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Diffstat (limited to 'src/test/test_hs.c')
-rw-r--r-- | src/test/test_hs.c | 737 |
1 files changed, 670 insertions, 67 deletions
diff --git a/src/test/test_hs.c b/src/test/test_hs.c index 49939a53cf..7737499f50 100644 --- a/src/test/test_hs.c +++ b/src/test/test_hs.c @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* Copyright (c) 2007-2016, The Tor Project, Inc. */ +/* Copyright (c) 2007-2017, The Tor Project, Inc. */ /* See LICENSE for licensing information */ /** @@ -8,12 +8,17 @@ #define CONTROL_PRIVATE #define CIRCUITBUILD_PRIVATE +#define RENDCOMMON_PRIVATE +#define RENDSERVICE_PRIVATE +#define HS_SERVICE_PRIVATE #include "or.h" #include "test.h" #include "control.h" #include "config.h" +#include "hs_common.h" #include "rendcommon.h" +#include "rendservice.h" #include "routerset.h" #include "circuitbuild.h" #include "test_helpers.h" @@ -29,8 +34,9 @@ #define STR_HSDIR_NONE_EXIST_LONGNAME \ "$BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB" -/* DuckDuckGo descriptor as an example. */ -static const char *hs_desc_content = "\ +/* DuckDuckGo descriptor as an example. This one has extra "\r" at the end so + * the control port is happy. */ +static const char *hs_desc_content_control = "\ rendezvous-service-descriptor g5ojobzupf275beh5ra72uyhb3dkpxwg\r\n\ version 2\r\n\ permanent-key\r\n\ @@ -91,6 +97,68 @@ PcftsZf2ztN0sbNCtPgDL3d0PqvxY3iHTQAI8EbaGq/IAJUZ8U4y963dD5+Bn6JQ\r\n\ myE3ctmh0vy5+QxSiRjmQBkuEpCyks7LvWvHYrhnmcg=\r\n\ -----END SIGNATURE-----"; +/* DuckDuckGo descriptor as an example. */ +static const char *hs_desc_content = "\ +rendezvous-service-descriptor g5ojobzupf275beh5ra72uyhb3dkpxwg\n\ +version 2\n\ +permanent-key\n\ +-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n\ +MIGJAoGBAJ/SzzgrXPxTlFrKVhXh3buCWv2QfcNgncUpDpKouLn3AtPH5Ocys0jE\n\ +aZSKdvaiQ62md2gOwj4x61cFNdi05tdQjS+2thHKEm/KsB9BGLSLBNJYY356bupg\n\ +I5gQozM65ENelfxYlysBjJ52xSDBd8C4f/p9umdzaaaCmzXG/nhzAgMBAAE=\n\ +-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n\ +secret-id-part anmjoxxwiupreyajjt5yasimfmwcnxlf\n\ +publication-time 2015-03-11 19:00:00\n\ +protocol-versions 2,3\n\ +introduction-points\n\ +-----BEGIN MESSAGE-----\n\ +aW50cm9kdWN0aW9uLXBvaW50IDd1bnd4cmg2dG5kNGh6eWt1Z3EzaGZzdHduc2ll\n\ +cmhyCmlwLWFkZHJlc3MgMTg4LjEzOC4xMjEuMTE4Cm9uaW9uLXBvcnQgOTAwMQpv\n\ +bmlvbi1rZXkKLS0tLS1CRUdJTiBSU0EgUFVCTElDIEtFWS0tLS0tCk1JR0pBb0dC\n\ +QUxGRVVyeVpDbk9ROEhURmV5cDVjMTRObWVqL1BhekFLTTBxRENTNElKUWh0Y3g1\n\ +NXpRSFdOVWIKQ2hHZ0JqR1RjV3ZGRnA0N3FkdGF6WUZhVXE2c0lQKzVqeWZ5b0Q4\n\ +UmJ1bzBwQmFWclJjMmNhYUptWWM0RDh6Vgpuby9sZnhzOVVaQnZ1cWY4eHIrMDB2\n\ +S0JJNmFSMlA2OE1WeDhrMExqcUpUU2RKOE9idm9yQWdNQkFBRT0KLS0tLS1FTkQg\n\ +UlNBIFBVQkxJQyBLRVktLS0tLQpzZXJ2aWNlLWtleQotLS0tLUJFR0lOIFJTQSBQ\n\ +VUJMSUMgS0VZLS0tLS0KTUlHSkFvR0JBTnJHb0ozeTlHNXQzN2F2ekI1cTlwN1hG\n\ +VUplRUVYMUNOaExnWmJXWGJhVk5OcXpoZFhyL0xTUQppM1Z6dW5OaUs3cndUVnE2\n\ +K2QyZ1lRckhMMmIvMXBBY3ZKWjJiNSs0bTRRc0NibFpjRENXTktRbHJnRWN5WXRJ\n\ +CkdscXJTbFFEaXA0ZnNrUFMvNDVkWTI0QmJsQ3NGU1k3RzVLVkxJck4zZFpGbmJr\n\ +NEZIS1hBZ01CQUFFPQotLS0tLUVORCBSU0EgUFVCTElDIEtFWS0tLS0tCmludHJv\n\ +ZHVjdGlvbi1wb2ludCBiNGM3enlxNXNheGZzN2prNXFibG1wN3I1b3pwdHRvagpp\n\ +cC1hZGRyZXNzIDEwOS4xNjkuNDUuMjI2Cm9uaW9uLXBvcnQgOTAwMQpvbmlvbi1r\n\ +ZXkKLS0tLS1CRUdJTiBSU0EgUFVCTElDIEtFWS0tLS0tCk1JR0pBb0dCQU8xSXpw\n\ +WFFUTUY3RXZUb1NEUXpzVnZiRVFRQUQrcGZ6NzczMVRXZzVaUEJZY1EyUkRaeVp4\n\ +OEQKNUVQSU1FeUE1RE83cGd0ak5LaXJvYXJGMC8yempjMkRXTUlSaXZyU29YUWVZ\n\ +ZXlMM1pzKzFIajJhMDlCdkYxZAp6MEswblRFdVhoNVR5V3lyMHdsbGI1SFBnTlI0\n\ +MS9oYkprZzkwZitPVCtIeGhKL1duUml2QWdNQkFBRT0KLS0tLS1FTkQgUlNBIFBV\n\ +QkxJQyBLRVktLS0tLQpzZXJ2aWNlLWtleQotLS0tLUJFR0lOIFJTQSBQVUJMSUMg\n\ +S0VZLS0tLS0KTUlHSkFvR0JBSzNWZEJ2ajFtQllLL3JrcHNwcm9Ub0llNUtHVmth\n\ +QkxvMW1tK1I2YUVJek1VZFE1SjkwNGtyRwpCd3k5NC8rV0lGNFpGYXh5Z2phejl1\n\ +N2pKY1k3ZGJhd1pFeG1hYXFCRlRwL2h2ZG9rcHQ4a1ByRVk4OTJPRHJ1CmJORUox\n\ +N1FPSmVMTVZZZk5Kcjl4TWZCQ3JQai8zOGh2RUdrbWVRNmRVWElvbVFNaUJGOVRB\n\ +Z01CQUFFPQotLS0tLUVORCBSU0EgUFVCTElDIEtFWS0tLS0tCmludHJvZHVjdGlv\n\ +bi1wb2ludCBhdjVtcWl0Y2Q3cjJkandsYmN0c2Jlc2R3eGt0ZWtvegppcC1hZGRy\n\ +ZXNzIDE0NC43Ni44LjczCm9uaW9uLXBvcnQgNDQzCm9uaW9uLWtleQotLS0tLUJF\n\ +R0lOIFJTQSBQVUJMSUMgS0VZLS0tLS0KTUlHSkFvR0JBTzVweVZzQmpZQmNmMXBE\n\ +dklHUlpmWXUzQ05nNldka0ZLMGlvdTBXTGZtejZRVDN0NWhzd3cyVwpjejlHMXhx\n\ +MmN0Nkd6VWkrNnVkTDlITTRVOUdHTi9BbW8wRG9GV1hKWHpBQkFXd2YyMVdsd1lW\n\ +eFJQMHRydi9WCkN6UDkzcHc5OG5vSmdGUGRUZ05iMjdKYmVUZENLVFBrTEtscXFt\n\ +b3NveUN2RitRa25vUS9BZ01CQUFFPQotLS0tLUVORCBSU0EgUFVCTElDIEtFWS0t\n\ +LS0tCnNlcnZpY2Uta2V5Ci0tLS0tQkVHSU4gUlNBIFBVQkxJQyBLRVktLS0tLQpN\n\ +SUdKQW9HQkFMVjNKSmtWN3lTNU9jc1lHMHNFYzFQOTVRclFRR3ZzbGJ6Wi9zRGxl\n\ +RlpKYXFSOUYvYjRUVERNClNGcFMxcU1GbldkZDgxVmRGMEdYRmN2WVpLamRJdHU2\n\ +SndBaTRJeEhxeXZtdTRKdUxrcXNaTEFLaXRLVkx4eGsKeERlMjlDNzRWMmJrOTRJ\n\ +MEgybTNKS2tzTHVwc3VxWWRVUmhOVXN0SElKZmgyZmNIalF0bEFnTUJBQUU9Ci0t\n\ +LS0tRU5EIFJTQSBQVUJMSUMgS0VZLS0tLS0KCg==\n\ +-----END MESSAGE-----\n\ +signature\n\ +-----BEGIN SIGNATURE-----\n\ +d4OuCE5OLAOnRB6cQN6WyMEmg/BHem144Vec+eYgeWoKwx3MxXFplUjFxgnMlmwN\n\ +PcftsZf2ztN0sbNCtPgDL3d0PqvxY3iHTQAI8EbaGq/IAJUZ8U4y963dD5+Bn6JQ\n\ +myE3ctmh0vy5+QxSiRjmQBkuEpCyks7LvWvHYrhnmcg=\n\ +-----END SIGNATURE-----"; + /* Helper global variable for hidden service descriptor event test. * It's used as a pointer to dynamically created message buffer in * send_control_event_string_replacement function, which mocks @@ -122,6 +190,30 @@ node_describe_longname_by_id_replacement(const char *id_digest) } } +/** Test that we can parse a hardcoded v2 HS desc. */ +static void +test_hs_parse_static_v2_desc(void *arg) +{ + int ret; + rend_encoded_v2_service_descriptor_t desc; + + (void) arg; + + /* Test an obviously not parseable string */ + desc.desc_str = tor_strdup("ceci n'est pas un HS descriptor"); + ret = rend_desc_v2_is_parsable(&desc); + tor_free(desc.desc_str); + tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0); + + /* Test an actual descriptor */ + desc.desc_str = tor_strdup(hs_desc_content); + ret = rend_desc_v2_is_parsable(&desc); + tor_free(desc.desc_str); + tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 1); + + done: ; +} + /** Make sure each hidden service descriptor async event generation * * function generates the message in expected format. @@ -134,7 +226,7 @@ test_hs_desc_event(void *arg) #define STR_DESC_ID_BASE32 "hba3gmcgpfivzfhx5rtfqkfdhv65yrj3" int ret; - rend_data_t rend_query; + rend_data_v2_t rend_query; const char *expected_msg; char desc_id_base32[REND_DESC_ID_V2_LEN_BASE32 + 1]; @@ -146,18 +238,19 @@ test_hs_desc_event(void *arg) /* setup rend_query struct */ memset(&rend_query, 0, sizeof(rend_query)); + rend_query.base_.version = 2; strncpy(rend_query.onion_address, STR_HS_ADDR, REND_SERVICE_ID_LEN_BASE32+1); rend_query.auth_type = REND_NO_AUTH; - rend_query.hsdirs_fp = smartlist_new(); - smartlist_add(rend_query.hsdirs_fp, tor_memdup(HSDIR_EXIST_ID, - DIGEST_LEN)); + rend_query.base_.hsdirs_fp = smartlist_new(); + smartlist_add(rend_query.base_.hsdirs_fp, tor_memdup(HSDIR_EXIST_ID, + DIGEST_LEN)); /* Compute descriptor ID for replica 0, should be STR_DESC_ID_BASE32. */ ret = rend_compute_v2_desc_id(rend_query.descriptor_id[0], rend_query.onion_address, NULL, 0, 0); - tt_int_op(ret, ==, 0); + tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0); base32_encode(desc_id_base32, sizeof(desc_id_base32), rend_query.descriptor_id[0], DIGEST_LEN); /* Make sure rend_compute_v2_desc_id works properly. */ @@ -165,7 +258,7 @@ test_hs_desc_event(void *arg) sizeof(desc_id_base32)); /* test request event */ - control_event_hs_descriptor_requested(&rend_query, HSDIR_EXIST_ID, + control_event_hs_descriptor_requested(&rend_query.base_, HSDIR_EXIST_ID, STR_DESC_ID_BASE32); expected_msg = "650 HS_DESC REQUESTED "STR_HS_ADDR" NO_AUTH "\ STR_HSDIR_EXIST_LONGNAME " " STR_DESC_ID_BASE32 "\r\n"; @@ -176,7 +269,7 @@ test_hs_desc_event(void *arg) /* test received event */ rend_query.auth_type = REND_BASIC_AUTH; control_event_hs_descriptor_received(rend_query.onion_address, - &rend_query, HSDIR_EXIST_ID); + &rend_query.base_, HSDIR_EXIST_ID); expected_msg = "650 HS_DESC RECEIVED "STR_HS_ADDR" BASIC_AUTH "\ STR_HSDIR_EXIST_LONGNAME " " STR_DESC_ID_BASE32"\r\n"; tt_assert(received_msg); @@ -185,7 +278,7 @@ test_hs_desc_event(void *arg) /* test failed event */ rend_query.auth_type = REND_STEALTH_AUTH; - control_event_hs_descriptor_failed(&rend_query, + control_event_hs_descriptor_failed(&rend_query.base_, HSDIR_NONE_EXIST_ID, "QUERY_REJECTED"); expected_msg = "650 HS_DESC FAILED "STR_HS_ADDR" STEALTH_AUTH "\ @@ -196,7 +289,7 @@ test_hs_desc_event(void *arg) /* test invalid auth type */ rend_query.auth_type = 999; - control_event_hs_descriptor_failed(&rend_query, + control_event_hs_descriptor_failed(&rend_query.base_, HSDIR_EXIST_ID, "QUERY_REJECTED"); expected_msg = "650 HS_DESC FAILED "STR_HS_ADDR" UNKNOWN "\ @@ -206,21 +299,42 @@ test_hs_desc_event(void *arg) tt_str_op(received_msg,OP_EQ, expected_msg); tor_free(received_msg); - /* test valid content. */ + /* test no HSDir fingerprint type */ + rend_query.auth_type = REND_NO_AUTH; + control_event_hs_descriptor_failed(&rend_query.base_, NULL, + "QUERY_NO_HSDIR"); + expected_msg = "650 HS_DESC FAILED "STR_HS_ADDR" NO_AUTH " \ + "UNKNOWN REASON=QUERY_NO_HSDIR\r\n"; + tt_assert(received_msg); + tt_str_op(received_msg,OP_EQ, expected_msg); + tor_free(received_msg); + + /* Test invalid content with no HSDir fingerprint. */ char *exp_msg; control_event_hs_descriptor_content(rend_query.onion_address, + STR_HS_CONTENT_DESC_ID, NULL, NULL); + tor_asprintf(&exp_msg, "650+HS_DESC_CONTENT " STR_HS_ADDR " "\ + STR_HS_CONTENT_DESC_ID " UNKNOWN" \ + "\r\n\r\n.