AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-03-17Disable libgl workaround except on Qt 5.12.0Florian Bruhin
2021-03-17Fix test_locale_workaroundFlorian Bruhin
2021-03-17Fix spell check regexFlorian Bruhin
2021-03-17Fix shadowed nameFlorian Bruhin
2021-03-17Fix Qt version for test_media_keysFlorian Bruhin
2021-03-17Only run test_locale_workaround on LinuxFlorian Bruhin
2021-03-17Add missing test for HardwareMediaKeyHandlingFlorian Bruhin
2021-03-17Simplify patching in test_qtargs.pyFlorian Bruhin
2021-03-17Update changelogFlorian Bruhin
2021-03-17Fix version parsing with FlatpakFlorian Bruhin
2021-03-17Warn about mismatching QtWebEngine versionsFlorian Bruhin
2021-03-17tox: Add a bleeding environmentFlorian Bruhin
2021-03-17tests: Also accept PARTIAL_CONTENT for faviconFlorian Bruhin
2021-03-17Revive requirements-tests-gitFlorian Bruhin
2021-03-16Merge branch 'master' into pathlib-/tests/conftest.pyLembrun
2021-03-16added strLembrun
2021-03-16Add input.media_keys settingFlorian Bruhin
2021-03-15Fix coverageFlorian Bruhin
2021-03-15Improve error messages for GUIProcessFlorian Bruhin
2021-03-15Update Flatpak noteFlorian Bruhin
2021-03-15Merge pull request #6279 from irimi1/keepassxc-userscript-url-fixFlorian Bruhin
2021-03-15Improve joinpath regexFlorian Bruhin
2021-03-15tests: Handle XDG_*_HOME standarddir testsFlorian Bruhin
2021-03-15tests: Add debug logging for standarddirFlorian Bruhin
2021-03-15tests: Don't download TLD listFlorian Bruhin
2021-03-15Merge pull request #6282 from qutebrowser/update-dependenciesFlorian Bruhin
2021-03-15Update dependenciesqutebrowser bot
2021-03-14userscripts: keepassxc: Fix broken linkManuel Groß
2021-03-12Changing to read_textLembrun
2021-03-12doc: Move backend info above type infoFlorian Bruhin
2021-03-12Merge pull request #6251 from Lembrun/pathlib-/unit/configFlorian Bruhin
2021-03-12Merge pull request #6252 from Lembrun/pathlib-/unit/completionFlorian Bruhin
2021-03-12Merge pull request #6254 from Lembrun/pathlib-/unit/mainwindowFlorian Bruhin
2021-03-12Fix lintFlorian Bruhin
2021-03-12tests: Further improve and stabilize screenshotsFlorian Bruhin
2021-03-12Update changelogFlorian Bruhin
2021-03-12Leave insert mode when clicking devtools 'x'Florian Bruhin
2021-03-12Update changelogFlorian Bruhin
2021-03-12Also enable formula workaround on Qt 5.12 and 5.13Florian Bruhin
2021-03-12Stabilize darkmode mathml testFlorian Bruhin
2021-03-12tests: Number screenshots for every testFlorian Bruhin
2021-03-12tests: Print screenshot pathsFlorian Bruhin
2021-03-12Fix version sorting in for requirements-pyinstallerFlorian Bruhin
2021-03-12Update changelog URLsFlorian Bruhin
2021-03-12tox: Force PyQt 5.15.3 for PyInstallerFlorian Bruhin
2021-03-12scripts: Filter out some noise in recompile_requirementsFlorian Bruhin
2021-03-12Make recompile_requirements run on WindowsFlorian Bruhin
2021-03-12Improve logging in webenginesettings.initFlorian Bruhin
2021-03-12Update asciidoc version in instructionsFlorian Bruhin
2021-03-12Release v2.1.0v2.1.0Florian Bruhin