AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2023-10-19Release v3.0.2v3.0.2v3.0.xqutebrowser bot
2023-10-19Fix up changelogFlorian Bruhin
(cherry picked from commit 193b5a50a7c4448b6e700756f3854ac9332cbbc7)
2023-10-19Update PyQt requirements from mainFlorian Bruhin
See 315157a3ca8a56db6829a4282463a33ef10ffe70
2023-10-19Release v3.0.1v3.0.1qutebrowser bot
2023-10-19Update changelog from mainFlorian Bruhin
2023-10-19Update UA completionsFlorian Bruhin
(cherry picked from commit ccb5480cf62641d86b53f98c91264bcef208b946)
2023-10-19Revert "Use different PyPI token tempoarily"Florian Bruhin
This reverts commit 597873286c78c1a998367c565125d0c0cb45b905.
2023-10-18tests: Ignore another spurious libva errorFlorian Bruhin
(cherry picked from commit 01883a7ec4cff3e2986f3155d3b14472d0c98344)
2023-10-18log: Ignore deprecation warning from new SIPFlorian Bruhin
See (cherry picked from commit a8355674dac6ac1fc19f5ce618696cf7673b0e8a)
2023-10-16Merge branch 'update_slack_ua_quirk'toofar
(cherry picked from commit 142f019c7a262e95eb1957ad0766c7a51621109b) # Conflicts: # doc/changelog.asciidoc
2023-10-16Merge branch 'fix/7866_filepicker_mimetype_restrictions'toofar
(cherry picked from commit 7f9713b20f623fc40473b7167a082d6db0f0fd40) # Conflicts: # doc/changelog.asciidoc
2023-10-02Merge pull request #7925 from fstecker/download_iconstoofar
Override IconProvider for QFileSystemModel to prevent a slowdown in the download dialog on Linux when browsing to directories with many files.
2023-09-26Fix lintFlorian Bruhin
(cherry picked from commit 690813e1b10fee83660a6740ab3aabc575a9b125)
2023-09-26Skip test_real_chromium_version on newer Qt versionsFlorian Bruhin
Is wrong on unstable Archlinux env when Qt is newer than PyQt. But no need for this when we have the API anyways. (cherry picked from commit a6171337f956048daa8e72745b755a40b607a4f4)
2023-09-26Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/pr/7934'Florian Bruhin
(cherry picked from commit f8e7fea0becae25ae20606f1422068137189fe9e)
2023-09-25Remove QListView borderFlorian Bruhin
Fixes #7937 (cherry picked from commit 3ee2858a141e62ca7d3473f1c2fefb1108c62535)
2023-09-25Fix lintFlorian Bruhin
(cherry picked from commit 88b2a7c871da0fafbb6db7f2def5825db6e9dd9f)
2023-09-24Fix and improve workaroundFlorian Bruhin
See #7913 (cherry picked from commit 45e168f5112990b085dbb96ce9d9ca16db47dea0)
2023-09-24Work around QtWebEngine bug when serializing empty historyFlorian Bruhin
See Closes #7913 (cherry picked from commit 5a05a93e38c1f790acbc8389793dd527c2b310f8)
2023-09-21Add TabBarStyle TypeError workaroundFlorian Bruhin
(cherry picked from commit 434f6906f9088172494fa7e219a856d893ed55ba) # Conflicts: # doc/changelog.asciidoc
2023-09-18eventfilter: Also enable workaround on wayland-eglFlorian Bruhin
Will be fixed nicely on main, this is a more minimal fix
2023-09-10Update Chromium version commentsFlorian Bruhin
(cherry picked from commit d5b5f2699688e3719eab7606c54ac277dcfaf2cb)
2023-09-10First chromium version update for Qt 6.6Florian Bruhin
(cherry picked from commit 08e498e207cc8d1f4598b384610b04eb261d1302)
2023-09-10userscripts: run view_in_mpv jseval in main worldtoofar
1. run jseval in main world: the script adds an element that calls the `restore_video` function. This was failing with a "not found" message on webengine, presumably because the dom click handler runs in the main world and the function was over in the jseval world. The the script predates webengine which is the backend that implements the worlds. 2. remove a console log message, seems to be just noise and easy enough to add back later 3. remove href attribute of the restore video link: this seemed to be causing the `restore_video` method to be called twice. The second time with `this` as the global Window object, which was causing an error because that has a null `parentNode` attribute. 4. added the `cursor: pointer` style that was needed since the element didn't have an href anymore 5. change the mpv flags `--terminal` -> `--quiet`. This means we get error messages (eg from yt-dlp) in error logs and in the `:process` page now. It can get a bit spammy though if you are running from a terminal. I'm getting a log of keepalive warning and error logs from ffmpeg. On the other hand it's really annoying to see a "process failed, see :process for details" and having no error messages in there. Fixes: #7838 (cherry picked from commit d4a7619f9c51db56016ab710ee007239d1733fc7)
2023-09-10ci: Fix changelog URL for releasesFlorian Bruhin
(cherry picked from commit 07e1376e64ad27a273682997ad705ef156b785ef)
2023-09-10Merge pull request #7888 from brightonanc/timer-repairstoofar
Fixing timers accumulating duplicate slots (cherry picked from commit 923d327c04a8650f582c03c657dc1717d9e6876c)
2023-09-06tests: Ignore some more irrelevant messagesFlorian Bruhin
(cherry picked from commit ae2e679dfc095d7501bdd3cfbd9323729a354f63)
2023-09-06Merge pull request #7847 from pylbrecht/broken-hintstoofar
Allow navigating from file:// to remote origins via hints. Previously you would have seen a "Your internet access is blocked" chrome error page.
