AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2024-02-20Remove unneeded title format string values.tree/8078_treetabwidget_misc_cleanupstoofar
These two values are already defaulted in the parent class, so we don't need to set them in the child (and weren't doing it consistently anyway). I'm trying to identify places where we can't keep the tree tabs knowledge self contained and speculate how we could handle that for actually external code like extensions. So, thinking about how we would gracefully handle some non-core code adding tab title format placeholders, especially when that code could be disabled (eg, an extension): TabWidget will throw a KeyError if you have a format specifier which isn't filled in. So we would have to decide how to handle that. Log a warning and ignore it? Silently set it to `''`? Leave it as the literal `{thing}`, curly braces and all? Presumable that API would look something like `register_title_format_placeholder(placeholder: str, getter: Callable[AbstractTab])`. The `FormatString` config type used by `tabs.title.format` would have to change as well to pull allowed placeholders from some global registry instead of having the specified ahead of time in configdata.yml. Even then, if you disabled an extension so it didn't register its placeholder and you have the placeholder configured in your format string, what should happen? PS: jinja defaults to `''` for placeholders without values. ref: #30
2024-02-18Remove unneeded `_init_config()` override from TreeTabWidgettoofar
The method in this function where added in: 411d39a2e6e "Add config option to enable tree-tabs". The `update_tab_titles()` line has the comment "must also be called when deactivating" because back then it was right before something gated on `if tabs.tree_tabs:`. But: 1. tree_tab_update() already calls update_tab_titles() 2. we don't currently support toggling tree tab off and on on an existing window So I don't believe the calls in this override are needed with the current design. `_init_config()` is called on `__init__()` and `tabs.*` config items changing. To double check if these is needed for anything I've tried a bunch of things like: 1. change tab format 2. show/hide tab group 3. change tabs.position 4. show/hide tab bar - huh, when the tab bar is re-shown it's scrolled down so on the title of the active tab and below are shown, is this new? But that happens with a flat tabs window too. It only happens sometimes though. Oh, it's not happening on 6.4.2 but is on 6.6.0 and I don't remember it happending on 6.7.0. Must be a Qt issue that hopefully got fixed. And it all seemed to behave normally. I'm not sure what else to check as everything else tree tab specific that I can think of relates to moving tabs, which should be updating things already.
2024-02-17Remove `tabMoved.disconnect()` from TreeTabWdigettoofar
I don't believe this call is required, and disconnecting something that was connected in the parent class could be surprising. This was added in commit b8d9622aa64324 which says it was done for performance reasons because `update_tab_titles()` many time when `:tree-tab-collapse` was called on large trees. I agree that `update_tab_titles()` is called lots. The tree operations could be a bit more atomic. I did some work previously to prevent title updates during update (for consistency reasons, not performance reasons) in dcee69f050ff5 that helps with the `:tree-tab-collapse` case. I can see that `update_tab_titles()` is called once for each tab being hidden or show but it now doesn't do any work (`self._tab_title_update_disabled` is `True`) for any of the calls except that last one. Surprisingly the `tabMoved` signal doesn't actually seem to be fired when hiding or showing a tab group. Possibly the refactoring in late 2019 (e795eac9e1a7ce and friends) changed it so we aren't trigging that case anymore.
2024-02-09Merge pull request #8084 from ↵toofar
qutebrowser/tree/8076_fix_loading_collapsed_tabs_and_legacy_session_support Fix loading collapsed tabs and legacy session support
2024-02-09Wait for all tabs to be loaded after loading sessionstree/8076_fix_loading_collapsed_tabs_and_legacy_session_supporttoofar
I got a failure in CI on windows for the "Load a collapsed subtree" where it got an index error when trying to load the active history entry for a tab in a session. This is likely because the session was saved before the tab was loaded. I can reproduce it locally by changing the last test to wait for only the first tab, instead of the last.
