path: root/scripts/maint
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/maint')
7 files changed, 781 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/maint/checkLogs.pl b/scripts/maint/checkLogs.pl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..b00503e9ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/maint/checkLogs.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+my %count = ();
+my $more = 0;
+my $last = "";
+while (<>) {
+ if ($more) {
+ if (/LD_BUG/) {
+ $more = 0;
+ next;
+ }
+ if (/\"((?:[^\"\\]+|\\.*)+)\"(.*)/) {
+ $last .= $1;
+ if ($2 !~ /[,\)]/) {
+ $more = 1;
+ } else {
+ $count{lc $last}++;
+ $more = 0;
+ }
+ } elsif (/[,\)]/) {
+ $count{lc $last}++;
+ $more = 0;
+ } elsif ($more == 2) {
+ print "SKIPPED more\n";
+ }
+ } elsif (/log_(?:warn|err|notice)\(\s*(LD_[A-Z_]*)\s*,\s*\"((?:[^\"\\]+|\\.)*)\"(.*)/) {
+ next if ($1 eq 'LD_BUG');
+ my $s = $2;
+ if ($3 =~ /[,\)]/ ) {
+ $count{lc $s}++;
+ } else {
+ $more = 1;
+ $last = $s;
+ }
+ } elsif (/log_(?:warn|err|notice)\(\s*((?:LD_[A-Z_]*)?)(.*)/) {
+ next if ($1 eq 'LD_BUG');
+ my $extra = $2;
+ chomp $extra;
+ $last = "";
+ $more = 2 if ($extra eq '');
+ }
+while ((my $phrase, my $count) = each %count) {
+ if ($count > 1) {
+ print "$count\t$phrase\n";
+ }
diff --git a/scripts/maint/checkOptionDocs.pl b/scripts/maint/checkOptionDocs.pl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..23e57b4897
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/maint/checkOptionDocs.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+my %options = ();
+my %descOptions = ();
+my %torrcSampleOptions = ();
+my %manPageOptions = ();
+# Load the canonical list as actually accepted by Tor.
+open(F, "./src/or/tor --list-torrc-options |") or die;
+while (<F>) {
+ next if m!\[notice\] Tor v0\.!;
+ if (m!^([A-Za-z0-9_]+)!) {
+ $options{$1} = 1;
+ } else {
+ print "Unrecognized output> ";
+ print;
+ }
+close F;
+# Load the contents of torrc.sample
+sub loadTorrc {
+ my ($fname, $options) = @_;
+ local *F;
+ open(F, "$fname") or die;
+ while (<F>) {
+ next if (m!##+!);
+ if (m!#([A-Za-z0-9_]+)!) {
+ $options->{$1} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ close F;
+ 0;
+loadTorrc("./src/config/torrc.sample.in", \%torrcSampleOptions);
+# Try to figure out what's in the man page.
+my $considerNextLine = 0;
+open(F, "./doc/tor.1.txt") or die;
+while (<F>) {
+ if (m!^\*\*([A-Za-z0-9_]+)\*\*!) {
+ $manPageOptions{$1} = 1;
+ }
+close F;
+# Now, display differences:
+sub subtractHashes {
+ my ($s, $a, $b) = @_;
+ my @lst = ();
+ for my $k (keys %$a) {
+ push @lst, $k unless (exists $b->{$k});
+ }
+ print "$s: ", join(' ', sort @lst), "\n\n";
+ 0;
+# subtractHashes("No online docs", \%options, \%descOptions);
+# subtractHashes("Orphaned online docs", \%descOptions, \%options);
+subtractHashes("Orphaned in torrc.sample.in", \%torrcSampleOptions, \%options);
+subtractHashes("Not in man page", \%options, \%manPageOptions);
+subtractHashes("Orphaned in man page", \%manPageOptions, \%options);
diff --git a/scripts/maint/checkSpace.pl b/scripts/maint/checkSpace.pl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..682dbced00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/maint/checkSpace.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+if ($ARGV[0] =~ /^-/) {
+ $lang = shift @ARGV;
+ $C = ($lang eq '-C');
+# $TXT = ($lang eq '-txt');
+for $fn (@ARGV) {
+ open(F, "$fn");
+ $lastnil = 0;
+ $lastline = "";
+ $incomment = 0;
+ while (<F>) {
+ ## Warn about windows-style newlines.
