diff options
authorNick Mathewson <>2004-03-04 04:01:28 +0000
committerNick Mathewson <>2004-03-04 04:01:28 +0000
commite2e6909cfd3cc67b03a67d918aa1c6b847094b04 (patch)
parent89d9d80e7684d4e4fa813866be46f815c857c799 (diff)
Make decriptor format more flexible and extensible
1 files changed, 67 insertions, 39 deletions
diff --git a/doc/tor-spec.txt b/doc/tor-spec.txt
index b1fe5f3e48..d296215c8a 100644
--- a/doc/tor-spec.txt
+++ b/doc/tor-spec.txt
@@ -511,63 +511,91 @@ TODO: (very soon)
7. Directories and routers
-7.1. Router descriptor format.
+7.1. Extensible information format
+Router descriptors and directories both obey the following lightweight
+extensible information format.
+The highest level object is a Document, which consists of one or more Items.
+Every Item begins with a KeywordLine, followed by one or more Objects. A
+KeywordLine begins with a Keyword, optionally followed by a space and more
+non-newline characters, and ends with a newline. A Keyword is a sequence of
+one or more characters in the set [A-Za-z0-9-]. An Object is a block of
+PGP-encrypted data in Open-PGP-style armor.
+More formally:
+ Document ::= (Item | NL)+
+ Item ::= KeywordLine Object*
+ KeywordLine ::= Keyword NL | Keyword SP ArgumentsChar+ NL
+ Keyword = KeywordChar+
+ KeywordChar ::= 'A' ... 'Z' | 'a' ... 'z' | '0' ... '9' | '-'
+ ArgumentChar ::= any printing ASCII character except NL.
+ Object ::= BeginLine Base-64-encoded-data EndLine
+ BeginLine ::= "-----BEGIN " Keyword "-----" NL
+ EndLine ::= "-----END " Keyword "-----" NL
+ The BeginLine and EndLine of an Object must use the same keyword.
-(Unless otherwise noted, tokens on the same line are space-separated.)
+When interpreting a Document, software MUST reject any document containing a
+KeywordLine that starts with a keyword it doesn't recognize.
-Router ::= Router-Line Date-Line Onion-Key Link-Key Signing-Key Exit-Policy Router-Signature NL
-Router-Line ::= "router" nickname address ORPort SocksPort DirPort bandwidth NL
-Date-Line ::= "published" YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS NL
-Onion-key ::= "onion-key" NL a public key in PEM format NL
-Link-key ::= "link-key" NL a public key in PEM format NL
-Signing-Key ::= "signing-key" NL a public key in PEM format NL
-Exit-Policy ::= Exit-Line*
-Exit-Line ::= ("accept"|"reject") string NL
-Router-Signature ::= "router-signature" NL Signature
-Signature ::= "-----BEGIN SIGNATURE-----" NL
- Base-64-encoded-signature NL "-----END SIGNATURE-----" NL
+7.1. Router descriptor format.
+Every router descriptor MUST start with a "router" Item; MUST end with a
+"router-signature" Item and an extra NL; and MUST contain exactly one
+instance of each of the following Items: "published" "onion-key" "link-key"
+"signing-key". Additionally, a router descriptor MAY contain any number of
+"accept", "reject", and "opt" Items.
+The items' formats are as follows:
+ "router" nickname address (ORPort SocksPort DirPort bandwidth)?
+ "ports" ORPort SocksPort DirPort
+ "bandwidth" bandwidth
+ "platform" string
+ "published" YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
+ "onion-key" NL a public key in PEM format
+ "link-key" NL a public key in PEM format
+ "signing-key" NL a public key in PEM format
+ "accept" string
+ "reject" string
+ "router-signature" NL "-----BEGIN SIGNATURE-----" NL Signature NL
+ "-----END SIGNATURE-----"
+ "opt" SP keyword string? NL,Object?
ORport ::= port where the router listens for routers/proxies (speaking cells)
SocksPort ::= where the router listens for applications (speaking socks)
DirPort ::= where the router listens for directory download requests
bandwidth ::= maximum bandwidth, in bytes/s
nickname ::= between 1 and 32 alphanumeric characters. case-insensitive.
-router moria1 9001 9021 9031 100000
-published 2003-09-24 19:36:05
-Note: The extra newline at the end of the router block is intentional.
+Bandwidth and ports are required; if they are not included in the router
+line, they must appear in "bandwidth" and "ports" lines.
+"opt" is reserved for non-critical future extensions.
7.2. Directory format
-Directory ::= Directory-Header Directory-Router Router* Signature
-Directory-Header ::= "signed-directory" NL Software-Line NL
-Software-Line: "recommended-software" comma-separated-version-list
-Directory-Router ::= Router
-Directory-Signature ::= "directory-signature" NL Signature
-Signature ::= "-----BEGIN SIGNATURE-----" NL
- Base-64-encoded-signature NL "-----END SIGNATURE-----" NL
+A Directory begins with a "signed-directory" item, followed by one each of
+the following, in any order: "recommended-software". It may include any
+number of "opt" items. After these items, a directory includes any number
+of router descriptors, and a singer "directory-signature" item.
+ "signed-directory"
+ "recommended-software" comma-separated-version-list
+ "directory-signature" NL Signature
-Note: The router block for the directory server must appear first.
+Note: The router descriptor for the directory server must appear first.
The signature is computed by computing the SHA-1 hash of the
directory, from the characters "signed-directory", through the newline
after "directory-signature". This digest is then padded with PKCS.1,
and signed with the directory server's signing key.
+If software encounters an unrecognized keyword in a single router descriptor,
+it should reject only that router descriptor, and continue using the
+others. If it encounters an unrecognized keyword in the directory header,
+it should reject the entire directory.
7.3. Behavior of a directory server
lists nodes that are connected currently