2024-02-09Fix another possible tree and widget desync while loading a sessiontoofar
In 3ec2000b2f1c I identified a few cases where we could be asked to call into the tree structure based on a widget index with evidence that the tree and widget where out of sync. In particular where there were a different amount of items in each. Previously I had ignored desyncs during session loads but now I've found a case where the desync remains after the session was loaded, for a short time. It can be reproduced (most of the time) with: python3 -m qutebrowser -T -s tabs.tree_tabs true ":open about:blank?1" ":open -tr about:blank?2" ":open -tr about:blank?3" ":tab-focus 2" ":tree-tab-toggle-hide" ":cmd-later 200 session-save foo" ":cmd-later 300 session-load -c foo" This only happens if the last set of tabs we open is a collapsed group. There would have been no update event fired since we set the collapsed attribute. If this issue shows up again a more robust approach might be to not set the collapsed attribute in the loop, but load all the tabs visible then go and set the collapsed attribute on all the nodes that need it and fire an update. I initially reproduced this with the "Load a collapsed subtree" end2end test.
2024-02-09Add some more end2end tests for tree tabstoofar
The first three tests make sure that the "collapsed" attribute makes it through the session machinery and behaves as expected. Third one is a bit sneaky because it tests a case that was causing issues, but this test couldn't actually reproduce. The problem was that before we were passing `related=False` to `tabopen()` the tab after a collapsed group would be loaded hidden when it wasn't supposed to be. This was only in the UI though, if you saved a session it would be correct, so we can't test it in these e2e tests currently...
2024-02-09Be explicit about tab position when loading from sessionstoofar
With, presumably, rare combinations of settings tab order in windows loaded from session can be different from the window the session was saved from. In particular with `tabs.new_position.related=prev` the tabs would be loaded in reverse order! This commit changes tabs loaded from sessions to 1) override positioning related kwargs to tabopen so that it doesn't look at user sessions 2) provide an explicit index to use for new tabs. This particular test passes with either one of the newly passed kwargs. We don't strictly need both of them, but while being explicit we may as well override everything to be extra clear. While looking at this code you may be asking why background is set to True for all the tabs when only one of them is going to be focused? Good question, I don't think it should be, see But since that is explicitly set it should probably be a separate PR to change it. Looks like the original PR to fix that got caught up in wider scope and trying to do a new style of e2e-but-python tests. It should be easy enough to write an e2e that loads a page with JS that reports that visibility state. TODO: * add a similar test for tree tabs when the scaffolding is there (with `new_position.tree.new_toplevel=prev` too) * override sibling too?
2024-02-09Focus active tab after loading tree tab sessiontoofar
Looks like when we refactored the session support to be backwards compatible we forgot to assign tab_to_focus so it was ending up focusing the last tab in the session for some reason. I guess that was just the last one added to the tab.
2024-02-08Add new TabbedBrowser.tabs() method.toofar
We have one (1) use case where a caller wants to get all tabs from a tabbed browser, without caring whether they are mounted in the tab bar or not. I was wondering what an API would look like that let callers ask that without having to worry about whether the tabbed browser had tree tabs enabled or not, while still maintaining the more common use case of only getting widgets that are visible, or focusable, to the user. Right now the best option I can come up with is this `tabs(include_hidden=True)` method. This provides a clear API that makes it obvious how to achieve both use cases (apart from the overloaded meaning of "hidden" regarding widget visibility). I think referring to "tabs" is better than "widgets" too, it requires you to hold less information in your head about what these widgets in particular are. Am I going to put any effort into attempting to deprecate `.widgets()`? Nah. Despite what I think is a fine API I do have some concerns: *extensibility* One of the goals of this attempt at tree tabs and productionising it is to see what extensions to core logic would look like without having to change core classes. I'm not sure if this is a good example or not because the core class just has the `.widgets()` which is very much tied to the QTabBar. It doesn't have the concept of tabs that exist and are children of a TabbedBrowser but aren't in the QTabBar. So it's a fundamentally new piece of information to express and we can't just unilaterally return tabs that aren't in the tab bar because I can see it'll break some things. So perhaps it would be more fitting with the "extensibility case study" refactor goal to require the caller to have more knowledge. But I still don't want callers iterating trees if they don't have to be, so maybe something like: class TabbedBrowser: def widgets(): ... class TreeTabbedBrowser: def widgets(include_hidden=False): ... tabbed_browser = ... if isinstance(tabbed_browser, TreeTabbedBrowser): tabs = tabbed_browser.widgets(include_hidden=True) else: tabs = tabbed_browser.widgets() Since we are going to be merging this into the core codebase I don't want to be inflicting that on users of tabs in the extensions API (when we add them), but perhaps it's a pattern we can recommend for actual extensions, when they show up. *ownership and hidden tabs* For tabs associated with a window but not visible in the tab bar, who should they be owned by? Currently TabbedBrowser doesn't attempt to keep track of tabs at all, that's all handled by the TabWidget. But now we have tabs that the TabWidget doesn't know about. They are only referenced by the tree structure under TabbedBrowser. Should the browser be managing tabs and just telling the tab bar what to show? (Which is essentially what is happening now but only for the tree case.) Or should we be pushing the tab hiding functionality into the TabWidget? Having tabs not in the tab bar can cause issues, mainly because it causes violates some assumptions in the code that all tabs have an index in the tab bar. But putting the tabs in the tab bar that you are not showing can cause usability issues with, for example, navigating to a tab via count. When we implement our own tab bar we are probably going to re-do the displaying of the tree structure to be a bit more "native". When we do that should we move the tab hiding into the tab bar too? I guess the API would end up looking like it does with the tree case today, hidden tabs wouldn't get indices and you would want ways to both iterate through visible tabs and all tabs (and maybe hidden tabs too, but we don't have that currently without traversing the tree yourself). I imagine in that case the tree structure would be part of the tab bar and in the "flat" case it would just always put stuff at the top level, and complain if you tried to demote. That rambling was mostly driven by so many callers going `tabbed_browser.widget.currentTab()` etc. Which I don't think is a great API. Beyond an attribute called "widget" being not very meaningful have tab accessing and manipulating commands spread between and parent and a child seems like it could be confusing. So I settled on the future logic being in the tab widget (or in a tree in the tab widget), does that change anything or dictate what they should be owned by? No. Oh well. I kinda want to say tabs should be owned by the tabbed browser but I don't know what practical implications that would have. The interface to callers would remain predominantly the tabbed browser and the logic would probably continue to be mixed between that and the tab widget.
2024-02-08Fix active tab in session with collapsed tabstoofar
We are now iteration over all tabs, including hidden ones that aren't in the tab widget. So we can't use the index of the current tab within the tab widget as a key into that list. Check the actual tab value instead. I made `TabbedBrowser._current_tab()` public because it's useful, so why not! I could have used `tabbed_browser.widget.currentWidget()` like some other places do but if we where doing proper type checking in we would also have to do the None check that is already being done in TabbedBrowser. Also accessing `some_other_object.widget` feels a little dirty, like it should be private?
2024-02-08remove unused attributetoofar
2024-02-08Support loading legacy format tree tab sessions.toofar
In a2f98aa78b52 the session format for tree tab windows was changed to be backwards compatible with the prior format. After that change we can load non-tree tab windows fine but the browser crashes on startup when trying to load session in the now-legacy tree tab session format. Since people have been using the now-legacy session for years and there is no way for them to easily migrate I figure we have a few options: * provide a script to help them migrate * handle the error encountered (`KeyError: 'tabs`) when trying to load a legacy session better, eg give them a nice apologetic message * support loading the old style of sessions It didn't take much effort to support the prior format, so I propose we do that. The data is all the same, we just changed it to nodes are childs of tabs instead of the other way around.
2024-02-08Fix loading collapsed tabs in tree sessionstoofar
Tabs in collapsed tree groups aren't currently listed in tabbed_browser.widgets(), so they weren't getting saved. The tabs are still referenced by the tree structure though so grab them from there if we are dealing with a tree tabs window. I'm not too happy that we are now checking `if tabbed_browser.is_treetabbedbrowser` twice in the same methods. Seems a bit smelly, but oh well. Things we could do to help makes iterating tabs less error prone: * Make TreeTabbedBrowser.widgets() return widgets from the tree instead of the tab widget (would that break other use cases that called that that expected them to always be in the tab widget?) * Have tests to make sure this functionality doesn't break again in the future
2024-02-08Merge pull request #8083 from pylbrecht/tree-tabs-e2etoofar
Add end2end tests for tree tabs feature
2024-02-07Remove hyphens to make diff markers more cleartoofar
2024-02-07make `reconstruct_tree_data()` publictoofar
So that we can use it from test functions. And add a docstring as a result.
