diff options
-rw-r--r--searx/static/oscar/img/loader.gifbin0 -> 14190 bytes
4 files changed, 120 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/searx/engines/ b/searx/engines/
index db0fbfe75..f727ca8ea 100644
--- a/searx/engines/
+++ b/searx/engines/
@@ -39,6 +39,9 @@ def response(resp):
url = result_base_url.format(osm_type=osm_type,
+ osm = {'type':osm_type,
+ 'id':r['osm_id']}
geojson = r.get('geojson')
# if no geojson is found and osm_type is a node, add geojson Point
@@ -82,6 +85,7 @@ def response(resp):
'boundingbox': r['boundingbox'],
'geojson': geojson,
'address': address,
+ 'osm': osm,
'url': url})
# return results
diff --git a/searx/static/oscar/img/loader.gif b/searx/static/oscar/img/loader.gif
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3980ff00b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/searx/static/oscar/img/loader.gif
Binary files differ
diff --git a/searx/static/oscar/js/scripts.js b/searx/static/oscar/js/scripts.js
index b37c72857..92847de96 100644
--- a/searx/static/oscar/js/scripts.js
+++ b/searx/static/oscar/js/scripts.js
@@ -68,6 +68,88 @@ $(document).ready(function(){
source: searx.searchResults.ttAdapter()
+ $(".searx_overpass_request").on( "click", function( event ) {
+ var overpass_url = "";
+ var query_start = overpass_url + "[out:json][timeout:25];(";
+ var query_end = ");out meta;";
+ var osm_id = $(this).data('osm-id');
+ var osm_type = $(this).data('osm-type');
+ var result_table = $(this).data('result-table');
+ var result_table_loadicon = "#" + $(this).data('result-table-loadicon');
+ // tags which can be ignored
+ var osm_ignore_tags = [ "addr:city", "addr:country", "addr:housenumber", "addr:postcode", "addr:street" ]
+ if(osm_id && osm_type && result_table) {
+ result_table = "#" + result_table;
+ var query = null;
+ switch(osm_type) {
+ case 'node':
+ query = query_start + "node(" + osm_id + ");" + query_end;
+ break;
+ case 'way':
+ query = query_start + "way(" + osm_id + ");" + query_end;
+ break;
+ case 'relation':
+ query = query_start + "relation(" + osm_id + ");" + query_end;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if(query) {
+ //alert(query);
+ var ajaxRequest = $.ajax( query )
+ .done(function( html) {
+ if(html && html['elements'] && html['elements'][0]) {
+ var element = html['elements'][0];
+ var newHtml = $(result_table).html();
+ for (var row in element.tags) {
+ if(element.tags["name"] == null || osm_ignore_tags.indexOf(row) == -1) {
+ newHtml += "<tr><td>" + row + "</td><td>";
+ switch(row) {
+ case "phone":
+ case "fax":
+ newHtml += "<a href=\"tel:" + element.tags[row].replace(/ /g,'') + "\">" + element.tags[row] + "</a>";
+ break;
+ case "email":
+ newHtml += "<a href=\"mailto:" + element.tags[row] + "\">" + element.tags[row] + "</a>";
+ break;
+ case "website":
+ case "url":
+ newHtml += "<a href=\"" + element.tags[row] + "\">" + element.tags[row] + "</a>";
+ break;
+ case "wikidata":
+ newHtml += "<a href=\"" + element.tags[row] + "\">" + element.tags[row] + "</a>";
+ break;
+ case "wikipedia":
+ if(element.tags[row].indexOf(":") != -1) {
+ newHtml += "<a href=\"https://" + element.tags[row].substring(0,element.tags[row].indexOf(":")) + ""
+ + element.tags[row].substring(element.tags[row].indexOf(":")+1) + "\">" + element.tags[row] + "</a>";
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ newHtml += element.tags[row];
+ break;
+ }
+ newHtml += "</td></tr>";
+ }
+ }
+ $(result_table).html(newHtml);
+ $(result_table).removeClass('hidden');
+ $(result_table_loadicon).addClass('hidden');
+ }
+ })
+ .fail(function() {
+ alert( "could not load " );
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ // this event occour only once per element
+ $( this ).off( event );
+ });
$(".searx_init_map").on( "click", function( event ) {
var leaflet_target = $(this).data('leaflet-target');
@@ -119,7 +201,7 @@ $(document).ready(function(){
map.setView(new L.LatLng(map_lat, map_lon),8);
- map.addLayer(osmMapnik);
+ map.addLayer(osmMapquest);
var baseLayers = {
"OSM Mapnik": osmMapnik,