+ if (/\r/) {
+ print " CR:$fn:$.\n";
+ }
+ ## Warn about tabs.
+ if (/\t/) {
+ print " TAB:$fn:$.\n";
+ }
+ ## Warn about markers that don't have a space in front of them
+ if (/^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*:/) {
+ print "nosplabel:$fn:$.\n";
+ }
+ ## Warn about trailing whitespace.
+ if (/ +$/) {
+ print "Space\@EOL:$fn:$.\n";
+ }
+ ## Warn about control keywords without following space.
+ if ($C && /\s(?:if|while|for|switch)\(/) {
+ print " KW(:$fn:$.\n";
+ }
+ ## Warn about #else #if instead of #elif.
+ if (($lastline =~ /^\# *else/) and ($_ =~ /^\# *if/)) {
+ print " #else#if:$fn:$.\n";
+ }
+ ## Warn about some K&R violations
+ if (/^\s+\{/ and $lastline =~ /^\s*(if|while|for|else if)/ and
+ $lastline !~ /\{$/) {
+ print "non-K&R {:$fn:$.\n";
+ }
+ if (/^\s*else/ and $lastline =~ /\}$/) {
+ print " }\\nelse:$fn:$.\n";
+ }
+ $lastline = $_;
+ ## Warn about unnecessary empty lines.
+ if ($lastnil && /^\s*}\n/) {
+ print " UnnecNL:$fn:$.\n";
+ }
+ ## Warn about multiple empty lines.
+ if ($lastnil && /^$/) {
+ print " DoubleNL:$fn:$.\n";
+ } elsif (/^$/) {
+ $lastnil = 1;
+ } else {
+ $lastnil = 0;
+ }
+ ## Terminals are still 80 columns wide in my world. I refuse to
+ ## accept double-line lines.
+ if (/^.{80}/) {
+ print " Wide:$fn:$.\n";
+ }
+ ### Juju to skip over comments and strings, since the tests
+ ### we're about to do are okay there.
+ if ($C) {
+ if ($incomment) {
+ if (m!\*/!) {
+ s!.*?\*/!!;
+ $incomment = 0;
+ } else {
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ if (m!/\*.*?\*/!) {
+ s!\s*/\*.*?\*/!!;
+ } elsif (m!/\*!) {
+ s!\s*/\*!!;
+ $incomment = 1;
+ next;
+ }
+ s!"(?:[^\"]+|\\.)*"!"X"!g;
+ next if /^\#/;
+ ## Warn about C++-style comments.
+ if (m!//!) {
+ # print " //:$fn:$.\n";
+ s!//.*!!;
+ }
+ ## Warn about unquoted braces preceded by non-space.
+ if (/([^\s'])\{/) {
+ print " $1\{:$fn:$.\n";
+ }
+ ## Warn about multiple internal spaces.
+ #if (/[^\s,:]\s{2,}[^\s\\=]/) {
+ # print " X X:$fn:$.\n";
+ #}
+ ## Warn about { with stuff after.
+ #s/\s+$//;
+ #if (/\{[^\}\\]+$/) {
+ # print " {X:$fn:$.\n";
+ #}
+ ## Warn about function calls with space before parens.
+ if (/(\w+)\s\(([A-Z]*)/) {
+ if ($1 ne "if" and $1 ne "while" and $1 ne "for" and
+ $1 ne "switch" and $1 ne "return" and $1 ne "int" and
+ $1 ne "elsif" and $1 ne "WINAPI" and $2 ne "WINAPI" and
+ $1 ne "void" and $1 ne "__attribute__" and $1 ne "op") {
+ print " fn ():$fn:$.\n";
+ }
+ }
+ ## Warn about functions not declared at start of line.