2023-08-29Handle count exceeding string to int conversionPhilipp Albrecht
When handling counts during keyparsing we convert the count string to an integer. If the count is too high (i.e. the count string has too many digits), we run into Python's integer string conversion length limit[1]: ``` ValueError: Exceeds the limit (4300 digits) for integer string conversion: value has 4301 digits; use sys.set_int_max_str_digits() to increase the limit ``` Instead of blowing up with an exception, we now handle this more gracefully by showing an error message. Reproducer: ``` $ qutebrowser --temp-basedir ":later 500 fake-key -g $(printf '1%.0s' {1..4301})j" ``` **NOTE:** I had to rename `_debug_log()`'s `message` argument to `msg`, because pylint yelled at me for redefined-outer-name[2]. [1] [2] (cherry picked from commit 51aa7abe548ccaec66f64b08c4bdc9a3fcdba67f)
2023-08-22Fix QHostInfo unit testsFlorian Bruhin
(cherry picked from commit 8c2e23d248e4d2150aa159ae4ac4b464bdb286cd)
2023-08-22Fix url.auto_search=dns on Qt 6Florian Bruhin
With PyQt6, comparing an enum member to bool will always be False. (cherry picked from commit 47daa9d872c6541931124e4786906c163dbc2ad9) # Conflicts: # doc/changelog.asciidoc
2023-08-18Release v3.0.0v3.0.0qutebrowser bot
2023-08-18Revert "Release v3.0.0"Florian Bruhin
This reverts commit f3692d8f280b63db550db1daf1455a1f64ed56dc.
2023-08-18Use different PyPI token tempoarilyFlorian Bruhin
2023-08-18Release v3.0.0qutebrowser bot
2023-08-18Edit changelog for v3.0.0Florian Bruhin
2023-08-18Update install instructionsFlorian Bruhin
Closes #7833
2023-08-18Ignore drag events on Qt 6.5.2 on WaylandFlorian Bruhin
Closes #7827
2023-08-18Fix test on QtWebKitFlorian Bruhin
2023-08-17Fix tests for new navigation request log outputFlorian Bruhin
2023-08-17Work around back/forward navigation from qute://bookmarkFlorian Bruhin
With Qt 6.3+, user interaction is required to navigate outside of qute:// from a qute:// page. Follow-up to 8defe1ae44c1c524e937ae08ed16052ee0724e0f. Also see 216a9f9a9b7386823decf3c2c8a6124a86e2cad8 Fixes #7815 See #7220 - should be revisited once we have a qute-bookmarks:// instead where we can adjust permissions when registering the URL handler.
2023-08-17Merge pull request #7828 from pylbrecht/corrupt-sessionFlorian Bruhin
Don't include "dead" tabs when saving sessions
2023-08-17Merge pull request #7832 from qutebrowser/auto-releasesFlorian Bruhin
Releases on CI
2023-08-17Fixup OpenSSL warning hintFlorian Bruhin
2023-08-17Add hint to OpenSSL warningFlorian Bruhin
2023-08-17ci: Fix JS style issuesauto-releasesFlorian Bruhin
2023-08-17Remove old download_release.shFlorian Bruhin
Releases aren't hosted on anymore
2023-08-17ci: Switch from experimental to real releasesFlorian Bruhin
2023-08-17Update releasing docsFlorian Bruhin
2023-08-17ci: Check for open milestone before releaseFlorian Bruhin