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diff --git a/docs/dev/engine_overview.rst b/docs/dev/engine_overview.rst
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+++ b/docs/dev/engine_overview.rst
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+Engine overview
+searx is a `metasearch-engine <>`__,
+so it is using different search engines to provide better results.
+Because there is no general search-api which can be used for every
+search-engine, there must be build an adapter between searx and the
+external search-engine. This adapters are stored in the folder
+`*searx/engines* <>`__,
+and this site is build to make an general documentation about this
+.. contents::
+ :depth: 3
+general engine configuration
+It is required to tell searx what results can the engine provide. The
+arguments can be inserted in the engine file, or in the settings file
+(normally ``settings.yml``). The arguments in the settings file override
+the one in the engine file.
+Really, it is for most options no difference if there are contained in
+the engine-file or in the settings. But there is a standard where to
+place specific arguments by default.
+| argument | type | information |
+| categories | list | pages, in which the engine is working |
+| paging | boolean | support multible pages |
+| language\_support | boolean | support language choosing |
+| argument | type | information |
+| name | string | name of search-engine |
+| engine | string | name of searx-engine (filename without .py) |
+| shortcut | string | shortcut of search-engine |
+| timeout | string | specific timeout for search-engine |
+There are some options, with have default values in the engine, but are
+often overwritten by the settings. If the option is assigned in the
+engine-file with ``None`` it has to be redefined in the settings,
+otherwise searx is not starting with that engine.
+The naming of that overrides can be wathever you want. But we recommend
+the using of already used overrides if possible:
+| argument | type | information |
+| base\_url | string | base-url, can be overwrite to use same engine on other url |
+| number\_of\_results | int | maximum number of results per request |
+| language | string | ISO code of language and country like en\_US |
+| api\_key | string | api-key if required by engine |
+.. code:: python
+ # engine dependent config
+ categories = ['general']
+ paging = True
+ language_support = True
+doing request
+To perform a search you have to specific at least a url on which the
+request is performing
+passed arguments
+This arguments can be used to calculate the search-query. Furthermore,
+some of that parameters are filled with default values which can be
+changed for special purpose.
+| argument | type | default-value, informations |
+| url | string | ``''`` |
+| method | string | ``'GET'`` |
+| headers | set | ``{}`` |
+| data | set | ``{}`` |
+| cookies | set | ``{}`` |
+| verify | boolean | ``True`` |
+| headers.User-Agent | string | a random User-Agent |
+| category | string | current category, like ``'general'`` |
+| started | datetime | current date-time |
+| pageno | int | current pagenumber |
+| language | string | specific language code like ``'en_US'``, or ``'all'`` if unspecified |
+parsed arguments
+The function ``def request(query, params):`` is always returning the
+``params`` variable back. Inside searx, the following paramters can be
+used to specific a search-request:
+| argument | type | information |
+| url | string | requested url |
+| method | string | HTTP request methode |
+| headers | set | HTTP header informations |
+| data | set | HTTP data informations (parsed if ``method != 'GET'``) |
+| cookies | set | HTTP cookies |
+| verify | boolean | Performing SSL-Validity check |
+.. code:: python
+ # search-url
+ base_url = ''
+ search_string = 'search?{query}&page={page}'
+ # do search-request
+ def request(query, params):
+ search_path = search_string.format(
+ query=urlencode({'q': query}),
+ page=params['pageno'])
+ params['url'] = base_url + search_path
+ return params
+returning results
+Searx has the possiblity to return results in different media-types.
+Currently the following media-types are supported:
+- default
+- images
+- videos
+- torrent
+- map
+to set another media-type as default, you must set the parameter
+``template`` to the required type.
+| result-parameter | information |
+| url | string, which is representing the url of the result |
+| title | string, which is representing the title of the result |
+| content | string, which is giving a general result-text |
+| publishedDate | `datetime.datetime <>`__, represent when the result is published |
+to use this template, the parameter
+| result-parameter | information |
+| template | is set to ``images.html`` |
+| url | string, which is representing the url to the result site |
+| title | string, which is representing the title of the result *(partly implemented)* |
+| content | *(partly implemented)* |
+| publishedDate | `datetime.datetime <>`__, represent when the result is published *(partly implemented)* |
+| img\_src | string, which is representing the url to the result image |
+| thumbnail\_src | string, which is representing the url to a small-preview image |
+| result-parameter | information |
+| template | is set to ``videos.html`` |
+| url | string, which is representing the url of the result |
+| title | string, which is representing the title of the result |
+| content | *(not implemented yet)* |
+| publishedDate | `datetime.datetime <>`__, represent when the result is published |
+| thumbnail | string, which is representing the url to a small-preview image |
+| result-parameter | information |
+| template | is set to ```torrent.html``` |
+| url | string, which is representing the url of the result |
+| title | string, which is representing the title of the result |
+| content | string, which is giving a general result-text |
+| publishedDate | [datetime.datetime](, represent when the result is published _(not implemented yet)_ |
+| seed | int, number of seeder |
+| leech | int, number of leecher |
+| filesize | int, size of file in bytes |
+| files | int, number of files |
+| magnetlink | string, which is the [magnetlink]( of the result |
+| torrentfile | string, which is the torrentfile of the result |
+| result-parameter | information |
+| url | string, which is representing the url of the result |
+| title | string, which is representing the title of the result |
+| content | string, which is giving a general result-text |
+| publishedDate | `datetime.datetime <>`__, represent when the result is published |
+| latitude | latitude of result (in decimal format) |
+| longitude | longitude of result (in decimal format) |
+| boundingbox | boundingbox of result (array of 4. values ``[lat-min, lat-max, lon-min, lon-max]``) |
+| geojson | geojson of result ( |
+| osm.type | type of osm-object (if OSM-Result) |
+| | id of osm-object (if OSM-Result) |
+| | name of object |
+| address.road | street adress of object |
+|\_number | house number of object |
+| address.locality | city, place of object |
+| address.postcode | postcode of object |
+| | country of object |
diff --git a/docs/index.rst b/docs/index.rst
index abb620627..09dd1798d 100644
--- a/docs/index.rst
+++ b/docs/index.rst
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Developer documentation
+ dev/engine_overview