AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2024-03-25update importlib metadata changelog URLtoofar
See 2f3d0161f3b4c for the corresponding importlib_resources one. Also this I guess? I don't really understand it, everything seems happy.
2024-03-23Show chromium security patch version in :versionfeat/7187_chromium_security_patch_in_versiontoofar
Webengine added a getter for their chromium patch level back in Qt 6.3, since they backport security fixes from chromium in the periods between doing major chromium feature upgrades. It's pulled from a hardcoded string in the webengine source `src/core/web_engine_context.cpp` that's manually updated when they backport something. The "(plus any distribution patches)" bit in there is because it was pointed out that some distributions backport their own security patches or even use webengine from a branch when the hardcoded string only gets updated at release time, despite patches being backported in the meantime. Closes:
2024-03-22Update doc heading for WindowsFlorian Bruhin
See #8136
2024-03-18Update dependenciesqutebrowser bot
2024-03-11build(deps): bump softprops/action-gh-release from 1 to 2dependabot/github_actions/softprops/action-gh-release-2dependabot[bot]
Bumps [softprops/action-gh-release]( from 1 to 2. - [Release notes]( - [Changelog]( - [Commits]( --- updated-dependencies: - dependency-name: softprops/action-gh-release dependency-type: direct:production update-type: version-update:semver-major ... Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
2024-03-04Rename readme_renderer in changelog URLsFlorian Bruhin
2024-03-04Update dependenciesqutebrowser bot
2024-02-26Merge pull request #8114 from qutebrowser/update-dependenciesFlorian Bruhin
Update dependencies
2024-02-26Update lint etc for dependenciestoofar
The lint ones are: linters (pylint): qutebrowser/completion/ Consider using 'height = min(height, contents_height)' instead of unnecessary if block linters (pylint): qutebrowser/browser/webengine/ Useless suppression of 'no-member' The no-member one might be due to this change: For the importlib-resources one, I'm not sure why it's changed to be underscore instead of a dash now. But at least it's consistent across all the requirements files now! I feel like I've seem this in a previous dependancy update too (for a different package?) but I can't find that now.
2024-02-26Update dependenciesqutebrowser bot
2024-02-25Merge pull request #8106 from qutebrowser/update-dependenciestoofar
Update dependencies
2024-02-25Merge pull request #8110 from tarneaux/maintoofar
Allow reloading config on SIGHUP
2024-02-25ci: don't fail all docker builds if one failstoofar
Currently the unstable docker images are failing to build (undefined symbol: _ZN5QFont11tagToStringEj, version Qt_6. Looks like Qt has upgraded to 6.7 but pyqt6 hasn't been patched to remove some symbols that are gone now). But we might as well let the stable ones rebuild right?
2024-02-25ci: fix --debug patching on all platforms (for real?)toofar
It seems `sed -i` is not very portable. Initially we were using this command: sed -i '' '/.-d., .--debug.,/s/$/ default=True,/' qutebrowser/ and then that started breaking on windows, I'm not sure why, with "can't read /.-d., .--debug.,/s/$/ default=True,/: No such file or directory". Then we changed to: sed -i '/.-d., .--debug.,/s/$/ default=True,/' qutebrowser/ so without the extension argument, but that broke on mac with "1: "qutebrowser/": extra characters at the end of q command" then we tried: sed -i'' '/.-d., .--debug.,/s/$/ default=True,/' qutebrowser/ and that also broke on mac with the same error. On the recommendation of stackoverflow I just changed it no not use in-place editing and do a good old fashioned move afterwards. ... record scratch ... Apparently these GHA steps are being run in powershell in windows where `mv` is implemented by `Move-Item` where you have to use -Force to overwrite destination files. But that's not portable. cp does happily overwrite without any additional instruction though. So I'm doing cp instead of mv and then removing the temp file. Probably if this drags out anymore we should download something off of pypi which is platform independent to handle it.
2024-02-25windows doesn't support SIGHUPtoofar
It gives an AttributeError for both signal.SIGHUP and signal.Signals.SIGHUP. The Signals Enum is set up so you can use the strings to key into it though, so that's nice. I was tempted to use a walrus operator here but I think that's python 310 and I don't remember what our minimum supported version is.
2024-02-24update changelog for SIGHUP handlingtoofar
2024-02-24Add some basic tests for SignalHandlertoofar
It doesn't look like this class has any unit tests currently. And since we are adding a new signal handler to it I took the opportunity to add a few tests to it to establish a bit of a framework so that next time we touch it it will be easier to add more. I didn't go for full coverage here. It's an improvement over what was there previously and it should make merging more palatable. I don't think handling SIGHUP is a very risky feature. I chose to use mocker.patch over monkeypatch.setattr because I think it provides a more friendly and powerful API due to being more tightly integrated with magic mocks. And with `mocker.patch.object` you can even use actual object names instead of strings, the same as monkeypatch allows. One thing I'm less confident with here is mocking all multiple things in a couple of fixtures. Writing one fixture for each little thing I mock doesn't feel appealing to me right now, but for mocks that tests need to access there isn't really any idiomatic way to let the tests access them. I previously just had the one fixture but pulled out the read config one for that purpose. It's a pattern I'll have to think on a bit I think. Probably having to have developers thing about the balance of boilerplate vs accessibility is cognitive load that we want to avoid. Hmm. Anyway, here are the options I was looking at to let test code access mocks that where all shoved away into the one fixture: 1. group the tests into a class and put the mocks in class variables: could work fine but I don't think it's very idiomatic for pytest? 2. return some kind of meta object from the fixture that has the object under test as one attribute and the mocks as other ones: hmm, returning multiple values from a method always seemed a bit smelly to me 3. make one fixture for each of the mocks, have the main fixture depend on them all, tests that need to modify them can depend on them too: writing all those fixtures seems tedious and I don't think it would be a clear win in terms of readability. *sigh*, I suppose I should pull the ones I'm modifying out at least so other people don't copy my lazyness in the future 4. have the test code access the mocks from the real code, eg `configfiles.sys.exit.side_effect = ...`: this works fine but I feel like it's relying on an implementation detail and probably shouldn't be encouraged? Not sure In case anyone is struggling with git blame and wondering what the QSocketNotifier stuff is about, this commit should explain it:
2024-02-22Run message.error() on SIGHUP config errorstarneo
2024-02-22Replicate config_source in SIGHUP handlertarneo
2024-02-21Allow reloading config on SIGHUPtarneo
Before this commit qutebrowser would just exit when receiving a SIGHUP. Now it will reload the config using the bare config_source function, just like the :config-source command does. Closes #8108.
