AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
12 daysupdate changelog for flaky windows qtimer issuewindows-ipc-debugging-compilertoofar
12 daysHandle "early timer" log messages in teststoofar
The `test_cleanup()` test for guiprocess was triggering the early timer warning messages because it was using a VeryCourse timer with a 100ms interval. Changed it to to a normal Course timer (the default) for that test. For the `ipc-timeout` timer we know that is happening in the tests on windows. It's being logged in lost of e2e tests, the elapsed times it's logging are between 0 and 0.020s. I'm not sure if it's the right thing to be changing the log level in production code or marking the messages as expected in test code.
12 daysAdd unit tests for early timer firing checkingtoofar
12 daysadjust test strings for incrementing connection IDstoofar
12 daysremove unneeded QTimer importstoofar
12 daysUse common timer validity check in usertypes.Timertoofar
Since we are now checking for early timer firings in usertype.Timer I figured why do it in two places, lets call the check method on Timer in the handler in the IPC class too. I also removed the platform and version check because while the bug only happens under those conditions the check to ensure a timer event was valid should work everywhere. Right? We can add them back of someone wants but I'm not sure I see a point. It would be nice if we could filter out invalid timer events in usertypes.Timer and not require the consuming code to have to do anything. But that would be more work, so lets wait until more places of code actually need to care about it, chances are it'll be fixed in Qt soon enough anyway. I also think usertypes.Timer should be restarting the time so it gets called at the proper time. But if we aren't filtering the events that would mean it gets called twice.
12 dayslint: Add misc check for QTimer initializationtoofar
Since we added some sanity checking in usertypes.Timer() around QTBUG-124496 it would be convenient if there was a reminder for future timer users to use our Timer object instead. Here's one! It's looking for QTimer initialisations, we are still allowing QTimer.singleShot(), although that probably can hit the same issue. It uses an end-of-line anchor in the regex so you can put a comment (any comment) on the end of the line to ignore the check.
12 dayscheck more timersFlorian Bruhin
12 daysCheck all timers for early triggeringFlorian Bruhin
12 daysIgnore timeoutFlorian Bruhin
12 daysback to normal ipc implFlorian Bruhin
12 daysloggingFlorian Bruhin
12 daystimestampsFlorian Bruhin
12 daysUse a separate IPCConnection classFlorian Bruhin
12 daystests: Make ssl message matching fuzzierFlorian Bruhin
Windows seems to struggle with the dash
2024-05-04Use a proper increasing id for ipc loggingFlorian Bruhin
2024-05-01Add Riverbank Computing as extra index for PyQt requirementsFlorian Bruhin
Easier fix instead of 6c4be8ef03bdcf09e86e14de02b8bd308e6e527b. Seems to get picked up just fine, and shouldn't hurt when it's not needed, as we don't use --pre. Thus, no development releases should be installed.
2024-04-30Revert "Try getting PyQt 6.7 from Riverbank server"Florian Bruhin
This reverts commit 6c4be8ef03bdcf09e86e14de02b8bd308e6e527b. Possibly easier solution in next commit.
2024-04-30Try getting PyQt 6.7 from Riverbank serverFlorian Bruhin
See and
2024-04-28Update requirements and CI for PyQt6.7toofar
6.7 is released now, some distros are already shipping it! This commit: 1. adds a new 6.7 requirements file (the plain 6 one has already been updated by the bot) 2. adds a new tox env referring to the new requirements file 3. updates the mac and windows installer jobs to run with pyqt67 with the assumption we'll be including that in our next release 4. adds two new CI environments for 6.7, one each for python 3.11 and 3.12 (3.12 only came out like 6 months ago) 5. updates a couple of references to the py37 tox env that looked like they were missed, 3.7 support was dropped in 93c7fdd 6. updates various ubuntu containers to the latest LTS instead of the previous related one - this is quite unrelated to this change but I thought I would give it a go, no need to use the old one unless we are specifically testing on it? - linters - they use tox but probably use system libraries - these all run in nested containers anyway, should be fully isolated - codeql - eh, uses a third party action, check the docs if it fails - irc - as above
2024-04-28fix lint, add cheroot log ignorestoofar
mypy: Mypy knows about the QDataStream.Status.SizeLimitExceeded attribute now, so we can remove the ignore. But mypy for pyqt5 doesn't know about it, so put the whole graceful block behind an additional conditional as well to hide it from pyqt5 mypy. cheroot: looks like the format of the error message we are already ignoring changed slightly. The `ssl/tls` bit changed to `sslv3`, at least in our setup.
