "\x12\x34\x56\x78\x0a", 5);
+ tt_mem_op(pc_tmp->body+5, ==, cell.payload, sizeof(cell.payload));
pc_tmp = cell_queue_pop(&cq);
tt_int_op(cq.n, ==, 0);
tt_ptr_op(pc_tmp, !=, NULL);
- test_mem_op(pc_tmp->body, ==, "\x20\x13\x0a", 3);
- test_mem_op(pc_tmp->body+3, ==, cell.payload, sizeof(cell.payload));
+ tt_mem_op(pc_tmp->body, ==, "\x20\x13\x0a", 3);
+ tt_mem_op(pc_tmp->body+3, ==, cell.payload, sizeof(cell.payload));
pc_tmp = NULL;
diff --git a/src/test/test_circuitlist.c b/src/test/test_circuitlist.c
index 53dcab3302..e752eaf62a 100644
--- a/src/test/test_circuitlist.c
+++ b/src/test/test_circuitlist.c
@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ test_rend_token_maps(void *arg)
tt_ptr_op(c3->rendinfo, ==, NULL);
tt_ptr_op(c4->rendinfo, !=, NULL);
- test_mem_op(c4->rendinfo, ==, tok3, REND_TOKEN_LEN);
+ tt_mem_op(c4->rendinfo, ==, tok3, REND_TOKEN_LEN);
/* Now clear c4's cookie. */
circuit_set_intro_point_digest(c4, NULL);
diff --git a/src/test/test_circuitmux.c b/src/test/test_circuitmux.c
index b9c0436ebf..a3cacc4cc7 100644
--- a/src/test/test_circuitmux.c
+++ b/src/test/test_circuitmux.c
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ test_cmux_destroy_cell_queue(void *arg)
pc = cell_queue_pop(cq);
- test_mem_op(pc->body, ==, "\x00\x00\x00\x64\x04\x0a\x00\x00\x00", 9);
+ tt_mem_op(pc->body, ==, "\x00\x00\x00\x64\x04\x0a\x00\x00\x00", 9);
pc = NULL;
diff --git a/src/test/test_config.c b/src/test/test_config.c
index b35984f761..6a91453e8c 100644
--- a/src/test/test_config.c
+++ b/src/test/test_config.c
@@ -53,57 +53,57 @@ test_config_addressmap(void *arg)
/* MapAddress .torserver.exit - no match */
strlcpy(address, "", sizeof(address));
- test_assert(!addressmap_rewrite(address, sizeof(address), &expires, NULL));
+ tt_assert(!addressmap_rewrite(address, sizeof(address), &expires, NULL));
/* MapAddress * .torserver.exit - no match */
strlcpy(address, "", sizeof(address));
- test_assert(!addressmap_rewrite(address, sizeof(address), &expires, NULL));
+ tt_assert(!addressmap_rewrite(address, sizeof(address), &expires, NULL));
/* Where no mapping for FQDN match on top-level domain */
/* MapAddress .torserver.exit */
strlcpy(address, "", sizeof(address));
- test_assert(addressmap_rewrite(address, sizeof(address), &expires, NULL));
- test_streq(address, "reader.torserver.exit");
+ tt_assert(addressmap_rewrite(address, sizeof(address), &expires, NULL));
+ tt_str_op(address,==, "reader.torserver.exit");
/* MapAddress * * */
strlcpy(address, "", sizeof(address));
- test_assert(addressmap_rewrite(address, sizeof(address), &expires, NULL));
- test_streq(address, "");
+ tt_assert(addressmap_rewrite(address, sizeof(address), &expires, NULL));
+ tt_str_op(address,==, "");
/*MapAddress * */
strlcpy(address, "", sizeof(address));
- test_assert(addressmap_rewrite(address, sizeof(address), &expires, NULL));
- test_streq(address, "");
+ tt_assert(addressmap_rewrite(address, sizeof(address), &expires, NULL));
+ tt_str_op(address,==, "");
/* MapAddress */
strlcpy(address, "", sizeof(address));
- test_assert(addressmap_rewrite(address, sizeof(address), &expires, NULL));
- test_streq(address, "");
+ tt_assert(addressmap_rewrite(address, sizeof(address), &expires, NULL));
+ tt_str_op(address,==, "");
/* MapAddress - no match */
strlcpy(address, "", sizeof(address));
- test_assert(!addressmap_rewrite(address, sizeof(address), &expires, NULL));
+ tt_assert(!addressmap_rewrite(address, sizeof(address), &expires, NULL));
/* MapAddress * - invalid expression */
strlcpy(address, "", sizeof(address));
- test_assert(!addressmap_rewrite(address, sizeof(address), &expires, NULL));
+ tt_assert(!addressmap_rewrite(address, sizeof(address), &expires, NULL));
/* Where mapping for FQDN match on FQDN */
strlcpy(address, "", sizeof(address));
- test_assert(addressmap_rewrite(address, sizeof(address), &expires, NULL));
- test_streq(address, "");
+ tt_assert(addressmap_rewrite(address, sizeof(address), &expires, NULL));
+ tt_str_op(address,==, "");
strlcpy(address, "", sizeof(address));
- test_assert(addressmap_rewrite(address, sizeof(address), &expires, NULL));
- test_streq(address, "");
+ tt_assert(addressmap_rewrite(address, sizeof(address), &expires, NULL));
+ tt_str_op(address,==, "");
strlcpy(address, "", sizeof(address));
- test_assert(addressmap_rewrite(address, sizeof(address), &expires, NULL));
- test_streq(address, "");
+ tt_assert(addressmap_rewrite(address, sizeof(address), &expires, NULL));
+ tt_str_op(address,==, "");
strlcpy(address, "", sizeof(address));
- test_assert(addressmap_rewrite(address, sizeof(address), &expires, NULL));
- test_streq(address, "");
+ tt_assert(addressmap_rewrite(address, sizeof(address), &expires, NULL));
+ tt_str_op(address,==, "");
/* Test a chain of address mappings and the order in which they were added:
@@ -111,17 +111,17 @@ test_config_addressmap(void *arg)
strlcpy(address, "", sizeof(address));
- test_assert(addressmap_rewrite(address, sizeof(address), &expires, NULL));
- test_streq(address, "");
+ tt_assert(addressmap_rewrite(address, sizeof(address), &expires, NULL));
+ tt_str_op(address,==, "");
/* Test infinite address mapping results in no change */
strlcpy(address, "", sizeof(address));
- test_assert(addressmap_rewrite(address, sizeof(address), &expires, NULL));
- test_streq(address, "");
+ tt_assert(addressmap_rewrite(address, sizeof(address), &expires, NULL));
+ tt_str_op(address,==, "");
/* Test we don't find false positives */
strlcpy(address, "", sizeof(address));
- test_assert(!addressmap_rewrite(address, sizeof(address), &expires, NULL));
+ tt_assert(!addressmap_rewrite(address, sizeof(address), &expires, NULL));
/* Test top-level-domain matching a bit harder */
@@ -134,24 +134,24 @@ test_config_addressmap(void *arg)
strlcpy(address, "", sizeof(address));
- test_assert(addressmap_rewrite(address, sizeof(address), &expires, NULL));
- test_streq(address, "");
+ tt_assert(addressmap_rewrite(address, sizeof(address), &expires, NULL));
+ tt_str_op(address,==, "");
strlcpy(address, "", sizeof(address));
- test_assert(addressmap_rewrite(address, sizeof(address), &expires, NULL));
- test_streq(address, "www.def.torserver.exit");
+ tt_assert(addressmap_rewrite(address, sizeof(address), &expires, NULL));
+ tt_str_op(address,==, "www.def.torserver.exit");
strlcpy(address, "", sizeof(address));
- test_assert(addressmap_rewrite(address, sizeof(address), &expires, NULL));
- test_streq(address, "");
+ tt_assert(addressmap_rewrite(address, sizeof(address), &expires, NULL));
+ tt_str_op(address,==, "");
strlcpy(address, "", sizeof(address));
- test_assert(addressmap_rewrite(address, sizeof(address), &expires, NULL));
- test_streq(address, "");
+ tt_assert(addressmap_rewrite(address, sizeof(address), &expires, NULL));
+ tt_str_op(address,==, "");
strlcpy(address, "", sizeof(address));
- test_assert(addressmap_rewrite(address, sizeof(address), &expires, NULL));
- test_streq(address, "");
+ tt_assert(addressmap_rewrite(address, sizeof(address), &expires, NULL));
+ tt_str_op(address,==, "");
/* We don't support '*' as a mapping directive */
@@ -161,13 +161,13 @@ test_config_addressmap(void *arg)
strlcpy(address, "", sizeof(address));
- test_assert(!addressmap_rewrite(address, sizeof(address), &expires, NULL));
+ tt_assert(!addressmap_rewrite(address, sizeof(address), &expires, NULL));
strlcpy(address, "", sizeof(address));
- test_assert(!addressmap_rewrite(address, sizeof(address), &expires, NULL));
+ tt_assert(!addressmap_rewrite(address, sizeof(address), &expires, NULL));
strlcpy(address, "", sizeof(address));
- test_assert(!addressmap_rewrite(address, sizeof(address), &expires, NULL));
+ tt_assert(!addressmap_rewrite(address, sizeof(address), &expires, NULL));
#undef addressmap_rewrite
@@ -220,13 +220,13 @@ test_config_check_or_create_data_subdir(void *arg)
// The subdirectory shouldn't exist yet,
// but should be created by the call to check_or_create_data_subdir.
- test_assert(r && (errno == ENOENT));
- test_assert(!check_or_create_data_subdir(subdir));
- test_assert(is_private_dir(subpath));
+ tt_assert(r && (errno == ENOENT));
+ tt_assert(!check_or_create_data_subdir(subdir));
+ tt_assert(is_private_dir(subpath));
// The check should return 0, if the directory already exists
// and is private to the user.
- test_assert(!check_or_create_data_subdir(subdir));
+ tt_assert(!check_or_create_data_subdir(subdir));
r = stat(subpath, &st);
if (r) {
@@ -243,9 +243,9 @@ test_config_check_or_create_data_subdir(void *arg)
// If the directory exists, but its mode is too permissive
// a call to check_or_create_data_subdir should reset the mode.
- test_assert(!is_private_dir(subpath));
- test_assert(!check_or_create_data_subdir(subdir));
- test_assert(is_private_dir(subpath));
+ tt_assert(!is_private_dir(subpath));
+ tt_assert(!check_or_create_data_subdir(subdir));
+ tt_assert(is_private_dir(subpath));
@@ -291,20 +291,20 @@ test_config_write_to_data_subdir(void *arg)
// Write attempt shoudl fail, if subdirectory doesn't exist.
- test_assert(write_to_data_subdir(subdir, fname, str, NULL));
- test_assert(! check_or_create_data_subdir(subdir));
+ tt_assert(write_to_data_subdir(subdir, fname, str, NULL));
+ tt_assert(! check_or_create_data_subdir(subdir));
// Content of file after write attempt should be
// equal to the original string.
- test_assert(!write_to_data_subdir(subdir, fname, str, NULL));
+ tt_assert(!write_to_data_subdir(subdir, fname, str, NULL));
cp = read_file_to_str(filepath, 0, NULL);
- test_streq(cp, str);
+ tt_str_op(cp,==, str);
// A second write operation should overwrite the old content.
- test_assert(!write_to_data_subdir(subdir, fname, str, NULL));
+ tt_assert(!write_to_data_subdir(subdir, fname, str, NULL));
cp = read_file_to_str(filepath, 0, NULL);
- test_streq(cp, str);
+ tt_str_op(cp,==, str);
@@ -325,48 +325,48 @@ good_bridge_line_test(const char *string, const char *test_addrport,
char *tmp = NULL;
bridge_line_t *bridge_line = parse_bridge_line(string);
- test_assert(bridge_line);
+ tt_assert(bridge_line);
/* test addrport */
tmp = tor_strdup(fmt_addrport(&bridge_line->addr, bridge_line->port));
- test_streq(test_addrport, tmp);
+ tt_str_op(test_addrport,==, tmp);
/* If we were asked to validate a digest, but we did not get a
digest after parsing, we failed. */
if (test_digest && tor_digest_is_zero(bridge_line->digest))
- test_assert(0);
+ tt_assert(0);
/* If we were not asked to validate a digest, and we got a digest
after parsing, we failed again. */
if (!test_digest && !tor_digest_is_zero(bridge_line->digest))
- test_assert(0);
+ tt_assert(0);
/* If we were asked to validate a digest, and we got a digest after
parsing, make sure it's correct. */
if (test_digest) {
tmp = tor_strdup(hex_str(bridge_line->digest, DIGEST_LEN));
- test_streq(test_digest, tmp);
+ tt_str_op(test_digest,==, tmp);
/* If we were asked to validate a transport name, make sure tha it
matches with the transport name that was parsed. */
if (test_transport && !bridge_line->transport_name)
- test_assert(0);
+ tt_assert(0);
if (!test_transport && bridge_line->transport_name)
- test_assert(0);
+ tt_assert(0);
if (test_transport)
- test_streq(test_transport, bridge_line->transport_name);
+ tt_str_op(test_transport,==, bridge_line->transport_name);
/* Validate the SOCKS argument smartlist. */
if (test_socks_args && !bridge_line->socks_args)
- test_assert(0);
+ tt_assert(0);
if (!test_socks_args && bridge_line->socks_args)
- test_assert(0);
+ tt_assert(0);
if (test_socks_args)
- test_assert(smartlist_strings_eq(test_socks_args,
+ tt_assert(smartlist_strings_eq(test_socks_args,
@@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ bad_bridge_line_test(const char *string)
bridge_line_t *bridge_line = parse_bridge_line(string);
if (bridge_line)
TT_FAIL(("%s was supposed to fail, but it didn't.", string));
- test_assert(!bridge_line);
+ tt_assert(!bridge_line);
@@ -490,18 +490,18 @@ test_config_parse_transport_options_line(void *arg)
{ /* too small line */
options_sl = get_options_from_transport_options_line("valley", NULL);
- test_assert(!options_sl);
+ tt_assert(!options_sl);
{ /* no k=v values */
options_sl = get_options_from_transport_options_line("hit it!", NULL);
- test_assert(!options_sl);
+ tt_assert(!options_sl);
{ /* correct line, but wrong transport specified */
options_sl =
get_options_from_transport_options_line("trebuchet k=v", "rook");
- test_assert(!options_sl);
+ tt_assert(!options_sl);
{ /* correct -- no transport specified */
@@ -512,8 +512,8 @@ test_config_parse_transport_options_line(void *arg)
options_sl =
get_options_from_transport_options_line("rook ladi=dadi weliketo=party",
- test_assert(options_sl);
- test_assert(smartlist_strings_eq(options_sl, sl_tmp));
+ tt_assert(options_sl);
+ tt_assert(smartlist_strings_eq(options_sl, sl_tmp));
SMARTLIST_FOREACH(sl_tmp, char *, s, tor_free(s));
@@ -531,8 +531,8 @@ test_config_parse_transport_options_line(void *arg)
options_sl =
get_options_from_transport_options_line("rook ladi=dadi weliketo=party",
- test_assert(options_sl);
- test_assert(smartlist_strings_eq(options_sl, sl_tmp));
+ tt_assert(options_sl);
+ tt_assert(smartlist_strings_eq(options_sl, sl_tmp));
SMARTLIST_FOREACH(sl_tmp, char *, s, tor_free(s));
sl_tmp = NULL;
@@ -576,7 +576,7 @@ test_config_fix_my_family(void *arg)
TT_FAIL(("options_validate failed: %s", err));
- test_streq(options->MyFamily, "$1111111111111111111111111111111111111111, "
+ tt_str_op(options->MyFamily,==, "$1111111111111111111111111111111111111111, "
"$1111111111111111111111111111111111111112, "
diff --git a/src/test/test_containers.c b/src/test/test_containers.c
index d7b7b3cfee..24211dd580 100644
--- a/src/test/test_containers.c
+++ b/src/test/test_containers.c
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ compare_strs_for_bsearch_(const void *a, const void **b)
/** Helper: return a tristate based on comparing the strings in *<b>a</b> and
* *<b>b</b>, excluding a's first character, and ignoring case. */
static int
-compare_without_first_ch_(const void *a, const void **b)
+cmp_without_first_(const void *a, const void **b)
const char *s1 = a, *s2 = *b;
return strcasecmp(s1+1, s2);
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ compare_without_first_ch_(const void *a, const void **b)
/** Run unit tests for basic dynamic-sized array functionality. */
static void
+test_container_smartlist_basic(void *arg)
smartlist_t *sl;
char *v0 = tor_strdup("v0");
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ test_container_smartlist_basic(void)
/* XXXX test sort_digests, uniq_strings, uniq_digests */
/* Test smartlist add, del_keeporder, insert, get. */
+ (void)arg;
sl = smartlist_new();
smartlist_add(sl, v1);
smartlist_add(sl, v2);
@@ -61,22 +62,22 @@ test_container_smartlist_basic(void)
smartlist_insert(sl, 1, v22);
smartlist_insert(sl, 0, v0);
smartlist_insert(sl, 5, v555);
- test_eq_ptr(v0, smartlist_get(sl,0));
- test_eq_ptr(v1, smartlist_get(sl,1));
- test_eq_ptr(v22, smartlist_get(sl,2));
- test_eq_ptr(v3, smartlist_get(sl,3));
- test_eq_ptr(v4, smartlist_get(sl,4));
- test_eq_ptr(v555, smartlist_get(sl,5));
+ tt_ptr_op(v0,==, smartlist_get(sl,0));
+ tt_ptr_op(v1,==, smartlist_get(sl,1));
+ tt_ptr_op(v22,==, smartlist_get(sl,2));
+ tt_ptr_op(v3,==, smartlist_get(sl,3));
+ tt_ptr_op(v4,==, smartlist_get(sl,4));
+ tt_ptr_op(v555,==, smartlist_get(sl,5));
/* Try deleting in the middle. */
smartlist_del(sl, 1);
- test_eq_ptr(v555, smartlist_get(sl, 1));
+ tt_ptr_op(v555,==, smartlist_get(sl, 1));
/* Try deleting at the end. */
smartlist_del(sl, 4);
- test_eq(4, smartlist_len(sl));
+ tt_int_op(4,==, smartlist_len(sl));
/* test isin. */
- test_assert(smartlist_contains(sl, v3));
- test_assert(!smartlist_contains(sl, v99));
+ tt_assert(smartlist_contains(sl, v3));
+ tt_assert(!smartlist_contains(sl, v99));
@@ -92,198 +93,200 @@ test_container_smartlist_basic(void)
/** Run unit tests for smartlist-of-strings functionality. */
static void
+test_container_smartlist_strings(void *arg)
smartlist_t *sl = smartlist_new();
char *cp=NULL, *cp_alloc=NULL;
size_t sz;
/* Test split and join */
- test_eq(0, smartlist_len(sl));
+ (void)arg;
+ tt_int_op(0,==, smartlist_len(sl));
smartlist_split_string(sl, "abc", ":", 0, 0);
- test_eq(1, smartlist_len(sl));
- test_streq("abc", smartlist_get(sl, 0));
+ tt_int_op(1,==, smartlist_len(sl));
+ tt_str_op("abc",==, smartlist_get(sl, 0));
smartlist_split_string(sl, "a::bc::", "::", 0, 0);
- test_eq(4, smartlist_len(sl));
- test_streq("a", smartlist_get(sl, 1));
- test_streq("bc", smartlist_get(sl, 2));
- test_streq("", smartlist_get(sl, 3));
+ tt_int_op(4,==, smartlist_len(sl));
+ tt_str_op("a",==, smartlist_get(sl, 1));
+ tt_str_op("bc",==, smartlist_get(sl, 2));
+ tt_str_op("",==, smartlist_get(sl, 3));
cp_alloc = smartlist_join_strings(sl, "", 0, NULL);
- test_streq(cp_alloc, "abcabc");
+ tt_str_op(cp_alloc,==, "abcabc");
cp_alloc = smartlist_join_strings(sl, "!", 0, NULL);
- test_streq(cp_alloc, "abc!a!bc!");
+ tt_str_op(cp_alloc,==, "abc!a!bc!");
cp_alloc = smartlist_join_strings(sl, "XY", 0, NULL);
- test_streq(cp_alloc, "abcXYaXYbcXY");
+ tt_str_op(cp_alloc,==, "abcXYaXYbcXY");
cp_alloc = smartlist_join_strings(sl, "XY", 1, NULL);
- test_streq(cp_alloc, "abcXYaXYbcXYXY");
+ tt_str_op(cp_alloc,==, "abcXYaXYbcXYXY");
cp_alloc = smartlist_join_strings(sl, "", 1, NULL);
- test_streq(cp_alloc, "abcabc");
+ tt_str_op(cp_alloc,==, "abcabc");
smartlist_split_string(sl, "/def/ /ghijk", "/", 0, 0);
- test_eq(8, smartlist_len(sl));
- test_streq("", smartlist_get(sl, 4));
- test_streq("def", smartlist_get(sl, 5));
- test_streq(" ", smartlist_get(sl, 6));
- test_streq("ghijk", smartlist_get(sl, 7));
+ tt_int_op(8,==, smartlist_len(sl));
+ tt_str_op("",==, smartlist_get(sl, 4));
+ tt_str_op("def",==, smartlist_get(sl, 5));
+ tt_str_op(" ",==, smartlist_get(sl, 6));
+ tt_str_op("ghijk",==, smartlist_get(sl, 7));
SMARTLIST_FOREACH(sl, char *, cp, tor_free(cp));
smartlist_split_string(sl, "a,bbd,cdef", ",", SPLIT_SKIP_SPACE, 0);
- test_eq(3, smartlist_len(sl));
- test_streq("a", smartlist_get(sl,0));
- test_streq("bbd", smartlist_get(sl,1));
- test_streq("cdef", smartlist_get(sl,2));
+ tt_int_op(3,==, smartlist_len(sl));
+ tt_str_op("a",==, smartlist_get(sl,0));
+ tt_str_op("bbd",==, smartlist_get(sl,1));
+ tt_str_op("cdef",==, smartlist_get(sl,2));
smartlist_split_string(sl, " z <> zhasd <> <> bnud<> ", "<>",
- test_eq(8, smartlist_len(sl));
- test_streq("z", smartlist_get(sl,3));
- test_streq("zhasd", smartlist_get(sl,4));
- test_streq("", smartlist_get(sl,5));
- test_streq("bnud", smartlist_get(sl,6));
- test_streq("", smartlist_get(sl,7));
+ tt_int_op(8,==, smartlist_len(sl));
+ tt_str_op("z",==, smartlist_get(sl,3));
+ tt_str_op("zhasd",==, smartlist_get(sl,4));
+ tt_str_op("",==, smartlist_get(sl,5));
+ tt_str_op("bnud",==, smartlist_get(sl,6));
+ tt_str_op("",==, smartlist_get(sl,7));
SMARTLIST_FOREACH(sl, char *, cp, tor_free(cp));
smartlist_split_string(sl, " ab\tc \td ef ", NULL,
- test_eq(4, smartlist_len(sl));
- test_streq("ab", smartlist_get(sl,0));
- test_streq("c", smartlist_get(sl,1));
- test_streq("d", smartlist_get(sl,2));
- test_streq("ef", smartlist_get(sl,3));
+ tt_int_op(4,==, smartlist_len(sl));
+ tt_str_op("ab",==, smartlist_get(sl,0));
+ tt_str_op("c",==, smartlist_get(sl,1));
+ tt_str_op("d",==, smartlist_get(sl,2));
+ tt_str_op("ef",==, smartlist_get(sl,3));
smartlist_split_string(sl, "ghi\tj", NULL,
- test_eq(6, smartlist_len(sl));
- test_streq("ghi", smartlist_get(sl,4));
- test_streq("j", smartlist_get(sl,5));
+ tt_int_op(6,==, smartlist_len(sl));
+ tt_str_op("ghi",==, smartlist_get(sl,4));
+ tt_str_op("j",==, smartlist_get(sl,5));
SMARTLIST_FOREACH(sl, char *, cp, tor_free(cp));
cp_alloc = smartlist_join_strings(sl, "XY", 0, NULL);
- test_streq(cp_alloc, "");
+ tt_str_op(cp_alloc,==, "");
cp_alloc = smartlist_join_strings(sl, "XY", 1, NULL);
- test_streq(cp_alloc, "XY");
+ tt_str_op(cp_alloc,==, "XY");
smartlist_split_string(sl, " z <> zhasd <> <> bnud<> ", "<>",
- test_eq(3, smartlist_len(sl));
- test_streq("z", smartlist_get(sl, 0));
- test_streq("zhasd", smartlist_get(sl, 1));
- test_streq("bnud", smartlist_get(sl, 2));
+ tt_int_op(3,==, smartlist_len(sl));
+ tt_str_op("z",==, smartlist_get(sl, 0));
+ tt_str_op("zhasd",==, smartlist_get(sl, 1));
+ tt_str_op("bnud",==, smartlist_get(sl, 2));
smartlist_split_string(sl, " z <> zhasd <> <> bnud<> ", "<>",
- test_eq(5, smartlist_len(sl));
- test_streq("z", smartlist_get(sl, 3));
- test_streq("zhasd <> <> bnud<>", smartlist_get(sl, 4));
+ tt_int_op(5,==, smartlist_len(sl));
+ tt_str_op("z",==, smartlist_get(sl, 3));
+ tt_str_op("zhasd <> <> bnud<>",==, smartlist_get(sl, 4));
SMARTLIST_FOREACH(sl, char *, cp, tor_free(cp));
smartlist_split_string(sl, "abcd\n", "\n",
- test_eq(1, smartlist_len(sl));
- test_streq("abcd", smartlist_get(sl, 0));
+ tt_int_op(1,==, smartlist_len(sl));
+ tt_str_op("abcd",==, smartlist_get(sl, 0));
smartlist_split_string(sl, "efgh", "\n",
- test_eq(2, smartlist_len(sl));
- test_streq("efgh", smartlist_get(sl, 1));
+ tt_int_op(2,==, smartlist_len(sl));
+ tt_str_op("efgh",==, smartlist_get(sl, 1));
SMARTLIST_FOREACH(sl, char *, cp, tor_free(cp));
/* Test swapping, shuffling, and sorting. */
smartlist_split_string(sl, "the,onion,router,by,arma,and,nickm", ",", 0, 0);
- test_eq(7, smartlist_len(sl));
+ tt_int_op(7,==, smartlist_len(sl));
smartlist_sort(sl, compare_strs_);
cp_alloc = smartlist_join_strings(sl, ",", 0, NULL);
- test_streq(cp_alloc,"and,arma,by,nickm,onion,router,the");
+ tt_str_op(cp_alloc,==, "and,arma,by,nickm,onion,router,the");
smartlist_swap(sl, 1, 5);
cp_alloc = smartlist_join_strings(sl, ",", 0, NULL);
- test_streq(cp_alloc,"and,router,by,nickm,onion,arma,the");
+ tt_str_op(cp_alloc,==, "and,router,by,nickm,onion,arma,the");
- test_eq(7, smartlist_len(sl));
- test_assert(smartlist_contains_string(sl, "and"));
- test_assert(smartlist_contains_string(sl, "router"));
- test_assert(smartlist_contains_string(sl, "by"));
- test_assert(smartlist_contains_string(sl, "nickm"));
- test_assert(smartlist_contains_string(sl, "onion"));
- test_assert(smartlist_contains_string(sl, "arma"));
- test_assert(smartlist_contains_string(sl, "the"));
+ tt_int_op(7,==, smartlist_len(sl));
+ tt_assert(smartlist_contains_string(sl, "and"));
+ tt_assert(smartlist_contains_string(sl, "router"));
+ tt_assert(smartlist_contains_string(sl, "by"));
+ tt_assert(smartlist_contains_string(sl, "nickm"));
+ tt_assert(smartlist_contains_string(sl, "onion"));
+ tt_assert(smartlist_contains_string(sl, "arma"));
+ tt_assert(smartlist_contains_string(sl, "the"));
/* Test bsearch. */
smartlist_sort(sl, compare_strs_);
- test_streq("nickm", smartlist_bsearch(sl, "zNicKM",
- compare_without_first_ch_));
- test_streq("and", smartlist_bsearch(sl, " AND", compare_without_first_ch_));
- test_eq_ptr(NULL, smartlist_bsearch(sl, " ANz", compare_without_first_ch_));
+ tt_str_op("nickm",==, smartlist_bsearch(sl, "zNicKM",
+ cmp_without_first_));
+ tt_str_op("and",==,
+ smartlist_bsearch(sl, " AND", cmp_without_first_));
+ tt_ptr_op(NULL,==, smartlist_bsearch(sl, " ANz", cmp_without_first_));
/* Test bsearch_idx */
int f;
smartlist_t *tmp = NULL;
- test_eq(0, smartlist_bsearch_idx(sl," aaa",compare_without_first_ch_,&f));
- test_eq(f, 0);
- test_eq(0, smartlist_bsearch_idx(sl," and",compare_without_first_ch_,&f));
- test_eq(f, 1);
- test_eq(1, smartlist_bsearch_idx(sl," arm",compare_without_first_ch_,&f));
- test_eq(f, 0);
- test_eq(1, smartlist_bsearch_idx(sl," arma",compare_without_first_ch_,&f));
- test_eq(f, 1);
- test_eq(2, smartlist_bsearch_idx(sl," armb",compare_without_first_ch_,&f));
- test_eq(f, 0);
- test_eq(7, smartlist_bsearch_idx(sl," zzzz",compare_without_first_ch_,&f));
- test_eq(f, 0);
+ tt_int_op(0,==,smartlist_bsearch_idx(sl," aaa",cmp_without_first_,&f));
+ tt_int_op(f,==, 0);
+ tt_int_op(0,==, smartlist_bsearch_idx(sl," and",cmp_without_first_,&f));
+ tt_int_op(f,==, 1);
+ tt_int_op(1,==, smartlist_bsearch_idx(sl," arm",cmp_without_first_,&f));
+ tt_int_op(f,==, 0);
+ tt_int_op(1,==, smartlist_bsearch_idx(sl," arma",cmp_without_first_,&f));
+ tt_int_op(f,==, 1);
+ tt_int_op(2,==, smartlist_bsearch_idx(sl," armb",cmp_without_first_,&f));
+ tt_int_op(f,==, 0);
+ tt_int_op(7,==, smartlist_bsearch_idx(sl," zzzz",cmp_without_first_,&f));
+ tt_int_op(f,==, 0);
/* Test trivial cases for list of length 0 or 1 */
tmp = smartlist_new();
- test_eq(0, smartlist_bsearch_idx(tmp, "foo",
+ tt_int_op(0,==, smartlist_bsearch_idx(tmp, "foo",
compare_strs_for_bsearch_, &f));
- test_eq(f, 0);
+ tt_int_op(f,==, 0);
smartlist_insert(tmp, 0, (void *)("bar"));
- test_eq(1, smartlist_bsearch_idx(tmp, "foo",
+ tt_int_op(1,==, smartlist_bsearch_idx(tmp, "foo",
compare_strs_for_bsearch_, &f));
- test_eq(f, 0);
- test_eq(0, smartlist_bsearch_idx(tmp, "aaa",
+ tt_int_op(f,==, 0);
+ tt_int_op(0,==, smartlist_bsearch_idx(tmp, "aaa",
compare_strs_for_bsearch_, &f));
- test_eq(f, 0);
- test_eq(0, smartlist_bsearch_idx(tmp, "bar",
+ tt_int_op(f,==, 0);
+ tt_int_op(0,==, smartlist_bsearch_idx(tmp, "bar",
compare_strs_for_bsearch_, &f));
- test_eq(f, 1);
+ tt_int_op(f,==, 1);
/* ... and one for length 2 */
smartlist_insert(tmp, 1, (void *)("foo"));
- test_eq(1, smartlist_bsearch_idx(tmp, "foo",
+ tt_int_op(1,==, smartlist_bsearch_idx(tmp, "foo",
compare_strs_for_bsearch_, &f));
- test_eq(f, 1);
- test_eq(2, smartlist_bsearch_idx(tmp, "goo",
+ tt_int_op(f,==, 1);
+ tt_int_op(2,==, smartlist_bsearch_idx(tmp, "goo",
compare_strs_for_bsearch_, &f));
- test_eq(f, 0);
+ tt_int_op(f,==, 0);
/* Test reverse() and pop_last() */
cp_alloc = smartlist_join_strings(sl, ",", 0, NULL);
- test_streq(cp_alloc,"the,router,onion,nickm,by,arma,and");
+ tt_str_op(cp_alloc,==, "the,router,onion,nickm,by,arma,and");
cp_alloc = smartlist_pop_last(sl);
- test_streq(cp_alloc, "and");
+ tt_str_op(cp_alloc,==, "and");
- test_eq(smartlist_len(sl), 6);
+ tt_int_op(smartlist_len(sl),==, 6);
SMARTLIST_FOREACH(sl, char *, cp, tor_free(cp));
cp_alloc = smartlist_pop_last(sl);
- test_eq_ptr(cp_alloc, NULL);
+ tt_ptr_op(cp_alloc,==, NULL);
/* Test uniq() */
@@ -292,16 +295,16 @@ test_container_smartlist_strings(void)
smartlist_sort(sl, compare_strs_);
smartlist_uniq(sl, compare_strs_, tor_free_);
cp_alloc = smartlist_join_strings(sl, ",", 0, NULL);
- test_streq(cp_alloc, "50,a,canal,man,noon,panama,plan,radar");
+ tt_str_op(cp_alloc,==, "50,a,canal,man,noon,panama,plan,radar");
/* Test contains_string, contains_string_case and contains_int_as_string */
- test_assert(smartlist_contains_string(sl, "noon"));
- test_assert(!smartlist_contains_string(sl, "noonoon"));
- test_assert(smartlist_contains_string_case(sl, "nOOn"));
- test_assert(!smartlist_contains_string_case(sl, "nooNooN"));
- test_assert(smartlist_contains_int_as_string(sl, 50));
- test_assert(!smartlist_contains_int_as_string(sl, 60));
+ tt_assert(smartlist_contains_string(sl, "noon"));
+ tt_assert(!smartlist_contains_string(sl, "noonoon"));
+ tt_assert(smartlist_contains_string_case(sl, "nOOn"));
+ tt_assert(!smartlist_contains_string_case(sl, "nooNooN"));
+ tt_assert(smartlist_contains_int_as_string(sl, 50));
+ tt_assert(!smartlist_contains_int_as_string(sl, 60));
/* Test smartlist_choose */
@@ -309,7 +312,7 @@ test_container_smartlist_strings(void)
int allsame = 1;
int allin = 1;
void *first = smartlist_choose(sl);
- test_assert(smartlist_contains(sl, first));
+ tt_assert(smartlist_contains(sl, first));
for (i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
void *second = smartlist_choose(sl);
if (second != first)
@@ -317,8 +320,8 @@ test_container_smartlist_strings(void)
if (!smartlist_contains(sl, second))
allin = 0;
- test_assert(!allsame);
- test_assert(allin);
+ tt_assert(!allsame);
+ tt_assert(allin);
SMARTLIST_FOREACH(sl, char *, cp, tor_free(cp));
@@ -328,17 +331,17 @@ test_container_smartlist_strings(void)
"Some say the Earth will end in ice and some in fire",
" ", 0, 0);
cp = smartlist_get(sl, 4);
- test_streq(cp, "will");
+ tt_str_op(cp,==, "will");
smartlist_add(sl, cp);
smartlist_remove(sl, cp);
cp_alloc = smartlist_join_strings(sl, ",", 0, NULL);
- test_streq(cp_alloc, "Some,say,the,Earth,fire,end,in,ice,and,some,in");
+ tt_str_op(cp_alloc,==, "Some,say,the,Earth,fire,end,in,ice,and,some,in");
smartlist_string_remove(sl, "in");
cp_alloc = smartlist_join_strings2(sl, "+XX", 1, 0, &sz);
- test_streq(cp_alloc, "Some+say+the+Earth+fire+end+some+ice+and");
- test_eq((int)sz, 40);
+ tt_str_op(cp_alloc,==, "Some+say+the+Earth+fire+end+some+ice+and");
+ tt_int_op((int)sz,==, 40);
@@ -349,7 +352,7 @@ test_container_smartlist_strings(void)
/** Run unit tests for smartlist set manipulation functions. */
static void
+test_container_smartlist_overlap(void *arg)
smartlist_t *sl = smartlist_new();
smartlist_t *ints = smartlist_new();
@@ -357,6 +360,7 @@ test_container_smartlist_overlap(void)
smartlist_t *evens = smartlist_new();
smartlist_t *primes = smartlist_new();
int i;
+ (void)arg;
for (i=1; i < 10; i += 2)
smartlist_add(odds, (void*)(uintptr_t)i);
for (i=0; i < 10; i += 2)
@@ -365,7 +369,7 @@ test_container_smartlist_overlap(void)
/* add_all */
smartlist_add_all(ints, odds);
smartlist_add_all(ints, evens);
- test_eq(smartlist_len(ints), 10);
+ tt_int_op(smartlist_len(ints),==, 10);
smartlist_add(primes, (void*)2);
smartlist_add(primes, (void*)3);
@@ -373,24 +377,24 @@ test_container_smartlist_overlap(void)
smartlist_add(primes, (void*)7);
/* overlap */
- test_assert(smartlist_overlap(ints, odds));
- test_assert(smartlist_overlap(odds, primes));
- test_assert(smartlist_overlap(evens, primes));
- test_assert(!smartlist_overlap(odds, evens));
+ tt_assert(smartlist_overlap(ints, odds));
+ tt_assert(smartlist_overlap(odds, primes));
+ tt_assert(smartlist_overlap(evens, primes));
+ tt_assert(!smartlist_overlap(odds, evens));
/* intersect */
smartlist_add_all(sl, odds);
smartlist_intersect(sl, primes);
- test_eq(smartlist_len(sl), 3);
- test_assert(smartlist_contains(sl, (void*)3));
- test_assert(smartlist_contains(sl, (void*)5));
- test_assert(smartlist_contains(sl, (void*)7));
+ tt_int_op(smartlist_len(sl),==, 3);
+ tt_assert(smartlist_contains(sl, (void*)3));
+ tt_assert(smartlist_contains(sl, (void*)5));
+ tt_assert(smartlist_contains(sl, (void*)7));
/* subtract */
smartlist_add_all(sl, primes);
smartlist_subtract(sl, odds);
- test_eq(smartlist_len(sl), 1);
- test_assert(smartlist_contains(sl, (void*)2));
+ tt_int_op(smartlist_len(sl),==, 1);
+ tt_assert(smartlist_contains(sl, (void*)2));
@@ -402,31 +406,32 @@ test_container_smartlist_overlap(void)
/** Run unit tests for smartlist-of-digests functions. */
static void
+test_container_smartlist_digests(void *arg)
smartlist_t *sl = smartlist_new();
/* contains_digest */
+ (void)arg;
smartlist_add(sl, tor_memdup("AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA", DIGEST_LEN));
smartlist_add(sl, tor_memdup("\00090AAB2AAAAaasdAAAAA", DIGEST_LEN));
smartlist_add(sl, tor_memdup("\00090AAB2AAAAaasdAAAAA", DIGEST_LEN));
- test_eq(0, smartlist_contains_digest(NULL, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"));
- test_assert(smartlist_contains_digest(sl, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"));
- test_assert(smartlist_contains_digest(sl, "\00090AAB2AAAAaasdAAAAA"));
- test_eq(0, smartlist_contains_digest(sl, "\00090AAB2AAABaasdAAAAA"));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, smartlist_contains_digest(NULL, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"));
+ tt_assert(smartlist_contains_digest(sl, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"));
+ tt_assert(smartlist_contains_digest(sl, "\00090AAB2AAAAaasdAAAAA"));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, smartlist_contains_digest(sl, "\00090AAB2AAABaasdAAAAA"));
/* sort digests */
- test_memeq(smartlist_get(sl, 0), "\00090AAB2AAAAaasdAAAAA", DIGEST_LEN);
- test_memeq(smartlist_get(sl, 1), "\00090AAB2AAAAaasdAAAAA", DIGEST_LEN);
- test_memeq(smartlist_get(sl, 2), "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA", DIGEST_LEN);
- test_eq(3, smartlist_len(sl));
+ tt_mem_op(smartlist_get(sl, 0),==, "\00090AAB2AAAAaasdAAAAA", DIGEST_LEN);
+ tt_mem_op(smartlist_get(sl, 1),==, "\00090AAB2AAAAaasdAAAAA", DIGEST_LEN);
+ tt_mem_op(smartlist_get(sl, 2),==, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA", DIGEST_LEN);
+ tt_int_op(3,==, smartlist_len(sl));
/* uniq_digests */
- test_eq(2, smartlist_len(sl));
- test_memeq(smartlist_get(sl, 0), "\00090AAB2AAAAaasdAAAAA", DIGEST_LEN);
- test_memeq(smartlist_get(sl, 1), "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA", DIGEST_LEN);
+ tt_int_op(2,==, smartlist_len(sl));
+ tt_mem_op(smartlist_get(sl, 0),==, "\00090AAB2AAAAaasdAAAAA", DIGEST_LEN);
+ tt_mem_op(smartlist_get(sl, 1),==, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA", DIGEST_LEN);
SMARTLIST_FOREACH(sl, char *, cp, tor_free(cp));
@@ -435,13 +440,14 @@ test_container_smartlist_digests(void)
/** Run unit tests for concatenate-a-smartlist-of-strings functions. */
static void
+test_container_smartlist_join(void *arg)
smartlist_t *sl = smartlist_new();
smartlist_t *sl2 = smartlist_new(), *sl3 = smartlist_new(),
*sl4 = smartlist_new();
char *joined=NULL;
/* unique, sorted. */
+ (void)arg;
"Abashments Ambush Anchorman Bacon Banks Borscht "
"Bunks Inhumane Insurance Knish Know Manners "
@@ -457,21 +463,21 @@ test_container_smartlist_join(void)
sl2, char *, cp2,
smartlist_add(sl3, cp2)) {
- test_streq(cp1, cp2);
+ tt_str_op(cp1,==, cp2);
smartlist_add(sl4, cp1);
SMARTLIST_FOREACH(sl3, const char *, cp,
- test_assert(smartlist_contains(sl2, cp) &&
+ tt_assert(smartlist_contains(sl2, cp) &&
!smartlist_contains_string(sl, cp)));
SMARTLIST_FOREACH(sl4, const char *, cp,
- test_assert(smartlist_contains(sl, cp) &&
+ tt_assert(smartlist_contains(sl, cp) &&
smartlist_contains_string(sl2, cp)));
joined = smartlist_join_strings(sl3, ",", 0, NULL);
- test_streq(joined, "Anemias,Anemias,Crossbowmen,Work");
+ tt_str_op(joined,==, "Anemias,Anemias,Crossbowmen,Work");
joined = smartlist_join_strings(sl4, ",", 0, NULL);
- test_streq(joined, "Ambush,Anchorman,Anchorman,Bacon,Inhumane,Insurance,"
+ tt_str_op(joined,==, "Ambush,Anchorman,Anchorman,Bacon,Inhumane,Insurance,"
@@ -532,18 +538,19 @@ test_container_smartlist_ints_eq(void *arg)
/** Run unit tests for bitarray code */
static void
+test_container_bitarray(void *arg)
bitarray_t *ba = NULL;
int i, j, ok=1;
+ (void)arg;
ba = bitarray_init_zero(1);
- test_assert(ba);
- test_assert(! bitarray_is_set(ba, 0));
+ tt_assert(ba);
+ tt_assert(! bitarray_is_set(ba, 0));
bitarray_set(ba, 0);
- test_assert(bitarray_is_set(ba, 0));
+ tt_assert(bitarray_is_set(ba, 0));
bitarray_clear(ba, 0);
- test_assert(! bitarray_is_set(ba, 0));
+ tt_assert(! bitarray_is_set(ba, 0));
ba = bitarray_init_zero(1023);
@@ -558,7 +565,7 @@ test_container_bitarray(void)
if (!bool_eq(bitarray_is_set(ba, j), j%i))
ok = 0;
- test_assert(ok);
+ tt_assert(ok);
if (i < 7)
else if (i == 28)
@@ -575,7 +582,7 @@ test_container_bitarray(void)
/** Run unit tests for digest set code (implemented as a hashtable or as a
* bloom filter) */
static void
+test_container_digestset(void *arg)
smartlist_t *included = smartlist_new();
char d[DIGEST_LEN];
@@ -584,6 +591,7 @@ test_container_digestset(void)
int false_positives = 0;
digestset_t *set = NULL;
+ (void)arg;
for (i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
crypto_rand(d, DIGEST_LEN);
smartlist_add(included, tor_memdup(d, DIGEST_LEN));
@@ -592,19 +600,19 @@ test_container_digestset(void)
SMARTLIST_FOREACH(included, const char *, cp,
if (digestset_contains(set, cp))
ok = 0);
- test_assert(ok);
+ tt_assert(ok);
SMARTLIST_FOREACH(included, const char *, cp,
digestset_add(set, cp));
SMARTLIST_FOREACH(included, const char *, cp,
if (!digestset_contains(set, cp))
ok = 0);
- test_assert(ok);
+ tt_assert(ok);
for (i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
crypto_rand(d, DIGEST_LEN);
if (digestset_contains(set, d))
- test_assert(false_positives < 50); /* Should be far lower. */
+ tt_int_op(50, >, false_positives); /* Should be far lower. */
if (set)
@@ -628,7 +636,7 @@ compare_strings_for_pqueue_(const void *p1, const void *p2)
/** Run unit tests for heap-based priority queue functions. */
static void
+test_container_pqueue(void *arg)
smartlist_t *sl = smartlist_new();
int (*cmp)(const void *, const void*);
@@ -650,6 +658,8 @@ test_container_pqueue(void)
#define OK() smartlist_pqueue_assert_ok(sl, cmp, offset)
+ (void)arg;
cmp = compare_strings_for_pqueue_;
smartlist_pqueue_add(sl, cmp, offset, &cows);
smartlist_pqueue_add(sl, cmp, offset, &zebras);
@@ -665,31 +675,31 @@ test_container_pqueue(void)
- test_eq(smartlist_len(sl), 11);
- test_eq_ptr(smartlist_get(sl, 0), &apples);
- test_eq_ptr(smartlist_pqueue_pop(sl, cmp, offset), &apples);
- test_eq(smartlist_len(sl), 10);
+ tt_int_op(smartlist_len(sl),==, 11);
+ tt_ptr_op(smartlist_get(sl, 0),==, &apples);
+ tt_ptr_op(smartlist_pqueue_pop(sl, cmp, offset),==, &apples);
+ tt_int_op(smartlist_len(sl),==, 10);
- test_eq_ptr(smartlist_pqueue_pop(sl, cmp, offset), &cows);
- test_eq_ptr(smartlist_pqueue_pop(sl, cmp, offset), &daschunds);
+ tt_ptr_op(smartlist_pqueue_pop(sl, cmp, offset),==, &cows);
+ tt_ptr_op(smartlist_pqueue_pop(sl, cmp, offset),==, &daschunds);
smartlist_pqueue_add(sl, cmp, offset, &chinchillas);
smartlist_pqueue_add(sl, cmp, offset, &fireflies);
- test_eq_ptr(smartlist_pqueue_pop(sl, cmp, offset), &chinchillas);
- test_eq_ptr(smartlist_pqueue_pop(sl, cmp, offset), &eggplants);
- test_eq_ptr(smartlist_pqueue_pop(sl, cmp, offset), &fireflies);
+ tt_ptr_op(smartlist_pqueue_pop(sl, cmp, offset),==, &chinchillas);
+ tt_ptr_op(smartlist_pqueue_pop(sl, cmp, offset),==, &eggplants);
+ tt_ptr_op(smartlist_pqueue_pop(sl, cmp, offset),==, &fireflies);
- test_eq_ptr(smartlist_pqueue_pop(sl, cmp, offset), &fish);
- test_eq_ptr(smartlist_pqueue_pop(sl, cmp, offset), &frogs);
- test_eq_ptr(smartlist_pqueue_pop(sl, cmp, offset), &lobsters);
- test_eq_ptr(smartlist_pqueue_pop(sl, cmp, offset), &roquefort);
+ tt_ptr_op(smartlist_pqueue_pop(sl, cmp, offset),==, &fish);
+ tt_ptr_op(smartlist_pqueue_pop(sl, cmp, offset),==, &frogs);
+ tt_ptr_op(smartlist_pqueue_pop(sl, cmp, offset),==, &lobsters);
+ tt_ptr_op(smartlist_pqueue_pop(sl, cmp, offset),==, &roquefort);
- test_eq(smartlist_len(sl), 3);
- test_eq_ptr(smartlist_pqueue_pop(sl, cmp, offset), &squid);
- test_eq_ptr(smartlist_pqueue_pop(sl, cmp, offset), &weissbier);
- test_eq_ptr(smartlist_pqueue_pop(sl, cmp, offset), &zebras);
- test_eq(smartlist_len(sl), 0);
+ tt_int_op(smartlist_len(sl),==, 3);
+ tt_ptr_op(smartlist_pqueue_pop(sl, cmp, offset),==, &squid);
+ tt_ptr_op(smartlist_pqueue_pop(sl, cmp, offset),==, &weissbier);
+ tt_ptr_op(smartlist_pqueue_pop(sl, cmp, offset),==, &zebras);
+ tt_int_op(smartlist_len(sl),==, 0);
/* Now test remove. */
@@ -699,21 +709,21 @@ test_container_pqueue(void)
smartlist_pqueue_add(sl, cmp, offset, &apples);
smartlist_pqueue_add(sl, cmp, offset, &squid);
smartlist_pqueue_add(sl, cmp, offset, &zebras);
- test_eq(smartlist_len(sl), 6);
+ tt_int_op(smartlist_len(sl),==, 6);
smartlist_pqueue_remove(sl, cmp, offset, &zebras);
- test_eq(smartlist_len(sl), 5);
+ tt_int_op(smartlist_len(sl),==, 5);
smartlist_pqueue_remove(sl, cmp, offset, &cows);
- test_eq(smartlist_len(sl), 4);
+ tt_int_op(smartlist_len(sl),==, 4);
smartlist_pqueue_remove(sl, cmp, offset, &apples);
- test_eq(smartlist_len(sl), 3);
+ tt_int_op(smartlist_len(sl),==, 3);
- test_eq_ptr(smartlist_pqueue_pop(sl, cmp, offset), &fish);
- test_eq_ptr(smartlist_pqueue_pop(sl, cmp, offset), &frogs);
- test_eq_ptr(smartlist_pqueue_pop(sl, cmp, offset), &squid);
- test_eq(smartlist_len(sl), 0);
+ tt_ptr_op(smartlist_pqueue_pop(sl, cmp, offset),==, &fish);
+ tt_ptr_op(smartlist_pqueue_pop(sl, cmp, offset),==, &frogs);
+ tt_ptr_op(smartlist_pqueue_pop(sl, cmp, offset),==, &squid);
+ tt_int_op(smartlist_len(sl),==, 0);
#undef OK
@@ -725,7 +735,7 @@ test_container_pqueue(void)
/** Run unit tests for string-to-void* map functions */
static void
+test_container_strmap(void *arg)
strmap_t *map;
strmap_iter_t *iter;
@@ -742,32 +752,33 @@ test_container_strmap(void)
char *v104 = tor_strdup("v104");
char *v105 = tor_strdup("v105");
+ (void)arg;
map = strmap_new();
- test_assert(map);
- test_eq(strmap_size(map), 0);
- test_assert(strmap_isempty(map));
+ tt_assert(map);
+ tt_int_op(strmap_size(map),==, 0);
+ tt_assert(strmap_isempty(map));
v = strmap_set(map, "K1", v99);
- test_eq_ptr(v, NULL);
- test_assert(!strmap_isempty(map));
+ tt_ptr_op(v,==, NULL);
+ tt_assert(!strmap_isempty(map));
v = strmap_set(map, "K2", v101);
- test_eq_ptr(v, NULL);
+ tt_ptr_op(v,==, NULL);
v = strmap_set(map, "K1", v100);
- test_eq_ptr(v, v99);
- test_eq_ptr(strmap_get(map,"K1"), v100);
- test_eq_ptr(strmap_get(map,"K2"), v101);
- test_eq_ptr(strmap_get(map,"K-not-there"), NULL);
+ tt_ptr_op(v,==, v99);
+ tt_ptr_op(strmap_get(map,"K1"),==, v100);
+ tt_ptr_op(strmap_get(map,"K2"),==, v101);
+ tt_ptr_op(strmap_get(map,"K-not-there"),==, NULL);
v = strmap_remove(map,"K2");
- test_eq_ptr(v, v101);
- test_eq_ptr(strmap_get(map,"K2"), NULL);
- test_eq_ptr(strmap_remove(map,"K2"), NULL);
+ tt_ptr_op(v,==, v101);
+ tt_ptr_op(strmap_get(map,"K2"),==, NULL);
+ tt_ptr_op(strmap_remove(map,"K2"),==, NULL);
strmap_set(map, "K2", v101);
strmap_set(map, "K3", v102);
strmap_set(map, "K4", v103);
- test_eq(strmap_size(map), 4);
+ tt_int_op(strmap_size(map),==, 4);
strmap_set(map, "K5", v104);
strmap_set(map, "K6", v105);
@@ -779,7 +790,7 @@ test_container_strmap(void)
while (!strmap_iter_done(iter)) {
smartlist_add(found_keys, tor_strdup(k));
- test_eq_ptr(v, strmap_get(map, k));
+ tt_ptr_op(v,==, strmap_get(map, k));
if (!strcmp(k, "K2")) {
iter = strmap_iter_next_rmv(map,iter);
@@ -789,12 +800,12 @@ test_container_strmap(void)
/* Make sure we removed K2, but not the others. */
- test_eq_ptr(strmap_get(map, "K2"), NULL);
- test_eq_ptr(strmap_get(map, "K5"), v104);
+ tt_ptr_op(strmap_get(map, "K2"),==, NULL);
+ tt_ptr_op(strmap_get(map, "K5"),==, v104);
/* Make sure we visited everyone once */
visited = smartlist_join_strings(found_keys, ":", 0, NULL);
- test_streq(visited, "K1:K2:K3:K4:K5:K6");
+ tt_str_op(visited,==, "K1:K2:K3:K4:K5:K6");
/* Clean up after ourselves. */
@@ -804,13 +815,13 @@ test_container_strmap(void)
/* Now try some lc functions. */
map = strmap_new();
strmap_set_lc(map,"Ab.C", v1);
- test_eq_ptr(strmap_get(map,"ab.c"), v1);
+ tt_ptr_op(strmap_get(map,"ab.c"),==, v1);
- test_eq_ptr(strmap_get_lc(map,"AB.C"), v1);
- test_eq_ptr(strmap_get(map,"AB.C"), NULL);
- test_eq_ptr(strmap_remove_lc(map,"aB.C"), v1);
+ tt_ptr_op(strmap_get_lc(map,"AB.C"),==, v1);
+ tt_ptr_op(strmap_get(map,"AB.C"),==, NULL);
+ tt_ptr_op(strmap_remove_lc(map,"aB.C"),==, v1);
- test_eq_ptr(strmap_get_lc(map,"AB.C"), NULL);
+ tt_ptr_op(strmap_get_lc(map,"AB.C"),==, NULL);
if (map)
@@ -832,7 +843,7 @@ test_container_strmap(void)
/** Run unit tests for getting the median of a list. */
static void
+test_container_order_functions(void *arg)
int lst[25], n = 0;
unsigned int lst2[25];
@@ -840,42 +851,43 @@ test_container_order_functions(void)
#define median() median_int(lst, n)
+ (void)arg;
lst[n++] = 12;
- test_eq(12, median()); /* 12 */
+ tt_int_op(12,==, median()); /* 12 */
lst[n++] = 77;
- test_eq(12, median()); /* 12, 77 */
+ tt_int_op(12,==, median()); /* 12, 77 */
lst[n++] = 77;
- test_eq(77, median()); /* 12, 77, 77 */
+ tt_int_op(77,==, median()); /* 12, 77, 77 */
lst[n++] = 24;
- test_eq(24, median()); /* 12,24,77,77 */
+ tt_int_op(24,==, median()); /* 12,24,77,77 */
lst[n++] = 60;
lst[n++] = 12;
lst[n++] = 25;
- test_eq(25, median()); /* 12,12,24,25,60,77,77 */
+ tt_int_op(25,==, median()); /* 12,12,24,25,60,77,77 */
#undef median
#define third_quartile() third_quartile_uint32(lst2, n)
n = 0;
lst2[n++] = 1;
- test_eq(1, third_quartile()); /* ~1~ */
+ tt_int_op(1,==, third_quartile()); /* ~1~ */
lst2[n++] = 2;
- test_eq(2, third_quartile()); /* 1, ~2~ */
+ tt_int_op(2,==, third_quartile()); /* 1, ~2~ */
lst2[n++] = 3;
lst2[n++] = 4;
lst2[n++] = 5;
- test_eq(4, third_quartile()); /* 1, 2, 3, ~4~, 5 */
+ tt_int_op(4,==, third_quartile()); /* 1, 2, 3, ~4~, 5 */
lst2[n++] = 6;
lst2[n++] = 7;
lst2[n++] = 8;
lst2[n++] = 9;
- test_eq(7, third_quartile()); /* 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ~7~, 8, 9 */
+ tt_int_op(7,==, third_quartile()); /* 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ~7~, 8, 9 */
lst2[n++] = 10;
lst2[n++] = 11;
- test_eq(9, third_quartile()); /* 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, ~9~, 10, 11 */
+ tt_int_op(9,==, third_quartile()); /* 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, ~9~, 10, 11 */
#undef third_quartile
@@ -929,7 +941,7 @@ test_container_di_map(void *arg)
/** Run unit tests for fp_pair-to-void* map functions */
static void
+test_container_fp_pair_map(void *arg)
fp_pair_map_t *map;
fp_pair_t fp1, fp2, fp3, fp4, fp5, fp6;
@@ -944,10 +956,11 @@ test_container_fp_pair_map(void)
char *v104 = tor_strdup("v104");
char *v105 = tor_strdup("v105");
+ (void)arg;
map = fp_pair_map_new();
- test_assert(map);
- test_eq(fp_pair_map_size(map), 0);
- test_assert(fp_pair_map_isempty(map));
+ tt_assert(map);
+ tt_int_op(fp_pair_map_size(map),==, 0);
+ tt_assert(fp_pair_map_isempty(map));
memset(fp1.first, 0x11, DIGEST_LEN);
memset(fp1.second, 0x12, DIGEST_LEN);
@@ -964,26 +977,26 @@ test_container_fp_pair_map(void)
v = fp_pair_map_set(map, &fp1, v99);
tt_ptr_op(v, ==, NULL);
- test_assert(!fp_pair_map_isempty(map));
+ tt_assert(!fp_pair_map_isempty(map));
v = fp_pair_map_set(map, &fp2, v101);
tt_ptr_op(v, ==, NULL);
v = fp_pair_map_set(map, &fp1, v100);
tt_ptr_op(v, ==, v99);
- test_eq_ptr(fp_pair_map_get(map, &fp1), v100);
- test_eq_ptr(fp_pair_map_get(map, &fp2), v101);
- test_eq_ptr(fp_pair_map_get(map, &fp3), NULL);
+ tt_ptr_op(fp_pair_map_get(map, &fp1),==, v100);
+ tt_ptr_op(fp_pair_map_get(map, &fp2),==, v101);
+ tt_ptr_op(fp_pair_map_get(map, &fp3),==, NULL);
v = fp_pair_map_remove(map, &fp2);
- test_eq_ptr(v, v101);
- test_eq_ptr(fp_pair_map_get(map, &fp2), NULL);
- test_eq_ptr(fp_pair_map_remove(map, &fp2), NULL);
+ tt_ptr_op(v,==, v101);
+ tt_ptr_op(fp_pair_map_get(map, &fp2),==, NULL);
+ tt_ptr_op(fp_pair_map_remove(map, &fp2),==, NULL);
fp_pair_map_set(map, &fp2, v101);
fp_pair_map_set(map, &fp3, v102);
fp_pair_map_set(map, &fp4, v103);
- test_eq(fp_pair_map_size(map), 4);
+ tt_int_op(fp_pair_map_size(map),==, 4);
fp_pair_map_set(map, &fp5, v104);
fp_pair_map_set(map, &fp6, v105);
@@ -993,7 +1006,7 @@ test_container_fp_pair_map(void)
iter = fp_pair_map_iter_init(map);
while (!fp_pair_map_iter_done(iter)) {
fp_pair_map_iter_get(iter, &k, &v);
- test_eq_ptr(v, fp_pair_map_get(map, &k));
+ tt_ptr_op(v,==, fp_pair_map_get(map, &k));
if (tor_memeq(&fp2, &k, sizeof(fp2))) {
iter = fp_pair_map_iter_next_rmv(map, iter);
@@ -1003,8 +1016,8 @@ test_container_fp_pair_map(void)
/* Make sure we removed fp2, but not the others. */
- test_eq_ptr(fp_pair_map_get(map, &fp2), NULL);
- test_eq_ptr(fp_pair_map_get(map, &fp5), v104);
+ tt_ptr_op(fp_pair_map_get(map, &fp2),==, NULL);
+ tt_ptr_op(fp_pair_map_get(map, &fp5),==, v104);
/* Clean up after ourselves. */
@@ -1024,7 +1037,7 @@ test_container_fp_pair_map(void)
#define CONTAINER_LEGACY(name) \
- { #name, legacy_test_helper, 0, &legacy_setup, test_container_ ## name }
+ { #name, test_container_ ## name , 0, NULL, NULL }
#define CONTAINER(name, flags) \
{ #name, test_container_ ## name, (flags), NULL, NULL }
diff --git a/src/test/test_crypto.c b/src/test/test_crypto.c
index 5d8edb6550..795c603fd4 100644
--- a/src/test/test_crypto.c
+++ b/src/test/test_crypto.c
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
#include "orconfig.h"
#include "or.h"
#include "test.h"
#include "aes.h"
@@ -13,6 +14,10 @@
#ifdef CURVE25519_ENABLED
#include "crypto_curve25519.h"
+#include "crypto_ed25519.h"
+#include ""
+#include "crypto_s2k.h"
+#include "crypto_pwbox.h"
extern const char AUTHORITY_SIGNKEY_3[];
extern const char AUTHORITY_SIGNKEY_A_DIGEST[];
@@ -20,7 +25,7 @@ extern const char AUTHORITY_SIGNKEY_A_DIGEST256[];
/** Run unit tests for Diffie-Hellman functionality. */
static void
+test_crypto_dh(void *arg)
crypto_dh_t *dh1 = crypto_dh_new(DH_TYPE_CIRCUIT);
crypto_dh_t *dh2 = crypto_dh_new(DH_TYPE_CIRCUIT);
@@ -30,24 +35,25 @@ test_crypto_dh(void)
char s2[DH_BYTES];
ssize_t s1len, s2len;
- test_eq(crypto_dh_get_bytes(dh1), DH_BYTES);
- test_eq(crypto_dh_get_bytes(dh2), DH_BYTES);
+ (void)arg;
+ tt_int_op(crypto_dh_get_bytes(dh1),==, DH_BYTES);
+ tt_int_op(crypto_dh_get_bytes(dh2),==, DH_BYTES);
memset(p1, 0, DH_BYTES);
memset(p2, 0, DH_BYTES);
- test_memeq(p1, p2, DH_BYTES);
- test_assert(! crypto_dh_get_public(dh1, p1, DH_BYTES));
- test_memneq(p1, p2, DH_BYTES);
- test_assert(! crypto_dh_get_public(dh2, p2, DH_BYTES));
- test_memneq(p1, p2, DH_BYTES);
+ tt_mem_op(p1,==, p2, DH_BYTES);
+ tt_assert(! crypto_dh_get_public(dh1, p1, DH_BYTES));
+ tt_mem_op(p1,!=, p2, DH_BYTES);
+ tt_assert(! crypto_dh_get_public(dh2, p2, DH_BYTES));
+ tt_mem_op(p1,!=, p2, DH_BYTES);
memset(s1, 0, DH_BYTES);
memset(s2, 0xFF, DH_BYTES);
s1len = crypto_dh_compute_secret(LOG_WARN, dh1, p2, DH_BYTES, s1, 50);
s2len = crypto_dh_compute_secret(LOG_WARN, dh2, p1, DH_BYTES, s2, 50);
- test_assert(s1len > 0);
- test_eq(s1len, s2len);
- test_memeq(s1, s2, s1len);
+ tt_assert(s1len > 0);
+ tt_int_op(s1len,==, s2len);
+ tt_mem_op(s1,==, s2, s1len);
/* XXXX Now fabricate some bad values and make sure they get caught,
@@ -63,17 +69,18 @@ test_crypto_dh(void)
/** Run unit tests for our random number generation function and its wrappers.