2024-02-20Ignore new 6.6.2 notifications related error messagestoofar
The seem to be non-fatal considering the test scenarios they are coming from are still passing.
2024-02-19Update dependenciesqutebrowser bot
2024-02-17Merge pull request #8101 from qutebrowser/update-dependenciestoofar
Update dependencies
2024-02-13ci: Try more sed cross-platform madnessFlorian Bruhin
2024-02-12Update dependenciesqutebrowser bot
2024-02-05Merge pull request #8091 from ↵Florian Bruhin
qutebrowser/dependabot/github_actions/peter-evans/create-pull-request-6 build(deps): bump peter-evans/create-pull-request from 5 to 6
2024-02-05build(deps): bump peter-evans/create-pull-request from 5 to 6dependabot/github_actions/peter-evans/create-pull-request-6dependabot[bot]
Bumps [peter-evans/create-pull-request]( from 5 to 6. - [Release notes]( - [Commits]( --- updated-dependencies: - dependency-name: peter-evans/create-pull-request dependency-type: direct:production update-type: version-update:semver-major ... Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
2024-02-05Merge pull request #8090 from qutebrowser/update-dependenciesFlorian Bruhin
Update dependencies
2024-02-05Update dependenciesqutebrowser bot
2024-02-02ci: Remove weird sed usageFlorian Bruhin
Broke on Windows nightly builds for some reason
2024-01-30tox: Stop pinning virtualenv for Python 3.12Florian Bruhin
Reverts 0b0401f8bb23fa57bac13e14b522c9755cba05f7 Fixed in virtualenv 20.23.0 which ships pip 23.1.2 which ships setuptools 67.7.2. Archlinux upgraded finally in August:
2024-01-29Merge pull request #8085 from qutebrowser/update-dependenciestoofar
Update dependencies
2024-01-29Update dependenciesqutebrowser bot
2024-01-28Merge pull request #8080 from ↵toofar
qutebrowser/dependabot/github_actions/actions/cache-4 build(deps): bump actions/cache from 3 to 4
2024-01-22build(deps): bump actions/cache from 3 to 4dependabot/github_actions/actions/cache-4dependabot[bot]
Bumps [actions/cache]( from 3 to 4. - [Release notes]( - [Changelog]( - [Commits]( --- updated-dependencies: - dependency-name: actions/cache dependency-type: direct:production update-type: version-update:semver-major ... Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>
2024-01-22Update changelog URLsFlorian Bruhin
2024-01-22Update flake8 ignoresFlorian Bruhin
2024-01-22Update changelog URLFlorian Bruhin
2024-01-22Update dependenciesqutebrowser bot
2024-01-17Fix consistency of 'dark mode' spellingFlorian Bruhin
Thanks to absinthium
2024-01-15Merge pull request #8067 from qutebrowser/update-dependenciesFlorian Bruhin
Update dependencies
2024-01-15Update dependenciesqutebrowser bot
2024-01-12listcategory: Clean up building regex patternFlorian Bruhin
- Don't split the pattern in weird places used for str.join, instead build up the individual groups and then "".join them, which seems more readable to me. - Don't reuse "val" for both the user-input pattern and the regex pattern.
2024-01-12listcategory: Fix O(n^2) performance if no matchFlorian Bruhin
With the change in #7955, if the regex did not match, it ended up retrying the lookahead at every position of the string (expected), but then *also* repeated that process for every position in the string. Thus, a non-matching pattern ended up in O(n^2) performance (with n = length of URL). Instead, anchor the pattern at the beginning of the string. This doesn't change behaviour as we use .* at the beginning of every lookahead anyways, but it means we end up with O(n) instead of O(n^2) performance. Co-authored-by: toofar <>
2024-01-12Reapply "Update changelog for 7955"Florian Bruhin
This reverts commit 6a149901fbd91ac2b8b6cb39fbc835a777319c2e.
2024-01-12Reapply "Merge pull request #7955 from arza-zara/search_any_order"Florian Bruhin
This reverts commit 45d483479aebb6af5a53aea97d65228d8621ad86.
2024-01-12Merge pull request #8063 from ju-sh/patch-1Florian Bruhin
Typo fix
2024-01-12Typo fixJulin S
Trivial typo fix
2024-01-11Revert "Update changelog for 7955"Florian Bruhin
This reverts commit dbd0bfbe8e19b173e39b1536a52907eb28557773. See previous commit
2024-01-11Revert "Merge pull request #7955 from arza-zara/search_any_order"Florian Bruhin
This reverts commit fe1faa14b91253db99e9b4451ffb1a479feff1db, reversing changes made to 04af4c657d3725fd2d3b556d9b88b44d3ada0be1. For my setup with 310 quickmarks and 94 bookmarks, this makes qutebrowser hang for around a minute on every keypress.