+ if ($in_func_head ||
+ ($fn !~ /\.h$/ && /^[a-zA-Z0-9_]/ &&
+ ! /^(?:const |static )*(?:typedef|struct|union)[^\(]*$/ &&
+ ! /= *\{$/ && ! /;$/)) {
+ if (/.\{$/){
+ print "fn() {:$fn:$.\n";
+ $in_func_head = 0;
+ } elsif (/^\S[^\(]* +\**[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\(/) {
+ $in_func_head = -1; # started with tp fn
+ } elsif (/;$/) {
+ $in_func_head = 0;
+ } elsif (/\{/) {
+ if ($in_func_head == -1) {
+ print "tp fn():$fn:$.\n";
+ }
+ $in_func_head = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (! $lastnil) {
+ print " EOL\@EOF:$fn:$.\n";
+ }
+ close(F);
diff --git a/scripts/maint/findMergedChanges.pl b/scripts/maint/findMergedChanges.pl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..d6c4105b74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/maint/findMergedChanges.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+sub nChanges {
+ my ($branches, $fname) = @_;
+ local *F;
+ # requires perl 5.8. Avoids shell issues if we ever get a changes
+ # file named by the parents of Little Johnny Tables.
+ open F, "-|", "git", "log", "--no-merges", "--pretty=format:%H", $branches, "--", $fname
+ or die "$!";
+ my @changes = <F>;
+ return scalar @changes
+my $look_for_type = "merged";
+if (! @ARGV) {
+ print <<EOF
+ findMergedChanges.pl [--merged/--unmerged/--weird/--list] [--branch=<branchname] [--head=<branchname>] changes/*
+A change is "merged" if it has ever been merged to release-0.2.4 and it has had
+no subsequent changes in master.
+A change is "unmerged" if it has never been merged to release-0.2.4 and it
+has had changes in master.
+A change is "weird" if it has been merged to release-0.2.4 and it *has* had
+subsequent changes in master.
+Suggested application:
+ findMergedChanges.pl --merged changes/* | xargs -n 1 git rm
+my $target_branch = "origin/release-0.2.4";
+my $head = "origin/master";
+while (@ARGV and $ARGV[0] =~ /^--/) {
+ my $flag = shift @ARGV;
+ if ($flag =~ /^--(weird|merged|unmerged|list)/) {
+ $look_for_type = $1;
+ } elsif ($flag =~ /^--branch=(\S+)/) {
+ $target_branch = $1;
+ } elsif ($flag =~ /^--head=(\S+)/) {
+ $head = $1;
+ } else {
+ die "Unrecognized flag $flag";
+ }
+for my $changefile (@ARGV) {
+ my $n_merged = nChanges($target_branch, $changefile);
+ my $n_postmerged = nChanges("${target_branch}..${head}", $changefile);
+ my $type;
+ if ($n_merged != 0 and $n_postmerged == 0) {
+ $type = "merged";
+ } elsif ($n_merged == 0 and $n_postmerged != 0) {
+ $type = "unmerged";
+ } else {
+ $type = "weird";
+ }
+ if ($type eq $look_for_type) {
+ print "$changefile\n";
+ } elsif ($look_for_type eq 'list') {
+ printf "% 8s: %s\n", $type, $changefile;
+ }
diff --git a/scripts/maint/format_changelog.py b/scripts/maint/format_changelog.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..6997d958a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/maint/format_changelog.py
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2014, The Tor Project, Inc.
+# See LICENSE for licensing information
+# This script reformats a section of the changelog to wrap everything to
+# the right width and put blank lines in the right places. Eventually,
+# it might include a linter.
+# To run it, pipe a section of the changelog (starting with "Changes
+# in Tor 0.x.y.z-alpha" through the script.)