static void
+test_crypto_rng(void *arg)
int i, j, allok;
char data1[100], data2[100];
double d;
/* Try out RNG. */
- test_assert(! crypto_seed_rng(0));
+ (void)arg;
+ tt_assert(! crypto_seed_rng(0));
crypto_rand(data1, 100);
crypto_rand(data2, 100);
- test_memneq(data1,data2,100);
+ tt_mem_op(data1,!=, data2,100);
allok = 1;
for (i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
uint64_t big;
@@ -88,8 +95,8 @@ test_crypto_rng(void)
if (big >= 5)
allok = 0;
d = crypto_rand_double();
- test_assert(d >= 0);
- test_assert(d < 1.0);
+ tt_assert(d >= 0);
+ tt_assert(d < 1.0);
host = crypto_random_hostname(3,8,"www.",".onion");
if (strcmpstart(host,"www.") ||
strcmpend(host,".onion") ||
@@ -98,7 +105,7 @@ test_crypto_rng(void)
allok = 0;
- test_assert(allok);
+ tt_assert(allok);
@@ -128,15 +135,15 @@ test_crypto_aes(void *arg)
memset(data2, 0, 1024);
memset(data3, 0, 1024);
env1 = crypto_cipher_new(NULL);
- test_neq_ptr(env1, 0);
+ tt_ptr_op(env1, !=, NULL);
env2 = crypto_cipher_new(crypto_cipher_get_key(env1));
- test_neq_ptr(env2, 0);
+ tt_ptr_op(env2, !=, NULL);
/* Try encrypting 512 chars. */
crypto_cipher_encrypt(env1, data2, data1, 512);
crypto_cipher_decrypt(env2, data3, data2, 512);
- test_memeq(data1, data3, 512);
- test_memneq(data1, data2, 512);
+ tt_mem_op(data1,==, data3, 512);
+ tt_mem_op(data1,!=, data2, 512);
/* Now encrypt 1 at a time, and get 1 at a time. */
for (j = 512; j < 560; ++j) {
@@ -145,7 +152,7 @@ test_crypto_aes(void *arg)
for (j = 512; j < 560; ++j) {
crypto_cipher_decrypt(env2, data3+j, data2+j, 1);
- test_memeq(data1, data3, 560);
+ tt_mem_op(data1,==, data3, 560);
/* Now encrypt 3 at a time, and get 5 at a time. */
for (j = 560; j < 1024-5; j += 3) {
crypto_cipher_encrypt(env1, data2+j, data1+j, 3);
@@ -153,7 +160,7 @@ test_crypto_aes(void *arg)
for (j = 560; j < 1024-5; j += 5) {
crypto_cipher_decrypt(env2, data3+j, data2+j, 5);
- test_memeq(data1, data3, 1024-5);
+ tt_mem_op(data1,==, data3, 1024-5);
/* Now make sure that when we encrypt with different chunk sizes, we get
the same results. */
@@ -161,7 +168,7 @@ test_crypto_aes(void *arg)
memset(data3, 0, 1024);
env2 = crypto_cipher_new(crypto_cipher_get_key(env1));
- test_neq_ptr(env2, NULL);
+ tt_ptr_op(env2, !=, NULL);
for (j = 0; j < 1024-16; j += 17) {
crypto_cipher_encrypt(env2, data3+j, data1+j, 17);
@@ -170,7 +177,7 @@ test_crypto_aes(void *arg)
printf("%d: %d\t%d\n", j, (int) data2[j], (int) data3[j]);
- test_memeq(data2, data3, 1024-16);
+ tt_mem_op(data2,==, data3, 1024-16);
env1 = NULL;
@@ -237,7 +244,7 @@ test_crypto_aes(void *arg)
crypto_cipher_crypt_inplace(env1, data2, 64);
- test_assert(tor_mem_is_zero(data2, 64));
+ tt_assert(tor_mem_is_zero(data2, 64));
@@ -252,7 +259,7 @@ test_crypto_aes(void *arg)
/** Run unit tests for our SHA-1 functionality */
static void
+test_crypto_sha(void *arg)
crypto_digest_t *d1 = NULL, *d2 = NULL;
int i;
@@ -263,6 +270,7 @@ test_crypto_sha(void)
char *mem_op_hex_tmp=NULL;
/* Test SHA-1 with a test vector from the specification. */
+ (void)arg;
i = crypto_digest(data, "abc", 3);
test_memeq_hex(data, "A9993E364706816ABA3E25717850C26C9CD0D89D");
tt_int_op(i, ==, 0);
@@ -277,13 +285,13 @@ test_crypto_sha(void)
/* Case empty (wikipedia) */
crypto_hmac_sha256(digest, "", 0, "", 0);
- test_streq(hex_str(digest, 32),
+ tt_str_op(hex_str(digest, 32),==,
/* Case quick-brown (wikipedia) */
crypto_hmac_sha256(digest, "key", 3,
"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", 43);
- test_streq(hex_str(digest, 32),
+ tt_str_op(hex_str(digest, 32),==,
/* "Test Case 1" from RFC 4231 */
@@ -344,43 +352,43 @@ test_crypto_sha(void)
/* Incremental digest code. */
d1 = crypto_digest_new();
- test_assert(d1);
+ tt_assert(d1);
crypto_digest_add_bytes(d1, "abcdef", 6);
d2 = crypto_digest_dup(d1);
- test_assert(d2);
+ tt_assert(d2);
crypto_digest_add_bytes(d2, "ghijkl", 6);
crypto_digest_get_digest(d2, d_out1, sizeof(d_out1));
crypto_digest(d_out2, "abcdefghijkl", 12);
- test_memeq(d_out1, d_out2, DIGEST_LEN);
+ tt_mem_op(d_out1,==, d_out2, DIGEST_LEN);
crypto_digest_assign(d2, d1);
crypto_digest_add_bytes(d2, "mno", 3);
crypto_digest_get_digest(d2, d_out1, sizeof(d_out1));
crypto_digest(d_out2, "abcdefmno", 9);
- test_memeq(d_out1, d_out2, DIGEST_LEN);
+ tt_mem_op(d_out1,==, d_out2, DIGEST_LEN);
crypto_digest_get_digest(d1, d_out1, sizeof(d_out1));
crypto_digest(d_out2, "abcdef", 6);
- test_memeq(d_out1, d_out2, DIGEST_LEN);
+ tt_mem_op(d_out1,==, d_out2, DIGEST_LEN);
/* Incremental digest code with sha256 */
d1 = crypto_digest256_new(DIGEST_SHA256);
- test_assert(d1);
+ tt_assert(d1);
crypto_digest_add_bytes(d1, "abcdef", 6);
d2 = crypto_digest_dup(d1);
- test_assert(d2);
+ tt_assert(d2);
crypto_digest_add_bytes(d2, "ghijkl", 6);
crypto_digest_get_digest(d2, d_out1, sizeof(d_out1));
crypto_digest256(d_out2, "abcdefghijkl", 12, DIGEST_SHA256);
- test_memeq(d_out1, d_out2, DIGEST_LEN);
+ tt_mem_op(d_out1,==, d_out2, DIGEST_LEN);
crypto_digest_assign(d2, d1);
crypto_digest_add_bytes(d2, "mno", 3);
crypto_digest_get_digest(d2, d_out1, sizeof(d_out1));
crypto_digest256(d_out2, "abcdefmno", 9, DIGEST_SHA256);
- test_memeq(d_out1, d_out2, DIGEST_LEN);
+ tt_mem_op(d_out1,==, d_out2, DIGEST_LEN);
crypto_digest_get_digest(d1, d_out1, sizeof(d_out1));
crypto_digest256(d_out2, "abcdef", 6, DIGEST_SHA256);
- test_memeq(d_out1, d_out2, DIGEST_LEN);
+ tt_mem_op(d_out1,==, d_out2, DIGEST_LEN);
if (d1)
@@ -392,7 +400,7 @@ test_crypto_sha(void)
/** Run unit tests for our public key crypto functions */
static void
+test_crypto_pk(void *arg)
crypto_pk_t *pk1 = NULL, *pk2 = NULL;
char *encoded = NULL;
@@ -401,74 +409,83 @@ test_crypto_pk(void)
int i, len;
/* Public-key ciphers */
+ (void)arg;
pk1 = pk_generate(0);
pk2 = crypto_pk_new();
- test_assert(pk1 && pk2);
- test_assert(! crypto_pk_write_public_key_to_string(pk1, &encoded, &size));
- test_assert(! crypto_pk_read_public_key_from_string(pk2, encoded, size));
- test_eq(0, crypto_pk_cmp_keys(pk1, pk2));
+ tt_assert(pk1 && pk2);
+ tt_assert(! crypto_pk_write_public_key_to_string(pk1, &encoded, &size));
+ tt_assert(! crypto_pk_read_public_key_from_string(pk2, encoded, size));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, crypto_pk_cmp_keys(pk1, pk2));
/* comparison between keys and NULL */
tt_int_op(crypto_pk_cmp_keys(NULL, pk1), <, 0);
tt_int_op(crypto_pk_cmp_keys(NULL, NULL), ==, 0);
tt_int_op(crypto_pk_cmp_keys(pk1, NULL), >, 0);
- test_eq(128, crypto_pk_keysize(pk1));
- test_eq(1024, crypto_pk_num_bits(pk1));
- test_eq(128, crypto_pk_keysize(pk2));
- test_eq(1024, crypto_pk_num_bits(pk2));
+ tt_int_op(128,==, crypto_pk_keysize(pk1));
+ tt_int_op(1024,==, crypto_pk_num_bits(pk1));
+ tt_int_op(128,==, crypto_pk_keysize(pk2));
+ tt_int_op(1024,==, crypto_pk_num_bits(pk2));
- test_eq(128, crypto_pk_public_encrypt(pk2, data1, sizeof(data1),
+ tt_int_op(128,==, crypto_pk_public_encrypt(pk2, data1, sizeof(data1),
"Hello whirled.", 15,
- test_eq(128, crypto_pk_public_encrypt(pk1, data2, sizeof(data1),
+ tt_int_op(128,==, crypto_pk_public_encrypt(pk1, data2, sizeof(data1),
"Hello whirled.", 15,
/* oaep padding should make encryption not match */
- test_memneq(data1, data2, 128);
- test_eq(15, crypto_pk_private_decrypt(pk1, data3, sizeof(data3), data1, 128,
+ tt_mem_op(data1,!=, data2, 128);
+ tt_int_op(15,==,
+ crypto_pk_private_decrypt(pk1, data3, sizeof(data3), data1, 128,
- test_streq(data3, "Hello whirled.");
+ tt_str_op(data3,==, "Hello whirled.");
memset(data3, 0, 1024);
- test_eq(15, crypto_pk_private_decrypt(pk1, data3, sizeof(data3), data2, 128,
+ tt_int_op(15,==,
+ crypto_pk_private_decrypt(pk1, data3, sizeof(data3), data2, 128,
- test_streq(data3, "Hello whirled.");
+ tt_str_op(data3,==, "Hello whirled.");
/* Can't decrypt with public key. */
- test_eq(-1, crypto_pk_private_decrypt(pk2, data3, sizeof(data3), data2, 128,
+ tt_int_op(-1,==,
+ crypto_pk_private_decrypt(pk2, data3, sizeof(data3), data2, 128,
/* Try again with bad padding */
memcpy(data2+1, "XYZZY", 5); /* This has fails ~ once-in-2^40 */
- test_eq(-1, crypto_pk_private_decrypt(pk1, data3, sizeof(data3), data2, 128,
+ tt_int_op(-1,==,
+ crypto_pk_private_decrypt(pk1, data3, sizeof(data3), data2, 128,
/* File operations: save and load private key */
- test_assert(! crypto_pk_write_private_key_to_filename(pk1,
+ tt_assert(! crypto_pk_write_private_key_to_filename(pk1,
/* failing case for read: can't read. */
- test_assert(crypto_pk_read_private_key_from_filename(pk2,
+ tt_assert(crypto_pk_read_private_key_from_filename(pk2,
get_fname("xyzzy")) < 0);
write_str_to_file(get_fname("xyzzy"), "foobar", 6);
/* Failing case for read: no key. */
- test_assert(crypto_pk_read_private_key_from_filename(pk2,
+ tt_assert(crypto_pk_read_private_key_from_filename(pk2,
get_fname("xyzzy")) < 0);
- test_assert(! crypto_pk_read_private_key_from_filename(pk2,
+ tt_assert(! crypto_pk_read_private_key_from_filename(pk2,
- test_eq(15, crypto_pk_private_decrypt(pk2, data3, sizeof(data3), data1, 128,
+ tt_int_op(15,==,
+ crypto_pk_private_decrypt(pk2, data3, sizeof(data3), data1, 128,
/* Now try signing. */
strlcpy(data1, "Ossifrage", 1024);
- test_eq(128, crypto_pk_private_sign(pk1, data2, sizeof(data2), data1, 10));
- test_eq(10,
+ tt_int_op(128,==,
+ crypto_pk_private_sign(pk1, data2, sizeof(data2), data1, 10));
+ tt_int_op(10,==,
crypto_pk_public_checksig(pk1, data3, sizeof(data3), data2, 128));
- test_streq(data3, "Ossifrage");
+ tt_str_op(data3,==, "Ossifrage");
/* Try signing digests. */
- test_eq(128, crypto_pk_private_sign_digest(pk1, data2, sizeof(data2),
+ tt_int_op(128,==, crypto_pk_private_sign_digest(pk1, data2, sizeof(data2),
data1, 10));
- test_eq(20,
+ tt_int_op(20,==,
crypto_pk_public_checksig(pk1, data3, sizeof(data3), data2, 128));
- test_eq(0, crypto_pk_public_checksig_digest(pk1, data1, 10, data2, 128));
- test_eq(-1, crypto_pk_public_checksig_digest(pk1, data1, 11, data2, 128));
+ tt_int_op(0,==,
+ crypto_pk_public_checksig_digest(pk1, data1, 10, data2, 128));
+ tt_int_op(-1,==,
+ crypto_pk_public_checksig_digest(pk1, data1, 11, data2, 128));
/*XXXX test failed signing*/
@@ -476,9 +493,9 @@ test_crypto_pk(void)
pk2 = NULL;
i = crypto_pk_asn1_encode(pk1, data1, 1024);
- test_assert(i>0);
+ tt_int_op(i, >, 0);
pk2 = crypto_pk_asn1_decode(data1, i);
- test_assert(crypto_pk_cmp_keys(pk1,pk2) == 0);
+ tt_assert(crypto_pk_cmp_keys(pk1,pk2) == 0);
/* Try with hybrid encryption wrappers. */
crypto_rand(data1, 1024);
@@ -487,19 +504,19 @@ test_crypto_pk(void)
len = crypto_pk_public_hybrid_encrypt(pk1,data2,sizeof(data2),
- test_assert(len>=0);
+ tt_int_op(len, >=, 0);
len = crypto_pk_private_hybrid_decrypt(pk1,data3,sizeof(data3),
- test_eq(len,i);
- test_memeq(data1,data3,i);
+ tt_int_op(len,==, i);
+ tt_mem_op(data1,==, data3,i);
/* Try copy_full */
pk2 = crypto_pk_copy_full(pk1);
- test_assert(pk2 != NULL);
- test_neq_ptr(pk1, pk2);
- test_assert(crypto_pk_cmp_keys(pk1,pk2) == 0);
+ tt_assert(pk2 != NULL);
+ tt_ptr_op(pk1, !=, pk2);
+ tt_assert(crypto_pk_cmp_keys(pk1,pk2) == 0);
if (pk1)
@@ -532,7 +549,7 @@ test_crypto_pk_fingerprints(void *arg)
/* Is digest as expected? */
crypto_digest(d, encoded, n);
tt_int_op(0, ==, crypto_pk_get_digest(pk, d2));
- test_memeq(d, d2, DIGEST_LEN);
+ tt_mem_op(d,==, d2, DIGEST_LEN);
/* Is fingerprint right? */
tt_int_op(0, ==, crypto_pk_get_fingerprint(pk, fingerprint, 0));
@@ -561,28 +578,29 @@ test_crypto_pk_fingerprints(void *arg)
/** Sanity check for crypto pk digests */
static void
+test_crypto_digests(void *arg)
crypto_pk_t *k = NULL;
ssize_t r;
digests_t pkey_digests;
char digest[DIGEST_LEN];
+ (void)arg;
k = crypto_pk_new();
- test_assert(k);
+ tt_assert(k);
r = crypto_pk_read_private_key_from_string(k, AUTHORITY_SIGNKEY_3, -1);
- test_assert(!r);
+ tt_assert(!r);
r = crypto_pk_get_digest(k, digest);
- test_assert(r == 0);
- test_memeq(hex_str(digest, DIGEST_LEN),
+ tt_assert(r == 0);
+ tt_mem_op(hex_str(digest, DIGEST_LEN),==,
r = crypto_pk_get_all_digests(k, &pkey_digests);
- test_memeq(hex_str(pkey_digests.d[DIGEST_SHA1], DIGEST_LEN),
+ tt_mem_op(hex_str(pkey_digests.d[DIGEST_SHA1], DIGEST_LEN),==,
- test_memeq(hex_str(pkey_digests.d[DIGEST_SHA256], DIGEST256_LEN),
+ tt_mem_op(hex_str(pkey_digests.d[DIGEST_SHA256], DIGEST256_LEN),==,
@@ -591,58 +609,59 @@ test_crypto_digests(void)
/** Run unit tests for misc crypto formatting functionality (base64, base32,
* fingerprints, etc) */
static void
+test_crypto_formats(void *arg)
char *data1 = NULL, *data2 = NULL, *data3 = NULL;
int i, j, idx;
+ (void)arg;
data1 = tor_malloc(1024);
data2 = tor_malloc(1024);
data3 = tor_malloc(1024);
- test_assert(data1 && data2 && data3);
+ tt_assert(data1 && data2 && data3);
/* Base64 tests */
memset(data1, 6, 1024);
for (idx = 0; idx < 10; ++idx) {
i = base64_encode(data2, 1024, data1, idx);
- test_assert(i >= 0);
+ tt_int_op(i, >=, 0);
j = base64_decode(data3, 1024, data2, i);
- test_eq(j,idx);
- test_memeq(data3, data1, idx);
+ tt_int_op(j,==, idx);
+ tt_mem_op(data3,==, data1, idx);
strlcpy(data1, "Test string that contains 35 chars.", 1024);
strlcat(data1, " 2nd string that contains 35 chars.", 1024);
i = base64_encode(data2, 1024, data1, 71);
- test_assert(i >= 0);
+ tt_int_op(i, >=, 0);
j = base64_decode(data3, 1024, data2, i);
- test_eq(j, 71);
- test_streq(data3, data1);
- test_assert(data2[i] == '\0');
+ tt_int_op(j,==, 71);
+ tt_str_op(data3,==, data1);
+ tt_int_op(data2[i], ==, '\0');
crypto_rand(data1, DIGEST_LEN);
memset(data2, 100, 1024);
digest_to_base64(data2, data1);
- test_eq(BASE64_DIGEST_LEN, strlen(data2));
- test_eq(100, data2[BASE64_DIGEST_LEN+2]);
+ tt_int_op(BASE64_DIGEST_LEN,==, strlen(data2));
+ tt_int_op(100,==, data2[BASE64_DIGEST_LEN+2]);
memset(data3, 99, 1024);
- test_eq(digest_from_base64(data3, data2), 0);
- test_memeq(data1, data3, DIGEST_LEN);
- test_eq(99, data3[DIGEST_LEN+1]);
+ tt_int_op(digest_from_base64(data3, data2),==, 0);
+ tt_mem_op(data1,==, data3, DIGEST_LEN);
+ tt_int_op(99,==, data3[DIGEST_LEN+1]);
- test_assert(digest_from_base64(data3, "###") < 0);
+ tt_assert(digest_from_base64(data3, "###") < 0);
/* Encoding SHA256 */
crypto_rand(data2, DIGEST256_LEN);
memset(data2, 100, 1024);
digest256_to_base64(data2, data1);
- test_eq(BASE64_DIGEST256_LEN, strlen(data2));
- test_eq(100, data2[BASE64_DIGEST256_LEN+2]);
+ tt_int_op(BASE64_DIGEST256_LEN,==, strlen(data2));
+ tt_int_op(100,==, data2[BASE64_DIGEST256_LEN+2]);
memset(data3, 99, 1024);
- test_eq(digest256_from_base64(data3, data2), 0);
- test_memeq(data1, data3, DIGEST256_LEN);
- test_eq(99, data3[DIGEST256_LEN+1]);
+ tt_int_op(digest256_from_base64(data3, data2),==, 0);
+ tt_mem_op(data1,==, data3, DIGEST256_LEN);
+ tt_int_op(99,==, data3[DIGEST256_LEN+1]);
/* Base32 tests */
strlcpy(data1, "5chrs", 1024);
@@ -651,27 +670,27 @@ test_crypto_formats(void)
* By 5s: [00110 10101 10001 10110 10000 11100 10011 10011]
base32_encode(data2, 9, data1, 5);
- test_streq(data2, "gvrwq4tt");
+ tt_str_op(data2,==, "gvrwq4tt");
strlcpy(data1, "\xFF\xF5\x6D\x44\xAE\x0D\x5C\xC9\x62\xC4", 1024);
base32_encode(data2, 30, data1, 10);
- test_streq(data2, "772w2rfobvomsywe");
+ tt_str_op(data2,==, "772w2rfobvomsywe");
/* Base16 tests */
strlcpy(data1, "6chrs\xff", 1024);
base16_encode(data2, 13, data1, 6);
- test_streq(data2, "3663687273FF");
+ tt_str_op(data2,==, "3663687273FF");
strlcpy(data1, "f0d678affc000100", 1024);
i = base16_decode(data2, 8, data1, 16);
- test_eq(i,0);
- test_memeq(data2, "\xf0\xd6\x78\xaf\xfc\x00\x01\x00",8);
+ tt_int_op(i,==, 0);
+ tt_mem_op(data2,==, "\xf0\xd6\x78\xaf\xfc\x00\x01\x00",8);
/* now try some failing base16 decodes */
- test_eq(-1, base16_decode(data2, 8, data1, 15)); /* odd input len */
- test_eq(-1, base16_decode(data2, 7, data1, 16)); /* dest too short */
+ tt_int_op(-1,==, base16_decode(data2, 8, data1, 15)); /* odd input len */
+ tt_int_op(-1,==, base16_decode(data2, 7, data1, 16)); /* dest too short */
strlcpy(data1, "f0dz!8affc000100", 1024);
- test_eq(-1, base16_decode(data2, 8, data1, 16));
+ tt_int_op(-1,==, base16_decode(data2, 8, data1, 16));
@@ -680,10 +699,10 @@ test_crypto_formats(void)
/* Add spaces to fingerprint */
data1 = tor_strdup("ABCD1234ABCD56780000ABCD1234ABCD56780000");
- test_eq(strlen(data1), 40);
+ tt_int_op(strlen(data1),==, 40);
data2 = tor_malloc(FINGERPRINT_LEN+1);
crypto_add_spaces_to_fp(data2, FINGERPRINT_LEN+1, data1);
- test_streq(data2, "ABCD 1234 ABCD 5678 0000 ABCD 1234 ABCD 5678 0000");
+ tt_str_op(data2,==, "ABCD 1234 ABCD 5678 0000 ABCD 1234 ABCD 5678 0000");
@@ -696,37 +715,377 @@ test_crypto_formats(void)
/** Run unit tests for our secret-to-key passphrase hashing functionality. */
static void
+test_crypto_s2k_rfc2440(void *arg)
char buf[29];
char buf2[29];
char *buf3 = NULL;
int i;
+ (void)arg;
memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
memset(buf2, 0, sizeof(buf2));
buf3 = tor_malloc(65536);
memset(buf3, 0, 65536);
- secret_to_key(buf+9, 20, "", 0, buf);
+ secret_to_key_rfc2440(buf+9, 20, "", 0, buf);
crypto_digest(buf2+9, buf3, 1024);
- test_memeq(buf, buf2, 29);
+ tt_mem_op(buf,==, buf2, 29);
buf[8] = 96;
buf2[8] = 96;
- secret_to_key(buf+9, 20, "12345678", 8, buf);
+ secret_to_key_rfc2440(buf+9, 20, "12345678", 8, buf);
for (i = 0; i < 65536; i += 16) {
memcpy(buf3+i, "vrbacrda12345678", 16);
crypto_digest(buf2+9, buf3, 65536);
- test_memeq(buf, buf2, 29);
+ tt_mem_op(buf,==, buf2, 29);
+static void
+run_s2k_tests(const unsigned flags, const unsigned type,
+ int speclen, const int keylen, int legacy)
+ uint8_t buf[S2K_MAXLEN], buf2[S2K_MAXLEN], buf3[S2K_MAXLEN];
+ int r;
+ size_t sz;
+ const char pw1[] = "You can't come in here unless you say swordfish!";
+ const char pw2[] = "Now, I give you one more guess.";
+ r = secret_to_key_new(buf, sizeof(buf), &sz,
+ pw1, strlen(pw1), flags);
+ tt_int_op(r, ==, S2K_OKAY);
+ tt_int_op(buf[0], ==, type);
+ tt_int_op(sz, ==, keylen + speclen);
+ if (legacy) {
+ memmove(buf, buf+1, sz-1);
+ --sz;
+ --speclen;
+ }
+ tt_int_op(S2K_OKAY, ==,
+ secret_to_key_check(buf, sz, pw1, strlen(pw1)));
+ tt_int_op(S2K_BAD_SECRET, ==,
+ secret_to_key_check(buf, sz, pw2, strlen(pw2)));
+ /* Move key to buf2, and clear it. */
+ memset(buf3, 0, sizeof(buf3));
+ memcpy(buf2, buf+speclen, keylen);
+ memset(buf+speclen, 0, sz - speclen);
+ /* Derivekey should produce the same results. */
+ tt_int_op(S2K_OKAY, ==,
+ secret_to_key_derivekey(buf3, keylen, buf, speclen, pw1, strlen(pw1)));
+ tt_mem_op(buf2, ==, buf3, keylen);
+ /* Derivekey with a longer output should fill the output. */
+ memset(buf2, 0, sizeof(buf2));
+ tt_int_op(S2K_OKAY, ==,
+ secret_to_key_derivekey(buf2, sizeof(buf2), buf, speclen,
+ pw1, strlen(pw1)));
+ tt_mem_op(buf2, !=, buf3, sizeof(buf2));
+ memset(buf3, 0, sizeof(buf3));
+ tt_int_op(S2K_OKAY, ==,
+ secret_to_key_derivekey(buf3, sizeof(buf3), buf, speclen,
+ pw1, strlen(pw1)));
+ tt_mem_op(buf2, ==, buf3, sizeof(buf3));
+ tt_assert(!tor_mem_is_zero((char*)buf2+keylen, sizeof(buf2)-keylen));
+ done:
+ ;
+static void
+test_crypto_s2k_general(void *arg)
+ const char *which = arg;
+ if (!strcmp(which, "scrypt")) {
+ run_s2k_tests(0, 2, 19, 32, 0);
+ } else if (!strcmp(which, "scrypt-low")) {
+ run_s2k_tests(S2K_FLAG_LOW_MEM, 2, 19, 32, 0);
+ } else if (!strcmp(which, "pbkdf2")) {
+ run_s2k_tests(S2K_FLAG_USE_PBKDF2, 1, 18, 20, 0);
+ } else if (!strcmp(which, "rfc2440")) {
+ run_s2k_tests(S2K_FLAG_NO_SCRYPT, 0, 10, 20, 0);
+ } else if (!strcmp(which, "rfc2440-legacy")) {
+ run_s2k_tests(S2K_FLAG_NO_SCRYPT, 0, 10, 20, 1);
+ } else {
+ tt_fail();
+ }
+static void
+test_crypto_s2k_errors(void *arg)
+ uint8_t buf[S2K_MAXLEN], buf2[S2K_MAXLEN];
+ size_t sz;
+ (void)arg;
+ /* Bogus specifiers: simple */
+ tt_int_op(S2K_BAD_LEN, ==,
+ secret_to_key_derivekey(buf, sizeof(buf),
+ (const uint8_t*)"", 0, "ABC", 3));
+ tt_int_op(S2K_BAD_ALGORITHM, ==,
+ secret_to_key_derivekey(buf, sizeof(buf),
+ (const uint8_t*)"\x10", 1, "ABC", 3));
+ tt_int_op(S2K_BAD_LEN, ==,
+ secret_to_key_derivekey(buf, sizeof(buf),
+ (const uint8_t*)"\x01\x02", 2, "ABC", 3));
+ tt_int_op(S2K_BAD_LEN, ==,
+ secret_to_key_check((const uint8_t*)"", 0, "ABC", 3));
+ tt_int_op(S2K_BAD_ALGORITHM, ==,
+ secret_to_key_check((const uint8_t*)"\x10", 1, "ABC", 3));
+ tt_int_op(S2K_BAD_LEN, ==,
+ secret_to_key_check((const uint8_t*)"\x01\x02", 2, "ABC", 3));
+ /* too long gets "BAD_LEN" too */
+ memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
+ buf[0] = 2;
+ tt_int_op(S2K_BAD_LEN, ==,
+ secret_to_key_derivekey(buf2, sizeof(buf2),
+ buf, sizeof(buf), "ABC", 3));
+ /* Truncated output */
+ tt_int_op(S2K_TRUNCATED, ==, secret_to_key_new(buf, 50, &sz,
+ "ABC", 3, 0));
+ tt_int_op(S2K_TRUNCATED, ==, secret_to_key_new(buf, 50, &sz,
+ "ABC", 3, S2K_FLAG_LOW_MEM));
+ tt_int_op(S2K_TRUNCATED, ==, secret_to_key_new(buf, 37, &sz,
+ "ABC", 3, S2K_FLAG_USE_PBKDF2));
+ tt_int_op(S2K_TRUNCATED, ==, secret_to_key_new(buf, 29, &sz,
+ tt_int_op(S2K_TRUNCATED, ==, secret_to_key_make_specifier(buf, 18, 0));
+ tt_int_op(S2K_TRUNCATED, ==, secret_to_key_make_specifier(buf, 18,
+ tt_int_op(S2K_TRUNCATED, ==, secret_to_key_make_specifier(buf, 17,
+ tt_int_op(S2K_TRUNCATED, ==, secret_to_key_make_specifier(buf, 9,
+ /* Now try using type-specific bogus specifiers. */
+ /* It's a bad pbkdf2 buffer if it has an iteration count that would overflow
+ * int32_t. */
+ memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
+ buf[0] = 1; /* pbkdf2 */
+ buf[17] = 100; /* 1<<100 is much bigger than INT32_MAX */
+ tt_int_op(S2K_BAD_PARAMS, ==,
+ secret_to_key_derivekey(buf2, sizeof(buf2),
+ buf, 18, "ABC", 3));
+ /* It's a bad scrypt buffer if N would overflow uint64 */
+ memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
+ buf[0] = 2; /* scrypt */
+ buf[17] = 100; /* 1<<100 is much bigger than UINT64_MAX */
+ tt_int_op(S2K_BAD_PARAMS, ==,
+ secret_to_key_derivekey(buf2, sizeof(buf2),
+ buf, 19, "ABC", 3));
+ done:
+ ;
+static void
+test_crypto_scrypt_vectors(void *arg)
+ char *mem_op_hex_tmp = NULL;
+ uint8_t spec[64], out[64];
+ (void)arg;
+ if (1)
+ tt_skip();
+ /* Test vectors from
+ section 11.
+ Note that the names of 'r' and 'N' are switched in that section. Or
+ possibly in libscrypt.
+ */
+ base16_decode((char*)spec, sizeof(spec),
+ "0400", 4);
+ memset(out, 0x00, sizeof(out));
+ tt_int_op(64, ==,
+ secret_to_key_compute_key(out, 64, spec, 2, "", 0, 2));
+ test_memeq_hex(out,
+ "77d6576238657b203b19ca42c18a0497"
+ "f16b4844e3074ae8dfdffa3fede21442"
+ "fcd0069ded0948f8326a753a0fc81f17"
+ "e8d3e0fb2e0d3628cf35e20c38d18906");
+ base16_decode((char*)spec, sizeof(spec),
+ "4e61436c" "0A34", 12);
+ memset(out, 0x00, sizeof(out));
+ tt_int_op(64, ==,
+ secret_to_key_compute_key(out, 64, spec, 6, "password", 8, 2));
+ test_memeq_hex(out,
+ "fdbabe1c9d3472007856e7190d01e9fe"
+ "7c6ad7cbc8237830e77376634b373162"
+ "2eaf30d92e22a3886ff109279d9830da"
+ "c727afb94a83ee6d8360cbdfa2cc0640");
+ base16_decode((char*)spec, sizeof(spec),
+ "536f6469756d43686c6f72696465" "0e30", 32);
+ memset(out, 0x00, sizeof(out));
+ tt_int_op(64, ==,
+ secret_to_key_compute_key(out, 64, spec, 16,
+ "pleaseletmein", 13, 2));
+ test_memeq_hex(out,
+ "7023bdcb3afd7348461c06cd81fd38eb"
+ "fda8fbba904f8e3ea9b543f6545da1f2"
+ "d5432955613f0fcf62d49705242a9af9"
+ "e61e85dc0d651e40dfcf017b45575887");
+ base16_decode((char*)spec, sizeof(spec),
+ "536f6469756d43686c6f72696465" "1430", 32);
+ memset(out, 0x00, sizeof(out));
+ tt_int_op(64, ==,
+ secret_to_key_compute_key(out, 64, spec, 16,
+ "pleaseletmein", 13, 2));
+ test_memeq_hex(out,
+ "2101cb9b6a511aaeaddbbe09cf70f881"
+ "ec568d574a2ffd4dabe5ee9820adaa47"
+ "8e56fd8f4ba5d09ffa1c6d927c40f4c3"
+ "37304049e8a952fbcbf45c6fa77a41a4");
+ done:
+ tor_free(mem_op_hex_tmp);
+static void
+test_crypto_pbkdf2_vectors(void *arg)
+ char *mem_op_hex_tmp = NULL;
+ uint8_t spec[64], out[64];
+ (void)arg;
+ /* Test vectors from RFC6070, section 2 */
+ base16_decode((char*)spec, sizeof(spec),
+ "73616c74" "00" , 10);
+ memset(out, 0x00, sizeof(out));
+ tt_int_op(20, ==,
+ secret_to_key_compute_key(out, 20, spec, 5, "password", 8, 1));
+ test_memeq_hex(out, "0c60c80f961f0e71f3a9b524af6012062fe037a6");
+ base16_decode((char*)spec, sizeof(spec),
+ "73616c74" "01" , 10);
+ memset(out, 0x00, sizeof(out));
+ tt_int_op(20, ==,
+ secret_to_key_compute_key(out, 20, spec, 5, "password", 8, 1));
+ test_memeq_hex(out, "ea6c014dc72d6f8ccd1ed92ace1d41f0d8de8957");
+ base16_decode((char*)spec, sizeof(spec),
+ "73616c74" "0C" , 10);
+ memset(out, 0x00, sizeof(out));
+ tt_int_op(20, ==,
+ secret_to_key_compute_key(out, 20, spec, 5, "password", 8, 1));
+ test_memeq_hex(out, "4b007901b765489abead49d926f721d065a429c1");
+ base16_decode((char*)spec, sizeof(spec),
+ "73616c74" "18" , 10);
+ memset(out, 0x00, sizeof(out));
+ tt_int_op(20, ==,
+ secret_to_key_compute_key(out, 20, spec, 5, "password", 8, 1));
+ test_memeq_hex(out, "eefe3d61cd4da4e4e9945b3d6ba2158c2634e984");
+ base16_decode((char*)spec, sizeof(spec),
+ "73616c7453414c5473616c7453414c5473616c745"
+ "3414c5473616c7453414c5473616c74" "0C" , 74);
+ memset(out, 0x00, sizeof(out));
+ tt_int_op(25, ==,
+ secret_to_key_compute_key(out, 25, spec, 37,
+ "passwordPASSWORDpassword", 24, 1));
+ test_memeq_hex(out, "3d2eec4fe41c849b80c8d83662c0e44a8b291a964cf2f07038");
+ base16_decode((char*)spec, sizeof(spec),
+ "7361006c74" "0c" , 12);
+ memset(out, 0x00, sizeof(out));
+ tt_int_op(16, ==,
+ secret_to_key_compute_key(out, 16, spec, 6, "pass\0word", 9, 1));
+ test_memeq_hex(out, "56fa6aa75548099dcc37d7f03425e0c3");
+ done:
+ tor_free(mem_op_hex_tmp);
+static void
+test_crypto_pwbox(void *arg)
+ uint8_t *boxed=NULL, *decoded=NULL;
+ size_t len, dlen;
+ unsigned i;
+ const char msg[] = "This bunny reminds you that you still have a "
+ "salamander in your sylladex. She is holding the bunny Dave got you. "
+ "It’s sort of uncanny how similar they are, aside from the knitted "
+ "enhancements. Seriously, what are the odds?? So weird.";
+ const char pw[] = "I'm a night owl and a wise bird too";
+ const unsigned flags[] = { 0,
+ (void)arg;
+ for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_LENGTH(flags); ++i) {
+ tt_int_op(0, ==, crypto_pwbox(&boxed, &len,
+ (const uint8_t*)msg, strlen(msg),
+ pw, strlen(pw), flags[i]));
+ tt_assert(boxed);
+ tt_assert(len > 128+32);
+ tt_int_op(0, ==, crypto_unpwbox(&decoded, &dlen, boxed, len,
+ pw, strlen(pw)));
+ tt_assert(decoded);
+ tt_uint_op(dlen, ==, strlen(msg));
+ tt_mem_op(decoded, ==, msg, dlen);
+ tor_free(decoded);
+ tt_int_op(UNPWBOX_BAD_SECRET, ==, crypto_unpwbox(&decoded, &dlen,
+ boxed, len,
+ pw, strlen(pw)-1));
+ boxed[len-1] ^= 1;
+ tt_int_op(UNPWBOX_BAD_SECRET, ==, crypto_unpwbox(&decoded, &dlen,
+ boxed, len,
+ pw, strlen(pw)));
+ boxed[0] = 255;
+ tt_int_op(UNPWBOX_CORRUPTED, ==, crypto_unpwbox(&decoded, &dlen,
+ boxed, len,
+ pw, strlen(pw)));
+ tor_free(boxed);
+ }
+ done:
+ tor_free(boxed);
+ tor_free(decoded);
/** Test AES-CTR encryption and decryption with IV. */
static void
test_crypto_aes_iv(void *arg)
@@ -757,79 +1116,79 @@ test_crypto_aes_iv(void *arg)
encrypted_size = crypto_cipher_encrypt_with_iv(key1, encrypted1, 16 + 4095,
plain, 4095);
- test_eq(encrypted_size, 16 + 4095);
+ tt_int_op(encrypted_size,==, 16 + 4095);
tt_assert(encrypted_size > 0); /* This is obviously true, since 4111 is
* greater than 0, but its truth is not
* obvious to all analysis tools. */
decrypted_size = crypto_cipher_decrypt_with_iv(key1, decrypted1, 4095,
encrypted1, encrypted_size);
- test_eq(decrypted_size, 4095);
+ tt_int_op(decrypted_size,==, 4095);
tt_assert(decrypted_size > 0);
- test_memeq(plain, decrypted1, 4095);
+ tt_mem_op(plain,==, decrypted1, 4095);
/* Encrypt a second time (with a new random initialization vector). */
encrypted_size = crypto_cipher_encrypt_with_iv(key1, encrypted2, 16 + 4095,
plain, 4095);
- test_eq(encrypted_size, 16 + 4095);
+ tt_int_op(encrypted_size,==, 16 + 4095);
tt_assert(encrypted_size > 0);
decrypted_size = crypto_cipher_decrypt_with_iv(key1, decrypted2, 4095,
encrypted2, encrypted_size);
- test_eq(decrypted_size, 4095);
+ tt_int_op(decrypted_size,==, 4095);
tt_assert(decrypted_size > 0);
- test_memeq(plain, decrypted2, 4095);
- test_memneq(encrypted1, encrypted2, encrypted_size);
+ tt_mem_op(plain,==, decrypted2, 4095);
+ tt_mem_op(encrypted1,!=, encrypted2, encrypted_size);
/* Decrypt with the wrong key. */
decrypted_size = crypto_cipher_decrypt_with_iv(key2, decrypted2, 4095,
encrypted1, encrypted_size);
- test_eq(decrypted_size, 4095);
- test_memneq(plain, decrypted2, decrypted_size);
+ tt_int_op(decrypted_size,==, 4095);
+ tt_mem_op(plain,!=, decrypted2, decrypted_size);
/* Alter the initialization vector. */
encrypted1[0] += 42;
decrypted_size = crypto_cipher_decrypt_with_iv(key1, decrypted1, 4095,
encrypted1, encrypted_size);
- test_eq(decrypted_size, 4095);
- test_memneq(plain, decrypted2, 4095);
+ tt_int_op(decrypted_size,==, 4095);
+ tt_mem_op(plain,!=, decrypted2, 4095);
/* Special length case: 1. */
encrypted_size = crypto_cipher_encrypt_with_iv(key1, encrypted1, 16 + 1,
plain_1, 1);
- test_eq(encrypted_size, 16 + 1);
+ tt_int_op(encrypted_size,==, 16 + 1);
tt_assert(encrypted_size > 0);
decrypted_size = crypto_cipher_decrypt_with_iv(key1, decrypted1, 1,
encrypted1, encrypted_size);
- test_eq(decrypted_size, 1);
+ tt_int_op(decrypted_size,==, 1);
tt_assert(decrypted_size > 0);
- test_memeq(plain_1, decrypted1, 1);
+ tt_mem_op(plain_1,==, decrypted1, 1);
/* Special length case: 15. */
encrypted_size = crypto_cipher_encrypt_with_iv(key1, encrypted1, 16 + 15,
plain_15, 15);
- test_eq(encrypted_size, 16 + 15);
+ tt_int_op(encrypted_size,==, 16 + 15);
tt_assert(encrypted_size > 0);
decrypted_size = crypto_cipher_decrypt_with_iv(key1, decrypted1, 15,
encrypted1, encrypted_size);
- test_eq(decrypted_size, 15);
+ tt_int_op(decrypted_size,==, 15);
tt_assert(decrypted_size > 0);
- test_memeq(plain_15, decrypted1, 15);
+ tt_mem_op(plain_15,==, decrypted1, 15);
/* Special length case: 16. */
encrypted_size = crypto_cipher_encrypt_with_iv(key1, encrypted1, 16 + 16,
plain_16, 16);
- test_eq(encrypted_size, 16 + 16);
+ tt_int_op(encrypted_size,==, 16 + 16);
tt_assert(encrypted_size > 0);
decrypted_size = crypto_cipher_decrypt_with_iv(key1, decrypted1, 16,
encrypted1, encrypted_size);
- test_eq(decrypted_size, 16);
+ tt_int_op(decrypted_size,==, 16);
tt_assert(decrypted_size > 0);
- test_memeq(plain_16, decrypted1, 16);
+ tt_mem_op(plain_16,==, decrypted1, 16);
/* Special length case: 17. */
encrypted_size = crypto_cipher_encrypt_with_iv(key1, encrypted1, 16 + 17,
plain_17, 17);
- test_eq(encrypted_size, 16 + 17);
+ tt_int_op(encrypted_size,==, 16 + 17);
tt_assert(encrypted_size > 0);
decrypted_size = crypto_cipher_decrypt_with_iv(key1, decrypted1, 17,
encrypted1, encrypted_size);
- test_eq(decrypted_size, 17);
+ tt_int_op(decrypted_size,==, 17);
tt_assert(decrypted_size > 0);
- test_memeq(plain_17, decrypted1, 17);
+ tt_mem_op(plain_17,==, decrypted1, 17);
/* Free memory. */
@@ -842,34 +1201,35 @@ test_crypto_aes_iv(void *arg)
/** Test base32 decoding. */
static void
+test_crypto_base32_decode(void *arg)
char plain[60], encoded[96 + 1], decoded[60];
int res;
+ (void)arg;
crypto_rand(plain, 60);
/* Encode and decode a random string. */
base32_encode(encoded, 96 + 1, plain, 60);
res = base32_decode(decoded, 60, encoded, 96);
- test_eq(res, 0);
- test_memeq(plain, decoded, 60);
+ tt_int_op(res,==, 0);
+ tt_mem_op(plain,==, decoded, 60);
/* Encode, uppercase, and decode a random string. */
base32_encode(encoded, 96 + 1, plain, 60);
res = base32_decode(decoded, 60, encoded, 96);
- test_eq(res, 0);
- test_memeq(plain, decoded, 60);
+ tt_int_op(res,==, 0);
+ tt_mem_op(plain,==, decoded, 60);
/* Change encoded string and decode. */
if (encoded[0] == 'A' || encoded[0] == 'a')
encoded[0] = 'B';
encoded[0] = 'A';
res = base32_decode(decoded, 60, encoded, 96);
- test_eq(res, 0);
- test_memneq(plain, decoded, 60);
+ tt_int_op(res,==, 0);
+ tt_mem_op(plain,!=, decoded, 60);
/* Bad encodings. */
encoded[0] = '!';
res = base32_decode(decoded, 60, encoded, 96);
- test_assert(res < 0);
+ tt_int_op(0, >, res);
@@ -1024,7 +1384,7 @@ test_crypto_curve25519_impl(void *arg)
e2k[31] |= (byte & 0x80);
- test_memeq(e1e2k, e2e1k, 32);
+ tt_mem_op(e1e2k,==, e2e1k, 32);
if (loop == loop_max-1) {
@@ -1056,11 +1416,11 @@ test_crypto_curve25519_wrappers(void *arg)
curve25519_secret_key_generate(&seckey2, 1);
curve25519_public_key_generate(&pubkey1, &seckey1);
curve25519_public_key_generate(&pubkey2, &seckey2);
- test_assert(curve25519_public_key_is_ok(&pubkey1));
- test_assert(curve25519_public_key_is_ok(&pubkey2));
+ tt_assert(curve25519_public_key_is_ok(&pubkey1));
+ tt_assert(curve25519_public_key_is_ok(&pubkey2));
curve25519_handshake(output1, &seckey1, &pubkey2);
curve25519_handshake(output2, &seckey2, &pubkey1);
- test_memeq(output1, output2, sizeof(output1));
+ tt_mem_op(output1,==, output2, sizeof(output1));
@@ -1081,12 +1441,12 @@ test_crypto_curve25519_encode(void *arg)
tt_int_op(CURVE25519_BASE64_PADDED_LEN, ==, strlen(buf));
tt_int_op(0, ==, curve25519_public_from_base64(&key2, buf));
- test_memeq(key1.public_key, key2.public_key, CURVE25519_PUBKEY_LEN);
+ tt_mem_op(key1.public_key,==, key2.public_key, CURVE25519_PUBKEY_LEN);
buf[CURVE25519_BASE64_PADDED_LEN - 1] = '\0';
tt_int_op(CURVE25519_BASE64_PADDED_LEN-1, ==, strlen(buf));
tt_int_op(0, ==, curve25519_public_from_base64(&key3, buf));
- test_memeq(key1.public_key, key3.public_key, CURVE25519_PUBKEY_LEN);
+ tt_mem_op(key1.public_key,==, key3.public_key, CURVE25519_PUBKEY_LEN);
/* Now try bogus parses. */
strlcpy(buf, "$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$=", sizeof(buf));
@@ -1122,10 +1482,10 @@ test_crypto_curve25519_persist(void *arg)
- test_memeq(keypair.pubkey.public_key,
+ tt_mem_op(keypair.pubkey.public_key,==,
- test_memeq(keypair.seckey.secret_key,
+ tt_mem_op(keypair.seckey.secret_key,==,
@@ -1137,11 +1497,11 @@ test_crypto_curve25519_persist(void *arg)
tt_assert(fast_memeq(content, "== c25519v1: testing ==", taglen));
tt_assert(tor_mem_is_zero(content+taglen, 32-taglen));
cp = content + 32;
- test_memeq(keypair.seckey.secret_key,
+ tt_mem_op(keypair.seckey.secret_key,==,
cp += CURVE25519_SECKEY_LEN;
- test_memeq(keypair.pubkey.public_key,
+ tt_mem_op(keypair.pubkey.public_key,==,
@@ -1161,7 +1521,362 @@ test_crypto_curve25519_persist(void *arg)
+static void
+test_crypto_ed25519_simple(void *arg)
+ ed25519_keypair_t kp1, kp2;
+ ed25519_public_key_t pub1, pub2;
+ ed25519_secret_key_t sec1, sec2;
+ ed25519_signature_t sig1, sig2;
+ const uint8_t msg[] =
+ "GNU will be able to run Unix programs, "
+ "but will not be identical to Unix.";
+ const uint8_t msg2[] =
+ "Microsoft Windows extends the features of the DOS operating system, "
+ "yet is compatible with most existing applications that run under DOS.";
+ size_t msg_len = strlen((const char*)msg);
+ size_t msg2_len = strlen((const char*)msg2);
+ (void)arg;
+ tt_int_op(0, ==, ed25519_secret_key_generate(&sec1, 0));
+ tt_int_op(0, ==, ed25519_secret_key_generate(&sec2, 1));
+ tt_int_op(0, ==, ed25519_public_key_generate(&pub1, &sec1));
+ tt_int_op(0, ==, ed25519_public_key_generate(&pub2, &sec1));
+ tt_mem_op(pub1.pubkey, ==, pub2.pubkey, sizeof(pub1.pubkey));
+ memcpy(&kp1.pubkey, &pub1, sizeof(pub1));
+ memcpy(&kp1.seckey, &sec1, sizeof(sec1));
+ tt_int_op(0, ==, ed25519_sign(&sig1, msg, msg_len, &kp1));
+ tt_int_op(0, ==, ed25519_sign(&sig2, msg, msg_len, &kp1));
+ /* Ed25519 signatures are deterministic */
+ tt_mem_op(sig1.sig, ==, sig2.sig, sizeof(sig1.sig));
+ /* Basic signature is valid. */
+ tt_int_op(0, ==, ed25519_checksig(&sig1, msg, msg_len, &pub1));
+ /* Altered signature doesn't work. */
+ sig1.sig[0] ^= 3;
+ tt_int_op(-1, ==, ed25519_checksig(&sig1, msg, msg_len, &pub1));
+ /* Wrong public key doesn't work. */
+ tt_int_op(0, ==, ed25519_public_key_generate(&pub2, &sec2));
+ tt_int_op(-1, ==, ed25519_checksig(&sig2, msg, msg_len, &pub2));
+ /* Wrong message doesn't work. */
+ tt_int_op(0, ==, ed25519_checksig(&sig2, msg, msg_len, &pub1));
+ tt_int_op(-1, ==, ed25519_checksig(&sig2, msg, msg_len-1, &pub1));
+ tt_int_op(-1, ==, ed25519_checksig(&sig2, msg2, msg2_len, &pub1));
+ /* Batch signature checking works with some bad. */
+ tt_int_op(0, ==, ed25519_keypair_generate(&kp2, 0));
+ tt_int_op(0, ==, ed25519_sign(&sig1, msg, msg_len, &kp2));
+ {
+ ed25519_checkable_t ch[] = {
+ { &pub1, sig2, msg, msg_len }, /*ok*/
+ { &pub1, sig2, msg, msg_len-1 }, /*bad*/
+ { &kp2.pubkey, sig2, msg2, msg2_len }, /*bad*/
+ { &kp2.pubkey, sig1, msg, msg_len }, /*ok*/
+ };
+ int okay[4];
+ tt_int_op(-2, ==, ed25519_checksig_batch(okay, ch, 4));
+ tt_int_op(okay[0], ==, 1);
+ tt_int_op(okay[1], ==, 0);
+ tt_int_op(okay[2], ==, 0);
+ tt_int_op(okay[3], ==, 1);
+ tt_int_op(-2, ==, ed25519_checksig_batch(NULL, ch, 4));
+ }
+ /* Batch signature checking works with all good. */
+ {
+ ed25519_checkable_t ch[] = {
+ { &pub1, sig2, msg, msg_len }, /*ok*/
+ { &kp2.pubkey, sig1, msg, msg_len }, /*ok*/
+ };
+ int okay[2];
+ tt_int_op(0, ==, ed25519_checksig_batch(okay, ch, 2));
+ tt_int_op(okay[0], ==, 1);
+ tt_int_op(okay[1], ==, 1);
+ tt_int_op(0, ==, ed25519_checksig_batch(NULL, ch, 2));
+ }
+ done:
+ ;
+static void
+test_crypto_ed25519_test_vectors(void *arg)
+ char *mem_op_hex_tmp=NULL;
+ int i;
+ struct {
+ const char *sk;
+ const char *pk;
+ const char *sig;
+ const char *msg;
+ } items[] = {
+ /* These test vectors were generated with the "ref" implementation of
+ * ed25519 from SUPERCOP-20130419 */
+ { "4c6574277320686f706520746865726520617265206e6f206275677320696e20",
+ "f3e0e493b30f56e501aeb868fc912fe0c8b76621efca47a78f6d75875193dd87",
+ "b5d7fd6fd3adf643647ce1fe87a2931dedd1a4e38e6c662bedd35cdd80bfac51"
+ "1b2c7d1ee6bd929ac213014e1a8dc5373854c7b25dbe15ec96bf6c94196fae06",
+ "506c6561736520657863757365206d7920667269656e642e2048652069736e2774"
+ "204e554c2d7465726d696e617465642e"
+ },
+ { "74686520696d706c656d656e746174696f6e20776869636820617265206e6f74",
+ "407f0025a1e1351a4cb68e92f5c0ebaf66e7aaf93a4006a4d1a66e3ede1cfeac",
+ "02884fde1c3c5944d0ecf2d133726fc820c303aae695adceabf3a1e01e95bf28"
+ "da88c0966f5265e9c6f8edc77b3b96b5c91baec3ca993ccd21a3f64203600601",
+ "506c6561736520657863757365206d7920667269656e642e2048652069736e2774"
+ "204e554c2d7465726d696e617465642e"
+ },
+ { "6578706f73656420627920456e676c697368207465787420617320696e707574",
+ "61681cb5fbd69f9bc5a462a21a7ab319011237b940bc781cdc47fcbe327e7706",
+ "6a127d0414de7510125d4bc214994ffb9b8857a46330832d05d1355e882344ad"
+ "f4137e3ca1f13eb9cc75c887ef2309b98c57528b4acd9f6376c6898889603209",
+ "506c6561736520657863757365206d7920667269656e642e2048652069736e2774"
+ "204e554c2d7465726d696e617465642e"
+ },
+ /* These come from "sign.input" in ed25519's page */
+ { "5b5a619f8ce1c66d7ce26e5a2ae7b0c04febcd346d286c929e19d0d5973bfef9",
+ "6fe83693d011d111131c4f3fbaaa40a9d3d76b30012ff73bb0e39ec27ab18257",
+ "0f9ad9793033a2fa06614b277d37381e6d94f65ac2a5a94558d09ed6ce922258"
+ "c1a567952e863ac94297aec3c0d0c8ddf71084e504860bb6ba27449b55adc40e",
+ "5a8d9d0a22357e6655f9c785"
+ },
+ { "940c89fe40a81dafbdb2416d14ae469119869744410c3303bfaa0241dac57800",
+ "a2eb8c0501e30bae0cf842d2bde8dec7386f6b7fc3981b8c57c9792bb94cf2dd",
+ "d8bb64aad8c9955a115a793addd24f7f2b077648714f49c4694ec995b330d09d"
+ "640df310f447fd7b6cb5c14f9fe9f490bcf8cfadbfd2169c8ac20d3b8af49a0c",
+ "b87d3813e03f58cf19fd0b6395"
+ },
+ { "9acad959d216212d789a119252ebfe0c96512a23c73bd9f3b202292d6916a738",
+ "cf3af898467a5b7a52d33d53bc037e2642a8da996903fc252217e9c033e2f291",
+ "6ee3fe81e23c60eb2312b2006b3b25e6838e02106623f844c44edb8dafd66ab0"
+ "671087fd195df5b8f58a1d6e52af42908053d55c7321010092748795ef94cf06",
+ "55c7fa434f5ed8cdec2b7aeac173",
+ },
+ { "d5aeee41eeb0e9d1bf8337f939587ebe296161e6bf5209f591ec939e1440c300",
+ "fd2a565723163e29f53c9de3d5e8fbe36a7ab66e1439ec4eae9c0a604af291a5",
+ "f68d04847e5b249737899c014d31c805c5007a62c0a10d50bb1538c5f3550395"
+ "1fbc1e08682f2cc0c92efe8f4985dec61dcbd54d4b94a22547d24451271c8b00",
+ "0a688e79be24f866286d4646b5d81c"
+ },
+ };
+ (void)arg;
+ for (i = 0; items[i].pk; ++i) {
+ ed25519_keypair_t kp;
+ ed25519_signature_t sig;
+ uint8_t sk_seed[32];
+ uint8_t *msg;
+ size_t msg_len;
+ base16_decode((char*)sk_seed, sizeof(sk_seed),
+ items[i].sk, 64);
+ ed25519_secret_key_from_seed(&kp.seckey, sk_seed);
+ tt_int_op(0, ==, ed25519_public_key_generate(&kp.pubkey, &kp.seckey));
+ test_memeq_hex(kp.pubkey.pubkey, items[i].pk);
+ msg_len = strlen(items[i].msg) / 2;
+ msg = tor_malloc(msg_len);
+ base16_decode((char*)msg, msg_len, items[i].msg, strlen(items[i].msg));
+ tt_int_op(0, ==, ed25519_sign(&sig, msg, msg_len, &kp));
+ test_memeq_hex(sig.sig, items[i].sig);
+ tor_free(msg);
+ }
+ done:
+ tor_free(mem_op_hex_tmp);
+static void
+test_crypto_ed25519_encode(void *arg)
+ char buf[ED25519_BASE64_LEN+1];
+ ed25519_keypair_t kp;
+ ed25519_public_key_t pk;
+ char *mem_op_hex_tmp = NULL;
+ (void) arg;
+ /* Test roundtrip. */
+ tt_int_op(0, ==, ed25519_keypair_generate(&kp, 0));
+ tt_int_op(0, ==, ed25519_public_to_base64(buf, &kp.pubkey));
+ tt_int_op(ED25519_BASE64_LEN, ==, strlen(buf));
+ tt_int_op(0, ==, ed25519_public_from_base64(&pk, buf));
+ tt_mem_op(kp.pubkey.pubkey, ==, pk.pubkey, ED25519_PUBKEY_LEN);
+ /* Test known value. */
+ tt_int_op(0, ==, ed25519_public_from_base64(&pk,
+ "lVIuIctLjbGZGU5wKMNXxXlSE3cW4kaqkqm04u6pxvM"));
+ test_memeq_hex(pk.pubkey,
+ "95522e21cb4b8db199194e7028c357c57952137716e246aa92a9b4e2eea9c6f3");
+ done:
+ tor_free(mem_op_hex_tmp);
+static void
+test_crypto_ed25519_convert(void *arg)
+ const uint8_t msg[] =
+ "The eyes are not here / There are no eyes here.";
+ const int N = 30;
+ int i;
+ (void)arg;
+ for (i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
+ curve25519_keypair_t curve25519_keypair;
+ ed25519_keypair_t ed25519_keypair;
+ ed25519_public_key_t ed25519_pubkey;
+ int bit=0;
+ ed25519_signature_t sig;
+ tt_int_op(0,==,curve25519_keypair_generate(&curve25519_keypair, i&1));
+ tt_int_op(0,==,ed25519_keypair_from_curve25519_keypair(
+ &ed25519_keypair, &bit, &curve25519_keypair));
+ tt_int_op(0,==,ed25519_public_key_from_curve25519_public_key(
+ &ed25519_pubkey, &curve25519_keypair.pubkey, bit));
+ tt_mem_op(ed25519_pubkey.pubkey, ==, ed25519_keypair.pubkey.pubkey, 32);
+ tt_int_op(0,==,ed25519_sign(&sig, msg, sizeof(msg), &ed25519_keypair));
+ tt_int_op(0,==,ed25519_checksig(&sig, msg, sizeof(msg),
+ &ed25519_pubkey));
+ tt_int_op(-1,==,ed25519_checksig(&sig, msg, sizeof(msg)-1,
+ &ed25519_pubkey));
+ sig.sig[0] ^= 15;
+ tt_int_op(-1,==,ed25519_checksig(&sig, msg, sizeof(msg),
+ &ed25519_pubkey));
+ }
+ done:
+ ;
+static void
+test_crypto_ed25519_blinding(void *arg)
+ const uint8_t msg[] =
+ "Eyes I dare not meet in dreams / In death's dream kingdom";
+ const int N = 30;
+ int i;
+ (void)arg;
+ for (i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
+ uint8_t blinding[32];
+ ed25519_keypair_t ed25519_keypair;
+ ed25519_keypair_t ed25519_keypair_blinded;
+ ed25519_public_key_t ed25519_pubkey_blinded;
+ ed25519_signature_t sig;
+ crypto_rand((char*) blinding, sizeof(blinding));
+ tt_int_op(0,==,ed25519_keypair_generate(&ed25519_keypair, 0));
+ tt_int_op(0,==,ed25519_keypair_blind(&ed25519_keypair_blinded,
+ &ed25519_keypair, blinding));
+ tt_int_op(0,==,ed25519_public_blind(&ed25519_pubkey_blinded,
+ &ed25519_keypair.pubkey, blinding));
+ tt_mem_op(ed25519_pubkey_blinded.pubkey, ==,
+ ed25519_keypair_blinded.pubkey.pubkey, 32);
+ tt_int_op(0,==,ed25519_sign(&sig, msg, sizeof(msg),
+ &ed25519_keypair_blinded));
+ tt_int_op(0,==,ed25519_checksig(&sig, msg, sizeof(msg),
+ &ed25519_pubkey_blinded));
+ tt_int_op(-1,==,ed25519_checksig(&sig, msg, sizeof(msg)-1,
+ &ed25519_pubkey_blinded));
+ sig.sig[0] ^= 15;
+ tt_int_op(-1,==,ed25519_checksig(&sig, msg, sizeof(msg),
+ &ed25519_pubkey_blinded));
+ }
+ done:
+ ;
+static void
+test_crypto_ed25519_testvectors(void *arg)
+ unsigned i;
+ char *mem_op_hex_tmp = NULL;
+ (void)arg;
+ for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_LENGTH(ED25519_SECRET_KEYS); ++i) {
+ uint8_t sk[32];
+ ed25519_secret_key_t esk;
+ ed25519_public_key_t pk, blind_pk, pkfromcurve;
+ ed25519_keypair_t keypair, blind_keypair;
+ curve25519_keypair_t curvekp;
+ uint8_t blinding_param[32];
+ ed25519_signature_t sig;
+ int sign;
+#define DECODE(p,s) base16_decode((char*)(p),sizeof(p),(s),strlen(s))
+#define EQ(a,h) test_memeq_hex((const char*)(a), (h))
+ tt_int_op(0, ==, DECODE(sk, ED25519_SECRET_KEYS[i]));
+ tt_int_op(0, ==, DECODE(blinding_param, ED25519_BLINDING_PARAMS[i]));
+ tt_int_op(0, ==, ed25519_secret_key_from_seed(&esk, sk));
+ EQ(esk.seckey, ED25519_EXPANDED_SECRET_KEYS[i]);
+ tt_int_op(0, ==, ed25519_public_key_generate(&pk, &esk));
+ EQ(pk.pubkey, ED25519_PUBLIC_KEYS[i]);
+ memcpy(&curvekp.seckey.secret_key, esk.seckey, 32);
+ curve25519_public_key_generate(&curvekp.pubkey, &curvekp.seckey);
+ tt_int_op(0, ==,
+ ed25519_keypair_from_curve25519_keypair(&keypair, &sign, &curvekp));
+ tt_int_op(0, ==, ed25519_public_key_from_curve25519_public_key(
+ &pkfromcurve, &curvekp.pubkey, sign));
+ tt_mem_op(keypair.pubkey.pubkey, ==, pkfromcurve.pubkey, 32);
+ EQ(curvekp.pubkey.public_key, ED25519_CURVE25519_PUBLIC_KEYS[i]);
+ /* Self-signing */
+ memcpy(&keypair.seckey, &esk, sizeof(esk));
+ memcpy(&keypair.pubkey, &pk, sizeof(pk));
+ tt_int_op(0, ==, ed25519_sign(&sig, pk.pubkey, 32, &keypair));
+ EQ(sig.sig, ED25519_SELF_SIGNATURES[i]);
+ /* Blinding */
+ tt_int_op(0, ==,
+ ed25519_keypair_blind(&blind_keypair, &keypair, blinding_param));
+ tt_int_op(0, ==,
+ ed25519_public_blind(&blind_pk, &pk, blinding_param));
+ EQ(blind_keypair.seckey.seckey, ED25519_BLINDED_SECRET_KEYS[i]);
+ EQ(blind_pk.pubkey, ED25519_BLINDED_PUBLIC_KEYS[i]);
+ tt_mem_op(blind_pk.pubkey, ==, blind_keypair.pubkey.pubkey, 32);
+#undef DECODE
+#undef EQ
+ }
+ done:
+ tor_free(mem_op_hex_tmp);
+#endif /* CURVE25519_ENABLED */
static void
test_crypto_siphash(void *arg)
@@ -1276,7 +1991,7 @@ static const struct testcase_setup_t pass_data = {
#define CRYPTO_LEGACY(name) \
- { #name, legacy_test_helper, 0, &legacy_setup, test_crypto_ ## name }
+ { #name, test_crypto_ ## name , 0, NULL, NULL }
struct testcase_t crypto_tests[] = {
@@ -1288,7 +2003,23 @@ struct testcase_t crypto_tests[] = {
{ "pk_fingerprints", test_crypto_pk_fingerprints, TT_FORK, NULL, NULL },
+ CRYPTO_LEGACY(s2k_rfc2440),
+ { "s2k_scrypt", test_crypto_s2k_general, 0, &pass_data,
+ (void*)"scrypt" },
+ { "s2k_scrypt_low", test_crypto_s2k_general, 0, &pass_data,
+ (void*)"scrypt-low" },
+ { "s2k_pbkdf2", test_crypto_s2k_general, 0, &pass_data,