2024-02-07Update "the following tabs should be open" for tree tabstoofar
Merges the pre-existing `check_open_tabs()` and the temporary `check_open_tabs()`. There's lots of differences here: 1. the previous implementation of the existing method compared parsed parts out of the expected strings and compared them with attributes of session entries. Here we are converting session entries into the same strings as the expected format and comparing them. I find the diff that pytest shows is great for highlighting which parts of the strings differ and seeing the whole string in context in that case is useful. 2. we've added the "(collapsed)" suffix, I resisted the urge to try to reduce the number of variables we have related to the three suffixes 3. we now support tree tab windows by 1) forming a "tree" dict with a helper from 2) traversing the tree if available 3) supporting a prefix on the string format and adding that based on the depth in the tree 4. updated a bunch of variable names and moved a few lines around for clarity, eg tabs -> expected_tabs, session['windows'][0] -> window The `normalize()` method sorts the suffixes so you can write them in any order (the ordering for the string formed from session is based on the order of the suffixes in the dict). Lastly I updated the docstring :)
2024-02-07Get check_open_tree_tabs workingtoofar
TODO: * make it pass tabs.feature (normalize on both sides) * clean up (variable names in particular) * align with check_open_tabs, in particular see if that has better error messages with it's more nuanced checking vs this attempt that compares a whole list of strings
2024-02-07Create simplified string representation from tree tab sessiontoofar
Recurse through the tree structure and build up a simplified string representation of a window in a tree tab session so we can compare it to a test fixture. It should look something like this: - about:blank?one - about:blank?child (collapsed) - about:blank?grandchild - about:blank?childtwo (active) - about:blank?two TODO: * align with `check_open_tabs()` - I think we should be able to adapt that one to be the same format as this. Eg construct a string from the session and then compare the two strings line by line. Then the comparison shouldn't need to care if it's a tree or not. `tree_to_str()` could maybe be made more generic too, or at least pull the "flat tab to str" bit out of it and then slap the tree bit on afterwards if needed * now we've got three individual suffixes handling them one by one is a bit of a pain, can we put them in a dict and iterate over that instead? * add some sanity checks instead of blindly doing array indexing etc, I think it's hard to get stack traces from generators?
2024-02-07Inch a little closer towards compare tree tabs sessiontoofar
Had a think about how to get tree structure things to compare. For now I'm thinking we create a string of the format: - about:blank?one - about:blank?child (collapsed) - about:blank?grandchild - about:blank?childtwo (active) - about:blank?two From both a) the text fixture (we write it like that) and b) the session data (generate it). Then we just compare the strings, hopefully much like check_open_tabs and maybe we can even make one implementation work for both. The next bit to do is generate the above text from the session data. We can start by loading the tree structure with `SessionManager._reconstruct_tree_data()` (TODO: make that public) and then we need to recurse through that. We can take inspiration from `recursive_load_node()` in Then copy the rest of the implementation from `check_open_tabs()` and adapt that. And then look at `quteproc.compare_session()` as well I guess. But it looks like it'll be a pain to write out the whole tree tab format sessions...