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+import textwrap
+TP_END = 6
+def head_parser(line):
+ if re.match(r'^[A-Z]', line):
+ return TP_MAINHEAD
+ elif re.match(r'^ o ', line):
+ return TP_SECHEAD
+ elif re.match(r'^\s*$', line):
+ return TP_BLANK
+ else:
+ return TP_HEADTEXT
+def body_parser(line):
+ if re.match(r'^ o ', line):
+ return TP_SECHEAD
+ elif re.match(r'^ -',line):
+ elif re.match(r'^ \S', line):
+ return TP_ITEMBODY
+ elif re.match(r'^\s*$', line):
+ return TP_BLANK
+ elif re.match(r'^Changes in', line):
+ return TP_END
+ else:
+ print "Weird line %r"%line
+class ChangeLog(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.mainhead = None
+ self.headtext = []
+ self.curgraf = None
+ self.sections = []
+ self.cursection = None
+ self.lineno = 0
+ def addLine(self, tp, line):
+ self.lineno += 1
+ if tp == TP_MAINHEAD:
+ assert not self.mainhead
+ self.mainhead = line
+ elif tp == TP_HEADTEXT:
+ if self.curgraf is None:
+ self.curgraf = []
+ self.headtext.append(self.curgraf)
+ self.curgraf.append(line)
+ elif tp == TP_BLANK:
+ self.curgraf = None
+ elif tp == TP_SECHEAD:
+ self.cursection = [ self.lineno, line, [] ]
+ self.sections.append(self.cursection)
+ elif tp == TP_ITEMFIRST:
+ item = ( self.lineno, [ [line] ])
+ self.curgraf = item[1][0]
+ self.cursection[2].append(item)
+ elif tp == TP_ITEMBODY:
+ if self.curgraf is None:
+ self.curgraf = []
+ self.cursection[2][1][-1].append(self.curgraf)
+ self.curgraf.append(line)
+ else:
+ assert "This" is "unreachable"
+ def lint_head(self, line, head):
+ m = re.match(r'^ *o ([^\(]+)((?:\([^\)]+\))?):', head)
+ if not m:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "Weird header format on line %s"%line
+ def lint_item(self, line, grafs, head_type):
+ pass
+ def lint(self):
+ self.head_lines = {}
+ for sec_line, sec_head, items in self.sections:
+ head_type = self.lint_head(sec_line, sec_head)
+ for item_line, grafs in items:
+ self.lint_item(item_line, grafs, head_type)
+ def dumpGraf(self,par,indent1,indent2=-1):
+ if indent2 == -1:
+ indent2 = indent1
+ text = " ".join(re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', line.strip()) for line in par)
+ print textwrap.fill(text, width=72,
+ initial_indent=" "*indent1,
+ subsequent_indent=" "*indent2,
+ break_on_hyphens=False)
+ def dump(self):
+ print self.mainhead
+ for par in self.headtext:
+ self.dumpGraf(par, 2)
+ print
+ for _,head,items in self.sections:
+ if not head.endswith(':'):
+ print >>sys.stderr, "adding : to %r"%head
+ head = head + ":"
+ print head
+ for _,grafs in items:
+ self.dumpGraf(grafs[0],4,6)
+ for par in grafs[1:]:
+ print
+ self.dumpGraf(par,6,6)
+ print
+ print
+CL = ChangeLog()
+parser = head_parser
+sys.stdin = open('ChangeLog', 'r')
+for line in sys.stdin:
+ line = line.rstrip()
+ tp = parser(line)
+ if tp == TP_SECHEAD:
+ parser = body_parser
+ elif tp == TP_END:
+ nextline = line
+ break
+ CL.addLine(tp,line)
+sys.stdout = open('ChangeLog.new', 'w')
+print nextline
+for line in sys.stdin:
+ sys.stdout.write(line)
+os.rename('ChangeLog.new', 'ChangeLog')
diff --git a/scripts/maint/redox.py b/scripts/maint/redox.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..550f846864
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/maint/redox.py
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2008-2013, The Tor Project, Inc.
+# See LICENSE for licensing information.
+# Hi!
+# I'm redox.py, the Tor redocumentation tool!
+# I am a horrible hack!
+# I read the output of doxygen from stderr, and add missing DOCDOC comments
+# to tell you where documentation should go!
+# To use me, edit the stuff below...
+# ...and run 'make doxygen 2>doxygen.stderr' ...
+# ...and run ./contrib/redox.py < doxygen.stderr !
+# I'll make a bunch of new files by adding missing DOCDOC comments to your
+# source. Those files will have names like ./src/common/util.c.newdoc.
+# You will want to look over the changes by hand before checking them in.
+# So, here's your workflow:
+# 0. Make sure you're running a bourne shell for the redirects below.
+# 1. make doxygen 1>doxygen.stdout 2>doxygen.stderr.
+# 2. grep Warning doxygen.stderr | grep -v 'is not documented' | less
+# [This will tell you about all the bogus doxygen output you have]
+# 3. python ./contrib/redox.py <doxygen.stderr
+# [This will make lots of .newdoc files with DOCDOC comments for
+# whatever was missing documentation.]