+ (void*)"pbkdf2" },
+ { "s2k_rfc2440_general", test_crypto_s2k_general, 0, &pass_data,
+ (void*)"rfc2440" },
+ { "s2k_rfc2440_legacy", test_crypto_s2k_general, 0, &pass_data,
+ (void*)"rfc2440-legacy" },
+ { "s2k_errors", test_crypto_s2k_errors, 0, NULL, NULL },
+ { "scrypt_vectors", test_crypto_scrypt_vectors, 0, NULL, NULL },
+ { "pbkdf2_vectors", test_crypto_pbkdf2_vectors, 0, NULL, NULL },
+ { "pwbox", test_crypto_pwbox, 0, NULL, NULL },
{ "aes_iv_AES", test_crypto_aes_iv, TT_FORK, &pass_data, (void*)"aes" },
{ "aes_iv_EVP", test_crypto_aes_iv, TT_FORK, &pass_data, (void*)"evp" },
@@ -1300,6 +2031,12 @@ struct testcase_t crypto_tests[] = {
{ "curve25519_wrappers", test_crypto_curve25519_wrappers, 0, NULL, NULL },
{ "curve25519_encode", test_crypto_curve25519_encode, 0, NULL, NULL },
{ "curve25519_persist", test_crypto_curve25519_persist, 0, NULL, NULL },
+ { "ed25519_simple", test_crypto_ed25519_simple, 0, NULL, NULL },
+ { "ed25519_test_vectors", test_crypto_ed25519_test_vectors, 0, NULL, NULL },
+ { "ed25519_encode", test_crypto_ed25519_encode, 0, NULL, NULL },
+ { "ed25519_convert", test_crypto_ed25519_convert, 0, NULL, NULL },
+ { "ed25519_blinding", test_crypto_ed25519_blinding, 0, NULL, NULL },
+ { "ed25519_testvectors", test_crypto_ed25519_testvectors, 0, NULL, NULL },
{ "siphash", test_crypto_siphash, 0, NULL, NULL },
diff --git a/src/test/test_dir.c b/src/test/test_dir.c
index c5eee46979..e03efbeff5 100644
--- a/src/test/test_dir.c
+++ b/src/test/test_dir.c
@@ -25,55 +25,56 @@
#include "test.h"
static void
+test_dir_nicknames(void *arg)
- test_assert( is_legal_nickname("a"));
- test_assert(!is_legal_nickname(""));
- test_assert(!is_legal_nickname("abcdefghijklmnopqrst")); /* 20 chars */
- test_assert(!is_legal_nickname("hyphen-")); /* bad char */
- test_assert( is_legal_nickname("abcdefghijklmnopqrs")); /* 19 chars */
- test_assert(!is_legal_nickname("$AAAAAAAA01234AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"));
+ (void)arg;
+ tt_assert( is_legal_nickname("a"));
+ tt_assert(!is_legal_nickname(""));
+ tt_assert(!is_legal_nickname("abcdefghijklmnopqrst")); /* 20 chars */
+ tt_assert(!is_legal_nickname("hyphen-")); /* bad char */
+ tt_assert( is_legal_nickname("abcdefghijklmnopqrs")); /* 19 chars */
+ tt_assert(!is_legal_nickname("$AAAAAAAA01234AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"));
/* valid */
- test_assert( is_legal_nickname_or_hexdigest(
+ tt_assert( is_legal_nickname_or_hexdigest(
- test_assert( is_legal_nickname_or_hexdigest(
+ tt_assert( is_legal_nickname_or_hexdigest(
- test_assert( is_legal_nickname_or_hexdigest(
+ tt_assert( is_legal_nickname_or_hexdigest(
/* too short */
- test_assert(!is_legal_nickname_or_hexdigest(
+ tt_assert(!is_legal_nickname_or_hexdigest(
/* illegal char */
- test_assert(!is_legal_nickname_or_hexdigest(
+ tt_assert(!is_legal_nickname_or_hexdigest(
/* hex part too long */
- test_assert(!is_legal_nickname_or_hexdigest(
+ tt_assert(!is_legal_nickname_or_hexdigest(
- test_assert(!is_legal_nickname_or_hexdigest(
+ tt_assert(!is_legal_nickname_or_hexdigest(
/* Bad nickname */
- test_assert(!is_legal_nickname_or_hexdigest(
+ tt_assert(!is_legal_nickname_or_hexdigest(
- test_assert(!is_legal_nickname_or_hexdigest(
+ tt_assert(!is_legal_nickname_or_hexdigest(
- test_assert(!is_legal_nickname_or_hexdigest(
+ tt_assert(!is_legal_nickname_or_hexdigest(
- test_assert(!is_legal_nickname_or_hexdigest(
+ tt_assert(!is_legal_nickname_or_hexdigest(
/* Bad extra char. */
- test_assert(!is_legal_nickname_or_hexdigest(
+ tt_assert(!is_legal_nickname_or_hexdigest(
- test_assert(is_legal_nickname_or_hexdigest("xyzzy"));
- test_assert(is_legal_nickname_or_hexdigest("abcdefghijklmnopqrs"));
- test_assert(!is_legal_nickname_or_hexdigest("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"));
+ tt_assert(is_legal_nickname_or_hexdigest("xyzzy"));
+ tt_assert(is_legal_nickname_or_hexdigest("abcdefghijklmnopqrs"));
+ tt_assert(!is_legal_nickname_or_hexdigest("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"));
/** Run unit tests for router descriptor generation logic. */
static void
+test_dir_formats(void *arg)
char *buf = NULL;
char buf2[8192];
@@ -89,10 +90,11 @@ test_dir_formats(void)
or_options_t *options = get_options_mutable();
const addr_policy_t *p;
+ (void)arg;
pk1 = pk_generate(0);
pk2 = pk_generate(1);
- test_assert(pk1 && pk2);
+ tt_assert(pk1 && pk2);
@@ -140,9 +142,9 @@ test_dir_formats(void)
smartlist_add(r2->exit_policy, ex2);
r2->nickname = tor_strdup("Fred");
- test_assert(!crypto_pk_write_public_key_to_string(pk1, &pk1_str,
+ tt_assert(!crypto_pk_write_public_key_to_string(pk1, &pk1_str,
- test_assert(!crypto_pk_write_public_key_to_string(pk2 , &pk2_str,
+ tt_assert(!crypto_pk_write_public_key_to_string(pk2 , &pk2_str,
/* XXXX025 router_dump_to_string should really take this from ri.*/
@@ -150,7 +152,7 @@ test_dir_formats(void)
buf = router_dump_router_to_string(r1, pk2);
- test_assert(buf);
+ tt_assert(buf);
strlcpy(buf2, "router Magri 9000 0 9003\n"
"or-address [1:2:3:4::]:9999\n"
@@ -160,7 +162,7 @@ test_dir_formats(void)
"protocols Link 1 2 Circuit 1\n"
"published 1970-01-01 00:00:00\n"
"fingerprint ", sizeof(buf2));
- test_assert(!crypto_pk_get_fingerprint(pk2, fingerprint, 1));
+ tt_assert(!crypto_pk_get_fingerprint(pk2, fingerprint, 1));
strlcat(buf2, fingerprint, sizeof(buf2));
strlcat(buf2, "\nuptime 0\n"
/* XXX the "0" above is hard-coded, but even if we made it reflect
@@ -178,23 +180,23 @@ test_dir_formats(void)
buf[strlen(buf2)] = '\0'; /* Don't compare the sig; it's never the same
* twice */
- test_streq(buf, buf2);
+ tt_str_op(buf,==, buf2);
buf = router_dump_router_to_string(r1, pk2);
- test_assert(buf);
+ tt_assert(buf);
cp = buf;
- rp1 = router_parse_entry_from_string((const char*)cp,NULL,1,0,NULL);
- test_assert(rp1);
- test_eq(rp1->addr, r1->addr);
- test_eq(rp1->or_port, r1->or_port);
+ rp1 = router_parse_entry_from_string((const char*)cp,NULL,1,0,NULL,NULL);
+ tt_assert(rp1);
+ tt_int_op(rp1->addr,==, r1->addr);
+ tt_int_op(rp1->or_port,==, r1->or_port);
//test_eq(rp1->dir_port, r1->dir_port);
- test_eq(rp1->bandwidthrate, r1->bandwidthrate);
- test_eq(rp1->bandwidthburst, r1->bandwidthburst);
- test_eq(rp1->bandwidthcapacity, r1->bandwidthcapacity);
- test_assert(crypto_pk_cmp_keys(rp1->onion_pkey, pk1) == 0);
- test_assert(crypto_pk_cmp_keys(rp1->identity_pkey, pk2) == 0);
- //test_assert(rp1->exit_policy == NULL);
+ tt_int_op(rp1->bandwidthrate,==, r1->bandwidthrate);
+ tt_int_op(rp1->bandwidthburst,==, r1->bandwidthburst);
+ tt_int_op(rp1->bandwidthcapacity,==, r1->bandwidthcapacity);
+ tt_assert(crypto_pk_cmp_keys(rp1->onion_pkey, pk1) == 0);
+ tt_assert(crypto_pk_cmp_keys(rp1->identity_pkey, pk2) == 0);
+ //tt_assert(rp1->exit_policy == NULL);
@@ -205,7 +207,7 @@ test_dir_formats(void)
"protocols Link 1 2 Circuit 1\n"
"published 1970-01-01 00:00:05\n"
"fingerprint ", sizeof(buf2));
- test_assert(!crypto_pk_get_fingerprint(pk1, fingerprint, 1));
+ tt_assert(!crypto_pk_get_fingerprint(pk1, fingerprint, 1));
strlcat(buf2, fingerprint, sizeof(buf2));
strlcat(buf2, "\nuptime 0\n"
"bandwidth 3000 3000 3000\n", sizeof(buf2));
@@ -224,42 +226,42 @@ test_dir_formats(void)
buf = router_dump_router_to_string(r2, pk1);
buf[strlen(buf2)] = '\0'; /* Don't compare the sig; it's never the same
* twice */
- test_streq(buf, buf2);
+ tt_str_op(buf,==, buf2);
buf = router_dump_router_to_string(r2, pk1);
cp = buf;
- rp2 = router_parse_entry_from_string((const char*)cp,NULL,1,0,NULL);
- test_assert(rp2);
- test_eq(rp2->addr, r2->addr);
- test_eq(rp2->or_port, r2->or_port);
- test_eq(rp2->dir_port, r2->dir_port);
- test_eq(rp2->bandwidthrate, r2->bandwidthrate);
- test_eq(rp2->bandwidthburst, r2->bandwidthburst);
- test_eq(rp2->bandwidthcapacity, r2->bandwidthcapacity);
+ rp2 = router_parse_entry_from_string((const char*)cp,NULL,1,0,NULL,NULL);
+ tt_assert(rp2);
+ tt_int_op(rp2->addr,==, r2->addr);
+ tt_int_op(rp2->or_port,==, r2->or_port);
+ tt_int_op(rp2->dir_port,==, r2->dir_port);
+ tt_int_op(rp2->bandwidthrate,==, r2->bandwidthrate);
+ tt_int_op(rp2->bandwidthburst,==, r2->bandwidthburst);
+ tt_int_op(rp2->bandwidthcapacity,==, r2->bandwidthcapacity);
#ifdef CURVE25519_ENABLED
- test_memeq(rp2->onion_curve25519_pkey->public_key,
+ tt_mem_op(rp2->onion_curve25519_pkey->public_key,==,
- test_assert(crypto_pk_cmp_keys(rp2->onion_pkey, pk2) == 0);
- test_assert(crypto_pk_cmp_keys(rp2->identity_pkey, pk1) == 0);
+ tt_assert(crypto_pk_cmp_keys(rp2->onion_pkey, pk2) == 0);
+ tt_assert(crypto_pk_cmp_keys(rp2->identity_pkey, pk1) == 0);
- test_eq(smartlist_len(rp2->exit_policy), 2);
+ tt_int_op(smartlist_len(rp2->exit_policy),==, 2);
p = smartlist_get(rp2->exit_policy, 0);
- test_eq(p->policy_type, ADDR_POLICY_ACCEPT);
- test_assert(tor_addr_is_null(&p->addr));
- test_eq(p->maskbits, 0);
- test_eq(p->prt_min, 80);
- test_eq(p->prt_max, 80);
+ tt_int_op(p->policy_type,==, ADDR_POLICY_ACCEPT);
+ tt_assert(tor_addr_is_null(&p->addr));
+ tt_int_op(p->maskbits,==, 0);
+ tt_int_op(p->prt_min,==, 80);
+ tt_int_op(p->prt_max,==, 80);
p = smartlist_get(rp2->exit_policy, 1);
- test_eq(p->policy_type, ADDR_POLICY_REJECT);
- test_assert(tor_addr_eq(&p->addr, &ex2->addr));
- test_eq(p->maskbits, 8);
- test_eq(p->prt_min, 24);
- test_eq(p->prt_max, 24);
+ tt_int_op(p->policy_type,==, ADDR_POLICY_REJECT);
+ tt_assert(tor_addr_eq(&p->addr, &ex2->addr));
+ tt_int_op(p->maskbits,==, 8);
+ tt_int_op(p->prt_min,==, 24);
+ tt_int_op(p->prt_max,==, 24);
#if 0
/* Okay, now for the directories. */
@@ -292,50 +294,551 @@ test_dir_formats(void)
tor_free(dir2); /* And more !*/
+#include ""
+static void
+test_dir_routerparse_bad(void *arg)
+ (void) arg;
+ int again;
+ routerinfo_t *ri = NULL;
+#define CHECK_OK(s) \
+ do { \
+ routerinfo_free(ri); \
+ ri = router_parse_entry_from_string((s), NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL); \
+ tt_assert(ri); \
+ } while (0)
+#define CHECK_FAIL(s, againval) \
+ do { \
+ routerinfo_free(ri); \
+ again = 999; \
+ ri = router_parse_entry_from_string((s), NULL, 0, 0, NULL, &again); \
+ tt_assert(ri == NULL); \
+ tt_int_op(again, ==, (againval)); \
+ } while (0)
+ /* good annotations prepended */
+ routerinfo_free(ri);
+ ri = router_parse_entry_from_string(EX_RI_MINIMAL, NULL, 0, 0,
+ "@purpose bridge\n", NULL);
+ tt_assert(ri != NULL);
+ tt_assert(ri->purpose == ROUTER_PURPOSE_BRIDGE);
+ routerinfo_free(ri);
+ /* bad annotations prepended. */
+ ri = router_parse_entry_from_string(EX_RI_MINIMAL,
+ NULL, 0, 0, "@purpose\n", NULL);
+ tt_assert(ri == NULL);
+ /* bad annotations on router. */
+ ri = router_parse_entry_from_string("@purpose\nrouter x\n", NULL, 0, 1,
+ tt_assert(ri == NULL);
+ /* unwanted annotations on router. */
+ ri = router_parse_entry_from_string("@purpose foo\nrouter x\n", NULL, 0, 0,
+ tt_assert(ri == NULL);
+ /* No signature. */
+ ri = router_parse_entry_from_string("router x\n", NULL, 0, 0,
+ tt_assert(ri == NULL);
+ /* Not a router */
+ routerinfo_free(ri);
+ ri = router_parse_entry_from_string("hello\n", NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL);
+ tt_assert(ri == NULL);
+ /* This is allowed; we just ignore it. */
+#undef CHECK_FAIL
+#undef CHECK_OK
+ done:
+ routerinfo_free(ri);
+#include ""
+static void
+test_dir_extrainfo_parsing(void *arg)
+ (void) arg;
+#define CHECK_OK(s) \
+ do { \
+ extrainfo_free(ei); \
+ ei = extrainfo_parse_entry_from_string((s), NULL, 0, map, NULL); \
+ tt_assert(ei); \
+ } while (0)
+#define CHECK_FAIL(s, againval) \
+ do { \
+ extrainfo_free(ei); \
+ again = 999; \
+ ei = extrainfo_parse_entry_from_string((s), NULL, 0, map, &again); \
+ tt_assert(ei == NULL); \
+ tt_int_op(again, ==, (againval)); \
+ } while (0)
+#define ADD(name) \
+ do { \
+ ri = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(routerinfo_t)); \
+ crypto_pk_t *pk = ri->identity_pkey = crypto_pk_new(); \
+ tt_assert(! crypto_pk_read_public_key_from_string(pk, \
+ name##_KEY, strlen(name##_KEY))); \
+ tt_int_op(0,==,base16_decode(d, 20, name##_FP, strlen(name##_FP))); \
+ digestmap_set((digestmap_t*)map, d, ri); \
+ ri = NULL; \
+ } while (0)
+ routerinfo_t *ri = NULL;
+ char d[20];
+ struct digest_ri_map_t *map = NULL;
+ extrainfo_t *ei = NULL;
+ int again;
+ tt_assert(ei->pending_sig);
+ tt_assert(ei->pending_sig);
+ map = (struct digest_ri_map_t *)digestmap_new();
+ tt_assert(!ei->pending_sig);
+ tt_assert(!ei->pending_sig);
+#undef CHECK_OK
+#undef CHECK_FAIL
+ done:
+ routerinfo_free(ri);
+ /* XXXX elements should get freed too */
+ digestmap_free((digestmap_t*)map, NULL);
+static void
+test_dir_parse_router_list(void *arg)
+ (void) arg;
+ smartlist_t *invalid = smartlist_new();
+ smartlist_t *dest = smartlist_new();
+ smartlist_t *chunks = smartlist_new();
+ int dest_has_ri = 1;
+ char *list = NULL;
+ const char *cp;
+ digestmap_t *map = NULL;
+ char *mem_op_hex_tmp = NULL;
+ routerinfo_t *ri = NULL;
+ char d[DIGEST_LEN];
+ smartlist_add(chunks, tor_strdup(EX_RI_MINIMAL)); // ri 0
+ smartlist_add(chunks, tor_strdup(EX_RI_BAD_PORTS)); // bad ri 0
+ smartlist_add(chunks, tor_strdup(EX_EI_MAXIMAL)); // ei 0
+ smartlist_add(chunks, tor_strdup(EX_EI_BAD_SIG2)); // bad ei --
+ smartlist_add(chunks, tor_strdup(EX_EI_BAD_NICKNAME));// bad ei 0
+ smartlist_add(chunks, tor_strdup(EX_RI_BAD_SIG1)); // bad ri --
+ smartlist_add(chunks, tor_strdup(EX_EI_BAD_PUBLISHED)); // bad ei 1
+ smartlist_add(chunks, tor_strdup(EX_RI_MAXIMAL)); // ri 1
+ smartlist_add(chunks, tor_strdup(EX_RI_BAD_FAMILY)); // bad ri 1
+ smartlist_add(chunks, tor_strdup(EX_EI_MINIMAL)); // ei 1
+ list = smartlist_join_strings(chunks, "", 0, NULL);
+ /* First, parse the routers. */
+ cp = list;
+ tt_int_op(0,==,
+ router_parse_list_from_string(&cp, NULL, dest, SAVED_NOWHERE,
+ 0, 0, NULL, invalid));
+ tt_int_op(2, ==, smartlist_len(dest));
+ tt_ptr_op(cp, ==, list + strlen(list));
+ routerinfo_t *r = smartlist_get(dest, 0);
+ tt_mem_op(r->cache_info.signed_descriptor_body, ==,
+ r = smartlist_get(dest, 1);
+ tt_mem_op(r->cache_info.signed_descriptor_body, ==,
+ tt_int_op(2, ==, smartlist_len(invalid));
+ test_memeq_hex(smartlist_get(invalid, 0),
+ "ab9eeaa95e7d45740185b4e519c76ead756277a9");
+ test_memeq_hex(smartlist_get(invalid, 1),
+ "9a651ee03b64325959e8f1b46f2b689b30750b4c");
+ /* Now tidy up */
+ SMARTLIST_FOREACH(dest, routerinfo_t *, ri, routerinfo_free(ri));
+ SMARTLIST_FOREACH(invalid, uint8_t *, d, tor_free(d));
+ smartlist_clear(dest);
+ smartlist_clear(invalid);
+ /* And check extrainfos. */
+ dest_has_ri = 0;
+ map = (digestmap_t*)router_get_routerlist()->identity_map;
+ cp = list;
+ tt_int_op(0,==,
+ router_parse_list_from_string(&cp, NULL, dest, SAVED_NOWHERE,
+ 1, 0, NULL, invalid));
+ tt_int_op(2, ==, smartlist_len(dest));
+ extrainfo_t *e = smartlist_get(dest, 0);
+ tt_mem_op(e->cache_info.signed_descriptor_body, ==,
+ e = smartlist_get(dest, 1);
+ tt_mem_op(e->cache_info.signed_descriptor_body, ==,
+ tt_int_op(2, ==, smartlist_len(invalid));
+ test_memeq_hex(smartlist_get(invalid, 0),
+ "d5df4aa62ee9ffc9543d41150c9864908e0390af");
+ test_memeq_hex(smartlist_get(invalid, 1),
+ "f61efd2a7f4531f3687a9043e0de90a862ec64ba");
+ done:
+ tor_free(list);
+ if (dest_has_ri)
+ SMARTLIST_FOREACH(dest, routerinfo_t *, rt, routerinfo_free(rt));
+ else
+ SMARTLIST_FOREACH(dest, extrainfo_t *, ei, extrainfo_free(ei));
+ smartlist_free(dest);
+ SMARTLIST_FOREACH(invalid, uint8_t *, d, tor_free(d));
+ smartlist_free(invalid);
+ SMARTLIST_FOREACH(chunks, char *, cp, tor_free(cp));
+ smartlist_free(chunks);
+ routerinfo_free(ri);
+ /* XXXX this leaks: */
+ if (map) {
+ digestmap_free((digestmap_t*)map, NULL);
+ router_get_routerlist()->identity_map =
+ (struct digest_ri_map_t*)digestmap_new();
+ }
+ tor_free(mem_op_hex_tmp);
+#undef ADD
+static download_status_t dls_minimal;
+static download_status_t dls_maximal;
+static download_status_t dls_bad_fingerprint;
+static download_status_t dls_bad_sig2;
+static download_status_t dls_bad_ports;
+static download_status_t dls_bad_tokens;
+static int mock_router_get_dl_status_unrecognized = 0;
+static int mock_router_get_dl_status_calls = 0;
+static download_status_t *
+mock_router_get_dl_status(const char *d)
+ ++mock_router_get_dl_status_calls;
+ char hex[HEX_DIGEST_LEN+1];
+ base16_encode(hex, sizeof(hex), d, DIGEST_LEN);
+ if (!strcmp(hex, "3E31D19A69EB719C00B02EC60D13356E3F7A3452")) {
+ return &dls_minimal;
+ } else if (!strcmp(hex, "581D8A368A0FA854ECDBFAB841D88B3F1B004038")) {
+ return &dls_maximal;
+ } else if (!strcmp(hex, "2578AE227C6116CDE29B3F0E95709B9872DEE5F1")) {
+ return &dls_bad_fingerprint;
+ } else if (!strcmp(hex, "16D387D3A58F7DB3CF46638F8D0B90C45C7D769C")) {
+ return &dls_bad_sig2;
+ } else if (!strcmp(hex, "AB9EEAA95E7D45740185B4E519C76EAD756277A9")) {
+ return &dls_bad_ports;
+ } else if (!strcmp(hex, "A0CC2CEFAD59DBF19F468BFEE60E0868C804B422")) {
+ return &dls_bad_tokens;
+ } else {
+ ++mock_router_get_dl_status_unrecognized;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+static void
+test_dir_load_routers(void *arg)
+ (void) arg;
+ smartlist_t *chunks = smartlist_new();
+ smartlist_t *wanted = smartlist_new();
+ char buf[DIGEST_LEN];
+ char *mem_op_hex_tmp = NULL;
+#define ADD(str) \
+ do { \
+ tt_int_op(0,==,router_get_router_hash(str, strlen(str), buf)); \
+ smartlist_add(wanted, tor_strdup(hex_str(buf, DIGEST_LEN))); \
+ } while (0)
+ MOCK(router_get_dl_status_by_descriptor_digest, mock_router_get_dl_status);
+ update_approx_time(1412510400);
+ smartlist_add(chunks, tor_strdup(EX_RI_MINIMAL));
+ smartlist_add(chunks, tor_strdup(EX_RI_BAD_FINGERPRINT));
+ smartlist_add(chunks, tor_strdup(EX_RI_BAD_SIG2));
+ smartlist_add(chunks, tor_strdup(EX_RI_MAXIMAL));
+ smartlist_add(chunks, tor_strdup(EX_RI_BAD_PORTS));
+ smartlist_add(chunks, tor_strdup(EX_RI_BAD_TOKENS));
+ /* not ADDing MINIMIAL */
+ /* Not ADDing BAD_PORTS */
+ char *list = smartlist_join_strings(chunks, "", 0, NULL);
+ tt_int_op(1, ==,
+ router_load_routers_from_string(list, NULL, SAVED_IN_JOURNAL,
+ wanted, 1, NULL));
+ /* The "maximal" router was added. */
+ /* "minimal" was not. */
+ tt_int_op(smartlist_len(router_get_routerlist()->routers),==,1);
+ routerinfo_t *r = smartlist_get(router_get_routerlist()->routers, 0);
+ test_memeq_hex(r->cache_info.signed_descriptor_digest,
+ "581D8A368A0FA854ECDBFAB841D88B3F1B004038");
+ tt_int_op(dls_minimal.n_download_failures, ==, 0);
+ tt_int_op(dls_maximal.n_download_failures, ==, 0);
+ /* "Bad fingerprint" and "Bad tokens" should have gotten marked
+ * non-retriable. */
+ tt_want_int_op(mock_router_get_dl_status_calls, ==, 2);
+ tt_want_int_op(mock_router_get_dl_status_unrecognized, ==, 0);
+ tt_int_op(dls_bad_fingerprint.n_download_failures, ==, 255);
+ tt_int_op(dls_bad_tokens.n_download_failures, ==, 255);
+ /* bad_sig2 and bad ports" are retriable -- one since only the signature
+ * was bad, and one because we didn't ask for it. */
+ tt_int_op(dls_bad_sig2.n_download_failures, ==, 0);
+ tt_int_op(dls_bad_ports.n_download_failures, ==, 0);
+ /* Wanted still contains "BAD_SIG2" */
+ tt_int_op(smartlist_len(wanted), ==, 1);
+ tt_str_op(smartlist_get(wanted, 0), ==,
+ "E0A3753CEFD54128EAB239F294954121DB23D2EF");
+#undef ADD
+ done:
+ tor_free(mem_op_hex_tmp);
+ UNMOCK(router_get_dl_status_by_descriptor_digest);
+ SMARTLIST_FOREACH(chunks, char *, cp, tor_free(cp));
+ smartlist_free(chunks);
+ SMARTLIST_FOREACH(wanted, char *, cp, tor_free(cp));
+ smartlist_free(wanted);
+static int mock_get_by_ei_dd_calls = 0;
+static int mock_get_by_ei_dd_unrecognized = 0;
+static signed_descriptor_t sd_ei_minimal;
+static signed_descriptor_t sd_ei_bad_nickname;
+static signed_descriptor_t sd_ei_maximal;
+static signed_descriptor_t sd_ei_bad_tokens;
+static signed_descriptor_t sd_ei_bad_sig2;
+static signed_descriptor_t *
+mock_get_by_ei_desc_digest(const char *d)
+ ++mock_get_by_ei_dd_calls;
+ char hex[HEX_DIGEST_LEN+1];
+ base16_encode(hex, sizeof(hex), d, DIGEST_LEN);
+ if (!strcmp(hex, "11E0EDF526950739F7769810FCACAB8C882FAEEE")) {
+ return &sd_ei_minimal;
+ } else if (!strcmp(hex, "47803B02A0E70E9E8BDA226CB1D74DE354D67DFF")) {
+ return &sd_ei_maximal;
+ } else if (!strcmp(hex, "D5DF4AA62EE9FFC9543D41150C9864908E0390AF")) {
+ return &sd_ei_bad_nickname;
+ } else if (!strcmp(hex, "16D387D3A58F7DB3CF46638F8D0B90C45C7D769C")) {
+ return &sd_ei_bad_sig2;
+ } else if (!strcmp(hex, "9D90F8C42955BBC57D54FB05E54A3F083AF42E8B")) {
+ return &sd_ei_bad_tokens;
+ } else {
+ ++mock_get_by_ei_dd_unrecognized;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+static smartlist_t *mock_ei_insert_list = NULL;
+static was_router_added_t
+mock_ei_insert(routerlist_t *rl, extrainfo_t *ei)
+ (void) rl;
+ smartlist_add(mock_ei_insert_list, ei);
static void
+test_dir_load_extrainfo(void *arg)
+ (void) arg;
+ smartlist_t *chunks = smartlist_new();
+ smartlist_t *wanted = smartlist_new();
+ char buf[DIGEST_LEN];
+ char *mem_op_hex_tmp = NULL;
+#define ADD(str) \
+ do { \
+ tt_int_op(0,==,router_get_extrainfo_hash(str, strlen(str), buf)); \
+ smartlist_add(wanted, tor_strdup(hex_str(buf, DIGEST_LEN))); \
+ } while (0)
+ mock_ei_insert_list = smartlist_new();
+ MOCK(router_get_by_extrainfo_digest, mock_get_by_ei_desc_digest);
+ MOCK(extrainfo_insert, mock_ei_insert);
+ smartlist_add(chunks, tor_strdup(EX_EI_MINIMAL));
+ smartlist_add(chunks, tor_strdup(EX_EI_BAD_NICKNAME));
+ smartlist_add(chunks, tor_strdup(EX_EI_MAXIMAL));
+ smartlist_add(chunks, tor_strdup(EX_EI_BAD_PUBLISHED));
+ smartlist_add(chunks, tor_strdup(EX_EI_BAD_TOKENS));
+ /* not ADDing MINIMIAL */
+ /* Not ADDing BAD_PUBLISHED */
+ char *list = smartlist_join_strings(chunks, "", 0, NULL);
+ router_load_extrainfo_from_string(list, NULL, SAVED_IN_JOURNAL, wanted, 1);
+ /* The "maximal" router was added. */
+ /* "minimal" was also added, even though we didn't ask for it, since
+ * that's what we do with extrainfos. */
+ tt_int_op(smartlist_len(mock_ei_insert_list),==,2);
+ extrainfo_t *e = smartlist_get(mock_ei_insert_list, 0);
+ test_memeq_hex(e->cache_info.signed_descriptor_digest,
+ "11E0EDF526950739F7769810FCACAB8C882FAEEE");
+ e = smartlist_get(mock_ei_insert_list, 1);
+ test_memeq_hex(e->cache_info.signed_descriptor_digest,
+ "47803B02A0E70E9E8BDA226CB1D74DE354D67DFF");
+ tt_int_op(dls_minimal.n_download_failures, ==, 0);
+ tt_int_op(dls_maximal.n_download_failures, ==, 0);
+ /* "Bad nickname" and "Bad tokens" should have gotten marked
+ * non-retriable. */
+ tt_want_int_op(mock_get_by_ei_dd_calls, ==, 2);
+ tt_want_int_op(mock_get_by_ei_dd_unrecognized, ==, 0);
+ tt_int_op(sd_ei_bad_nickname.ei_dl_status.n_download_failures, ==, 255);
+ tt_int_op(sd_ei_bad_tokens.ei_dl_status.n_download_failures, ==, 255);
+ /* bad_ports is retriable -- because we didn't ask for it. */
+ tt_int_op(dls_bad_ports.n_download_failures, ==, 0);
+ /* Wanted still contains "BAD_SIG2" */
+ tt_int_op(smartlist_len(wanted), ==, 1);
+ tt_str_op(smartlist_get(wanted, 0), ==,
+ "16D387D3A58F7DB3CF46638F8D0B90C45C7D769C");
+#undef ADD
+ done:
+ tor_free(mem_op_hex_tmp);
+ UNMOCK(router_get_by_extrainfo_digest);
+ SMARTLIST_FOREACH(chunks, char *, cp, tor_free(cp));
+ smartlist_free(chunks);
+ SMARTLIST_FOREACH(wanted, char *, cp, tor_free(cp));
+ smartlist_free(wanted);
+static void
+test_dir_versions(void *arg)
tor_version_t ver1;
/* Try out version parsing functionality */
- test_eq(0, tor_version_parse("0.3.4pre2-cvs", &ver1));
- test_eq(0, ver1.major);
- test_eq(3, ver1.minor);
- test_eq(4, ver1.micro);
- test_eq(VER_PRE, ver1.status);
- test_eq(2, ver1.patchlevel);
- test_eq(0, tor_version_parse("0.3.4rc1", &ver1));
- test_eq(0, ver1.major);
- test_eq(3, ver1.minor);
- test_eq(4, ver1.micro);
- test_eq(VER_RC, ver1.status);
- test_eq(1, ver1.patchlevel);
- test_eq(0, tor_version_parse("1.3.4", &ver1));
- test_eq(1, ver1.major);
- test_eq(3, ver1.minor);
- test_eq(4, ver1.micro);
- test_eq(VER_RELEASE, ver1.status);
- test_eq(0, ver1.patchlevel);
- test_eq(0, tor_version_parse("", &ver1));
- test_eq(1, ver1.major);
- test_eq(3, ver1.minor);
- test_eq(4, ver1.micro);
- test_eq(VER_RELEASE, ver1.status);
- test_eq(999, ver1.patchlevel);
- test_eq(0, tor_version_parse("", &ver1));
- test_eq(0, ver1.major);
- test_eq(1, ver1.minor);
- test_eq(2, ver1.micro);
- test_eq(4, ver1.patchlevel);
- test_eq(VER_RELEASE, ver1.status);
- test_streq("alpha", ver1.status_tag);
- test_eq(0, tor_version_parse("", &ver1));
- test_eq(0, ver1.major);
- test_eq(1, ver1.minor);
- test_eq(2, ver1.micro);
- test_eq(4, ver1.patchlevel);
- test_eq(VER_RELEASE, ver1.status);
- test_streq("", ver1.status_tag);
+ (void)arg;
+ tt_int_op(0,==, tor_version_parse("0.3.4pre2-cvs", &ver1));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, ver1.major);
+ tt_int_op(3,==, ver1.minor);
+ tt_int_op(4,==, ver1.micro);
+ tt_int_op(VER_PRE,==, ver1.status);
+ tt_int_op(2,==, ver1.patchlevel);
+ tt_int_op(0,==, tor_version_parse("0.3.4rc1", &ver1));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, ver1.major);
+ tt_int_op(3,==, ver1.minor);
+ tt_int_op(4,==, ver1.micro);
+ tt_int_op(VER_RC,==, ver1.status);
+ tt_int_op(1,==, ver1.patchlevel);
+ tt_int_op(0,==, tor_version_parse("1.3.4", &ver1));
+ tt_int_op(1,==, ver1.major);
+ tt_int_op(3,==, ver1.minor);
+ tt_int_op(4,==, ver1.micro);
+ tt_int_op(VER_RELEASE,==, ver1.status);
+ tt_int_op(0,==, ver1.patchlevel);
+ tt_int_op(0,==, tor_version_parse("", &ver1));
+ tt_int_op(1,==, ver1.major);
+ tt_int_op(3,==, ver1.minor);
+ tt_int_op(4,==, ver1.micro);
+ tt_int_op(VER_RELEASE,==, ver1.status);
+ tt_int_op(999,==, ver1.patchlevel);
+ tt_int_op(0,==, tor_version_parse("", &ver1));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, ver1.major);
+ tt_int_op(1,==, ver1.minor);
+ tt_int_op(2,==, ver1.micro);
+ tt_int_op(4,==, ver1.patchlevel);
+ tt_int_op(VER_RELEASE,==, ver1.status);
+ tt_str_op("alpha",==, ver1.status_tag);
+ tt_int_op(0,==, tor_version_parse("", &ver1));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, ver1.major);
+ tt_int_op(1,==, ver1.minor);
+ tt_int_op(2,==, ver1.micro);
+ tt_int_op(4,==, ver1.patchlevel);
+ tt_int_op(VER_RELEASE,==, ver1.status);
+ tt_str_op("",==, ver1.status_tag);
#define tt_versionstatus_op(vs1, op, vs2) \
tt_assert_test_type(vs1,vs2,#vs1" "#op" "#vs2,version_status_t, \
@@ -368,53 +871,54 @@ test_dir_versions(void)
/* On list, not newer than any on same series. */
"", "Tor,Tor,Tor");
- test_eq(0, tor_version_as_new_as("Tor 0.0.5", "0.0.9pre1-cvs"));
- test_eq(1, tor_version_as_new_as(
+ tt_int_op(0,==, tor_version_as_new_as("Tor 0.0.5", "0.0.9pre1-cvs"));
+ tt_int_op(1,==, tor_version_as_new_as(
"Tor 0.0.8 on Darwin 64-121-192-100.c3-0."
" Power Macintosh",
- test_eq(0, tor_version_as_new_as(
+ tt_int_op(0,==, tor_version_as_new_as(
"Tor 0.0.8 on Darwin 64-121-192-100.c3-0."
" Power Macintosh", ""));
/* Now try svn revisions. */
- test_eq(1, tor_version_as_new_as("Tor (r100)",
+ tt_int_op(1,==, tor_version_as_new_as("Tor (r100)",
"Tor (r99)"));
- test_eq(1, tor_version_as_new_as("Tor (r100) on Banana Jr",
+ tt_int_op(1,==, tor_version_as_new_as("Tor (r100) on Banana Jr",
"Tor (r99) on Hal 9000"));
- test_eq(1, tor_version_as_new_as("Tor (r100)",
+ tt_int_op(1,==, tor_version_as_new_as("Tor (r100)",
"Tor on Colossus"));
- test_eq(0, tor_version_as_new_as("Tor (r99)",
+ tt_int_op(0,==, tor_version_as_new_as("Tor (r99)",
"Tor (r100)"));
- test_eq(0, tor_version_as_new_as("Tor (r99) on MCP",
+ tt_int_op(0,==, tor_version_as_new_as("Tor (r99) on MCP",
"Tor (r100) on AM"));
- test_eq(0, tor_version_as_new_as("Tor",
+ tt_int_op(0,==, tor_version_as_new_as("Tor",
"Tor (r99)"));
- test_eq(1, tor_version_as_new_as("Tor",
+ tt_int_op(1,==, tor_version_as_new_as("Tor",
"Tor (r99)"));
/* Now try git revisions */
- test_eq(0, tor_version_parse(" (git-ff00ff)", &ver1));
- test_eq(0, ver1.major);
- test_eq(5, ver1.minor);
- test_eq(6, ver1.micro);
- test_eq(7, ver1.patchlevel);
- test_eq(3, ver1.git_tag_len);
- test_memeq(ver1.git_tag, "\xff\x00\xff", 3);
- test_eq(-1, tor_version_parse(" (git-ff00xx)", &ver1));
- test_eq(-1, tor_version_parse(" (git-ff00fff)", &ver1));
- test_eq(0, tor_version_parse(" (git ff00fff)", &ver1));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, tor_version_parse(" (git-ff00ff)", &ver1));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, ver1.major);
+ tt_int_op(5,==, ver1.minor);
+ tt_int_op(6,==, ver1.micro);
+ tt_int_op(7,==, ver1.patchlevel);
+ tt_int_op(3,==, ver1.git_tag_len);
+ tt_mem_op(ver1.git_tag,==, "\xff\x00\xff", 3);
+ tt_int_op(-1,==, tor_version_parse(" (git-ff00xx)", &ver1));
+ tt_int_op(-1,==, tor_version_parse(" (git-ff00fff)", &ver1));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, tor_version_parse(" (git ff00fff)", &ver1));
/** Run unit tests for directory fp_pair functions. */
static void
+test_dir_fp_pairs(void *arg)
smartlist_t *sl = smartlist_new();
fp_pair_t *pair;
+ (void)arg;
/* Two pairs, out of order, with one duplicate. */
@@ -424,13 +928,13 @@ test_dir_fp_pairs(void)
"676f6f6420666f7220686964696e6720796f7572.z", sl);
- test_eq(smartlist_len(sl), 2);
+ tt_int_op(smartlist_len(sl),==, 2);
pair = smartlist_get(sl, 0);
- test_memeq(pair->first, "Hexadecimal isn't so", DIGEST_LEN);
- test_memeq(pair->second, "good for hiding your", DIGEST_LEN);
+ tt_mem_op(pair->first,==, "Hexadecimal isn't so", DIGEST_LEN);
+ tt_mem_op(pair->second,==, "good for hiding your", DIGEST_LEN);
pair = smartlist_get(sl, 1);
- test_memeq(pair->first, "secret data.\0\0\0\0\0\xff\xff\xff", DIGEST_LEN);
- test_memeq(pair->second, "Use AES-256 instead.", DIGEST_LEN);
+ tt_mem_op(pair->first,==, "secret data.\0\0\0\0\0\xff\xff\xff", DIGEST_LEN);
+ tt_mem_op(pair->second,==, "Use AES-256 instead.", DIGEST_LEN);
SMARTLIST_FOREACH(sl, fp_pair_t *, pair, tor_free(pair));
@@ -557,7 +1061,7 @@ test_dir_split_fps(void *testdata)
static void
+test_dir_measured_bw_kb(void *arg)
measured_bw_line_t mbwl;
int i;
@@ -605,16 +1109,17 @@ test_dir_measured_bw_kb(void)
+ (void)arg;
for (i = 0; strcmp(lines_fail[i], "end"); i++) {
//fprintf(stderr, "Testing: %s\n", lines_fail[i]);
- test_assert(measured_bw_line_parse(&mbwl, lines_fail[i]) == -1);
+ tt_assert(measured_bw_line_parse(&mbwl, lines_fail[i]) == -1);
for (i = 0; strcmp(lines_pass[i], "end"); i++) {
//fprintf(stderr, "Testing: %s %d\n", lines_pass[i], TOR_ISSPACE('\n'));
- test_assert(measured_bw_line_parse(&mbwl, lines_pass[i]) == 0);
- test_assert(mbwl.bw_kb == 1024);
- test_assert(strcmp(mbwl.node_hex,
+ tt_assert(measured_bw_line_parse(&mbwl, lines_pass[i]) == 0);
+ tt_assert(mbwl.bw_kb == 1024);
+ tt_assert(strcmp(mbwl.node_hex,
"557365204145532d32353620696e73746561642e") == 0);
@@ -626,7 +1131,7 @@ test_dir_measured_bw_kb(void)
/** Do the measured bandwidth cache unit test */
static void
+test_dir_measured_bw_kb_cache(void *arg)
/* Initial fake time_t for testing */
time_t curr = MBWC_INIT_TIME;
@@ -637,8 +1142,9 @@ test_dir_measured_bw_kb_cache(void)
time_t as_of;
/* First, clear the cache and assert that it's empty */
+ (void)arg;
- test_eq(dirserv_get_measured_bw_cache_size(), 0);
+ tt_int_op(dirserv_get_measured_bw_cache_size(),==, 0);
* Set up test mbwls; none of the dirserv_cache_*() functions care about
* the node_hex field.
@@ -651,56 +1157,56 @@ test_dir_measured_bw_kb_cache(void)
mbwl[2].bw_kb = 80;
/* Try caching something */
dirserv_cache_measured_bw(&(mbwl[0]), curr);
- test_eq(dirserv_get_measured_bw_cache_size(), 1);
+ tt_int_op(dirserv_get_measured_bw_cache_size(),==, 1);
/* Okay, let's see if we can retrieve it */
- test_assert(dirserv_query_measured_bw_cache_kb(mbwl[0].node_id,&bw, &as_of));
- test_eq(bw, 20);
- test_eq(as_of, MBWC_INIT_TIME);
+ tt_assert(dirserv_query_measured_bw_cache_kb(mbwl[0].node_id,&bw, &as_of));
+ tt_int_op(bw,==, 20);
+ tt_int_op(as_of,==, MBWC_INIT_TIME);
/* Try retrieving it without some outputs */
- test_assert(dirserv_query_measured_bw_cache_kb(mbwl[0].node_id,NULL, NULL));
- test_assert(dirserv_query_measured_bw_cache_kb(mbwl[0].node_id,&bw, NULL));
- test_eq(bw, 20);
- test_assert(dirserv_query_measured_bw_cache_kb(mbwl[0].node_id,NULL,&as_of));
- test_eq(as_of, MBWC_INIT_TIME);
+ tt_assert(dirserv_query_measured_bw_cache_kb(mbwl[0].node_id,NULL, NULL));
+ tt_assert(dirserv_query_measured_bw_cache_kb(mbwl[0].node_id,&bw, NULL));
+ tt_int_op(bw,==, 20);
+ tt_assert(dirserv_query_measured_bw_cache_kb(mbwl[0].node_id,NULL,&as_of));
+ tt_int_op(as_of,==, MBWC_INIT_TIME);
/* Now expire it */
/* Check that the cache is empty */
- test_eq(dirserv_get_measured_bw_cache_size(), 0);
+ tt_int_op(dirserv_get_measured_bw_cache_size(),==, 0);
/* Check that we can't retrieve it */
- test_assert(!dirserv_query_measured_bw_cache_kb(mbwl[0].node_id, NULL,NULL));
+ tt_assert(!dirserv_query_measured_bw_cache_kb(mbwl[0].node_id, NULL,NULL));
/* Try caching a few things now */
dirserv_cache_measured_bw(&(mbwl[0]), curr);
- test_eq(dirserv_get_measured_bw_cache_size(), 1);
+ tt_int_op(dirserv_get_measured_bw_cache_size(),==, 1);
dirserv_cache_measured_bw(&(mbwl[1]), curr);
- test_eq(dirserv_get_measured_bw_cache_size(), 2);
+ tt_int_op(dirserv_get_measured_bw_cache_size(),==, 2);
dirserv_cache_measured_bw(&(mbwl[2]), curr);
- test_eq(dirserv_get_measured_bw_cache_size(), 3);
+ tt_int_op(dirserv_get_measured_bw_cache_size(),==, 3);
curr += MAX_MEASUREMENT_AGE / 4 + 1;
/* Do an expire that's too soon to get any of them */
- test_eq(dirserv_get_measured_bw_cache_size(), 3);
+ tt_int_op(dirserv_get_measured_bw_cache_size(),==, 3);
/* Push the oldest one off the cliff */
- test_eq(dirserv_get_measured_bw_cache_size(), 2);
+ tt_int_op(dirserv_get_measured_bw_cache_size(),==, 2);
/* And another... */
- test_eq(dirserv_get_measured_bw_cache_size(), 1);
+ tt_int_op(dirserv_get_measured_bw_cache_size(),==, 1);
/* This should empty it out again */
- test_eq(dirserv_get_measured_bw_cache_size(), 0);
+ tt_int_op(dirserv_get_measured_bw_cache_size(),==, 0);
static void
+test_dir_param_voting(void *arg)
networkstatus_t vote1, vote2, vote3, vote4;
smartlist_t *votes = smartlist_new();
@@ -709,6 +1215,7 @@ test_dir_param_voting(void)
/* dirvote_compute_params only looks at the net_params field of the votes,
so that's all we need to set.
+ (void)arg;
memset(&vote1, 0, sizeof(vote1));
memset(&vote2, 0, sizeof(vote2));
memset(&vote3, 0, sizeof(vote3));
@@ -725,11 +1232,11 @@ test_dir_param_voting(void)
"abcd=20 c=60 cw=500 x-yz=-9 zzzzz=101", NULL, 0, 0);
"ab=900 abcd=200 c=1 cw=51 x-yz=100", NULL, 0, 0);
- test_eq(100, networkstatus_get_param(&vote4, "x-yz", 50, 0, 300));
- test_eq(222, networkstatus_get_param(&vote4, "foobar", 222, 0, 300));
- test_eq(80, networkstatus_get_param(&vote4, "ab", 12, 0, 80));
- test_eq(-8, networkstatus_get_param(&vote4, "ab", -12, -100, -8));
- test_eq(0, networkstatus_get_param(&vote4, "foobar", 0, -100, 8));
+ tt_int_op(100,==, networkstatus_get_param(&vote4, "x-yz", 50, 0, 300));
+ tt_int_op(222,==, networkstatus_get_param(&vote4, "foobar", 222, 0, 300));
+ tt_int_op(80,==, networkstatus_get_param(&vote4, "ab", 12, 0, 80));
+ tt_int_op(-8,==, networkstatus_get_param(&vote4, "ab", -12, -100, -8));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, networkstatus_get_param(&vote4, "foobar", 0, -100, 8));
smartlist_add(votes, &vote1);
@@ -737,59 +1244,59 @@ test_dir_param_voting(void)
* networks without many dirauths. */
res = dirvote_compute_params(votes, 12, 2);
- test_streq(res, "");
+ tt_str_op(res,==, "");
res = dirvote_compute_params(votes, 12, 1);
- test_streq(res, "ab=90 abcd=20 cw=50 x-yz=-99");
+ tt_str_op(res,==, "ab=90 abcd=20 cw=50 x-yz=-99");
smartlist_add(votes, &vote2);
res = dirvote_compute_params(votes, 12, 2);
- test_streq(res, "ab=27 cw=5 x-yz=-99");
+ tt_str_op(res,==, "ab=27 cw=5 x-yz=-99");
res = dirvote_compute_params(votes, 12, 3);
- test_streq(res, "ab=27 cw=5 x-yz=-99");
+ tt_str_op(res,==, "ab=27 cw=5 x-yz=-99");
res = dirvote_compute_params(votes, 12, 6);
- test_streq(res, "");
+ tt_str_op(res,==, "");
smartlist_add(votes, &vote3);
res = dirvote_compute_params(votes, 12, 3);
- test_streq(res, "ab=27 abcd=20 cw=50 x-yz=-9");
+ tt_str_op(res,==, "ab=27 abcd=20 cw=50 x-yz=-9");
res = dirvote_compute_params(votes, 12, 5);
- test_streq(res, "cw=50 x-yz=-9");
+ tt_str_op(res,==, "cw=50 x-yz=-9");
res = dirvote_compute_params(votes, 12, 9);
- test_streq(res, "cw=50 x-yz=-9");
+ tt_str_op(res,==, "cw=50 x-yz=-9");
smartlist_add(votes, &vote4);
res = dirvote_compute_params(votes, 12, 4);
- test_streq(res, "ab=90 abcd=20 cw=50 x-yz=-9");
+ tt_str_op(res,==, "ab=90 abcd=20 cw=50 x-yz=-9");
res = dirvote_compute_params(votes, 12, 5);
- test_streq(res, "ab=90 abcd=20 cw=50 x-yz=-9");
+ tt_str_op(res,==, "ab=90 abcd=20 cw=50 x-yz=-9");
/* Test that the special-cased "at least three dirauths voted for
* this param" logic works as expected. */
res = dirvote_compute_params(votes, 12, 6);
- test_streq(res, "ab=90 abcd=20 cw=50 x-yz=-9");
+ tt_str_op(res,==, "ab=90 abcd=20 cw=50 x-yz=-9");
res = dirvote_compute_params(votes, 12, 10);
- test_streq(res, "ab=90 abcd=20 cw=50 x-yz=-9");
+ tt_str_op(res,==, "ab=90 abcd=20 cw=50 x-yz=-9");
@@ -821,14 +1328,14 @@ static void
test_same_voter(networkstatus_voter_info_t *v1,
networkstatus_voter_info_t *v2)
- test_streq(v1->nickname, v2->nickname);
- test_memeq(v1->identity_digest, v2->identity_digest, DIGEST_LEN);
- test_streq(v1->address, v2->address);
- test_eq(v1->addr, v2->addr);
- test_eq(v1->dir_port, v2->dir_port);
- test_eq(v1->or_port, v2->or_port);
- test_streq(v1->contact, v2->contact);
- test_memeq(v1->vote_digest, v2->vote_digest, DIGEST_LEN);
+ tt_str_op(v1->nickname,==, v2->nickname);
+ tt_mem_op(v1->identity_digest,==, v2->identity_digest, DIGEST_LEN);
+ tt_str_op(v1->address,==, v2->address);
+ tt_int_op(v1->addr,==, v2->addr);
+ tt_int_op(v1->dir_port,==, v2->dir_port);
+ tt_int_op(v1->or_port,==, v2->or_port);
+ tt_str_op(v1->contact,==, v2->contact);
+ tt_mem_op(v1->vote_digest,==, v2->vote_digest, DIGEST_LEN);
@@ -965,7 +1472,7 @@ gen_routerstatus_for_v3ns(int idx, time_t now)
/* Shouldn't happen */
- test_assert(0);
+ tt_assert(0);
if (vrs) {
vrs->microdesc = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(vote_microdesc_hash_t));
@@ -986,14 +1493,14 @@ vote_tweaks_for_v3ns(networkstatus_t *v, int voter, time_t now)
vote_routerstatus_t *vrs;
const char *msg = NULL;
- test_assert(v);
+ tt_assert(v);
if (voter == 1) {
measured_bw_line_t mbw;
memset(mbw.node_id, 33, sizeof(mbw.node_id));
mbw.bw_kb = 1024;
- test_assert(measured_bw_line_apply(&mbw,
+ tt_assert(measured_bw_line_apply(&mbw,
v->routerstatus_list) == 1);
} else if (voter == 2 || voter == 3) {
/* Monkey around with the list a bit */
@@ -1009,7 +1516,7 @@ vote_tweaks_for_v3ns(networkstatus_t *v, int voter, time_t now)
vrs = smartlist_get(v->routerstatus_list, 0);
memset(vrs->status.descriptor_digest, (int)'Z', DIGEST_LEN);
- test_assert(router_add_to_routerlist(
+ tt_assert(router_add_to_routerlist(
generate_ri_from_rs(vrs), &msg,0,0) >= 0);
@@ -1027,9 +1534,9 @@ test_vrs_for_v3ns(vote_routerstatus_t *vrs, int voter, time_t now)
routerstatus_t *rs;
tor_addr_t addr_ipv6;
- test_assert(vrs);
+ tt_assert(vrs);
rs = &(vrs->status);
- test_assert(rs);
+ tt_assert(rs);
/* Split out by digests to test */
if (tor_memeq(rs->identity_digest,
@@ -1038,17 +1545,17 @@ test_vrs_for_v3ns(vote_routerstatus_t *vrs, int voter, time_t now)
(voter == 1)) {
/* Check the first routerstatus. */
- test_streq(vrs->version, "");
- test_eq(rs->published_on, now-1500);
- test_streq(rs->nickname, "router2");
- test_memeq(rs->identity_digest,
+ tt_str_op(vrs->version,==, "");
+ tt_int_op(rs->published_on,==, now-1500);
+ tt_str_op(rs->nickname,==, "router2");
+ tt_mem_op(rs->identity_digest,==,
- test_memeq(rs->descriptor_digest, "NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN", DIGEST_LEN);
- test_eq(rs->addr, 0x99008801);
- test_eq(rs->or_port, 443);
- test_eq(rs->dir_port, 8000);
+ tt_mem_op(rs->descriptor_digest,==, "NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN", DIGEST_LEN);
+ tt_int_op(rs->addr,==, 0x99008801);
+ tt_int_op(rs->or_port,==, 443);
+ tt_int_op(rs->dir_port,==, 8000);
/* no flags except "running" (16) and "v2dir" (64) */
tt_u64_op(vrs->flags, ==, U64_LITERAL(80));
} else if (tor_memeq(rs->identity_digest,
@@ -1056,24 +1563,24 @@ test_vrs_for_v3ns(vote_routerstatus_t *vrs, int voter, time_t now)
(voter == 1 || voter == 2)) {
- test_memeq(rs->identity_digest,
+ tt_mem_op(rs->identity_digest,==,
if (voter == 1) {
/* Check the second routerstatus. */
- test_streq(vrs->version, "");
- test_eq(rs->published_on, now-1000);
- test_streq(rs->nickname, "router1");
+ tt_str_op(vrs->version,==, "");
+ tt_int_op(rs->published_on,==, now-1000);
+ tt_str_op(rs->nickname,==, "router1");
- test_memeq(rs->descriptor_digest, "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM", DIGEST_LEN);
- test_eq(rs->addr, 0x99009901);
- test_eq(rs->or_port, 443);
- test_eq(rs->dir_port, 0);
+ tt_mem_op(rs->descriptor_digest,==, "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM", DIGEST_LEN);
+ tt_int_op(rs->addr,==, 0x99009901);
+ tt_int_op(rs->or_port,==, 443);
+ tt_int_op(rs->dir_port,==, 0);
tor_addr_parse(&addr_ipv6, "[1:2:3::4]");
- test_assert(tor_addr_eq(&rs->ipv6_addr, &addr_ipv6));
- test_eq(rs->ipv6_orport, 4711);
+ tt_assert(tor_addr_eq(&rs->ipv6_addr, &addr_ipv6));
+ tt_int_op(rs->ipv6_orport,==, 4711);
if (voter == 1) {
/* all except "authority" (1) and "v2dir" (64) */
tt_u64_op(vrs->flags, ==, U64_LITERAL(190));
@@ -1087,14 +1594,14 @@ test_vrs_for_v3ns(vote_routerstatus_t *vrs, int voter, time_t now)
(voter == 1 || voter == 2)) {
/* Check the measured bandwidth bits */
- test_assert(vrs->has_measured_bw &&
+ tt_assert(vrs->has_measured_bw &&
vrs->measured_bw_kb == 1024);
} else {
* Didn't expect this, but the old unit test only checked some of them,
* so don't assert.
- /* test_assert(0); */
+ /* tt_assert(0); */
@@ -1109,9 +1616,9 @@ test_consensus_for_v3ns(networkstatus_t *con, time_t now)
- test_assert(con);
- test_assert(!con->cert);
- test_eq(2, smartlist_len(con->routerstatus_list));
+ tt_assert(con);
+ tt_assert(!con->cert);
+ tt_int_op(2,==, smartlist_len(con->routerstatus_list));
/* There should be two listed routers: one with identity 3, one with
* identity 5. */
@@ -1127,7 +1634,7 @@ test_routerstatus_for_v3ns(routerstatus_t *rs, time_t now)
tor_addr_t addr_ipv6;
- test_assert(rs);
+ tt_assert(rs);
/* There should be two listed routers: one with identity 3, one with
* identity 5. */
@@ -1136,49 +1643,49 @@ test_routerstatus_for_v3ns(routerstatus_t *rs, time_t now)
- test_memeq(rs->identity_digest,
+ tt_mem_op(rs->identity_digest,==,
- test_memeq(rs->descriptor_digest, "NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN", DIGEST_LEN);
- test_assert(!rs->is_authority);
- test_assert(!rs->is_exit);
- test_assert(!rs->is_fast);
- test_assert(!rs->is_possible_guard);
- test_assert(!rs->is_stable);
+ tt_mem_op(rs->descriptor_digest,==, "NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN", DIGEST_LEN);
+ tt_assert(!rs->is_authority);
+ tt_assert(!rs->is_exit);
+ tt_assert(!rs->is_fast);
+ tt_assert(!rs->is_possible_guard);
+ tt_assert(!rs->is_stable);
/* (If it wasn't running it wouldn't be here) */
- test_assert(rs->is_flagged_running);
- test_assert(!rs->is_valid);
- test_assert(!rs->is_named);
+ tt_assert(rs->is_flagged_running);
+ tt_assert(!rs->is_valid);
+ tt_assert(!rs->is_named);
/* XXXX check version */
} else if (tor_memeq(rs->identity_digest,
/* This one showed up in 3 digests. Twice with ID 'M', once with 'Z'. */
- test_memeq(rs->identity_digest,
+ tt_mem_op(rs->identity_digest,==,
- test_streq(rs->nickname, "router1");
- test_memeq(rs->descriptor_digest, "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM", DIGEST_LEN);
- test_eq(rs->published_on, now-1000);
- test_eq(rs->addr, 0x99009901);
- test_eq(rs->or_port, 443);
- test_eq(rs->dir_port, 0);
+ tt_str_op(rs->nickname,==, "router1");
+ tt_mem_op(rs->descriptor_digest,==, "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM", DIGEST_LEN);
+ tt_int_op(rs->published_on,==, now-1000);
+ tt_int_op(rs->addr,==, 0x99009901);
+ tt_int_op(rs->or_port,==, 443);
+ tt_int_op(rs->dir_port,==, 0);
tor_addr_parse(&addr_ipv6, "[1:2:3::4]");
- test_assert(tor_addr_eq(&rs->ipv6_addr, &addr_ipv6));
- test_eq(rs->ipv6_orport, 4711);
- test_assert(!rs->is_authority);
- test_assert(rs->is_exit);
- test_assert(rs->is_fast);
- test_assert(rs->is_possible_guard);
- test_assert(rs->is_stable);
- test_assert(rs->is_flagged_running);
- test_assert(rs->is_valid);
- test_assert(!rs->is_named);
+ tt_assert(tor_addr_eq(&rs->ipv6_addr, &addr_ipv6));
+ tt_int_op(rs->ipv6_orport,==, 4711);
+ tt_assert(!rs->is_authority);
+ tt_assert(rs->is_exit);
+ tt_assert(rs->is_fast);
+ tt_assert(rs->is_possible_guard);
+ tt_assert(rs->is_stable);
+ tt_assert(rs->is_flagged_running);
+ tt_assert(rs->is_valid);
+ tt_assert(!rs->is_named);
/* XXXX check version */
} else {
/* Weren't expecting this... */
- test_assert(0);
+ tt_assert(0);
@@ -1226,31 +1733,31 @@ test_a_networkstatus(
networkstatus_t *con2=NULL, *con_md2=NULL, *con3=NULL, *con_md3=NULL;
ns_detached_signatures_t *dsig1=NULL, *dsig2=NULL;
- test_assert(vrs_gen);
- test_assert(rs_test);
- test_assert(vrs_test);
+ tt_assert(vrs_gen);
+ tt_assert(rs_test);
+ tt_assert(vrs_test);
/* Parse certificates and keys. */
cert1 = authority_cert_parse_from_string(AUTHORITY_CERT_1, NULL);
- test_assert(cert1);
+ tt_assert(cert1);
cert2 = authority_cert_parse_from_string(AUTHORITY_CERT_2, NULL);
- test_assert(cert2);
+ tt_assert(cert2);
cert3 = authority_cert_parse_from_string(AUTHORITY_CERT_3, NULL);
- test_assert(cert3);
+ tt_assert(cert3);
sign_skey_1 = crypto_pk_new();
sign_skey_2 = crypto_pk_new();
sign_skey_3 = crypto_pk_new();
sign_skey_leg1 = pk_generate(4);
- test_assert(!crypto_pk_read_private_key_from_string(sign_skey_1,
+ tt_assert(!crypto_pk_read_private_key_from_string(sign_skey_1,
- test_assert(!crypto_pk_read_private_key_from_string(sign_skey_2,
+ tt_assert(!crypto_pk_read_private_key_from_string(sign_skey_2,
- test_assert(!crypto_pk_read_private_key_from_string(sign_skey_3,
+ tt_assert(!crypto_pk_read_private_key_from_string(sign_skey_3,
- test_assert(!crypto_pk_cmp_keys(sign_skey_1, cert1->signing_key));
- test_assert(!crypto_pk_cmp_keys(sign_skey_2, cert2->signing_key));
+ tt_assert(!crypto_pk_cmp_keys(sign_skey_1, cert1->signing_key));
+ tt_assert(!crypto_pk_cmp_keys(sign_skey_2, cert2->signing_key));
* Set up a vote; generate it; try to parse it.
