path: root/searx/favicons/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'searx/favicons/')
1 files changed, 476 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/searx/favicons/ b/searx/favicons/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4b8276154
--- /dev/null
+++ b/searx/favicons/
@@ -0,0 +1,476 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
+"""Implementations for caching favicons.
+ Configuration of the favicon cache
+ Abstract base class for the implementation of a favicon cache.
+ Favicon cache that manages the favicon BLOBs in a SQLite DB.
+ Fallback solution if the configured cache cannot be used for system reasons.
+from __future__ import annotations
+from typing import Literal
+import abc
+import dataclasses
+import hashlib
+import logging
+import pathlib
+import sqlite3
+import tempfile
+import time
+import typer
+from pydantic import BaseModel
+from searx import sqlitedb
+from searx import logger
+from searx.utils import humanize_bytes, humanize_number
+CACHE: "FaviconCache"
+logger = logger.getChild('favicons.cache')
+app = typer.Typer()
+def state():
+ """show state of the cache"""
+ print(CACHE.state().report())
+def maintenance(force: bool = True, debug: bool = False):
+ """perform maintenance of the cache"""
+ root_log = logging.getLogger()
+ if debug:
+ root_log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+ else:
+ root_log.handlers = []
+ handler = logging.StreamHandler()
+ handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter("%(message)s"))
+ logger.addHandler(handler)
+ logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+ state_t0 = CACHE.state()
+ CACHE.maintenance(force=force)
+ state_t1 = CACHE.state()
+ state_delta = state_t0 - state_t1
+ print("The cache has been reduced by:")
+ print("\n- {descr}: {val}").lstrip("\n"))
+def init(cfg: "FaviconCacheConfig"):
+ """Initialization of a global ``CACHE``"""
+ global CACHE # pylint: disable=global-statement
+ if cfg.db_type == "sqlite":
+ if sqlite3.sqlite_version_info <= (3, 35):
+ logger.critical(
+ "Disable favicon caching completely: SQLite library (%s) is too old! (require >= 3.35)",
+ sqlite3.sqlite_version,
+ )
+ CACHE = FaviconCacheNull(cfg)
+ else:
+ CACHE = FaviconCacheSQLite(cfg)
+ elif cfg.db_type == "mem":
+ logger.error("Favicons are cached in memory, don't use this in production!")
+ CACHE = FaviconCacheMEM(cfg)
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError(f"favicons db_type '{cfg.db_type}' is unknown")
+class FaviconCacheConfig(BaseModel):
+ """Configuration of the favicon cache."""
+ db_type: Literal["sqlite", "mem"] = "sqlite"
+ """Type of the database:
+ ``sqlite``:
+ :py:obj:`.cache.FaviconCacheSQLite`
+ ``mem``:
+ :py:obj:`.cache.FaviconCacheMEM` (not recommended)
+ """
+ db_url: pathlib.Path = pathlib.Path(tempfile.gettempdir()) / "faviconcache.db"
+ """URL of the SQLite DB, the path to the database file."""
+ HOLD_TIME: int = 60 * 60 * 24 * 30 # 30 days
+ """Hold time (default in sec.), after which a BLOB is removed from the cache."""
+ LIMIT_TOTAL_BYTES: int = 1024 * 1024 * 50 # 50 MB
+ """Maximum of bytes (default) stored in the cache of all blobs. Note: The
+ limit is only reached at each maintenance interval after which the oldest
+ BLOBs are deleted; the limit is exceeded during the maintenance period. If
+ the maintenance period is *too long* or maintenance is switched off
+ completely, the cache grows uncontrollably."""
+ BLOB_MAX_BYTES: int = 1024 * 20 # 20 KB
+ """The maximum BLOB size in bytes that a favicon may have so that it can be
+ saved in the cache. If the favicon is larger, it is not saved in the cache
+ and must be requested by the client via the proxy."""
+ MAINTENANCE_PERIOD: int = 60 * 60
+ """Maintenance period in seconds / when :py:obj:`MAINTENANCE_MODE` is set to
+ ``auto``."""