+# 4. Look over those .newdoc files, and see which docdoc comments you
+# want to merge into the main file. If it's all good, just run
+# "mv fname.c.newdoc fname.c". Otherwise, you'll need to merge
+# the parts you like by hand.
+# Which files should we ignore warning from? Mostly, these are external
+# files that we've snarfed in from somebody else, whose C we do no intend
+# to document for them.
+SKIP_FILES = [ "OpenBSD_malloc_Linux.c",
+ "eventdns.c",
+ "eventdns.h",
+ "strlcat.c",
+ "strlcpy.c",
+ "sha256.c",
+ "sha256.h",
+ "aes.c",
+ "aes.h" ]
+# What names of things never need javadoc
+SKIP_NAME_PATTERNS = [ r'^.*_c_id$',
+ r'^.*_H_ID$' ]
+# Which types of things should get DOCDOC comments added if they are
+# missing documentation? Recognized types are in KINDS below.
+ADD_DOCDOCS_TO_TYPES = [ 'function', 'type', 'typedef' ]
+ADD_DOCDOCS_TO_TYPES += [ 'variable', ]
+# ====================
+# The rest of this should not need hacking.
+import re
+import sys
+KINDS = [ "type", "field", "typedef", "define", "function", "variable",
+ "enumeration" ]
+NODOC_LINE_RE = re.compile(r'^([^:]+):(\d+): (\w+): (.*) is not documented\.$')
+THING_RE = re.compile(r'^Member ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+).*\((typedef|define|function|variable|enumeration|macro definition)\) of (file|class) ')
+SKIP_NAMES = [re.compile(s) for s in SKIP_NAME_PATTERNS]
+def parsething(thing):
+ """I figure out what 'foobar baz in quux quum is not documented' means,
+ and return: the name of the foobar, and the kind of the foobar.
+ """
+ if thing.startswith("Compound "):
+ tp, name = "type", thing.split()[1]
+ else:
+ m = THING_RE.match(thing)
+ if not m:
+ print thing, "???? Format didn't match."
+ return None, None
+ else:
+ name, tp, parent = m.groups()
+ if parent == 'class':
+ if tp == 'variable' or tp == 'function':
+ tp = 'field'
+ return name, tp
+def read():
+ """I snarf doxygen stderr from stdin, and parse all the "foo has no
+ documentation messages. I return a map from filename to lists
+ of tuples of (alleged line number, name of thing, kind of thing)
+ """
+ errs = {}
+ for line in sys.stdin:
+ m = NODOC_LINE_RE.match(line)
+ if m:
+ file, line, tp, thing = m.groups()
+ assert tp.lower() == 'warning'
+ name, kind = parsething(thing)
+ errs.setdefault(file, []).append((int(line), name, kind))
+ return errs
+def findline(lines, lineno, ident):
+ """Given a list of all the lines in the file (adjusted so 1-indexing works),
+ a line number that ident is alledgedly on, and ident, I figure out
+ the line where ident was really declared."""
+ lno = lineno
+ for lineno in xrange(lineno, 0, -1):
+ try:
+ if ident in lines[lineno]:
+ return lineno
+ except IndexError:
+ continue
+ return None
+FUNC_PAT = re.compile(r"^[A-Za-z0-9_]+\(")
+def hascomment(lines, lineno, kind):
+ """I return true if it looks like there's already a good comment about
+ the thing on lineno of lines of type kind. """
+ if "*/" in lines[lineno-1]:
+ return True
+ if kind == 'function' and FUNC_PAT.match(lines[lineno]):
+ if "*/" in lines[lineno-2]:
+ return True
+ return False
+def hasdocdoc(lines, lineno, kind):
+ """I return true if it looks like there's already a docdoc comment about
+ the thing on lineno of lines of type kind."""
+ try:
+ if "DOCDOC" in lines[lineno]:
+ return True
+ except IndexError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ if "DOCDOC" in lines[lineno-1]:
+ return True
+ except IndexError:
+ pass
+ if kind == 'function' and FUNC_PAT.match(lines[lineno]):
+ if "DOCDOC" in lines[lineno-2]:
+ return True
+ return False
+def checkf(fn, errs):
+ """I go through the output of read() for a single file, and build a list
+ of tuples of things that want DOCDOC comments. Each tuple has:
+ the line number where the comment goes; the kind of thing; its name.