2024-04-27Update dependenciesqutebrowser bot
2024-04-27Merge pull request #8168 from qutebrowser/update-dependenciestoofar
Update dependencies
2024-04-27Update dependenciesqutebrowser bot
2024-04-27Revert "delay fake-key" and add waits in e2e tests insteadtoofar
Previously (a209c86c55a4) I've added a delay in browser code before sending events to the page to account with a race condition where events weren't processed after navigating. Then I had to add extra checks to tests that had tight timing requirements. That was for click-element, this commit reverts an attempt at the same strategy for fake-key and instead adds wait statements in the tests that where hitting the original race condition (sending events "too soon" after a navigation). The reason for the different approach here is that after adding the delay in fake-key I had to add an extra "wait for log line" message to a few tests with tight timing requirements to watch for a Tab key press. That worked great for webengine but it made some tests start failing on webkit. We don't seem to get that log message on webkit. I've got no-idea why and frankly think I've spent way too much time on just a handful of tests already. It's unfortunate we have to add manually delays in the e2e tests. It makes me think if anyone else adds a test in the future with this combination of steps (open page, run fake-key) they'll run into the same issue and it'll be hard to spot. Oh well, we'll deal with that when it comes up. The tests that where failing on webkit are the ones in caret.feature touched in this commit. Reverts included in this commit: Revert "Delay fake-key events by 10ms" This reverts commit 9f050c7460c42f317ceaa20b320e97d371a2c0a0. Revert "Wait for evidence of Tab key press in tests before proceeding" This reverts commit d47d247941c4b1fe3adac0dae8be301b36aec85b.
2024-04-27Wait for evidence of Tab key press in tests before proceedingtoofar
In the previous commit 9f050c7460c4 "Delay fake-key events by 10ms" I delayed events for fake-key by 10ms to deal with a timing issue with sending events right after a navigation not being processed. Just like last time that's caused a few tests with tight timing constraints to break because they proceed to the next command before the fake-key events have taken effect. Maybe it would have been better to just put the waits in the e2e tests in the first case instead of in the production code? Well, we'll see. Maybe I'll never have to deal with this again.
2024-04-27Delay fake-key events by 10mstoofar
Similar to a209c86c55a4 "Delay QEvent driven mouse clicks by 10ms" it seems that sending fake-key QEvents immediately after a navigation causes the events to not be processed. This is causing e2e tests in keyinput.feature to fail in a flaky, but frequent, manner. This can also be resolved in some other ways like putting a wait in the e2e tests like so: When I open data/keyinput/log.html And I wait 0.01s And I run :fake-key <Escape> But relying on maintainers to remember to do that seems error prone. If this 10ms delay turns out to be something to get rid of we could try keep this delay to be used in less cases: 1. add some magic to e2e tests where it compares the previous and current line and if it sees an open and a click-element or fake-key line next to each other it delays for a bit 2. in the application code in tab.send_event() store the time of last navigation and queue events for sending till after that The affected tests in this case where: tests/end2end/features/ tests/end2end/features/ tests/end2end/features/
2024-04-27Exit mode before edit tests.toofar
Exit prompt mode on the last test in downloads.feature because it's preventing the next tests in editor.feature from running. Screenshots of the first failing test in editor.feature shows a prompt open and jsprompt open in the background. This shouldn't happen as there is a module level fixture in that is supposed to close and re-open the browser process between each feature file. That bears more examination but for now this change looks pretty painless.
2024-04-27Wait for evidence of click in e2e before proceedingtoofar
I've added a 10ms delay when sending a fake click via QEvents to help with a timing issue in the prompt e2e tests in Qt6.7. Apparently that throws off the tight timing of this one test! I guess the `:scroll bottom` comes before the iframe has been clicked. I'm a little worried that if we are depending on timing stuff like this we should be looking at a more thorough solution. Maybe the "and follow" suffix can trigger it to wait for "Clicked *editable element!"? Also I can try to reduce the delay in the click, but 10ms is pretty short already.