\r\n650 OK\r\n"); + tt_assert(received_msg); + tt_str_op(received_msg, OP_EQ, exp_msg); + tor_free(received_msg); + tor_free(exp_msg); + + /* test valid content. */ + control_event_hs_descriptor_content(rend_query.onion_address, STR_HS_CONTENT_DESC_ID, HSDIR_EXIST_ID, - hs_desc_content); + hs_desc_content_control); tor_asprintf(&exp_msg, "650+HS_DESC_CONTENT " STR_HS_ADDR " "\ STR_HS_CONTENT_DESC_ID " " STR_HSDIR_EXIST_LONGNAME\ - "\r\n%s\r\n.\r\n650 OK\r\n", hs_desc_content); + "\r\n%s\r\n.\r\n650 OK\r\n", hs_desc_content_control); tt_assert(received_msg); tt_str_op(received_msg, OP_EQ, exp_msg); tor_free(received_msg); tor_free(exp_msg); - SMARTLIST_FOREACH(rend_query.hsdirs_fp, char *, d, tor_free(d)); - smartlist_free(rend_query.hsdirs_fp); + SMARTLIST_FOREACH(rend_query.base_.hsdirs_fp, char *, d, tor_free(d)); + smartlist_free(rend_query.base_.hsdirs_fp); done: UNMOCK(queue_control_event_string); @@ -249,14 +363,14 @@ test_pick_tor2web_rendezvous_node(void *arg) retval = routerset_parse(options->Tor2webRendezvousPoints, tor2web_rendezvous_str, "test_tor2web_rp"); - tt_int_op(retval, >=, 0); + tt_int_op(retval, OP_GE, 0); /* Pick rendezvous point. Make sure the correct one is picked. Repeat many times to make sure it works properly. */ for (i = 0; i < 50 ; i++) { chosen_rp = pick_tor2web_rendezvous_node(flags, options); tt_assert(chosen_rp); - tt_str_op(chosen_rp->ri->nickname, ==, tor2web_rendezvous_str); + tt_str_op(chosen_rp->ri->nickname, OP_EQ, tor2web_rendezvous_str); } done: @@ -284,13 +398,13 @@ test_pick_bad_tor2web_rendezvous_node(void *arg) retval = routerset_parse(options->Tor2webRendezvousPoints, tor2web_rendezvous_str, "test_tor2web_rp"); - tt_int_op(retval, >=, 0); + tt_int_op(retval, OP_GE, 0); /* Pick rendezvous point. Since Tor2webRendezvousPoints was set to a dummy value, we shouldn't find any eligible RPs. */ for (i = 0; i < 50 ; i++) { chosen_rp = pick_tor2web_rendezvous_node(flags, options); - tt_assert(!chosen_rp); + tt_ptr_op(chosen_rp, OP_EQ, NULL); } done: @@ -320,43 +434,47 @@ test_hs_rend_data(void *arg) client = rend_data_client_create(STR_HS_ADDR, desc_id, client_cookie, REND_NO_AUTH); tt_assert(client); - tt_int_op(client->auth_type, ==, REND_NO_AUTH); - tt_str_op(client->onion_address, OP_EQ, STR_HS_ADDR); - tt_mem_op(client->desc_id_fetch, OP_EQ, desc_id, sizeof(desc_id)); - tt_mem_op(client->descriptor_cookie, OP_EQ, client_cookie, + rend_data_v2_t *client_v2 = TO_REND_DATA_V2(client); + tt_int_op(client_v2->auth_type, OP_EQ, REND_NO_AUTH); + tt_str_op(client_v2->onion_address, OP_EQ, STR_HS_ADDR); + tt_mem_op(client_v2->desc_id_fetch, OP_EQ, desc_id, sizeof(desc_id)); + tt_mem_op(client_v2->descriptor_cookie, OP_EQ, client_cookie, sizeof(client_cookie)); tt_assert(client->hsdirs_fp); - tt_int_op(smartlist_len(client->hsdirs_fp), ==, 0); + tt_int_op(smartlist_len(client->hsdirs_fp), OP_EQ, 0); for (rep = 0; rep < REND_NUMBER_OF_NON_CONSECUTIVE_REPLICAS; rep++) { - int ret = rend_compute_v2_desc_id(desc_id, client->onion_address, - client->descriptor_cookie, now, rep); + int ret = rend_compute_v2_desc_id(desc_id, client_v2->onion_address, + client_v2->descriptor_cookie, now, rep); /* That shouldn't never fail. */ - tt_int_op(ret, ==, 0); - tt_mem_op(client->descriptor_id[rep], OP_EQ, desc_id, sizeof(desc_id)); + tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0); + tt_mem_op(client_v2->descriptor_id[rep], OP_EQ, desc_id, + sizeof(desc_id)); } /* The rest should be zeroed because this is a client request. */ - tt_int_op(tor_digest_is_zero(client->rend_pk_digest), ==, 1); - tt_int_op(tor_digest_is_zero(client->rend_cookie), ==, 1); + tt_int_op(tor_digest_is_zero(client_v2->rend_pk_digest), OP_EQ, 1); + tt_int_op(tor_digest_is_zero(client->rend_cookie), OP_EQ, 1); /* Test dup(). */ client_dup = rend_data_dup(client); tt_assert(client_dup); - tt_int_op(client_dup->auth_type, ==, client->auth_type); - tt_str_op(client_dup->onion_address, OP_EQ, client->onion_address); - tt_mem_op(client_dup->desc_id_fetch, OP_EQ, client->desc_id_fetch, - sizeof(client_dup->desc_id_fetch)); - tt_mem_op(client_dup->descriptor_cookie, OP_EQ, client->descriptor_cookie, - sizeof(client_dup->descriptor_cookie)); + rend_data_v2_t *client_dup_v2 = TO_REND_DATA_V2(client_dup); + tt_int_op(client_dup_v2->auth_type, OP_EQ, client_v2->auth_type); + tt_str_op(client_dup_v2->onion_address, OP_EQ, client_v2->onion_address); + tt_mem_op(client_dup_v2->desc_id_fetch, OP_EQ, client_v2->desc_id_fetch, + sizeof(client_dup_v2->desc_id_fetch)); + tt_mem_op(client_dup_v2->descriptor_cookie, OP_EQ, + client_v2->descriptor_cookie, + sizeof(client_dup_v2->descriptor_cookie)); tt_assert(client_dup->hsdirs_fp); - tt_int_op(smartlist_len(client_dup->hsdirs_fp), ==, 0); + tt_int_op(smartlist_len(client_dup->hsdirs_fp), OP_EQ, 0); for (rep = 0; rep < REND_NUMBER_OF_NON_CONSECUTIVE_REPLICAS; rep++) { - tt_mem_op(client_dup->descriptor_id[rep], OP_EQ, - client->descriptor_id[rep], DIGEST_LEN); + tt_mem_op(client_dup_v2->descriptor_id[rep], OP_EQ, + client_v2->descriptor_id[rep], DIGEST_LEN); } /* The rest should be zeroed