+ MAINTENANCE_MODE: Literal["auto", "off"] = "auto"
+ """Type of maintenance mode
+ ``auto``:
+ Maintenance is carried out automatically as part of the maintenance
+ intervals (:py:obj:`MAINTENANCE_PERIOD`); no external process is required.
+ ``off``:
+ Maintenance is switched off and must be carried out by an external process
+ if required.
+ """
+class FaviconCacheStats:
+ """Dataclass wich provides information on the status of the cache."""
+ favicons: int | None = None
+ bytes: int | None = None
+ domains: int | None = None
+ resolvers: int | None = None
+ field_descr = (
+ ("favicons", "number of favicons in cache", humanize_number),
+ ("bytes", "total size (approx. bytes) of cache", humanize_bytes),
+ ("domains", "total number of domains in cache", humanize_number),
+ ("resolvers", "number of resolvers", str),
+ )
+ def __sub__(self, other) -> FaviconCacheStats:
+ if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
+ raise TypeError(f"unsupported operand type(s) for +: '{self.__class__}' and '{type(other)}'")
+ kwargs = {}
+ for field, _, _ in self.field_descr:
+ self_val, other_val = getattr(self, field), getattr(other, field)
+ if None in (self_val, other_val):
+ continue
+ if isinstance(self_val, int):
+ kwargs[field] = self_val - other_val
+ else:
+ kwargs[field] = self_val
+ return self.__class__(**kwargs)
+ def report(self, fmt: str = "{descr}: {val}\n"):
+ s = []
+ for field, descr, cast in self.field_descr:
+ val = getattr(self, field)
+ if val is None:
+ val = "--"
+ else:
+ val = cast(val)
+ s.append(fmt.format(descr=descr, val=val))
+ return "".join(s)
+class FaviconCache(abc.ABC):
+ """Abstract base class for the implementation of a favicon cache."""
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def __init__(self, cfg: FaviconCacheConfig):
+ """An instance of the favicon cache is build up from the configuration."""
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def __call__(self, resolver: str, authority: str) -> None | tuple[None | bytes, None | str]:
+ """Returns ``None`` or the tuple of ``(data, mime)`` that has been
+ registered in the cache. The ``None`` indicates that there was no entry
+ in the cache."""
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def set(self, resolver: str, authority: str, mime: str | None, data: bytes | None) -> bool:
+ """Set data and mime-type in the cache. If data is None, the
+ :py:obj:`FALLBACK_ICON` is registered. in the cache."""
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def state(self) -> FaviconCacheStats:
+ """Returns a :py:obj:`FaviconCacheStats` (key/values) with information
+ on the state of the cache."""
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def maintenance(self, force=False):
+ """Performs maintenance on the cache"""
+class FaviconCacheNull(FaviconCache):
+ """A dummy favicon cache that caches nothing / a fallback solution. The
+ NullCache is used when more efficient caches such as the
+ :py:obj:`FaviconCacheSQLite` cannot be used because, for example, the SQLite
+ library is only available in an old version and does not meet the
+ requirements."""
+ def __init__(self, cfg: FaviconCacheConfig):
+ return None
+ def __call__(self, resolver: str, authority: str) -> None | tuple[None | bytes, None | str]:
+ return None
+ def set(self, resolver: str, authority: str, mime: str | None, data: bytes | None) -> bool:
+ return False
+ def state(self):
+ return FaviconCacheStats(favicons=0)
+ def maintenance(self, force=False):
+ pass
+class FaviconCacheSQLite(sqlitedb.SQLiteAppl, FaviconCache):
+ """Favicon cache that manages the favicon BLOBs in a SQLite DB. The DB
+ model in the SQLite DB is implemented using the abstract class
+ :py:obj:`sqlitedb.SQLiteAppl`.
