path: root/tests
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
12 daysRevert "adjust test strings for incrementing connection IDs"Florian Bruhin
This reverts commit ccebbd6ebbb787107523d71e51eb36bcdfdde759.
12 daysSyntax simplificationsFlorian Bruhin
- Drop trailing comma inside trivial tuple - Use r"""...""" for string containing ", as \" inside r"..." is taken literally (I'm surprised it works!) - Use ['"] instead of ('|") - Also adjust the inner [^'] to [^'"] for consistency
12 daysTry stabilizing 'Clicking on focused element'Florian Bruhin
The problem was that 'qute-input focused' wasn't logged. Let's see if this helps.
13 daysHandle "early timer" log messages in teststoofar
The `test_cleanup()` test for guiprocess was triggering the early timer warning messages because it was using a VeryCourse timer with a 100ms interval. Changed it to to a normal Course timer (the default) for that test. For the `ipc-timeout` timer we know that is happening in the tests on windows. It's being logged in lost of e2e tests, the elapsed times it's logging are between 0 and 0.020s. I'm not sure if it's the right thing to be changing the log level in production code or marking the messages as expected in test code.
13 daysAdd unit tests for early timer firing checkingtoofar
13 daysadjust test strings for incrementing connection IDstoofar
13 daysremove unneeded QTimer importstoofar
13 dayslint: Add misc check for QTimer initializationtoofar
Since we added some sanity checking in usertypes.Timer() around QTBUG-124496 it would be convenient if there was a reminder for future timer users to use our Timer object instead. Here's one! It's looking for QTimer initialisations, we are still allowing QTimer.singleShot(), although that probably can hit the same issue. It uses an end-of-line anchor in the regex so you can put a comment (any comment) on the end of the line to ignore the check.
13 daystests: Make ssl message matching fuzzierFlorian Bruhin
Windows seems to struggle with the dash
13 daysMerge branch 'update-dependencies'Florian Bruhin
13 daysUpdate for new pylint/astroid releasesFlorian Bruhin
- Add a couple new "raise utils.Unreachable" to avoid possibly-used-before-assignment issues. - Simplify an "if" for the same reason - Remove an unneeded "return" - Use "NoReturn" to prepare for pylint knowing about it in the future: - Add some ignores for used-before-assignment false-positives - Ignore new undefined-variable messages for Qt wrapers - Ignore a new no-member warning for KeySequence:
2024-05-19Handle selection model being None when clearing selectiontoofar
Change `CompletionView.on_clear_completion_selection()` to call the Qt selection model getter, instead of our one. Since it can be called when the selection model has already been cleared and our one asserts that there is a selection model to return. Back in the distant past there was a change to handle the completion widget's selection model being None when the `on_clear_completion_selection()` slot was called: More recently a common getter for the selection model was added so we could have a single place to apply type narrowing to the returned object from the Qt getter (the type hints had been updated to be wrapped in `Optional`): It seems this is one place where it does, and already did, handle that optional. So it didn't need to change to use the new getter. This is called from the `Command.on_mode_left` signal, not sure why the selection model is None here. Perhaps it already gets cleared by the effects of the `hide_cmd` signal that gets fired earlier, or perhaps even from the `self.hide()` on the line before. Anyway, this was working for several years and seems harmless enough.
2024-05-10Fix handling of missing QtWebEngine resourcesFlorian Bruhin
I was getting crash reports from someone about this. Not sure what's going wrong there (hence the additional information in the exception). What's clear however is that we're raising ParseError, but only handling that when actually parsing. The code calling copy_/_find_webengine_resources only handles OSError. So let's raise a FileNotFoundError instead.