@@ -1292,7 +1799,7 @@ test_a_networkstatus(
vrs = vrs_gen(idx, now);
if (vrs) {
smartlist_add(vote->routerstatus_list, vrs);
- test_assert(router_add_to_routerlist(generate_ri_from_rs(vrs),
+ tt_assert(router_add_to_routerlist(generate_ri_from_rs(vrs),
@@ -1301,41 +1808,41 @@ test_a_networkstatus(
/* dump the vote and try to parse it. */
v1_text = format_networkstatus_vote(sign_skey_1, vote);
- test_assert(v1_text);
+ tt_assert(v1_text);
v1 = networkstatus_parse_vote_from_string(v1_text, NULL, NS_TYPE_VOTE);
- test_assert(v1);
+ tt_assert(v1);
/* Make sure the parsed thing was right. */
- test_eq(v1->type, NS_TYPE_VOTE);
- test_eq(v1->published, vote->published);
- test_eq(v1->valid_after, vote->valid_after);
- test_eq(v1->fresh_until, vote->fresh_until);
- test_eq(v1->valid_until, vote->valid_until);
- test_eq(v1->vote_seconds, vote->vote_seconds);
- test_eq(v1->dist_seconds, vote->dist_seconds);
- test_streq(v1->client_versions, vote->client_versions);
- test_streq(v1->server_versions, vote->server_versions);
- test_assert(v1->voters && smartlist_len(v1->voters));
+ tt_int_op(v1->type,==, NS_TYPE_VOTE);
+ tt_int_op(v1->published,==, vote->published);
+ tt_int_op(v1->valid_after,==, vote->valid_after);
+ tt_int_op(v1->fresh_until,==, vote->fresh_until);
+ tt_int_op(v1->valid_until,==, vote->valid_until);
+ tt_int_op(v1->vote_seconds,==, vote->vote_seconds);
+ tt_int_op(v1->dist_seconds,==, vote->dist_seconds);
+ tt_str_op(v1->client_versions,==, vote->client_versions);
+ tt_str_op(v1->server_versions,==, vote->server_versions);
+ tt_assert(v1->voters && smartlist_len(v1->voters));
voter = smartlist_get(v1->voters, 0);
- test_streq(voter->nickname, "Voter1");
- test_streq(voter->address, "");
- test_eq(voter->addr, 0x01020304);
- test_eq(voter->dir_port, 80);
- test_eq(voter->or_port, 9000);
- test_streq(voter->contact, "");
- test_assert(v1->cert);
- test_assert(!crypto_pk_cmp_keys(sign_skey_1, v1->cert->signing_key));
+ tt_str_op(voter->nickname,==, "Voter1");
+ tt_str_op(voter->address,==, "");
+ tt_int_op(voter->addr,==, 0x01020304);
+ tt_int_op(voter->dir_port,==, 80);
+ tt_int_op(voter->or_port,==, 9000);
+ tt_str_op(voter->contact,==, "");
+ tt_assert(v1->cert);
+ tt_assert(!crypto_pk_cmp_keys(sign_skey_1, v1->cert->signing_key));
cp = smartlist_join_strings(v1->known_flags, ":", 0, NULL);
- test_streq(cp, "Authority:Exit:Fast:Guard:Running:Stable:V2Dir:Valid");
+ tt_str_op(cp,==, "Authority:Exit:Fast:Guard:Running:Stable:V2Dir:Valid");
- test_eq(smartlist_len(v1->routerstatus_list), n_vrs);
+ tt_int_op(smartlist_len(v1->routerstatus_list),==, n_vrs);
if (vote_tweaks) params_tweaked += vote_tweaks(v1, 1, now);
/* Check the routerstatuses. */
for (idx = 0; idx < n_vrs; ++idx) {
vrs = smartlist_get(v1->routerstatus_list, idx);
- test_assert(vrs);
+ tt_assert(vrs);
vrs_test(vrs, 1, now);
@@ -1365,15 +1872,15 @@ test_a_networkstatus(
/* generate and parse v2. */
v2_text = format_networkstatus_vote(sign_skey_2, vote);
- test_assert(v2_text);
+ tt_assert(v2_text);
v2 = networkstatus_parse_vote_from_string(v2_text, NULL, NS_TYPE_VOTE);
- test_assert(v2);
+ tt_assert(v2);
if (vote_tweaks) params_tweaked += vote_tweaks(v2, 2, now);
/* Check that flags come out right.*/
cp = smartlist_join_strings(v2->known_flags, ":", 0, NULL);
- test_streq(cp, "Authority:Exit:Fast:Guard:MadeOfCheese:MadeOfTin:"
+ tt_str_op(cp,==, "Authority:Exit:Fast:Guard:MadeOfCheese:MadeOfTin:"
@@ -1381,7 +1888,7 @@ test_a_networkstatus(
n_vrs = smartlist_len(v2->routerstatus_list);
for (idx = 0; idx < n_vrs; ++idx) {
vrs = smartlist_get(v2->routerstatus_list, idx);
- test_assert(vrs);
+ tt_assert(vrs);
vrs_test(vrs, 2, now);
@@ -1409,10 +1916,10 @@ test_a_networkstatus(
memset(voter->legacy_id_digest, (int)'A', DIGEST_LEN);
v3_text = format_networkstatus_vote(sign_skey_3, vote);
- test_assert(v3_text);
+ tt_assert(v3_text);
v3 = networkstatus_parse_vote_from_string(v3_text, NULL, NS_TYPE_VOTE);
- test_assert(v3);
+ tt_assert(v3);
if (vote_tweaks) params_tweaked += vote_tweaks(v3, 3, now);
@@ -1426,10 +1933,10 @@ test_a_networkstatus(
- test_assert(consensus_text);
+ tt_assert(consensus_text);
con = networkstatus_parse_vote_from_string(consensus_text, NULL,
- test_assert(con);
+ tt_assert(con);
//log_notice(LD_GENERAL, "<<%s>>\n<<%s>>\n<<%s>>\n",
// v1_text, v2_text, v3_text);
consensus_text_md = networkstatus_compute_consensus(votes, 3,
@@ -1438,38 +1945,38 @@ test_a_networkstatus(
- test_assert(consensus_text_md);
+ tt_assert(consensus_text_md);
con_md = networkstatus_parse_vote_from_string(consensus_text_md, NULL,
- test_assert(con_md);
- test_eq(con_md->flavor, FLAV_MICRODESC);
+ tt_assert(con_md);
+ tt_int_op(con_md->flavor,==, FLAV_MICRODESC);
/* Check consensus contents. */
- test_assert(con->type == NS_TYPE_CONSENSUS);
- test_eq(con->published, 0); /* this field only appears in votes. */
- test_eq(con->valid_after, now+1000);
- test_eq(con->fresh_until, now+2003); /* median */
- test_eq(con->valid_until, now+3000);
- test_eq(con->vote_seconds, 100);
- test_eq(con->dist_seconds, 250); /* median */
- test_streq(con->client_versions, "");
- test_streq(con->server_versions, ",");
+ tt_assert(con->type == NS_TYPE_CONSENSUS);
+ tt_int_op(con->published,==, 0); /* this field only appears in votes. */
+ tt_int_op(con->valid_after,==, now+1000);
+ tt_int_op(con->fresh_until,==, now+2003); /* median */
+ tt_int_op(con->valid_until,==, now+3000);
+ tt_int_op(con->vote_seconds,==, 100);
+ tt_int_op(con->dist_seconds,==, 250); /* median */
+ tt_str_op(con->client_versions,==, "");
+ tt_str_op(con->server_versions,==, ",");
cp = smartlist_join_strings(v2->known_flags, ":", 0, NULL);
- test_streq(cp, "Authority:Exit:Fast:Guard:MadeOfCheese:MadeOfTin:"
+ tt_str_op(cp,==, "Authority:Exit:Fast:Guard:MadeOfCheese:MadeOfTin:"
if (!params_tweaked) {
/* Skip this one if vote_tweaks() messed with the param lists */
cp = smartlist_join_strings(con->net_params, ":", 0, NULL);
- test_streq(cp, "circuitwindow=80:foo=660");
+ tt_str_op(cp,==, "circuitwindow=80:foo=660");
- test_eq(4, smartlist_len(con->voters)); /*3 voters, 1 legacy key.*/
+ tt_int_op(4,==, smartlist_len(con->voters)); /*3 voters, 1 legacy key.*/
/* The voter id digests should be in this order. */
- test_assert(memcmp(cert2->cache_info.identity_digest,
+ tt_assert(memcmp(cert2->cache_info.identity_digest,
- test_assert(memcmp(cert1->cache_info.identity_digest,
+ tt_assert(memcmp(cert1->cache_info.identity_digest,
test_same_voter(smartlist_get(con->voters, 1),
smartlist_get(v2->voters, 0));
@@ -1484,26 +1991,26 @@ test_a_networkstatus(
n_rs = smartlist_len(con->routerstatus_list);
for (idx = 0; idx < n_rs; ++idx) {
rs = smartlist_get(con->routerstatus_list, idx);
- test_assert(rs);
+ tt_assert(rs);
rs_test(rs, now);
/* Check signatures. the first voter is a pseudo-entry with a legacy key.
* The second one hasn't signed. The fourth one has signed: validate it. */
voter = smartlist_get(con->voters, 1);
- test_eq(smartlist_len(voter->sigs), 0);
+ tt_int_op(smartlist_len(voter->sigs),==, 0);
voter = smartlist_get(con->voters, 3);
- test_eq(smartlist_len(voter->sigs), 1);
+ tt_int_op(smartlist_len(voter->sigs),==, 1);
sig = smartlist_get(voter->sigs, 0);
- test_assert(sig->signature);
- test_assert(!sig->good_signature);
- test_assert(!sig->bad_signature);
+ tt_assert(sig->signature);
+ tt_assert(!sig->good_signature);
+ tt_assert(!sig->bad_signature);
- test_assert(!networkstatus_check_document_signature(con, sig, cert3));
- test_assert(sig->signature);
- test_assert(sig->good_signature);
- test_assert(!sig->bad_signature);
+ tt_assert(!networkstatus_check_document_signature(con, sig, cert3));
+ tt_assert(sig->signature);
+ tt_assert(sig->good_signature);
+ tt_assert(!sig->bad_signature);
const char *msg=NULL;
@@ -1526,10 +2033,10 @@ test_a_networkstatus(
sign_skey_1, NULL,NULL,
- test_assert(consensus_text2);
- test_assert(consensus_text3);
- test_assert(consensus_text_md2);
- test_assert(consensus_text_md3);
+ tt_assert(consensus_text2);
+ tt_assert(consensus_text3);
+ tt_assert(consensus_text_md2);
+ tt_assert(consensus_text_md3);
con2 = networkstatus_parse_vote_from_string(consensus_text2, NULL,
con3 = networkstatus_parse_vote_from_string(consensus_text3, NULL,
@@ -1538,17 +2045,17 @@ test_a_networkstatus(
con_md3 = networkstatus_parse_vote_from_string(consensus_text_md3, NULL,
- test_assert(con2);
- test_assert(con3);
- test_assert(con_md2);
- test_assert(con_md3);
+ tt_assert(con2);
+ tt_assert(con3);
+ tt_assert(con_md2);
+ tt_assert(con_md3);
/* All three should have the same digest. */
- test_memeq(&con->digests, &con2->digests, sizeof(digests_t));
- test_memeq(&con->digests, &con3->digests, sizeof(digests_t));
+ tt_mem_op(&con->digests,==, &con2->digests, sizeof(digests_t));
+ tt_mem_op(&con->digests,==, &con3->digests, sizeof(digests_t));
- test_memeq(&con_md->digests, &con_md2->digests, sizeof(digests_t));
- test_memeq(&con_md->digests, &con_md3->digests, sizeof(digests_t));
+ tt_mem_op(&con_md->digests,==, &con_md2->digests, sizeof(digests_t));
+ tt_mem_op(&con_md->digests,==, &con_md3->digests, sizeof(digests_t));
/* Extract a detached signature from con3. */
detached_text1 = get_detached_sigs(con3, con_md3);
@@ -1558,50 +2065,51 @@ test_a_networkstatus(
/* Are parsed values as expected? */
- test_eq(dsig1->valid_after, con3->valid_after);
- test_eq(dsig1->fresh_until, con3->fresh_until);
- test_eq(dsig1->valid_until, con3->valid_until);
+ tt_int_op(dsig1->valid_after,==, con3->valid_after);
+ tt_int_op(dsig1->fresh_until,==, con3->fresh_until);
+ tt_int_op(dsig1->valid_until,==, con3->valid_until);
digests_t *dsig_digests = strmap_get(dsig1->digests, "ns");
- test_assert(dsig_digests);
- test_memeq(dsig_digests->d[DIGEST_SHA1], con3->digests.d[DIGEST_SHA1],
+ tt_assert(dsig_digests);
+ tt_mem_op(dsig_digests->d[DIGEST_SHA1],==, con3->digests.d[DIGEST_SHA1],
dsig_digests = strmap_get(dsig1->digests, "microdesc");
- test_assert(dsig_digests);
- test_memeq(dsig_digests->d[DIGEST_SHA256],
+ tt_assert(dsig_digests);
+ tt_mem_op(dsig_digests->d[DIGEST_SHA256],==,
smartlist_t *dsig_signatures = strmap_get(dsig1->signatures, "ns");
- test_assert(dsig_signatures);
- test_eq(1, smartlist_len(dsig_signatures));
+ tt_assert(dsig_signatures);
+ tt_int_op(1,==, smartlist_len(dsig_signatures));
sig = smartlist_get(dsig_signatures, 0);
- test_memeq(sig->identity_digest, cert1->cache_info.identity_digest,
+ tt_mem_op(sig->identity_digest,==, cert1->cache_info.identity_digest,
- test_eq(sig->alg, DIGEST_SHA1);
+ tt_int_op(sig->alg,==, DIGEST_SHA1);
dsig_signatures = strmap_get(dsig1->signatures, "microdesc");
- test_assert(dsig_signatures);
- test_eq(1, smartlist_len(dsig_signatures));
+ tt_assert(dsig_signatures);
+ tt_int_op(1,==, smartlist_len(dsig_signatures));
sig = smartlist_get(dsig_signatures, 0);
- test_memeq(sig->identity_digest, cert1->cache_info.identity_digest,
+ tt_mem_op(sig->identity_digest,==, cert1->cache_info.identity_digest,
- test_eq(sig->alg, DIGEST_SHA256);
+ tt_int_op(sig->alg,==, DIGEST_SHA256);
/* Try adding it to con2. */
detached_text2 = get_detached_sigs(con2,con_md2);
- test_eq(1, networkstatus_add_detached_signatures(con2, dsig1, "test",
+ tt_int_op(1,==, networkstatus_add_detached_signatures(con2, dsig1, "test",
LOG_INFO, &msg));
- test_eq(1, networkstatus_add_detached_signatures(con_md2, dsig1, "test",
+ tt_int_op(1,==,
+ networkstatus_add_detached_signatures(con_md2, dsig1, "test",
LOG_INFO, &msg));
detached_text2 = get_detached_sigs(con2,con_md2);
//printf("\n<%s>\n", detached_text2);
dsig2 = networkstatus_parse_detached_signatures(detached_text2, NULL);
- test_assert(dsig2);
+ tt_assert(dsig2);
SMARTLIST_FOREACH(dsig2->signatures, networkstatus_voter_info_t *, vi, {
@@ -1610,28 +2118,28 @@ test_a_networkstatus(
printf("%s\n", hd);
- test_eq(2,
+ tt_int_op(2,==,
smartlist_len((smartlist_t*)strmap_get(dsig2->signatures, "ns")));
- test_eq(2,
+ tt_int_op(2,==,
/* Try adding to con2 twice; verify that nothing changes. */
- test_eq(0, networkstatus_add_detached_signatures(con2, dsig1, "test",
+ tt_int_op(0,==, networkstatus_add_detached_signatures(con2, dsig1, "test",
LOG_INFO, &msg));
/* Add to con. */
- test_eq(2, networkstatus_add_detached_signatures(con, dsig2, "test",
+ tt_int_op(2,==, networkstatus_add_detached_signatures(con, dsig2, "test",
LOG_INFO, &msg));
/* Check signatures */
voter = smartlist_get(con->voters, 1);
sig = smartlist_get(voter->sigs, 0);
- test_assert(sig);
- test_assert(!networkstatus_check_document_signature(con, sig, cert2));
+ tt_assert(sig);
+ tt_assert(!networkstatus_check_document_signature(con, sig, cert2));
voter = smartlist_get(con->voters, 2);
sig = smartlist_get(voter->sigs, 0);
- test_assert(sig);
- test_assert(!networkstatus_check_document_signature(con, sig, cert1));
+ tt_assert(sig);
+ tt_assert(!networkstatus_check_document_signature(con, sig, cert1));
@@ -1693,8 +2201,9 @@ test_a_networkstatus(
/** Run unit tests for generating and parsing V3 consensus networkstatus
* documents. */
static void
+test_dir_v3_networkstatus(void *arg)
+ (void)arg;
@@ -1733,10 +2242,37 @@ test_dir_scale_bw(void *testdata)
tt_assert(total <= (U64_LITERAL(1)<<62));
for (i=0; i<8; ++i) {
+ /* vals[2].u64 is the scaled value of 1.0 */
double ratio = ((double)vals[i].u64) / vals[2].u64;
tt_double_op(fabs(ratio - v[i]), <, .00001);
+ /* test handling of no entries */
+ total = 1;
+ scale_array_elements_to_u64(vals, 0, &total);
+ tt_assert(total == 0);
+ /* make sure we don't read the array when we have no entries
+ * may require compiler flags to catch NULL dereferences */
+ total = 1;
+ scale_array_elements_to_u64(NULL, 0, &total);
+ tt_assert(total == 0);
+ scale_array_elements_to_u64(NULL, 0, NULL);
+ /* test handling of zero totals */
+ total = 1;
+ vals[0].dbl = 0.0;
+ scale_array_elements_to_u64(vals, 1, &total);
+ tt_assert(total == 0);
+ tt_assert(vals[0].u64 == 0);
+ vals[0].dbl = 0.0;
+ vals[1].dbl = 0.0;
+ scale_array_elements_to_u64(vals, 2, NULL);
+ tt_assert(vals[0].u64 == 0);
+ tt_assert(vals[1].u64 == 0);
@@ -1942,7 +2478,7 @@ gen_routerstatus_for_umbw(int idx, time_t now)
/* Shouldn't happen */
- test_assert(0);
+ tt_assert(0);
if (vrs) {
vrs->microdesc = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(vote_microdesc_hash_t));
@@ -1964,11 +2500,11 @@ vote_tweaks_for_umbw(networkstatus_t *v, int voter, time_t now)
char *maxbw_param = NULL;
int rv = 0;
- test_assert(v);
+ tt_assert(v);
- test_assert(v->supported_methods);
+ tt_assert(v->supported_methods);
SMARTLIST_FOREACH(v->supported_methods, char *, c, tor_free(c));
@@ -1978,7 +2514,7 @@ vote_tweaks_for_umbw(networkstatus_t *v, int voter, time_t now)
/* If we're using a non-default clip bandwidth, add it to net_params */
if (alternate_clip_bw > 0) {
tor_asprintf(&maxbw_param, "maxunmeasuredbw=%u", alternate_clip_bw);
- test_assert(maxbw_param);
+ tt_assert(maxbw_param);
if (maxbw_param) {
smartlist_add(v->net_params, maxbw_param);
rv = 1;
@@ -2001,9 +2537,9 @@ test_vrs_for_umbw(vote_routerstatus_t *vrs, int voter, time_t now)
alternate_clip_bw : DEFAULT_MAX_UNMEASURED_BW_KB;
- test_assert(vrs);
+ tt_assert(vrs);
rs = &(vrs->status);
- test_assert(rs);
+ tt_assert(rs);
/* Split out by digests to test */
if (tor_memeq(rs->identity_digest,
@@ -2014,21 +2550,21 @@ test_vrs_for_umbw(vote_routerstatus_t *vrs, int voter, time_t now)
* Check the first routerstatus - measured bandwidth below the clip
* cutoff.
- test_streq(vrs->version, "");
- test_eq(rs->published_on, now-1500);
- test_streq(rs->nickname, "router2");
- test_memeq(rs->identity_digest,
+ tt_str_op(vrs->version,==, "");
+ tt_int_op(rs->published_on,==, now-1500);
+ tt_str_op(rs->nickname,==, "router2");
+ tt_mem_op(rs->identity_digest,==,
- test_memeq(rs->descriptor_digest, "NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN", DIGEST_LEN);
- test_eq(rs->addr, 0x99008801);
- test_eq(rs->or_port, 443);
- test_eq(rs->dir_port, 8000);
- test_assert(rs->has_bandwidth);
- test_assert(vrs->has_measured_bw);
- test_eq(rs->bandwidth_kb, max_unmeasured_bw_kb / 2);
- test_eq(vrs->measured_bw_kb, max_unmeasured_bw_kb / 2);
+ tt_mem_op(rs->descriptor_digest,==, "NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN", DIGEST_LEN);
+ tt_int_op(rs->addr,==, 0x99008801);
+ tt_int_op(rs->or_port,==, 443);
+ tt_int_op(rs->dir_port,==, 8000);
+ tt_assert(rs->has_bandwidth);
+ tt_assert(vrs->has_measured_bw);
+ tt_int_op(rs->bandwidth_kb,==, max_unmeasured_bw_kb / 2);
+ tt_int_op(vrs->measured_bw_kb,==, max_unmeasured_bw_kb / 2);
} else if (tor_memeq(rs->identity_digest,
@@ -2038,24 +2574,24 @@ test_vrs_for_umbw(vote_routerstatus_t *vrs, int voter, time_t now)
* Check the second routerstatus - measured bandwidth above the clip
* cutoff.
- test_streq(vrs->version, "");
- test_eq(rs->published_on, now-1000);
- test_streq(rs->nickname, "router1");
- test_memeq(rs->identity_digest,
+ tt_str_op(vrs->version,==, "");
+ tt_int_op(rs->published_on,==, now-1000);
+ tt_str_op(rs->nickname,==, "router1");
+ tt_mem_op(rs->identity_digest,==,
- test_memeq(rs->descriptor_digest, "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM", DIGEST_LEN);
- test_eq(rs->addr, 0x99009901);
- test_eq(rs->or_port, 443);
- test_eq(rs->dir_port, 0);
+ tt_mem_op(rs->descriptor_digest,==, "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM", DIGEST_LEN);
+ tt_int_op(rs->addr,==, 0x99009901);
+ tt_int_op(rs->or_port,==, 443);
+ tt_int_op(rs->dir_port,==, 0);
tor_addr_parse(&addr_ipv6, "[1:2:3::4]");
- test_assert(tor_addr_eq(&rs->ipv6_addr, &addr_ipv6));
- test_eq(rs->ipv6_orport, 4711);
- test_assert(rs->has_bandwidth);
- test_assert(vrs->has_measured_bw);
- test_eq(rs->bandwidth_kb, max_unmeasured_bw_kb * 2);
- test_eq(vrs->measured_bw_kb, max_unmeasured_bw_kb * 2);
+ tt_assert(tor_addr_eq(&rs->ipv6_addr, &addr_ipv6));
+ tt_int_op(rs->ipv6_orport,==, 4711);
+ tt_assert(rs->has_bandwidth);
+ tt_assert(vrs->has_measured_bw);
+ tt_int_op(rs->bandwidth_kb,==, max_unmeasured_bw_kb * 2);
+ tt_int_op(vrs->measured_bw_kb,==, max_unmeasured_bw_kb * 2);
} else if (tor_memeq(rs->identity_digest,
@@ -2065,10 +2601,10 @@ test_vrs_for_umbw(vote_routerstatus_t *vrs, int voter, time_t now)
* cutoff; this one should be clipped later on in the consensus, but
* appears unclipped in the vote.
- test_assert(rs->has_bandwidth);
- test_assert(!(vrs->has_measured_bw));
- test_eq(rs->bandwidth_kb, max_unmeasured_bw_kb * 2);
- test_eq(vrs->measured_bw_kb, 0);
+ tt_assert(rs->has_bandwidth);
+ tt_assert(!(vrs->has_measured_bw));
+ tt_int_op(rs->bandwidth_kb,==, max_unmeasured_bw_kb * 2);
+ tt_int_op(vrs->measured_bw_kb,==, 0);
} else if (tor_memeq(rs->identity_digest,
@@ -2077,12 +2613,12 @@ test_vrs_for_umbw(vote_routerstatus_t *vrs, int voter, time_t now)
* Check the fourth routerstatus - unmeasured bandwidth below the clip
* cutoff; this one should not be clipped.
- test_assert(rs->has_bandwidth);
- test_assert(!(vrs->has_measured_bw));
- test_eq(rs->bandwidth_kb, max_unmeasured_bw_kb / 2);
- test_eq(vrs->measured_bw_kb, 0);
+ tt_assert(rs->has_bandwidth);
+ tt_assert(!(vrs->has_measured_bw));
+ tt_int_op(rs->bandwidth_kb,==, max_unmeasured_bw_kb / 2);
+ tt_int_op(vrs->measured_bw_kb,==, 0);
} else {
- test_assert(0);
+ tt_assert(0);
@@ -2097,11 +2633,11 @@ test_consensus_for_umbw(networkstatus_t *con, time_t now)
- test_assert(con);
- test_assert(!con->cert);
- // test_assert(con->consensus_method >= MIN_METHOD_TO_CLIP_UNMEASURED_BW_KB);
- test_assert(con->consensus_method >= 16);
- test_eq(4, smartlist_len(con->routerstatus_list));
+ tt_assert(con);
+ tt_assert(!con->cert);
+ // tt_assert(con->consensus_method >= MIN_METHOD_TO_CLIP_UNMEASURED_BW_KB);
+ tt_assert(con->consensus_method >= 16);
+ tt_int_op(4,==, smartlist_len(con->routerstatus_list));
/* There should be four listed routers; all voters saw the same in this */
@@ -2118,61 +2654,61 @@ test_routerstatus_for_umbw(routerstatus_t *rs, time_t now)
uint32_t max_unmeasured_bw_kb = (alternate_clip_bw > 0) ?
alternate_clip_bw : DEFAULT_MAX_UNMEASURED_BW_KB;
- test_assert(rs);
+ tt_assert(rs);
/* There should be four listed routers, as constructed above */
if (tor_memeq(rs->identity_digest,
- test_memeq(rs->identity_digest,
+ tt_mem_op(rs->identity_digest,==,
- test_memeq(rs->descriptor_digest, "NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN", DIGEST_LEN);
- test_assert(!rs->is_authority);
- test_assert(!rs->is_exit);
- test_assert(!rs->is_fast);
- test_assert(!rs->is_possible_guard);
- test_assert(!rs->is_stable);
+ tt_mem_op(rs->descriptor_digest,==, "NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN", DIGEST_LEN);
+ tt_assert(!rs->is_authority);
+ tt_assert(!rs->is_exit);
+ tt_assert(!rs->is_fast);
+ tt_assert(!rs->is_possible_guard);
+ tt_assert(!rs->is_stable);
/* (If it wasn't running it wouldn't be here) */
- test_assert(rs->is_flagged_running);
- test_assert(!rs->is_valid);
- test_assert(!rs->is_named);
+ tt_assert(rs->is_flagged_running);
+ tt_assert(!rs->is_valid);
+ tt_assert(!rs->is_named);
/* This one should have measured bandwidth below the clip cutoff */
- test_assert(rs->has_bandwidth);
- test_eq(rs->bandwidth_kb, max_unmeasured_bw_kb / 2);
- test_assert(!(rs->bw_is_unmeasured));
+ tt_assert(rs->has_bandwidth);
+ tt_int_op(rs->bandwidth_kb,==, max_unmeasured_bw_kb / 2);
+ tt_assert(!(rs->bw_is_unmeasured));
} else if (tor_memeq(rs->identity_digest,
/* This one showed up in 3 digests. Twice with ID 'M', once with 'Z'. */
- test_memeq(rs->identity_digest,
+ tt_mem_op(rs->identity_digest,==,
- test_streq(rs->nickname, "router1");
- test_memeq(rs->descriptor_digest, "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM", DIGEST_LEN);
- test_eq(rs->published_on, now-1000);
- test_eq(rs->addr, 0x99009901);
- test_eq(rs->or_port, 443);
- test_eq(rs->dir_port, 0);
+ tt_str_op(rs->nickname,==, "router1");
+ tt_mem_op(rs->descriptor_digest,==, "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM", DIGEST_LEN);
+ tt_int_op(rs->published_on,==, now-1000);
+ tt_int_op(rs->addr,==, 0x99009901);
+ tt_int_op(rs->or_port,==, 443);
+ tt_int_op(rs->dir_port,==, 0);
tor_addr_parse(&addr_ipv6, "[1:2:3::4]");
- test_assert(tor_addr_eq(&rs->ipv6_addr, &addr_ipv6));
- test_eq(rs->ipv6_orport, 4711);
- test_assert(!rs->is_authority);
- test_assert(rs->is_exit);
- test_assert(rs->is_fast);
- test_assert(rs->is_possible_guard);
- test_assert(rs->is_stable);
- test_assert(rs->is_flagged_running);
- test_assert(rs->is_valid);
- test_assert(!rs->is_named);
+ tt_assert(tor_addr_eq(&rs->ipv6_addr, &addr_ipv6));
+ tt_int_op(rs->ipv6_orport,==, 4711);
+ tt_assert(!rs->is_authority);
+ tt_assert(rs->is_exit);
+ tt_assert(rs->is_fast);
+ tt_assert(rs->is_possible_guard);
+ tt_assert(rs->is_stable);
+ tt_assert(rs->is_flagged_running);
+ tt_assert(rs->is_valid);
+ tt_assert(!rs->is_named);
/* This one should have measured bandwidth above the clip cutoff */
- test_assert(rs->has_bandwidth);
- test_eq(rs->bandwidth_kb, max_unmeasured_bw_kb * 2);
- test_assert(!(rs->bw_is_unmeasured));
+ tt_assert(rs->has_bandwidth);
+ tt_int_op(rs->bandwidth_kb,==, max_unmeasured_bw_kb * 2);
+ tt_assert(!(rs->bw_is_unmeasured));
} else if (tor_memeq(rs->identity_digest,
@@ -2181,9 +2717,9 @@ test_routerstatus_for_umbw(routerstatus_t *rs, time_t now)
* This one should have unmeasured bandwidth above the clip cutoff,
* and so should be clipped
- test_assert(rs->has_bandwidth);
- test_eq(rs->bandwidth_kb, max_unmeasured_bw_kb);
- test_assert(rs->bw_is_unmeasured);
+ tt_assert(rs->has_bandwidth);
+ tt_int_op(rs->bandwidth_kb,==, max_unmeasured_bw_kb);
+ tt_assert(rs->bw_is_unmeasured);
} else if (tor_memeq(rs->identity_digest,
@@ -2192,12 +2728,12 @@ test_routerstatus_for_umbw(routerstatus_t *rs, time_t now)
* This one should have unmeasured bandwidth below the clip cutoff,
* and so should not be clipped
- test_assert(rs->has_bandwidth);
- test_eq(rs->bandwidth_kb, max_unmeasured_bw_kb / 2);
- test_assert(rs->bw_is_unmeasured);
+ tt_assert(rs->has_bandwidth);
+ tt_int_op(rs->bandwidth_kb,==, max_unmeasured_bw_kb / 2);
+ tt_assert(rs->bw_is_unmeasured);
} else {
/* Weren't expecting this... */
- test_assert(0);
+ tt_assert(0);
@@ -2211,9 +2747,10 @@ test_routerstatus_for_umbw(routerstatus_t *rs, time_t now)
static void
+test_dir_clip_unmeasured_bw_kb(void *arg)
/* Run the test with the default clip bandwidth */
+ (void)arg;
alternate_clip_bw = 0;
@@ -2228,7 +2765,7 @@ test_dir_clip_unmeasured_bw_kb(void)
static void
+test_dir_clip_unmeasured_bw_kb_alt(void *arg)
* Try a different one; this value is chosen so that the below-the-cutoff
@@ -2236,6 +2773,7 @@ test_dir_clip_unmeasured_bw_kb_alt(void)
* DEFAULT_MAX_UNMEASURED_BW_KB and if the consensus incorrectly uses that
* cutoff it will fail the test.
+ (void)arg;
alternate_clip_bw = 3 * DEFAULT_MAX_UNMEASURED_BW_KB;
@@ -2286,60 +2824,60 @@ test_dir_http_handling(void *args)
/* Parse http url tests: */
/* Good headers */
- test_eq(parse_http_url("GET /tor/a/b/c.txt HTTP/1.1\r\n"
+ tt_int_op(parse_http_url("GET /tor/a/b/c.txt HTTP/1.1\r\n"
"User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows;"
" U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv:\r\n",
- &url), 0);
- test_streq(url, "/tor/a/b/c.txt");
+ &url),==, 0);
+ tt_str_op(url,==, "/tor/a/b/c.txt");
- test_eq(parse_http_url("GET /tor/a/b/c.txt HTTP/1.0\r\n", &url), 0);
- test_streq(url, "/tor/a/b/c.txt");
+ tt_int_op(parse_http_url("GET /tor/a/b/c.txt HTTP/1.0\r\n", &url),==, 0);
+ tt_str_op(url,==, "/tor/a/b/c.txt");
- test_eq(parse_http_url("GET /tor/a/b/c.txt HTTP/1.600\r\n", &url), 0);
- test_streq(url, "/tor/a/b/c.txt");
+ tt_int_op(parse_http_url("GET /tor/a/b/c.txt HTTP/1.600\r\n", &url),==, 0);
+ tt_str_op(url,==, "/tor/a/b/c.txt");
/* Should prepend '/tor/' to url if required */
- test_eq(parse_http_url("GET /a/b/c.txt HTTP/1.1\r\n"
+ tt_int_op(parse_http_url("GET /a/b/c.txt HTTP/1.1\r\n"
"User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows;"
" U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv:\r\n",
- &url), 0);
- test_streq(url, "/tor/a/b/c.txt");
+ &url),==, 0);
+ tt_str_op(url,==, "/tor/a/b/c.txt");
/* Bad headers -- no HTTP/1.x*/
- test_eq(parse_http_url("GET /a/b/c.txt\r\n"
+ tt_int_op(parse_http_url("GET /a/b/c.txt\r\n"
"User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows;"
" U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv:\r\n",
- &url), -1);
+ &url),==, -1);
/* Bad headers */
- test_eq(parse_http_url("GET /a/b/c.txt\r\n"
+ tt_int_op(parse_http_url("GET /a/b/c.txt\r\n"
"User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows;"
" U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv:\r\n",
- &url), -1);
+ &url),==, -1);
- test_eq(parse_http_url("GET /tor/a/b/c.txt", &url), -1);
+ tt_int_op(parse_http_url("GET /tor/a/b/c.txt", &url),==, -1);
- test_eq(parse_http_url("GET /tor/a/b/c.txt HTTP/1.1", &url), -1);
+ tt_int_op(parse_http_url("GET /tor/a/b/c.txt HTTP/1.1", &url),==, -1);
- test_eq(parse_http_url("GET /tor/a/b/c.txt HTTP/1.1x\r\n", &url), -1);
+ tt_int_op(parse_http_url("GET /tor/a/b/c.txt HTTP/1.1x\r\n", &url),==, -1);
- test_eq(parse_http_url("GET /tor/a/b/c.txt HTTP/1.", &url), -1);
+ tt_int_op(parse_http_url("GET /tor/a/b/c.txt HTTP/1.", &url),==, -1);
- test_eq(parse_http_url("GET /tor/a/b/c.txt HTTP/1.\r", &url), -1);
+ tt_int_op(parse_http_url("GET /tor/a/b/c.txt HTTP/1.\r", &url),==, -1);
@@ -2347,7 +2885,7 @@ test_dir_http_handling(void *args)
#define DIR_LEGACY(name) \
- { #name, legacy_test_helper, TT_FORK, &legacy_setup, test_dir_ ## name }
+ { #name, test_dir_ ## name , TT_FORK, NULL, NULL }
#define DIR(name,flags) \
{ #name, test_dir_##name, (flags), NULL, NULL }
@@ -2355,6 +2893,11 @@ test_dir_http_handling(void *args)
struct testcase_t dir_tests[] = {
+ DIR(routerparse_bad, 0),
+ DIR(extrainfo_parsing, 0),
+ DIR(parse_router_list, TT_FORK),
+ DIR(load_routers, TT_FORK),
+ DIR(load_extrainfo, TT_FORK),
DIR(split_fps, 0),
diff --git a/src/test/test_entrynodes.c b/src/test/test_entrynodes.c
index fab82c3446..bddc0f11e0 100644
--- a/src/test/test_entrynodes.c
+++ b/src/test/test_entrynodes.c
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ test_choose_random_entry_no_guards(void *arg)
/* Unintuitively, we actually pick a random node as our entry,
because router_choose_random_node() relaxes its constraints if it
can't find a proper entry guard. */
- test_assert(chosen_entry);
+ tt_assert(chosen_entry);
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ populate_live_entry_guards_test_helper(int num_needed)
SMARTLIST_FOREACH_BEGIN(our_nodelist, const node_t *, node) {
const node_t *node_tmp;
node_tmp = add_an_entry_guard(node, 0, 1, 0, 0);
- test_assert(node_tmp);
+ tt_assert(node_tmp);
/* Make sure the nodes were added as entry guards. */
@@ -650,7 +650,7 @@ test_entry_is_live(void *arg)
SMARTLIST_FOREACH_BEGIN(our_nodelist, const node_t *, node) {
const node_t *node_tmp;
node_tmp = add_an_entry_guard(node, 0, 1, 0, 0);
- test_assert(node_tmp);
+ tt_assert(node_tmp);
tt_int_op(node->is_stable, ==, 0);
tt_int_op(node->is_fast, ==, 0);
@@ -670,22 +670,22 @@ test_entry_is_live(void *arg)
test_node = entry_is_live(test_entry,
- test_assert(!test_node);
+ tt_assert(!test_node);
/* Require the node to be fast, but it's not. Should fail. */
test_node = entry_is_live(test_entry,
- test_assert(!test_node);
+ tt_assert(!test_node);
/* Don't impose any restrictions on the node. Should succeed. */
test_node = entry_is_live(test_entry, 0, &msg);
- test_assert(test_node);
+ tt_assert(test_node);
tt_ptr_op(test_node, ==, node_get_by_id(test_entry->identity));
/* Require descriptor for this node. It has one so it should succeed. */
test_node = entry_is_live(test_entry, ENTRY_NEED_DESCRIPTOR, &msg);
- test_assert(test_node);
+ tt_assert(test_node);
tt_ptr_op(test_node, ==, node_get_by_id(test_entry->identity));
diff --git a/src/test/test_extorport.c b/src/test/test_extorport.c
index 93c8f77d5b..35e7fe5ad9 100644
--- a/src/test/test_extorport.c
+++ b/src/test/test_extorport.c
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ test_ext_or_id_map(void *arg)
/* Give c2 a new ID. */
- test_mem_op(idp, !=, c2->ext_or_conn_id, EXT_OR_CONN_ID_LEN);
+ tt_mem_op(idp, !=, c2->ext_or_conn_id, EXT_OR_CONN_ID_LEN);
idp2 = tor_memdup(c2->ext_or_conn_id, EXT_OR_CONN_ID_LEN);
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ test_ext_or_write_command(void *arg)
==, 0);
cp = buf_get_contents(TO_CONN(c1)->outbuf, &sz);
tt_int_op(sz, ==, 4);
- test_mem_op(cp, ==, "\x00\x99\x00\x00", 4);
+ tt_mem_op(cp, ==, "\x00\x99\x00\x00", 4);
/* Medium command. */
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ test_ext_or_write_command(void *arg)
"Wai\0Hello", 9), ==, 0);
cp = buf_get_contents(TO_CONN(c1)->outbuf, &sz);
tt_int_op(sz, ==, 13);
- test_mem_op(cp, ==, "\x00\x99\x00\x09Wai\x00Hello", 13);
+ tt_mem_op(cp, ==, "\x00\x99\x00\x09Wai\x00Hello", 13);
/* Long command */
@@ -137,8 +137,8 @@ test_ext_or_write_command(void *arg)
buf, 65535), ==, 0);
cp = buf_get_contents(TO_CONN(c1)->outbuf, &sz);
tt_int_op(sz, ==, 65539);
- test_mem_op(cp, ==, "\xf0\x0d\xff\xff", 4);
- test_mem_op(cp+4, ==, buf, 65535);
+ tt_mem_op(cp, ==, "\xf0\x0d\xff\xff", 4);
+ tt_mem_op(cp+4, ==, buf, 65535);
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ test_ext_or_init_auth(void *arg)
/* Shouldn't be initialized already, or our tests will be a bit
* meaningless */
ext_or_auth_cookie = tor_malloc_zero(32);
- test_assert(tor_mem_is_zero((char*)ext_or_auth_cookie, 32));
+ tt_assert(tor_mem_is_zero((char*)ext_or_auth_cookie, 32));
/* Now make sure we use a temporary file */
fn = get_fname("ext_cookie_file");
@@ -203,14 +203,14 @@ test_ext_or_init_auth(void *arg)
cp = read_file_to_str(fn, RFTS_BIN, &st);
tt_ptr_op(cp, !=, NULL);
tt_u64_op((uint64_t)st.st_size, ==, 64);
- test_memeq(cp, "! Extended ORPort Auth Cookie !\x0a", 32);
- test_memeq(cp+32, ext_or_auth_cookie, 32);
+ tt_mem_op(cp,==, "! Extended ORPort Auth Cookie !\x0a", 32);
+ tt_mem_op(cp+32,==, ext_or_auth_cookie, 32);
memcpy(cookie0, ext_or_auth_cookie, 32);
- test_assert(!tor_mem_is_zero((char*)ext_or_auth_cookie, 32));
+ tt_assert(!tor_mem_is_zero((char*)ext_or_auth_cookie, 32));
/* Operation should be idempotent. */
tt_int_op(0, ==, init_ext_or_cookie_authentication(1));
- test_memeq(cookie0, ext_or_auth_cookie, 32);
+ tt_mem_op(cookie0,==, ext_or_auth_cookie, 32);
@@ -280,15 +280,15 @@ test_ext_or_cookie_auth(void *arg)
crypto_hmac_sha256(hmac2, (char*)ext_or_auth_cookie, 32, client_hash_input,
- test_memeq(hmac1, reply, 32);
- test_memeq(hmac2, client_hash, 32);
+ tt_mem_op(hmac1,==, reply, 32);
+ tt_mem_op(hmac2,==, client_hash, 32);
/* Now do it again and make sure that the results are *different* */
tt_int_op(0, ==,
handle_client_auth_nonce(client_nonce, 32, &client_hash2, &reply2,
- test_memneq(reply2, reply, reply_len);
- test_memneq(client_hash2, client_hash, 32);
+ tt_mem_op(reply2,!=, reply, reply_len);
+ tt_mem_op(client_hash2,!=, client_hash, 32);
/* But that this one checks out too. */
memcpy(server_hash_input+46+32, reply2+32, 32);
memcpy(client_hash_input+46+32, reply2+32, 32);
@@ -297,8 +297,8 @@ test_ext_or_cookie_auth(void *arg)
crypto_hmac_sha256(hmac2, (char*)ext_or_auth_cookie, 32, client_hash_input,
- test_memeq(hmac1, reply2, 32);
- test_memeq(hmac2, client_hash2, 32);
+ tt_mem_op(hmac1,==, reply2, 32);
+ tt_mem_op(hmac2,==, client_hash2, 32);
@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ test_ext_or_cookie_auth_testvec(void *arg)
tt_ptr_op(reply, !=, NULL );
tt_uint_op(reply_len, ==, 64);
- test_memeq(reply+32, "te road There is always another ", 32);
+ tt_mem_op(reply+32,==, "te road There is always another ", 32);
/* HMACSHA256("Gliding wrapt in a brown mantle,"
* "ExtORPort authentication server-to-client hash"
* "But when I look ahead up the write road There is always another ");
@@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ handshake_start(or_connection_t *conn, int receiving)
tt_int_op(buf_datalen(TO_CONN(conn)->outbuf), ==, (n)); \
if ((n)) { \
fetch_from_buf(b, (n), TO_CONN(conn)->outbuf); \
- test_memeq(b, (s), (n)); \
+ tt_mem_op(b, ==, (s), (n)); \
} \
} while (0)
diff --git a/src/test/test_hs.c b/src/test/test_hs.c
index 99ef7dd570..0ee46c2a58 100644
--- a/src/test/test_hs.c
+++ b/src/test/test_hs.c
@@ -84,8 +84,8 @@ test_hs_desc_event(void *arg)
expected_msg = "650 HS_DESC REQUESTED "STR_HS_ADDR" NO_AUTH "\
- test_assert(received_msg);
- test_streq(received_msg, expected_msg);
+ tt_assert(received_msg);
+ tt_str_op(received_msg,==, expected_msg);
/* test received event */
@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@ test_hs_desc_event(void *arg)
control_event_hs_descriptor_received(&rend_query, HSDIR_EXIST_ID);
expected_msg = "650 HS_DESC RECEIVED "STR_HS_ADDR" BASIC_AUTH "\
- test_assert(received_msg);
- test_streq(received_msg, expected_msg);
+ tt_assert(received_msg);
+ tt_str_op(received_msg,==, expected_msg);
/* test failed event */
@@ -102,8 +102,8 @@ test_hs_desc_event(void *arg)
control_event_hs_descriptor_failed(&rend_query, HSDIR_NONE_EXIST_ID);
expected_msg = "650 HS_DESC FAILED "STR_HS_ADDR" STEALTH_AUTH "\
- test_assert(received_msg);
- test_streq(received_msg, expected_msg);
+ tt_assert(received_msg);
+ tt_str_op(received_msg,==, expected_msg);
/* test invalid auth type */
@@ -111,8 +111,8 @@ test_hs_desc_event(void *arg)
control_event_hs_descriptor_failed(&rend_query, HSDIR_EXIST_ID);
expected_msg = "650 HS_DESC FAILED "STR_HS_ADDR" UNKNOWN "\
- test_assert(received_msg);
- test_streq(received_msg, expected_msg);
+ tt_assert(received_msg);
+ tt_str_op(received_msg,==, expected_msg);
diff --git a/src/test/test_introduce.c b/src/test/test_introduce.c
index 69c1152229..17ee01d9b8 100644
--- a/src/test/test_introduce.c
+++ b/src/test/test_introduce.c
@@ -290,48 +290,48 @@ do_parse_test(uint8_t *plaintext, size_t plaintext_len, int phase)
/* Get a key */
k = crypto_pk_new();
- test_assert(k);
+ tt_assert(k);
r = crypto_pk_read_private_key_from_string(k, AUTHORITY_SIGNKEY_1, -1);
- test_assert(!r);
+ tt_assert(!r);
/* Get digest for future comparison */
r = crypto_pk_get_digest(k, digest);
- test_assert(r >= 0);
+ tt_assert(r >= 0);
/* Make a cell out of it */
r = make_intro_from_plaintext(
plaintext, plaintext_len,
k, (void **)(&cell));
- test_assert(r > 0);
- test_assert(cell);
+ tt_assert(r > 0);
+ tt_assert(cell);
cell_len = r;
/* Do early parsing */
parsed_req = rend_service_begin_parse_intro(cell, cell_len, 2, &err_msg);
- test_assert(parsed_req);
- test_assert(!err_msg);
- test_memeq(parsed_req->pk, digest, DIGEST_LEN);
- test_assert(parsed_req->ciphertext);
- test_assert(parsed_req->ciphertext_len > 0);
+ tt_assert(parsed_req);
+ tt_assert(!err_msg);
+ tt_mem_op(parsed_req->pk,==, digest, DIGEST_LEN);
+ tt_assert(parsed_req->ciphertext);
+ tt_assert(parsed_req->ciphertext_len > 0);
if (phase == EARLY_PARSE_ONLY)
goto done;
/* Do decryption */
r = rend_service_decrypt_intro(parsed_req, k, &err_msg);
- test_assert(!r);
- test_assert(!err_msg);
- test_assert(parsed_req->plaintext);
- test_assert(parsed_req->plaintext_len > 0);
+ tt_assert(!r);
+ tt_assert(!err_msg);
+ tt_assert(parsed_req->plaintext);
+ tt_assert(parsed_req->plaintext_len > 0);
if (phase == DECRYPT_ONLY)
goto done;
/* Do late parsing */
r = rend_service_parse_intro_plaintext(parsed_req, &err_msg);
- test_assert(!r);
- test_assert(!err_msg);
- test_assert(parsed_req->parsed);
+ tt_assert(!r);
+ tt_assert(!err_msg);
+ tt_assert(parsed_req->parsed);
@@ -371,14 +371,14 @@ make_intro_from_plaintext(
/* Compute key digest (will be first DIGEST_LEN octets of cell) */
r = crypto_pk_get_digest(key, cell);
- test_assert(r >= 0);
+ tt_assert(r >= 0);
/* Do encryption */
r = crypto_pk_public_hybrid_encrypt(
key, cell + DIGEST_LEN, ciphertext_size,
buf, len,
- test_assert(r >= 0);
+ tt_assert(r >= 0);
/* Figure out cell length */
cell_len = DIGEST_LEN + r;
@@ -394,8 +394,9 @@ make_intro_from_plaintext(
static void
+test_introduce_decrypt_v0(void *arg)
+ (void)arg;
do_decrypt_test(v0_test_plaintext, sizeof(v0_test_plaintext));
@@ -403,8 +404,9 @@ test_introduce_decrypt_v0(void)
static void
+test_introduce_decrypt_v1(void *arg)
+ (void)arg;
do_decrypt_test(v1_test_plaintext, sizeof(v1_test_plaintext));
@@ -412,8 +414,9 @@ test_introduce_decrypt_v1(void)
static void
+test_introduce_decrypt_v2(void *arg)
+ (void)arg;
do_decrypt_test(v2_test_plaintext, sizeof(v2_test_plaintext));
@@ -421,8 +424,9 @@ test_introduce_decrypt_v2(void)
static void
+test_introduce_decrypt_v3(void *arg)
+ (void)arg;
v3_no_auth_test_plaintext, sizeof(v3_no_auth_test_plaintext));
@@ -433,8 +437,9 @@ test_introduce_decrypt_v3(void)
static void
+test_introduce_early_parse_v0(void *arg)
+ (void)arg;
do_early_parse_test(v0_test_plaintext, sizeof(v0_test_plaintext));
@@ -442,8 +447,9 @@ test_introduce_early_parse_v0(void)
static void
+test_introduce_early_parse_v1(void *arg)
+ (void)arg;
do_early_parse_test(v1_test_plaintext, sizeof(v1_test_plaintext));
@@ -451,8 +457,9 @@ test_introduce_early_parse_v1(void)
static void
+test_introduce_early_parse_v2(void *arg)
+ (void)arg;
do_early_parse_test(v2_test_plaintext, sizeof(v2_test_plaintext));
@@ -460,8 +467,9 @@ test_introduce_early_parse_v2(void)
static void
+test_introduce_early_parse_v3(void *arg)
+ (void)arg;
v3_no_auth_test_plaintext, sizeof(v3_no_auth_test_plaintext));
@@ -472,8 +480,9 @@ test_introduce_early_parse_v3(void)
static void
+test_introduce_late_parse_v0(void *arg)
+ (void)arg;
do_late_parse_test(v0_test_plaintext, sizeof(v0_test_plaintext));
@@ -481,8 +490,9 @@ test_introduce_late_parse_v0(void)
static void
+test_introduce_late_parse_v1(void *arg)
+ (void)arg;
do_late_parse_test(v1_test_plaintext, sizeof(v1_test_plaintext));
@@ -490,8 +500,9 @@ test_introduce_late_parse_v1(void)
static void
+test_introduce_late_parse_v2(void *arg)
+ (void)arg;
do_late_parse_test(v2_test_plaintext, sizeof(v2_test_plaintext));
@@ -499,8 +510,9 @@ test_introduce_late_parse_v2(void)
static void
+test_introduce_late_parse_v3(void *arg)
+ (void)arg;
v3_no_auth_test_plaintext, sizeof(v3_no_auth_test_plaintext));
@@ -508,7 +520,7 @@ test_introduce_late_parse_v3(void)
#define INTRODUCE_LEGACY(name) \
- { #name, legacy_test_helper, 0, &legacy_setup, test_introduce_ ## name }
+ { #name, test_introduce_ ## name , 0, NULL, NULL }
struct testcase_t introduce_tests[] = {
diff --git a/src/test/test_microdesc.c b/src/test/test_microdesc.c
index 78f4823b87..bc6755b93e 100644
--- a/src/test/test_microdesc.c
+++ b/src/test/test_microdesc.c
@@ -7,11 +7,16 @@
#include "config.h"
#include "dirvote.h"
#include "microdesc.h"
+#include "networkstatus.h"
#include "routerlist.h"
#include "routerparse.h"
#include "test.h"
+#include <openssl/rsa.h>
+#include <openssl/bn.h>
+#include <openssl/pem.h>
#ifdef _WIN32
/* For mkdir() */
#include <direct.h>
@@ -108,7 +113,7 @@ test_md_cache(void *data)
md2 = smartlist_get(added, 0);
/* And it should have gotten removed from 'wanted' */
tt_int_op(smartlist_len(wanted), ==, 1);
- test_mem_op(smartlist_get(wanted, 0), ==, d3, DIGEST256_LEN);
+ tt_mem_op(smartlist_get(wanted, 0), ==, d3, DIGEST256_LEN);
added = NULL;
@@ -144,18 +149,18 @@ test_md_cache(void *data)
tt_int_op(md1->bodylen, ==, strlen(test_md1));
tt_int_op(md2->bodylen, ==, strlen(test_md2));
tt_int_op(md3->bodylen, ==, strlen(test_md3_noannotation));
- test_mem_op(md1->body, ==, test_md1, strlen(test_md1));
- test_mem_op(md2->body, ==, test_md2, strlen(test_md2));
- test_mem_op(md3->body, ==, test_md3_noannotation,
+ tt_mem_op(md1->body, ==, test_md1, strlen(test_md1));
+ tt_mem_op(md2->body, ==, test_md2, strlen(test_md2));
+ tt_mem_op(md3->body, ==, test_md3_noannotation,
tor_asprintf(&fn, "%s"PATH_SEPARATOR"",
s = read_file_to_str(fn, RFTS_BIN, NULL);
- test_mem_op(md1->body, ==, s + md1->off, md1->bodylen);
- test_mem_op(md2->body, ==, s + md2->off, md2->bodylen);
- test_mem_op(md3->body, ==, s + md3->off, md3->bodylen);
+ tt_mem_op(md1->body, ==, s + md1->off, md1->bodylen);
+ tt_mem_op(md2->body, ==, s + md2->off, md2->bodylen);
+ tt_mem_op(md3->body, ==, s + md3->off, md3->bodylen);
tt_ptr_op(md1->family, ==, NULL);
tt_ptr_op(md3->family, !=, NULL);
@@ -180,9 +185,9 @@ test_md_cache(void *data)
tor_asprintf(&fn, "%s"PATH_SEPARATOR"cached-microdescs",
s = read_file_to_str(fn, RFTS_BIN, NULL);
- test_mem_op(md1->body, ==, s + md1->off, strlen(test_md1));
- test_mem_op(md2->body, ==, s + md2->off, strlen(test_md2));
- test_mem_op(md3->body, ==, s + md3->off, strlen(test_md3_noannotation));
+ tt_mem_op(md1->body, ==, s + md1->off, strlen(test_md1));
+ tt_mem_op(md2->body, ==, s + md2->off, strlen(test_md2));
+ tt_mem_op(md3->body, ==, s + md3->off, strlen(test_md3_noannotation));
/* Okay, now we are going to forget about the cache entirely, and reload it
* from the disk. */
@@ -191,12 +196,12 @@ test_md_cache(void *data)
md1 = microdesc_cache_lookup_by_digest256(mc, d1);
md2 = microdesc_cache_lookup_by_digest256(mc, d2);
md3 = microdesc_cache_lookup_by_digest256(mc, d3);
- test_assert(md1);
- test_assert(md2);
- test_assert(md3);
- test_mem_op(md1->body, ==, s + md1->off, strlen(test_md1));
- test_mem_op(md2->body, ==, s + md2->off, strlen(test_md2));
- test_mem_op(md3->body, ==, s + md3->off, strlen(test_md3_noannotation));
+ tt_assert(md1);
+ tt_assert(md2);
+ tt_assert(md3);
+ tt_mem_op(md1->body, ==, s + md1->off, strlen(test_md1));
+ tt_mem_op(md2->body, ==, s + md2->off, strlen(test_md2));
+ tt_mem_op(md3->body, ==, s + md3->off, strlen(test_md3_noannotation));
tt_int_op(md1->last_listed, ==, time1);
tt_int_op(md2->last_listed, ==, time2);
@@ -367,7 +372,7 @@ test_md_generate(void *arg)
microdesc_t *md = NULL;
- ri = router_parse_entry_from_string(test_ri, NULL, 0, 0, NULL);
+ ri = router_parse_entry_from_string(test_ri, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL);
md = dirvote_create_microdescriptor(ri, 8);
tt_str_op(md->body, ==, test_md_8);
@@ -391,10 +396,330 @@ test_md_generate(void *arg)
+/* Taken at random from my ~/.tor/cached-microdescs file and then
+ * hand-munged */
+static const char MD_PARSE_TEST_DATA[] =
+ /* Good 0 */
+ "onion-key\n"
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "MIGJAoGBANsKd1GRfOuSR1MkcwKqs6SVy4Gi/JXplt/bHDkIGm6Q96TeJ5uyVgUL\n"
+ "DBr/ij6+JqgVFeriuiMzHKREytzjdaTuKsKBFFpLwb+Ppcjr5nMIH/AR6/aHO8hW\n"
+ "T3B9lx5T6Kl7CqZ4yqXxYRHzn50EPTIZuz0y9se4J4gi9mLmL+pHAgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "p accept 20-23,43,53,79-81,88,110,143,194,220,443,464,531,543-544\n"
+ "id rsa1024 GEo59/iR1GWSIWZDzXTd5QxtqnU\n"
+ /* Bad 0: I've messed with the onion-key in the second one. */
+ "onion-key\n"
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "MIGJAoGBAMr4o/pflVwscx11vC1AKEADlKEqnhpvCIjAEzNEenMhvGQHRlA0EXLC\n"
+ "7G7O5bhnCwEHqK8Pvg8cuX/fD8v08TF1EVPhwPa0UI6ab8KnPP2F!!!!!!b92DG7EQIk3q\n"
+ "d68Uxp7E9/t3v1WWZjzDqvEe0par6ul+DKW6HMlTGebFo5Q4e8R1AgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "ntor-onion-key 761Dmm27via7lXygNHM3l+oJLrYU2Nye0Uz4pkpipyY=\n"
+ "p accept 53\n"
+ "id rsa1024 3Y4fwXhtgkdGDZ5ef5mtb6TJRQQ\n"
+ /* Good 1 */
+ "onion-key\n"
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "MIGJAoGBANsMSjVi3EX8ZHfm/dvPF6KdVR66k1tVul7Jp+dDbDajBYNhgKRzVCxy\n"
+ "Yac1CBuQjOqK89tKap9PQBnhF087eDrfaZDqYTLwB2W2sBJncVej15WEPXPRBifo\n"
+ "iFZ8337kgczkaY+IOfSuhtbOUyDOoDpRJheIKBNq0ZiTqtLbbadVAgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "ntor-onion-key ncfiHJjSgdDEW/gc6q6/7idac7j+x7ejQrRm6i75pGA=\n"
+ "p accept 443,6660-6669,6697,7000-7001\n"
+ "id rsa1024 XXuLzw3mfBELEq3veXoNhdehwD4\n"
+ /* Good 2 */
+ "onion-key\n"
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "MIGJAoGBANQfBlrHrh9F/CAOytrNFgi0ikWMW/HZxuoszF9X+AQ+MudR8bcxxOGl\n"
+ "1RFwb74s8E3uuzrCkNFvSw9Ar1L02F2DOX0gLsxEGuYC4Ave9NUteGqSqDyEJQUJ\n"
+ "KlfxCPn2qC9nvNT7wR/Dg2WRvAEKnJmkpb57N3+WSAOPLjKOFEz3AgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "ntor-onion-key AppBt6CSeb1kKid/36ototmFA24ddfW5JpjWPLuoJgs=\n"
+ "id rsa1024 6y60AEI9a1PUUlRPO0YQT9WzrjI\n"
+ /* Bad 1: Here I've messed with the ntor key */
+ "onion-key\n"
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "Cqylw1vYqxu8E09g+QXXFbAgBv1U9TICaATxrIJhIJzc8TJPhqJemp1kq0DvHLDx\n"
+ "mxwlkNnCD/P5NS+JYB3EjOlU9EnSKUWNU61+Co344m2JqhEau40vAgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "ntor-onion-key 4i2Fp9JHTUr1uQs0pxD5j5spl4/RG56S2P0gQxU=\n"
+ "id rsa1024 nMRmNEGysA0NmlALVaUmI7D5jLU\n"
+ /* Good 3: I've added a weird token in this one. This shouldn't prevent
+ * it parsing */
+ "onion-key\n"
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "MIGJAoGBAKmosxudyNA/yJNz3S890VqV/ebylzoD11Sc0b/d5tyNNaNZjcYy5vRD\n"
+ "kwyxFRMbP2TLZQ1zRfNwY7IDnYjU2SbW0pxuM6M8WRtsmx/YOE3kHMVAFJNrTUqU\n"
+ "6D1zB3IiRDS5q5+NoRxwqo+hYUck60O3WTwEoqb+l3lvXeu7z9rFAgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "flux-capacitor 1.21 GW\n"
+ "ntor-onion-key MWBoEkl+RlBiGX44XKIvTSqbznTNZStOmUYtcYRQQyY=\n"
+ "id rsa1024 R+A5O9qRvRac4FT3C4L2QnFyxsc\n"
+ /* Good 4: Here I've made the 'id rsa' token odd. It should still parse
+ * just fine. */
+ "onion-key\n"
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "MIGJAoGBAOh+WMkdNe/Pkjb8UjQyfLOlFgpuVFrxAIGnJsmWWx0yBE97DQxGyh2n\n"
+ "h8G5OJZHRarJQyCIf7vpZQAi0oP0OkGGaCaDQsM+D8TnqhnU++RWGnMqY/cXxPrL\n"
+ "MEq+n6aGiLmzkO7ah8yorZpoREk4GqLUIN89/tHHGOhJL3c4CPGjAgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "p reject 25,119,135-139,445,563,1214,4661-4666,6346-6429,6699,6881-6999\n"
+ "id rsa1234 jlqAKFD2E7uMKv+8TmKSeo7NBho\n"
+ /* Good 5: Extra id type. */
+ "onion-key\n"
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "MIGJAoGBAMdgPPc5uaw4y/q+SUTN/I8Y+Gvdx9kKgWV4dmDGJ0mxsVZmo1v6+v3F\n"
+ "12M2f9m99G3WB8F8now29C+9XyEv8MBHj1lHRdUFHSQes3YTFvDNlgj+FjLqO5TJ\n"
+ "adOOmfu4DCUUtUEDyQKbNVL4EkMTXY73omTVsjcH3xxFjTx5wixhAgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "ntor-onion-key AAVnWZcnDbxasdZwKqb4fL6O9sZV+XsRNHTpNd1YMz8=\n"
+ "id rsa1024 72EfBL11QuwX2vU8y+p9ExGfGEg\n"
+ "id expolding hedgehog 0+A5O9qRvRac4FT3C4L2QnFyxsc\n"
+ /* Good 6: I've given this a bogus policy. It should parse. */
+ "onion-key\n"
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "MIGJAoGBALNuufwhPMF8BooxYMNvhYJMPqUB8hQDt8wGmPKphJcD1sVD1i4gAZM2\n"
+ "HIo+zUBlljDrRWL5NzVzd1yxUJAiQxvXS5dRRFY3B70M7wTVpXw53xe0/BM5t1AX\n"
+ "n0MFk7Jl6XIKMlzRalZvmMvE/odtyWXkP4Nd1MyZ1QcIwrQ2iwyrAgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "p condone 1-10\n"
+ "ntor-onion-key 2/nMJ+L4dd/2GpMyTYjz3zC59MvQy4MIzJZhdzKHekg=\n"
+ "id rsa1024 FHyh10glEMA6MCmBb5R9Y+X/MhQ\n"
+ /* Good 7: I've given this one another sort of odd policy. Should parse. */
+ "onion-key\n"
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "MIGJAoGBAKcd3FmQ8iAADghyvX8eca0ePqtJ2w1IDdUdTlf5Y/8+OMdp//sD01yC\n"
+ "YmiX45LK5ge1O3AzcakYCO6fb3pyIqvXdvm24OjyYZELQ40cmKSLjdhcSf4Fr/N9\n"
+ "uR/CkknR9cEePu1wZ5WBIGmGdXI6s7t3LB+e7XFyBYAx6wMGlnX7AgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "p accept frogs-mice\n"
+ "ntor-onion-key AMxvhaQ1Qg7jBJFoyHuPRgETvLbFmJ194hExV24FuAI=\n"
+ "family $D8CFEA0D996F5D1473D2063C041B7910DB23981E\n"
+ "id rsa1024 d0VVZC/cHh1P3y4MMbfKlQHFycc\n"
+ /* Good 8: This one has the ntor-onion-key without terminating =. That's
+ * allowed. */
+ "onion-key\n"
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "MIGJAoGBAL438YfjrJE2SPqkkXeQwICygu8KNO54Juj6sjqk5hgsiazIWMOBgbaX\n"
+ "LIRqPNGaiSq01xSqwjwCBCfwZYT/nSdDBqj1h9aoR8rnjxZjyQ+m3rWpdDqeCDMx\n"
+ "I3NgZ5w4bNX4poRb42lrV6NmQiFdjzpqszVbv5Lpn2CSKu32CwKVAgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "ntor-onion-key UKL6Dnj2KwYsFlkCvOkXVatxvOPB4MaxqwPQQgZMTwI\n"
+ "id rsa1024 FPIXc6k++JnKCtSKWUxaR6oXEKs\n"
+ /* Good 9: Another totally normal one.*/
+ "onion-key\n"
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "B6zNY5ysguNjHNnlq2f6D09+uhnfDBON8tAz0mPQH/6JqnOXm+EiUn+8bN0E8Nke\n"
+ "/i3GEgDeaxJJMNQcpsJvmmSmKFOlYy9Fy7ejAjTGqtAnqOte7BnTAgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "ntor-onion-key gUsq3e5iYgsQQvyxINtLzBpHxmIt5rtuFlEbKfI4gFk=\n"
+ "id rsa1024 jv+LdatDzsMfEW6pLBeL/5uzwCc\n"
+ /* Bad 2: RSA key has bad exponent of 3. */
+ "onion-key\n"
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "MIGHAoGBAMMTWtvPxYnUNJ5Y7B+XENcpxzPoGstrdiUszCBS+/42xvluLJ+JDSdR\n"
+ "qJaMD6ax8vKAeLS5C6O17MNdG2VldlPRbtgl41MXsOoUqEJ+nY9e3WG9Snjp47xC\n"
+ "zmWIfeduXSavIsb3a43/MLIz/9qO0TkgAAiuQr79JlwKhLdzCqTLAgED\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "ntor-onion-key NkRB4wTUFogiVp5jYmjGORe2ffb/y5Kk8Itw8jdzMjA=\n"
+ "p reject 25,119,135-139,445,563,1214,4661-4666,6346-6429,6699,6881-6999\n"
+ "id rsa1024 fKvYjP7TAjCC1FzYee5bYAwYkoDg\n"
+ /* Bad 3: Bogus annotation */
+ "@last-listed with strange aeons\n"
+ "onion-key\n"
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "YtUagRLYle08QVGvGB+EHBI5qf6Ah2yPH7k5QiN2a3Sq+nyh85dXKPazBGBBbM+C\n"
+ "DOfDauV02CAnADNMLJEf1voY3oBVvYyIsmHxn5i1R19ZYIiR8NX5AgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "ntor-onion-key m4xcFXMWMjCvZDXq8FT3XmS0EHYseGOeu+fV+6FYDlk=\n"
+ "p accept 20-23,43,53,79-81,88,110,143,194,220,389,443,464,531,543-544\n"
+ "id rsa1024 SSbfNE9vmaiwRKH+eqNAkiKQhds\n"
+ /* Good 10: Normal, with added ipv6 address and added other address */
+ "onion-key\n"
+ "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "MIGJAoGBAM7uUtq5F6h63QNYIvC+4NcWaD0DjtnrOORZMkdpJhinXUOwce3cD5Dj\n"
+ "sgdN1wJpWpTQMXJ2DssfSgmOVXETP7qJuZyRprxalQhaEATMDNJA/66Ml1jSO9mZ\n"
+ "+8Xb7m/4q778lNtkSbsvMaYD2Dq6k2QQ3kMhr9z8oUtX0XA23+pfAgMBAAE=\n"
+ "-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
+ "a [::1:2:3:4]:9090\n"
+ "a\n"
+ "ntor-onion-key k2yFqTU2vzMCQDEiE/j9UcEHxKrXMLpB3IL0or09sik=\n"
+ "id rsa1024 2A8wYpHxnkKJ92orocvIQBzeHlE\n"
+ "p6 allow 80\n"
+ ;
+/** More tests for parsing different kinds of microdescriptors, and getting
+ * invalid digests trackd from them. */
+static void
+test_md_parse(void *arg)
+ (void) arg;
+ char *mem_op_hex_tmp = NULL;
+ smartlist_t *invalid = smartlist_new();
+ smartlist_t *mds = microdescs_parse_from_string(MD_PARSE_TEST_DATA,
+ invalid);
+ tt_int_op(smartlist_len(mds), ==, 11);
+ tt_int_op(smartlist_len(invalid), ==, 4);
+ test_memeq_hex(smartlist_get(invalid,0),
+ "5d76bf1c6614e885614a1e0ad074e1ab"
+ "4ea14655ebeefb1736a71b5ed8a15a51");
+ test_memeq_hex(smartlist_get(invalid,1),
+ "2fde0ee3343669c2444cd9d53cbd39c6"
+ "a7d1fc0513513e840ca7f6e68864b36c");
