path: root/scripts/maint/practracker/problem.py
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1 files changed, 266 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/maint/practracker/problem.py b/scripts/maint/practracker/problem.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a3255dcc80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/maint/practracker/problem.py
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+In this file we define a ProblemVault class where we store all the
+exceptions and all the problems we find with the code.
+The ProblemVault is capable of registering problems and also figuring out if a
+problem is worse than a registered exception so that it only warns when things
+get worse.
+# Future imports for Python 2.7, mandatory in 3.0
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import os.path
+import re
+import sys
+class ProblemVault(object):
+ """
+ Singleton where we store the various new problems we
+ found in the code, and also the old problems we read from the exception
+ file.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, exception_fname=None):
+ # Exception dictionary: { problem.key() : Problem object }
+ self.exceptions = {}
+ # Exception list: list of Problem objects, in the order added.
+ self.exception_list = []
+ # Exception dictionary: maps key to the problem it was used to
+ # suppress.
+ self.used_exception_for = {}
+ if exception_fname == None:
+ return
+ try:
+ with open(exception_fname, 'r') as exception_f:
+ self.register_exceptions(exception_f)
+ except IOError:
+ print("No exception file provided", file=sys.stderr)
+ def register_exceptions(self, exception_file):
+ # Register exceptions
+ for lineno, line in enumerate(exception_file, 1):
+ try:
+ problem = get_old_problem_from_exception_str(line)
+ except ValueError as v:
+ print("Exception file line {} not recognized: {}"
+ .format(lineno,v),
+ file=sys.stderr)
+ continue
+ if problem is None:
+ continue
+ # Fail if we see dup exceptions. There is really no reason to have dup exceptions.
+ if problem.key() in self.exceptions:
+ print("Duplicate exceptions lines found in exception file:\n\t{}\n\t{}\nAborting...".format(problem, self.exceptions[problem.key()]),
+ file=sys.stderr)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ self.exceptions[problem.key()] = problem
+ self.exception_list.append(problem)
+ #print "Registering exception: %s" % problem
+ def register_problem(self, problem):
+ """
+ Register this problem to the problem value. Return true if it was a new
+ problem or it worsens an already existing problem. A true
+ value may be STATUS_ERR to indicate a hard violation, or STATUS_WARN
+ to indicate a warning.
+ """
+ # This is a new problem, print it
+ if problem.key() not in self.exceptions:
+ return STATUS_ERR
+ # If it's an old problem, we don't warn if the situation got better
+ # (e.g. we went from 4k LoC to 3k LoC), but we do warn if the
+ # situation worsened (e.g. we went from 60 includes to 80).
+ status = problem.is_worse_than(self.exceptions[problem.key()])
+ # Remember that we used this exception, so that we can later
+ # determine whether the exception was overbroad.
+ self.used_exception_for[problem.key()] = problem
+ return status
+ def list_overbroad_exceptions(self):
+ """Return an iterator of tuples containing (ex,prob) where ex is an
+ exceptions in this vault that are stricter than it needs to be, and
+ prob is the worst problem (if any) that it covered.
+ """
+ for k in self.exceptions:
+ e = self.exceptions[k]
+ p = self.used_exception_for.get(k)
+ if p is None or e.is_worse_than(p):
+ yield (e, p)
+ def list_exceptions_without_overbroad(self):
+ """Return an iterator of new problems, such that overbroad
+ exceptions are replaced with minimally broad versions, or removed.
+ """
+ for e in self.exception_list:
+ p = self.used_exception_for.get(e.key())
+ if p is None:
+ # This exception wasn't needed at all.
+ continue
+ if e.is_worse_than(p):
+ # The exception is worse than the problem we found.
+ # Yield the problem as the new exception value.
+ yield p
+ else:
+ # The problem is as bad as the exception, or worse.
+ # Yield the exception.
+ yield e
+ def set_tolerances(self, fns):
+ """Adjust the tolerances for the exceptions in this vault. Takes
+ a map of problem type to a function that adjusts the permitted
+ function to its new maximum value."""
