path: root/misc
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
5 daysUpdate dependenciesupdate-dependenciesqutebrowser bot
8 daysAdd Riverbank Computing as extra index for PyQt requirementsFlorian Bruhin
Easier fix instead of 6c4be8ef03bdcf09e86e14de02b8bd308e6e527b. Seems to get picked up just fine, and shouldn't hurt when it's not needed, as we don't use --pre. Thus, no development releases should be installed.
8 daysRevert "Try getting PyQt 6.7 from Riverbank server"Florian Bruhin
This reverts commit 6c4be8ef03bdcf09e86e14de02b8bd308e6e527b. Possibly easier solution in next commit.
8 daysTry getting PyQt 6.7 from Riverbank serverFlorian Bruhin
See and
8 daysUpdate requirements and CI for PyQt6.7toofar
6.7 is released now, some distros are already shipping it! This commit: 1. adds a new 6.7 requirements file (the plain 6 one has already been updated by the bot) 2. adds a new tox env referring to the new requirements file 3. updates the mac and windows installer jobs to run with pyqt67 with the assumption we'll be including that in our next release 4. adds two new CI environments for 6.7, one each for python 3.11 and 3.12 (3.12 only came out like 6 months ago) 5. updates a couple of references to the py37 tox env that looked like they were missed, 3.7 support was dropped in 93c7fdd 6. updates various ubuntu containers to the latest LTS instead of the previous related one - this is quite unrelated to this change but I thought I would give it a go, no need to use the old one unless we are specifically testing on it? - linters - they use tox but probably use system libraries - these all run in nested containers anyway, should be fully isolated - codeql - eh, uses a third party action, check the docs if it fails - irc - as above
12 daysUpdate dependenciesqutebrowser bot
2024-05-09Fix some spelling errorsEvan Chen
2024-05-06Update dependenciesqutebrowser bot
2024-04-29Update dependenciesqutebrowser bot
2024-04-27Update dependenciesqutebrowser bot
2024-04-27Update dependenciesqutebrowser bot
2024-04-15Update dependenciesqutebrowser bot
2024-04-11Changed line 35 of tor_identity userscript to stop it throwing an error when ↵Vanessa Frank
'--control-port' is passed
2024-04-08Update dependenciesqutebrowser bot
2024-03-25Update dependenciesqutebrowser bot
2024-03-18Update dependenciesqutebrowser bot
2024-03-04Update dependenciesqutebrowser bot
2024-02-26Update lint etc for dependenciestoofar
The lint ones are: linters (pylint): qutebrowser/completion/ Consider using 'height = min(height, contents_height)' instead of unnecessary if block linters (pylint): qutebrowser/browser/webengine/ Useless suppression of 'no-member' The no-member one might be due to this change: For the importlib-resources one, I'm not sure why it's changed to be underscore instead of a dash now. But at least it's consistent across all the requirements files now! I feel like I've seem this in a previous dependancy update too (for a different package?) but I can't find that now.
2024-02-26Update dependenciesqutebrowser bot
2024-02-19Update dependenciesqutebrowser bot
2024-02-12Update dependenciesqutebrowser bot
2024-02-05Update dependenciesqutebrowser bot
2024-01-29Update dependenciesqutebrowser bot
2024-01-22Update dependenciesqutebrowser bot
2024-01-15Update dependenciesqutebrowser bot
2024-01-08Update dependenciesqutebrowser bot
2024-01-01Update dependenciesqutebrowser bot
2023-12-26Update qute-pylint requirements regex for new setuptools.toofar
In `pylint_checkers/` we define the package name as `qute_pylint`. When setuptools was creating the egg (or wheel?) it was sanitizing the package name replacing all problematic chars, including underscore, with a hyphen (-). So the output of `pip freeze`, among other things, have the name with a hyphen: `qute-pylint`. This was fixed in setuptools so underscores are no longer sanitized: Change the regex to include both just in case someone is running it with the old setuptools or something. Also because I'm not able to reproduce the hyphen version of the name locally, not sure why. Maybe it depends on your python or importlib version too?
