AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-03-05Update testsMichael Pu
2024-03-05Move SQS client ID generation to ExchangeMichael Pu
2024-03-03Build multi-arch image.Micah Anderson
2024-03-03Build multi-arch image.Micah Anderson
2024-03-03Build multi-arch image.Micah Anderson
2024-03-03Build multi-arch image.Micah Anderson
2024-03-03Build multi-arch image.Micah Anderson
2024-03-03Automatically build container on release and push to our registry.Micah Anderson
2024-02-27Use known working version of shadowCecylia Bocovich
2024-02-27Use golang:1.21 container for shadow experimentsCecylia Bocovich
2024-02-27Patch snowflake server in shadow experimentCecylia Bocovich
2024-02-27Export shadow logs as an artifact for debuggingCecylia Bocovich
2024-02-27Add integration testing with shadowCecylia Bocovich
2024-02-27Bump version to v2.9.1v2.9.1Cecylia Bocovich
2024-02-21chore(deps): update module github.com/miekg/dns to v1.1.58Renovate Bot
2024-02-20chore(deps): update module golang.org/x/net to v0.21.0Renovate Bot
2024-02-20chore(deps): update module golang.org/x/crypto to v0.19.0Renovate Bot
2024-02-19chore(deps): update module github.com/refraction-networking/utls to v1.6.2Renovate Bot
2024-02-19Merge remote-tracking branch 'gitlab/mr/253'meskio
2024-02-17refactor: change deprecated "io/ioutil" package to recommended "io" packageam3o
2024-02-13chore(deps): update module github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/config to v1.27.0Renovate Bot
2024-02-12chore(deps): update module github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/config to v1.26.6Renovate Bot
2024-02-12chore(deps): update module github.com/pion/ice/v2 to v2.3.13Renovate Bot
2024-02-12chore(ci): use golang:1.21 in generate_tarball jobAnna “CyberTailor”
2024-02-05Bump version to v2.9.0v2.9.0Cecylia Bocovich
2024-01-31Prune metrics that are reported for rendezvousMichael Pu
2024-01-31Move RendezvousMethod field to messages.ArgAnthony Chang
2024-01-31Add metrics for tracking rendezvous methodMichael Pu
2024-01-31Fix nil ptr deference when listing client queuesMichael Pu
2024-01-22Add unit tests for SQS rendezvous in brokerAndrew Wang
2024-01-22Add unit tests for SQS rendezvous in clientAnthony Chang
2024-01-22Add mocks and interfaces for testing SQS rendezvousAnthony Chang
2024-01-22Implement SQS rendezvous in client and brokerMichael Pu
2024-01-16Cosmetic fixes taken from !219.David Fifield
2024-01-10Add probetest commandline option for STUN URLCecylia Bocovich
2024-01-10Use SetNet setting in probetest to ignore net.Interfaces errorCecylia Bocovich
2024-01-10Add proxy commandline option for probe server URLCecylia Bocovich
2024-01-08chore(deps): update module github.com/xtaci/kcp-go/v5 to v5.6.7Renovate Bot
2024-01-08chore(deps): update module google.golang.org/protobuf to v1.32.0Renovate Bot
2024-01-08chore(deps): update module github.com/prometheus/client_golang to v1.18.0Renovate Bot
2024-01-08chore(deps): update module golang.org/x/sys to v0.16.0Renovate Bot
2024-01-08Scrub space separated ip addressesArlo Breault
2024-01-04Update recommended torrc options in the client readmegl40294Arlo Breault
2024-01-04Add vcs revision to version stringgl40285Arlo Breault
2023-12-21Bump version to v2.8.1v2.8.1Cecylia Bocovich
2023-12-21Suppress logs of EventOnProxyConnectionOverCecylia Bocovich
2023-12-20Merge remote-tracking branch 'gitlab/mr/224'meskio
2023-12-19chore(deps): update module golang.org/x/crypto to v0.17.0 [security]renovate/go-golang.org/x/crypto-vulnerabilityRenovate Bot
2023-12-18chore(deps): update module github.com/refraction-networking/utls to v1.6.0Renovate Bot
2023-12-18Add Ignore Android Restriction Workaround for Proxyn8fr8