AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2023-07-11fixupbuildpulseFlorian Bruhin
2023-07-11retryFlorian Bruhin
2023-07-11Try out buildpulse.ioFlorian Bruhin
2023-07-10Fix lint after dropping PyQt6-stubsFlorian Bruhin
2023-07-10Update changelog URLsFlorian Bruhin
2023-07-10Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/update-dependencies'Florian Bruhin
2023-07-10Update dependenciesqutebrowser bot
2023-07-09mypy: Switch to upstream stubs for PyQt6Florian Bruhin
They are getting much better
2023-07-05Add aria-haspopup to hint selectorsFlorian Bruhin
Helps on - see
2023-07-05Merge pull request #7766 from arza-zara/toxFlorian Bruhin
tox: Fix vulture-pyqtlink environment
2023-07-05tox: Fix vulture-pyqtlink environmentarza
2023-07-03ci: Keep WebKit on life support for longerFlorian Bruhin
2023-07-03Merge pull request #7763 from qutebrowser/update-dependenciestoofar
Update dependencies
2023-07-03Add exceptiongroup changelogtoofar
Ref #7763
2023-07-03Update dependenciesqutebrowser bot
2023-06-30Remove new modelineFlorian Bruhin
2023-06-30typing updates after Python 3.7 dropFlorian Bruhin
2023-06-30Fix test_qtargs on Qt 5Florian Bruhin
2023-06-30Merge pull request #7761 from pylbrecht/remove-vim-modelinesFlorian Bruhin
Remove vim modelines in favor of .editorconfig
2023-06-30Enable replaceAll quirk by defaultFlorian Bruhin
See #7639
2023-06-30Add experimental_web_platform_features settingFlorian Bruhin
Closes #7639
2023-06-30Revert "Fix bad keyutils merge"Florian Bruhin
This reverts commit 127a4bf7561a97ac31c23ccfd6120bf4c5769cc5.
2023-06-30Remove --enable-webengine-inspectorFlorian Bruhin
Fixes #7134
2023-06-30Fix bad keyutils mergeFlorian Bruhin
2023-06-30Also move Pyright / VS Code to Qt 6Florian Bruhin
See #7370
2023-06-30qt6 mypy: Fix lintqt6-mypyFlorian Bruhin
2023-06-30Add misc check to prevent vim modelinesPhilipp Albrecht
We deprecated vim modelines. The introduced misc check will keep old pull requests from re-introducing vim modelines.
2023-06-30Remove vim modelinesPhilipp Albrecht
We're deprecating vim modelines in favor of `.editorconfig`. Removing vim modelines could be done using two one-liners. Most of the vim modelines were followed by an empty line, so this one-liner took care of these ones: ```sh rg '^# vim: .+\n\n' -l | xargs sed -i '/^# vim: /,+1d' ``` Then some of the vim modelines were followed by a pylint configuration line, so running this one-liner afterwards took care of that: ```sh rg '^# vim:' -l | xargs sed -i '/^# vim: /d' ```
2023-06-30Remove vim modeline hint from contributing docsPhilipp Albrecht
We're deprecating vim modelines in favor of `.editorconfig`.
2023-06-30Remove modeline pylint checkerPhilipp Albrecht
We're deprecating vim modelines in favor of `.editorconfig`.
2023-06-30mypy: Make misc.sql fully typedFlorian Bruhin
That was an oversight apparently
2023-06-30mypy: Turn on disallow_untyped_defs by defaultFlorian Bruhin
Done by removing the existing config and doing: tox -e mypy-pyqt6 | \ grep -F .py | \ cut -d: -f1 | \ sort | \ uniq | \ sed 's/\.py//' | \ sed 's/\//./g' | \ while read line; do \ echo "[mypy-$line]\ndisallow_untyped_defs = False\n" \ done >> .mypy.ini This means we now enforce type annotations for all new modules. We can still add sections for upcoming PR merges where this is a problem. Closes #7409
2023-06-30mypy: Install more typeshed typesFlorian Bruhin
2023-06-30qt6 mypy: Fix lintFlorian Bruhin
2023-06-30qt6 mypy: Fix broken assertFlorian Bruhin
2023-06-29Fix lintFlorian Bruhin
2023-06-29qt6 mypy: Fix lintFlorian Bruhin
2023-06-29qt6 mypy: Enable on CIFlorian Bruhin
2023-06-29qt6 mypy: Fix remaining unused-ignore issuesFlorian Bruhin
2023-06-29qt6 mypy: Fix PyQt5 QUrl issues with a more clever approachFlorian Bruhin
2023-06-29qt6 mypy: Remove PyQt5 type ignoresFlorian Bruhin
2023-06-29qt6 mypy: Fix handling of AbstractTab.is_deleted()Florian Bruhin
2023-06-29qt6 mypy: Don't attempt to type-check OpenGL functionsFlorian Bruhin
2023-06-29qt6 mypy: Fix unused-ignores with mypy-pyqt5Florian Bruhin
2023-06-29mypy qt6: Ignore unreachable after rebaseFlorian Bruhin
2023-06-29qt6 mypy: Fix qt5 mypy regressionsFlorian Bruhin
2023-06-29qt6 mypy: Fix remaining issuesFlorian Bruhin
30 -> 0 errors
2023-06-29qt6 mypy: Fix typing around qenum_keyFlorian Bruhin
36 -> 30 errors
2023-06-29qt6 mypy: Add missing pyqtPropertyFlorian Bruhin
39 -> 36 errors
2023-06-29qt6 mypy: Fix first batch of various issuesFlorian Bruhin
50 -> 39 errors