2024-05-09Fix some spelling errorsEvan Chen
2024-05-05Merge pull request #8182 from qutebrowser/dynamic-dark-modeFlorian Bruhin
Dynamic dark mode
2024-04-30Add more dark mode logic unit testsFlorian Bruhin
2024-04-30Fix tests/lintFlorian Bruhin
2024-04-30Infer Chromium security version when API is unavailablefill-in-security-versionFlorian Bruhin
We already had all this information in a comment anyways. I made it machine-readable using: s/#\s+(\d*)\.(\d*)\.(\d*): Security fixes up to ([^ ]*)\s+\((.*)\)/utils.VersionNumber(\1, \2, \3): (_BASES[XX], '\4'), # \5 plus some manual post-processing. Thanks to that, we can now get the security version from that data even on QtWebEngine < 6.3, if that information is known. When we fall back to a base version (e.g. 6.7.99 -> 6.7), we make sure to not pretend that we have the .0 state of things, though. Finally, we cross-check the information against the current Qt version if we have the API, which mostly ensures the data is accurate for human readers. See #7187 and #8139.
2024-04-30Split QtWebEngine version across multiple linesFlorian Bruhin
More readable now that we have more information in it. Also always show the source, now that we have the space for it, and "UA" isn't the obvious default anymore anyways.
2024-04-30Exit command mode in editor testsFlorian Bruhin
Similarly to 24d01ad25729458f0584a35c6b4d9a36f0b5e580, failing Qt 5.15 tests showed some evidence of us being stuck in command mode in the next test file (hints.feature). On the first test there ("Scenario: Using :hint-follow outside of hint mode (issue 1105)"): 17:38:51.073 ERROR message message:error:63 hint-follow: This command is only allowed in hint mode, not command. but: end2end.fixtures.testprocess.WaitForTimeout: Timed out after 15000ms waiting for {'category': 'message', 'loglevel': 40, 'message': 'hint-follow: This command is only allowed in hint mode, not normal.'}. I agree with what has been said: This should never happen, because we restart the qutebrowser process between test files. I did some of the mentioned "more examination" but also don't have an explanation. To avoid more flaky tests, let's roll with another bandaid solution.
2024-04-30Make qt.machinery.Unavailable inherit ModuleNotFoundErrorFlorian Bruhin
With pytest 8.2, pytest.importorskip(...) now only considers ModuleNotFoundError rather than all ImportErrors, and warns otherwise: While we could override this via pytest.importorskip(..., exc_type=machinery.Unavailable) this is a simpler solution, and it also makes more sense semantically: We only raise Unavailable when an import is being done that would otherwise result in a ModuleNotFoundError anyways (e.g. trying to import QtWebKit on Qt 6).
2024-04-28fix lint, add cheroot log ignorestoofar
mypy: Mypy knows about the QDataStream.Status.SizeLimitExceeded attribute now, so we can remove the ignore. But mypy for pyqt5 doesn't know about it, so put the whole graceful block behind an additional conditional as well to hide it from pyqt5 mypy. cheroot: looks like the format of the error message we are already ignoring changed slightly. The `ssl/tls` bit changed to `sslv3`, at least in our setup.
2024-04-27Revert "delay fake-key" and add waits in e2e tests insteadtoofar
Previously (a209c86c55a4) I've added a delay in browser code before sending events to the page to account with a race condition where events weren't processed after navigating. Then I had to add extra checks to tests that had tight timing requirements. That was for click-element, this commit reverts an attempt at the same strategy for fake-key and instead adds wait statements in the tests that where hitting the original race condition (sending events "too soon" after a navigation). The reason for the different approach here is that after adding the delay in fake-key I had to add an extra "wait for log line" message to a few tests with tight timing requirements to watch for a Tab key press. That worked great for webengine but it made some tests start failing on webkit. We don't seem to get that log message on webkit. I've got no-idea why and frankly think I've spent way too much time on just a handful of tests already. It's unfortunate we have to add manually delays in the e2e tests. It makes me think if anyone else adds a test in the future with this combination of steps (open page, run fake-key) they'll run into the same issue and it'll be hard to spot. Oh well, we'll deal with that when it comes up. The tests that where failing on webkit are the ones in caret.feature touched in this commit. Reverts included in this commit: Revert "Delay fake-key events by 10ms" This reverts commit 9f050c7460c42f317ceaa20b320e97d371a2c0a0. Revert "Wait for evidence of Tab key press in tests before proceeding" This reverts commit d47d247941c4b1fe3adac0dae8be301b36aec85b.