because this is a client request. */ - tt_int_op(tor_digest_is_zero(client_dup->rend_pk_digest), ==, 1); - tt_int_op(tor_digest_is_zero(client_dup->rend_cookie), ==, 1); + tt_int_op(tor_digest_is_zero(client_dup_v2->rend_pk_digest), OP_EQ, 1); + tt_int_op(tor_digest_is_zero(client_dup->rend_cookie), OP_EQ, 1); rend_data_free(client); client = NULL; rend_data_free(client_dup); @@ -371,19 +489,20 @@ test_hs_rend_data(void *arg) * zeroed out. */ client = rend_data_client_create(NULL, desc_id, NULL, REND_BASIC_AUTH); tt_assert(client); - tt_int_op(client->auth_type, ==, REND_BASIC_AUTH); - tt_int_op(strlen(client->onion_address), ==, 0); - tt_mem_op(client->desc_id_fetch, OP_EQ, desc_id, sizeof(desc_id)); - tt_int_op(tor_mem_is_zero(client->descriptor_cookie, - sizeof(client->descriptor_cookie)), ==, 1); + client_v2 = TO_REND_DATA_V2(client); + tt_int_op(client_v2->auth_type, OP_EQ, REND_BASIC_AUTH); + tt_int_op(strlen(client_v2->onion_address), OP_EQ, 0); + tt_mem_op(client_v2->desc_id_fetch, OP_EQ, desc_id, sizeof(desc_id)); + tt_int_op(tor_mem_is_zero(client_v2->descriptor_cookie, + sizeof(client_v2->descriptor_cookie)), OP_EQ, 1); tt_assert(client->hsdirs_fp); - tt_int_op(smartlist_len(client->hsdirs_fp), ==, 0); + tt_int_op(smartlist_len(client->hsdirs_fp), OP_EQ, 0); for (rep = 0; rep < REND_NUMBER_OF_NON_CONSECUTIVE_REPLICAS; rep++) { - tt_int_op(tor_digest_is_zero(client->descriptor_id[rep]), ==, 1); + tt_int_op(tor_digest_is_zero(client_v2->descriptor_id[rep]), OP_EQ, 1); } /* The rest should be zeroed because this is a client request. */ - tt_int_op(tor_digest_is_zero(client->rend_pk_digest), ==, 1); - tt_int_op(tor_digest_is_zero(client->rend_cookie), ==, 1); + tt_int_op(tor_digest_is_zero(client_v2->rend_pk_digest), OP_EQ, 1); + tt_int_op(tor_digest_is_zero(client->rend_cookie), OP_EQ, 1); rend_data_free(client); client = NULL; @@ -396,37 +515,39 @@ test_hs_rend_data(void *arg) service = rend_data_service_create(STR_HS_ADDR, rend_pk_digest, rend_cookie, REND_NO_AUTH); tt_assert(service); - tt_int_op(service->auth_type, ==, REND_NO_AUTH); - tt_str_op(service->onion_address, OP_EQ, STR_HS_ADDR); - tt_mem_op(service->rend_pk_digest, OP_EQ, rend_pk_digest, + rend_data_v2_t *service_v2 = TO_REND_DATA_V2(service); + tt_int_op(service_v2->auth_type, OP_EQ, REND_NO_AUTH); + tt_str_op(service_v2->onion_address, OP_EQ, STR_HS_ADDR); + tt_mem_op(service_v2->rend_pk_digest, OP_EQ, rend_pk_digest, sizeof(rend_pk_digest)); tt_mem_op(service->rend_cookie, OP_EQ, rend_cookie, sizeof(rend_cookie)); tt_assert(service->hsdirs_fp); - tt_int_op(smartlist_len(service->hsdirs_fp), ==, 0); + tt_int_op(smartlist_len(service->hsdirs_fp), OP_EQ, 0); for (rep = 0; rep < REND_NUMBER_OF_NON_CONSECUTIVE_REPLICAS; rep++) { - tt_int_op(tor_digest_is_zero(service->descriptor_id[rep]), ==, 1); + tt_int_op(tor_digest_is_zero(service_v2->descriptor_id[rep]), OP_EQ, 1); } /* The rest should be zeroed because this is a service request. */ - tt_int_op(tor_digest_is_zero(service->descriptor_cookie), ==, 1); - tt_int_op(tor_digest_is_zero(service->desc_id_fetch), ==, 1); + tt_int_op(tor_digest_is_zero(service_v2->descriptor_cookie), OP_EQ, 1); + tt_int_op(tor_digest_is_zero(service_v2->desc_id_fetch), OP_EQ, 1); /* Test dup(). */ service_dup = rend_data_dup(service); + rend_data_v2_t *service_dup_v2 = TO_REND_DATA_V2(service_dup); tt_assert(service_dup); - tt_int_op(service_dup->auth_type, ==, service->auth_type); - tt_str_op(service_dup->onion_address, OP_EQ, service->onion_address); - tt_mem_op(service_dup->rend_pk_digest, OP_EQ, service->rend_pk_digest, - sizeof(service_dup->rend_pk_digest)); + tt_int_op(service_dup_v2->auth_type, OP_EQ, service_v2->auth_type); + tt_str_op(service_dup_v2->onion_address, OP_EQ, service_v2->onion_address); + tt_mem_op(service_dup_v2->rend_pk_digest, OP_EQ, service_v2->rend_pk_digest, + sizeof(service_dup_v2->rend_pk_digest)); tt_mem_op(service_dup->rend_cookie, OP_EQ, service->rend_cookie, sizeof(service_dup->rend_cookie)); tt_assert(service_dup->hsdirs_fp); - tt_int_op(smartlist_len(service_dup->hsdirs_fp), ==, 0); + tt_int_op(smartlist_len(service_dup->hsdirs_fp), OP_EQ, 0); for (rep = 0; rep < REND_NUMBER_OF_NON_CONSECUTIVE_REPLICAS; rep++) { - tt_int_op(tor_digest_is_zero(service_dup->descriptor_id[rep]), ==, 1); + tt_assert(tor_digest_is_zero(service_dup_v2->descriptor_id[rep])); } /* The rest should be zeroed because this is a service request. */ - tt_int_op(tor_digest_is_zero(service_dup->descriptor_cookie), ==, 1); - tt_int_op(tor_digest_is_zero(service_dup->desc_id_fetch), ==, 1); + tt_int_op(tor_digest_is_zero(service_dup_v2->descriptor_cookie), OP_EQ, 1); + tt_int_op(tor_digest_is_zero(service_dup_v2->desc_id_fetch), OP_EQ, 1); done: rend_data_free(service); @@ -435,9 +556,478 @@ test_hs_rend_data(void *arg) rend_data_free(client_dup); } +/* Test encoding and decoding service authorization cookies */ +static void +test_hs_auth_cookies(void *arg) +{ +#define TEST_COOKIE_RAW ((const uint8_t *) "abcdefghijklmnop") +#define TEST_COOKIE_ENCODED "YWJjZGVmZ2hpamtsbW5vcA" +#define TEST_COOKIE_ENCODED_STEALTH "YWJjZGVmZ2hpamtsbW5vcB" +#define TEST_COOKIE_ENCODED_INVALID "YWJjZGVmZ2hpamtsbW5vcD" + + char *encoded_cookie; + uint8_t raw_cookie[REND_DESC_COOKIE_LEN]; + rend_auth_type_t auth_type; + char *err_msg; + int re; + + (void)arg; + + /* Test that encoding gives the expected result */ + encoded_cookie = rend_auth_encode_cookie(TEST_COOKIE_RAW, REND_BASIC_AUTH); + tt_str_op(encoded_cookie, OP_EQ, TEST_COOKIE_ENCODED); + tor_free(encoded_cookie); + + encoded_cookie = rend_auth_encode_cookie(TEST_COOKIE_RAW, REND_STEALTH_AUTH); + tt_str_op(encoded_cookie, OP_EQ, TEST_COOKIE_ENCODED_STEALTH); + tor_free(encoded_cookie); + + /* Decoding should give the original value */ + re = rend_auth_decode_cookie(TEST_COOKIE_ENCODED, raw_cookie, &auth_type, + &err_msg); + tt_assert(!re); + tt_ptr_op(err_msg, OP_EQ, NULL); + tt_mem_op(raw_cookie, OP_EQ, TEST_COOKIE_RAW, REND_DESC_COOKIE_LEN); + tt_int_op(auth_type, OP_EQ, REND_BASIC_AUTH); + memset(raw_cookie, 0, sizeof(raw_cookie)); + + re = rend_auth_decode_cookie(TEST_COOKIE_ENCODED_STEALTH, raw_cookie, + &auth_type, &err_msg); + tt_assert(!re); + tt_ptr_op(err_msg, OP_EQ, NULL); + tt_mem_op(raw_cookie, OP_EQ, TEST_COOKIE_RAW, REND_DESC_COOKIE_LEN); + tt_int_op(auth_type, OP_EQ, REND_STEALTH_AUTH); + memset(raw_cookie, 0, sizeof(raw_cookie)); + + /* Decoding with padding characters should also work */ + re = rend_auth_decode_cookie(TEST_COOKIE_ENCODED "==", raw_cookie, NULL, + &err_msg); + tt_assert(!re); + tt_ptr_op(err_msg, OP_EQ, NULL); + tt_mem_op(raw_cookie, OP_EQ, TEST_COOKIE_RAW, REND_DESC_COOKIE_LEN); + + /* Decoding with an unknown type should fail */ + re = rend_auth_decode_cookie(TEST_COOKIE_ENCODED_INVALID, raw_cookie, + &auth_type, &err_msg); + tt_int_op(re, OP_LT, 0); + tt_assert(err_msg); + tor_free(err_msg); + + done: + return; +} + +static int mock_get_options_calls = 0; +static or_options_t *mock_options = NULL; + +static void +reset_options(or_options_t *options, int *get_options_calls) +{ + memset(options, 0, sizeof(or_options_t)); + options->TestingTorNetwork = 1; + + *get_options_calls = 0; +} + +static const or_options_t * +mock_get_options(void) +{ + ++mock_get_options_calls; + tor_assert(mock_options); + return mock_options; +} + +/* arg can't be 0 (the test fails) or 2 (the test is skipped) */ +#define CREATE_HS_DIR_NONE ((intptr_t)0x04) +#define CREATE_HS_DIR1 ((intptr_t)0x08) +#define CREATE_HS_DIR2 ((intptr_t)0x10) + +/* Test that single onion poisoning works. */ +static void +test_single_onion_poisoning(void *arg) +{ + or_options_t opt; + mock_options = &opt; + reset_options(mock_options, &mock_get_options_calls); + MOCK(get_options, mock_get_options); + + int ret = -1; + intptr_t create_dir_mask = (intptr_t)arg; + /* Get directories with a random suffix so we can repeat the tests */ + mock_options->DataDirectory = tor_strdup(get_fname_rnd("test_data_dir")); + rend_service_t *service_1 = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(rend_service_t)); + char *dir1 = tor_strdup(get_fname_rnd("test_hs_dir1")); + rend_service_t *service_2 = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(rend_service_t)); + char *dir2 = tor_strdup(get_fname_rnd("test_hs_dir2")); + smartlist_t *services = smartlist_new(); + char *poison_path = NULL; + char *err_msg = NULL; + + mock_options->HiddenServiceSingleHopMode = 1; + mock_options->HiddenServiceNonAnonymousMode = 1; + + /* Create the data directory, and, if the correct bit in arg is set, + * create a directory for that service. + * The data directory is required for the lockfile, which is used when + * loading keys. */ + ret = check_private_dir(mock_options->DataDirectory, CPD_CREATE, NULL); + tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0); + if (create_dir_mask & CREATE_HS_DIR1) { + ret = check_private_dir(dir1, CPD_CREATE, NULL); + tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0); + } + if (create_dir_mask & CREATE_HS_DIR2) { + ret = check_private_dir(dir2, CPD_CREATE, NULL); + tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0); + } + + service_1->directory = dir1; + service_2->directory = dir2; + /* The services own the directory pointers now */ + dir1 = dir2 = NULL; + /* Add port to service 1 */ + service_1->ports = smartlist_new(); + service_2->ports = smartlist_new(); + rend_service_port_config_t *port1 = rend_service_parse_port_config("80", " ", + &err_msg); + tt_assert(port1); + tt_ptr_op(err_msg, OP_EQ, NULL); + smartlist_add(service_1->ports, port1); + + rend_service_port_config_t *port2 = rend_service_parse_port_config("90", " ", + &err_msg); + /* Add port to service 2 */ + tt_assert(port2); + tt_ptr_op(err_msg, OP_EQ, NULL); + smartlist_add(service_2->ports, port2); + + /* No services, a service