2024-02-07Finish end2end tests for :tab-close --recursivetoofar
Background section: * use the new Given I open ... to open a new window after enabling tree tabs, so we can actually test with a tree tabbed window * an alternative is to change the "fresh instance" given step to take -s settings, but that seems a little more expense * move "clean up open tabs" to after we've opened a new window Scenario section: * change to opening related tabs so that they are nested and get closed recursively (also "I open" doesn't know about siblings yet) Other: * add a file - don't we need these to run the features? Maybe I'm missing something and have been doing it wrong... TODO: * do we need to clean up the tabs.tree_tabs setting? If so how? Or do we get a new instance for each Feature file? * why is `set tabs.tabs_are_windows to false` there? Do we need that? Lets see in CI I guess Co-authored-by: pylbrecht <>
2024-02-07Support modifying suffixes in "Given I open ..."toofar
Previously only "I open" in the "When" (aka "act") block supported suffixes like "in a new windows". The tree tabs setting only applies to new windows so I want to open a new window after setting the setting. So I changed the given `open_path` to call the other `open_path`, then had to support the difference between them: the Given version always opens the path in a new tab. I changed that to open in a new tab *by default*. It was a bit tricky that just eg passing in a `default_new_tab` arg and then passing `new_tab=True` to quteproc command because then if I ended up passing `new_window` based on a suffix it rightly complained that those two args conflicting. So I only really want to set `new_tab=True` if no suffixes are detected. Instead of adding a new `suffix_found = True` line to every part of the if chain I converted it to loop over a dict. I didn't think too hard about the flexible typing of the values of the suffix map. Just did something for every case I observed. It probably works fine.
2024-02-07Add check_open_tree_tabs() prototypepylbrecht
2024-02-07Draft: add end2end test for :tab-close --recursivepylbrecht
2024-02-07Merge pull request #8093 from qutebrowser/tree/fix-linttoofar
Fix lint and tests on tree tabs integration branch
2024-02-06treetabs: minor doc proof readtree/fix-linttoofar
2024-02-06Fix lint:toofar
Various lint fixes. The ones we will likely revisit later are: * unused sibling arg in parent TabbedBrowser class * seperate-but-similar UndoEntry implementations * variables with two leading underscores in notree * `_tree_tab_give()` implementation qutebrowser/browser/ F841 local variable 'oldroot' is assigned to but never used In `_tree_tab_give()` there is a check to see if a node being moved needs to be re parented. That used to use `is not oldroot` and I changed it in c2bc549605a3c to be `parent.uid in uid_map`, eg is this a child node of the tree being moved. Now we don't need oldroot anymore but I forgot to clean it up. PS: not sure why that check is so complicated. Won't it only ever be false for the top node being moved? So we can just say `if node != current_widget.node:`? I guess that's irrelevant if that's all going to be re-written anyhow. qutebrowser/mainwindow/ D202 No blank lines allowed after function docstring qutebrowser/mainwindow/ C419 Unnecessary list comprehension passed to all() prevents short-circuiting - rewrite as a generator. qutebrowser/mainwindow/ C1804: "self.widget(idx).url().toString() == ''" can be simplified to "not self.widget(idx).url().toString()", if it is striclty a string, as an empty string is falsey (use-implicit-booleaness-not-comparison-to-string) qutebrowser/mainwindow/ R5501: Consider using "elif" instead of "else" then "if" to remove one indentation level (else-if-used) Ran out of energy at the double negative. Hope that's okay. qutebrowser/mainwindow/ W0613: Unused argument 'idx' (unused-argument) Add an unused-argument ignore line because, while we aren't using index (tab undo entries remember their parents instead of their index) I think we'll be pulling this method up to the parent class later which does use it. qutebrowser/mainwindow/ W0237: Parameter 'idx' has been renamed to 'sibling' in overriding 'TreeTabbedBrowser.tabopen' method (arguments-renamed) Urghgh, I have no idea why this would be like this. I looked through the codebase both for `sibling` and `tabopen` and didn't see this being called with positional arguments beyond the url. So seems safe to change it. Probably some linter will be complaining that it still doesn't match the signature of the parent... qutebrowser/mainwindow/ W0611: Unused log imported from qutebrowser.utils (unused-import) qutebrowser/mainwindow/ I0021: Useless suppression of 'arguments-differ' (useless-suppression) And I guess this is the complaint about the arguments differing. But it says we don't need the suppression anymore? We'll, I'll add it to the parent and see what that does. qutebrowser/misc/ C0103: Class constant name "PRE" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style (invalid-name) qutebrowser/misc/ C0103: Class constant name "POST" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style (invalid-name) qutebrowser/misc/ C0103: Class constant name "POST_R" doesn't conform to snake_case naming style (invalid-name) I assume these are copied from anytree. Not a huge fan, why are the variables names so much less readable than the values? qutebrowser/misc/ R5501: Consider using "elif" instead of "else" then "if" to remove one indentation level (else-if-used) qutebrowser/misc/ W0719: Raising too general exception: Exception (broad-exception-raised) `promote()` is only called from one place in currently. So we are essentially validating config, so this error "shouldn't happen". If this was going to be called from more places we should probably make an enum in notree and maybe generate the config from that? Or validate it against the config (in a test?) or something. qutebrowser/misc/ W0238: Unused private member `Node.__add_child(self, node: 'Node[T]')` (unused-private-member) qutebrowser/misc/ W0238: Unused private member `Node.__disown(self, value: 'Node[T]')` (unused-private-member) qutebrowser/misc/ W0238: Unused private member `Node.__modified` (unused-private-member) I assume these are copied from anytree. The internet says variables with two leading underscores are mangled by the interpreter to be `__classname__variable` so that you don't have to worry about child and parent classes fighting over variable names. We don't have any examples of this pattern in the codebase currently and this Node class seems designed for composition, not inheritance. So I think I would prefer to change them to have a single underscore. That seems like something that people might want to discuss though, so for now silence pylint as it's presumably comparing some mangled vs unmangled name (eg if I rename them it's happy). qutebrowser/misc/ I0021: Useless suppression of 'invalid-name' (useless-suppression)
2024-02-06Fix tab widget benchmark teststoofar
In 8aa88b83e I added a dependency in the TabWidget in `parent.is_shutting_down` (assuming parent is a TabbedBrowser, but without updating the type hints...). Since the benchmark test wasn't setting a parent it's been breaking since then, oops. That's going to be breaking all the branches based off of the tree tabs branch, so we should probably cherry pick this back to the tree-tabs-integration branch. And consider updating the TabWidget parent kwarg type hint (and make the dummpy parent a mock/spy/double of the TabbedBrowser I guess). Not sure where the size of 640x480 came from before hand but when I added a parent it went to 100x30.
2024-01-25Remove already-implemented TODO commentsGiuseppe Stelluto
2024-01-25Remove print statement left by accidentGiuseppe Stelluto
2024-01-24Make tree tabbed session format compatible with normal formatGiuseppe Stelluto
2024-01-15s/set-cmd-text/cmd-set-text/g and regen docstoofar
The command was renamed a while back.
2024-01-14Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/main' into feat/tree_tabs_integrationtoofar
2024-01-12listcategory: Clean up building regex patternFlorian Bruhin
- Don't split the pattern in weird places used for str.join, instead build up the individual groups and then "".join them, which seems more readable to me. - Don't reuse "val" for both the user-input pattern and the regex pattern.
2024-01-12listcategory: Fix O(n^2) performance if no matchFlorian Bruhin
With the change in #7955, if the regex did not match, it ended up retrying the lookahead at every position of the string (expected), but then *also* repeated that process for every position in the string. Thus, a non-matching pattern ended up in O(n^2) performance (with n = length of URL). Instead, anchor the pattern at the beginning of the string. This doesn't change behaviour as we use .* at the beginning of every lookahead anyways, but it means we end up with O(n) instead of O(n^2) performance. Co-authored-by: toofar <>
2024-01-12Reapply "Update changelog for 7955"Florian Bruhin
This reverts commit 6a149901fbd91ac2b8b6cb39fbc835a777319c2e.
2024-01-12Reapply "Merge pull request #7955 from arza-zara/search_any_order"Florian Bruhin
This reverts commit 45d483479aebb6af5a53aea97d65228d8621ad86.
2024-01-12Merge pull request #8063 from ju-sh/patch-1Florian Bruhin
Typo fix
2024-01-12Typo fixJulin S
Trivial typo fix
2024-01-11Revert "Update changelog for 7955"Florian Bruhin
This reverts commit dbd0bfbe8e19b173e39b1536a52907eb28557773. See previous commit
2024-01-11Revert "Merge pull request #7955 from arza-zara/search_any_order"Florian Bruhin
This reverts commit fe1faa14b91253db99e9b4451ffb1a479feff1db, reversing changes made to 04af4c657d3725fd2d3b556d9b88b44d3ada0be1. For my setup with 310 quickmarks and 94 bookmarks, this makes qutebrowser hang for around a minute on every keypress.