2024-04-27Wait for evidence of Tab key press in tests before proceedingtoofar
In the previous commit 9f050c7460c4 "Delay fake-key events by 10ms" I delayed events for fake-key by 10ms to deal with a timing issue with sending events right after a navigation not being processed. Just like last time that's caused a few tests with tight timing constraints to break because they proceed to the next command before the fake-key events have taken effect. Maybe it would have been better to just put the waits in the e2e tests in the first case instead of in the production code? Well, we'll see. Maybe I'll never have to deal with this again.
2024-04-27Exit mode before edit tests.toofar
Exit prompt mode on the last test in downloads.feature because it's preventing the next tests in editor.feature from running. Screenshots of the first failing test in editor.feature shows a prompt open and jsprompt open in the background. This shouldn't happen as there is a module level fixture in that is supposed to close and re-open the browser process between each feature file. That bears more examination but for now this change looks pretty painless.
2024-04-27Wait for evidence of click in e2e before proceedingtoofar
I've added a 10ms delay when sending a fake click via QEvents to help with a timing issue in the prompt e2e tests in Qt6.7. Apparently that throws off the tight timing of this one test! I guess the `:scroll bottom` comes before the iframe has been clicked. I'm a little worried that if we are depending on timing stuff like this we should be looking at a more thorough solution. Maybe the "and follow" suffix can trigger it to wait for "Clicked *editable element!"? Also I can try to reduce the delay in the click, but 10ms is pretty short already.
2024-04-20Merge pull request #8139 from ↵toofar
qutebrowser/feat/7187_chromium_security_patch_in_version Show chromium security patch version in :version
2024-04-09Ignore new mesa "error" logtoofar
This only shows up on the webkit CI job. Probably something to do with the fact that we are using webkit builds from the distant archives. I'm sure it'll break for real one of these days.
2024-04-09Move webkit.http to webkit.httpheaderstoofar
flake8 got a new warning about a module name shadowing a builtin module: Probably would have been safe enough to ignore it. But I don't think moving it is that hard anyway. Hopefully I didn't miss anything!
2024-04-06Add a :window-only for some qt5 end2end teststoofar
A couple of tests seem to be failing because there is two windows open and they don't expect it. I haven't fixed the root cause, I looked through the logs and couldn't see why a second window was open. But if this makes the tests pass, I guess we can address that if someone reports it. Also changed `_get_scroll_values()` to handle multiple tabs/windows being open too while I was there. Example logs: Sessions file from the test logs: Current session data: windows: - geometry: !!binary | AdnQywADAAAAAAAyAAAAMgAAA1EAAAKJAAAAMgAAADIAAANRAAACiQAAAAAAAAAAAyAAAAAyAAAA MgAAA1EAAAKJ tabs: - active: true history: - active: true last_visited: '2024-04-04T03:21:00' pinned: false scroll-pos: x: 0 y: 0 title: about:blank url: about:blank zoom: 1.0 - active: true geometry: !!binary | AdnQywADAAAAAAAyAAAAMgAAA1EAAAKJAAAAMgAAADIAAANRAAACiQAAAAAAAAAAAyAAAAAyAAAA MgAAA1EAAAKJ tabs: - active: true history: - active: true last_visited: '2024-04-04T03:21:03' pinned: false scroll-pos: x: 0 y: 40 title: Scrolling url: http://localhost:39235/data/scroll/simple.html zoom: 1.0
2024-03-27Fix caret tests on Qt 6 and Windowsflaky-caret-windowsFlorian Bruhin
2024-03-27Add caret browsing debug loggingFlorian Bruhin
2024-03-27tests: Avoid using autofocus for click_element testsFlorian Bruhin
Similarly to the last commit (982b8bdcecfba6fc1687a6a4942b9e3ab3221eb7), we run into a race between autofocus triggering and the test trying to click the focused element. This also affects the "when there is none" test, which loses the focus before it has been set, thus ending up with a focused element but expecting none. We fix both in one go by manually focusing things with a tab keypress instead of using autofocus. See #8145 and #5390.