+ test_memeq_hex(smartlist_get(invalid,2),
+ "20d1576c5ab11bbcff0dedb1db4a3cfc"
+ "c8bc8dd839d8cbfef92d00a1a7d7b294");
+ test_memeq_hex(smartlist_get(invalid,3),
+ "074770f394c73dbde7b44412e9692add"
+ "691a478d4727f9804b77646c95420a96");
+ /* Spot-check the valid ones. */
+ const microdesc_t *md = smartlist_get(mds, 5);
+ test_memeq_hex(md->digest,
+ "54bb6d733ddeb375d2456c79ae103961"
+ "da0cae29620375ac4cf13d54da4d92b3");
+ tt_int_op(md->last_listed, ==, 0);
+ tt_int_op(md->saved_location, ==, SAVED_NOWHERE);
+ tt_int_op(md->no_save, ==, 0);
+ tt_uint_op(md->held_in_map, ==, 0);
+ tt_uint_op(md->held_by_nodes, ==, 0);
+ tt_assert(md->onion_curve25519_pkey);
+ md = smartlist_get(mds, 6);
+ test_memeq_hex(md->digest,
+ "53f740bd222ab37f19f604b1d3759aa6"
+ "5eff1fbce9ac254bd0fa50d4af9b1bae");
+ tt_assert(! md->exit_policy);
+ md = smartlist_get(mds, 8);
+ test_memeq_hex(md->digest,
+ "a0a155562d8093d8fd0feb7b93b7226e"
+ "17f056c2142aab7a4ea8c5867a0376d5");
+ tt_assert(md->onion_curve25519_pkey);
+ md = smartlist_get(mds, 10);
+ test_memeq_hex(md->digest,
+ "409ebd87d23925a2732bd467a92813c9"
+ "21ca378fcb9ca193d354c51550b6d5e9");
+ tt_assert(tor_addr_family(&md->ipv6_addr) == AF_INET6);
+ tt_int_op(md->ipv6_orport, ==, 9090);
+ done:
+ SMARTLIST_FOREACH(mds, microdesc_t *, md, microdesc_free(md));
+ smartlist_free(mds);
+ SMARTLIST_FOREACH(invalid, char *, cp, tor_free(cp));
+ smartlist_free(invalid);
+ tor_free(mem_op_hex_tmp);
+static int mock_rgsbd_called = 0;
+static routerstatus_t *mock_rgsbd_val_a = NULL;
+static routerstatus_t *mock_rgsbd_val_b = NULL;
+static routerstatus_t *
+mock_router_get_status_by_digest(networkstatus_t *c, const char *d)
+ (void) c;
+ ++mock_rgsbd_called;
+ if (fast_memeq(d, "\x5d\x76", 2)) {
+ memcpy(mock_rgsbd_val_a->descriptor_digest, d, 32);
+ return mock_rgsbd_val_a;
+ } else if (fast_memeq(d, "\x20\xd1", 2)) {
+ memcpy(mock_rgsbd_val_b->descriptor_digest, d, 32);
+ return mock_rgsbd_val_b;
+ } else {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+static networkstatus_t *mock_ns_val = NULL;
+static networkstatus_t *
+mock_ns_get_by_flavor(consensus_flavor_t f)
+ (void)f;
+ return mock_ns_val;
+static void
+test_md_reject_cache(void *arg)
+ (void) arg;
+ microdesc_cache_t *mc = NULL ;
+ smartlist_t *added = NULL, *wanted = smartlist_new();
+ or_options_t *options = get_options_mutable();
+ char buf[DIGEST256_LEN];
+ tor_free(options->DataDirectory);
+ options->DataDirectory = tor_strdup(get_fname("md_datadir_test_rej"));
+ mock_rgsbd_val_a = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(routerstatus_t));
+ mock_rgsbd_val_b = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(routerstatus_t));
+ mock_ns_val = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(networkstatus_t));
+ mock_ns_val->valid_after = time(NULL) - 86400;
+ mock_ns_val->valid_until = time(NULL) + 86400;
+ mock_ns_val->flavor = FLAV_MICRODESC;
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ tt_int_op(0, ==, mkdir(options->DataDirectory));
+ tt_int_op(0, ==, mkdir(options->DataDirectory, 0700));
+ MOCK(router_get_mutable_consensus_status_by_descriptor_digest,
+ mock_router_get_status_by_digest);
+ MOCK(networkstatus_get_latest_consensus_by_flavor, mock_ns_get_by_flavor);
+ mc = get_microdesc_cache();
+#define ADD(hex) \
+ do { \
+ tt_int_op(0,==,base16_decode(buf,sizeof(buf),hex,strlen(hex))); \
+ smartlist_add(wanted, tor_memdup(buf, DIGEST256_LEN)); \
+ } while (0)
+ /* invalid,0 */
+ ADD("5d76bf1c6614e885614a1e0ad074e1ab4ea14655ebeefb1736a71b5ed8a15a51");
+ /* invalid,2 */
+ ADD("20d1576c5ab11bbcff0dedb1db4a3cfcc8bc8dd839d8cbfef92d00a1a7d7b294");
+ /* valid, 6 */
+ ADD("53f740bd222ab37f19f604b1d3759aa65eff1fbce9ac254bd0fa50d4af9b1bae");
+ /* valid, 8 */
+ ADD("a0a155562d8093d8fd0feb7b93b7226e17f056c2142aab7a4ea8c5867a0376d5");
+ added = microdescs_add_to_cache(mc, MD_PARSE_TEST_DATA, NULL,
+ SAVED_NOWHERE, 0, time(NULL), wanted);
+ tt_int_op(smartlist_len(added), ==, 2);
+ tt_int_op(mock_rgsbd_called, ==, 2);
+ tt_int_op(mock_rgsbd_val_a->dl_status.n_download_failures, ==, 255);
+ tt_int_op(mock_rgsbd_val_b->dl_status.n_download_failures, ==, 255);
+ done:
+ UNMOCK(networkstatus_get_latest_consensus_by_flavor);
+ UNMOCK(router_get_mutable_consensus_status_by_descriptor_digest);
+ if (options)
+ tor_free(options->DataDirectory);
+ microdesc_free_all();
+ smartlist_free(added);
+ SMARTLIST_FOREACH(wanted, char *, cp, tor_free(cp));
+ smartlist_free(wanted);
+ tor_free(mock_rgsbd_val_a);
+ tor_free(mock_rgsbd_val_b);
+ tor_free(mock_ns_val);
struct testcase_t microdesc_tests[] = {
{ "cache", test_md_cache, TT_FORK, NULL, NULL },
{ "broken_cache", test_md_cache_broken, TT_FORK, NULL, NULL },
{ "generate", test_md_generate, 0, NULL, NULL },
+ { "parse", test_md_parse, 0, NULL, NULL },
+ { "reject_cache", test_md_reject_cache, TT_FORK, NULL, NULL },
diff --git a/src/test/test_nodelist.c b/src/test/test_nodelist.c
index 600e6a89d4..6d270db960 100644
--- a/src/test/test_nodelist.c
+++ b/src/test/test_nodelist.c
@@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ test_nodelist_node_get_verbose_nickname_by_id_null_node(void *arg)
(void) arg;
/* make sure node_get_by_id returns NULL */
- test_assert(!node_get_by_id(ID));
+ tt_assert(!node_get_by_id(ID));
node_get_verbose_nickname_by_id(ID, vname);
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ test_nodelist_node_get_verbose_nickname_not_named(void *arg)
node_get_verbose_nickname(&mock_node, vname);
diff --git a/src/test/test_policy.c b/src/test/test_policy.c
index 4cdcd034bb..388251a61f 100644
--- a/src/test/test_policy.c
+++ b/src/test/test_policy.c
@@ -47,17 +47,20 @@ test_policy_summary_helper(const char *policy_str,
line.value = (char *)policy_str; = NULL;
- r = policies_parse_exit_policy(&line, &policy, 1, 0, 0, 1);
- test_eq(r, 0);
+ r = policies_parse_exit_policy(&line, &policy,
+ tt_int_op(r,==, 0);
summary = policy_summarize(policy, AF_INET);
- test_assert(summary != NULL);
- test_streq(summary, expected_summary);
+ tt_assert(summary != NULL);
+ tt_str_op(summary,==, expected_summary);
short_policy = parse_short_policy(summary);
summary_after = write_short_policy(short_policy);
- test_streq(summary, summary_after);
+ tt_str_op(summary,==, summary_after);
@@ -86,104 +89,108 @@ test_policies_general(void *arg)
policy = smartlist_new();
p = router_parse_addr_policy_item_from_string("reject*",-1);
- test_assert(p != NULL);
- test_eq(ADDR_POLICY_REJECT, p->policy_type);
+ tt_assert(p != NULL);
+ tt_int_op(ADDR_POLICY_REJECT,==, p->policy_type);
tor_addr_from_ipv4h(&tar, 0xc0a80000u);
- test_eq(0, tor_addr_compare(&p->addr, &tar, CMP_EXACT));
- test_eq(16, p->maskbits);
- test_eq(1, p->prt_min);
- test_eq(65535, p->prt_max);
+ tt_int_op(0,==, tor_addr_compare(&p->addr, &tar, CMP_EXACT));
+ tt_int_op(16,==, p->maskbits);
+ tt_int_op(1,==, p->prt_min);
+ tt_int_op(65535,==, p->prt_max);
smartlist_add(policy, p);
tor_addr_from_ipv4h(&tar, 0x01020304u);
- test_assert(ADDR_POLICY_ACCEPTED ==
compare_tor_addr_to_addr_policy(&tar, 2, policy));
compare_tor_addr_to_addr_policy(&tar, 2, policy));
tor_addr_from_ipv4h(&tar, 0xc0a80102);
- test_assert(ADDR_POLICY_REJECTED ==
compare_tor_addr_to_addr_policy(&tar, 2, policy));
- test_assert(0 == policies_parse_exit_policy(NULL, &policy2, 1, 1, 0, 1));
- test_assert(policy2);
+ tt_int_op(0, ==, policies_parse_exit_policy(NULL, &policy2,
+ tt_assert(policy2);
policy3 = smartlist_new();
p = router_parse_addr_policy_item_from_string("reject *:*",-1);
- test_assert(p != NULL);
+ tt_assert(p != NULL);
smartlist_add(policy3, p);
p = router_parse_addr_policy_item_from_string("accept *:*",-1);
- test_assert(p != NULL);
+ tt_assert(p != NULL);
smartlist_add(policy3, p);
policy4 = smartlist_new();
p = router_parse_addr_policy_item_from_string("accept *:443",-1);
- test_assert(p != NULL);
+ tt_assert(p != NULL);
smartlist_add(policy4, p);
p = router_parse_addr_policy_item_from_string("accept *:443",-1);
- test_assert(p != NULL);
+ tt_assert(p != NULL);
smartlist_add(policy4, p);
policy5 = smartlist_new();
p = router_parse_addr_policy_item_from_string("reject*",-1);
- test_assert(p != NULL);
+ tt_assert(p != NULL);
smartlist_add(policy5, p);
p = router_parse_addr_policy_item_from_string("reject*",-1);
- test_assert(p != NULL);
+ tt_assert(p != NULL);
smartlist_add(policy5, p);
p = router_parse_addr_policy_item_from_string("reject*",-1);
- test_assert(p != NULL);
+ tt_assert(p != NULL);
smartlist_add(policy5, p);
p = router_parse_addr_policy_item_from_string("reject*",-1);
- test_assert(p != NULL);
+ tt_assert(p != NULL);
smartlist_add(policy5, p);
p = router_parse_addr_policy_item_from_string("reject*",-1);
- test_assert(p != NULL);
+ tt_assert(p != NULL);
smartlist_add(policy5, p);
p = router_parse_addr_policy_item_from_string("reject*",-1);
- test_assert(p != NULL);
+ tt_assert(p != NULL);
smartlist_add(policy5, p);
p = router_parse_addr_policy_item_from_string("reject*",-1);
- test_assert(p != NULL);
+ tt_assert(p != NULL);
smartlist_add(policy5, p);
p = router_parse_addr_policy_item_from_string("reject *:1-65534",-1);
- test_assert(p != NULL);
+ tt_assert(p != NULL);
smartlist_add(policy5, p);
p = router_parse_addr_policy_item_from_string("reject *:65535",-1);
- test_assert(p != NULL);
+ tt_assert(p != NULL);
smartlist_add(policy5, p);
p = router_parse_addr_policy_item_from_string("accept *:1-65535",-1);
- test_assert(p != NULL);
+ tt_assert(p != NULL);
smartlist_add(policy5, p);
policy6 = smartlist_new();
p = router_parse_addr_policy_item_from_string("accept*",-1);
- test_assert(p != NULL);
+ tt_assert(p != NULL);
smartlist_add(policy6, p);
policy7 = smartlist_new();
p = router_parse_addr_policy_item_from_string("accept*",-1);
- test_assert(p != NULL);
+ tt_assert(p != NULL);
smartlist_add(policy7, p);
- test_assert(!exit_policy_is_general_exit(policy));
- test_assert(exit_policy_is_general_exit(policy2));
- test_assert(!exit_policy_is_general_exit(NULL));
- test_assert(!exit_policy_is_general_exit(policy3));
- test_assert(!exit_policy_is_general_exit(policy4));
- test_assert(!exit_policy_is_general_exit(policy5));
- test_assert(!exit_policy_is_general_exit(policy6));
- test_assert(!exit_policy_is_general_exit(policy7));
+ tt_assert(!exit_policy_is_general_exit(policy));
+ tt_assert(exit_policy_is_general_exit(policy2));
+ tt_assert(!exit_policy_is_general_exit(NULL));
+ tt_assert(!exit_policy_is_general_exit(policy3));
+ tt_assert(!exit_policy_is_general_exit(policy4));
+ tt_assert(!exit_policy_is_general_exit(policy5));
+ tt_assert(!exit_policy_is_general_exit(policy6));
+ tt_assert(!exit_policy_is_general_exit(policy7));
- test_assert(cmp_addr_policies(policy, policy2));
- test_assert(cmp_addr_policies(policy, NULL));
- test_assert(!cmp_addr_policies(policy2, policy2));
- test_assert(!cmp_addr_policies(NULL, NULL));
+ tt_assert(cmp_addr_policies(policy, policy2));
+ tt_assert(cmp_addr_policies(policy, NULL));
+ tt_assert(!cmp_addr_policies(policy2, policy2));
+ tt_assert(!cmp_addr_policies(NULL, NULL));
- test_assert(!policy_is_reject_star(policy2, AF_INET));
- test_assert(policy_is_reject_star(policy, AF_INET));
- test_assert(policy_is_reject_star(NULL, AF_INET));
+ tt_assert(!policy_is_reject_star(policy2, AF_INET));
+ tt_assert(policy_is_reject_star(policy, AF_INET));
+ tt_assert(policy_is_reject_star(NULL, AF_INET));
policy = NULL;
@@ -193,11 +200,14 @@ test_policies_general(void *arg)
line.key = (char*)"foo";
line.value = (char*)"accept *:80,reject private:*,reject *:*"; = NULL;
- test_assert(0 == policies_parse_exit_policy(&line, &policy, 1, 0, 0, 1));
- test_assert(policy);
+ tt_int_op(0, ==, policies_parse_exit_policy(&line,&policy,
+ tt_assert(policy);
//test_streq(policy->string, "accept *:80");
//test_streq(policy->next->string, "reject *:*");
- test_eq(smartlist_len(policy), 4);
+ tt_int_op(smartlist_len(policy),==, 4);
/* test policy summaries */
/* check if we properly ignore private IP addresses */
@@ -359,7 +369,7 @@ test_dump_exit_policy_to_string(void *arg)
ri->exit_policy = NULL; // expecting "reject *:*"
ep = router_dump_exit_policy_to_string(ri,1,1);
- test_streq("reject *:*",ep);
+ tt_str_op("reject *:*",==, ep);
@@ -372,7 +382,7 @@ test_dump_exit_policy_to_string(void *arg)
ep = router_dump_exit_policy_to_string(ri,1,1);
- test_streq("accept *:*",ep);
+ tt_str_op("accept *:*",==, ep);
@@ -382,7 +392,7 @@ test_dump_exit_policy_to_string(void *arg)
ep = router_dump_exit_policy_to_string(ri,1,1);
- test_streq("accept *:*\nreject *:25",ep);
+ tt_str_op("accept *:*\nreject *:25",==, ep);
@@ -393,7 +403,7 @@ test_dump_exit_policy_to_string(void *arg)
ep = router_dump_exit_policy_to_string(ri,1,1);
- test_streq("accept *:*\nreject *:25\nreject*",ep);
+ tt_str_op("accept *:*\nreject *:25\nreject*",==, ep);
policy_entry =
@@ -403,8 +413,8 @@ test_dump_exit_policy_to_string(void *arg)
ep = router_dump_exit_policy_to_string(ri,1,1);
- test_streq("accept *:*\nreject *:25\nreject*\n"
- "reject6 [fc00::]/7:*",ep);
+ tt_str_op("accept *:*\nreject *:25\nreject*\n"
+ "reject6 [fc00::]/7:*",==, ep);
policy_entry =
@@ -414,8 +424,8 @@ test_dump_exit_policy_to_string(void *arg)
ep = router_dump_exit_policy_to_string(ri,1,1);
- test_streq("accept *:*\nreject *:25\nreject*\n"
- "reject6 [fc00::]/7:*\naccept6 [c000::]/3:*",ep);
+ tt_str_op("accept *:*\nreject *:25\nreject*\n"
+ "reject6 [fc00::]/7:*\naccept6 [c000::]/3:*",==, ep);
diff --git a/src/test/test_pt.c b/src/test/test_pt.c
index f55c059580..61ade84e3a 100644
--- a/src/test/test_pt.c
+++ b/src/test/test_pt.c
@@ -27,75 +27,76 @@ reset_mp(managed_proxy_t *mp)
static void
+test_pt_parsing(void *arg)
char line[200];
transport_t *transport = NULL;
tor_addr_t test_addr;
- managed_proxy_t *mp = tor_malloc(sizeof(managed_proxy_t));
+ managed_proxy_t *mp = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(managed_proxy_t));
+ (void)arg;
mp->conf_state = PT_PROTO_INFANT;
mp->transports = smartlist_new();
/* incomplete cmethod */
strlcpy(line,"CMETHOD trebuchet",sizeof(line));
- test_assert(parse_cmethod_line(line, mp) < 0);
+ tt_assert(parse_cmethod_line(line, mp) < 0);
/* wrong proxy type */
strlcpy(line,"CMETHOD trebuchet dog",sizeof(line));
- test_assert(parse_cmethod_line(line, mp) < 0);
+ tt_assert(parse_cmethod_line(line, mp) < 0);
/* wrong addrport */
strlcpy(line,"CMETHOD trebuchet socks4 abcd",sizeof(line));
- test_assert(parse_cmethod_line(line, mp) < 0);
+ tt_assert(parse_cmethod_line(line, mp) < 0);
/* correct line */
strlcpy(line,"CMETHOD trebuchet socks5",sizeof(line));
- test_assert(parse_cmethod_line(line, mp) == 0);
- test_assert(smartlist_len(mp->transports) == 1);
+ tt_assert(parse_cmethod_line(line, mp) == 0);
+ tt_assert(smartlist_len(mp->transports) == 1);
transport = smartlist_get(mp->transports, 0);
/* test registered address of transport */
tor_addr_parse(&test_addr, "");
- test_assert(tor_addr_eq(&test_addr, &transport->addr));
+ tt_assert(tor_addr_eq(&test_addr, &transport->addr));
/* test registered port of transport */
- test_assert(transport->port == 1999);
+ tt_assert(transport->port == 1999);
/* test registered SOCKS version of transport */
- test_assert(transport->socks_version == PROXY_SOCKS5);
+ tt_assert(transport->socks_version == PROXY_SOCKS5);
/* test registered name of transport */
- test_streq(transport->name, "trebuchet");
+ tt_str_op(transport->name,==, "trebuchet");
/* incomplete smethod */
strlcpy(line,"SMETHOD trebuchet",sizeof(line));
- test_assert(parse_smethod_line(line, mp) < 0);
+ tt_assert(parse_smethod_line(line, mp) < 0);
/* wrong addr type */
strlcpy(line,"SMETHOD trebuchet abcd",sizeof(line));
- test_assert(parse_smethod_line(line, mp) < 0);
+ tt_assert(parse_smethod_line(line, mp) < 0);
/* cowwect */
strlcpy(line,"SMETHOD trebuchy",sizeof(line));
- test_assert(parse_smethod_line(line, mp) == 0);
- test_assert(smartlist_len(mp->transports) == 1);
+ tt_assert(parse_smethod_line(line, mp) == 0);
+ tt_assert(smartlist_len(mp->transports) == 1);
transport = smartlist_get(mp->transports, 0);
/* test registered address of transport */
tor_addr_parse(&test_addr, "");
- test_assert(tor_addr_eq(&test_addr, &transport->addr));
+ tt_assert(tor_addr_eq(&test_addr, &transport->addr));
/* test registered port of transport */
- test_assert(transport->port == 2999);
+ tt_assert(transport->port == 2999);
/* test registered name of transport */
- test_streq(transport->name, "trebuchy");
+ tt_str_op(transport->name,==, "trebuchy");
@@ -103,7 +104,7 @@ test_pt_parsing(void)
strlcpy(line,"SMETHOD trebuchet "
- test_assert(parse_smethod_line(line, mp) == 0);
+ tt_assert(parse_smethod_line(line, mp) == 0);
tt_int_op(1, ==, smartlist_len(mp->transports));
const transport_t *transport = smartlist_get(mp->transports, 0);
@@ -118,15 +119,15 @@ test_pt_parsing(void)
/* unsupported version */
strlcpy(line,"VERSION 666",sizeof(line));
- test_assert(parse_version(line, mp) < 0);
+ tt_assert(parse_version(line, mp) < 0);
/* incomplete VERSION */
strlcpy(line,"VERSION ",sizeof(line));
- test_assert(parse_version(line, mp) < 0);
+ tt_assert(parse_version(line, mp) < 0);
/* correct VERSION */
strlcpy(line,"VERSION 1",sizeof(line));
- test_assert(parse_version(line, mp) == 0);
+ tt_assert(parse_version(line, mp) == 0);
@@ -187,11 +188,12 @@ test_pt_get_transport_options(void *arg)
static void
+test_pt_protocol(void *arg)
char line[200];
managed_proxy_t *mp = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(managed_proxy_t));
+ (void)arg;
mp->conf_state = PT_PROTO_LAUNCHED;
mp->transports = smartlist_new();
mp->argv = tor_calloc(sizeof(char *), 2);
@@ -201,32 +203,32 @@ test_pt_protocol(void)
strlcpy(line,"VERSION 1",sizeof(line));
handle_proxy_line(line, mp);
- test_assert(mp->conf_state == PT_PROTO_ACCEPTING_METHODS);
+ tt_assert(mp->conf_state == PT_PROTO_ACCEPTING_METHODS);
strlcpy(line,"VERSION 1",sizeof(line));
handle_proxy_line(line, mp);
- test_assert(mp->conf_state == PT_PROTO_BROKEN);
+ tt_assert(mp->conf_state == PT_PROTO_BROKEN);
strlcpy(line,"CMETHOD trebuchet socks5",sizeof(line));
handle_proxy_line(line, mp);
- test_assert(mp->conf_state == PT_PROTO_BROKEN);
+ tt_assert(mp->conf_state == PT_PROTO_BROKEN);
/* correct protocol run: */
strlcpy(line,"VERSION 1",sizeof(line));
handle_proxy_line(line, mp);
- test_assert(mp->conf_state == PT_PROTO_ACCEPTING_METHODS);
+ tt_assert(mp->conf_state == PT_PROTO_ACCEPTING_METHODS);
strlcpy(line,"CMETHOD trebuchet socks5",sizeof(line));
handle_proxy_line(line, mp);
- test_assert(mp->conf_state == PT_PROTO_ACCEPTING_METHODS);
+ tt_assert(mp->conf_state == PT_PROTO_ACCEPTING_METHODS);
strlcpy(line,"CMETHODS DONE",sizeof(line));
handle_proxy_line(line, mp);
- test_assert(mp->conf_state == PT_PROTO_CONFIGURED);
+ tt_assert(mp->conf_state == PT_PROTO_CONFIGURED);
@@ -363,7 +365,7 @@ test_pt_configure_proxy(void *arg)
- mp = tor_malloc(sizeof(managed_proxy_t));
+ mp = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(managed_proxy_t));
mp->transports = smartlist_new();
mp->transports_to_launch = smartlist_new();
@@ -378,19 +380,19 @@ test_pt_configure_proxy(void *arg)
for (i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++) {
retval = configure_proxy(mp);
/* retval should be zero because proxy hasn't finished configuring yet */
- test_assert(retval == 0);
+ tt_int_op(retval, ==, 0);
/* check the number of registered transports */
- test_assert(smartlist_len(mp->transports) == i+1);
+ tt_assert(smartlist_len(mp->transports) == i+1);
/* check that the mp is still waiting for transports */
- test_assert(mp->conf_state == PT_PROTO_ACCEPTING_METHODS);
+ tt_assert(mp->conf_state == PT_PROTO_ACCEPTING_METHODS);
/* this last configure_proxy() should finalize the proxy configuration. */
retval = configure_proxy(mp);
/* retval should be 1 since the proxy finished configuring */
- test_assert(retval == 1);
+ tt_int_op(retval, ==, 1);
/* check the mp state */
- test_assert(mp->conf_state == PT_PROTO_COMPLETED);
+ tt_assert(mp->conf_state == PT_PROTO_COMPLETED);
tt_int_op(controlevent_n, ==, 5);
tt_int_op(controlevent_event, ==, EVENT_TRANSPORT_LAUNCHED);
@@ -416,7 +418,7 @@ test_pt_configure_proxy(void *arg)
/* Get the bindaddr for "mock1" and check it against the bindaddr
that the mocked tor_get_lines_from_handle() generated. */
transport_in_state = get_transport_in_state_by_name("mock1");
- test_assert(transport_in_state);
+ tt_assert(transport_in_state);
smartlist_split_string(transport_info_sl, transport_in_state->value,
NULL, 0, 0);
name_of_transport = smartlist_get(transport_info_sl, 0);
@@ -450,8 +452,86 @@ test_pt_configure_proxy(void *arg)
+/* Test the get_pt_proxy_uri() function. */
+static void
+test_get_pt_proxy_uri(void *arg)
+ or_options_t *options = get_options_mutable();
+ char *uri = NULL;
+ int ret;
+ (void) arg;
+ /* Test with no proxy. */
+ uri = get_pt_proxy_uri();
+ tt_assert(uri == NULL);
+ /* Test with a SOCKS4 proxy. */
+ options->Socks4Proxy = tor_strdup("");
+ ret = tor_addr_port_lookup(options->Socks4Proxy,
+ &options->Socks4ProxyAddr,
+ &options->Socks4ProxyPort);
+ tt_int_op(ret, ==, 0);
+ uri = get_pt_proxy_uri();
+ tt_str_op(uri, ==, "socks4a://");
+ tor_free(uri);
+ tor_free(options->Socks4Proxy);
+ /* Test with a SOCKS5 proxy, no username/password. */
+ options->Socks5Proxy = tor_strdup("");
+ ret = tor_addr_port_lookup(options->Socks5Proxy,
+ &options->Socks5ProxyAddr,
+ &options->Socks5ProxyPort);
+ tt_int_op(ret, ==, 0);
+ uri = get_pt_proxy_uri();
+ tt_str_op(uri, ==, "socks5://");
+ tor_free(uri);
+ /* Test with a SOCKS5 proxy, with username/password. */
+ options->Socks5ProxyUsername = tor_strdup("hwest");
+ options->Socks5ProxyPassword = tor_strdup("r34n1m470r");
+ uri = get_pt_proxy_uri();
+ tt_str_op(uri, ==, "socks5://hwest:r34n1m470r@");
+ tor_free(uri);
+ tor_free(options->Socks5Proxy);
+ tor_free(options->Socks5ProxyUsername);
+ tor_free(options->Socks5ProxyPassword);
+ /* Test with a HTTPS proxy, no authenticator. */
+ options->HTTPSProxy = tor_strdup("");
+ ret = tor_addr_port_lookup(options->HTTPSProxy,
+ &options->HTTPSProxyAddr,
+ &options->HTTPSProxyPort);
+ tt_int_op(ret, ==, 0);
+ uri = get_pt_proxy_uri();
+ tt_str_op(uri, ==, "");
+ tor_free(uri);
+ /* Test with a HTTPS proxy, with authenticator. */
+ options->HTTPSProxyAuthenticator = tor_strdup("hwest:r34n1m470r");
+ uri = get_pt_proxy_uri();
+ tt_str_op(uri, ==, "http://hwest:r34n1m470r@");
+ tor_free(uri);
+ tor_free(options->HTTPSProxy);
+ tor_free(options->HTTPSProxyAuthenticator);
+ /* Token nod to the fact that IPv6 exists. */
+ options->Socks4Proxy = tor_strdup("[2001:db8::1]:1080");
+ ret = tor_addr_port_lookup(options->Socks4Proxy,
+ &options->Socks4ProxyAddr,
+ &options->Socks4ProxyPort);
+ tt_int_op(ret, ==, 0);
+ uri = get_pt_proxy_uri();
+ tt_str_op(uri, ==, "socks4a://[2001:db8::1]:1080");
+ tor_free(uri);
+ tor_free(options->Socks4Proxy);
+ done:
+ if (uri)
+ tor_free(uri);
#define PT_LEGACY(name) \
- { #name, legacy_test_helper, 0, &legacy_setup, test_pt_ ## name }
+ { #name, test_pt_ ## name , 0, NULL, NULL }
struct testcase_t pt_tests[] = {
@@ -462,6 +542,8 @@ struct testcase_t pt_tests[] = {
{ "configure_proxy",test_pt_configure_proxy, TT_FORK,
+ { "get_pt_proxy_uri", test_get_pt_proxy_uri, TT_FORK,
diff --git a/src/test/test_replay.c b/src/test/test_replay.c
index b48f582f5e..2f543512b0 100644
--- a/src/test/test_replay.c
+++ b/src/test/test_replay.c
@@ -18,12 +18,13 @@ static const char *test_buffer =
" mollit anim id est laborum.";
static void
+test_replaycache_alloc(void *arg)
replaycache_t *r = NULL;
+ (void)arg;
r = replaycache_new(600, 300);
- test_assert(r != NULL);
+ tt_assert(r != NULL);
if (r) replaycache_free(r);
@@ -32,21 +33,22 @@ test_replaycache_alloc(void)
static void
+test_replaycache_badalloc(void *arg)
replaycache_t *r = NULL;
/* Negative horizon should fail */
+ (void)arg;
r = replaycache_new(-600, 300);
- test_assert(r == NULL);
+ tt_assert(r == NULL);
/* Negative interval should get adjusted to zero */
r = replaycache_new(600, -300);
- test_assert(r != NULL);
- test_eq(r->scrub_interval, 0);
+ tt_assert(r != NULL);
+ tt_int_op(r->scrub_interval,==, 0);
/* Negative horizon and negative interval should still fail */
r = replaycache_new(-600, -300);
- test_assert(r == NULL);
+ tt_assert(r == NULL);
if (r) replaycache_free(r);
@@ -55,35 +57,37 @@ test_replaycache_badalloc(void)
static void
+test_replaycache_free_null(void *arg)
+ (void)arg;
/* Assert that we're here without horrible death */
- test_assert(1);
+ tt_assert(1);
static void
+test_replaycache_miss(void *arg)
replaycache_t *r = NULL;
int result;
+ (void)arg;
r = replaycache_new(600, 300);
- test_assert(r != NULL);
+ tt_assert(r != NULL);
result =
replaycache_add_and_test_internal(1200, r, test_buffer,
strlen(test_buffer), NULL);
- test_eq(result, 0);
+ tt_int_op(result,==, 0);
/* poke the bad-parameter error case too */
result =
replaycache_add_and_test_internal(1200, NULL, test_buffer,
strlen(test_buffer), NULL);
- test_eq(result, 0);
+ tt_int_op(result,==, 0);
if (r) replaycache_free(r);
@@ -92,23 +96,24 @@ test_replaycache_miss(void)
static void
+test_replaycache_hit(void *arg)
replaycache_t *r = NULL;
int result;
+ (void)arg;
r = replaycache_new(600, 300);
- test_assert(r != NULL);
+ tt_assert(r != NULL);
result =
replaycache_add_and_test_internal(1200, r, test_buffer,
strlen(test_buffer), NULL);
- test_eq(result, 0);
+ tt_int_op(result,==, 0);
result =
replaycache_add_and_test_internal(1300, r, test_buffer,
strlen(test_buffer), NULL);
- test_eq(result, 1);
+ tt_int_op(result,==, 1);
if (r) replaycache_free(r);
@@ -117,28 +122,29 @@ test_replaycache_hit(void)
static void
+test_replaycache_age(void *arg)
replaycache_t *r = NULL;
int result;
+ (void)arg;
r = replaycache_new(600, 300);
- test_assert(r != NULL);
+ tt_assert(r != NULL);
result =
replaycache_add_and_test_internal(1200, r, test_buffer,
strlen(test_buffer), NULL);
- test_eq(result, 0);
+ tt_int_op(result,==, 0);
result =
replaycache_add_and_test_internal(1300, r, test_buffer,
strlen(test_buffer), NULL);
- test_eq(result, 1);
+ tt_int_op(result,==, 1);
result =
replaycache_add_and_test_internal(3000, r, test_buffer,
strlen(test_buffer), NULL);
- test_eq(result, 0);
+ tt_int_op(result,==, 0);
if (r) replaycache_free(r);
@@ -147,25 +153,26 @@ test_replaycache_age(void)
static void
+test_replaycache_elapsed(void *arg)
replaycache_t *r = NULL;
int result;
time_t elapsed;
+ (void)arg;
r = replaycache_new(600, 300);
- test_assert(r != NULL);
+ tt_assert(r != NULL);
result =
replaycache_add_and_test_internal(1200, r, test_buffer,
strlen(test_buffer), NULL);
- test_eq(result, 0);
+ tt_int_op(result,==, 0);
result =
replaycache_add_and_test_internal(1300, r, test_buffer,
strlen(test_buffer), &elapsed);
- test_eq(result, 1);
- test_eq(elapsed, 100);
+ tt_int_op(result,==, 1);
+ tt_int_op(elapsed,==, 100);
if (r) replaycache_free(r);
@@ -174,28 +181,29 @@ test_replaycache_elapsed(void)
static void
+test_replaycache_noexpire(void *arg)
replaycache_t *r = NULL;
int result;
+ (void)arg;
r = replaycache_new(0, 0);
- test_assert(r != NULL);
+ tt_assert(r != NULL);
result =
replaycache_add_and_test_internal(1200, r, test_buffer,
strlen(test_buffer), NULL);
- test_eq(result, 0);
+ tt_int_op(result,==, 0);
result =
replaycache_add_and_test_internal(1300, r, test_buffer,
strlen(test_buffer), NULL);
- test_eq(result, 1);
+ tt_int_op(result,==, 1);
result =
replaycache_add_and_test_internal(3000, r, test_buffer,
strlen(test_buffer), NULL);
- test_eq(result, 1);
+ tt_int_op(result,==, 1);
if (r) replaycache_free(r);
@@ -204,24 +212,25 @@ test_replaycache_noexpire(void)
static void
+test_replaycache_scrub(void *arg)
replaycache_t *r = NULL;
int result;
+ (void)arg;
r = replaycache_new(600, 300);
- test_assert(r != NULL);
+ tt_assert(r != NULL);
/* Set up like in test_replaycache_hit() */
result =
replaycache_add_and_test_internal(100, r, test_buffer,
strlen(test_buffer), NULL);
- test_eq(result, 0);
+ tt_int_op(result,==, 0);
result =
replaycache_add_and_test_internal(200, r, test_buffer,
strlen(test_buffer), NULL);
- test_eq(result, 1);
+ tt_int_op(result,==, 1);
* Poke a few replaycache_scrub_if_needed_internal() error cases that
@@ -231,12 +240,12 @@ test_replaycache_scrub(void)
/* Null cache */
replaycache_scrub_if_needed_internal(300, NULL);
/* Assert we're still here */
- test_assert(1);
+ tt_assert(1);
/* Make sure we hit the aging-out case too */
replaycache_scrub_if_needed_internal(1500, r);
/* Assert that we aged it */
- test_eq(digestmap_size(r->digests_seen), 0);
+ tt_int_op(digestmap_size(r->digests_seen),==, 0);
if (r) replaycache_free(r);
@@ -245,29 +254,30 @@ test_replaycache_scrub(void)
static void
+test_replaycache_future(void *arg)
replaycache_t *r = NULL;
int result;
time_t elapsed = 0;
+ (void)arg;
r = replaycache_new(600, 300);
- test_assert(r != NULL);
+ tt_assert(r != NULL);
/* Set up like in test_replaycache_hit() */
result =
replaycache_add_and_test_internal(100, r, test_buffer,
strlen(test_buffer), &elapsed);
- test_eq(result, 0);
+ tt_int_op(result,==, 0);
/* elapsed should still be 0, since it wasn't written */
- test_eq(elapsed, 0);
+ tt_int_op(elapsed,==, 0);
result =
replaycache_add_and_test_internal(200, r, test_buffer,
strlen(test_buffer), &elapsed);
- test_eq(result, 1);
+ tt_int_op(result,==, 1);
/* elapsed should be the time since the last hit */
- test_eq(elapsed, 100);
+ tt_int_op(elapsed,==, 100);
* Now let's turn the clock back to get coverage on the cache entry from the
@@ -277,9 +287,9 @@ test_replaycache_future(void)
replaycache_add_and_test_internal(150, r, test_buffer,
strlen(test_buffer), &elapsed);
/* We should still get a hit */
- test_eq(result, 1);
+ tt_int_op(result,==, 1);
/* ...but it shouldn't let us see a negative elapsed time */
- test_eq(elapsed, 0);
+ tt_int_op(elapsed,==, 0);
if (r) replaycache_free(r);
@@ -288,7 +298,7 @@ test_replaycache_future(void)
static void
+test_replaycache_realtime(void *arg)
replaycache_t *r = NULL;
@@ -299,26 +309,27 @@ test_replaycache_realtime(void)
int result;
/* Test the realtime as well as *_internal() entry points */
+ (void)arg;
r = replaycache_new(600, 300);
- test_assert(r != NULL);
+ tt_assert(r != NULL);
/* This should miss */
result =
replaycache_add_and_test(r, test_buffer, strlen(test_buffer));
- test_eq(result, 0);
+ tt_int_op(result,==, 0);
/* This should hit */
result =
replaycache_add_and_test(r, test_buffer, strlen(test_buffer));
- test_eq(result, 1);
+ tt_int_op(result,==, 1);
/* This should hit and return a small elapsed time */
result =
replaycache_add_test_and_elapsed(r, test_buffer,
strlen(test_buffer), &elapsed);
- test_eq(result, 1);
- test_assert(elapsed >= 0);
- test_assert(elapsed <= 5);
+ tt_int_op(result,==, 1);
+ tt_assert(elapsed >= 0);
+ tt_assert(elapsed <= 5);
/* Scrub it to exercise that entry point too */
@@ -329,7 +340,7 @@ test_replaycache_realtime(void)
#define REPLAYCACHE_LEGACY(name) \
- { #name, legacy_test_helper, 0, &legacy_setup, test_replaycache_ ## name }
+ { #name, test_replaycache_ ## name , 0, NULL, NULL }
struct testcase_t replaycache_tests[] = {
diff --git a/src/test/test_routerset.c b/src/test/test_routerset.c
index 0ea1ef2d89..81e4dbb1eb 100644
--- a/src/test/test_routerset.c
+++ b/src/test/test_routerset.c
@@ -775,10 +775,11 @@ NS(test_main)(void *arg)
routerset_t *set = routerset_new();
int contains;
+ uint8_t foo[20] = { 2, 3, 4 };
- digestmap_set(set->digests, "foo", (void *)1);
- contains = routerset_contains(set, NULL, 0, NULL, "foo", 0);
+ digestmap_set(set->digests, (const char*)foo, (void *)1);
+ contains = routerset_contains(set, NULL, 0, NULL, (const char*)foo, 0);
tt_int_op(contains, ==, 4);
@@ -799,10 +800,12 @@ NS(test_main)(void *arg)
routerset_t *set = routerset_new();
int contains;
+ uint8_t bar[20] = { 9, 10, 11, 55 };
+ uint8_t foo[20] = { 1, 2, 3, 4};
- digestmap_set(set->digests, "bar", (void *)1);
- contains = routerset_contains(set, NULL, 0, NULL, "foo", 0);
+ digestmap_set(set->digests, (const char*)bar, (void *)1);
+ contains = routerset_contains(set, NULL, 0, NULL, (const char*)foo, 0);
tt_int_op(contains, ==, 0);
@@ -823,9 +826,10 @@ NS(test_main)(void *arg)
routerset_t *set = routerset_new();
int contains;
+ uint8_t bar[20] = { 9, 10, 11, 55 };
- digestmap_set(set->digests, "bar", (void *)1);
+ digestmap_set(set->digests, (const char*)bar, (void *)1);
contains = routerset_contains(set, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0);
diff --git a/src/test/test_socks.c b/src/test/test_socks.c
index 4ce61e068b..9aaa16e081 100644
--- a/src/test/test_socks.c
+++ b/src/test/test_socks.c
@@ -61,10 +61,10 @@ test_socks_4_unsupported_commands(void *ptr)
/* SOCKS 4 Send BIND [02] to IP address */
ADD_DATA(buf, "\x04\x02\x11\x11\x02\x02\x02\x02\x00");
- test_assert(fetch_from_buf_socks(buf, socks, get_options()->TestSocks,
+ tt_assert(fetch_from_buf_socks(buf, socks, get_options()->TestSocks,
get_options()->SafeSocks) == -1);
- test_eq(4, socks->socks_version);
- test_eq(0, socks->replylen); /* XXX: shouldn't tor reply? */
+ tt_int_op(4,==, socks->socks_version);
+ tt_int_op(0,==, socks->replylen); /* XXX: shouldn't tor reply? */
@@ -76,49 +76,49 @@ test_socks_4_supported_commands(void *ptr)
- test_eq(0, buf_datalen(buf));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, buf_datalen(buf));
/* SOCKS 4 Send CONNECT [01] to IP address */
ADD_DATA(buf, "\x04\x01\x11\x12\x02\x02\x02\x03\x00");
- test_assert(fetch_from_buf_socks(buf, socks, get_options()->TestSocks,
+ tt_assert(fetch_from_buf_socks(buf, socks, get_options()->TestSocks,
get_options()->SafeSocks) == 1);
- test_eq(4, socks->socks_version);
- test_eq(0, socks->replylen); /* XXX: shouldn't tor reply? */
- test_eq(SOCKS_COMMAND_CONNECT, socks->command);
- test_streq("", socks->address);
- test_eq(4370, socks->port);
- test_assert(socks->got_auth == 0);
- test_assert(! socks->username);
- test_eq(0, buf_datalen(buf));
+ tt_int_op(4,==, socks->socks_version);
+ tt_int_op(0,==, socks->replylen); /* XXX: shouldn't tor reply? */
+ tt_int_op(SOCKS_COMMAND_CONNECT,==, socks->command);
+ tt_str_op("",==, socks->address);
+ tt_int_op(4370,==, socks->port);
+ tt_assert(socks->got_auth == 0);
+ tt_assert(! socks->username);
+ tt_int_op(0,==, buf_datalen(buf));
/* SOCKS 4 Send CONNECT [01] to IP address with userid*/
ADD_DATA(buf, "\x04\x01\x11\x12\x02\x02\x02\x04me\x00");
- test_assert(fetch_from_buf_socks(buf, socks, get_options()->TestSocks,
+ tt_assert(fetch_from_buf_socks(buf, socks, get_options()->TestSocks,
get_options()->SafeSocks) == 1);
- test_eq(4, socks->socks_version);
- test_eq(0, socks->replylen); /* XXX: shouldn't tor reply? */
- test_eq(SOCKS_COMMAND_CONNECT, socks->command);
- test_streq("", socks->address);
- test_eq(4370, socks->port);
- test_assert(socks->got_auth == 1);
- test_assert(socks->username);
- test_eq(2, socks->usernamelen);
- test_memeq("me", socks->username, 2);
- test_eq(0, buf_datalen(buf));
+ tt_int_op(4,==, socks->socks_version);
+ tt_int_op(0,==, socks->replylen); /* XXX: shouldn't tor reply? */
+ tt_int_op(SOCKS_COMMAND_CONNECT,==, socks->command);
+ tt_str_op("",==, socks->address);
+ tt_int_op(4370,==, socks->port);
+ tt_assert(socks->got_auth == 1);
+ tt_assert(socks->username);
+ tt_int_op(2,==, socks->usernamelen);
+ tt_mem_op("me",==, socks->username, 2);
+ tt_int_op(0,==, buf_datalen(buf));
/* SOCKS 4a Send RESOLVE [F0] request for */
ADD_DATA(buf, "\x04\xF0\x01\x01\x00\x00\x00\x02me\\x00");
- test_assert(fetch_from_buf_socks(buf, socks, get_options()->TestSocks,
+ tt_assert(fetch_from_buf_socks(buf, socks, get_options()->TestSocks,
get_options()->SafeSocks) == 1);
- test_eq(4, socks->socks_version);
- test_eq(0, socks->replylen); /* XXX: shouldn't tor reply? */
- test_streq("", socks->address);
+ tt_int_op(4,==, socks->socks_version);
+ tt_int_op(0,==, socks->replylen); /* XXX: shouldn't tor reply? */
+ tt_str_op("",==, socks->address);
- test_eq(0, buf_datalen(buf));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, buf_datalen(buf));
@@ -133,33 +133,43 @@ test_socks_5_unsupported_commands(void *ptr)
/* SOCKS 5 Send unsupported BIND [02] command */
ADD_DATA(buf, "\x05\x02\x00\x01");
- test_eq(fetch_from_buf_socks(buf, socks, get_options()->TestSocks,
- get_options()->SafeSocks), 0);
- test_eq(0, buf_datalen(buf));
- test_eq(5, socks->socks_version);
- test_eq(2, socks->replylen);
- test_eq(5, socks->reply[0]);
- test_eq(0, socks->reply[1]);
+ tt_int_op(fetch_from_buf_socks(buf, socks, get_options()->TestSocks,
+ get_options()->SafeSocks),==, 0);
+ tt_int_op(0,==, buf_datalen(buf));
+ tt_int_op(5,==, socks->socks_version);
+ tt_int_op(2,==, socks->replylen);
+ tt_int_op(5,==, socks->reply[0]);
+ tt_int_op(0,==, socks->reply[1]);
ADD_DATA(buf, "\x05\x02\x00\x01\x02\x02\x02\x01\x01\x01");
- test_eq(fetch_from_buf_socks(buf, socks, get_options()->TestSocks,
- get_options()->SafeSocks), -1);
- /* XXX: shouldn't tor reply 'command not supported' [07]? */
+ tt_int_op(fetch_from_buf_socks(buf, socks, get_options()->TestSocks,
+ get_options()->SafeSocks),==, -1);
+ tt_int_op(5,==,socks->socks_version);
+ tt_int_op(10,==,socks->replylen);
+ tt_int_op(5,==,socks->reply[0]);
+ tt_int_op(SOCKS5_COMMAND_NOT_SUPPORTED,==,socks->reply[1]);
+ tt_int_op(1,==,socks->reply[3]);
/* SOCKS 5 Send unsupported UDP_ASSOCIATE [03] command */
- ADD_DATA(buf, "\x05\x03\x00\x01\x02");
- test_eq(fetch_from_buf_socks(buf, socks, get_options()->TestSocks,
- get_options()->SafeSocks), 0);
- test_eq(5, socks->socks_version);
- test_eq(2, socks->replylen);
- test_eq(5, socks->reply[0]);
- test_eq(2, socks->reply[1]);
+ ADD_DATA(buf, "\x05\x02\x00\x01");
+ tt_int_op(fetch_from_buf_socks(buf, socks, get_options()->TestSocks,
+ get_options()->SafeSocks),==, 0);
+ tt_int_op(5,==, socks->socks_version);
+ tt_int_op(2,==, socks->replylen);
+ tt_int_op(5,==, socks->reply[0]);
+ tt_int_op(0,==, socks->reply[1]);
ADD_DATA(buf, "\x05\x03\x00\x01\x02\x02\x02\x01\x01\x01");
- test_eq(fetch_from_buf_socks(buf, socks, get_options()->TestSocks,
- get_options()->SafeSocks), -1);
- /* XXX: shouldn't tor reply 'command not supported' [07]? */
+ tt_int_op(fetch_from_buf_socks(buf, socks, get_options()->TestSocks,
+ get_options()->SafeSocks),==, -1);
+ tt_int_op(5,==,socks->socks_version);
+ tt_int_op(10,==,socks->replylen);
+ tt_int_op(5,==,socks->reply[0]);
+ tt_int_op(SOCKS5_COMMAND_NOT_SUPPORTED,==,socks->reply[1]);
+ tt_int_op(1,==,socks->reply[3]);
@@ -173,64 +183,64 @@ test_socks_5_supported_commands(void *ptr)
/* SOCKS 5 Send CONNECT [01] to IP address */
ADD_DATA(buf, "\x05\x01\x00");
- test_eq(fetch_from_buf_socks(buf, socks, get_options()->TestSocks,
- get_options()->SafeSocks), 0);
- test_eq(5, socks->socks_version);
- test_eq(2, socks->replylen);
- test_eq(5, socks->reply[0]);
- test_eq(0, socks->reply[1]);
+ tt_int_op(fetch_from_buf_socks(buf, socks, get_options()->TestSocks,
+ get_options()->SafeSocks),==, 0);
+ tt_int_op(5,==, socks->socks_version);
+ tt_int_op(2,==, socks->replylen);
+ tt_int_op(5,==, socks->reply[0]);
+ tt_int_op(0,==, socks->reply[1]);
ADD_DATA(buf, "\x05\x01\x00\x01\x02\x02\x02\x02\x11\x11");
- test_eq(fetch_from_buf_socks(buf, socks, get_options()->TestSocks,
- get_options()->SafeSocks), 1);
- test_streq("", socks->address);
- test_eq(4369, socks->port);
+ tt_int_op(fetch_from_buf_socks(buf, socks, get_options()->TestSocks,
+ get_options()->SafeSocks),==, 1);
+ tt_str_op("",==, socks->address);
+ tt_int_op(4369,==, socks->port);
- test_eq(0, buf_datalen(buf));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, buf_datalen(buf));
/* SOCKS 5 Send CONNECT [01] to FQDN */
ADD_DATA(buf, "\x05\x01\x00");
ADD_DATA(buf, "\x05\x01\x00\x03\\x11\x11");
- test_eq(fetch_from_buf_socks(buf, socks, get_options()->TestSocks,
- get_options()->SafeSocks), 1);
+ tt_int_op(fetch_from_buf_socks(buf, socks, get_options()->TestSocks,
+ get_options()->SafeSocks),==, 1);
- test_eq(5, socks->socks_version);
- test_eq(2, socks->replylen);
- test_eq(5, socks->reply[0]);
- test_eq(0, socks->reply[1]);
- test_streq("", socks->address);
- test_eq(4369, socks->port);
+ tt_int_op(5,==, socks->socks_version);
+ tt_int_op(2,==, socks->replylen);
+ tt_int_op(5,==, socks->reply[0]);
+ tt_int_op(0,==, socks->reply[1]);
+ tt_str_op("",==, socks->address);
+ tt_int_op(4369,==, socks->port);
- test_eq(0, buf_datalen(buf));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, buf_datalen(buf));
/* SOCKS 5 Send RESOLVE [F0] request for */
ADD_DATA(buf, "\x05\x01\x00");
ADD_DATA(buf, "\x05\xF0\x00\x03\\x01\x02");
- test_assert(fetch_from_buf_socks(buf, socks, get_options()->TestSocks,
+ tt_assert(fetch_from_buf_socks(buf, socks, get_options()->TestSocks,
get_options()->SafeSocks) == 1);
- test_eq(5, socks->socks_version);
- test_eq(2, socks->replylen);
- test_eq(5, socks->reply[0]);
- test_eq(0, socks->reply[1]);
- test_streq("", socks->address);
+ tt_int_op(5,==, socks->socks_version);
+ tt_int_op(2,==, socks->replylen);
+ tt_int_op(5,==, socks->reply[0]);
+ tt_int_op(0,==, socks->reply[1]);
+ tt_str_op("",==, socks->address);
- test_eq(0, buf_datalen(buf));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, buf_datalen(buf));
/* SOCKS 5 Send RESOLVE_PTR [F1] for IP address */
ADD_DATA(buf, "\x05\x01\x00");
ADD_DATA(buf, "\x05\xF1\x00\x01\x02\x02\x02\x05\x01\x03");
- test_assert(fetch_from_buf_socks(buf, socks, get_options()->TestSocks,
+ tt_assert(fetch_from_buf_socks(buf, socks, get_options()->TestSocks,
get_options()->SafeSocks) == 1);
- test_eq(5, socks->socks_version);
- test_eq(2, socks->replylen);
- test_eq(5, socks->reply[0]);
- test_eq(0, socks->reply[1]);
- test_streq("", socks->address);
+ tt_int_op(5,==, socks->socks_version);
+ tt_int_op(2,==, socks->replylen);
+ tt_int_op(5,==, socks->reply[0]);
+ tt_int_op(0,==, socks->reply[1]);
+ tt_str_op("",==, socks->address);
- test_eq(0, buf_datalen(buf));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, buf_datalen(buf));
@@ -244,30 +254,30 @@ test_socks_5_no_authenticate(void *ptr)
/*SOCKS 5 No Authentication */
- test_assert(!fetch_from_buf_socks(buf, socks,
+ tt_assert(!fetch_from_buf_socks(buf, socks,
- test_eq(2, socks->replylen);
- test_eq(5, socks->reply[0]);
- test_eq(SOCKS_NO_AUTH, socks->reply[1]);
+ tt_int_op(2,==, socks->replylen);
+ tt_int_op(5,==, socks->reply[0]);
+ tt_int_op(SOCKS_NO_AUTH,==, socks->reply[1]);
- test_eq(0, buf_datalen(buf));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, buf_datalen(buf));
/*SOCKS 5 Send username/password anyway - pretend to be broken */
- test_assert(!fetch_from_buf_socks(buf, socks,
+ tt_assert(!fetch_from_buf_socks(buf, socks,
- test_eq(5, socks->socks_version);
- test_eq(2, socks->replylen);
- test_eq(1, socks->reply[0]);
- test_eq(0, socks->reply[1]);
+ tt_int_op(5,==, socks->socks_version);
+ tt_int_op(2,==, socks->replylen);
+ tt_int_op(1,==, socks->reply[0]);
+ tt_int_op(0,==, socks->reply[1]);
- test_eq(2, socks->usernamelen);
- test_eq(2, socks->passwordlen);
+ tt_int_op(2,==, socks->usernamelen);
+ tt_int_op(2,==, socks->passwordlen);
- test_memeq("\x01\x01", socks->username, 2);
- test_memeq("\x01\x01", socks->password, 2);
+ tt_mem_op("\x01\x01",==, socks->username, 2);
+ tt_mem_op("\x01\x01",==, socks->password, 2);
@@ -282,31 +292,31 @@ test_socks_5_authenticate(void *ptr)
/* SOCKS 5 Negotiate username/password authentication */
ADD_DATA(buf, "\x05\x01\x02");
- test_assert(!fetch_from_buf_socks(buf, socks,
+ tt_assert(!fetch_from_buf_socks(buf, socks,
- test_eq(2, socks->replylen);
- test_eq(5, socks->reply[0]);
- test_eq(SOCKS_USER_PASS, socks->reply[1]);
- test_eq(5, socks->socks_version);
+ tt_int_op(2,==, socks->replylen);
+ tt_int_op(5,==, socks->reply[0]);
+ tt_int_op(SOCKS_USER_PASS,==, socks->reply[1]);
+ tt_int_op(5,==, socks->socks_version);
- test_eq(0, buf_datalen(buf));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, buf_datalen(buf));
/* SOCKS 5 Send username/password */
ADD_DATA(buf, "\x01\x02me\x08mypasswd");
- test_assert(!fetch_from_buf_socks(buf, socks,
+ tt_assert(!fetch_from_buf_socks(buf, socks,
- test_eq(5, socks->socks_version);
- test_eq(2, socks->replylen);
- test_eq(1, socks->reply[0]);
- test_eq(0, socks->reply[1]);
+ tt_int_op(5,==, socks->socks_version);
+ tt_int_op(2,==, socks->replylen);
+ tt_int_op(1,==, socks->reply[0]);
+ tt_int_op(0,==, socks->reply[1]);
- test_eq(2, socks->usernamelen);
- test_eq(8, socks->passwordlen);
+ tt_int_op(2,==, socks->usernamelen);
+ tt_int_op(8,==, socks->passwordlen);
- test_memeq("me", socks->username, 2);
- test_memeq("mypasswd", socks->password, 8);
+ tt_mem_op("me",==, socks->username, 2);
+ tt_mem_op("mypasswd",==, socks->password, 8);
@@ -321,34 +331,34 @@ test_socks_5_authenticate_with_data(void *ptr)
/* SOCKS 5 Negotiate username/password authentication */
ADD_DATA(buf, "\x05\x01\x02");
- test_assert(!fetch_from_buf_socks(buf, socks,
+ tt_assert(!fetch_from_buf_socks(buf, socks,
- test_eq(2, socks->replylen);
- test_eq(5, socks->reply[0]);
- test_eq(SOCKS_USER_PASS, socks->reply[1]);
- test_eq(5, socks->socks_version);
+ tt_int_op(2,==, socks->replylen);
+ tt_int_op(5,==, socks->reply[0]);
+ tt_int_op(SOCKS_USER_PASS,==, socks->reply[1]);
+ tt_int_op(5,==, socks->socks_version);
- test_eq(0, buf_datalen(buf));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, buf_datalen(buf));
/* SOCKS 5 Send username/password */
/* SOCKS 5 Send CONNECT [01] to IP address */
ADD_DATA(buf, "\x01\x02me\x03you\x05\x01\x00\x01\x02\x02\x02\x02\x11\x11");
- test_assert(fetch_from_buf_socks(buf, socks,
+ tt_assert(fetch_from_buf_socks(buf, socks,
get_options()->SafeSocks) == 1);
- test_eq(5, socks->socks_version);
- test_eq(2, socks->replylen);
- test_eq(1, socks->reply[0]);
- test_eq(0, socks->reply[1]);
+ tt_int_op(5,==, socks->socks_version);
+ tt_int_op(2,==, socks->replylen);
+ tt_int_op(1,==, socks->reply[0]);
+ tt_int_op(0,==, socks->reply[1]);
- test_streq("", socks->address);
- test_eq(4369, socks->port);
+ tt_str_op("",==, socks->address);
+ tt_int_op(4369,==, socks->port);
- test_eq(2, socks->usernamelen);
- test_eq(3, socks->passwordlen);
- test_memeq("me", socks->username, 2);
- test_memeq("you", socks->password, 3);
+ tt_int_op(2,==, socks->usernamelen);
+ tt_int_op(3,==, socks->passwordlen);
+ tt_mem_op("me",==, socks->username, 2);
+ tt_mem_op("you",==, socks->password, 3);
@@ -362,13 +372,84 @@ test_socks_5_auth_before_negotiation(void *ptr)
/* SOCKS 5 Send username/password */
ADD_DATA(buf, "\x01\x02me\x02me");
- test_assert(fetch_from_buf_socks(buf, socks,
+ tt_assert(fetch_from_buf_socks(buf, socks,
get_options()->SafeSocks) == -1);
- test_eq(0, socks->socks_version);
- test_eq(0, socks->replylen);
- test_eq(0, socks->reply[0]);
- test_eq(0, socks->reply[1]);
+ tt_int_op(0,==, socks->socks_version);
+ tt_int_op(0,==, socks->replylen);
+ tt_int_op(0,==, socks->reply[0]);
+ tt_int_op(0,==, socks->reply[1]);
+ done:
+ ;
+/** Perform malformed SOCKS 5 commands */
+static void
+test_socks_5_malformed_commands(void *ptr)
+ /* XXX: Stringified address length > MAX_SOCKS_ADDR_LEN will never happen */
+ /* SOCKS 5 Send CONNECT [01] to IP address, with SafeSocks set */
+ ADD_DATA(buf, "\x05\x01\x00");
+ ADD_DATA(buf, "\x05\x01\x00\x01\x02\x02\x02\x02\x11\x11");
+ tt_int_op(fetch_from_buf_socks(buf, socks, get_options()->TestSocks, 1),==,
+ -1);
+ tt_int_op(5,==,socks->socks_version);
+ tt_int_op(10,==,socks->replylen);
+ tt_int_op(5,==,socks->reply[0]);
+ tt_int_op(SOCKS5_NOT_ALLOWED,==,socks->reply[1]);
+ tt_int_op(1,==,socks->reply[3]);
+ buf_clear(buf);
+ socks_request_clear(socks);
+ /* SOCKS 5 Send RESOLVE_PTR [F1] for FQDN */
+ ADD_DATA(buf, "\x05\x01\x00");
+ ADD_DATA(buf, "\x05\xF1\x00\x03\\x11\x11");
+ tt_int_op(fetch_from_buf_socks(buf, socks, get_options()->TestSocks,
+ get_options()->SafeSocks),==, -1);
+ tt_int_op(5,==,socks->socks_version);
+ tt_int_op(10,==,socks->replylen);
+ tt_int_op(5,==,socks->reply[0]);
+ tt_int_op(SOCKS5_ADDRESS_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED,==,socks->reply[1]);
+ tt_int_op(1,==,socks->reply[3]);
+ buf_clear(buf);
+ socks_request_clear(socks);
+ /* XXX: len + 1 > MAX_SOCKS_ADDR_LEN (FQDN request) will never happen */
+ /* SOCKS 5 Send CONNECT [01] to FQDN """"".com */
+ ADD_DATA(buf, "\x05\x01\x00");
+ ADD_DATA(buf, "\x05\x01\x00\x03\x09\"\"\"\"\".com\x11\x11");
+ tt_int_op(fetch_from_buf_socks(buf, socks, get_options()->TestSocks,
+ get_options()->SafeSocks),==, -1);
+ tt_int_op(5,==,socks->socks_version);
+ tt_int_op(10,==,socks->replylen);
+ tt_int_op(5,==,socks->reply[0]);
+ tt_int_op(SOCKS5_GENERAL_ERROR,==,socks->reply[1]);
+ tt_int_op(1,==,socks->reply[3]);
+ buf_clear(buf);
+ socks_request_clear(socks);
+ /* SOCKS 5 Send CONNECT [01] to address type 0x23 */
+ ADD_DATA(buf, "\x05\x01\x00");
+ ADD_DATA(buf, "\x05\x01\x00\x23\x02\x02\x02\x02\x11\x11");
+ tt_int_op(fetch_from_buf_socks(buf, socks, get_options()->TestSocks,
+ get_options()->SafeSocks),==, -1);
+ tt_int_op(5,==,socks->socks_version);
+ tt_int_op(10,==,socks->replylen);
+ tt_int_op(5,==,socks->reply[0]);
+ tt_int_op(SOCKS5_ADDRESS_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED,==,socks->reply[1]);
+ tt_int_op(1,==,socks->reply[3]);
@@ -387,6 +468,7 @@ struct testcase_t socks_tests[] = {
+ SOCKSENT(5_malformed_commands),
diff --git a/src/test/test_util.c b/src/test/test_util.c
index 1b7c936fd7..e1f77b9636 100644
--- a/src/test/test_util.c
+++ b/src/test/test_util.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
#include <tchar.h>
#include <math.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
/* XXXX this is a minimal wrapper to make the unit tests compile with the
* changed tor_timegm interface. */
@@ -64,8 +65,8 @@ test_util_read_until_eof_impl(const char *fname, size_t file_len,
tt_int_op(sz, ==, file_len);
- test_mem_op(test_str, ==, str, sz);
- test_assert(str[sz] == '\0');
+ tt_mem_op(test_str, ==, str, sz);
+ tt_int_op(str[sz], ==, '\0');
@@ -177,7 +178,7 @@ test_util_write_chunks_to_file(void *arg)
str = read_file_to_str(fname, RFTS_BIN, &st);
tt_assert(str != NULL);
tt_u64_op((uint64_t)st.st_size, ==, data_str_len);
- test_mem_op(data_str, ==, str, data_str_len);
+ tt_mem_op(data_str, ==, str, data_str_len);
// assert that the tempfile is removed (should not leave artifacts)
@@ -208,14 +209,14 @@ test_util_write_chunks_to_file(void *arg)
str = read_file_to_str(fname, RFTS_BIN, &st);
tt_assert(str != NULL);
tt_u64_op((uint64_t)st.st_size, ==, data_str_len);
- test_mem_op(data_str, ==, str, data_str_len);
+ tt_mem_op(data_str, ==, str, data_str_len);
// assert the tempfile still contains the known string
str = read_file_to_str(tempname, RFTS_BIN, &st);
tt_assert(str != NULL);
tt_u64_op((uint64_t)st.st_size, ==, temp_str_len);
- test_mem_op(temp_str, ==, str, temp_str_len);
+ tt_mem_op(temp_str, ==, str, temp_str_len);
@@ -228,11 +229,24 @@ test_util_write_chunks_to_file(void *arg)
+#define _TFE(a, b, f) tt_int_op((a).f, ==, (b).f)
+/** test the minimum set of struct tm fields needed for a unique epoch value
+ * this is also the set we use to test tor_timegm */
+#define TM_EQUAL(a, b) \
+ _TFE(a, b, tm_year); \
+ _TFE(a, b, tm_mon ); \
+ _TFE(a, b, tm_mday); \
+ _TFE(a, b, tm_hour); \
+ _TFE(a, b, tm_min ); \
+ _TFE(a, b, tm_sec ); \
static void
+test_util_time(void *arg)
struct timeval start, end;
- struct tm a_time;
+ struct tm a_time, b_time;
char timestr[128];
time_t t_res;
int i;
@@ -240,117 +254,343 @@ test_util_time(void)
/* Test tv_udiff */
+ (void)arg;
start.tv_sec = 5;
start.tv_usec = 5000;
end.tv_sec = 5;
end.tv_usec = 5000;
- test_eq(0L, tv_udiff(&start, &end));
+ tt_int_op(0L,==, tv_udiff(&start, &end));
end.tv_usec = 7000;
- test_eq(2000L, tv_udiff(&start, &end));
+ tt_int_op(2000L,==, tv_udiff(&start, &end));
end.tv_sec = 6;
- test_eq(1002000L, tv_udiff(&start, &end));
+ tt_int_op(1002000L,==, tv_udiff(&start, &end));
end.tv_usec = 0;
- test_eq(995000L, tv_udiff(&start, &end));
+ tt_int_op(995000L,==, tv_udiff(&start, &end));
end.tv_sec = 4;
- test_eq(-1005000L, tv_udiff(&start, &end));
+ tt_int_op(-1005000L,==, tv_udiff(&start, &end));
- /* Test tor_timegm */
+ /* Test tor_timegm & tor_gmtime_r */
/* The test values here are confirmed to be correct on a platform
- * with a working timegm. */
+ * with a working timegm & gmtime_r. */
+ /* Start with known-zero a_time and b_time.
