diff options
authorJakob Borg <jakob@kastelo.net>2023-08-17 12:27:56 +0200
committerJakob Borg <jakob@kastelo.net>2023-08-17 12:27:56 +0200
commitac0ce1c38fb77fbd4900497afdef86d061d66d74 (patch)
parent72c683aaca00c748150baa65b8c617b1fe0437ad (diff)
script: Remove find-metrics which belongs in docs
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 187 deletions
diff --git a/script/find-metrics.go b/script/find-metrics.go
deleted file mode 100644
index dbb6549b0..000000000
--- a/script/find-metrics.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2023 The Syncthing Authors.
-// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
-// You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
-// Usage: go run script/find-metrics.go > metrics.md
-// This script finds all of the metrics in the Syncthing codebase and prints
-// them in Markdown format. It's used to generate the metrics documentation
-// for the Syncthing docs.
-package main
-import (
- "fmt"
- "go/ast"
- "go/token"
- "log"
- "strconv"
- "strings"
- "golang.org/x/exp/slices"
- "golang.org/x/tools/go/packages"
-type metric struct {
- subsystem string
- name string
- help string
- kind string
-func main() {
- opts := &packages.Config{
- Mode: packages.NeedSyntax | packages.NeedName | packages.NeedTypes | packages.NeedTypesInfo | packages.NeedImports | packages.NeedDeps,
- }
- pkgs, err := packages.Load(opts, "github.com/syncthing/syncthing/...")
- if err != nil {
- log.Fatalln(err)
- }
- var coll metricCollector
- for _, pkg := range pkgs {
- for _, file := range pkg.Syntax {
- ast.Inspect(file, coll.Visit)
- }
- }
- coll.print()
-type metricCollector struct {
- metrics []metric
-func (c *metricCollector) Visit(n ast.Node) bool {
- if gen, ok := n.(*ast.GenDecl); ok {
- // We're only interested in var declarations (var metricWhatever =
- // promauto.NewCounter(...) etc).
- if gen.Tok != token.VAR {
- return false
- }
- for _, spec := range gen.Specs {
- // We want to look at the value given to a var (the NewCounter()
- // etc call).
- if vsp, ok := spec.(*ast.ValueSpec); ok {
- // There should be only one value.
- if len(vsp.Values) != 1 {
- continue
- }
- // The value should be a function call.
- call, ok := vsp.Values[0].(*ast.CallExpr)
- if !ok {
- continue
- }
- // The call should be a selector expression
- // (package.Identifer).
- sel, ok := call.Fun.(*ast.SelectorExpr)
- if !ok {
- continue
- }
- // The package selector should be `promauto`.
- selID, ok := sel.X.(*ast.Ident)
- if !ok || selID.Name != "promauto" {
- continue
- }
- // The function should be one of the New* functions.
- var kind string
- switch sel.Sel.Name {
- case "NewCounter":
- kind = "counter"
- case "NewGauge":
- kind = "gauge"
- case "NewCounterVec":
- kind = "counter vector"
- case "NewGaugeVec":
- kind = "gauge vector"
- default:
- continue
- }
- // The arguments to the function should be a single
- // composite (struct literal). Grab all of the fields in the
- // declaration into a map so we can easily access them.
- args := make(map[string]string)
- for _, el := range call.Args[0].(*ast.CompositeLit).Elts {
- kv := el.(*ast.KeyValueExpr)
- key := kv.Key.(*ast.Ident).Name // e.g., "Name"
- val := kv.Value.(*ast.BasicLit).Value // e.g., `"foo"`
- args[key], _ = strconv.Unquote(val)
- }
- // Build the full name of the metric from the namespace +
- // subsystem + name, like Prometheus does.
- var parts []string
- if v := args["Namespace"]; v != "" {
- parts = append(parts, v)
- }
- if v := args["Subsystem"]; v != "" {
- parts = append(parts, v)
- }
- if v := args["Name"]; v != "" {
- parts = append(parts, v)
- }
- fullName := strings.Join(parts, "_")
- // Add the metric to the list.
- c.metrics = append(c.metrics, metric{
- subsystem: args["Subsystem"],
- name: fullName,
- help: args["Help"],
- kind: kind,
- })
- }
- }
- }
- return true
-func (c *metricCollector) print() {
- slices.SortFunc(c.metrics, func(a, b metric) bool {
- if a.subsystem != b.subsystem {
- return a.subsystem < b.subsystem
- }
- return a.name < b.name
- })
- var prevSubsystem string
- for _, m := range c.metrics {
- if m.subsystem != prevSubsystem {
- fmt.Printf("## Package `%s`\n\n", m.subsystem)
- prevSubsystem = m.subsystem
- }
- fmt.Printf("### `%v` (%s)\n\n%s\n\n", m.name, m.kind, wordwrap(sentenceize(m.help), 72))
- }
-func sentenceize(s string) string {
- if s == "" {
- return ""
- }
- if !strings.HasSuffix(s, ".") {
- return s + "."
- }
- return s
-func wordwrap(s string, width int) string {
- var lines []string
- for _, line := range strings.Split(s, "\n") {
- for len(line) > width {
- i := strings.LastIndex(line[:width], " ")
- if i == -1 {
- i = width
- }
- lines = append(lines, line[:i])
- line = line[i+1:]
- }
- lines = append(lines, line)
- }
- return strings.Join(lines, "\n")