AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-08-29Relax errors shown in the UIFlorian Bruhin
2022-08-29Improve error message on unresolved executablesFlorian Bruhin
2022-08-23Fix lintFlorian Bruhin
2022-08-23Fix half-finished testFlorian Bruhin
2022-08-23js: Eschew the extraenous elseFlorian Bruhin
2022-08-23js: Be more precise about webelem exceptionFlorian Bruhin
2022-08-23js: Handle stylesheets in cross-origin frames gracefullyFlorian Bruhin
2022-08-23Update changelogFlorian Bruhin
2022-08-23Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/pr/7293'Florian Bruhin
2022-08-23Update docsFlorian Bruhin
2022-08-23Make elide position in truncated tab title configurablekt programs
2022-08-22doc: Add qute-containers to READMEFlorian Bruhin
2022-08-22Remove unused importsFlorian Bruhin
2022-08-22Revert "Ignore flask development warnings."Florian Bruhin
2022-08-22tests: Use CherryPy for HTTPS serverFlorian Bruhin
2022-08-22ci: Fix regex for macOS logFlorian Bruhin
2022-08-22scripts: Ignore new macOS 11 warningFlorian Bruhin
2022-08-22Update docsFlorian Bruhin
2022-08-22Add --quiet for :back and :forwardFlorian Bruhin
2022-08-22Update changelog URLsFlorian Bruhin
2022-08-22Merge pull request #7355 from qutebrowser/update-dependenciesFlorian Bruhin
2022-08-22Update dependenciesqutebrowser bot
2022-08-18Fix notification unit tests after GetServerInformation was addedFlorian Bruhin
2022-08-18Merge pull request #7344 from qutebrowser/update-dependenciesFlorian Bruhin
2022-08-18tests: Support GetServerInformation for test notification serverFlorian Bruhin
2022-08-18Ignore flask development warnings.toofar
2022-08-16ci: Drop Ubuntu 18.04, add 22.04Florian Bruhin
2022-08-16ci: Update to macOS 11, add 12Florian Bruhin
2022-08-15Fixup content.javascript.log_messages.excludes issuesFlorian Bruhin
2022-08-15Update changelogFlorian Bruhin
2022-08-15config: Handle errors while updating mutablesFlorian Bruhin
2022-08-15config: Use a single argument for _handle_error()Florian Bruhin
2022-08-15config: Properly convert values for list/dict commandsFlorian Bruhin
2022-08-15config: Discard prior mutables before applyingFlorian Bruhin
2022-08-15Add content.javascript.log_messages.excludesFlorian Bruhin
2022-08-15Add utils.match_globsFlorian Bruhin
2022-08-15js: Add some newlinesFlorian Bruhin
2022-08-15Update dependenciesqutebrowser bot
2022-08-12Fix type annotationFlorian Bruhin
2022-08-12Surface internal/userscript JS errors as messagesFlorian Bruhin
2022-08-08Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/pr/7337'Florian Bruhin
2022-08-08Update changelog URLsFlorian Bruhin
2022-08-08Update dependenciesqutebrowser bot
2022-08-06Re-add missing changelog URLsFlorian Bruhin
2022-08-03flake8: Reenable flake8-copyright and flake8-future-importFlorian Bruhin
2022-08-03Update changelog URLsFlorian Bruhin
2022-08-01Merge pull request #7326 from qutebrowser/update-dependenciesFlorian Bruhin
2022-08-01flake8: Remove broken pluginsFlorian Bruhin
2022-08-01revert accidental .flake8 changetoofar
2022-08-01mypy: Remove no longer needed ignore commentstoofar