+ * This avoids passing uninitialised values to TM_EQUAL in a_time.
+ * Zeroing may not be needed for b_time, as long as tor_gmtime_r
+ * never reads the existing values in the structure.
+ * But we really don't want intermittently failing tests. */
+ memset(&a_time, 0, sizeof(struct tm));
+ memset(&b_time, 0, sizeof(struct tm));
a_time.tm_year = 2003-1900;
a_time.tm_mon = 7;
a_time.tm_mday = 30;
a_time.tm_hour = 6;
a_time.tm_min = 14;
a_time.tm_sec = 55;
- test_eq((time_t) 1062224095UL, tor_timegm(&a_time));
+ t_res = 1062224095UL;
+ tt_int_op(t_res, ==, tor_timegm(&a_time));
+ tor_gmtime_r(&t_res, &b_time);
+ TM_EQUAL(a_time, b_time);
a_time.tm_year = 2004-1900; /* Try a leap year, after feb. */
- test_eq((time_t) 1093846495UL, tor_timegm(&a_time));
+ t_res = 1093846495UL;
+ tt_int_op(t_res, ==, tor_timegm(&a_time));
+ tor_gmtime_r(&t_res, &b_time);
+ TM_EQUAL(a_time, b_time);
a_time.tm_mon = 1; /* Try a leap year, in feb. */
a_time.tm_mday = 10;
- test_eq((time_t) 1076393695UL, tor_timegm(&a_time));
+ t_res = 1076393695UL;
+ tt_int_op(t_res, ==, tor_timegm(&a_time));
+ tor_gmtime_r(&t_res, &b_time);
+ TM_EQUAL(a_time, b_time);
a_time.tm_mon = 0;
- a_time.tm_mday = 10;
- test_eq((time_t) 1073715295UL, tor_timegm(&a_time));
+ t_res = 1073715295UL;
+ tt_int_op(t_res, ==, tor_timegm(&a_time));
+ tor_gmtime_r(&t_res, &b_time);
+ TM_EQUAL(a_time, b_time);
+ /* Test tor_timegm out of range */
+ /* year */
+ /* Wrong year < 1970 */
+ a_time.tm_year = 1969-1900;
+ tt_int_op((time_t) -1,==, tor_timegm(&a_time));
+ a_time.tm_year = -1-1900;
+ tt_int_op((time_t) -1,==, tor_timegm(&a_time));
+#if SIZEOF_INT == 4 || SIZEOF_INT == 8
+ a_time.tm_year = -1*(1 << 16);
+ tt_int_op((time_t) -1,==, tor_timegm(&a_time));
+ /* one of the smallest tm_year values my 64 bit system supports:
+ * t_res = -9223372036854775LL without clamping */
+ a_time.tm_year = -292275055-1900;
+ tt_int_op((time_t) -1,==, tor_timegm(&a_time));
+ a_time.tm_year = INT32_MIN;
+ tt_int_op((time_t) -1,==, tor_timegm(&a_time));
+#if SIZEOF_INT == 8
+ a_time.tm_year = -1*(1 << 48);
+ tt_int_op((time_t) -1,==, tor_timegm(&a_time));
+ /* while unlikely, the system's gmtime(_r) could return
+ * a "correct" retrospective gregorian negative year value,
+ * which I'm pretty sure is:
+ * -1*(2^63)/60/60/24*2000/730485 + 1970 = -292277022657
+ * 730485 is the number of days in two millenia, including leap days */
+ a_time.tm_year = -292277022657-1900;
+ tt_int_op((time_t) -1,==, tor_timegm(&a_time));
+ a_time.tm_year = INT64_MIN;
+ tt_int_op((time_t) -1,==, tor_timegm(&a_time));
+ /* Wrong year >= INT32_MAX - 1900 */
+#if SIZEOF_INT == 4 || SIZEOF_INT == 8
+ a_time.tm_year = INT32_MAX-1900;
+ tt_int_op((time_t) -1,==, tor_timegm(&a_time));
+ a_time.tm_year = INT32_MAX;
+ tt_int_op((time_t) -1,==, tor_timegm(&a_time));
+#if SIZEOF_INT == 8
+ /* one of the largest tm_year values my 64 bit system supports */
+ a_time.tm_year = 292278994-1900;
+ tt_int_op((time_t) -1,==, tor_timegm(&a_time));
+ /* while unlikely, the system's gmtime(_r) could return
+ * a "correct" proleptic gregorian year value,
+ * which I'm pretty sure is:
+ * (2^63-1)/60/60/24*2000/730485 + 1970 = 292277026596
+ * 730485 is the number of days in two millenia, including leap days */
+ a_time.tm_year = 292277026596-1900;
+ tt_int_op((time_t) -1,==, tor_timegm(&a_time));
+ a_time.tm_year = INT64_MAX-1900;
+ tt_int_op((time_t) -1,==, tor_timegm(&a_time));
+ a_time.tm_year = INT64_MAX;
+ tt_int_op((time_t) -1,==, tor_timegm(&a_time));
+ /* month */
+ a_time.tm_year = 2007-1900; /* restore valid year */
a_time.tm_mon = 12; /* Wrong month, it's 0-based */
- a_time.tm_mday = 10;
- test_eq((time_t) -1, tor_timegm(&a_time));
+ tt_int_op((time_t) -1,==, tor_timegm(&a_time));
a_time.tm_mon = -1; /* Wrong month */
- a_time.tm_mday = 10;
- test_eq((time_t) -1, tor_timegm(&a_time));
+ tt_int_op((time_t) -1,==, tor_timegm(&a_time));
+ /* day */
+ a_time.tm_mon = 6; /* Try July */
+ a_time.tm_mday = 32; /* Wrong day */
+ tt_int_op((time_t) -1,==, tor_timegm(&a_time));
+ a_time.tm_mon = 5; /* Try June */
+ a_time.tm_mday = 31; /* Wrong day */
+ tt_int_op((time_t) -1,==, tor_timegm(&a_time));
+ a_time.tm_year = 2008-1900; /* Try a leap year */
+ a_time.tm_mon = 1; /* in feb. */
+ a_time.tm_mday = 30; /* Wrong day */
+ tt_int_op((time_t) -1,==, tor_timegm(&a_time));
+ a_time.tm_year = 2011-1900; /* Try a non-leap year */
+ a_time.tm_mon = 1; /* in feb. */
+ a_time.tm_mday = 29; /* Wrong day */
+ tt_int_op((time_t) -1,==, tor_timegm(&a_time));
+ a_time.tm_mday = 0; /* Wrong day, it's 1-based (to be different) */
+ tt_int_op((time_t) -1,==, tor_timegm(&a_time));
+ /* hour */
+ a_time.tm_mday = 3; /* restore valid month day */
+ a_time.tm_hour = 24; /* Wrong hour, it's 0-based */
+ tt_int_op((time_t) -1,==, tor_timegm(&a_time));
+ a_time.tm_hour = -1; /* Wrong hour */
+ tt_int_op((time_t) -1,==, tor_timegm(&a_time));
+ /* minute */
+ a_time.tm_hour = 22; /* restore valid hour */
+ a_time.tm_min = 60; /* Wrong minute, it's 0-based */
+ tt_int_op((time_t) -1,==, tor_timegm(&a_time));
+ a_time.tm_min = -1; /* Wrong minute */
+ tt_int_op((time_t) -1,==, tor_timegm(&a_time));
+ /* second */
+ a_time.tm_min = 37; /* restore valid minute */
+ a_time.tm_sec = 61; /* Wrong second: 0-based with leap seconds */
+ tt_int_op((time_t) -1,==, tor_timegm(&a_time));
+ a_time.tm_sec = -1; /* Wrong second */
+ tt_int_op((time_t) -1,==, tor_timegm(&a_time));
+ /* Test tor_gmtime_r out of range */
+ /* time_t < 0 yields a year clamped to 1 or 1970,
+ * depending on whether the implementation of the system gmtime(_r)
+ * sets struct tm (1) or not (1970) */
+ t_res = -1;
+ tor_gmtime_r(&t_res, &b_time);
+ tt_assert(b_time.tm_year == (1970-1900) ||
+ b_time.tm_year == (1969-1900));
+ if (sizeof(time_t) == 4 || sizeof(time_t) == 8) {
+ t_res = -1*(1 << 30);
+ tor_gmtime_r(&t_res, &b_time);
+ tt_assert(b_time.tm_year == (1970-1900) ||
+ b_time.tm_year == (1935-1900));
+ t_res = INT32_MIN;
+ tor_gmtime_r(&t_res, &b_time);
+ tt_assert(b_time.tm_year == (1970-1900) ||
+ b_time.tm_year == (1901-1900));
+ }
+ if (sizeof(time_t) == 8) {
+ /* one of the smallest tm_year values my 64 bit system supports:
+ * b_time.tm_year == (-292275055LL-1900LL) without clamping */
+ t_res = -9223372036854775LL;
+ tor_gmtime_r(&t_res, &b_time);
+ tt_assert(b_time.tm_year == (1970-1900) ||
+ b_time.tm_year == (1-1900));
+ /* while unlikely, the system's gmtime(_r) could return
+ * a "correct" retrospective gregorian negative year value,
+ * which I'm pretty sure is:
+ * -1*(2^63)/60/60/24*2000/730485 + 1970 = -292277022657
+ * 730485 is the number of days in two millenia, including leap days
+ * (int64_t)b_time.tm_year == (-292277022657LL-1900LL) without clamping */
+ t_res = INT64_MIN;
+ tor_gmtime_r(&t_res, &b_time);
+ tt_assert(b_time.tm_year == (1970-1900) ||
+ b_time.tm_year == (1-1900));
+ }
+ /* time_t >= INT_MAX yields a year clamped to 2037 or 9999,
+ * depending on whether the implementation of the system gmtime(_r)
+ * sets struct tm (9999) or not (2037) */
+ if (sizeof(time_t) == 4 || sizeof(time_t) == 8) {
+ t_res = 3*(1 << 29);
+ tor_gmtime_r(&t_res, &b_time);
+ tt_assert(b_time.tm_year == (2021-1900));
+ t_res = INT32_MAX;
+ tor_gmtime_r(&t_res, &b_time);
+ tt_assert(b_time.tm_year == (2037-1900) ||
+ b_time.tm_year == (2038-1900));
+ }
+ if (sizeof(time_t) == 8) {
+ /* one of the largest tm_year values my 64 bit system supports:
+ * b_time.tm_year == (292278994L-1900L) without clamping */
+ t_res = 9223372036854775LL;
+ tor_gmtime_r(&t_res, &b_time);
+ tt_assert(b_time.tm_year == (2037-1900) ||
+ b_time.tm_year == (9999-1900));
+ /* while unlikely, the system's gmtime(_r) could return
+ * a "correct" proleptic gregorian year value,
+ * which I'm pretty sure is:
+ * (2^63-1)/60/60/24*2000/730485 + 1970 = 292277026596
+ * 730485 is the number of days in two millenia, including leap days
+ * (int64_t)b_time.tm_year == (292277026596L-1900L) without clamping */
+ t_res = INT64_MAX;
+ tor_gmtime_r(&t_res, &b_time);
+ tt_assert(b_time.tm_year == (2037-1900) ||
+ b_time.tm_year == (9999-1900));
+ }
/* Test {format,parse}_rfc1123_time */
format_rfc1123_time(timestr, 0);
- test_streq("Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT", timestr);
+ tt_str_op("Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT",==, timestr);
format_rfc1123_time(timestr, (time_t)1091580502UL);
- test_streq("Wed, 04 Aug 2004 00:48:22 GMT", timestr);
+ tt_str_op("Wed, 04 Aug 2004 00:48:22 GMT",==, timestr);
t_res = 0;
i = parse_rfc1123_time(timestr, &t_res);
- test_eq(0,i);
- test_eq(t_res, (time_t)1091580502UL);
+ tt_int_op(0,==, i);
+ tt_int_op(t_res,==, (time_t)1091580502UL);
/* The timezone doesn't matter */
t_res = 0;
- test_eq(0, parse_rfc1123_time("Wed, 04 Aug 2004 00:48:22 ZUL", &t_res));
- test_eq(t_res, (time_t)1091580502UL);
- test_eq(-1, parse_rfc1123_time("Wed, zz Aug 2004 99-99x99 GMT", &t_res));
- test_eq(-1, parse_rfc1123_time("Wed, 32 Mar 2011 00:00:00 GMT", &t_res));
- test_eq(-1, parse_rfc1123_time("Wed, 30 Mar 2011 24:00:00 GMT", &t_res));
- test_eq(-1, parse_rfc1123_time("Wed, 30 Mar 2011 23:60:00 GMT", &t_res));
- test_eq(-1, parse_rfc1123_time("Wed, 30 Mar 2011 23:59:62 GMT", &t_res));
- test_eq(-1, parse_rfc1123_time("Wed, 30 Mar 1969 23:59:59 GMT", &t_res));
- test_eq(-1, parse_rfc1123_time("Wed, 30 Ene 2011 23:59:59 GMT", &t_res));
- test_eq(-1, parse_rfc1123_time("Wed, 30 Mar 2011 23:59:59 GM", &t_res));
-#if 0
- /* This fails, I imagine it's important and should be fixed? */
- test_eq(-1, parse_rfc1123_time("Wed, 29 Feb 2011 16:00:00 GMT", &t_res));
- /* Why is this string valid (ie. the test fails because it doesn't
- return -1)? */
- test_eq(-1, parse_rfc1123_time("Wed, 30 Mar 2011 23:59:61 GMT", &t_res));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, parse_rfc1123_time("Wed, 04 Aug 2004 00:48:22 ZUL", &t_res));
+ tt_int_op(t_res,==, (time_t)1091580502UL);
+ tt_int_op(-1,==,
+ parse_rfc1123_time("Wed, zz Aug 2004 99-99x99 GMT", &t_res));
+ tt_int_op(-1,==,
+ parse_rfc1123_time("Wed, 32 Mar 2011 00:00:00 GMT", &t_res));
+ tt_int_op(-1,==,
+ parse_rfc1123_time("Wed, 30 Mar 2011 24:00:00 GMT", &t_res));
+ tt_int_op(-1,==,
+ parse_rfc1123_time("Wed, 30 Mar 2011 23:60:00 GMT", &t_res));
+ tt_int_op(-1,==,
+ parse_rfc1123_time("Wed, 30 Mar 2011 23:59:62 GMT", &t_res));
+ tt_int_op(-1,==,
+ parse_rfc1123_time("Wed, 30 Mar 1969 23:59:59 GMT", &t_res));
+ tt_int_op(-1,==,
+ parse_rfc1123_time("Wed, 30 Ene 2011 23:59:59 GMT", &t_res));
+ tt_int_op(-1,==,
+ parse_rfc1123_time("Wed, 30 Mar 2011 23:59:59 GM", &t_res));
+ tt_int_op(-1,==,
+ parse_rfc1123_time("Wed, 29 Feb 2011 16:00:00 GMT", &t_res));
+ tt_int_op(-1,==,
+ parse_rfc1123_time("Wed, 30 Mar 2011 23:59:61 GMT", &t_res));
/* Test parse_iso_time */
t_res = 0;
i = parse_iso_time("", &t_res);
- test_eq(-1, i);
+ tt_int_op(-1,==, i);
t_res = 0;
i = parse_iso_time("2004-08-32 00:48:22", &t_res);
- test_eq(-1, i);
+ tt_int_op(-1,==, i);
t_res = 0;
i = parse_iso_time("1969-08-03 00:48:22", &t_res);
- test_eq(-1, i);
+ tt_int_op(-1,==, i);
t_res = 0;
i = parse_iso_time("2004-08-04 00:48:22", &t_res);
- test_eq(0,i);
- test_eq(t_res, (time_t)1091580502UL);
+ tt_int_op(0,==, i);
+ tt_int_op(t_res,==, (time_t)1091580502UL);
t_res = 0;
i = parse_iso_time("2004-8-4 0:48:22", &t_res);
- test_eq(0, i);
- test_eq(t_res, (time_t)1091580502UL);
- test_eq(-1, parse_iso_time("2004-08-zz 99-99x99 GMT", &t_res));
- test_eq(-1, parse_iso_time("2011-03-32 00:00:00 GMT", &t_res));
- test_eq(-1, parse_iso_time("2011-03-30 24:00:00 GMT", &t_res));
- test_eq(-1, parse_iso_time("2011-03-30 23:60:00 GMT", &t_res));
- test_eq(-1, parse_iso_time("2011-03-30 23:59:62 GMT", &t_res));
- test_eq(-1, parse_iso_time("1969-03-30 23:59:59 GMT", &t_res));
- test_eq(-1, parse_iso_time("2011-00-30 23:59:59 GMT", &t_res));
- test_eq(-1, parse_iso_time("2147483647-08-29 14:00:00", &t_res));
- test_eq(-1, parse_iso_time("2011-03-30 23:59", &t_res));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, i);
+ tt_int_op(t_res,==, (time_t)1091580502UL);
+ tt_int_op(-1,==, parse_iso_time("2004-08-zz 99-99x99 GMT", &t_res));
+ tt_int_op(-1,==, parse_iso_time("2011-03-32 00:00:00 GMT", &t_res));
+ tt_int_op(-1,==, parse_iso_time("2011-03-30 24:00:00 GMT", &t_res));
+ tt_int_op(-1,==, parse_iso_time("2011-03-30 23:60:00 GMT", &t_res));
+ tt_int_op(-1,==, parse_iso_time("2011-03-30 23:59:62 GMT", &t_res));
+ tt_int_op(-1,==, parse_iso_time("1969-03-30 23:59:59 GMT", &t_res));
+ tt_int_op(-1,==, parse_iso_time("2011-00-30 23:59:59 GMT", &t_res));
+ tt_int_op(-1,==, parse_iso_time("2147483647-08-29 14:00:00", &t_res));
+ tt_int_op(-1,==, parse_iso_time("2011-03-30 23:59", &t_res));
/* Test tor_gettimeofday */
@@ -370,7 +610,7 @@ test_util_time(void)
tv.tv_sec = (time_t)1326296338;
tv.tv_usec = 3060;
format_iso_time(timestr, (time_t)tv.tv_sec);
- test_streq("2012-01-11 15:38:58", timestr);
+ tt_str_op("2012-01-11 15:38:58",==, timestr);
/* The output of format_local_iso_time will vary by timezone, and setting
our timezone for testing purposes would be a nontrivial flaky pain.
Skip this test for now.
@@ -378,11 +618,11 @@ test_util_time(void)
test_streq("2012-01-11 10:38:58", timestr);
format_iso_time_nospace(timestr, (time_t)tv.tv_sec);
- test_streq("2012-01-11T15:38:58", timestr);
- test_eq(strlen(timestr), ISO_TIME_LEN);
+ tt_str_op("2012-01-11T15:38:58",==, timestr);
+ tt_int_op(strlen(timestr),==, ISO_TIME_LEN);
format_iso_time_nospace_usec(timestr, &tv);
- test_streq("2012-01-11T15:38:58.003060", timestr);
- test_eq(strlen(timestr), ISO_TIME_USEC_LEN);
+ tt_str_op("2012-01-11T15:38:58.003060",==, timestr);
+ tt_int_op(strlen(timestr),==, ISO_TIME_USEC_LEN);
@@ -403,55 +643,66 @@ test_util_parse_http_time(void *arg)
/* Test parse_http_time */
- test_eq(-1, parse_http_time("", &a_time));
- test_eq(-1, parse_http_time("Sunday, 32 Aug 2004 00:48:22 GMT", &a_time));
- test_eq(-1, parse_http_time("Sunday, 3 Aug 1869 00:48:22 GMT", &a_time));
- test_eq(-1, parse_http_time("Sunday, 32-Aug-94 00:48:22 GMT", &a_time));
- test_eq(-1, parse_http_time("Sunday, 3-Ago-04 00:48:22", &a_time));
- test_eq(-1, parse_http_time("Sunday, August the third", &a_time));
- test_eq(-1, parse_http_time("Wednesday,,04 Aug 1994 00:48:22 GMT", &a_time));
- test_eq(0, parse_http_time("Wednesday, 04 Aug 1994 00:48:22 GMT", &a_time));
- test_eq((time_t)775961302UL, tor_timegm(&a_time));
+ tt_int_op(-1,==,
+ parse_http_time("", &a_time));
+ tt_int_op(-1,==,
+ parse_http_time("Sunday, 32 Aug 2004 00:48:22 GMT", &a_time));
+ tt_int_op(-1,==,
+ parse_http_time("Sunday, 3 Aug 1869 00:48:22 GMT", &a_time));
+ tt_int_op(-1,==,
+ parse_http_time("Sunday, 32-Aug-94 00:48:22 GMT", &a_time));
+ tt_int_op(-1,==,
+ parse_http_time("Sunday, 3-Ago-04 00:48:22", &a_time));
+ tt_int_op(-1,==,
+ parse_http_time("Sunday, August the third", &a_time));
+ tt_int_op(-1,==,
+ parse_http_time("Wednesday,,04 Aug 1994 00:48:22 GMT", &a_time));
+ tt_int_op(0,==,
+ parse_http_time("Wednesday, 04 Aug 1994 00:48:22 GMT", &a_time));
+ tt_int_op((time_t)775961302UL,==, tor_timegm(&a_time));
T("1994-08-04 00:48:22");
- test_eq(0, parse_http_time("Wednesday, 4 Aug 1994 0:48:22 GMT", &a_time));
- test_eq((time_t)775961302UL, tor_timegm(&a_time));
+ tt_int_op(0,==,
+ parse_http_time("Wednesday, 4 Aug 1994 0:48:22 GMT", &a_time));
+ tt_int_op((time_t)775961302UL,==, tor_timegm(&a_time));
T("1994-08-04 00:48:22");
- test_eq(0, parse_http_time("Miercoles, 4 Aug 1994 0:48:22 GMT", &a_time));
- test_eq((time_t)775961302UL, tor_timegm(&a_time));
+ tt_int_op(0,==,
+ parse_http_time("Miercoles, 4 Aug 1994 0:48:22 GMT", &a_time));
+ tt_int_op((time_t)775961302UL,==, tor_timegm(&a_time));
T("1994-08-04 00:48:22");
- test_eq(0, parse_http_time("Wednesday, 04-Aug-94 00:48:22 GMT", &a_time));
- test_eq((time_t)775961302UL, tor_timegm(&a_time));
+ tt_int_op(0,==,
+ parse_http_time("Wednesday, 04-Aug-94 00:48:22 GMT", &a_time));
+ tt_int_op((time_t)775961302UL,==, tor_timegm(&a_time));
T("1994-08-04 00:48:22");
- test_eq(0, parse_http_time("Wednesday, 4-Aug-94 0:48:22 GMT", &a_time));
- test_eq((time_t)775961302UL, tor_timegm(&a_time));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, parse_http_time("Wednesday, 4-Aug-94 0:48:22 GMT", &a_time));
+ tt_int_op((time_t)775961302UL,==, tor_timegm(&a_time));
T("1994-08-04 00:48:22");
- test_eq(0, parse_http_time("Miercoles, 4-Aug-94 0:48:22 GMT", &a_time));
- test_eq((time_t)775961302UL, tor_timegm(&a_time));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, parse_http_time("Miercoles, 4-Aug-94 0:48:22 GMT", &a_time));
+ tt_int_op((time_t)775961302UL,==, tor_timegm(&a_time));
T("1994-08-04 00:48:22");
- test_eq(0, parse_http_time("Wed Aug 04 00:48:22 1994", &a_time));
- test_eq((time_t)775961302UL, tor_timegm(&a_time));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, parse_http_time("Wed Aug 04 00:48:22 1994", &a_time));
+ tt_int_op((time_t)775961302UL,==, tor_timegm(&a_time));
T("1994-08-04 00:48:22");
- test_eq(0, parse_http_time("Wed Aug 4 0:48:22 1994", &a_time));
- test_eq((time_t)775961302UL, tor_timegm(&a_time));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, parse_http_time("Wed Aug 4 0:48:22 1994", &a_time));
+ tt_int_op((time_t)775961302UL,==, tor_timegm(&a_time));
T("1994-08-04 00:48:22");
- test_eq(0, parse_http_time("Mie Aug 4 0:48:22 1994", &a_time));
- test_eq((time_t)775961302UL, tor_timegm(&a_time));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, parse_http_time("Mie Aug 4 0:48:22 1994", &a_time));
+ tt_int_op((time_t)775961302UL,==, tor_timegm(&a_time));
T("1994-08-04 00:48:22");
- test_eq(0, parse_http_time("Sun, 1 Jan 2012 00:00:00 GMT", &a_time));
- test_eq((time_t)1325376000UL, tor_timegm(&a_time));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, parse_http_time("Sun, 1 Jan 2012 00:00:00 GMT", &a_time));
+ tt_int_op((time_t)1325376000UL,==, tor_timegm(&a_time));
T("2012-01-01 00:00:00");
- test_eq(0, parse_http_time("Mon, 31 Dec 2012 00:00:00 GMT", &a_time));
- test_eq((time_t)1356912000UL, tor_timegm(&a_time));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, parse_http_time("Mon, 31 Dec 2012 00:00:00 GMT", &a_time));
+ tt_int_op((time_t)1356912000UL,==, tor_timegm(&a_time));
T("2012-12-31 00:00:00");
- test_eq(-1, parse_http_time("2004-08-zz 99-99x99 GMT", &a_time));
- test_eq(-1, parse_http_time("2011-03-32 00:00:00 GMT", &a_time));
- test_eq(-1, parse_http_time("2011-03-30 24:00:00 GMT", &a_time));
- test_eq(-1, parse_http_time("2011-03-30 23:60:00 GMT", &a_time));
- test_eq(-1, parse_http_time("2011-03-30 23:59:62 GMT", &a_time));
- test_eq(-1, parse_http_time("1969-03-30 23:59:59 GMT", &a_time));
- test_eq(-1, parse_http_time("2011-00-30 23:59:59 GMT", &a_time));
- test_eq(-1, parse_http_time("2011-03-30 23:59", &a_time));
+ tt_int_op(-1,==, parse_http_time("2004-08-zz 99-99x99 GMT", &a_time));
+ tt_int_op(-1,==, parse_http_time("2011-03-32 00:00:00 GMT", &a_time));
+ tt_int_op(-1,==, parse_http_time("2011-03-30 24:00:00 GMT", &a_time));
+ tt_int_op(-1,==, parse_http_time("2011-03-30 23:60:00 GMT", &a_time));
+ tt_int_op(-1,==, parse_http_time("2011-03-30 23:59:62 GMT", &a_time));
+ tt_int_op(-1,==, parse_http_time("1969-03-30 23:59:59 GMT", &a_time));
+ tt_int_op(-1,==, parse_http_time("2011-00-30 23:59:59 GMT", &a_time));
+ tt_int_op(-1,==, parse_http_time("2011-03-30 23:59", &a_time));
#undef T
@@ -459,13 +710,14 @@ test_util_parse_http_time(void *arg)
static void
+test_util_config_line(void *arg)
char buf[1024];
char *k=NULL, *v=NULL;
const char *str;
/* Test parse_config_line_from_str */
+ (void)arg;
strlcpy(buf, "k v\n" " key value with spaces \n" "keykey val\n"
"k3 \n" "\n" " \n" "#comment\n"
@@ -485,110 +737,110 @@ test_util_config_line(void)
str = buf;
str = parse_config_line_from_str(str, &k, &v);
- test_streq(k, "k");
- test_streq(v, "v");
+ tt_str_op(k,==, "k");
+ tt_str_op(v,==, "v");
tor_free(k); tor_free(v);
- test_assert(!strcmpstart(str, "key value with"));
+ tt_assert(!strcmpstart(str, "key value with"));
str = parse_config_line_from_str(str, &k, &v);
- test_streq(k, "key");
- test_streq(v, "value with spaces");
+ tt_str_op(k,==, "key");
+ tt_str_op(v,==, "value with spaces");
tor_free(k); tor_free(v);
- test_assert(!strcmpstart(str, "keykey"));
+ tt_assert(!strcmpstart(str, "keykey"));
str = parse_config_line_from_str(str, &k, &v);
- test_streq(k, "keykey");
- test_streq(v, "val");
+ tt_str_op(k,==, "keykey");
+ tt_str_op(v,==, "val");
tor_free(k); tor_free(v);
- test_assert(!strcmpstart(str, "k2\n"));
+ tt_assert(!strcmpstart(str, "k2\n"));
str = parse_config_line_from_str(str, &k, &v);
- test_streq(k, "k2");
- test_streq(v, "");
+ tt_str_op(k,==, "k2");
+ tt_str_op(v,==, "");
tor_free(k); tor_free(v);
- test_assert(!strcmpstart(str, "k3 \n"));
+ tt_assert(!strcmpstart(str, "k3 \n"));
str = parse_config_line_from_str(str, &k, &v);
- test_streq(k, "k3");
- test_streq(v, "");
+ tt_str_op(k,==, "k3");
+ tt_str_op(v,==, "");
tor_free(k); tor_free(v);
- test_assert(!strcmpstart(str, "#comment"));
+ tt_assert(!strcmpstart(str, "#comment"));
str = parse_config_line_from_str(str, &k, &v);
- test_streq(k, "k4");
- test_streq(v, "");
+ tt_str_op(k,==, "k4");
+ tt_str_op(v,==, "");
tor_free(k); tor_free(v);
- test_assert(!strcmpstart(str, "k5#abc"));
+ tt_assert(!strcmpstart(str, "k5#abc"));
str = parse_config_line_from_str(str, &k, &v);
- test_streq(k, "k5");
- test_streq(v, "");
+ tt_str_op(k,==, "k5");
+ tt_str_op(v,==, "");
tor_free(k); tor_free(v);
- test_assert(!strcmpstart(str, "k6"));
+ tt_assert(!strcmpstart(str, "k6"));
str = parse_config_line_from_str(str, &k, &v);
- test_streq(k, "k6");
- test_streq(v, "val");
+ tt_str_op(k,==, "k6");
+ tt_str_op(v,==, "val");
tor_free(k); tor_free(v);
- test_assert(!strcmpstart(str, "kseven"));
+ tt_assert(!strcmpstart(str, "kseven"));
str = parse_config_line_from_str(str, &k, &v);
- test_streq(k, "kseven");
- test_streq(v, "a quoted \'string");
+ tt_str_op(k,==, "kseven");
+ tt_str_op(v,==, "a quoted \'string");
tor_free(k); tor_free(v);
- test_assert(!strcmpstart(str, "k8 "));
+ tt_assert(!strcmpstart(str, "k8 "));
str = parse_config_line_from_str(str, &k, &v);
- test_streq(k, "k8");
- test_streq(v, "a quoted\n\"str\\ing\t\x01\x01\x01\"");
+ tt_str_op(k,==, "k8");
+ tt_str_op(v,==, "a quoted\n\"str\\ing\t\x01\x01\x01\"");
tor_free(k); tor_free(v);
str = parse_config_line_from_str(str, &k, &v);
- test_streq(k, "k9");
- test_streq(v, "a line that spans two lines.");
+ tt_str_op(k,==, "k9");
+ tt_str_op(v,==, "a line that spans two lines.");
tor_free(k); tor_free(v);
str = parse_config_line_from_str(str, &k, &v);
- test_streq(k, "k10");
- test_streq(v, "more than one continuation");
+ tt_str_op(k,==, "k10");
+ tt_str_op(v,==, "more than one continuation");
tor_free(k); tor_free(v);
str = parse_config_line_from_str(str, &k, &v);
- test_streq(k, "k11");
- test_streq(v, "continuation at the start");
+ tt_str_op(k,==, "k11");
+ tt_str_op(v,==, "continuation at the start");
tor_free(k); tor_free(v);
str = parse_config_line_from_str(str, &k, &v);
- test_streq(k, "k12");
- test_streq(v, "line with a embedded");
+ tt_str_op(k,==, "k12");
+ tt_str_op(v,==, "line with a embedded");
tor_free(k); tor_free(v);
str = parse_config_line_from_str(str, &k, &v);
- test_streq(k, "k13");
- test_streq(v, "continuation at the very start");
+ tt_str_op(k,==, "k13");
+ tt_str_op(v,==, "continuation at the very start");
tor_free(k); tor_free(v);
str = parse_config_line_from_str(str, &k, &v);
- test_streq(k, "k14");
- test_streq(v, "a line that has a comment and" );
+ tt_str_op(k,==, "k14");
+ tt_str_op(v,==, "a line that has a comment and" );
tor_free(k); tor_free(v);
str = parse_config_line_from_str(str, &k, &v);
- test_streq(k, "k15");
- test_streq(v, "this should be the next new line");
+ tt_str_op(k,==, "k15");
+ tt_str_op(v,==, "this should be the next new line");
tor_free(k); tor_free(v);
str = parse_config_line_from_str(str, &k, &v);
- test_streq(k, "k16");
- test_streq(v, "a line that has a comment and" );
+ tt_str_op(k,==, "k16");
+ tt_str_op(v,==, "a line that has a comment and" );
tor_free(k); tor_free(v);
str = parse_config_line_from_str(str, &k, &v);
- test_streq(k, "k17");
- test_streq(v, "this should be the next new line");
+ tt_str_op(k,==, "k17");
+ tt_str_op(v,==, "this should be the next new line");
tor_free(k); tor_free(v);
- test_streq(str, "");
+ tt_str_op(str,==, "");
@@ -596,7 +848,7 @@ test_util_config_line(void)
static void
+test_util_config_line_quotes(void *arg)
char buf1[1024];
char buf2[128];
@@ -606,6 +858,7 @@ test_util_config_line_quotes(void)
const char *str;
/* Test parse_config_line_from_str */
+ (void)arg;
strlcpy(buf1, "kTrailingSpace \"quoted value\" \n"
"kTrailingGarbage \"quoted value\"trailing garbage\n"
, sizeof(buf1));
@@ -618,30 +871,30 @@ test_util_config_line_quotes(void)
str = buf1;
str = parse_config_line_from_str(str, &k, &v);
- test_streq(k, "kTrailingSpace");
- test_streq(v, "quoted value");
+ tt_str_op(k,==, "kTrailingSpace");
+ tt_str_op(v,==, "quoted value");
tor_free(k); tor_free(v);
str = parse_config_line_from_str(str, &k, &v);
- test_eq_ptr(str, NULL);
+ tt_ptr_op(str,==, NULL);
tor_free(k); tor_free(v);
str = buf2;
str = parse_config_line_from_str(str, &k, &v);
- test_eq_ptr(str, NULL);
+ tt_ptr_op(str,==, NULL);
tor_free(k); tor_free(v);
str = buf3;
str = parse_config_line_from_str(str, &k, &v);
- test_eq_ptr(str, NULL);
+ tt_ptr_op(str,==, NULL);
tor_free(k); tor_free(v);
str = buf4;
str = parse_config_line_from_str(str, &k, &v);
- test_eq_ptr(str, NULL);
+ tt_ptr_op(str,==, NULL);
tor_free(k); tor_free(v);
@@ -650,13 +903,14 @@ test_util_config_line_quotes(void)
static void
+test_util_config_line_comment_character(void *arg)
char buf[1024];
char *k=NULL, *v=NULL;
const char *str;
/* Test parse_config_line_from_str */
+ (void)arg;
strlcpy(buf, "k1 \"# in quotes\"\n"
"k2 some value # some comment\n"
"k3 /home/user/myTorNetwork#2\n" /* Testcase for #1323 */
@@ -664,16 +918,16 @@ test_util_config_line_comment_character(void)
str = buf;
str = parse_config_line_from_str(str, &k, &v);
- test_streq(k, "k1");
- test_streq(v, "# in quotes");
+ tt_str_op(k,==, "k1");
+ tt_str_op(v,==, "# in quotes");
tor_free(k); tor_free(v);
str = parse_config_line_from_str(str, &k, &v);
- test_streq(k, "k2");
- test_streq(v, "some value");
+ tt_str_op(k,==, "k2");
+ tt_str_op(v,==, "some value");
tor_free(k); tor_free(v);
- test_streq(str, "k3 /home/user/myTorNetwork#2\n");
+ tt_str_op(str,==, "k3 /home/user/myTorNetwork#2\n");
#if 0
str = parse_config_line_from_str(str, &k, &v);
@@ -690,7 +944,7 @@ test_util_config_line_comment_character(void)
static void
+test_util_config_line_escaped_content(void *arg)
char buf1[1024];
char buf2[128];
@@ -702,6 +956,7 @@ test_util_config_line_escaped_content(void)
const char *str;
/* Test parse_config_line_from_str */
+ (void)arg;
strlcpy(buf1, "HexadecimalLower \"\\x2a\"\n"
"HexadecimalUpper \"\\x2A\"\n"
"HexadecimalUpperX \"\\X2A\"\n"
@@ -733,91 +988,91 @@ test_util_config_line_escaped_content(void)
str = buf1;
str = parse_config_line_from_str(str, &k, &v);
- test_streq(k, "HexadecimalLower");
- test_streq(v, "*");
+ tt_str_op(k,==, "HexadecimalLower");
+ tt_str_op(v,==, "*");
tor_free(k); tor_free(v);
str = parse_config_line_from_str(str, &k, &v);
- test_streq(k, "HexadecimalUpper");
- test_streq(v, "*");
+ tt_str_op(k,==, "HexadecimalUpper");
+ tt_str_op(v,==, "*");
tor_free(k); tor_free(v);
str = parse_config_line_from_str(str, &k, &v);
- test_streq(k, "HexadecimalUpperX");
- test_streq(v, "*");
+ tt_str_op(k,==, "HexadecimalUpperX");
+ tt_str_op(v,==, "*");
tor_free(k); tor_free(v);
str = parse_config_line_from_str(str, &k, &v);
- test_streq(k, "Octal");
- test_streq(v, "*");
+ tt_str_op(k,==, "Octal");
+ tt_str_op(v,==, "*");
tor_free(k); tor_free(v);
str = parse_config_line_from_str(str, &k, &v);
- test_streq(k, "Newline");
- test_streq(v, "\n");
+ tt_str_op(k,==, "Newline");
+ tt_str_op(v,==, "\n");
tor_free(k); tor_free(v);
str = parse_config_line_from_str(str, &k, &v);
- test_streq(k, "Tab");
- test_streq(v, "\t");
+ tt_str_op(k,==, "Tab");
+ tt_str_op(v,==, "\t");
tor_free(k); tor_free(v);
str = parse_config_line_from_str(str, &k, &v);
- test_streq(k, "CarriageReturn");
- test_streq(v, "\r");
+ tt_str_op(k,==, "CarriageReturn");
+ tt_str_op(v,==, "\r");
tor_free(k); tor_free(v);
str = parse_config_line_from_str(str, &k, &v);
- test_streq(k, "DoubleQuote");
- test_streq(v, "\"");
+ tt_str_op(k,==, "DoubleQuote");
+ tt_str_op(v,==, "\"");
tor_free(k); tor_free(v);
str = parse_config_line_from_str(str, &k, &v);
- test_streq(k, "SimpleQuote");
- test_streq(v, "'");
+ tt_str_op(k,==, "SimpleQuote");
+ tt_str_op(v,==, "'");
tor_free(k); tor_free(v);
str = parse_config_line_from_str(str, &k, &v);
- test_streq(k, "Backslash");
- test_streq(v, "\\");
+ tt_str_op(k,==, "Backslash");
+ tt_str_op(v,==, "\\");
tor_free(k); tor_free(v);
str = parse_config_line_from_str(str, &k, &v);
- test_streq(k, "Mix");
- test_streq(v, "This is a \"star\":\t'*'\nAnd second line");
+ tt_str_op(k,==, "Mix");
+ tt_str_op(v,==, "This is a \"star\":\t'*'\nAnd second line");
tor_free(k); tor_free(v);
- test_streq(str, "");
+ tt_str_op(str,==, "");
str = buf2;
str = parse_config_line_from_str(str, &k, &v);
- test_eq_ptr(str, NULL);
+ tt_ptr_op(str,==, NULL);
tor_free(k); tor_free(v);
str = buf3;
str = parse_config_line_from_str(str, &k, &v);
- test_eq_ptr(str, NULL);
+ tt_ptr_op(str,==, NULL);
tor_free(k); tor_free(v);
str = buf4;
str = parse_config_line_from_str(str, &k, &v);
- test_eq_ptr(str, NULL);
+ tt_ptr_op(str,==, NULL);
tor_free(k); tor_free(v);
#if 0
str = buf5;
str = parse_config_line_from_str(str, &k, &v);
- test_eq_ptr(str, NULL);
+ tt_ptr_op(str, ==, NULL);
tor_free(k); tor_free(v);
str = buf6;
str = parse_config_line_from_str(str, &k, &v);
- test_eq_ptr(str, NULL);
+ tt_ptr_op(str,==, NULL);
tor_free(k); tor_free(v);
@@ -827,46 +1082,47 @@ test_util_config_line_escaped_content(void)
#ifndef _WIN32
static void
+test_util_expand_filename(void *arg)
char *str;
+ (void)arg;
setenv("HOME", "/home/itv", 1); /* For "internal test value" */
str = expand_filename("");
- test_streq("", str);
+ tt_str_op("",==, str);
str = expand_filename("/normal/path");
- test_streq("/normal/path", str);
+ tt_str_op("/normal/path",==, str);
str = expand_filename("/normal/trailing/path/");
- test_streq("/normal/trailing/path/", str);
+ tt_str_op("/normal/trailing/path/",==, str);
str = expand_filename("~");
- test_streq("/home/itv/", str);
+ tt_str_op("/home/itv/",==, str);
str = expand_filename("$HOME/nodice");
- test_streq("$HOME/nodice", str);
+ tt_str_op("$HOME/nodice",==, str);
str = expand_filename("~/");
- test_streq("/home/itv/", str);
+ tt_str_op("/home/itv/",==, str);
str = expand_filename("~/foobarqux");
- test_streq("/home/itv/foobarqux", str);
+ tt_str_op("/home/itv/foobarqux",==, str);
str = expand_filename("~/../../etc/passwd");
- test_streq("/home/itv/../../etc/passwd", str);
+ tt_str_op("/home/itv/../../etc/passwd",==, str);
str = expand_filename("~/trailing/");
- test_streq("/home/itv/trailing/", str);
+ tt_str_op("/home/itv/trailing/",==, str);
/* Ideally we'd test ~anotheruser, but that's shady to test (we'd
have to somehow inject/fake the get_user_homedir call) */
@@ -875,15 +1131,15 @@ test_util_expand_filename(void)
setenv("HOME", "/home/itv/", 1);
str = expand_filename("~");
- test_streq("/home/itv/", str);
+ tt_str_op("/home/itv/",==, str);
str = expand_filename("~/");
- test_streq("/home/itv/", str);
+ tt_str_op("/home/itv/",==, str);
str = expand_filename("~/foo");
- test_streq("/home/itv/foo", str);
+ tt_str_op("/home/itv/foo",==, str);
/* Try with empty $HOME */
@@ -891,15 +1147,15 @@ test_util_expand_filename(void)
setenv("HOME", "", 1);
str = expand_filename("~");
- test_streq("/", str);
+ tt_str_op("/",==, str);
str = expand_filename("~/");
- test_streq("/", str);
+ tt_str_op("/",==, str);
str = expand_filename("~/foobar");
- test_streq("/foobar", str);
+ tt_str_op("/foobar",==, str);
/* Try with $HOME unset */
@@ -907,15 +1163,15 @@ test_util_expand_filename(void)
str = expand_filename("~");
- test_streq("/", str);
+ tt_str_op("/",==, str);
str = expand_filename("~/");
- test_streq("/", str);
+ tt_str_op("/",==, str);
str = expand_filename("~/foobar");
- test_streq("/foobar", str);
+ tt_str_op("/foobar",==, str);
@@ -925,37 +1181,38 @@ test_util_expand_filename(void)
/** Test tor_escape_str_for_pt_args(). */
static void
+test_util_escape_string_socks(void *arg)
char *escaped_string = NULL;
/** Simple backslash escape. */
+ (void)arg;
escaped_string = tor_escape_str_for_pt_args("This is a backslash: \\",";\\");
- test_assert(escaped_string);
- test_streq(escaped_string, "This is a backslash: \\\\");
+ tt_assert(escaped_string);
+ tt_str_op(escaped_string,==, "This is a backslash: \\\\");
/** Simple semicolon escape. */
escaped_string = tor_escape_str_for_pt_args("First rule:Do not use ;",";\\");
- test_assert(escaped_string);
- test_streq(escaped_string, "First rule:Do not use \\;");
+ tt_assert(escaped_string);
+ tt_str_op(escaped_string,==, "First rule:Do not use \\;");
/** Empty string. */
escaped_string = tor_escape_str_for_pt_args("", ";\\");
- test_assert(escaped_string);
- test_streq(escaped_string, "");
+ tt_assert(escaped_string);
+ tt_str_op(escaped_string,==, "");
/** Escape all characters. */
escaped_string = tor_escape_str_for_pt_args(";\\;\\", ";\\");
- test_assert(escaped_string);
- test_streq(escaped_string, "\\;\\\\\\;\\\\");
+ tt_assert(escaped_string);
+ tt_str_op(escaped_string,==, "\\;\\\\\\;\\\\");
escaped_string = tor_escape_str_for_pt_args(";", ";\\");
- test_assert(escaped_string);
- test_streq(escaped_string, "\\;");
+ tt_assert(escaped_string);
+ tt_str_op(escaped_string,==, "\\;");
@@ -966,288 +1223,290 @@ static void
test_util_string_is_key_value(void *ptr)
- test_assert(string_is_key_value(LOG_WARN, "key=value"));
- test_assert(string_is_key_value(LOG_WARN, "k=v"));
- test_assert(string_is_key_value(LOG_WARN, "key="));
- test_assert(string_is_key_value(LOG_WARN, "x="));
- test_assert(string_is_key_value(LOG_WARN, "xx="));
- test_assert(!string_is_key_value(LOG_WARN, "=value"));
- test_assert(!string_is_key_value(LOG_WARN, "=x"));
- test_assert(!string_is_key_value(LOG_WARN, "="));
+ tt_assert(string_is_key_value(LOG_WARN, "key=value"));
+ tt_assert(string_is_key_value(LOG_WARN, "k=v"));
+ tt_assert(string_is_key_value(LOG_WARN, "key="));
+ tt_assert(string_is_key_value(LOG_WARN, "x="));
+ tt_assert(string_is_key_value(LOG_WARN, "xx="));
+ tt_assert(!string_is_key_value(LOG_WARN, "=value"));
+ tt_assert(!string_is_key_value(LOG_WARN, "=x"));
+ tt_assert(!string_is_key_value(LOG_WARN, "="));
/* ??? */
- /* test_assert(!string_is_key_value(LOG_WARN, "===")); */
+ /* tt_assert(!string_is_key_value(LOG_WARN, "===")); */
/** Test basic string functionality. */
static void
+test_util_strmisc(void *arg)
char buf[1024];
int i;
char *cp, *cp_tmp = NULL;
/* Test strl operations */
- test_eq(5, strlcpy(buf, "Hello", 0));
- test_eq(5, strlcpy(buf, "Hello", 10));
- test_streq(buf, "Hello");
- test_eq(5, strlcpy(buf, "Hello", 6));
- test_streq(buf, "Hello");
- test_eq(5, strlcpy(buf, "Hello", 5));
- test_streq(buf, "Hell");
+ (void)arg;
+ tt_int_op(5,==, strlcpy(buf, "Hello", 0));
+ tt_int_op(5,==, strlcpy(buf, "Hello", 10));
+ tt_str_op(buf,==, "Hello");
+ tt_int_op(5,==, strlcpy(buf, "Hello", 6));
+ tt_str_op(buf,==, "Hello");
+ tt_int_op(5,==, strlcpy(buf, "Hello", 5));
+ tt_str_op(buf,==, "Hell");
strlcpy(buf, "Hello", sizeof(buf));
- test_eq(10, strlcat(buf, "Hello", 5));
+ tt_int_op(10,==, strlcat(buf, "Hello", 5));
/* Test strstrip() */
strlcpy(buf, "Testing 1 2 3", sizeof(buf));
tor_strstrip(buf, ",!");
- test_streq(buf, "Testing 1 2 3");
+ tt_str_op(buf,==, "Testing 1 2 3");
strlcpy(buf, "!Testing 1 2 3?", sizeof(buf));
tor_strstrip(buf, "!? ");
- test_streq(buf, "Testing123");
+ tt_str_op(buf,==, "Testing123");
strlcpy(buf, "!!!Testing 1 2 3??", sizeof(buf));
tor_strstrip(buf, "!? ");
- test_streq(buf, "Testing123");
+ tt_str_op(buf,==, "Testing123");
/* Test parse_long */
/* Empty/zero input */
- test_eq(0L, tor_parse_long("",10,0,100,&i,NULL));
- test_eq(0, i);
- test_eq(0L, tor_parse_long("0",10,0,100,&i,NULL));
- test_eq(1, i);
+ tt_int_op(0L,==, tor_parse_long("",10,0,100,&i,NULL));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, i);
+ tt_int_op(0L,==, tor_parse_long("0",10,0,100,&i,NULL));
+ tt_int_op(1,==, i);
/* Normal cases */
- test_eq(10L, tor_parse_long("10",10,0,100,&i,NULL));
- test_eq(1, i);
- test_eq(10L, tor_parse_long("10",10,0,10,&i,NULL));
- test_eq(1, i);
- test_eq(10L, tor_parse_long("10",10,10,100,&i,NULL));
- test_eq(1, i);
- test_eq(-50L, tor_parse_long("-50",10,-100,100,&i,NULL));
- test_eq(1, i);
- test_eq(-50L, tor_parse_long("-50",10,-100,0,&i,NULL));
- test_eq(1, i);
- test_eq(-50L, tor_parse_long("-50",10,-50,0,&i,NULL));
- test_eq(1, i);
+ tt_int_op(10L,==, tor_parse_long("10",10,0,100,&i,NULL));
+ tt_int_op(1,==, i);
+ tt_int_op(10L,==, tor_parse_long("10",10,0,10,&i,NULL));
+ tt_int_op(1,==, i);
+ tt_int_op(10L,==, tor_parse_long("10",10,10,100,&i,NULL));
+ tt_int_op(1,==, i);
+ tt_int_op(-50L,==, tor_parse_long("-50",10,-100,100,&i,NULL));
+ tt_int_op(1,==, i);
+ tt_int_op(-50L,==, tor_parse_long("-50",10,-100,0,&i,NULL));
+ tt_int_op(1,==, i);
+ tt_int_op(-50L,==, tor_parse_long("-50",10,-50,0,&i,NULL));
+ tt_int_op(1,==, i);
/* Extra garbage */
- test_eq(0L, tor_parse_long("10m",10,0,100,&i,NULL));
- test_eq(0, i);
- test_eq(0L, tor_parse_long("-50 plus garbage",10,-100,100,&i,NULL));
- test_eq(0, i);
- test_eq(10L, tor_parse_long("10m",10,0,100,&i,&cp));
- test_eq(1, i);
- test_streq(cp, "m");
- test_eq(-50L, tor_parse_long("-50 plus garbage",10,-100,100,&i,&cp));
- test_eq(1, i);
- test_streq(cp, " plus garbage");
+ tt_int_op(0L,==, tor_parse_long("10m",10,0,100,&i,NULL));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, i);
+ tt_int_op(0L,==, tor_parse_long("-50 plus garbage",10,-100,100,&i,NULL));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, i);
+ tt_int_op(10L,==, tor_parse_long("10m",10,0,100,&i,&cp));
+ tt_int_op(1,==, i);
+ tt_str_op(cp,==, "m");
+ tt_int_op(-50L,==, tor_parse_long("-50 plus garbage",10,-100,100,&i,&cp));
+ tt_int_op(1,==, i);
+ tt_str_op(cp,==, " plus garbage");
/* Out of bounds */
- test_eq(0L, tor_parse_long("10",10,50,100,&i,NULL));
- test_eq(0, i);
- test_eq(0L, tor_parse_long("-50",10,0,100,&i,NULL));
- test_eq(0, i);
+ tt_int_op(0L,==, tor_parse_long("10",10,50,100,&i,NULL));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, i);
+ tt_int_op(0L,==, tor_parse_long("-50",10,0,100,&i,NULL));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, i);
/* Base different than 10 */
- test_eq(2L, tor_parse_long("10",2,0,100,NULL,NULL));
- test_eq(0L, tor_parse_long("2",2,0,100,NULL,NULL));
- test_eq(0L, tor_parse_long("10",-2,0,100,NULL,NULL));
- test_eq(68284L, tor_parse_long("10abc",16,0,70000,NULL,NULL));
- test_eq(68284L, tor_parse_long("10ABC",16,0,70000,NULL,NULL));
- test_eq(0, tor_parse_long("10ABC",-1,0,70000,&i,NULL));
- test_eq(i, 0);
+ tt_int_op(2L,==, tor_parse_long("10",2,0,100,NULL,NULL));
+ tt_int_op(0L,==, tor_parse_long("2",2,0,100,NULL,NULL));
+ tt_int_op(0L,==, tor_parse_long("10",-2,0,100,NULL,NULL));
+ tt_int_op(68284L,==, tor_parse_long("10abc",16,0,70000,NULL,NULL));
+ tt_int_op(68284L,==, tor_parse_long("10ABC",16,0,70000,NULL,NULL));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, tor_parse_long("10ABC",-1,0,70000,&i,NULL));
+ tt_int_op(i,==, 0);
/* Test parse_ulong */
- test_eq(0UL, tor_parse_ulong("",10,0,100,NULL,NULL));
- test_eq(0UL, tor_parse_ulong("0",10,0,100,NULL,NULL));
- test_eq(10UL, tor_parse_ulong("10",10,0,100,NULL,NULL));
- test_eq(0UL, tor_parse_ulong("10",10,50,100,NULL,NULL));
- test_eq(10UL, tor_parse_ulong("10",10,0,10,NULL,NULL));
- test_eq(10UL, tor_parse_ulong("10",10,10,100,NULL,NULL));
- test_eq(0UL, tor_parse_ulong("8",8,0,100,NULL,NULL));
- test_eq(50UL, tor_parse_ulong("50",10,50,100,NULL,NULL));
- test_eq(0UL, tor_parse_ulong("-50",10,-100,100,NULL,NULL));
- test_eq(0UL, tor_parse_ulong("50",-1,50,100,&i,NULL));
- test_eq(0, i);
+ tt_int_op(0UL,==, tor_parse_ulong("",10,0,100,NULL,NULL));
+ tt_int_op(0UL,==, tor_parse_ulong("0",10,0,100,NULL,NULL));
+ tt_int_op(10UL,==, tor_parse_ulong("10",10,0,100,NULL,NULL));
+ tt_int_op(0UL,==, tor_parse_ulong("10",10,50,100,NULL,NULL));
+ tt_int_op(10UL,==, tor_parse_ulong("10",10,0,10,NULL,NULL));
+ tt_int_op(10UL,==, tor_parse_ulong("10",10,10,100,NULL,NULL));
+ tt_int_op(0UL,==, tor_parse_ulong("8",8,0,100,NULL,NULL));
+ tt_int_op(50UL,==, tor_parse_ulong("50",10,50,100,NULL,NULL));
+ tt_int_op(0UL,==, tor_parse_ulong("-50",10,-100,100,NULL,NULL));
+ tt_int_op(0UL,==, tor_parse_ulong("50",-1,50,100,&i,NULL));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, i);
/* Test parse_uint64 */
- test_assert(U64_LITERAL(10) == tor_parse_uint64("10 x",10,0,100, &i, &cp));
- test_eq(1, i);
- test_streq(cp, " x");
- test_assert(U64_LITERAL(12345678901) ==
+ tt_assert(U64_LITERAL(10) == tor_parse_uint64("10 x",10,0,100, &i, &cp));
+ tt_int_op(1,==, i);
+ tt_str_op(cp,==, " x");
+ tt_assert(U64_LITERAL(12345678901) ==
tor_parse_uint64("12345678901",10,0,UINT64_MAX, &i, &cp));
- test_eq(1, i);
- test_streq(cp, "");
- test_assert(U64_LITERAL(0) ==
+ tt_int_op(1,==, i);
+ tt_str_op(cp,==, "");
+ tt_assert(U64_LITERAL(0) ==
tor_parse_uint64("12345678901",10,500,INT32_MAX, &i, &cp));
- test_eq(0, i);
- test_assert(U64_LITERAL(0) ==
+ tt_int_op(0,==, i);
+ tt_assert(U64_LITERAL(0) ==
tor_parse_uint64("123",-1,0,INT32_MAX, &i, &cp));
- test_eq(0, i);
+ tt_int_op(0,==, i);
/* Test parse_double */
double d = tor_parse_double("10", 0, UINT64_MAX,&i,NULL);
- test_eq(1, i);
- test_assert(DBL_TO_U64(d) == 10);
+ tt_int_op(1,==, i);
+ tt_assert(DBL_TO_U64(d) == 10);
d = tor_parse_double("0", 0, UINT64_MAX,&i,NULL);
- test_eq(1, i);
- test_assert(DBL_TO_U64(d) == 0);
+ tt_int_op(1,==, i);
+ tt_assert(DBL_TO_U64(d) == 0);
d = tor_parse_double(" ", 0, UINT64_MAX,&i,NULL);
- test_eq(0, i);
+ tt_int_op(0,==, i);
d = tor_parse_double(".0a", 0, UINT64_MAX,&i,NULL);
- test_eq(0, i);
+ tt_int_op(0,==, i);
d = tor_parse_double(".0a", 0, UINT64_MAX,&i,&cp);
- test_eq(1, i);
+ tt_int_op(1,==, i);
d = tor_parse_double("-.0", 0, UINT64_MAX,&i,NULL);
- test_eq(1, i);
- test_assert(DBL_TO_U64(d) == 0);
+ tt_int_op(1,==, i);
+ tt_assert(DBL_TO_U64(d) == 0);
d = tor_parse_double("-10", -100.0, 100.0,&i,NULL);
- test_eq(1, i);
- test_eq(-10.0, d);
+ tt_int_op(1,==, i);
+ tt_int_op(-10.0,==, d);
/* Test tor_parse_* where we overflow/underflow the underlying type. */
/* This string should overflow 64-bit ints. */
#define TOOBIG "100000000000000000000000000"
- test_eq(0L, tor_parse_long(TOOBIG, 10, LONG_MIN, LONG_MAX, &i, NULL));
- test_eq(i, 0);
- test_eq(0L, tor_parse_long("-"TOOBIG, 10, LONG_MIN, LONG_MAX, &i, NULL));
- test_eq(i, 0);
- test_eq(0UL, tor_parse_ulong(TOOBIG, 10, 0, ULONG_MAX, &i, NULL));
- test_eq(i, 0);
+ tt_int_op(0L,==, tor_parse_long(TOOBIG, 10, LONG_MIN, LONG_MAX, &i, NULL));
+ tt_int_op(i,==, 0);
+ tt_int_op(0L,==,
+ tor_parse_long("-"TOOBIG, 10, LONG_MIN, LONG_MAX, &i, NULL));
+ tt_int_op(i,==, 0);
+ tt_int_op(0UL,==, tor_parse_ulong(TOOBIG, 10, 0, ULONG_MAX, &i, NULL));
+ tt_int_op(i,==, 0);
tt_u64_op(U64_LITERAL(0), ==, tor_parse_uint64(TOOBIG, 10,
0, UINT64_MAX, &i, NULL));
- test_eq(i, 0);
+ tt_int_op(i,==, 0);
/* Test snprintf */
/* Returning -1 when there's not enough room in the output buffer */
- test_eq(-1, tor_snprintf(buf, 0, "Foo"));
- test_eq(-1, tor_snprintf(buf, 2, "Foo"));
- test_eq(-1, tor_snprintf(buf, 3, "Foo"));
- test_neq(-1, tor_snprintf(buf, 4, "Foo"));
+ tt_int_op(-1,==, tor_snprintf(buf, 0, "Foo"));
+ tt_int_op(-1,==, tor_snprintf(buf, 2, "Foo"));
+ tt_int_op(-1,==, tor_snprintf(buf, 3, "Foo"));
+ tt_int_op(-1,!=, tor_snprintf(buf, 4, "Foo"));
/* Always NUL-terminate the output */
tor_snprintf(buf, 5, "abcdef");
- test_eq(0, buf[4]);
+ tt_int_op(0,==, buf[4]);
tor_snprintf(buf, 10, "abcdef");
- test_eq(0, buf[6]);
+ tt_int_op(0,==, buf[6]);
/* uint64 */
tor_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "x!"U64_FORMAT"!x",
- test_streq("x!12345678901!x", buf);
+ tt_str_op("x!12345678901!x",==, buf);
/* Test str{,case}cmpstart */
- test_assert(strcmpstart("abcdef", "abcdef")==0);
- test_assert(strcmpstart("abcdef", "abc")==0);
- test_assert(strcmpstart("abcdef", "abd")<0);
- test_assert(strcmpstart("abcdef", "abb")>0);
- test_assert(strcmpstart("ab", "abb")<0);
- test_assert(strcmpstart("ab", "")==0);
- test_assert(strcmpstart("ab", "ab ")<0);
- test_assert(strcasecmpstart("abcdef", "abCdEF")==0);
- test_assert(strcasecmpstart("abcDeF", "abc")==0);
- test_assert(strcasecmpstart("abcdef", "Abd")<0);
- test_assert(strcasecmpstart("Abcdef", "abb")>0);