2024-01-10tests: Upgrade our hook implementation for pytest 7Florian Bruhin 8.0.0 removes the "path" compatibility alias we used.
2024-01-10tests: Ignore yet another mesa (?) warningFlorian Bruhin
As shown in detail by toofar in dff25d10bcc8a398a77ef260c33e51ec5c70f482, mesa 23.3 seems to trigger some new error messages. On my setup locally, it also triggers the warning that's ignored here. Why that's not the case on CI or for others is unclear to me, I gave up trying to understand graphics stuff on Linux. I'll just presume this is the same underlying cause, and refer to the commit message of the commit above for more details.
2024-01-10Merge pull request #8057 from qutebrowser/update-dependenciestoofar
Update dependencies
2024-01-08Update dependenciesqutebrowser bot
2024-01-06Add initial treetab docs.toofar
TODO: * convert to asciidoc or make scripts/ support markdown input too. * for now I'm using `pandoc -f markdown -t html -o qutebrowser/html/doc/treetabs.html doc/` * should be able to asciidoc with pandoc too * the last section and the rest of the second to last * review and refactor * post on the PR and figure out how we can contribute to it collectively (put on main branch so people can open PRs? create new integration repo where people can open issues, discussions and PRs?) * maybe add more examples showing the effect of various operations * (when including in a release) consider removing the implementation section, or refactoring it to be more high level broad strokes and less low level stuff that will inevitably drift from the actual implementation These docs are not supposed to be in their final state. My plan for them so far is to provide a guide to the changes for PR contributors. I think it's currently difficult to hold the scope of the changes in your head the description on the PR is currently very limited. I would like to encourage discussion of usability and feature set as well as highlighting some implementation details to point out upsides, downsides, implications and alternatives. I've modified asciidoc2html to copy all images over. It was only doing specific ones before. But there are more images in there, why are they in doc/img if they aren't images used in the documentation? Anyway, storage is cheap, none of the images are sensitive and not having to hardcode individual files names is good.
2024-01-06Clarify TraverseOrder Enum valuestoofar
I was looking through some commit messages from last week and noticed I was having trouble keeping track of what these traverse orders meant. So I tried to adjust the descriptions to be more clear. Hopefully it worked? Probably could still use a visual aid though, or the enum value names could even be changed to be more clear, like "parent-first", "child-first", "child-first-reverse/-right". The test I used to verify this description was: simple_tree = Node('parent') left = Node('left', simple_tree) Node('grandleft-left', left) Node('grandleft-right', left) Node('middle', simple_tree) right = Node('right', simple_tree) Node('grandright', right) # parent # ├─ left # │ ├─ grandleft-left # │ └─ grandleft-right # ├─ middle # └─ right # └─ grandright @pytest.mark.parametrize('order, expected', [ (TraverseOrder.PRE, "parent left grandleft-left grandleft-right middle right grandright",), (TraverseOrder.POST, "grandleft-left grandleft-right left middle grandright right parent",), (TraverseOrder.POST_R, "grandright right middle grandleft-right grandleft-left left parent",), ]) def test_simple(order, expected): assert expected == " ".join( [n.value for n in simple_tree.traverse(order)] )
2024-01-06Check the correct tab is pinned when closingtoofar
When recursive closing a tree group you will be prompted if you want to close any tabs that are pinned. Except we passed the topmost tab to the prompt method every time instead of the tab we were going to close. This fixes that. It does mean that if there are multiple pinned tabs in a tree it gives you an identical prompt for each one, which no indication that they are separate prompts. It looks like nothing is happening when you answer it. But that's a separate problem (probably the solution is to either prompt once or to put URLs and/or tab IDs in the prompt).
2024-01-06Show new tabbed_browser when detaching tree tabstoofar
Seems a step from the existing code path wasn't applied to the new tree-specific code. I've pulled it out to be applied to both paths. Previously if you ran gD (tab-give without a positional argument) it would open a new window but you couldn't see it!