to verify, no problem! */ + mock_options->HiddenServiceSingleHopMode = 0; + mock_options->HiddenServiceNonAnonymousMode = 0; + ret = rend_service_verify_single_onion_poison(service_1, mock_options); + tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0); + ret = rend_service_verify_single_onion_poison(service_2, mock_options); + tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0); + + /* Either way, no problem. */ + mock_options->HiddenServiceSingleHopMode = 1; + mock_options->HiddenServiceNonAnonymousMode = 1; + ret = rend_service_verify_single_onion_poison(service_1, mock_options); + tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0); + ret = rend_service_verify_single_onion_poison(service_2, mock_options); + tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0); + + /* Add the first service */ + ret = hs_check_service_private_dir(mock_options->User, service_1->directory, + service_1->dir_group_readable, 1); + tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0); + smartlist_add(services, service_1); + /* But don't add the second service yet. */ + + /* Service directories, but no previous keys, no problem! */ + mock_options->HiddenServiceSingleHopMode = 0; + mock_options->HiddenServiceNonAnonymousMode = 0; + ret = rend_service_verify_single_onion_poison(service_1, mock_options); + tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0); + ret = rend_service_verify_single_onion_poison(service_2, mock_options); + tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0); + + /* Either way, no problem. */ + mock_options->HiddenServiceSingleHopMode = 1; + mock_options->HiddenServiceNonAnonymousMode = 1; + ret = rend_service_verify_single_onion_poison(service_1, mock_options); + tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0); + ret = rend_service_verify_single_onion_poison(service_2, mock_options); + tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0); + + /* Poison! Poison! Poison! + * This can only be done in HiddenServiceSingleHopMode. */ + mock_options->HiddenServiceSingleHopMode = 1; + mock_options->HiddenServiceNonAnonymousMode = 1; + ret = rend_service_poison_new_single_onion_dir(service_1, mock_options); + tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0); + /* Poisoning twice is a no-op. */ + ret = rend_service_poison_new_single_onion_dir(service_1, mock_options); + tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0); + + /* Poisoned service directories, but no previous keys, no problem! */ + mock_options->HiddenServiceSingleHopMode = 0; + mock_options->HiddenServiceNonAnonymousMode = 0; + ret = rend_service_verify_single_onion_poison(service_1, mock_options); + tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0); + ret = rend_service_verify_single_onion_poison(service_2, mock_options); + tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0); + + /* Either way, no problem. */ + mock_options->HiddenServiceSingleHopMode = 1; + mock_options->HiddenServiceNonAnonymousMode = 1; + ret = rend_service_verify_single_onion_poison(service_1, mock_options); + tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0); + ret = rend_service_verify_single_onion_poison(service_2, mock_options); + tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0); + + /* Now add some keys, and we'll have a problem. */ + ret = rend_service_load_all_keys(services); + tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0); + + /* Poisoned service directories with previous keys are not allowed. */ + mock_options->HiddenServiceSingleHopMode = 0; + mock_options->HiddenServiceNonAnonymousMode = 0; + ret = rend_service_verify_single_onion_poison(service_1, mock_options); + tt_int_op(ret, OP_LT, 0); + ret = rend_service_verify_single_onion_poison(service_2, mock_options); + tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0); + + /* But they are allowed if we're in non-anonymous mode. */ + mock_options->HiddenServiceSingleHopMode = 1; + mock_options->HiddenServiceNonAnonymousMode = 1; + ret = rend_service_verify_single_onion_poison(service_1, mock_options); + tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0); + ret = rend_service_verify_single_onion_poison(service_2, mock_options); + tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0); + + /* Re-poisoning directories with existing keys is a no-op, because + * directories with existing keys are ignored. */ + mock_options->HiddenServiceSingleHopMode = 1; + mock_options->HiddenServiceNonAnonymousMode = 1; + ret = rend_service_poison_new_single_onion_dir(service_1, mock_options); + tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0); + /* And it keeps the poison. */ + ret = rend_service_verify_single_onion_poison(service_1, mock_options); + tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0); + ret = rend_service_verify_single_onion_poison(service_2, mock_options); + tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0); + + /* Now