2024-03-27Fix input.insert_mode.auto_load race / test_auto_load flakinessFlorian Bruhin
Fixes #8145, see #5390. As long as we don't have a solution to get notified about focus happening (#2471 possibly?), it looks like there is no better way to get notified about this, so a delay will need to do for now.
2024-03-26tests: Fix glob matchingFlorian Bruhin
2024-03-26tests: Ignore new SSL error messageFlorian Bruhin
Seems to break in bleeding edge tests
2024-03-25qtutils: Handle QDataStream.Status.SizeLimitExceededqt67Florian Bruhin
2024-03-25tests: Add new ignored error messagesFlorian Bruhin
2024-03-25tests: Avoid accessing Qt statics at import timeFlorian Bruhin
With a Qt 6.7 developer build, the tests fail with: ASSERT failure in QtGlobalStatic::ApplicationHolder<QAS>::PlainType* QtGlobalStatic::ApplicationHolder<QAS>::pointer() [with QAS = {anonymous}::Q_QAS_qtlsbLoader; PlainType = QFactoryLoader]: "The application static was used without a QCoreApplication instance", file .../qtbase/src/corelib/kernel/qapplicationstatic.h, line 54 Fatal Python error: Aborted [...] Current thread 0x00007c18bb3f3740 (most recent call first): File ".../tests/unit/browser/webkit/", line 23 in <module> See
2024-03-23Show chromium security patch version in :versionfeat/7187_chromium_security_patch_in_versiontoofar
Webengine added a getter for their chromium patch level back in Qt 6.3, since they backport security fixes from chromium in the periods between doing major chromium feature upgrades. It's pulled from a hardcoded string in the webengine source `src/core/web_engine_context.cpp` that's manually updated when they backport something. The "(plus any distribution patches)" bit in there is because it was pointed out that some distributions backport their own security patches or even use webengine from a branch when the hardcoded string only gets updated at release time, despite patches being backported in the meantime. Closes:
2024-02-25windows doesn't support SIGHUPtoofar
It gives an AttributeError for both signal.SIGHUP and signal.Signals.SIGHUP. The Signals Enum is set up so you can use the strings to key into it though, so that's nice. I was tempted to use a walrus operator here but I think that's python 310 and I don't remember what our minimum supported version is.
2024-02-24Add some basic tests for SignalHandlertoofar
It doesn't look like this class has any unit tests currently. And since we are adding a new signal handler to it I took the opportunity to add a few tests to it to establish a bit of a framework so that next time we touch it it will be easier to add more. I didn't go for full coverage here. It's an improvement over what was there previously and it should make merging more palatable. I don't think handling SIGHUP is a very risky feature. I chose to use mocker.patch over monkeypatch.setattr because I think it provides a more friendly and powerful API due to being more tightly integrated with magic mocks. And with `mocker.patch.object` you can even use actual object names instead of strings, the same as monkeypatch allows. One thing I'm less confident with here is mocking all multiple things in a couple of fixtures. Writing one fixture for each little thing I mock doesn't feel appealing to me right now, but for mocks that tests need to access there isn't really any idiomatic way to let the tests access them. I previously just had the one fixture but pulled out the read config one for that purpose. It's a pattern I'll have to think on a bit I think. Probably having to have developers thing about the balance of boilerplate vs accessibility is cognitive load that we want to avoid. Hmm. Anyway, here are the options I was looking at to let test code access mocks that where all shoved away into the one fixture: 1. group the tests into a class and put the mocks in class variables: could work fine but I don't think it's very idiomatic for pytest? 2. return some kind of meta object from the fixture that has the object under test as one attribute and the mocks as other ones: hmm, returning multiple values from a method always seemed a bit smelly to me 3. make one fixture for each of the mocks, have the main fixture depend on them all, tests that need to modify them can depend on them too: writing all those fixtures seems tedious and I don't think it would be a clear win in terms of readability. *sigh*, I suppose I should pull the ones I'm modifying out at least so other people don't copy my lazyness in the future 4. have the test code access the mocks from the real code, eg `configfiles.sys.exit.side_effect = ...`: this works fine but I feel like it's relying on an implementation detail and probably shouldn't be encouraged? Not sure In case anyone is struggling with git blame and wondering what the QSocketNotifier stuff is about, this commit should explain it:
2024-01-12listcategory: Fix O(n^2) performance if no matchFlorian Bruhin
With the change in #7955, if the regex did not match, it ended up retrying the lookahead at every position of the string (expected), but then *also* repeated that process for every position in the string. Thus, a non-matching pattern ended up in O(n^2) performance (with n = length of URL). Instead, anchor the pattern at the beginning of the string. This doesn't change behaviour as we use .* at the beginning of every lookahead anyways, but it means we end up with O(n) instead of O(n^2) performance. Co-authored-by: toofar <>
2024-01-12Reapply "Merge pull request #7955 from arza-zara/search_any_order"Florian Bruhin
This reverts commit 45d483479aebb6af5a53aea97d65228d8621ad86.
2024-01-11Revert "Merge pull request #7955 from arza-zara/search_any_order"Florian Bruhin
This reverts commit fe1faa14b91253db99e9b4451ffb1a479feff1db, reversing changes made to 04af4c657d3725fd2d3b556d9b88b44d3ada0be1. For my setup with 310 quickmarks and 94 bookmarks, this makes qutebrowser hang for around a minute on every keypress.
2024-01-10tests: Upgrade our hook implementation for pytest 7Florian Bruhin 8.0.0 removes the "path" compatibility alias we used.
2024-01-10tests: Ignore yet another mesa (?) warningFlorian Bruhin
As shown in detail by toofar in dff25d10bcc8a398a77ef260c33e51ec5c70f482, mesa 23.3 seems to trigger some new error messages. On my setup locally, it also triggers the warning that's ignored here. Why that's not the case on CI or for others is unclear to me, I gave up trying to understand graphics stuff on Linux. I'll just presume this is the same underlying cause, and refer to the commit message of the commit above for more details.
2023-12-21Ignore mesa "error" logstoofar
Mesa upgraded from 23.2.1-2 to 23.3.1-1 a couple of days ago. Since then there has been some non-fatal InvalidLine errors in the CI jobs (eg Based on I'm assuming these log messages don't actually indicate errors and the tests pass when they are ignore. Weirdly, I'm only seeing these errors related to the `tests/end2end/` test, I'm not sure why. It doesn't look much different from the ones around it. Possibly we could ignore these lines just for that test, or maybe play round with it more to find out why it is different. But since the lines are non fatal I'll just ignore them everywhere. I'm a little worried about that because they are quite generic, but at least they are still logged when they are ignored. They might change these error logs messages to be warning log messages based on that issue. But it'll probably still fail the tests since we match on all log lines? The "always try zink" change was introduced in It looks like there might be a `LIBGL_KOPPER_DISABLE` which may skip this behaviour. Not I'm not sure, the commit message says: > don't load non-sw zink without dri3 support > this is going to be broken, so don't bother trying > also add LIBGL_KOPPER_DRI2 so people can continue to footgun if they > really really want to I assume we aren't trying to run with non-sw zink but with non-zink sw? idk Maybe we should be setting force_software_rendering=software-opengl or LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE instead so that it never tries to use the vulkan backed zink?
2023-12-21Merge pull request #7955 from arza-zara/search_any_ordertoofar
A few more completions will now match search terms in any order: `:quickmark-*`, `:bookmark-*`, `:tab-take` and `:tab-select` (for the quick and bookmark categories).
2023-12-05Extend pakjoy to Qt 6.5.0/.1/.2 with dark modeFlorian Bruhin
See #7837