+ for k in self.exceptions:
+ ex = self.exceptions[k]
+ fn = fns.get(ex.problem_type)
+ if fn is not None:
+ ex.metric_value = fn(ex.metric_value)
+class ProblemFilter(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.thresholds = dict()
+ def addThreshold(self, item):
+ self.thresholds[(item.get_type(),item.get_file_type())] = item
+ def matches(self, item):
+ key = (item.get_type(), item.get_file_type())
+ filt = self.thresholds.get(key, None)
+ if filt is None:
+ return False
+ return item.is_worse_than(filt)
+ def filter(self, sequence):
+ for item in iter(sequence):
+ if self.matches(item):
+ yield item
+class Item(object):
+ """
+ A generic measurement about some aspect of our source code. See
+ the subclasses below for the specific problems we are trying to tackle.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, problem_type, problem_location, metric_value):
+ self.problem_location = problem_location
+ self.metric_value = int(metric_value)
+ self.warning_threshold = self.metric_value
+ self.problem_type = problem_type
+ def is_worse_than(self, other_problem):
+ """Return STATUS_ERR if this is a worse problem than other_problem.
+ Return STATUS_WARN if it is a little worse, but falls within the
+ warning threshold. Return STATUS_OK if this problem is not
+ at all worse than other_problem.
+ """
+ if self.metric_value > other_problem.metric_value:
+ return STATUS_ERR
+ elif self.metric_value > other_problem.warning_threshold:
+ return STATUS_WARN
+ else:
+ return STATUS_OK
+ def key(self):
+ """Generate a unique key that describes this problem that can be used as a dictionary key"""
+ # Item location is a filesystem path, so we need to normalize this
+ # across platforms otherwise same paths are not gonna match.
+ canonical_location = os.path.normcase(self.problem_location)
+ return "%s:%s" % (canonical_location, self.problem_type)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "problem %s %s %s" % (self.problem_type, self.problem_location, self.metric_value)
+ def get_type(self):
+ return self.problem_type
+ def get_file_type(self):
+ if self.problem_location.endswith(".h"):
+ return "*.h"
+ else:
+ return "*.c"
+class FileSizeItem(Item):
+ """
+ Denotes a problem with the size of a .c file.
+ The 'problem_location' is the filesystem path of the .c file, and the
+ 'metric_value' is the number of lines in the .c file.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, problem_location, metric_value):
+ super(FileSizeItem, self).__init__("file-size", problem_location, metric_value)
+class IncludeCountItem(Item):
+ """
+ Denotes a problem with the number of #includes in a .c file.
+ The 'problem_location' is the filesystem path of the .c file, and the
+ 'metric_value' is the number of #includes in the .c file.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, problem_location, metric_value):
+ super(IncludeCountItem, self).__init__("include-count", problem_location, metric_value)
+class FunctionSizeItem(Item):
+ """
+ Denotes a problem with a size of a function in a .c file.
+ The 'problem_location' is "<path>:<function>()" where <path> is the
+ filesystem path of the .c file and <function> is the name of the offending
+ function.
+ The 'metric_value' is the size of the offending function in lines.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, problem_location, metric_value):
+ super(FunctionSizeItem, self).__init__("function-size", problem_location, metric_value)
+class DependencyViolationItem(Item):
+ """
+ Denotes a dependency violation in a .c or .h file. A dependency violation
+ occurs when a file includes a file from some module that is not listed
+ in its .may_include file.
+ The 'problem_location' is the file that contains the problem.
+ The 'metric_value' is the number of forbidden includes.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, problem_location, metric_value):
+ super(DependencyViolationItem, self).__init__("dependency-violation",
+ problem_location,
+ metric_value)
+comment_re = re.compile(r'#.*$')
+def get_old_problem_from_exception_str(exception_str):
+ orig_str = exception_str
+ exception_str = comment_re.sub("", exception_str)
+ fields = exception_str.split()
+ if len(fields) == 0:
+ # empty line or comment
+ return None
+ elif len(fields) == 4:
+ # valid line
+ _, problem_type, problem_location, metric_value = fields
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Misformatted line {!r}".format(orig_str))
+ if problem_type == "file-size":
+ return FileSizeItem(problem_location, metric_value)
+ elif problem_type == "include-count":
+ return IncludeCountItem(problem_location, metric_value)
+ elif problem_type == "function-size":
+ return FunctionSizeItem(problem_location, metric_value)
+ elif problem_type == "dependency-violation":
+ return DependencyViolationItem(problem_location, metric_value)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Unknown exception type {!r}".format(orig_str))