2023-12-25Update dependenciesqutebrowser bot
2023-12-18Update dependenciesqutebrowser bot
2023-12-11Regenerate pylint requirements with isort pinnedtoofar
I added isort!=5.13.0 in misc/requirements/requirements-pylint.txt and ran `python3 scripts/dev/ pylint` in `docker run -v `pwd`:/work -w /work -it python:3.8-bookworm bash` based off of main. Then reverted the relevant part of the update dependencies commit with `git show HEAD misc/requirements/requirements-pylint.txt | patch -R -p 1` and manually updated the two deps from the local update run :) diff --git i/misc/requirements/requirements-pylint.txt w/misc/requirements/requirements-pylint.txt index 80319adc03a7..1c8fa33e623a 100644 --- i/misc/requirements/requirements-pylint.txt +++ w/misc/requirements/requirements-pylint.txt @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ idna==3.6 isort==5.12.0 mccabe==0.7.0 pefile==2023.2.7 -platformdirs==4.0.0 +platformdirs==4.1.0 pycparser==2.21 PyJWT==2.8.0 pylint==3.0.2 @@ -21,6 +21,6 @@ requests==2.31.0 six==1.16.0 tomli==2.0.1 tomlkit==0.12.3 -typing_extensions==4.8.0 +typing_extensions==4.9.0 uritemplate==4.1.1 # urllib3==2.1.0 ref:
2023-12-11Update dependenciesqutebrowser bot
2023-12-08Release v3.1.0v3.1.0v3.1.xqutebrowser bot
2023-12-04Update dependenciesqutebrowser bot
2023-11-27Update dependenciesqutebrowser bot
2023-11-20Update dependenciesqutebrowser bot
2023-11-13Downgrade mypy for nowtoofar
I believe we are being afflicted by this issue: Although I'm not 100% sure because there is a lot going on in this function and I haven't managed to grok it. The mypy 1.7 release [notes][1.7] say you can disable the new type inference by running `tox -e mypy-pyqt6 -- --old-type-inference` and indeed mypy passes with that. So either our type hints are incorrect or we are hitting a bug. Considering the inferred type hint has a `Never` in it I'm leading toward it being a bug. So I'll bump the mypy version down and hopefully next week the issue will be resolved. The mypy output before this commit was: mypy-pyqt6: commands[0]> .tox/mypy-pyqt6/bin/python -m mypy --always-true=USE_PYQT6 --always-false=USE_PYQT5 --always-false=USE_PYSIDE6 --always-false=IS_QT5 --always-true=IS_QT6 --always-true=IS_PYQT --always-false=IS_PYSIDE qutebrowser qutebrowser/utils/ error: Argument 1 to "contextmanager" has incompatible type "Callable[[str, bool, str], Iterator[IO[AnyStr]]]"; expected "Callable[[str, bool, str], Iterator[IO[Never]]]" [arg-type] @contextlib.contextmanager ^ qutebrowser/misc/ note: In member "save" of class "LineParser": qutebrowser/misc/ error: Need type annotation for "f" [var-annotated] with qtutils.savefile_open(self._configfile, self._binary) as f: ^ qutebrowser/misc/ note: In member "save" of class "LimitLineParser": qutebrowser/misc/ error: Need type annotation for "f" [var-annotated] with qtutils.savefile_open(self._configfile, self._binary) as f: ^ qutebrowser/config/ note: In member "_save" of class "YamlConfig": qutebrowser/config/ error: Need type annotation for "f" [var-annotated] with qtutils.savefile_open(self._filename) as f: ^ qutebrowser/misc/ note: In member "save" of class "SessionManager": qutebrowser/misc/ error: Need type annotation for "f" [var-annotated] with qtutils.savefile_open(path) as f: [1.7]:
2023-11-13Merge second dependancy update.toofar
Didn't manage to merge the first one in time. ref:
2023-11-13add pyqt6.6 requirements filetoofar
What is that big chain of !pyqt- etc mean? idk ref:
2023-11-13Update dependenciesqutebrowser bot
2023-11-13Update dependenciesqutebrowser bot
2023-10-30Update dependenciesqutebrowser bot
2023-10-28debug python importstoofar
For windows I'm getting a "Module not found." error, which I suspect is it not finding qutebrowser itself, but lets see. ref:
2023-10-28un-pin pyinstallertoofar
ref: #7806
2023-10-23Update dependenciesqutebrowser bot
2023-10-19Release v3.0.2qutebrowser bot
(cherry picked from commit f4ba52d33fb73a44a9298098d062987f23fb79db)
2023-10-19Release v3.0.1qutebrowser bot
(cherry picked from commit b3b1384037f0717a1905c67c69b887034345221c)
2023-10-16Update dependenciesqutebrowser bot
2023-10-09Update dependenciesqutebrowser bot
2023-10-02Update dependenciesqutebrowser bot