2024-04-27Delay QEvent driven mouse clicks by 10mstoofar
On CI with Qt 6.7 we are seeing several tests failing in a flaky, but frequent, manner. These tests all seem to be doing :click-element and sending a "fake" click, as in one driven by QEvents, to a button on the test page after opening the page in an existing tab. In the logs we see that the element was identified with JS correctly but we don't see any evidence of the actual click after that. I've been testing locally with `python3 -m pytest tests/end2end/features/ -k test_javascript_confirm`. Delaying the click event by as little as 5ms seems to make the tests consistently pass. I'm setting it to an arbitrary 10ms here for no good reason. It's unfortunate that we have to change production code to make tests pass, it's unlikely that a 10ms window will affect real usage, and the problem is only immediately after a navigation. If we can't find a better way to resolve this and want to get rid of the 10ms delay when no needed we could maybe look at when the last navigation time for the tab was to decide whether to delay or not. I also tried changing all the "open in" lines in the failing tests to be "open in new tab" and that seemed to make the flaky tests pass consistently too. But relying on people writing tests in a specific way wouldn't really be fixing the problem. Additionally, running just one test at a time (with `taskset -c 1 ...`) made all the tests pass consistently. So it seems like the root cause could have something to do with that, somehow. Or maybe just running the pytest process and the browser process on the same CPU causes enough of a delay to not trigger it. I don't know what the root cause of this change is, or if we can use a more event based way of knowing when the page (or its focus proxy) is ready to receive events. I've tried digging through events and debugging webengine and haven't got anywhere, hopefully this delay is painless enough that it'll do. To summarize, the page, or focus proxy, doesn't process events (all events, just mouse events?) immediately after navigating. I initially tried delaying all events in `tab.send_event()`, but that caused some caret tests to fail (the `selectionfollow_with_link_tabbing` e2e ones), not sure why. So I walked back to just delaying click events. I've seen some intermittent flakyness in `` and `tests/end2end/features/` which may indicate that `:fake-key` needs the same treatment. We'll see how things stand once it's been stable on the main branch for a while instead of being muddled up in this investigation branch. I thought the issue might be that the RenderWidgetHostViewQt was being swapped out on the new page load and the old one being sent the event. So I added a bunch of debug logging to try to get a better view of that. None of this debug logging is showing up when the tests fail so it seems that isn't the case. The tests failing in the last four bleeding edge qt6 tests before these changes were (test, count): ('tests/end2end/features/', 2), ('tests/end2end/features/', 2), ('tests/end2end/features/', 2), ('tests/end2end/features/', 2), ('tests/end2end/features/', 2), ('tests/end2end/features/', 2), ('tests/end2end/features/', 2), ('tests/end2end/features/', 2), ('tests/end2end/features/', 1), ('tests/end2end/features/', 1), ('tests/end2end/features/', 1), ('tests/end2end/features/', 1), ('tests/end2end/[100-input.html-qute-input-keypress-awesomequtebrowser]', 1), ('tests/end2end/features/', 1), ('tests/end2end/features/', 1), ('tests/end2end/features/', 1), ('tests/end2end/[125-input.html-qute-input-keypress-awesomequtebrowser]', 1), ('tests/end2end/features/', 1), ('tests/end2end/features/', 1), ('tests/end2end/features/', 1), ('tests/end2end/features/', 1) For debugging in GBD under test I ran the test process under GDB and passed a script to GDB to print out a message, and then continue, when it hit a breakpoint. Unfortunately, the tests always passed when run under GDB. For that I changed `_executable_args()` in quteprocess to return `"gdb", "-q -x handleMouseEvent-breakpoint -args".split() + [executable] + args` where `handleMouseEvent-breakpoint` is: set breakpoint pending on set debuginfod enabled off break RenderWidgetHostViewQtDelegateClient::handleMouseEvent commands call (void) fprintf(stderr, "Entering handleMouseEvent\n") continue end run The tests were consistently passing, but erroring on the invalid gdb log lines.