- test_assert(strcasecmpstart("ab", "Abb")<0);
- test_assert(strcasecmpstart("ab", "")==0);
- test_assert(strcasecmpstart("ab", "ab ")<0);
+ tt_assert(strcmpstart("abcdef", "abcdef")==0);
+ tt_assert(strcmpstart("abcdef", "abc")==0);
+ tt_assert(strcmpstart("abcdef", "abd")<0);
+ tt_assert(strcmpstart("abcdef", "abb")>0);
+ tt_assert(strcmpstart("ab", "abb")<0);
+ tt_assert(strcmpstart("ab", "")==0);
+ tt_assert(strcmpstart("ab", "ab ")<0);
+ tt_assert(strcasecmpstart("abcdef", "abCdEF")==0);
+ tt_assert(strcasecmpstart("abcDeF", "abc")==0);
+ tt_assert(strcasecmpstart("abcdef", "Abd")<0);
+ tt_assert(strcasecmpstart("Abcdef", "abb")>0);
+ tt_assert(strcasecmpstart("ab", "Abb")<0);
+ tt_assert(strcasecmpstart("ab", "")==0);
+ tt_assert(strcasecmpstart("ab", "ab ")<0);
/* Test str{,case}cmpend */
- test_assert(strcmpend("abcdef", "abcdef")==0);
- test_assert(strcmpend("abcdef", "def")==0);
- test_assert(strcmpend("abcdef", "deg")<0);
- test_assert(strcmpend("abcdef", "dee")>0);
- test_assert(strcmpend("ab", "aab")>0);
- test_assert(strcasecmpend("AbcDEF", "abcdef")==0);
- test_assert(strcasecmpend("abcdef", "dEF")==0);
- test_assert(strcasecmpend("abcdef", "Deg")<0);
- test_assert(strcasecmpend("abcDef", "dee")>0);
- test_assert(strcasecmpend("AB", "abb")<0);
+ tt_assert(strcmpend("abcdef", "abcdef")==0);
+ tt_assert(strcmpend("abcdef", "def")==0);
+ tt_assert(strcmpend("abcdef", "deg")<0);
+ tt_assert(strcmpend("abcdef", "dee")>0);
+ tt_assert(strcmpend("ab", "aab")>0);
+ tt_assert(strcasecmpend("AbcDEF", "abcdef")==0);
+ tt_assert(strcasecmpend("abcdef", "dEF")==0);
+ tt_assert(strcasecmpend("abcdef", "Deg")<0);
+ tt_assert(strcasecmpend("abcDef", "dee")>0);
+ tt_assert(strcasecmpend("AB", "abb")<0);
/* Test digest_is_zero */
buf[20] = 'x';
- test_assert(tor_digest_is_zero(buf));
+ tt_assert(tor_digest_is_zero(buf));
buf[19] = 'x';
- test_assert(!tor_digest_is_zero(buf));
+ tt_assert(!tor_digest_is_zero(buf));
/* Test mem_is_zero */
buf[128] = 'x';
- test_assert(tor_mem_is_zero(buf, 10));
- test_assert(tor_mem_is_zero(buf, 20));
- test_assert(tor_mem_is_zero(buf, 128));
- test_assert(!tor_mem_is_zero(buf, 129));
+ tt_assert(tor_mem_is_zero(buf, 10));
+ tt_assert(tor_mem_is_zero(buf, 20));
+ tt_assert(tor_mem_is_zero(buf, 128));
+ tt_assert(!tor_mem_is_zero(buf, 129));
buf[60] = (char)255;
- test_assert(!tor_mem_is_zero(buf, 128));
+ tt_assert(!tor_mem_is_zero(buf, 128));
buf[0] = (char)1;
- test_assert(!tor_mem_is_zero(buf, 10));
+ tt_assert(!tor_mem_is_zero(buf, 10));
/* Test 'escaped' */
- test_assert(NULL == escaped(NULL));
- test_streq("\"\"", escaped(""));
- test_streq("\"abcd\"", escaped("abcd"));
- test_streq("\"\\\\ \\n\\r\\t\\\"\\'\"", escaped("\\ \n\r\t\"'"));
- test_streq("\"unnecessary \\'backslashes\\'\"",
+ tt_assert(NULL == escaped(NULL));
+ tt_str_op("\"\"",==, escaped(""));
+ tt_str_op("\"abcd\"",==, escaped("abcd"));
+ tt_str_op("\"\\\\ \\n\\r\\t\\\"\\'\"",==, escaped("\\ \n\r\t\"'"));
+ tt_str_op("\"unnecessary \\'backslashes\\'\"",==,
escaped("unnecessary \'backslashes\'"));
/* Non-printable characters appear as octal */
- test_streq("\"z\\001abc\\277d\"", escaped("z\001abc\277d"));
- test_streq("\"z\\336\\255 ;foo\"", escaped("z\xde\xad\x20;foo"));
+ tt_str_op("\"z\\001abc\\277d\"",==, escaped("z\001abc\277d"));
+ tt_str_op("\"z\\336\\255 ;foo\"",==, escaped("z\xde\xad\x20;foo"));
/* Test strndup and memdup */
const char *s = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
cp_tmp = tor_strndup(s, 30);
- test_streq(cp_tmp, s); /* same string, */
- test_neq_ptr(cp_tmp, s); /* but different pointers. */
+ tt_str_op(cp_tmp,==, s); /* same string, */
+ tt_ptr_op(cp_tmp,!=,s); /* but different pointers. */
cp_tmp = tor_strndup(s, 5);
- test_streq(cp_tmp, "abcde");
+ tt_str_op(cp_tmp,==, "abcde");
s = "a\0b\0c\0d\0e\0";
cp_tmp = tor_memdup(s,10);
- test_memeq(cp_tmp, s, 10); /* same ram, */
- test_neq_ptr(cp_tmp, s); /* but different pointers. */
+ tt_mem_op(cp_tmp,==, s, 10); /* same ram, */
+ tt_ptr_op(cp_tmp,!=,s); /* but different pointers. */
/* Test str-foo functions */
cp_tmp = tor_strdup("abcdef");
- test_assert(tor_strisnonupper(cp_tmp));
+ tt_assert(tor_strisnonupper(cp_tmp));
cp_tmp[3] = 'D';
- test_assert(!tor_strisnonupper(cp_tmp));
+ tt_assert(!tor_strisnonupper(cp_tmp));
- test_streq(cp_tmp, "ABCDEF");
+ tt_str_op(cp_tmp,==, "ABCDEF");
- test_streq(cp_tmp, "abcdef");
- test_assert(tor_strisnonupper(cp_tmp));
- test_assert(tor_strisprint(cp_tmp));
+ tt_str_op(cp_tmp,==, "abcdef");
+ tt_assert(tor_strisnonupper(cp_tmp));
+ tt_assert(tor_strisprint(cp_tmp));
cp_tmp[3] = 3;
- test_assert(!tor_strisprint(cp_tmp));
+ tt_assert(!tor_strisprint(cp_tmp));
/* Test memmem and memstr */
const char *haystack = "abcde";
- test_assert(!tor_memmem(haystack, 5, "ef", 2));
- test_eq_ptr(tor_memmem(haystack, 5, "cd", 2), haystack + 2);
- test_eq_ptr(tor_memmem(haystack, 5, "cde", 3), haystack + 2);
- test_assert(!tor_memmem(haystack, 4, "cde", 3));
+ tt_assert(!tor_memmem(haystack, 5, "ef", 2));
+ tt_ptr_op(tor_memmem(haystack, 5, "cd", 2),==, haystack + 2);
+ tt_ptr_op(tor_memmem(haystack, 5, "cde", 3),==, haystack + 2);
+ tt_assert(!tor_memmem(haystack, 4, "cde", 3));
haystack = "ababcad";
- test_eq_ptr(tor_memmem(haystack, 7, "abc", 3), haystack + 2);
- test_eq_ptr(tor_memmem(haystack, 7, "ad", 2), haystack + 5);
- test_eq_ptr(tor_memmem(haystack, 7, "cad", 3), haystack + 4);
- test_assert(!tor_memmem(haystack, 7, "dadad", 5));
- test_assert(!tor_memmem(haystack, 7, "abcdefghij", 10));
+ tt_ptr_op(tor_memmem(haystack, 7, "abc", 3),==, haystack + 2);
+ tt_ptr_op(tor_memmem(haystack, 7, "ad", 2),==, haystack + 5);
+ tt_ptr_op(tor_memmem(haystack, 7, "cad", 3),==, haystack + 4);
+ tt_assert(!tor_memmem(haystack, 7, "dadad", 5));
+ tt_assert(!tor_memmem(haystack, 7, "abcdefghij", 10));
/* memstr */
- test_eq_ptr(tor_memstr(haystack, 7, "abc"), haystack + 2);
- test_eq_ptr(tor_memstr(haystack, 7, "cad"), haystack + 4);
- test_assert(!tor_memstr(haystack, 6, "cad"));
- test_assert(!tor_memstr(haystack, 7, "cadd"));
- test_assert(!tor_memstr(haystack, 7, "fe"));
- test_assert(!tor_memstr(haystack, 7, "ababcade"));
+ tt_ptr_op(tor_memstr(haystack, 7, "abc"),==, haystack + 2);
+ tt_ptr_op(tor_memstr(haystack, 7, "cad"),==, haystack + 4);
+ tt_assert(!tor_memstr(haystack, 6, "cad"));
+ tt_assert(!tor_memstr(haystack, 7, "cadd"));
+ tt_assert(!tor_memstr(haystack, 7, "fe"));
+ tt_assert(!tor_memstr(haystack, 7, "ababcade"));
/* Test hex_str */
@@ -1256,19 +1515,20 @@ test_util_strmisc(void)
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(binary_data); ++i)
binary_data[i] = i;
- test_streq(hex_str(binary_data, 0), "");
- test_streq(hex_str(binary_data, 1), "00");
- test_streq(hex_str(binary_data, 17), "000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F10");
- test_streq(hex_str(binary_data, 32),
+ tt_str_op(hex_str(binary_data, 0),==, "");
+ tt_str_op(hex_str(binary_data, 1),==, "00");
+ tt_str_op(hex_str(binary_data, 17),==,
+ "000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F10");
+ tt_str_op(hex_str(binary_data, 32),==,
- test_streq(hex_str(binary_data, 34),
+ tt_str_op(hex_str(binary_data, 34),==,
/* Repeat these tests for shorter strings after longer strings
have been tried, to make sure we're correctly terminating strings */
- test_streq(hex_str(binary_data, 1), "00");
- test_streq(hex_str(binary_data, 0), "");
+ tt_str_op(hex_str(binary_data, 1),==, "00");
+ tt_str_op(hex_str(binary_data, 0),==, "");
/* Test strcmp_opt */
@@ -1297,20 +1557,21 @@ test_util_strmisc(void)
static void
+test_util_pow2(void *arg)
/* Test tor_log2(). */
- test_eq(tor_log2(64), 6);
- test_eq(tor_log2(65), 6);
- test_eq(tor_log2(63), 5);
- test_eq(tor_log2(0), 0); /* incorrect mathematically, but as specified */
- test_eq(tor_log2(1), 0);
- test_eq(tor_log2(2), 1);
- test_eq(tor_log2(3), 1);
- test_eq(tor_log2(4), 2);
- test_eq(tor_log2(5), 2);
- test_eq(tor_log2(U64_LITERAL(40000000000000000)), 55);
- test_eq(tor_log2(UINT64_MAX), 63);
+ (void)arg;
+ tt_int_op(tor_log2(64),==, 6);
+ tt_int_op(tor_log2(65),==, 6);
+ tt_int_op(tor_log2(63),==, 5);
+ tt_int_op(tor_log2(0),==, 0);/* incorrect mathematically, but as specified */
+ tt_int_op(tor_log2(1),==, 0);
+ tt_int_op(tor_log2(2),==, 1);
+ tt_int_op(tor_log2(3),==, 1);
+ tt_int_op(tor_log2(4),==, 2);
+ tt_int_op(tor_log2(5),==, 2);
+ tt_int_op(tor_log2(U64_LITERAL(40000000000000000)),==, 55);
+ tt_int_op(tor_log2(UINT64_MAX),==, 63);
/* Test round_to_power_of_2 */
tt_u64_op(round_to_power_of_2(120), ==, 128);
@@ -1395,7 +1656,7 @@ thread_test_func_(void* _s)
/** Run unit tests for threading logic. */
static void
+test_util_threads(void *arg)
char *s1 = NULL, *s2 = NULL;
int done = 0, timedout = 0;
@@ -1405,6 +1666,7 @@ test_util_threads(void)
+ (void)arg;
thread_test_mutex_ = tor_mutex_new();
thread_test_start1_ = tor_mutex_new();
thread_test_start2_ = tor_mutex_new();
@@ -1442,15 +1704,15 @@ test_util_threads(void)
if (timedout) {
printf("\nTimed out: %d %d", t1_count, t2_count);
- test_assert(strmap_get(thread_test_strmap_, "thread 1"));
- test_assert(strmap_get(thread_test_strmap_, "thread 2"));
- test_assert(!timedout);
+ tt_assert(strmap_get(thread_test_strmap_, "thread 1"));
+ tt_assert(strmap_get(thread_test_strmap_, "thread 2"));
+ tt_assert(!timedout);
/* different thread IDs. */
- test_assert(strcmp(strmap_get(thread_test_strmap_, "thread 1"),
+ tt_assert(strcmp(strmap_get(thread_test_strmap_, "thread 1"),
strmap_get(thread_test_strmap_, "thread 2")));
- test_assert(!strcmp(strmap_get(thread_test_strmap_, "thread 1"),
+ tt_assert(!strcmp(strmap_get(thread_test_strmap_, "thread 1"),
strmap_get(thread_test_strmap_, "last to run")) ||
!strcmp(strmap_get(thread_test_strmap_, "thread 2"),
strmap_get(thread_test_strmap_, "last to run")));
@@ -1470,51 +1732,52 @@ test_util_threads(void)
/** Run unit tests for compression functions */
static void
+test_util_gzip(void *arg)
char *buf1=NULL, *buf2=NULL, *buf3=NULL, *cp1, *cp2;
const char *ccp2;
size_t len1, len2;
tor_zlib_state_t *state = NULL;
+ (void)arg;
- test_assert(detect_compression_method(buf1, strlen(buf1)) == UNKNOWN_METHOD);
+ tt_assert(detect_compression_method(buf1, strlen(buf1)) == UNKNOWN_METHOD);
if (is_gzip_supported()) {
- test_assert(!tor_gzip_compress(&buf2, &len1, buf1, strlen(buf1)+1,
+ tt_assert(!tor_gzip_compress(&buf2, &len1, buf1, strlen(buf1)+1,
- test_assert(buf2);
- test_assert(len1 < strlen(buf1));
- test_assert(detect_compression_method(buf2, len1) == GZIP_METHOD);
+ tt_assert(buf2);
+ tt_assert(len1 < strlen(buf1));
+ tt_assert(detect_compression_method(buf2, len1) == GZIP_METHOD);
- test_assert(!tor_gzip_uncompress(&buf3, &len2, buf2, len1,
+ tt_assert(!tor_gzip_uncompress(&buf3, &len2, buf2, len1,
- test_assert(buf3);
- test_eq(strlen(buf1) + 1, len2);
- test_streq(buf1, buf3);
+ tt_assert(buf3);
+ tt_int_op(strlen(buf1) + 1,==, len2);
+ tt_str_op(buf1,==, buf3);
- test_assert(!tor_gzip_compress(&buf2, &len1, buf1, strlen(buf1)+1,
+ tt_assert(!tor_gzip_compress(&buf2, &len1, buf1, strlen(buf1)+1,
- test_assert(buf2);
- test_assert(detect_compression_method(buf2, len1) == ZLIB_METHOD);
+ tt_assert(buf2);
+ tt_assert(detect_compression_method(buf2, len1) == ZLIB_METHOD);
- test_assert(!tor_gzip_uncompress(&buf3, &len2, buf2, len1,
+ tt_assert(!tor_gzip_uncompress(&buf3, &len2, buf2, len1,
- test_assert(buf3);
- test_eq(strlen(buf1) + 1, len2);
- test_streq(buf1, buf3);
+ tt_assert(buf3);
+ tt_int_op(strlen(buf1) + 1,==, len2);
+ tt_str_op(buf1,==, buf3);
/* Check whether we can uncompress concatenated, compressed strings. */
buf2 = tor_reallocarray(buf2, len1, 2);
memcpy(buf2+len1, buf2, len1);
- test_assert(!tor_gzip_uncompress(&buf3, &len2, buf2, len1*2,
+ tt_assert(!tor_gzip_uncompress(&buf3, &len2, buf2, len1*2,
- test_eq((strlen(buf1)+1)*2, len2);
- test_memeq(buf3,
+ tt_int_op((strlen(buf1)+1)*2,==, len2);
+ tt_mem_op(buf3,==,
@@ -1526,7 +1789,7 @@ test_util_gzip(void)
/* Check whether we can uncompress partial strings. */
buf1 =
tor_strdup("String with low redundancy that won't be compressed much.");
- test_assert(!tor_gzip_compress(&buf2, &len1, buf1, strlen(buf1)+1,
+ tt_assert(!tor_gzip_compress(&buf2, &len1, buf1, strlen(buf1)+1,
/* when we allow an incomplete string, we should succeed.*/
@@ -1552,22 +1815,22 @@ test_util_gzip(void)
len1 = 1024;
len2 = 21;
- test_assert(tor_zlib_process(state, &cp1, &len1, &ccp2, &len2, 0)
+ tt_assert(tor_zlib_process(state, &cp1, &len1, &ccp2, &len2, 0)
- test_eq(0, len2); /* Make sure we compressed it all. */
- test_assert(cp1 > buf1);
+ tt_int_op(0,==, len2); /* Make sure we compressed it all. */
+ tt_assert(cp1 > buf1);
len2 = 0;
cp2 = cp1;
- test_assert(tor_zlib_process(state, &cp1, &len1, &ccp2, &len2, 1)
+ tt_assert(tor_zlib_process(state, &cp1, &len1, &ccp2, &len2, 1)
- test_eq(0, len2);
- test_assert(cp1 > cp2); /* Make sure we really added something. */
+ tt_int_op(0,==, len2);
+ tt_assert(cp1 > cp2); /* Make sure we really added something. */
tt_assert(!tor_gzip_uncompress(&buf3, &len2, buf1, 1024-len1,
- test_streq(buf3, "ABCDEFGHIJABCDEFGHIJ"); /*Make sure it compressed right.*/
- test_eq(21, len2);
+ tt_str_op(buf3,==,"ABCDEFGHIJABCDEFGHIJ"); /*Make sure it compressed right.*/
+ tt_int_op(21,==, len2);
if (state)
@@ -1579,7 +1842,7 @@ test_util_gzip(void)
/** Run unit tests for mmap() wrapper functionality. */
static void
+test_util_mmap(void *arg)
char *fname1 = tor_strdup(get_fname("mapped_1"));
char *fname2 = tor_strdup(get_fname("mapped_2"));
@@ -1588,25 +1851,26 @@ test_util_mmap(void)
char *buf = tor_malloc(17000);
tor_mmap_t *mapping = NULL;
+ (void)arg;
crypto_rand(buf, buflen);
mapping = tor_mmap_file(fname1);
- test_assert(! mapping);
+ tt_assert(! mapping);
write_str_to_file(fname1, "Short file.", 1);
mapping = tor_mmap_file(fname1);
- test_assert(mapping);
- test_eq(mapping->size, strlen("Short file."));
- test_streq(mapping->data, "Short file.");
+ tt_assert(mapping);
+ tt_int_op(mapping->size,==, strlen("Short file."));
+ tt_str_op(mapping->data,==, "Short file.");
#ifdef _WIN32
tt_int_op(0, ==, tor_munmap_file(mapping));
mapping = NULL;
- test_assert(unlink(fname1) == 0);
+ tt_assert(unlink(fname1) == 0);
/* make sure we can unlink. */
- test_assert(unlink(fname1) == 0);
- test_streq(mapping->data, "Short file.");
+ tt_assert(unlink(fname1) == 0);
+ tt_str_op(mapping->data,==, "Short file.");
tt_int_op(0, ==, tor_munmap_file(mapping));
mapping = NULL;
@@ -1614,29 +1878,29 @@ test_util_mmap(void)
/* Now a zero-length file. */
write_str_to_file(fname1, "", 1);
mapping = tor_mmap_file(fname1);
- test_eq_ptr(mapping, NULL);
- test_eq(ERANGE, errno);
+ tt_ptr_op(mapping,==, NULL);
+ tt_int_op(ERANGE,==, errno);
/* Make sure that we fail to map a no-longer-existent file. */
mapping = tor_mmap_file(fname1);
- test_assert(! mapping);
+ tt_assert(! mapping);
/* Now try a big file that stretches across a few pages and isn't aligned */
write_bytes_to_file(fname2, buf, buflen, 1);
mapping = tor_mmap_file(fname2);
- test_assert(mapping);
- test_eq(mapping->size, buflen);
- test_memeq(mapping->data, buf, buflen);
+ tt_assert(mapping);
+ tt_int_op(mapping->size,==, buflen);
+ tt_mem_op(mapping->data,==, buf, buflen);
tt_int_op(0, ==, tor_munmap_file(mapping));
mapping = NULL;
/* Now try a big aligned file. */
write_bytes_to_file(fname3, buf, 16384, 1);
mapping = tor_mmap_file(fname3);
- test_assert(mapping);
- test_eq(mapping->size, 16384);
- test_memeq(mapping->data, buf, 16384);
+ tt_assert(mapping);
+ tt_int_op(mapping->size,==, 16384);
+ tt_mem_op(mapping->data,==, buf, 16384);
tt_int_op(0, ==, tor_munmap_file(mapping));
mapping = NULL;
@@ -1655,17 +1919,18 @@ test_util_mmap(void)
/** Run unit tests for escaping/unescaping data for use by controllers. */
static void
+test_util_control_formats(void *arg)
char *out = NULL;
const char *inp =
"..This is a test\r\n.of the emergency \n..system.\r\n\rZ.\r\n";
size_t sz;
+ (void)arg;
sz = read_escaped_data(inp, strlen(inp), &out);
- test_streq(out,
+ tt_str_op(out,==,
".This is a test\nof the emergency \n.system.\n\rZ.\n");
- test_eq(sz, strlen(out));
+ tt_int_op(sz,==, strlen(out));
@@ -1685,9 +1950,10 @@ test_util_control_formats(void)
} while (0)
static void
+test_util_sscanf(void *arg)
unsigned u1, u2, u3;
+ unsigned long ulng;
char s1[20], s2[10], s3[10], ch;
int r;
long lng1,lng2;
@@ -1695,186 +1961,335 @@ test_util_sscanf(void)
double d1,d2,d3,d4;
/* Simple tests (malformed patterns, literal matching, ...) */
- test_eq(-1, tor_sscanf("123", "%i", &r)); /* %i is not supported */
- test_eq(-1, tor_sscanf("wrong", "%5c", s1)); /* %c cannot have a number. */
- test_eq(-1, tor_sscanf("hello", "%s", s1)); /* %s needs a number. */
- test_eq(-1, tor_sscanf("prettylongstring", "%999999s", s1));
+ (void)arg;
+ tt_int_op(-1,==, tor_sscanf("123", "%i", &r)); /* %i is not supported */
+ tt_int_op(-1,==,
+ tor_sscanf("wrong", "%5c", s1)); /* %c cannot have a number. */
+ tt_int_op(-1,==, tor_sscanf("hello", "%s", s1)); /* %s needs a number. */
+ tt_int_op(-1,==, tor_sscanf("prettylongstring", "%999999s", s1));
#if 0
/* GCC thinks these two are illegal. */
test_eq(-1, tor_sscanf("prettylongstring", "%0s", s1));
test_eq(0, tor_sscanf("prettylongstring", "%10s", NULL));
/* No '%'-strings: always "success" */
- test_eq(0, tor_sscanf("hello world", "hello world"));
- test_eq(0, tor_sscanf("hello world", "good bye"));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, tor_sscanf("hello world", "hello world"));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, tor_sscanf("hello world", "good bye"));
/* Excess data */
- test_eq(0, tor_sscanf("hello 3", "%u", &u1)); /* have to match the start */
- test_eq(0, tor_sscanf(" 3 hello", "%u", &u1));
- test_eq(0, tor_sscanf(" 3 hello", "%2u", &u1)); /* not even in this case */
- test_eq(1, tor_sscanf("3 hello", "%u", &u1)); /* but trailing is alright */
+ tt_int_op(0,==,
+ tor_sscanf("hello 3", "%u", &u1)); /* have to match the start */
+ tt_int_op(0,==, tor_sscanf(" 3 hello", "%u", &u1));
+ tt_int_op(0,==,
+ tor_sscanf(" 3 hello", "%2u", &u1)); /* not even in this case */
+ tt_int_op(1,==,
+ tor_sscanf("3 hello", "%u", &u1)); /* but trailing is alright */
/* Numbers (ie. %u) */
- test_eq(0, tor_sscanf("hello world 3", "hello worlb %u", &u1)); /* d vs b */
- test_eq(1, tor_sscanf("12345", "%u", &u1));
- test_eq(12345u, u1);
- test_eq(1, tor_sscanf("12346 ", "%u", &u1));
- test_eq(12346u, u1);
- test_eq(0, tor_sscanf(" 12347", "%u", &u1));
- test_eq(1, tor_sscanf(" 12348", " %u", &u1));
- test_eq(12348u, u1);
- test_eq(1, tor_sscanf("0", "%u", &u1));
- test_eq(0u, u1);
- test_eq(1, tor_sscanf("0000", "%u", &u2));
- test_eq(0u, u2);
- test_eq(0, tor_sscanf("", "%u", &u1)); /* absent number */
- test_eq(0, tor_sscanf("A", "%u", &u1)); /* bogus number */
- test_eq(0, tor_sscanf("-1", "%u", &u1)); /* negative number */
- test_eq(1, tor_sscanf("4294967295", "%u", &u1)); /* UINT32_MAX should work */
- test_eq(4294967295u, u1);
- test_eq(0, tor_sscanf("4294967296", "%u", &u1)); /* But not at 32 bits */
- test_eq(1, tor_sscanf("4294967296", "%9u", &u1)); /* but parsing only 9... */
- test_eq(429496729u, u1);
+ tt_int_op(0,==,
+ tor_sscanf("hello world 3", "hello worlb %u", &u1)); /* d vs b */
+ tt_int_op(1,==, tor_sscanf("12345", "%u", &u1));
+ tt_int_op(12345u,==, u1);
+ tt_int_op(1,==, tor_sscanf("12346 ", "%u", &u1));
+ tt_int_op(12346u,==, u1);
+ tt_int_op(0,==, tor_sscanf(" 12347", "%u", &u1));
+ tt_int_op(1,==, tor_sscanf(" 12348", " %u", &u1));
+ tt_int_op(12348u,==, u1);
+ tt_int_op(1,==, tor_sscanf("0", "%u", &u1));
+ tt_int_op(0u,==, u1);
+ tt_int_op(1,==, tor_sscanf("0000", "%u", &u2));
+ tt_int_op(0u,==, u2);
+ tt_int_op(0,==, tor_sscanf("", "%u", &u1)); /* absent number */
+ tt_int_op(0,==, tor_sscanf("A", "%u", &u1)); /* bogus number */
+ tt_int_op(0,==, tor_sscanf("-1", "%u", &u1)); /* negative number */
/* Numbers with size (eg. %2u) */
- test_eq(0, tor_sscanf("-1", "%2u", &u1));
- test_eq(2, tor_sscanf("123456", "%2u%u", &u1, &u2));
- test_eq(12u, u1);
- test_eq(3456u, u2);
- test_eq(1, tor_sscanf("123456", "%8u", &u1));
- test_eq(123456u, u1);
- test_eq(1, tor_sscanf("123457 ", "%8u", &u1));
- test_eq(123457u, u1);
- test_eq(0, tor_sscanf(" 123456", "%8u", &u1));
- test_eq(3, tor_sscanf("!12:3:456", "!%2u:%2u:%3u", &u1, &u2, &u3));
- test_eq(12u, u1);
- test_eq(3u, u2);
- test_eq(456u, u3);
- test_eq(3, tor_sscanf("67:8:099", "%2u:%2u:%3u", &u1, &u2, &u3)); /* 0s */
- test_eq(67u, u1);
- test_eq(8u, u2);
- test_eq(99u, u3);
+ tt_int_op(0,==, tor_sscanf("-1", "%2u", &u1));
+ tt_int_op(2,==, tor_sscanf("123456", "%2u%u", &u1, &u2));
+ tt_int_op(12u,==, u1);
+ tt_int_op(3456u,==, u2);
+ tt_int_op(1,==, tor_sscanf("123456", "%8u", &u1));
+ tt_int_op(123456u,==, u1);
+ tt_int_op(1,==, tor_sscanf("123457 ", "%8u", &u1));
+ tt_int_op(123457u,==, u1);
+ tt_int_op(0,==, tor_sscanf(" 123456", "%8u", &u1));
+ tt_int_op(3,==, tor_sscanf("!12:3:456", "!%2u:%2u:%3u", &u1, &u2, &u3));
+ tt_int_op(12u,==, u1);
+ tt_int_op(3u,==, u2);
+ tt_int_op(456u,==, u3);
+ tt_int_op(3,==,
+ tor_sscanf("67:8:099", "%2u:%2u:%3u", &u1, &u2, &u3)); /* 0s */
+ tt_int_op(67u,==, u1);
+ tt_int_op(8u,==, u2);
+ tt_int_op(99u,==, u3);
/* %u does not match space.*/
- test_eq(2, tor_sscanf("12:3: 45", "%2u:%2u:%3u", &u1, &u2, &u3));
- test_eq(12u, u1);
- test_eq(3u, u2);
+ tt_int_op(2,==, tor_sscanf("12:3: 45", "%2u:%2u:%3u", &u1, &u2, &u3));
+ tt_int_op(12u,==, u1);
+ tt_int_op(3u,==, u2);
/* %u does not match negative numbers. */
- test_eq(2, tor_sscanf("67:8:-9", "%2u:%2u:%3u", &u1, &u2, &u3));
- test_eq(67u, u1);
- test_eq(8u, u2);
+ tt_int_op(2,==, tor_sscanf("67:8:-9", "%2u:%2u:%3u", &u1, &u2, &u3));
+ tt_int_op(67u,==, u1);
+ tt_int_op(8u,==, u2);
/* Arbitrary amounts of 0-padding are okay */
- test_eq(3, tor_sscanf("12:03:000000000000000099", "%2u:%2u:%u",
+ tt_int_op(3,==, tor_sscanf("12:03:000000000000000099", "%2u:%2u:%u",
&u1, &u2, &u3));
- test_eq(12u, u1);
- test_eq(3u, u2);
- test_eq(99u, u3);
+ tt_int_op(12u,==, u1);
+ tt_int_op(3u,==, u2);
+ tt_int_op(99u,==, u3);
/* Hex (ie. %x) */
- test_eq(3, tor_sscanf("1234 02aBcdEf ff", "%x %x %x", &u1, &u2, &u3));
- test_eq(0x1234, u1);
- test_eq(0x2ABCDEF, u2);
- test_eq(0xFF, u3);
+ tt_int_op(3,==, tor_sscanf("1234 02aBcdEf ff", "%x %x %x", &u1, &u2, &u3));
+ tt_int_op(0x1234,==, u1);
+ tt_int_op(0x2ABCDEF,==, u2);
+ tt_int_op(0xFF,==, u3);
/* Width works on %x */
- test_eq(3, tor_sscanf("f00dcafe444", "%4x%4x%u", &u1, &u2, &u3));
- test_eq(0xf00d, u1);
- test_eq(0xcafe, u2);
- test_eq(444, u3);
+ tt_int_op(3,==, tor_sscanf("f00dcafe444", "%4x%4x%u", &u1, &u2, &u3));
+ tt_int_op(0xf00d,==, u1);
+ tt_int_op(0xcafe,==, u2);
+ tt_int_op(444,==, u3);
/* Literal '%' (ie. '%%') */
- test_eq(1, tor_sscanf("99% fresh", "%3u%% fresh", &u1));
- test_eq(99, u1);
- test_eq(0, tor_sscanf("99 fresh", "%% %3u %s", &u1, s1));
- test_eq(1, tor_sscanf("99 fresh", "%3u%% %s", &u1, s1));
- test_eq(2, tor_sscanf("99 fresh", "%3u %5s %%", &u1, s1));
- test_eq(99, u1);
- test_streq(s1, "fresh");
- test_eq(1, tor_sscanf("% boo", "%% %3s", s1));
- test_streq("boo", s1);
+ tt_int_op(1,==, tor_sscanf("99% fresh", "%3u%% fresh", &u1));
+ tt_int_op(99,==, u1);
+ tt_int_op(0,==, tor_sscanf("99 fresh", "%% %3u %s", &u1, s1));
+ tt_int_op(1,==, tor_sscanf("99 fresh", "%3u%% %s", &u1, s1));
+ tt_int_op(2,==, tor_sscanf("99 fresh", "%3u %5s %%", &u1, s1));
+ tt_int_op(99,==, u1);
+ tt_str_op(s1,==, "fresh");
+ tt_int_op(1,==, tor_sscanf("% boo", "%% %3s", s1));
+ tt_str_op("boo",==, s1);
/* Strings (ie. %s) */
- test_eq(2, tor_sscanf("hello", "%3s%7s", s1, s2));
- test_streq(s1, "hel");
- test_streq(s2, "lo");
- test_eq(2, tor_sscanf("WD40", "%2s%u", s3, &u1)); /* %s%u */
- test_streq(s3, "WD");
- test_eq(40, u1);
- test_eq(2, tor_sscanf("WD40", "%3s%u", s3, &u1)); /* %s%u */
- test_streq(s3, "WD4");
- test_eq(0, u1);
- test_eq(2, tor_sscanf("76trombones", "%6u%9s", &u1, s1)); /* %u%s */
- test_eq(76, u1);
- test_streq(s1, "trombones");
- test_eq(1, tor_sscanf("prettylongstring", "%999s", s1));
- test_streq(s1, "prettylongstring");
+ tt_int_op(2,==, tor_sscanf("hello", "%3s%7s", s1, s2));
+ tt_str_op(s1,==, "hel");
+ tt_str_op(s2,==, "lo");
+ tt_int_op(2,==, tor_sscanf("WD40", "%2s%u", s3, &u1)); /* %s%u */
+ tt_str_op(s3,==, "WD");
+ tt_int_op(40,==, u1);
+ tt_int_op(2,==, tor_sscanf("WD40", "%3s%u", s3, &u1)); /* %s%u */
+ tt_str_op(s3,==, "WD4");
+ tt_int_op(0,==, u1);
+ tt_int_op(2,==, tor_sscanf("76trombones", "%6u%9s", &u1, s1)); /* %u%s */
+ tt_int_op(76,==, u1);
+ tt_str_op(s1,==, "trombones");
+ tt_int_op(1,==, tor_sscanf("prettylongstring", "%999s", s1));
+ tt_str_op(s1,==, "prettylongstring");
/* %s doesn't eat spaces */
- test_eq(2, tor_sscanf("hello world", "%9s %9s", s1, s2));
- test_streq(s1, "hello");
- test_streq(s2, "world");
- test_eq(2, tor_sscanf("bye world?", "%9s %9s", s1, s2));
- test_streq(s1, "bye");
- test_streq(s2, "");
- test_eq(3, tor_sscanf("hi", "%9s%9s%3s", s1, s2, s3)); /* %s can be empty. */
- test_streq(s1, "hi");
- test_streq(s2, "");
- test_streq(s3, "");
- test_eq(3, tor_sscanf("1.2.3", "%u.%u.%u%c", &u1, &u2, &u3, &ch));
- test_eq(4, tor_sscanf("1.2.3 foobar", "%u.%u.%u%c", &u1, &u2, &u3, &ch));
- test_eq(' ', ch);
+ tt_int_op(2,==, tor_sscanf("hello world", "%9s %9s", s1, s2));
+ tt_str_op(s1,==, "hello");
+ tt_str_op(s2,==, "world");
+ tt_int_op(2,==, tor_sscanf("bye world?", "%9s %9s", s1, s2));
+ tt_str_op(s1,==, "bye");
+ tt_str_op(s2,==, "");
+ tt_int_op(3,==,
+ tor_sscanf("hi", "%9s%9s%3s", s1, s2, s3)); /* %s can be empty. */
+ tt_str_op(s1,==, "hi");
+ tt_str_op(s2,==, "");
+ tt_str_op(s3,==, "");
+ tt_int_op(3,==, tor_sscanf("1.2.3", "%u.%u.%u%c", &u1, &u2, &u3, &ch));
+ tt_int_op(4,==,
+ tor_sscanf("1.2.3 foobar", "%u.%u.%u%c", &u1, &u2, &u3, &ch));
+ tt_int_op(' ',==, ch);
r = tor_sscanf("12345 -67890 -1", "%d %ld %d", &int1, &lng1, &int2);
- test_eq(r,3);
- test_eq(int1, 12345);
- test_eq(lng1, -67890);
- test_eq(int2, -1);
+ tt_int_op(r,==, 3);
+ tt_int_op(int1,==, 12345);
+ tt_int_op(lng1,==, -67890);
+ tt_int_op(int2,==, -1);
#if SIZEOF_INT == 4
+ /* %u */
+ /* UINT32_MAX should work */
+ tt_int_op(1,==, tor_sscanf("4294967295", "%u", &u1));
+ tt_int_op(4294967295U,==, u1);
+ /* But UINT32_MAX + 1 shouldn't work */
+ tt_int_op(0,==, tor_sscanf("4294967296", "%u", &u1));
+ /* but parsing only 9... */
+ tt_int_op(1,==, tor_sscanf("4294967296", "%9u", &u1));
+ tt_int_op(429496729U,==, u1);
+ /* %x */
+ /* UINT32_MAX should work */
+ tt_int_op(1,==, tor_sscanf("FFFFFFFF", "%x", &u1));
+ tt_int_op(0xFFFFFFFF,==, u1);
+ /* But UINT32_MAX + 1 shouldn't work */
+ tt_int_op(0,==, tor_sscanf("100000000", "%x", &u1));
+ /* %d */
+ /* INT32_MIN and INT32_MAX should work */
r = tor_sscanf("-2147483648. 2147483647.", "%d. %d.", &int1, &int2);
- test_eq(r,2);
- test_eq(int1, -2147483647-1);
- test_eq(int2, 2147483647);
+ tt_int_op(r,==, 2);
+ tt_int_op(int1,==, -2147483647 - 1);
+ tt_int_op(int2,==, 2147483647);
+ /* But INT32_MIN - 1 and INT32_MAX + 1 shouldn't work */
+ r = tor_sscanf("-2147483649.", "%d.", &int1);
+ tt_int_op(r,==, 0);
- r = tor_sscanf("-2147483679.", "%d.", &int1);
- test_eq(r,0);
+ r = tor_sscanf("2147483648.", "%d.", &int1);
+ tt_int_op(r,==, 0);
- r = tor_sscanf("2147483678.", "%d.", &int1);
- test_eq(r,0);
+ /* and the first failure stops further processing */
+ r = tor_sscanf("-2147483648. 2147483648.",
+ "%d. %d.", &int1, &int2);
+ tt_int_op(r,==, 1);
+ r = tor_sscanf("-2147483649. 2147483647.",
+ "%d. %d.", &int1, &int2);
+ tt_int_op(r,==, 0);
+ r = tor_sscanf("2147483648. -2147483649.",
+ "%d. %d.", &int1, &int2);
+ tt_int_op(r,==, 0);
#elif SIZEOF_INT == 8
+ /* %u */
+ /* UINT64_MAX should work */
+ tt_int_op(1,==, tor_sscanf("18446744073709551615", "%u", &u1));
+ tt_int_op(18446744073709551615U,==, u1);
+ /* But UINT64_MAX + 1 shouldn't work */
+ tt_int_op(0,==, tor_sscanf("18446744073709551616", "%u", &u1));
+ /* but parsing only 19... */
+ tt_int_op(1,==, tor_sscanf("18446744073709551616", "%19u", &u1));
+ tt_int_op(1844674407370955161U,==, u1);
+ /* %x */
+ /* UINT64_MAX should work */
+ tt_int_op(1,==, tor_sscanf("FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF", "%x", &u1));
+ tt_int_op(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF,==, u1);
+ /* But UINT64_MAX + 1 shouldn't work */
+ tt_int_op(0,==, tor_sscanf("10000000000000000", "%x", &u1));
+ /* %d */
+ /* INT64_MIN and INT64_MAX should work */
r = tor_sscanf("-9223372036854775808. 9223372036854775807.",
"%d. %d.", &int1, &int2);
- test_eq(r,2);
- test_eq(int1, -9223372036854775807-1);
- test_eq(int2, 9223372036854775807);
+ tt_int_op(r,==, 2);
+ tt_int_op(int1,==, -9223372036854775807 - 1);
+ tt_int_op(int2,==, 9223372036854775807);
+ /* But INT64_MIN - 1 and INT64_MAX + 1 shouldn't work */
r = tor_sscanf("-9223372036854775809.", "%d.", &int1);
- test_eq(r,0);
+ tt_int_op(r,==, 0);
r = tor_sscanf("9223372036854775808.", "%d.", &int1);
- test_eq(r,0);
+ tt_int_op(r,==, 0);
+ /* and the first failure stops further processing */
+ r = tor_sscanf("-9223372036854775808. 9223372036854775808.",
+ "%d. %d.", &int1, &int2);
+ tt_int_op(r,==, 1);
+ r = tor_sscanf("-9223372036854775809. 9223372036854775807.",
+ "%d. %d.", &int1, &int2);
+ tt_int_op(r,==, 0);
+ r = tor_sscanf("9223372036854775808. -9223372036854775809.",
+ "%d. %d.", &int1, &int2);
+ tt_int_op(r,==, 0);
#if SIZEOF_LONG == 4
+ /* %lu */
+ /* UINT32_MAX should work */
+ tt_int_op(1,==, tor_sscanf("4294967295", "%lu", &ulng));
+ tt_int_op(4294967295UL,==, ulng);
+ /* But UINT32_MAX + 1 shouldn't work */
+ tt_int_op(0,==, tor_sscanf("4294967296", "%lu", &ulng));
+ /* but parsing only 9... */
+ tt_int_op(1,==, tor_sscanf("4294967296", "%9lu", &ulng));
+ tt_int_op(429496729UL,==, ulng);
+ /* %lx */
+ /* UINT32_MAX should work */
+ tt_int_op(1,==, tor_sscanf("FFFFFFFF", "%lx", &ulng));
+ tt_int_op(0xFFFFFFFFUL,==, ulng);
+ /* But UINT32_MAX + 1 shouldn't work */
+ tt_int_op(0,==, tor_sscanf("100000000", "%lx", &ulng));
+ /* %ld */
+ /* INT32_MIN and INT32_MAX should work */
r = tor_sscanf("-2147483648. 2147483647.", "%ld. %ld.", &lng1, &lng2);
- test_eq(r,2);
- test_eq(lng1, -2147483647 - 1);
- test_eq(lng2, 2147483647);
+ tt_int_op(r,==, 2);
+ tt_int_op(lng1,==, -2147483647L - 1L);
+ tt_int_op(lng2,==, 2147483647L);
+ /* But INT32_MIN - 1 and INT32_MAX + 1 shouldn't work */
+ r = tor_sscanf("-2147483649.", "%ld.", &lng1);
+ tt_int_op(r,==, 0);
+ r = tor_sscanf("2147483648.", "%ld.", &lng1);
+ tt_int_op(r,==, 0);
+ /* and the first failure stops further processing */
+ r = tor_sscanf("-2147483648. 2147483648.",
+ "%ld. %ld.", &lng1, &lng2);
+ tt_int_op(r,==, 1);
+ r = tor_sscanf("-2147483649. 2147483647.",
+ "%ld. %ld.", &lng1, &lng2);
+ tt_int_op(r,==, 0);
+ r = tor_sscanf("2147483648. -2147483649.",
+ "%ld. %ld.", &lng1, &lng2);
+ tt_int_op(r,==, 0);
#elif SIZEOF_LONG == 8
+ /* %lu */
+ /* UINT64_MAX should work */
+ tt_int_op(1,==, tor_sscanf("18446744073709551615", "%lu", &ulng));
+ tt_int_op(18446744073709551615UL,==, ulng);
+ /* But UINT64_MAX + 1 shouldn't work */
+ tt_int_op(0,==, tor_sscanf("18446744073709551616", "%lu", &ulng));
+ /* but parsing only 19... */
+ tt_int_op(1,==, tor_sscanf("18446744073709551616", "%19lu", &ulng));
+ tt_int_op(1844674407370955161UL,==, ulng);
+ /* %lx */
+ /* UINT64_MAX should work */
+ tt_int_op(1,==, tor_sscanf("FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF", "%lx", &ulng));
+ tt_int_op(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUL,==, ulng);
+ /* But UINT64_MAX + 1 shouldn't work */
+ tt_int_op(0,==, tor_sscanf("10000000000000000", "%lx", &ulng));
+ /* %ld */
+ /* INT64_MIN and INT64_MAX should work */
r = tor_sscanf("-9223372036854775808. 9223372036854775807.",
"%ld. %ld.", &lng1, &lng2);
- test_eq(r,2);
- test_eq(lng1, -9223372036854775807L - 1);
- test_eq(lng2, 9223372036854775807L);
+ tt_int_op(r,==, 2);
+ tt_int_op(lng1,==, -9223372036854775807L - 1L);
+ tt_int_op(lng2,==, 9223372036854775807L);
+ /* But INT64_MIN - 1 and INT64_MAX + 1 shouldn't work */
+ r = tor_sscanf("-9223372036854775809.", "%ld.", &lng1);
+ tt_int_op(r,==, 0);
+ r = tor_sscanf("9223372036854775808.", "%ld.", &lng1);
+ tt_int_op(r,==, 0);
+ /* and the first failure stops further processing */
r = tor_sscanf("-9223372036854775808. 9223372036854775808.",
"%ld. %ld.", &lng1, &lng2);
- test_eq(r,1);
- r = tor_sscanf("-9223372036854775809. 9223372036854775808.",
+ tt_int_op(r,==, 1);
+ r = tor_sscanf("-9223372036854775809. 9223372036854775807.",
+ "%ld. %ld.", &lng1, &lng2);
+ tt_int_op(r,==, 0);
+ r = tor_sscanf("9223372036854775808. -9223372036854775809.",
"%ld. %ld.", &lng1, &lng2);
- test_eq(r,0);
+ tt_int_op(r,==, 0);
r = tor_sscanf("123.456 .000007 -900123123.2000787 00003.2",
"%lf %lf %lf %lf", &d1,&d2,&d3,&d4);
- test_eq(r,4);
+ tt_int_op(r,==, 4);
test_feq(d1, 123.456);
test_feq(d2, .000007);
test_feq(d3, -900123123.2000787);
@@ -1884,34 +2299,466 @@ test_util_sscanf(void)
+#define tt_char_op(a,op,b) tt_assert_op_type(a,op,b,char,"%c")
+#define tt_ci_char_op(a,op,b) tt_char_op(tolower(a),op,tolower(b))
+static size_t
+strnlen(const char *s, size_t len)
+ const char *p = memchr(s, 0, len);
+ if (!p)
+ return len;
+ return p - s;
static void
+test_util_format_time_interval(void *arg)
+ /* use the same sized buffer and integers as tor uses */
+#define DBUF_SIZE 64
+ char dbuf[DBUF_SIZE];
+#define T_ "%ld"
+ long sec, min, hour, day;
+ /* we don't care about the exact spelling of the
+ * second(s), minute(s), hour(s), day(s) labels */
+#define LABEL_SIZE 21
+#define L_ "%20s"
+ char label_s[LABEL_SIZE];
+ char label_m[LABEL_SIZE];
+ char label_h[LABEL_SIZE];
+ char label_d[LABEL_SIZE];
+#define TL_ T_ " " L_
+ int r;
+ (void)arg;
+ /* In these tests, we're not picky about
+ * spelling or abbreviations */
+ /* seconds: 0, 1, 9, 10, 59 */
+ /* ignore exact spelling of "second(s)"*/
+ format_time_interval(dbuf, sizeof(dbuf), 0);
+ tt_int_op(strnlen(dbuf, DBUF_SIZE),<=, DBUF_SIZE - 1);
+ r = tor_sscanf(dbuf, TL_, &sec, label_s);
+ tt_int_op(r,==, 2);
+ tt_ci_char_op(label_s[0],==, 's');
+ tt_int_op(sec,==, 0);
+ format_time_interval(dbuf, sizeof(dbuf), 1);
+ tt_int_op(strnlen(dbuf, DBUF_SIZE),<=, DBUF_SIZE - 1);
+ r = tor_sscanf(dbuf, TL_, &sec, label_s);
+ tt_int_op(r,==, 2);
+ tt_ci_char_op(label_s[0],==, 's');
+ tt_int_op(sec,==, 1);
+ format_time_interval(dbuf, sizeof(dbuf), 10);
+ tt_int_op(strnlen(dbuf, DBUF_SIZE),<=, DBUF_SIZE - 1);
+ r = tor_sscanf(dbuf, TL_, &sec, label_s);
+ tt_int_op(r,==, 2);
+ tt_ci_char_op(label_s[0],==, 's');
+ tt_int_op(sec,==, 10);
+ format_time_interval(dbuf, sizeof(dbuf), 59);
+ tt_int_op(strnlen(dbuf, DBUF_SIZE),<=, DBUF_SIZE - 1);
+ r = tor_sscanf(dbuf, TL_, &sec, label_s);
+ tt_int_op(r,==, 2);
+ tt_ci_char_op(label_s[0],==, 's');
+ tt_int_op(sec,==, 59);
+ /* negative seconds are reported as their absolute value */
+ format_time_interval(dbuf, sizeof(dbuf), -4);
+ tt_int_op(strnlen(dbuf, DBUF_SIZE),<=, DBUF_SIZE - 1);
+ r = tor_sscanf(dbuf, TL_, &sec, label_s);
+ tt_int_op(r,==, 2);
+ tt_ci_char_op(label_s[0],==, 's');
+ tt_int_op(sec,==, 4);
+ tt_int_op(strnlen(dbuf, DBUF_SIZE),<=, DBUF_SIZE - 1);
+ format_time_interval(dbuf, sizeof(dbuf), -32);
+ tt_int_op(strnlen(dbuf, DBUF_SIZE),<=, DBUF_SIZE - 1);
+ r = tor_sscanf(dbuf, TL_, &sec, label_s);
+ tt_int_op(r,==, 2);
+ tt_ci_char_op(label_s[0],==, 's');
+ tt_int_op(sec,==, 32);
+ tt_int_op(strnlen(dbuf, DBUF_SIZE),<=, DBUF_SIZE - 1);
+ /* minutes: 1:00, 1:01, 1:59, 2:00, 2:01, 59:59 */
+ /* ignore trailing "0 second(s)", if present */
+ format_time_interval(dbuf, sizeof(dbuf), 60);
+ tt_int_op(strnlen(dbuf, DBUF_SIZE),<=, DBUF_SIZE - 1);
+ r = tor_sscanf(dbuf, TL_, &min, label_m);
+ tt_int_op(r,==, 2);
+ tt_ci_char_op(label_m[0],==, 'm');
+ tt_int_op(min,==, 1);
+ tt_int_op(strnlen(dbuf, DBUF_SIZE),<=, DBUF_SIZE - 1);
+ /* ignore exact spelling of "minute(s)," and "second(s)" */
+ format_time_interval(dbuf, sizeof(dbuf), 60 + 1);
+ tt_int_op(strnlen(dbuf, DBUF_SIZE),<=, DBUF_SIZE - 1);
+ r = tor_sscanf(dbuf, TL_ " " TL_,
+ &min, label_m, &sec, label_s);
+ tt_int_op(r,==, 4);
+ tt_int_op(min,==, 1);
+ tt_ci_char_op(label_m[0],==, 'm');
+ tt_int_op(sec,==, 1);
+ tt_ci_char_op(label_s[0],==, 's');
+ tt_int_op(strnlen(dbuf, DBUF_SIZE),<=, DBUF_SIZE - 1);
+ format_time_interval(dbuf, sizeof(dbuf), 60*2 - 1);
+ tt_int_op(strnlen(dbuf, DBUF_SIZE),<=, DBUF_SIZE - 1);
+ r = tor_sscanf(dbuf, TL_ " " TL_,
+ &min, label_m, &sec, label_s);
+ tt_int_op(r,==, 4);
+ tt_int_op(min,==, 1);
+ tt_ci_char_op(label_m[0],==, 'm');
+ tt_int_op(sec,==, 59);
+ tt_ci_char_op(label_s[0],==, 's');
+ /* ignore trailing "0 second(s)", if present */
+ format_time_interval(dbuf, sizeof(dbuf), 60*2);
+ tt_int_op(strnlen(dbuf, DBUF_SIZE),<=, DBUF_SIZE - 1);
+ r = tor_sscanf(dbuf, TL_, &min, label_m);
+ tt_int_op(r,==, 2);
+ tt_int_op(min,==, 2);
+ tt_ci_char_op(label_m[0],==, 'm');
+ /* ignore exact spelling of "minute(s)," and "second(s)" */
+ format_time_interval(dbuf, sizeof(dbuf), 60*2 + 1);
+ tt_int_op(strnlen(dbuf, DBUF_SIZE),<=, DBUF_SIZE - 1);
+ r = tor_sscanf(dbuf, TL_ " " TL_,
+ &min, label_m, &sec, label_s);
+ tt_int_op(r,==, 4);
+ tt_int_op(min,==, 2);
+ tt_ci_char_op(label_m[0],==, 'm');
+ tt_int_op(sec,==, 1);
+ tt_ci_char_op(label_s[0],==, 's');
+ format_time_interval(dbuf, sizeof(dbuf), 60*60 - 1);
+ tt_int_op(strnlen(dbuf, DBUF_SIZE),<=, DBUF_SIZE - 1);
+ r = tor_sscanf(dbuf, TL_ " " TL_,
+ &min, label_m, &sec, label_s);
+ tt_int_op(r,==, 4);
+ tt_int_op(min,==, 59);
+ tt_ci_char_op(label_m[0],==, 'm');
+ tt_int_op(sec,==, 59);
+ tt_ci_char_op(label_s[0],==, 's');
+ /* negative minutes are reported as their absolute value */
+ /* ignore trailing "0 second(s)", if present */
+ format_time_interval(dbuf, sizeof(dbuf), -3*60);
+ tt_int_op(strnlen(dbuf, DBUF_SIZE),<=, DBUF_SIZE - 1);
+ r = tor_sscanf(dbuf, TL_, &min, label_m);
+ tt_int_op(r,==, 2);
+ tt_int_op(min,==, 3);
+ tt_ci_char_op(label_m[0],==, 'm');
+ /* ignore exact spelling of "minute(s)," and "second(s)" */
+ format_time_interval(dbuf, sizeof(dbuf), -96);
+ tt_int_op(strnlen(dbuf, DBUF_SIZE),<=, DBUF_SIZE - 1);
+ r = tor_sscanf(dbuf, TL_ " " TL_,
+ &min, label_m, &sec, label_s);
+ tt_int_op(r,==, 4);
+ tt_int_op(min,==, 1);
+ tt_ci_char_op(label_m[0],==, 'm');
+ tt_int_op(sec,==, 36);
+ tt_ci_char_op(label_s[0],==, 's');
+ format_time_interval(dbuf, sizeof(dbuf), -2815);
+ tt_int_op(strnlen(dbuf, DBUF_SIZE),<=, DBUF_SIZE - 1);
+ r = tor_sscanf(dbuf, TL_ " " TL_,
+ &min, label_m, &sec, label_s);
+ tt_int_op(r,==, 4);
+ tt_int_op(min,==, 46);
+ tt_ci_char_op(label_m[0],==, 'm');
+ tt_int_op(sec,==, 55);
+ tt_ci_char_op(label_s[0],==, 's');
+ /* hours: 1:00, 1:00:01, 1:01, 23:59, 23:59:59 */
+ /* always ignore trailing seconds, if present */
+ /* ignore trailing "0 minute(s)" etc., if present */
+ format_time_interval(dbuf, sizeof(dbuf), 60*60);
+ tt_int_op(strnlen(dbuf, DBUF_SIZE),<=, DBUF_SIZE - 1);
+ r = tor_sscanf(dbuf, TL_, &hour, label_h);
+ tt_int_op(r,==, 2);
+ tt_int_op(hour,==, 1);
+ tt_ci_char_op(label_h[0],==, 'h');
+ format_time_interval(dbuf, sizeof(dbuf), 60*60 + 1);
+ tt_int_op(strnlen(dbuf, DBUF_SIZE),<=, DBUF_SIZE - 1);
+ r = tor_sscanf(dbuf, TL_, &hour, label_h);
+ tt_int_op(r,==, 2);
+ tt_int_op(hour,==, 1);
+ tt_ci_char_op(label_h[0],==, 'h');
+ /* ignore exact spelling of "hour(s)," etc. */
+ format_time_interval(dbuf, sizeof(dbuf), 60*60 + 60);
+ tt_int_op(strnlen(dbuf, DBUF_SIZE),<=, DBUF_SIZE - 1);
+ r = tor_sscanf(dbuf, TL_ " " TL_,
+ &hour, label_h, &min, label_m);
+ tt_int_op(r,==, 4);
+ tt_int_op(hour,==, 1);
+ tt_ci_char_op(label_h[0],==, 'h');
+ tt_int_op(min,==, 1);
+ tt_ci_char_op(label_m[0],==, 'm');
+ format_time_interval(dbuf, sizeof(dbuf), 24*60*60 - 60);
+ tt_int_op(strnlen(dbuf, DBUF_SIZE),<=, DBUF_SIZE - 1);
+ r = tor_sscanf(dbuf, TL_ " " TL_,
+ &hour, label_h, &min, label_m);
+ tt_int_op(r,==, 4);
+ tt_int_op(hour,==, 23);
+ tt_ci_char_op(label_h[0],==, 'h');
+ tt_int_op(min,==, 59);
+ tt_ci_char_op(label_m[0],==, 'm');
+ format_time_interval(dbuf, sizeof(dbuf), 24*60*60 - 1);
+ tt_int_op(strnlen(dbuf, DBUF_SIZE),<=, DBUF_SIZE - 1);
+ r = tor_sscanf(dbuf, TL_ " " TL_,
+ &hour, label_h, &min, label_m);
+ tt_int_op(r,==, 4);
+ tt_int_op(hour,==, 23);
+ tt_ci_char_op(label_h[0],==, 'h');
+ tt_int_op(min,==, 59);
+ tt_ci_char_op(label_m[0],==, 'm');
+ /* negative hours are reported as their absolute value */
+ /* ignore exact spelling of "hour(s)," etc., if present */
+ format_time_interval(dbuf, sizeof(dbuf), -2*60*60);
+ tt_int_op(strnlen(dbuf, DBUF_SIZE),<=, DBUF_SIZE - 1);
+ r = tor_sscanf(dbuf, TL_, &hour, label_h);
+ tt_int_op(r,==, 2);
+ tt_int_op(hour,==, 2);
+ tt_ci_char_op(label_h[0],==, 'h');
+ format_time_interval(dbuf, sizeof(dbuf), -75804);
+ tt_int_op(strnlen(dbuf, DBUF_SIZE),<=, DBUF_SIZE - 1);
+ r = tor_sscanf(dbuf, TL_ " " TL_,
+ &hour, label_h, &min, label_m);
+ tt_int_op(r,==, 4);
+ tt_int_op(hour,==, 21);
+ tt_ci_char_op(label_h[0],==, 'h');
+ tt_int_op(min,==, 3);
+ tt_ci_char_op(label_m[0],==, 'm');
+ /* days: 1:00, 1:00:00:01, 1:00:01, 1:01 */
+ /* always ignore trailing seconds, if present */
+ /* ignore trailing "0 hours(s)" etc., if present */
+ format_time_interval(dbuf, sizeof(dbuf), 24*60*60);
+ tt_int_op(strnlen(dbuf, DBUF_SIZE),<=, DBUF_SIZE - 1);
+ r = tor_sscanf(dbuf, TL_, &day, label_d);
+ tt_int_op(r,==, 2);
+ tt_int_op(day,==, 1);
+ tt_ci_char_op(label_d[0],==, 'd');
+ format_time_interval(dbuf, sizeof(dbuf), 24*60*60 + 1);
+ tt_int_op(strnlen(dbuf, DBUF_SIZE),<=, DBUF_SIZE - 1);
+ r = tor_sscanf(dbuf, TL_, &day, label_d);
+ tt_int_op(r,==, 2);
+ tt_int_op(day,==, 1);
+ tt_ci_char_op(label_d[0],==, 'd');
+ /* ignore exact spelling of "days(s)," etc. */
+ format_time_interval(dbuf, sizeof(dbuf), 24*60*60 + 60);
+ tt_int_op(strnlen(dbuf, DBUF_SIZE),<=, DBUF_SIZE - 1);
+ r = tor_sscanf(dbuf, TL_ " " TL_ " " TL_,
+ &day, label_d, &hour, label_h, &min, label_m);
+ if (r == -1) {
+ /* ignore 0 hours(s), if present */
+ r = tor_sscanf(dbuf, TL_ " " TL_,
+ &day, label_d, &min, label_m);
+ }
+ tt_assert(r == 4 || r == 6);
+ tt_int_op(day,==, 1);
+ tt_ci_char_op(label_d[0],==, 'd');
+ if (r == 6) {
+ tt_int_op(hour,==, 0);
+ tt_ci_char_op(label_h[0],==, 'h');
+ }
+ tt_int_op(min,==, 1);
+ tt_ci_char_op(label_m[0],==, 'm');
+ /* ignore trailing "0 minutes(s)" etc., if present */
+ format_time_interval(dbuf, sizeof(dbuf), 24*60*60 + 60*60);
+ tt_int_op(strnlen(dbuf, DBUF_SIZE),<=, DBUF_SIZE - 1);
+ r = tor_sscanf(dbuf, TL_ " " TL_,
+ &day, label_d, &hour, label_h);
+ tt_int_op(r,==, 4);
+ tt_int_op(day,==, 1);
+ tt_ci_char_op(label_d[0],==, 'd');
+ tt_int_op(hour,==, 1);
+ tt_ci_char_op(label_h[0],==, 'h');
+ /* negative days are reported as their absolute value */
+ format_time_interval(dbuf, sizeof(dbuf), -21936184);
+ tt_int_op(strnlen(dbuf, DBUF_SIZE),<=, DBUF_SIZE - 1);
+ r = tor_sscanf(dbuf, TL_ " " TL_ " " TL_,
+ &day, label_d, &hour, label_h, &min, label_m);
+ tt_int_op(r,==, 6);
+ tt_int_op(day,==, 253);
+ tt_ci_char_op(label_d[0],==, 'd');
+ tt_int_op(hour,==, 21);
+ tt_ci_char_op(label_h[0],==, 'h');
+ tt_int_op(min,==, 23);
+ tt_ci_char_op(label_m[0],==, 'm');
+ /* periods > 1 year are reported in days (warn?) */
+ /* ignore exact spelling of "days(s)," etc., if present */
+ format_time_interval(dbuf, sizeof(dbuf), 758635154);
+ tt_int_op(strnlen(dbuf, DBUF_SIZE),<=, DBUF_SIZE - 1);
+ r = tor_sscanf(dbuf, TL_ " " TL_ " " TL_,
+ &day, label_d, &hour, label_h, &min, label_m);
+ tt_int_op(r,==, 6);
+ tt_int_op(day,==, 8780);
+ tt_ci_char_op(label_d[0],==, 'd');
+ tt_int_op(hour,==, 11);
+ tt_ci_char_op(label_h[0],==, 'h');
+ tt_int_op(min,==, 59);
+ tt_ci_char_op(label_m[0],==, 'm');
+ /* negative periods > 1 year are reported in days (warn?) */
+ format_time_interval(dbuf, sizeof(dbuf), -1427014922);
+ tt_int_op(strnlen(dbuf, DBUF_SIZE),<=, DBUF_SIZE - 1);
+ r = tor_sscanf(dbuf, TL_ " " TL_ " " TL_,
+ &day, label_d, &hour, label_h, &min, label_m);
+ tt_int_op(r,==, 6);
+ tt_int_op(day,==, 16516);
+ tt_ci_char_op(label_d[0],==, 'd');
+ tt_int_op(hour,==, 9);
+ tt_ci_char_op(label_h[0],==, 'h');
+ tt_int_op(min,==, 2);
+ tt_ci_char_op(label_m[0],==, 'm');
+#if SIZEOF_LONG == 4 || SIZEOF_LONG == 8
+ /* We can try INT32_MIN/MAX */
+ /* Always ignore second(s) */
+ /* INT32_MAX */
+ format_time_interval(dbuf, sizeof(dbuf), 2147483647);
+ tt_int_op(strnlen(dbuf, DBUF_SIZE),<=, DBUF_SIZE - 1);
+ r = tor_sscanf(dbuf, TL_ " " TL_ " " TL_,
+ &day, label_d, &hour, label_h, &min, label_m);
+ tt_int_op(r,==, 6);
+ tt_int_op(day,==, 24855);
+ tt_ci_char_op(label_d[0],==, 'd');
+ tt_int_op(hour,==, 3);
+ tt_ci_char_op(label_h[0],==, 'h');
+ tt_int_op(min,==, 14);
+ tt_ci_char_op(label_m[0],==, 'm');
+ /* and 7 seconds - ignored */
+ /* INT32_MIN: check that we get the absolute value of interval,
+ * which doesn't actually fit in int32_t.