add the second service: it has no key and no poison file */ + ret = hs_check_service_private_dir(mock_options->User, service_2->directory, + service_2->dir_group_readable, 1); + tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0); + smartlist_add(services, service_2); + + /* A new service, and an existing poisoned service. Not ok. */ + mock_options->HiddenServiceSingleHopMode = 0; + mock_options->HiddenServiceNonAnonymousMode = 0; + ret = rend_service_verify_single_onion_poison(service_1, mock_options); + tt_int_op(ret, OP_LT, 0); + ret = rend_service_verify_single_onion_poison(service_2, mock_options); + tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0); + + /* But ok to add in non-anonymous mode. */ + mock_options->HiddenServiceSingleHopMode = 1; + mock_options->HiddenServiceNonAnonymousMode = 1; + ret = rend_service_verify_single_onion_poison(service_1, mock_options); + tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0); + ret = rend_service_verify_single_onion_poison(service_2, mock_options); + tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0); + + /* Now remove the poisoning from the first service, and we have the opposite + * problem. */ + poison_path = rend_service_sos_poison_path(service_1); + tt_assert(poison_path); + ret = unlink(poison_path); + tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0); + + /* Unpoisoned service directories with previous keys are ok, as are empty + * directories. */ + mock_options->HiddenServiceSingleHopMode = 0; + mock_options->HiddenServiceNonAnonymousMode = 0; + ret = rend_service_verify_single_onion_poison(service_1, mock_options); + tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0); + ret = rend_service_verify_single_onion_poison(service_2, mock_options); + tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0); + + /* But the existing unpoisoned key is not ok in non-anonymous mode, even if + * there is an empty service. */ + mock_options->HiddenServiceSingleHopMode = 1; + mock_options->HiddenServiceNonAnonymousMode = 1; + ret = rend_service_verify_single_onion_poison(service_1, mock_options); + tt_int_op(ret, OP_LT, 0); + ret = rend_service_verify_single_onion_poison(service_2, mock_options); + tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0); + + /* Poisoning directories with existing keys is a no-op, because directories + * with existing keys are ignored. But the new directory should poison. */ + mock_options->HiddenServiceSingleHopMode = 1; + mock_options->HiddenServiceNonAnonymousMode = 1; + ret = rend_service_poison_new_single_onion_dir(service_1, mock_options); + tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0); + ret = rend_service_poison_new_single_onion_dir(service_2, mock_options); + tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0); + /* And the old directory remains unpoisoned. */ + ret = rend_service_verify_single_onion_poison(service_1, mock_options); + tt_int_op(ret, OP_LT, 0); + ret = rend_service_verify_single_onion_poison(service_2, mock_options); + tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0); + + /* And the new directory should be ignored, because it has no key. */ + mock_options->HiddenServiceSingleHopMode = 0; + mock_options->HiddenServiceNonAnonymousMode = 0; + ret = rend_service_verify_single_onion_poison(service_1, mock_options); + tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0); + ret = rend_service_verify_single_onion_poison(service_2, mock_options); + tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0); + + /* Re-poisoning directories without existing keys is a no-op. */ + mock_options->HiddenServiceSingleHopMode = 1; + mock_options->HiddenServiceNonAnonymousMode = 1; + ret = rend_service_poison_new_single_onion_dir(service_1, mock_options); + tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0); + ret = rend_service_poison_new_single_onion_dir(service_2, mock_options); + tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0); + /* And the old directory remains unpoisoned. */ + ret = rend_service_verify_single_onion_poison(service_1, mock_options); + tt_int_op(ret, OP_LT, 0); + ret = rend_service_verify_single_onion_poison(service_2, mock_options); + tt_int_op(ret, OP_EQ, 0); + + done: + /* The test harness deletes the directories at exit */ + tor_free(poison_path); + tor_free(dir1); + tor_free(dir2); + smartlist_free(services); + rend_service_free(service_1); + rend_service_free(service_2); + UNMOCK(get_options); + tor_free(mock_options->DataDirectory); + tor_free(err_msg); +} + +static rend_service_t * +helper_create_rend_service(const char *path) +{ + rend_service_t *s = tor_malloc_zero(sizeof(rend_service_t)); + s->ports = smartlist_new(); + s->intro_nodes = smartlist_new(); + s->expiring_nodes = smartlist_new(); + if (path) { + s->directory = tor_strdup(path); + } + return s; +} + +static void +test_prune_services_on_reload(void *arg) +{ + smartlist_t *new = smartlist_new(), *old = smartlist_new(); + /* Non ephemeral service. */ + rend_service_t *s1 = helper_create_rend_service("SomePath"); + /* Create a non ephemeral service with the _same_ path as so we can test the + * transfer of introduction point between the same services on reload. */ + rend_service_t *s2 = helper_create_rend_service(s1->directory); + /* Ephemeral service (directory is NULL). */ + rend_service_t *e1 = helper_create_rend_service(NULL); + rend_service_t *e2 = helper_create_rend_service(NULL); + + (void) arg; + + { + /* Add both services to the old list. */ + smartlist_add(old, s1); + smartlist_add(old, e1); + /* Only put the non ephemeral in the new list. */ + smartlist_add(new, s1); + set_rend_service_list(old); + set_rend_rend_service_staging_list(new); + rend_service_prune_list_impl_(); + /* We expect that the ephemeral one is in the new list but removed from + * the old one. */ + tt_int_op(smartlist_len(old), OP_EQ, 1); + tt_assert(smartlist_get(old, 0) == s1); + tt_int_op(smartlist_len(new), OP_EQ, 2); + tt_assert(smartlist_get(new, 0) == s1); + tt_assert(smartlist_get(new, 1) == e1); + /* Cleanup for next test. */ + smartlist_clear(new); + smartlist_clear(old); + } + + { + /* This test will make sure that only the ephemeral service is kept if the + * new list is empty. The old list should contain only the non ephemeral + * one. */ + smartlist_add(old, s1); + smartlist_add(old, e1); + set_rend_service_list(old); + set_rend_rend_service_staging_list(new); + rend_service_prune_list_impl_(); + tt_int_op(smartlist_len(old), OP_EQ, 1); + tt_assert(smartlist_get(old, 0) == s1); + tt_int_op(smartlist_len(new), OP_EQ, 1); + tt_assert(smartlist_get(new, 0) == e1); + /* Cleanup for next test. */ + smartlist_clear(new); + smartlist_clear(old); + } + + { + /* This test makes sure that the new list stays the same even from the old + * list being completely different. */ + smartlist_add(new, s1); + smartlist_add(new, e1); + set_rend_service_list(old); + set_rend_rend_service_staging_list(new); + rend_service_prune_list_impl_(); + tt_int_op(smartlist_len(old), OP_EQ, 0); + tt_int_op(smartlist_len(new), OP_EQ, 2); + tt_assert(smartlist_get(new, 0) == s1); + tt_assert(smartlist_get(new, 1) == e1); + /* Cleanup for next test. */ + smartlist_clear(new); + } + + { + rend_intro_point_t ip1; + /* This IP should be found in the s2 service after pruning. */ + smartlist_add(s1->intro_nodes, &ip1); + /* Setup our list. */ + smartlist_add(old, s1); + smartlist_add(new, s2); + set_rend_service_list(old); + set_rend_rend_service_staging_list(new); + rend_service_prune_list_impl_(); + tt_int_op(smartlist_len(old), OP_EQ, 1); + /* Intro nodes have been moved to the s2 in theory so it must be empty. */ + tt_int_op(smartlist_len(s1->intro_nodes), OP_EQ, 0); + tt_int_op(smartlist_len(new), OP_EQ, 1); + rend_service_t *elem = smartlist_get(new, 0); + tt_assert(elem); + tt_assert(elem == s2); + tt_int_op(smartlist_len(elem->intro_nodes), OP_EQ, 1); + tt_assert(smartlist_get(elem->intro_nodes, 0) == &ip1); + smartlist_clear(s1->intro_nodes); + smartlist_clear(s2->intro_nodes); + /* Cleanup for next test. */ + smartlist_clear(new); + smartlist_clear(old); + } + + { + /* Test two ephemeral services. */ + smartlist_add(old, e1); + smartlist_add(old, e2); + set_rend_service_list(old); + set_rend_rend_service_staging_list(new); + rend_service_prune_list_impl_(); + /* Check if they've all been transfered. */ + tt_int_op(smartlist_len(old), OP_EQ, 0); + tt_int_op(smartlist_len(new), OP_EQ, 2); + } + + done: + rend_service_free(s1); + rend_service_free(s2); + rend_service_free(e1); + rend_service_free(e2); + smartlist_free(new); + smartlist_free(old); +} + struct testcase_t hs_tests[] = { { "hs_rend_data", test_hs_rend_data, TT_FORK, NULL, NULL }, + { "hs_parse_static_v2_desc", test_hs_parse_static_v2_desc, TT_FORK, + NULL, NULL }, { "hs_desc_event", test_hs_desc_event, TT_FORK, NULL, NULL }, { "pick_tor2web_rendezvous_node", test_pick_tor2web_rendezvous_node, TT_FORK, @@ -445,6 +1035,19 @@ struct testcase_t hs_tests[] = { { "pick_bad_tor2web_rendezvous_node", test_pick_bad_tor2web_rendezvous_node, TT_FORK, NULL, NULL }, + { "hs_auth_cookies", test_hs_auth_cookies, TT_FORK, + NULL, NULL }, + { "single_onion_poisoning_create_dir_none", test_single_onion_poisoning, + TT_FORK, &passthrough_setup, (void*)(CREATE_HS_DIR_NONE) }, + { "single_onion_poisoning_create_dir1", test_single_onion_poisoning, + TT_FORK, &passthrough_setup, (void*)(CREATE_HS_DIR1) }, + { "single_onion_poisoning_create_dir2", test_single_onion_poisoning, + TT_FORK, &passthrough_setup, (void*)(CREATE_HS_DIR2) }, + { "single_onion_poisoning_create_dir_both", test_single_onion_poisoning, + TT_FORK, &passthrough_setup, (void*)(CREATE_HS_DIR1 | CREATE_HS_DIR2) }, + { "prune_services_on_reload", test_prune_services_on_reload, TT_FORK, + NULL, NULL }, + END_OF_TESTCASES }; |