path: root/qutebrowser/utils/
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Diffstat (limited to 'qutebrowser/utils/')
1 files changed, 4 insertions, 110 deletions
diff --git a/qutebrowser/utils/ b/qutebrowser/utils/
index af9d5fad7..03a3c7842 100644
--- a/qutebrowser/utils/
+++ b/qutebrowser/utils/
@@ -30,14 +30,13 @@ import datetime
import traceback
import functools
import contextlib
-import posixpath
import shlex
import mimetypes
-import pathlib
import ctypes
import ctypes.util
-from typing import (Any, Callable, IO, Iterator, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Type, Union,
- Iterable, TypeVar, TYPE_CHECKING)
+from typing import (Any, Callable, IO, Iterator,
+ Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Type, Union,
# Protocol was added in Python 3.8
from typing import Protocol
@@ -50,11 +49,7 @@ except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
from PyQt5.QtCore import QUrl, QVersionNumber, QRect
from PyQt5.QtGui import QClipboard, QDesktopServices
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication
-# We cannot use the stdlib version on 3.7-3.8 because we need the files() API.
-if sys.version_info >= (3, 9):
- import importlib.resources as importlib_resources
-else: # pragma: no cover
- import importlib_resources
import yaml
from yaml import (CSafeLoader as YamlLoader,
@@ -65,13 +60,10 @@ except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
SafeDumper as YamlDumper)
YAML_C_EXT = False
-import qutebrowser
from qutebrowser.utils import log
fake_clipboard = None
log_clipboard = False
-_resource_cache = {}
is_mac = sys.platform.startswith('darwin')
is_linux = sys.platform.startswith('linux')
@@ -244,104 +236,6 @@ def compact_text(text: str, elidelength: int = None) -> str:
return out
-def _resource_path(filename: str) -> pathlib.Path:
- """Get a pathlib.Path object for a resource."""
- assert not posixpath.isabs(filename), filename
- assert os.path.pardir not in filename.split(posixpath.sep), filename
- if hasattr(sys, 'frozen'):
- # For PyInstaller, where we can't store resource files in a qutebrowser/ folder
- # because the executable is already named "qutebrowser" (at least on macOS).
- return pathlib.Path(sys.executable).parent / filename
- return importlib_resources.files(qutebrowser) / filename
-def _resource_keyerror_workaround() -> Iterator[None]:
- """Re-raise KeyErrors as FileNotFoundErrors.
- WORKAROUND for zipfile.Path resources raising KeyError when a file was notfound:
- Only needed for Python 3.8 and 3.9.
- """
- try:
- yield
- except KeyError as e:
- raise FileNotFoundError(str(e))
-def _glob_resources(
- resource_path: pathlib.Path,
- subdir: str,
- ext: str,
-) -> Iterable[str]:
- """Find resources with the given extension.
- Yields a resource name like "html/log.html" (as string).
- """
- assert '*' not in ext, ext
- assert ext.startswith('.'), ext
- path = resource_path / subdir
- if isinstance(resource_path, pathlib.Path):
- for full_path in path.glob(f'*{ext}'): # . is contained in ext
- yield full_path.relative_to(resource_path).as_posix()
- else: # zipfile.Path or importlib_resources compat object
- # Unfortunately, we can't tell mypy about resource_path being of type
- # Union[pathlib.Path, zipfile.Path] because we set "python_version = 3.6" in
- # .mypy.ini, but the zipfiel stubs (correctly) only declare zipfile.Path with
- # Python 3.8...
- assert path.is_dir(), path # type: ignore[unreachable]
- for subpath in path.iterdir():
- if
- yield posixpath.join(subdir,
-def preload_resources() -> None:
- """Load resource files into the cache."""
- resource_path = _resource_path('')
- for subdir, ext in [
- ('html', '.html'),
- ('javascript', '.js'),
- ('javascript/quirks', '.js'),
- ]:
- for name in _glob_resources(resource_path, subdir, ext):
- _resource_cache[name] = read_file(name)
-def read_file(filename: str) -> str:
- """Get the contents of a file contained with qutebrowser.
- Args:
- filename: The filename to open as string.
- Return:
- The file contents as string.
- """
- if filename in _resource_cache:
- return _resource_cache[filename]
- path = _resource_path(filename)
- with _resource_keyerror_workaround():
- return path.read_text(encoding='utf-8')
-def read_file_binary(filename: str) -> bytes:
- """Get the contents of a binary file contained with qutebrowser.
- Args:
- filename: The filename to open as string.
- Return:
- The file contents as a bytes object.
- """
- path = _resource_path(filename)
- with _resource_keyerror_workaround():
- return path.read_bytes()
def format_seconds(total_seconds: int) -> str:
"""Format a count of seconds to get a [H:]M:SS string."""
prefix = '-' if total_seconds < 0 else ''