+ The following configurations are required / supported:
+ - :py:obj:`FaviconCacheConfig.db_url`
+ - :py:obj:`FaviconCacheConfig.HOLD_TIME`
+ - :py:obj:`FaviconCacheConfig.LIMIT_TOTAL_BYTES`
+ - :py:obj:`FaviconCacheConfig.BLOB_MAX_BYTES`
+ - :py:obj:`MAINTENANCE_MODE`
+ """
+ DDL_BLOBS = """\
+ sha256 TEXT,
+ bytes_c INTEGER,
+ PRIMARY KEY (sha256))"""
+ """Table to store BLOB objects by their sha256 hash values."""
+ DDL_BLOB_MAP = """\
+ m_time INTEGER DEFAULT (strftime('%s', 'now')), -- last modified (unix epoch) time in sec.
+ sha256 TEXT,
+ resolver TEXT,
+ authority TEXT,
+ PRIMARY KEY (resolver, authority))"""
+ """Table to map from (resolver, authority) to sha256 hash values."""
+ "blobs": DDL_BLOBS,
+ "blob_map": DDL_BLOB_MAP,
+ }
+ "DELETE FROM blobs WHERE sha256 IN ("
+ " SELECT b.sha256"
+ " FROM blobs b"
+ " LEFT JOIN blob_map bm"
+ " ON b.sha256 = bm.sha256"
+ " WHERE bm.sha256 IS NULL)"
+ )
+ """Delete blobs.sha256 (BLOBs) no longer in blob_map.sha256."""
+ "SELECT b.sha256, b.bytes_c FROM blobs b"
+ " JOIN blob_map bm "
+ " ON b.sha256 = bm.sha256"
+ " ORDER BY bm.m_time ASC"
+ )
+ "INSERT INTO blobs (sha256, bytes_c, mime, data) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)"
+ ) # fmt: skip
+ "INSERT INTO blob_map (sha256, resolver, authority) VALUES (?, ?, ?)"
+ " SET sha256=excluded.sha256, m_time=strftime('%s', 'now')"
+ )
+ def __init__(self, cfg: FaviconCacheConfig):
+ """An instance of the favicon cache is build up from the configuration.""" #
+ if cfg.db_url == ":memory:":
+ logger.critical("don't use SQLite DB in :memory: in production!!")
+ super().__init__(cfg.db_url)
+ self.cfg = cfg
+ def __call__(self, resolver: str, authority: str) -> None | tuple[None | bytes, None | str]:
+ sql = "SELECT sha256 FROM blob_map WHERE resolver = ? AND authority = ?"
+ res = self.DB.execute(sql, (resolver, authority)).fetchone()
+ if res is None:
+ return None
+ data, mime = (None, None)
+ sha256 = res[0]
+ if sha256 == FALLBACK_ICON:
+ return data, mime
+ sql = "SELECT data, mime FROM blobs WHERE sha256 = ?"
+ res = self.DB.execute(sql, (sha256,)).fetchone()
+ if res is not None:
+ data, mime = res
+ return data, mime
+ def set(self, resolver: str, authority: str, mime: str | None, data: bytes | None) -> bool:
+ if self.cfg.MAINTENANCE_MODE == "auto" and int(time.time()) > self.next_maintenance_time:
+ # Should automatic maintenance be moved to a new thread?
+ self.maintenance()
+ if data is not None and mime is None:
+ logger.error(
+ "favicon resolver %s tries to cache mime-type None for authority %s",
+ resolver,
+ authority,
+ )
+ return False
+ bytes_c = len(data or b"")
+ if bytes_c > self.cfg.BLOB_MAX_BYTES:
+ "favicon of resolver: %s / authority: %s to big to cache (bytes: %s) " % (resolver, authority, bytes_c)
+ )
+ return False
+ if data is None:
+ sha256 = FALLBACK_ICON
+ else:
+ sha256 = hashlib.sha256(data).hexdigest()
+ with self.connect() as conn:
+ if sha256 != FALLBACK_ICON:
+ conn.execute(self.SQL_INSERT_BLOBS, (sha256, bytes_c, mime, data))
+ conn.execute(self.SQL_INSERT_BLOB_MAP, (sha256, resolver, authority))
+ return True
+ @property
+ def next_maintenance_time(self) -> int:
+ """Returns (unix epoch) time of the next maintenance."""