diff --git a/searx/templates/oscar/result_templates/map.html b/searx/templates/oscar/result_templates/map.html
index a7c37dd59..531146dc6 100644
--- a/searx/templates/oscar/result_templates/map.html
+++ b/searx/templates/oscar/result_templates/map.html
@@ -3,13 +3,25 @@
<h4 class="result_header">{% if result['favicon'] %}<img width="32" height="32" class="favicon" src="static/{{ theme }}/img/icons/{{ result['favicon'] }}.png" /> {% endif %}<a href="{{ result.url }}">{{ result.title|safe }}</a></h4>
{% if result.publishedDate %}<time class="text-muted" datetime="{{ result.publishedDate }}" pubdate>{{ result.publishedDate }}</time>{% endif %}
<small><a class="text-info" href="{{ result.pretty_url }}">{{ icon('link') }} {{ _('cached') }}</a></small>
{% if (result.latitude and result.longitude) or result.boundingbox %}
<small> &bull; <a class="text-info btn-collapse collapsed searx_init_map cursor-pointer" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#result-map-{{ index }}" data-leaflet-target="osm-map-{{ index }}" data-map-lon="{{ result.longitude }}" data-map-lat="{{ result.latitude }}" {% if result.boundingbox %}data-map-boundingbox='{{ result.boundingbox|tojson|safe }}'{% endif %} {% if result.geojson %}data-map-geojson='{{ result.geojson|tojson|safe }}'{% endif %} data-btn-text-collapsed="{{ _('show map') }}" data-btn-text-not-collapsed="{{ _('hide map') }}">{{ icon('globe') }} {{ _('show map') }}</a></small>
{% endif %}
+{% if result.osm and (result.osm.type and %}
+ <small> &bull; <a class="text-info btn-collapse collapsed cursor-pointer searx_overpass_request" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#result-overpass-{{ index }}" data-osm-type="{{ result.osm.type }}" data-osm-id="{{ }}" data-result-table="result-overpass-table-{{ index }}" data-result-table-loadicon="result-overpass-table-loading-{{ index }}" data-btn-text-collapsed="{{ _('show details') }}" data-btn-text-not-collapsed="{{ _('hide details') }}">{{ icon('map-marker') }} {{ _('show details') }}</a></small>
+{% endif %}
+{# {% if (result.latitude and result.longitude) %}
+ <small> &bull; <a class="text-info btn-collapse collapsed cursor-pointer" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#result-geodata-{{ index }}" data-btn-text-collapsed="{{ _('show geodata') }}" data-btn-text-not-collapsed="{{ _('hide geodata') }}">{{ icon('map-marker') }} {{ _('show geodata') }}</a></small>
+{% endif %} #}
+<div class="container-fluid">
{% if result.address %}
-<p class="result-content result-adress" itemscope itemtype="">
+<p class="row result-content result-adress col-xs-12 col-sm-5 col-md-4" itemscope itemtype="">
{% if %}
<strong itemprop="name">{{ }}</strong><br/>
{% endif %}
@@ -27,11 +39,29 @@
{% if %}
<span itemprop="addressCountry">{{ }}</span>
{% endif %}
-</p><div class="clearfix"></div>
{% endif %}
-{% if result.content %}<p class="result-content">{{ result.content|safe }}</p>{% endif %}
+{% if result.osm and (result.osm.type and %}
+ <div class="row result-content collapse col-xs-12 col-sm-7 col-md-8" id="result-overpass-{{ index }}">
+ <div class="text-center" id="result-overpass-table-loading-{{ index }}"><img src="{{ url_for('static', filename='img/loader.gif') }}" alt="Loading ..."/></div>
+ <table class="table table-striped table-condensed hidden" id="result-overpass-table-{{ index }}">
+ <tr><th>key</th><th>value</th></tr>
+ </table>
+ </div>
+{% endif %}
+{# {% if (result.latitude and result.longitude) %}
+ <div class="row collapse col-xs-12 col-sm-5 col-md-4" id="result-geodata-{{ index }}">
+ <strong>Longitude:</strong> {{ result.longitude }} <br/>
+ <strong>Latitude:</strong> {{ result.latitude }}
+ </div>
+{% endif %} #}
+{% if result.content %}<p class="row result-content col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-12">{{ result.content|safe }}</p>{% endif %}
{% if (result.latitude and result.longitude) or result.boundingbox %}
<div class="collapse" id="result-map-{{ index }}">
<div style="height:300px; width:100%; margin: 10px 0;" id="osm-map-{{ index }}"></div>