path: root/utils/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'utils/')
1 files changed, 211 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/utils/ b/utils/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..f52b75d7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
+ cat <<EOF
+ push.translations: push translation changes from SearXNG to Weblate's counterpart
+ to.translations: Update 'translations' branch with last additions from Weblate.
+weblate.translations.worktree() {
+ # Create git worktree ${TRANSLATIONS_WORKTREE} and checkout branch
+ # 'translations' from Weblate's counterpart (weblate) of the SearXNG
+ # (origin).
+ #
+ # remote weblate
+ ( set -e
+ if ! git remote get-url weblate 2> /dev/null; then
+ git remote add weblate
+ fi
+ if [ -d "${TRANSLATIONS_WORKTREE}" ]; then
+ pushd .
+ git reset --hard HEAD
+ git pull origin translations
+ popd
+ else
+ git worktree add "${TRANSLATIONS_WORKTREE}" translations
+ fi
+ )
+ {
+ # Update 'translations' branch of SearXNG (origin) with last additions from
+ # Weblate.
+ # 1. Check if Weblate is locked, if not die with error message
+ # 2. On Weblate's counterpart (weblate), pull master and translations branch
+ # from SearXNG (origin).
+ # 3. Commit changes made in a Weblate object on Weblate's counterpart
+ # (weblate).
+ # 4. In translations worktree, merge changes of branch 'translations' from
+ # remote 'weblate' and push it on branch 'translations' of 'origin'
+ ( set -e
+ pyenv.activate
+ if [ "$(wlc lock-status)" != "locked: True" ]; then
+ die 1 "weblate must be locked, currently: $(wlc lock-status)"
+ fi
+ # weblate: commit pending changes
+ wlc pull
+ wlc commit
+ # get the translations in a worktree
+ weblate.translations.worktree
+ git remote update weblate
+ git merge weblate/translations
+ git push
+ popd
+ )
+ dump_return $?
+weblate.translations.commit() {
+ # Update 'translations' branch of SearXNG (origin) with last additions from
+ # Weblate. Copy the changes to the master branch, compile translations and
+ # create a commit in the local branch (master)
+ local existing_commit_hash commit_body commit_message exitcode
+ ( set -e
+ pyenv.activate
+ # lock change on weblate
+ wlc lock
+ # get translations branch in git worktree (TRANSLATIONS_WORKTREE)
+ weblate.translations.worktree
+ existing_commit_hash=$(cd "${TRANSLATIONS_WORKTREE}"; git log -n1 --pretty=format:'%h')
+ # pull weblate commits
+ # copy the changes to the master branch
+ cp -rv --preserve=mode,timestamps "${TRANSLATIONS_WORKTREE}/searx/translations" "searx"
+ # compile translations
+ build_msg BABEL 'compile translation catalogs into binary MO files'
+ pybabel compile --statistics \
+ -d "searx/translations"
+ # git add/commit (no push)
+ commit_body=$(cd "${TRANSLATIONS_WORKTREE}"; git log --pretty=format:'%h - %as - %aN <%ae>' "${existing_commit_hash}..HEAD")
+ commit_message=$(echo -e "[translations] update from Weblate\n\n${commit_body}")
+ git add searx/translations
+ git commit -m "${commit_message}"
+ )
+ exitcode=$?
+ ( # make sure to always unlock weblate
+ set -e
+ pyenv.cmd wlc unlock
+ )
+ dump_return $exitcode
+weblate.push.translations() {
+ # Push *translation changes* from SearXNG (origin) to Weblate's counterpart
+ # (weblate).
+ # In branch master of SearXNG (origin) check for meaningful changes in
+ # folder 'searx/translations', commit changes on branch 'translations' and
+ # at least, pull updated branches on Weblate's counterpart (weblate).
+ # 1. Create git worktree ${TRANSLATIONS_WORKTREE} and checkout branch
+ # 'translations' from remote 'weblate'.
+ # 2. Stop if there is no meaningful change in the 'master' branch (origin),
+ # compared to the 'translations' branch (weblate), otherwise ...
+ # 3. Update 'translations' branch of SearXNG (origin) with last additions
+ # from Weblate.
+ # 5. Notify Weblate to pull updated 'master' & 'translations' branch.
+ local messages_pot diff_messages_pot last_commit_hash last_commit_detail \
+ exitcode
+ messages_pot="${TRANSLATIONS_WORKTREE}/searx/translations/messages.pot"
+ ( set -e
+ pyenv.activate
+ # get translations branch in git worktree (TRANSLATIONS_WORKTREE)
+ weblate.translations.worktree
+ # update messages.pot in the master branch
+ build_msg BABEL 'extract messages from source files and generate POT file'
+ pybabel extract -F babel.cfg \
+ -o "${messages_pot}" \
+ "searx/"
+ # stop if there is no meaningful change in the master branch
+ diff_messages_pot=$(cd "${TRANSLATIONS_WORKTREE}";\
+ git diff -- "searx/translations/messages.pot")
+ if ! echo "$diff_messages_pot" | grep -qE "[\+\-](msgid|msgstr)"; then
+ build_msg BABEL 'no changes detected, exiting'
+ return 42
+ fi
+ return 0
+ )
+ exitcode=$?
+ if [ "$exitcode" -eq 42 ]; then
+ return 0
+ fi
+ if [ "$exitcode" -gt 0 ]; then
+ return $exitcode
+ fi
+ (
+ set -e
+ pyenv.activate
+ # lock change on weblate
+ # weblate may add commit(s) since the call to "weblate.translations.worktree".
+ # this is not a problem because after this line, ""
+ # calls again "weblate.translations.worktree" which calls "git pull"
+ wlc lock
+ # save messages.pot in the translations branch for later
+ git stash push
+ popd
+ # merge weblate commits into the translations branch
+ # restore messages.pot in the translations branch
+ git stash pop
+ popd
+ # update messages.po files in the master branch
+ build_msg BABEL 'update existing message catalogs from POT file'
+ pybabel update -N \
+ -i "${messages_pot}" \
+ -d "${TRANSLATIONS_WORKTREE}/searx/translations"
+ # git add/commit/push
+ last_commit_hash=$(git log -n1 --pretty=format:'%h')
+ last_commit_detail=$(git log -n1 --pretty=format:'%h - %as - %aN <%ae>' "${last_commit_hash}")
+ git add searx/translations
+ git commit \
+ -m "[translations] update messages.pot and messages.po files" \
+ -m "From ${last_commit_detail}"
+ git push
+ popd
+ # notify weblate to pull updated master & translations branch
+ wlc pull
+ )
+ exitcode=$?
+ ( # make sure to always unlock weblate
+ set -e
+ pyenv.activate
+ wlc unlock
+ )
+ dump_return $exitcode