2024-04-20Merge pull request #8139 from ↵toofar
qutebrowser/feat/7187_chromium_security_patch_in_version Show chromium security patch version in :version
2024-04-16Avoid quitting when closing KDE file dialogFlorian Bruhin
See Fixes #8143
2024-04-16Merge pull request #8164 from qutebrowser/update-dependenciesFlorian Bruhin
Update dependencies
2024-04-15Update dependenciesqutebrowser bot
2024-04-13update changelog for #8162toofar
2024-04-13Ignore DIR_APP_DICTIONARIES message in release smoke test tootoofar
We've already ignored this in the tests, it started showing up in the nightly builds a few days ago, only on macos for some reason.
2024-04-13Merge pull request #8162 from NocturnalNessa/small_fix_for_tor_identity_scripttoofar
Changed line 35 of tor_identity userscript to stop it throwing an err…
2024-04-11Changed line 35 of tor_identity userscript to stop it throwing an error when ↵Vanessa Frank
'--control-port' is passed
2024-04-09Adjust changelog URLsFlorian Bruhin
2024-04-09flake8: Remove redundant pytest style optionsFlorian Bruhin
Default since flake8-pytest-style 2.0.0:
2024-04-09mypy: Remove show_error_codesFlorian Bruhin
Default since 0.991:
2024-04-09Merge pull request #8152 from qutebrowser/update-dependenciestoofar
Update dependencies
2024-04-09Ignore new mesa "error" logtoofar
This only shows up on the webkit CI job. Probably something to do with the fact that we are using webkit builds from the distant archives. I'm sure it'll break for real one of these days.
2024-04-09Add backports.tarfile changelog linktoofar
It's a new externalised dependency of jaraco.context, doesn't seem to have a RTD site yet. ref:
2024-04-09Move webkit.http to webkit.httpheaderstoofar
flake8 got a new warning about a module name shadowing a builtin module: Probably would have been safe enough to ignore it. But I don't think moving it is that hard anyway. Hopefully I didn't miss anything!
2024-04-08Update dependenciesqutebrowser bot
2024-04-06Pin eslint for now until we support v9+toofar
2024-04-06Add a :window-only for some qt5 end2end teststoofar
A couple of tests seem to be failing because there is two windows open and they don't expect it. I haven't fixed the root cause, I looked through the logs and couldn't see why a second window was open. But if this makes the tests pass, I guess we can address that if someone reports it. Also changed `_get_scroll_values()` to handle multiple tabs/windows being open too while I was there. Example logs: Sessions file from the test logs: Current session data: windows: - geometry: !!binary | AdnQywADAAAAAAAyAAAAMgAAA1EAAAKJAAAAMgAAADIAAANRAAACiQAAAAAAAAAAAyAAAAAyAAAA MgAAA1EAAAKJ tabs: - active: true history: - active: true last_visited: '2024-04-04T03:21:00' pinned: false scroll-pos: x: 0 y: 0 title: about:blank url: about:blank zoom: 1.0 - active: true geometry: !!binary | AdnQywADAAAAAAAyAAAAMgAAA1EAAAKJAAAAMgAAADIAAANRAAACiQAAAAAAAAAAAyAAAAAyAAAA MgAAA1EAAAKJ tabs: - active: true history: - active: true last_visited: '2024-04-04T03:21:03' pinned: false scroll-pos: x: 0 y: 40 title: Scrolling url: http://localhost:39235/data/scroll/simple.html zoom: 1.0
2024-04-06Ignore more 6.7 DIR_APP_DICTIONARIOES log messagestoofar
In the bleeding edge CI tests I'm seeing: IGNORED: Path override failed for key base::DIR_APP_DICTIONARIES and path '/__w/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/.tox/bleeding/lib/python3.11/sitePath override failed for key base::DIR_APP_DICTIONARIES and path '/__w/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/.tox/bleeding/lib/python3.11/site-packages/PyQt6/Qt6/libexec/qtwebengine_dictionaries' INVALID: -packages/PyQt6/Qt6/libexec/qtwebengine_dictionaries' Where the second line looks like maybe spill over from the first one that is for some reason being printed twice and interleaved! Maybe different processes or threads? I did a regex for "line ending with this and with no spaces in it" which is hopefully safe enough to not pick up a wrong line accidentally.
2024-03-27Add role="switch" to default hints.selectorsFlorian Bruhin