+ def maintenance(self, force=False):
+ # Prevent parallel DB maintenance cycles from other DB connections
+ # (e.g. in multi thread or process environments).
+ if not force and int(time.time()) < self.next_maintenance_time:
+ logger.debug("no maintenance required yet, next maintenance interval is in the future")
+ return
+"LAST_MAINTENANCE", "") # hint: this (also) sets the m_time of the property!
+ # do maintenance tasks
+ with self.connect() as conn:
+ # drop items not in HOLD time
+ res = conn.execute(
+ f"DELETE FROM blob_map"
+ f" WHERE cast(m_time as integer) < cast(strftime('%s', 'now') as integer) - {self.cfg.HOLD_TIME}"
+ )
+ logger.debug("dropped %s obsolete blob_map items from db", res.rowcount)
+ res = conn.execute(self.SQL_DROP_LEFTOVER_BLOBS)
+ logger.debug("dropped %s obsolete BLOBS from db", res.rowcount)
+ # drop old items to be in LIMIT_TOTAL_BYTES
+ total_bytes = conn.execute("SELECT SUM(bytes_c) FROM blobs").fetchone()[0] or 0
+ if total_bytes > self.cfg.LIMIT_TOTAL_BYTES:
+ x = total_bytes - self.cfg.LIMIT_TOTAL_BYTES
+ c = 0
+ sha_list = []
+ for row in conn.execute(self.SQL_ITER_BLOBS_SHA256_BYTES_C):
+ sha256, bytes_c = row
+ sha_list.append(sha256)
+ c += bytes_c
+ if c > x:
+ break
+ if sha_list:
+ conn.execute("DELETE FROM blobs WHERE sha256 IN ('%s')" % "','".join(sha_list))
+ conn.execute("DELETE FROM blob_map WHERE sha256 IN ('%s')" % "','".join(sha_list))
+ logger.debug("dropped %s blobs with total size of %s bytes", len(sha_list), c)
+ def _query_val(self, sql, default=None):
+ val = self.DB.execute(sql).fetchone()
+ if val is not None:
+ val = val[0]
+ if val is None:
+ val = default
+ return val
+ def state(self) -> FaviconCacheStats:
+ return FaviconCacheStats(
+ favicons=self._query_val("SELECT count(*) FROM blobs", 0),
+ bytes=self._query_val("SELECT SUM(bytes_c) FROM blobs", 0),
+ domains=self._query_val("SELECT count(*) FROM (SELECT authority FROM blob_map GROUP BY authority)", 0),
+ resolvers=self._query_val("SELECT count(*) FROM (SELECT resolver FROM blob_map GROUP BY resolver)", 0),
+ )
+class FaviconCacheMEM(FaviconCache):
+ """Favicon cache in process' memory. Its just a POC that stores the
+ favicons in the memory of the process.
+ .. attention::
+ Don't use it in production, it will blow up your memory!!
+ """
+ def __init__(self, cfg):
+ self.cfg = cfg
+ self._data = {}
+ self._sha_mime = {}
+ def __call__(self, resolver: str, authority: str) -> None | tuple[bytes | None, str | None]:
+ sha, mime = self._sha_mime.get(f"{resolver}:{authority}", (None, None))
+ if sha is None:
+ return None
+ data = self._data.get(sha)
+ if data == FALLBACK_ICON:
+ data = None
+ return data, mime
+ def set(self, resolver: str, authority: str, mime: str | None, data: bytes | None) -> bool:
+ if data is None:
+ mime = None
+ elif mime is None:
+ logger.error(
+ "favicon resolver %s tries to cache mime-type None for authority %s",
+ resolver,
+ authority,
+ )
+ return False
+ digest = hashlib.sha256(data).hexdigest()
+ self._data[digest] = data
+ self._sha_mime[f"{resolver}:{authority}"] = (digest, mime)
+ return True
+ def state(self):
+ return FaviconCacheStats(favicons=len(self._data.keys()))
+ def maintenance(self, force=False):
+ pass