+ """
+ for skip in SKIP_FILES:
+ if fn.endswith(skip):
+ print "Skipping",fn
+ return
+ comments = []
+ lines = [ None ]
+ try:
+ lines.extend( open(fn, 'r').readlines() )
+ except IOError:
+ return
+ for line, name, kind in errs:
+ if any(pat.match(name) for pat in SKIP_NAMES):
+ continue
+ if kind not in ADD_DOCDOCS_TO_TYPES:
+ continue
+ ln = findline(lines, line, name)
+ if ln == None:
+ print "Couldn't find the definition of %s allegedly on %s of %s"%(
+ name, line, fn)
+ else:
+ if hasdocdoc(lines, line, kind):
+# print "Has a DOCDOC"
+# print fn, line, name, kind
+# print "\t",lines[line-2],
+# print "\t",lines[line-1],
+# print "\t",lines[line],
+# print "-------"
+ pass
+ else:
+ if kind == 'function' and FUNC_PAT.match(lines[ln]):
+ ln = ln - 1
+ comments.append((ln, kind, name))
+ return comments
+def applyComments(fn, entries):
+ """I apply lots of comments to the file in fn, making a new .newdoc file.
+ """
+ N = 0
+ lines = [ None ]
+ try:
+ lines.extend( open(fn, 'r').readlines() )
+ except IOError:
+ return
+ # Process the comments in reverse order by line number, so that
+ # the line numbers for the ones we haven't added yet remain valid
+ # until we add them. Standard trick.
+ entries.sort()
+ entries.reverse()
+ for ln, kind, name in entries:
+ lines.insert(ln, "/* DOCDOC %s */\n"%name)
+ N += 1
+ outf = open(fn+".newdoc", 'w')
+ for line in lines[1:]:
+ outf.write(line)
+ outf.close()
+ print "Added %s DOCDOCs to %s" %(N, fn)
+e = read()
+for fn, errs in e.iteritems():
+ print `(fn, errs)`
+ comments = checkf(fn, errs)
+ if comments:
+ applyComments(fn, comments)
diff --git a/scripts/maint/updateVersions.pl b/scripts/maint/updateVersions.pl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..9dae1ff952
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/maint/updateVersions.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+$CONFIGURE_IN = './configure.ac';
+$ORCONFIG_H = './src/win32/orconfig.h';
+$TOR_NSI = './contrib/tor-mingw.nsi.in';
+$quiet = 1;
+sub demand {
+ my $fn = shift;
+ die "Missing file $fn" unless (-f $fn);
+# extract version from configure.ac
+open(F, $CONFIGURE_IN) or die "$!";
+$version = undef;
+while (<F>) {
+ if (/AC_INIT\(\[tor\],\s*\[([^\]]*)\]\)/) {
+ $version = $1;
+ last;
+ }
+die "No version found" unless $version;
+print "Tor version is $version\n" unless $quiet;
+close F;
+sub correctversion {
+ my ($fn, $defchar) = @_;
+ undef $/;
+ open(F, $fn) or die "$!";
+ my $s = <F>;
+ close F;
+ if ($s =~ /^$defchar(?:)define\s+VERSION\s+\"([^\"]+)\"/m) {
+ $oldver = $1;
+ if ($oldver ne $version) {
+ print "Version mismatch in $fn: It thinks that the version is $oldver. I think it's $version. Fixing.\n";
+ $line = $defchar . "define VERSION \"$version\"";
+ open(F, ">$fn.bak");
+ print F $s;
+ close F;
+ $s =~ s/^$defchar(?:)define\s+VERSION.*?$/$line/m;
+ open(F, ">$fn");
+ print F $s;
+ close F;
+ } else {
+ print "$fn has the correct version. Good.\n" unless $quiet;
+ }
+ } else {
+ print "Didn't find a version line in $fn -- uh oh.\n";
+ }
+correctversion($TOR_NSI, "!");
+correctversion($ORCONFIG_H, "#");