+ * We expect INT32_MAX or INT32_MAX + 1 with 64 bit longs */
+ format_time_interval(dbuf, sizeof(dbuf), -2147483647L - 1L);
+ tt_int_op(strnlen(dbuf, DBUF_SIZE),<=, DBUF_SIZE - 1);
+ r = tor_sscanf(dbuf, TL_ " " TL_ " " TL_,
+ &day, label_d, &hour, label_h, &min, label_m);
+ tt_int_op(r,==, 6);
+ tt_int_op(day,==, 24855);
+ tt_ci_char_op(label_d[0],==, 'd');
+ tt_int_op(hour,==, 3);
+ tt_ci_char_op(label_h[0],==, 'h');
+ tt_int_op(min,==, 14);
+ tt_ci_char_op(label_m[0],==, 'm');
+ /* and 7 or 8 seconds - ignored */
+#if SIZEOF_LONG == 8
+ /* We can try INT64_MIN/MAX */
+ /* Always ignore second(s) */
+ /* INT64_MAX */
+ format_time_interval(dbuf, sizeof(dbuf), 9223372036854775807L);
+ tt_int_op(strnlen(dbuf, DBUF_SIZE),<=, DBUF_SIZE - 1);
+ r = tor_sscanf(dbuf, TL_ " " TL_ " " TL_,
+ &day, label_d, &hour, label_h, &min, label_m);
+ tt_int_op(r,==, 6);
+ tt_int_op(day,==, 106751991167300L);
+ tt_ci_char_op(label_d[0],==, 'd');
+ tt_int_op(hour,==, 15);
+ tt_ci_char_op(label_h[0],==, 'h');
+ tt_int_op(min,==, 30);
+ tt_ci_char_op(label_m[0],==, 'm');
+ /* and 7 seconds - ignored */
+ /* INT64_MIN: check that we get the absolute value of interval,
+ * which doesn't actually fit in int64_t.
+ * We expect INT64_MAX */
+ format_time_interval(dbuf, sizeof(dbuf),
+ -9223372036854775807L - 1L);
+ tt_int_op(strnlen(dbuf, DBUF_SIZE),<=, DBUF_SIZE - 1);
+ r = tor_sscanf(dbuf, TL_ " " TL_ " " TL_,
+ &day, label_d, &hour, label_h, &min, label_m);
+ tt_int_op(r,==, 6);
+ tt_int_op(day,==, 106751991167300L);
+ tt_ci_char_op(label_d[0],==, 'd');
+ tt_int_op(hour,==, 15);
+ tt_ci_char_op(label_h[0],==, 'h');
+ tt_int_op(min,==, 30);
+ tt_ci_char_op(label_m[0],==, 'm');
+ /* and 7 or 8 seconds - ignored */
+ done:
+ ;
+#undef tt_char_op
+#undef tt_ci_char_op
+#undef DBUF_SIZE
+#undef T_
+#undef LABEL_SIZE
+#undef L_
+#undef TL_
+static void
+test_util_path_is_relative(void *arg)
/* OS-independent tests */
- test_eq(1, path_is_relative(""));
- test_eq(1, path_is_relative("dir"));
- test_eq(1, path_is_relative("dir/"));
- test_eq(1, path_is_relative("./dir"));
- test_eq(1, path_is_relative("../dir"));
+ (void)arg;
+ tt_int_op(1,==, path_is_relative(""));
+ tt_int_op(1,==, path_is_relative("dir"));
+ tt_int_op(1,==, path_is_relative("dir/"));
+ tt_int_op(1,==, path_is_relative("./dir"));
+ tt_int_op(1,==, path_is_relative("../dir"));
- test_eq(0, path_is_relative("/"));
- test_eq(0, path_is_relative("/dir"));
- test_eq(0, path_is_relative("/dir/"));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, path_is_relative("/"));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, path_is_relative("/dir"));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, path_is_relative("/dir/"));
/* Windows */
#ifdef _WIN32
/* I don't have Windows so I can't test this, hence the "#ifdef
0". These are tests that look useful, so please try to get them
running and uncomment if it all works as it should */
- test_eq(1, path_is_relative("dir"));
- test_eq(1, path_is_relative("dir\\"));
- test_eq(1, path_is_relative("dir\\a:"));
- test_eq(1, path_is_relative("dir\\a:\\"));
- test_eq(1, path_is_relative("http:\\dir"));
- test_eq(0, path_is_relative("\\dir"));
- test_eq(0, path_is_relative("a:\\dir"));
- test_eq(0, path_is_relative("z:\\dir"));
+ tt_int_op(1,==, path_is_relative("dir"));
+ tt_int_op(1,==, path_is_relative("dir\\"));
+ tt_int_op(1,==, path_is_relative("dir\\a:"));
+ tt_int_op(1,==, path_is_relative("dir\\a:\\"));
+ tt_int_op(1,==, path_is_relative("http:\\dir"));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, path_is_relative("\\dir"));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, path_is_relative("a:\\dir"));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, path_is_relative("z:\\dir"));
@@ -1922,25 +2769,26 @@ test_util_path_is_relative(void)
/** Run unittests for memory pool allocator */
static void
+test_util_mempool(void *arg)
mp_pool_t *pool = NULL;
smartlist_t *allocated = NULL;
int i;
+ (void)arg;
pool = mp_pool_new(1, 100);
- test_assert(pool);
- test_assert(pool->new_chunk_capacity >= 100);
- test_assert(pool->item_alloc_size >= sizeof(void*)+1);
+ tt_assert(pool);
+ tt_assert(pool->new_chunk_capacity >= 100);
+ tt_assert(pool->item_alloc_size >= sizeof(void*)+1);
pool = NULL;
pool = mp_pool_new(241, 2500);
- test_assert(pool);
- test_assert(pool->new_chunk_capacity >= 10);
- test_assert(pool->item_alloc_size >= sizeof(void*)+241);
- test_eq(pool->item_alloc_size & 0x03, 0);
- test_assert(pool->new_chunk_capacity < 60);
+ tt_assert(pool);
+ tt_assert(pool->new_chunk_capacity >= 10);
+ tt_assert(pool->item_alloc_size >= sizeof(void*)+241);
+ tt_int_op(pool->item_alloc_size & 0x03,==, 0);
+ tt_assert(pool->new_chunk_capacity < 60);
allocated = smartlist_new();
for (i = 0; i < 20000; ++i) {
@@ -1982,39 +2830,40 @@ test_util_mempool(void)
/** Run unittests for memory area allocator */
static void
+test_util_memarea(void *arg)
memarea_t *area = memarea_new();
char *p1, *p2, *p3, *p1_orig;
void *malloced_ptr = NULL;
int i;
- test_assert(area);
+ (void)arg;
+ tt_assert(area);
p1_orig = p1 = memarea_alloc(area,64);
p2 = memarea_alloc_zero(area,52);
p3 = memarea_alloc(area,11);
- test_assert(memarea_owns_ptr(area, p1));
- test_assert(memarea_owns_ptr(area, p2));
- test_assert(memarea_owns_ptr(area, p3));
+ tt_assert(memarea_owns_ptr(area, p1));
+ tt_assert(memarea_owns_ptr(area, p2));
+ tt_assert(memarea_owns_ptr(area, p3));
/* Make sure we left enough space. */
- test_assert(p1+64 <= p2);
- test_assert(p2+52 <= p3);
+ tt_assert(p1+64 <= p2);
+ tt_assert(p2+52 <= p3);
/* Make sure we aligned. */
- test_eq(((uintptr_t)p1) % sizeof(void*), 0);
- test_eq(((uintptr_t)p2) % sizeof(void*), 0);
- test_eq(((uintptr_t)p3) % sizeof(void*), 0);
- test_assert(!memarea_owns_ptr(area, p3+8192));
- test_assert(!memarea_owns_ptr(area, p3+30));
- test_assert(tor_mem_is_zero(p2, 52));
+ tt_int_op(((uintptr_t)p1) % sizeof(void*),==, 0);
+ tt_int_op(((uintptr_t)p2) % sizeof(void*),==, 0);
+ tt_int_op(((uintptr_t)p3) % sizeof(void*),==, 0);
+ tt_assert(!memarea_owns_ptr(area, p3+8192));
+ tt_assert(!memarea_owns_ptr(area, p3+30));
+ tt_assert(tor_mem_is_zero(p2, 52));
/* Make sure we don't overalign. */
p1 = memarea_alloc(area, 1);
p2 = memarea_alloc(area, 1);
- test_eq_ptr(p1+sizeof(void*), p2);
+ tt_ptr_op(p1+sizeof(void*),==, p2);
malloced_ptr = tor_malloc(64);
- test_assert(!memarea_owns_ptr(area, malloced_ptr));
+ tt_assert(!memarea_owns_ptr(area, malloced_ptr));
@@ -2023,18 +2872,18 @@ test_util_memarea(void)
malloced_ptr = tor_malloc(64);
crypto_rand((char*)malloced_ptr, 64);
p1 = memarea_memdup(area, malloced_ptr, 64);
- test_assert(p1 != malloced_ptr);
- test_memeq(p1, malloced_ptr, 64);
+ tt_assert(p1 != malloced_ptr);
+ tt_mem_op(p1,==, malloced_ptr, 64);
/* memarea_strdup. */
p1 = memarea_strdup(area,"");
p2 = memarea_strdup(area, "abcd");
- test_assert(p1);
- test_assert(p2);
- test_streq(p1, "");
- test_streq(p2, "abcd");
+ tt_assert(p1);
+ tt_assert(p2);
+ tt_str_op(p1,==, "");
+ tt_str_op(p2,==, "abcd");
/* memarea_strndup. */
@@ -2043,33 +2892,33 @@ test_util_memarea(void)
size_t len = strlen(s);
p1 = memarea_strndup(area, s, 1000);
p2 = memarea_strndup(area, s, 10);
- test_streq(p1, s);
- test_assert(p2 >= p1 + len + 1);
- test_memeq(s, p2, 10);
- test_eq(p2[10], '\0');
+ tt_str_op(p1,==, s);
+ tt_assert(p2 >= p1 + len + 1);
+ tt_mem_op(s,==, p2, 10);
+ tt_int_op(p2[10],==, '\0');
p3 = memarea_strndup(area, s, len);
- test_streq(p3, s);
+ tt_str_op(p3,==, s);
p3 = memarea_strndup(area, s, len-1);
- test_memeq(s, p3, len-1);
- test_eq(p3[len-1], '\0');
+ tt_mem_op(s,==, p3, len-1);
+ tt_int_op(p3[len-1],==, '\0');
p1 = memarea_alloc(area, 1);
- test_eq_ptr(p1, p1_orig);
+ tt_ptr_op(p1,==, p1_orig);
/* Check for running over an area's size. */
for (i = 0; i < 512; ++i) {
p1 = memarea_alloc(area, crypto_rand_int(5)+1);
- test_assert(memarea_owns_ptr(area, p1));
+ tt_assert(memarea_owns_ptr(area, p1));
/* Make sure we can allocate a too-big object. */
p1 = memarea_alloc_zero(area, 9000);
p2 = memarea_alloc_zero(area, 16);
- test_assert(memarea_owns_ptr(area, p1));
- test_assert(memarea_owns_ptr(area, p2));
+ tt_assert(memarea_owns_ptr(area, p1));
+ tt_assert(memarea_owns_ptr(area, p2));
@@ -2079,31 +2928,32 @@ test_util_memarea(void)
/** Run unit tests for utility functions to get file names relative to
* the data directory. */
static void
+test_util_datadir(void *arg)
char buf[1024];
char *f = NULL;
char *temp_dir = NULL;
+ (void)arg;
temp_dir = get_datadir_fname(NULL);
f = get_datadir_fname("state");
tor_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s"PATH_SEPARATOR"state", temp_dir);
- test_streq(f, buf);
+ tt_str_op(f,==, buf);
f = get_datadir_fname2("cache", "thingy");
tor_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
"%s"PATH_SEPARATOR"cache"PATH_SEPARATOR"thingy", temp_dir);
- test_streq(f, buf);
+ tt_str_op(f,==, buf);
f = get_datadir_fname2_suffix("cache", "thingy", ".foo");
tor_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
"%s"PATH_SEPARATOR"cache"PATH_SEPARATOR"", temp_dir);
- test_streq(f, buf);
+ tt_str_op(f,==, buf);
f = get_datadir_fname_suffix("cache", ".foo");
tor_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s"PATH_SEPARATOR"",
- test_streq(f, buf);
+ tt_str_op(f,==, buf);
@@ -2111,13 +2961,14 @@ test_util_datadir(void)
static void
+test_util_strtok(void *arg)
char buf[128];
char buf2[128];
int i;
char *cp1, *cp2;
+ (void)arg;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
const char *pad1="", *pad2="";
switch (i) {
@@ -2134,8 +2985,8 @@ test_util_strtok(void)
tor_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s", pad1);
tor_snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), "%s", pad2);
- test_assert(NULL == tor_strtok_r_impl(buf, " ", &cp1));
- test_assert(NULL == tor_strtok_r_impl(buf2, ".!..;!", &cp2));
+ tt_assert(NULL == tor_strtok_r_impl(buf, " ", &cp1));
+ tt_assert(NULL == tor_strtok_r_impl(buf2, ".!..;!", &cp2));
tor_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
"%sGraved on the dark in gestures of descent%s", pad1, pad1);
@@ -2143,43 +2994,43 @@ test_util_strtok(void)
/* -- "Year's End", Richard Wilbur */
- test_streq("Graved", tor_strtok_r_impl(buf, " ", &cp1));
- test_streq("they", tor_strtok_r_impl(buf2, ".!..;!", &cp2));
+ tt_str_op("Graved",==, tor_strtok_r_impl(buf, " ", &cp1));
+ tt_str_op("they",==, tor_strtok_r_impl(buf2, ".!..;!", &cp2));
#define S1() tor_strtok_r_impl(NULL, " ", &cp1)
#define S2() tor_strtok_r_impl(NULL, ".!..;!", &cp2)
- test_streq("on", S1());
- test_streq("the", S1());
- test_streq("dark", S1());
- test_streq("seemed", S2());
- test_streq("their", S2());
- test_streq("own", S2());
- test_streq("in", S1());
- test_streq("gestures", S1());
- test_streq("of", S1());
- test_streq("most", S2());
- test_streq("perfect", S2());
- test_streq("descent", S1());
- test_streq("monument", S2());
- test_eq_ptr(NULL, S1());
- test_eq_ptr(NULL, S2());
+ tt_str_op("on",==, S1());
+ tt_str_op("the",==, S1());
+ tt_str_op("dark",==, S1());
+ tt_str_op("seemed",==, S2());
+ tt_str_op("their",==, S2());
+ tt_str_op("own",==, S2());
+ tt_str_op("in",==, S1());
+ tt_str_op("gestures",==, S1());
+ tt_str_op("of",==, S1());
+ tt_str_op("most",==, S2());
+ tt_str_op("perfect",==, S2());
+ tt_str_op("descent",==, S1());
+ tt_str_op("monument",==, S2());
+ tt_ptr_op(NULL,==, S1());
+ tt_ptr_op(NULL,==, S2());
buf[0] = 0;
- test_eq_ptr(NULL, tor_strtok_r_impl(buf, " ", &cp1));
- test_eq_ptr(NULL, tor_strtok_r_impl(buf, "!", &cp1));
+ tt_ptr_op(NULL,==, tor_strtok_r_impl(buf, " ", &cp1));
+ tt_ptr_op(NULL,==, tor_strtok_r_impl(buf, "!", &cp1));
strlcpy(buf, "Howdy!", sizeof(buf));
- test_streq("Howdy", tor_strtok_r_impl(buf, "!", &cp1));
- test_eq_ptr(NULL, tor_strtok_r_impl(NULL, "!", &cp1));
+ tt_str_op("Howdy",==, tor_strtok_r_impl(buf, "!", &cp1));
+ tt_ptr_op(NULL,==, tor_strtok_r_impl(NULL, "!", &cp1));
strlcpy(buf, " ", sizeof(buf));
- test_eq_ptr(NULL, tor_strtok_r_impl(buf, " ", &cp1));
+ tt_ptr_op(NULL,==, tor_strtok_r_impl(buf, " ", &cp1));
strlcpy(buf, " ", sizeof(buf));
- test_eq_ptr(NULL, tor_strtok_r_impl(buf, " ", &cp1));
+ tt_ptr_op(NULL,==, tor_strtok_r_impl(buf, " ", &cp1));
strlcpy(buf, "something ", sizeof(buf));
- test_streq("something", tor_strtok_r_impl(buf, " ", &cp1));
- test_eq_ptr(NULL, tor_strtok_r_impl(NULL, ";", &cp1));
+ tt_str_op("something",==, tor_strtok_r_impl(buf, " ", &cp1));
+ tt_ptr_op(NULL,==, tor_strtok_r_impl(NULL, ";", &cp1));
@@ -2199,23 +3050,24 @@ test_util_find_str_at_start_of_line(void *ptr)
- test_eq_ptr(long_string, find_str_at_start_of_line(long_string, ""));
- test_eq_ptr(NULL, find_str_at_start_of_line(short_string, "nonsense"));
- test_eq_ptr(NULL, find_str_at_start_of_line(long_string, "nonsense"));
- test_eq_ptr(NULL, find_str_at_start_of_line(long_string, "\n"));
- test_eq_ptr(NULL, find_str_at_start_of_line(long_string, "how "));
- test_eq_ptr(NULL, find_str_at_start_of_line(long_string, "kitty"));
- test_eq_ptr(long_string, find_str_at_start_of_line(long_string, "h"));
- test_eq_ptr(long_string, find_str_at_start_of_line(long_string, "how"));
- test_eq_ptr(line2, find_str_at_start_of_line(long_string, "he"));
- test_eq_ptr(line2, find_str_at_start_of_line(long_string, "hell"));
- test_eq_ptr(line2, find_str_at_start_of_line(long_string, "hello k"));
- test_eq_ptr(line2, find_str_at_start_of_line(long_string, "hello kitty\n"));
- test_eq_ptr(line2, find_str_at_start_of_line(long_string, "hello kitty\nt"));
- test_eq_ptr(line3, find_str_at_start_of_line(long_string, "third"));
- test_eq_ptr(line3, find_str_at_start_of_line(long_string, "third line"));
- test_eq_ptr(NULL, find_str_at_start_of_line(long_string, "third line\n"));
- test_eq_ptr(short_line2, find_str_at_start_of_line(short_string,
+ tt_ptr_op(long_string,==, find_str_at_start_of_line(long_string, ""));
+ tt_ptr_op(NULL,==, find_str_at_start_of_line(short_string, "nonsense"));
+ tt_ptr_op(NULL,==, find_str_at_start_of_line(long_string, "nonsense"));
+ tt_ptr_op(NULL,==, find_str_at_start_of_line(long_string, "\n"));
+ tt_ptr_op(NULL,==, find_str_at_start_of_line(long_string, "how "));
+ tt_ptr_op(NULL,==, find_str_at_start_of_line(long_string, "kitty"));
+ tt_ptr_op(long_string,==, find_str_at_start_of_line(long_string, "h"));
+ tt_ptr_op(long_string,==, find_str_at_start_of_line(long_string, "how"));
+ tt_ptr_op(line2,==, find_str_at_start_of_line(long_string, "he"));
+ tt_ptr_op(line2,==, find_str_at_start_of_line(long_string, "hell"));
+ tt_ptr_op(line2,==, find_str_at_start_of_line(long_string, "hello k"));
+ tt_ptr_op(line2,==, find_str_at_start_of_line(long_string, "hello kitty\n"));
+ tt_ptr_op(line2,==,
+ find_str_at_start_of_line(long_string, "hello kitty\nt"));
+ tt_ptr_op(line3,==, find_str_at_start_of_line(long_string, "third"));
+ tt_ptr_op(line3,==, find_str_at_start_of_line(long_string, "third line"));
+ tt_ptr_op(NULL,==, find_str_at_start_of_line(long_string, "third line\n"));
+ tt_ptr_op(short_line2,==, find_str_at_start_of_line(short_string,
"second line\n"));
@@ -2226,25 +3078,25 @@ test_util_string_is_C_identifier(void *ptr)
- test_eq(1, string_is_C_identifier("string_is_C_identifier"));
- test_eq(1, string_is_C_identifier("_string_is_C_identifier"));
- test_eq(1, string_is_C_identifier("_"));
- test_eq(1, string_is_C_identifier("i"));
- test_eq(1, string_is_C_identifier("_____"));
- test_eq(1, string_is_C_identifier("__00__"));
- test_eq(1, string_is_C_identifier("__init__"));
- test_eq(1, string_is_C_identifier("_0"));
- test_eq(1, string_is_C_identifier("_0string_is_C_identifier"));
- test_eq(1, string_is_C_identifier("_0"));
- test_eq(0, string_is_C_identifier("0_string_is_C_identifier"));
- test_eq(0, string_is_C_identifier("0"));
- test_eq(0, string_is_C_identifier(""));
- test_eq(0, string_is_C_identifier(";"));
- test_eq(0, string_is_C_identifier("i;"));
- test_eq(0, string_is_C_identifier("_;"));
- test_eq(0, string_is_C_identifier("í"));
- test_eq(0, string_is_C_identifier("ñ"));
+ tt_int_op(1,==, string_is_C_identifier("string_is_C_identifier"));
+ tt_int_op(1,==, string_is_C_identifier("_string_is_C_identifier"));
+ tt_int_op(1,==, string_is_C_identifier("_"));
+ tt_int_op(1,==, string_is_C_identifier("i"));
+ tt_int_op(1,==, string_is_C_identifier("_____"));
+ tt_int_op(1,==, string_is_C_identifier("__00__"));
+ tt_int_op(1,==, string_is_C_identifier("__init__"));
+ tt_int_op(1,==, string_is_C_identifier("_0"));
+ tt_int_op(1,==, string_is_C_identifier("_0string_is_C_identifier"));
+ tt_int_op(1,==, string_is_C_identifier("_0"));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, string_is_C_identifier("0_string_is_C_identifier"));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, string_is_C_identifier("0"));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, string_is_C_identifier(""));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, string_is_C_identifier(";"));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, string_is_C_identifier("i;"));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, string_is_C_identifier("_;"));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, string_is_C_identifier("í"));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, string_is_C_identifier("ñ"));
@@ -2261,48 +3113,48 @@ test_util_asprintf(void *ptr)
/* simple string */
r = tor_asprintf(&cp, "simple string 100%% safe");
- test_assert(cp);
- test_streq("simple string 100% safe", cp);
- test_eq(strlen(cp), r);
+ tt_assert(cp);
+ tt_str_op("simple string 100% safe",==, cp);
+ tt_int_op(strlen(cp),==, r);
/* empty string */
r = tor_asprintf(&cp, "%s", "");
- test_assert(cp);
- test_streq("", cp);
- test_eq(strlen(cp), r);
+ tt_assert(cp);
+ tt_str_op("",==, cp);
+ tt_int_op(strlen(cp),==, r);
/* numbers (%i) */
r = tor_asprintf(&cp, "I like numbers-%2i, %i, etc.", -1, 2);
- test_assert(cp);
- test_streq("I like numbers--1, 2, etc.", cp);
- test_eq(strlen(cp), r);
+ tt_assert(cp);
+ tt_str_op("I like numbers--1, 2, etc.",==, cp);
+ tt_int_op(strlen(cp),==, r);
/* don't free cp; next test uses it. */
/* numbers (%d) */
r = tor_asprintf(&cp2, "First=%d, Second=%d", 101, 202);
- test_assert(cp2);
- test_eq(strlen(cp2), r);
- test_streq("First=101, Second=202", cp2);
- test_assert(cp != cp2);
+ tt_assert(cp2);
+ tt_int_op(strlen(cp2),==, r);
+ tt_str_op("First=101, Second=202",==, cp2);
+ tt_assert(cp != cp2);
/* Glass-box test: a string exactly 128 characters long. */
r = tor_asprintf(&cp, "Lorem1: %sLorem2: %s", LOREMIPSUM, LOREMIPSUM);
- test_assert(cp);
- test_eq(128, r);
- test_assert(cp[128] == '\0');
- test_streq("Lorem1: "LOREMIPSUM"Lorem2: "LOREMIPSUM, cp);
+ tt_assert(cp);
+ tt_int_op(128,==, r);
+ tt_int_op(cp[128], ==, '\0');
+ tt_str_op("Lorem1: "LOREMIPSUM"Lorem2: "LOREMIPSUM,==, cp);
/* String longer than 128 characters */
r = tor_asprintf(&cp, "1: %s 2: %s 3: %s",
- test_assert(cp);
- test_eq(strlen(cp), r);
- test_streq("1: "LOREMIPSUM" 2: "LOREMIPSUM" 3: "LOREMIPSUM, cp);
+ tt_assert(cp);
+ tt_int_op(strlen(cp),==, r);
+ tt_str_op("1: "LOREMIPSUM" 2: "LOREMIPSUM" 3: "LOREMIPSUM,==, cp);
@@ -2323,9 +3175,9 @@ test_util_listdir(void *ptr)
dir1 = tor_strdup(get_fname("some-directory"));
dirname = tor_strdup(get_fname(NULL));
- test_eq(0, write_str_to_file(fname1, "X\n", 0));
- test_eq(0, write_str_to_file(fname2, "Y\n", 0));
- test_eq(0, write_str_to_file(fname3, "Z\n", 0));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, write_str_to_file(fname1, "X\n", 0));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, write_str_to_file(fname2, "Y\n", 0));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, write_str_to_file(fname3, "Z\n", 0));
#ifdef _WIN32
r = mkdir(dir1);
@@ -2338,15 +3190,15 @@ test_util_listdir(void *ptr)
dir_contents = tor_listdir(dirname);
- test_assert(dir_contents);
+ tt_assert(dir_contents);
/* make sure that each filename is listed. */
- test_assert(smartlist_contains_string_case(dir_contents, "hopscotch"));
- test_assert(smartlist_contains_string_case(dir_contents, "mumblety-peg"));
- test_assert(smartlist_contains_string_case(dir_contents, ".hidden-file"));
- test_assert(smartlist_contains_string_case(dir_contents, "some-directory"));
+ tt_assert(smartlist_contains_string_case(dir_contents, "hopscotch"));
+ tt_assert(smartlist_contains_string_case(dir_contents, "mumblety-peg"));
+ tt_assert(smartlist_contains_string_case(dir_contents, ".hidden-file"));
+ tt_assert(smartlist_contains_string_case(dir_contents, "some-directory"));
- test_assert(!smartlist_contains_string(dir_contents, "."));
- test_assert(!smartlist_contains_string(dir_contents, ".."));
+ tt_assert(!smartlist_contains_string(dir_contents, "."));
+ tt_assert(!smartlist_contains_string(dir_contents, ".."));
@@ -2486,30 +3338,53 @@ test_util_exit_status(void *ptr)
+ tt_str_op("",==, hex_errno);
+ clear_hex_errno(hex_errno);
n = format_helper_exit_status(0, 0, hex_errno);
- test_streq("0/0\n", hex_errno);
- test_eq(n, strlen(hex_errno));
+ tt_str_op("0/0\n",==, hex_errno);
+ tt_int_op(n,==, strlen(hex_errno));
+#if SIZEOF_INT == 4
n = format_helper_exit_status(0, 0x7FFFFFFF, hex_errno);
- test_streq("0/7FFFFFFF\n", hex_errno);
- test_eq(n, strlen(hex_errno));
+ tt_str_op("0/7FFFFFFF\n",==, hex_errno);
+ tt_int_op(n,==, strlen(hex_errno));
n = format_helper_exit_status(0xFF, -0x80000000, hex_errno);
- test_streq("FF/-80000000\n", hex_errno);
- test_eq(n, strlen(hex_errno));
- test_eq(n, HEX_ERRNO_SIZE);
+ tt_str_op("FF/-80000000\n",==, hex_errno);
+ tt_int_op(n,==, strlen(hex_errno));
+ tt_int_op(n,==, HEX_ERRNO_SIZE);
+#elif SIZEOF_INT == 8
+ clear_hex_errno(hex_errno);
+ n = format_helper_exit_status(0, 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, hex_errno);
+ tt_str_op("0/7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF\n",==, hex_errno);
+ tt_int_op(n,==, strlen(hex_errno));
+ clear_hex_errno(hex_errno);
+ n = format_helper_exit_status(0xFF, -0x8000000000000000, hex_errno);
+ tt_str_op("FF/-8000000000000000\n",==, hex_errno);
+ tt_int_op(n,==, strlen(hex_errno));
+ tt_int_op(n,==, HEX_ERRNO_SIZE);
n = format_helper_exit_status(0x7F, 0, hex_errno);
- test_streq("7F/0\n", hex_errno);
- test_eq(n, strlen(hex_errno));
+ tt_str_op("7F/0\n",==, hex_errno);
+ tt_int_op(n,==, strlen(hex_errno));
n = format_helper_exit_status(0x08, -0x242, hex_errno);
- test_streq("8/-242\n", hex_errno);
- test_eq(n, strlen(hex_errno));
+ tt_str_op("8/-242\n",==, hex_errno);
+ tt_int_op(n,==, strlen(hex_errno));
+ clear_hex_errno(hex_errno);
+ tt_str_op("",==, hex_errno);
@@ -2637,6 +3512,30 @@ test_util_fgets_eagain(void *ptr)
#define EOL "\n"
+#ifdef _WIN32
+/* I've assumed Windows doesn't have the gap between fork and exec
+ * that causes the race condition on unix-like platforms */
+#define MATCH_PROCESS_STATUS(s1,s2) ((s1) == (s2))
+/* work around a race condition of the timing of SIGCHLD handler updates
+ * to the process_handle's fields, and checks of those fields
+ *
+ * TODO: Once we can signal failure to exec, change PROCESS_STATUS_RUNNING to
+ * PROCESS_STATUS_ERROR (and similarly with *_OR_NOTRUNNING) */
+/* well, this is ugly */
+#define MATCH_PROCESS_STATUS(s1,s2) \
+ ( (s1) == (s2) \
+#endif // _WIN32
/** Helper function for testing tor_spawn_background */
static void
run_util_spawn_background(const char *argv[], const char *expected_out,
@@ -2658,26 +3557,47 @@ run_util_spawn_background(const char *argv[], const char *expected_out,
- test_eq(expected_status, status);
+ /* the race condition doesn't affect status,
+ * because status isn't updated by the SIGCHLD handler,
+ * but we still need to handle PROCESS_STATUS_RUNNING_OR_NOTRUNNING */
+ tt_assert(MATCH_PROCESS_STATUS(expected_status, status));
if (status == PROCESS_STATUS_ERROR) {
tt_ptr_op(process_handle, ==, NULL);
- test_assert(process_handle != NULL);
- test_eq(expected_status, process_handle->status);
+ tt_assert(process_handle != NULL);
+ /* When a spawned process forks, fails, then exits very quickly,
+ * (this typically occurs when exec fails)
+ * there is a race condition between the SIGCHLD handler
+ * updating the process_handle's fields, and this test
+ * checking the process status in those fields.
+ * The SIGCHLD update can occur before or after the code below executes.
+ * This causes intermittent failures in spawn_background_fail(),
+ * typically when the machine is under load.
+ * We use PROCESS_STATUS_RUNNING_OR_NOTRUNNING to avoid this issue. */
+ /* the race condition affects the change in
+ * process_handle->status from RUNNING to NOTRUNNING */
+ tt_assert(MATCH_PROCESS_STATUS(expected_status, process_handle->status));
#ifndef _WIN32
- tt_ptr_op(process_handle->waitpid_cb, !=, NULL);
+ /* the race condition affects the change in
+ * process_handle->waitpid_cb to NULL,
+ * so we skip the check if expected_status is ambiguous,
+ tt_assert(process_handle->waitpid_cb != NULL
#ifdef _WIN32
- test_assert(process_handle->stdout_pipe != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE);
- test_assert(process_handle->stderr_pipe != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE);
+ tt_assert(process_handle->stdout_pipe != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE);
+ tt_assert(process_handle->stderr_pipe != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE);
- test_assert(process_handle->stdout_pipe >= 0);
- test_assert(process_handle->stderr_pipe >= 0);
+ tt_assert(process_handle->stdout_pipe >= 0);
+ tt_assert(process_handle->stderr_pipe >= 0);
/* Check stdout */
@@ -2685,15 +3605,15 @@ run_util_spawn_background(const char *argv[], const char *expected_out,
sizeof(stdout_buf) - 1);
tt_assert(pos >= 0);
stdout_buf[pos] = '\0';
- test_eq(strlen(expected_out), pos);
- test_streq(expected_out, stdout_buf);
+ tt_int_op(strlen(expected_out),==, pos);
+ tt_str_op(expected_out,==, stdout_buf);
/* Check it terminated correctly */
retval = tor_get_exit_code(process_handle, 1, &exit_code);
- test_eq(PROCESS_EXIT_EXITED, retval);
- test_eq(expected_exit, exit_code);
+ tt_int_op(PROCESS_EXIT_EXITED,==, retval);
+ tt_int_op(expected_exit,==, exit_code);
// TODO: Make test-child exit with something other than 0
#ifndef _WIN32
@@ -2704,10 +3624,10 @@ run_util_spawn_background(const char *argv[], const char *expected_out,
/* Check stderr */
pos = tor_read_all_from_process_stderr(process_handle, stderr_buf,
sizeof(stderr_buf) - 1);
- test_assert(pos >= 0);
+ tt_assert(pos >= 0);
stderr_buf[pos] = '\0';
- test_streq(expected_err, stderr_buf);
- test_eq(strlen(expected_err), pos);
+ tt_str_op(expected_err,==, stderr_buf);
+ tt_int_op(strlen(expected_err),==, pos);
@@ -2742,10 +3662,13 @@ test_util_spawn_background_fail(void *ptr)
const int expected_status = PROCESS_STATUS_ERROR;
/* TODO: Once we can signal failure to exec, set this to be
- const int expected_status = PROCESS_STATUS_RUNNING;
+ const int expected_status = PROCESS_STATUS_RUNNING_OR_NOTRUNNING;
+ memset(expected_out, 0xf0, sizeof(expected_out));
+ memset(code, 0xf0, sizeof(code));
tor_snprintf(code, sizeof(code), "%x/%x",
@@ -2793,9 +3716,9 @@ test_util_spawn_background_partial_read_impl(int exit_early)
status = tor_spawn_background(argv[0], argv, NULL, &process_handle);
- test_eq(expected_status, status);
- test_assert(process_handle);
- test_eq(expected_status, process_handle->status);
+ tt_int_op(expected_status,==, status);
+ tt_assert(process_handle);
+ tt_int_op(expected_status,==, process_handle->status);
/* Check stdout */
for (expected_out_ctr = 0; expected_out[expected_out_ctr] != NULL;) {
@@ -2804,7 +3727,7 @@ test_util_spawn_background_partial_read_impl(int exit_early)
sizeof(stdout_buf) - 1, NULL);
/* Check that we didn't read the end of file last time */
- test_assert(!eof);
+ tt_assert(!eof);
pos = tor_read_all_handle(process_handle->stdout_handle, stdout_buf,
sizeof(stdout_buf) - 1, NULL, &eof);
@@ -2814,10 +3737,10 @@ test_util_spawn_background_partial_read_impl(int exit_early)
if (0 == pos)
- test_assert(pos > 0);
+ tt_assert(pos > 0);
stdout_buf[pos] = '\0';
- test_streq(expected_out[expected_out_ctr], stdout_buf);
- test_eq(strlen(expected_out[expected_out_ctr]), pos);
+ tt_str_op(expected_out[expected_out_ctr],==, stdout_buf);
+ tt_int_op(strlen(expected_out[expected_out_ctr]),==, pos);
@@ -2832,33 +3755,33 @@ test_util_spawn_background_partial_read_impl(int exit_early)
pos = tor_read_all_handle(process_handle->stdout_pipe, stdout_buf,
sizeof(stdout_buf) - 1,
- test_eq(0, pos);
+ tt_int_op(0,==, pos);
if (!eof) {
/* We should have got all the data, but maybe not the EOF flag */
pos = tor_read_all_handle(process_handle->stdout_handle, stdout_buf,
sizeof(stdout_buf) - 1,
process_handle, &eof);
- test_eq(0, pos);
- test_assert(eof);
+ tt_int_op(0,==, pos);
+ tt_assert(eof);
/* Otherwise, we got the EOF on the last read */
/* Check it terminated correctly */
retval = tor_get_exit_code(process_handle, 1, &exit_code);
- test_eq(PROCESS_EXIT_EXITED, retval);
- test_eq(expected_exit, exit_code);
+ tt_int_op(PROCESS_EXIT_EXITED,==, retval);
+ tt_int_op(expected_exit,==, exit_code);
// TODO: Make test-child exit with something other than 0
/* Check stderr */
pos = tor_read_all_from_process_stderr(process_handle, stderr_buf,
sizeof(stderr_buf) - 1);
- test_assert(pos >= 0);
+ tt_assert(pos >= 0);
stderr_buf[pos] = '\0';
- test_streq(expected_err, stderr_buf);
- test_eq(strlen(expected_err), pos);
+ tt_str_op(expected_err,==, stderr_buf);
+ tt_int_op(strlen(expected_err),==, pos);
tor_process_handle_destroy(process_handle, 1);
@@ -2933,6 +3856,13 @@ test_util_spawn_background_waitpid_notify(void *arg)
#undef EOL
+#ifndef _WIN32
* Test for format_hex_number_sigsafe()
@@ -2963,15 +3893,15 @@ test_util_format_hex_number(void *ptr)
for (i = 0; test_data[i].str != NULL; ++i) {
len = format_hex_number_sigsafe(test_data[i].x, buf, sizeof(buf));
- test_neq(len, 0);
- test_eq(len, strlen(buf));
- test_streq(buf, test_data[i].str);
+ tt_int_op(len,!=, 0);
+ tt_int_op(len,==, strlen(buf));
+ tt_str_op(buf,==, test_data[i].str);
- test_eq(4, format_hex_number_sigsafe(0xffff, buf, 5));
- test_streq(buf, "FFFF");
- test_eq(0, format_hex_number_sigsafe(0xffff, buf, 4));
- test_eq(0, format_hex_number_sigsafe(0, buf, 1));
+ tt_int_op(4,==, format_hex_number_sigsafe(0xffff, buf, 5));
+ tt_str_op(buf,==, "FFFF");
+ tt_int_op(0,==, format_hex_number_sigsafe(0xffff, buf, 4));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, format_hex_number_sigsafe(0, buf, 1));
@@ -3007,21 +3937,21 @@ test_util_format_dec_number(void *ptr)
for (i = 0; test_data[i].str != NULL; ++i) {
len = format_dec_number_sigsafe(test_data[i].x, buf, sizeof(buf));
- test_neq(len, 0);
- test_eq(len, strlen(buf));
- test_streq(buf, test_data[i].str);
+ tt_int_op(len,!=, 0);
+ tt_int_op(len,==, strlen(buf));
+ tt_str_op(buf,==, test_data[i].str);
len = format_dec_number_sigsafe(test_data[i].x, buf,
(int)(strlen(test_data[i].str) + 1));
- test_eq(len, strlen(buf));
- test_streq(buf, test_data[i].str);
+ tt_int_op(len,==, strlen(buf));
+ tt_str_op(buf,==, test_data[i].str);
- test_eq(4, format_dec_number_sigsafe(7331, buf, 5));
- test_streq(buf, "7331");
- test_eq(0, format_dec_number_sigsafe(7331, buf, 4));
- test_eq(1, format_dec_number_sigsafe(0, buf, 2));
- test_eq(0, format_dec_number_sigsafe(0, buf, 1));
+ tt_int_op(4,==, format_dec_number_sigsafe(7331, buf, 5));
+ tt_str_op(buf,==, "7331");
+ tt_int_op(0,==, format_dec_number_sigsafe(7331, buf, 4));
+ tt_int_op(1,==, format_dec_number_sigsafe(0, buf, 2));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, format_dec_number_sigsafe(0, buf, 1));
@@ -3070,7 +4000,7 @@ test_util_join_win_cmdline(void *ptr)
for (i=0; cmdlines[i]!=NULL; i++) {
log_info(LD_GENERAL, "Joining argvs[%d], expecting <%s>", i, cmdlines[i]);
joined_argv = tor_join_win_cmdline(argvs[i]);
- test_streq(cmdlines[i], joined_argv);
+ tt_str_op(cmdlines[i],==, joined_argv);
@@ -3125,17 +4055,17 @@ test_util_split_lines(void *ptr)
i, tests[i].orig_length);
SMARTLIST_FOREACH_BEGIN(sl, const char *, line) {
/* Check we have not got too many lines */
- test_assert(j < MAX_SPLIT_LINE_COUNT);
+ tt_int_op(MAX_SPLIT_LINE_COUNT, >, j);
/* Check that there actually should be a line here */
- test_assert(tests[i].split_line[j] != NULL);
+ tt_assert(tests[i].split_line[j] != NULL);
log_info(LD_GENERAL, "Line %d of test %d, should be <%s>",
j, i, tests[i].split_line[j]);
/* Check that the line is as expected */
- test_streq(line, tests[i].split_line[j]);
+ tt_str_op(line,==, tests[i].split_line[j]);
/* Check that we didn't miss some lines */
- test_eq_ptr(NULL, tests[i].split_line[j]);
+ tt_ptr_op(NULL,==, tests[i].split_line[j]);
sl = NULL;
@@ -3147,7 +4077,7 @@ test_util_split_lines(void *ptr)
static void
+test_util_di_ops(void *arg)
#define LT -1
#define GT 1
@@ -3167,10 +4097,11 @@ test_util_di_ops(void)
int i;
+ (void)arg;
for (i = 0; examples[i].a; ++i) {
size_t len = strlen(examples[i].a);
int eq1, eq2, neq1, neq2, cmp1, cmp2;
- test_eq(len, strlen(examples[i].b));
+ tt_int_op(len,==, strlen(examples[i].b));
/* We do all of the operations, with operands in both orders. */
eq1 = tor_memeq(examples[i].a, examples[i].b, len);
eq2 = tor_memeq(examples[i].b, examples[i].a, len);
@@ -3181,18 +4112,37 @@ test_util_di_ops(void)
/* Check for correctness of cmp1 */
if (cmp1 < 0 && examples[i].want_sign != LT)
- test_fail();
+ TT_DIE(("Assertion failed."));
else if (cmp1 > 0 && examples[i].want_sign != GT)
- test_fail();
+ TT_DIE(("Assertion failed."));
else if (cmp1 == 0 && examples[i].want_sign != EQ)
- test_fail();
+ TT_DIE(("Assertion failed."));
/* Check for consistency of everything else with cmp1 */
- test_eq(eq1, eq2);
- test_eq(neq1, neq2);
- test_eq(cmp1, -cmp2);
- test_eq(eq1, cmp1 == 0);
- test_eq(neq1, !eq1);
+ tt_int_op(eq1,==, eq2);
+ tt_int_op(neq1,==, neq2);
+ tt_int_op(cmp1,==, -cmp2);
+ tt_int_op(eq1,==, cmp1 == 0);
+ tt_int_op(neq1,==, !eq1);
+ }
+ {
+ uint8_t zz = 0;
+ uint8_t ii = 0;
+ int z;
+ /* exhaustively test tor_memeq and tor_memcmp
+ * against each possible single-byte numeric difference
+ * some arithmetic bugs only appear with certain bit patterns */
+ for (z = 0; z < 256; z++) {
+ for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
+ ii = (uint8_t)i;
+ zz = (uint8_t)z;
+ tt_int_op(tor_memeq(&zz, &ii, 1),==, zz == ii);
+ tt_int_op(tor_memcmp(&zz, &ii, 1) > 0 ? GT : EQ,==, zz > ii ? GT : EQ);
+ tt_int_op(tor_memcmp(&ii, &zz, 1) < 0 ? LT : EQ,==, ii < zz ? LT : EQ);
+ }
+ }
tt_int_op(1, ==, safe_mem_is_zero("", 0));
@@ -3216,12 +4166,12 @@ static void
test_util_n_bits_set(void *ptr)
- test_eq(0, n_bits_set_u8(0));
- test_eq(1, n_bits_set_u8(1));
- test_eq(3, n_bits_set_u8(7));
- test_eq(1, n_bits_set_u8(8));
- test_eq(2, n_bits_set_u8(129));
- test_eq(8, n_bits_set_u8(255));
+ tt_int_op(0,==, n_bits_set_u8(0));
+ tt_int_op(1,==, n_bits_set_u8(1));
+ tt_int_op(3,==, n_bits_set_u8(7));
+ tt_int_op(1,==, n_bits_set_u8(8));
+ tt_int_op(2,==, n_bits_set_u8(129));
+ tt_int_op(8,==, n_bits_set_u8(255));
@@ -3242,78 +4192,78 @@ test_util_eat_whitespace(void *ptr)
strlcpy(str, "fuubaar", sizeof(str));
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(ws); ++i) {
str[0] = ws[i];
- test_eq_ptr(str + 1, eat_whitespace(str));
- test_eq_ptr(str + 1, eat_whitespace_eos(str, str + strlen(str)));
- test_eq_ptr(str + 1, eat_whitespace_no_nl(str));
- test_eq_ptr(str + 1, eat_whitespace_eos_no_nl(str, str + strlen(str)));
+ tt_ptr_op(str + 1,==, eat_whitespace(str));
+ tt_ptr_op(str + 1,==, eat_whitespace_eos(str, str + strlen(str)));
+ tt_ptr_op(str + 1,==, eat_whitespace_no_nl(str));
+ tt_ptr_op(str + 1,==, eat_whitespace_eos_no_nl(str, str + strlen(str)));
str[0] = '\n';
- test_eq_ptr(str + 1, eat_whitespace(str));
- test_eq_ptr(str + 1, eat_whitespace_eos(str, str + strlen(str)));
- test_eq_ptr(str, eat_whitespace_no_nl(str));
- test_eq_ptr(str, eat_whitespace_eos_no_nl(str, str + strlen(str)));
+ tt_ptr_op(str + 1,==, eat_whitespace(str));
+ tt_ptr_op(str + 1,==, eat_whitespace_eos(str, str + strlen(str)));
+ tt_ptr_op(str,==, eat_whitespace_no_nl(str));
+ tt_ptr_op(str,==, eat_whitespace_eos_no_nl(str, str + strlen(str)));
/* Empty string */
strlcpy(str, "", sizeof(str));
- test_eq_ptr(str, eat_whitespace(str));
- test_eq_ptr(str, eat_whitespace_eos(str, str));
- test_eq_ptr(str, eat_whitespace_no_nl(str));
- test_eq_ptr(str, eat_whitespace_eos_no_nl(str, str));
+ tt_ptr_op(str,==, eat_whitespace(str));
+ tt_ptr_op(str,==, eat_whitespace_eos(str, str));
+ tt_ptr_op(str,==, eat_whitespace_no_nl(str));
+ tt_ptr_op(str,==, eat_whitespace_eos_no_nl(str, str));
/* Only ws */
strlcpy(str, " \t\r\n", sizeof(str));
- test_eq_ptr(str + strlen(str), eat_whitespace(str));
- test_eq_ptr(str + strlen(str), eat_whitespace_eos(str, str + strlen(str)));
- test_eq_ptr(str + strlen(str) - 1,
+ tt_ptr_op(str + strlen(str),==, eat_whitespace(str));
+ tt_ptr_op(str + strlen(str),==, eat_whitespace_eos(str, str + strlen(str)));
+ tt_ptr_op(str + strlen(str) - 1,==,
- test_eq_ptr(str + strlen(str) - 1,
+ tt_ptr_op(str + strlen(str) - 1,==,
eat_whitespace_eos_no_nl(str, str + strlen(str)));
strlcpy(str, " \t\r ", sizeof(str));
- test_eq_ptr(str + strlen(str), eat_whitespace(str));
- test_eq_ptr(str + strlen(str),
+ tt_ptr_op(str + strlen(str),==, eat_whitespace(str));
+ tt_ptr_op(str + strlen(str),==,
eat_whitespace_eos(str, str + strlen(str)));
- test_eq_ptr(str + strlen(str), eat_whitespace_no_nl(str));
- test_eq_ptr(str + strlen(str),
+ tt_ptr_op(str + strlen(str),==, eat_whitespace_no_nl(str));
+ tt_ptr_op(str + strlen(str),==,
eat_whitespace_eos_no_nl(str, str + strlen(str)));
/* Multiple ws */
strlcpy(str, "fuubaar", sizeof(str));
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(ws); ++i)
str[i] = ws[i];
- test_eq_ptr(str + sizeof(ws), eat_whitespace(str));
- test_eq_ptr(str + sizeof(ws), eat_whitespace_eos(str, str + strlen(str)));
- test_eq_ptr(str + sizeof(ws), eat_whitespace_no_nl(str));
- test_eq_ptr(str + sizeof(ws),
+ tt_ptr_op(str + sizeof(ws),==, eat_whitespace(str));
+ tt_ptr_op(str + sizeof(ws),==, eat_whitespace_eos(str, str + strlen(str)));
+ tt_ptr_op(str + sizeof(ws),==, eat_whitespace_no_nl(str));
+ tt_ptr_op(str + sizeof(ws),==,
eat_whitespace_eos_no_nl(str, str + strlen(str)));
/* Eat comment */
strlcpy(str, "# Comment \n No Comment", sizeof(str));
- test_streq("No Comment", eat_whitespace(str));
- test_streq("No Comment", eat_whitespace_eos(str, str + strlen(str)));
- test_eq_ptr(str, eat_whitespace_no_nl(str));
- test_eq_ptr(str, eat_whitespace_eos_no_nl(str, str + strlen(str)));
+ tt_str_op("No Comment",==, eat_whitespace(str));
+ tt_str_op("No Comment",==, eat_whitespace_eos(str, str + strlen(str)));
+ tt_ptr_op(str,==, eat_whitespace_no_nl(str));
+ tt_ptr_op(str,==, eat_whitespace_eos_no_nl(str, str + strlen(str)));
/* Eat comment & ws mix */
strlcpy(str, " # \t Comment \n\t\nNo Comment", sizeof(str));
- test_streq("No Comment", eat_whitespace(str));
- test_streq("No Comment", eat_whitespace_eos(str, str + strlen(str)));
- test_eq_ptr(str + 1, eat_whitespace_no_nl(str));
- test_eq_ptr(str + 1, eat_whitespace_eos_no_nl(str, str + strlen(str)));
+ tt_str_op("No Comment",==, eat_whitespace(str));
+ tt_str_op("No Comment",==, eat_whitespace_eos(str, str + strlen(str)));
+ tt_ptr_op(str + 1,==, eat_whitespace_no_nl(str));
+ tt_ptr_op(str + 1,==, eat_whitespace_eos_no_nl(str, str + strlen(str)));
/* Eat entire comment */
strlcpy(str, "#Comment", sizeof(str));
- test_eq_ptr(str + strlen(str), eat_whitespace(str));
- test_eq_ptr(str + strlen(str), eat_whitespace_eos(str, str + strlen(str)));
- test_eq_ptr(str, eat_whitespace_no_nl(str));
- test_eq_ptr(str, eat_whitespace_eos_no_nl(str, str + strlen(str)));
+ tt_ptr_op(str + strlen(str),==, eat_whitespace(str));
+ tt_ptr_op(str + strlen(str),==, eat_whitespace_eos(str, str + strlen(str)));
+ tt_ptr_op(str,==, eat_whitespace_no_nl(str));
+ tt_ptr_op(str,==, eat_whitespace_eos_no_nl(str, str + strlen(str)));
/* Blank line, then comment */
strlcpy(str, " \t\n # Comment", sizeof(str));
- test_eq_ptr(str + strlen(str), eat_whitespace(str));
- test_eq_ptr(str + strlen(str), eat_whitespace_eos(str, str + strlen(str)));
- test_eq_ptr(str + 2, eat_whitespace_no_nl(str));
- test_eq_ptr(str + 2, eat_whitespace_eos_no_nl(str, str + strlen(str)));
+ tt_ptr_op(str + strlen(str),==, eat_whitespace(str));
+ tt_ptr_op(str + strlen(str),==, eat_whitespace_eos(str, str + strlen(str)));
+ tt_ptr_op(str + 2,==, eat_whitespace_no_nl(str));
+ tt_ptr_op(str + 2,==, eat_whitespace_eos_no_nl(str, str + strlen(str)));
@@ -3641,12 +4591,12 @@ test_util_round_to_next_multiple_of(void *arg)
- test_assert(round_uint64_to_next_multiple_of(0,1) == 0);
- test_assert(round_uint64_to_next_multiple_of(0,7) == 0);
+ tt_assert(round_uint64_to_next_multiple_of(0,1) == 0);
+ tt_assert(round_uint64_to_next_multiple_of(0,7) == 0);
- test_assert(round_uint64_to_next_multiple_of(99,1) == 99);
- test_assert(round_uint64_to_next_multiple_of(99,7) == 105);
- test_assert(round_uint64_to_next_multiple_of(99,9) == 99);
+ tt_assert(round_uint64_to_next_multiple_of(99,1) == 99);
+ tt_assert(round_uint64_to_next_multiple_of(99,7) == 105);
+ tt_assert(round_uint64_to_next_multiple_of(99,9) == 99);
@@ -3673,7 +4623,7 @@ test_util_strclear(void *arg)
#define UTIL_LEGACY(name) \
- { #name, legacy_test_helper, 0, &legacy_setup, test_util_ ## name }
+ { #name, test_util_ ## name , 0, NULL, NULL }
#define UTIL_TEST(name, flags) \
{ #name, test_util_ ## name, flags, NULL, NULL }
@@ -3858,6 +4808,7 @@ struct testcase_t util_tests[] = {
+ UTIL_LEGACY(format_time_interval),