path: root/qutebrowser/misc/
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Diffstat (limited to 'qutebrowser/misc/')
1 files changed, 274 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/qutebrowser/misc/ b/qutebrowser/misc/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2bcde7ce9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qutebrowser/misc/
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Florian Bruhin (The-Compiler) <>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
+"""Chromium .pak repacking.
+This entire file is a great WORKAROUND for
+and the fact we can't just simply disable the hangouts extension:
+It's yet another big hack. If you think this is bad, look at instead.
+The name of this file might or might not be inspired by a certain vegetable,
+as well as the "joy" this bug has caused me.
+Useful references:
+- (010 editor <3)
+This is a "best effort" parser. If it errors out, we don't apply the workaround
+instead of crashing.
+import os
+import shutil
+import pathlib
+import dataclasses
+import contextlib
+from typing import ClassVar, IO, Optional, Dict, Tuple, Iterator
+from qutebrowser.config import config
+from qutebrowser.misc import binparsing, objects
+from qutebrowser.utils import qtutils, standarddir, version, utils, log
+HANGOUTS_MARKER = b"// Extension ID: nkeimhogjdpnpccoofpliimaahmaaome"
+ 36197, # QtWebEngine 6.5, as found by toofar
+ 34897, # QtWebEngine 6.4
+CACHE_DIR_NAME = "webengine_resources_pak_quirk"
+PAK_FILENAME = "qtwebengine_resources.pak"
+TARGET_URL = b"https://**"
+REPLACEMENT_URL = b"https://qute.invalid/*"
+assert len(TARGET_URL) == len(REPLACEMENT_URL)
+class PakHeader:
+ """Chromium .pak header (version 5)."""
+ encoding: int # uint32
+ resource_count: int # uint16
+ _alias_count: int # uint16
+ _FORMAT: ClassVar[str] = "<IHH"
+ @classmethod
+ def parse(cls, fobj: IO[bytes]) -> "PakHeader":
+ """Parse a PAK version 5 header from a file."""
+ return cls(*binparsing.unpack(cls._FORMAT, fobj))
+class PakEntry:
+ """Entry description in a .pak file."""
+ resource_id: int # uint16
+ file_offset: int # uint32
+ size: int = 0 # not in file
+ _FORMAT: ClassVar[str] = "<HI"
+ @classmethod
+ def parse(cls, fobj: IO[bytes]) -> "PakEntry":
+ """Parse a PAK entry from a file."""
+ return cls(*binparsing.unpack(cls._FORMAT, fobj))
+class PakParser:
+ """Parse webengine pak and find patch location to disable Google Meet extension."""
+ def __init__(self, fobj: IO[bytes]) -> None:
+ """Parse the .pak file from the given file object."""
+ pak_version = binparsing.unpack("<I", fobj)[0]
+ if pak_version != PAK_VERSION:
+ raise binparsing.ParseError(f"Unsupported .pak version {pak_version}")
+ self.fobj = fobj
+ entries = self._read_header()
+ self.manifest_entry, self.manifest = self._find_manifest(entries)
+ def find_patch_offset(self) -> int:
+ """Return byte offset of TARGET_URL into the pak file."""
+ try:
+ return self.manifest_entry.file_offset + self.manifest.index(TARGET_URL)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise binparsing.ParseError("Couldn't find URL in manifest")
+ def _maybe_get_hangouts_manifest(self, entry: PakEntry) -> Optional[bytes]:
+ data =
+ if not data.startswith(b"{") or not data.rstrip(b"\n").endswith(b"}"):
+ # not JSON
+ return None
+ if HANGOUTS_MARKER not in data:
+ return None
+ return data
+ def _read_header(self) -> Dict[int, PakEntry]:
+ """Read the header and entry index from the .pak file."""
+ entries = []
+ header = PakHeader.parse(self.fobj)
+ for _ in range(header.resource_count + 1): # + 1 due to sentinel at end
+ entries.append(PakEntry.parse(self.fobj))
+ for entry, next_entry in zip(entries, entries[1:]):
+ if entry.resource_id == 0:
+ raise binparsing.ParseError("Unexpected sentinel entry")
+ entry.size = next_entry.file_offset - entry.file_offset
+ if entries[-1].resource_id != 0:
+ raise binparsing.ParseError("Missing sentinel entry")
+ del entries[-1]
+ return {entry.resource_id: entry for entry in entries}
+ def _find_manifest(self, entries: Dict[int, PakEntry]) -> Tuple[PakEntry, bytes]:
+ to_check = list(entries.values())
+ for hangouts_id in HANGOUTS_IDS:
+ if hangouts_id in entries:
+ # Most likely candidate, based on previous known ID
+ to_check.insert(0, entries[hangouts_id])
+ for entry in to_check:
+ manifest = self._maybe_get_hangouts_manifest(entry)
+ if manifest is not None:
+ return entry, manifest
+ raise binparsing.ParseError("Couldn't find hangouts manifest")
+def _find_webengine_resources() -> pathlib.Path:
+ """Find the QtWebEngine resources dir.
+ Mirrors logic from QtWebEngine:
+ """
+ if RESOURCES_ENV_VAR in os.environ:
+ return pathlib.Path(os.environ[RESOURCES_ENV_VAR])
+ candidates = []
+ qt_data_path = qtutils.library_path(
+ if utils.is_mac: # pragma: no cover
+ # I'm not sure how to arrive at this path without hardcoding it
+ # ourselves. importlib_resources("PyQt6.Qt6") can serve as a
+ # replacement for the qtutils bit but it doesn't seem to help find the
+ # actuall Resources folder.
+ candidates.append(
+ qt_data_path / "lib" / "QtWebEngineCore.framework" / "Resources"
+ )
+ candidates += [
+ qt_data_path / "resources",
+ qt_data_path,
+ pathlib.Path(objects.qapp.applicationDirPath()),
+ pathlib.Path.home() / f".{objects.qapp.applicationName()}",
+ ]
+ for candidate in candidates:
+ if (candidate / PAK_FILENAME).exists():
+ return candidate
+ raise binparsing.ParseError("Couldn't find webengine resources dir")
+def copy_webengine_resources() -> Optional[pathlib.Path]:
+ """Copy qtwebengine resources to local dir for patching."""
+ resources_dir = _find_webengine_resources()
+ work_dir = pathlib.Path(standarddir.cache()) / CACHE_DIR_NAME
+ if work_dir.exists():
+ log.misc.debug(f"Removing existing {work_dir}")
+ shutil.rmtree(work_dir)
+ versions = version.qtwebengine_versions(avoid_init=True)
+ if not (
+ #
+ versions.webengine == utils.VersionNumber(6, 6)
+ #
+ or (
+ versions.webengine >= utils.VersionNumber(6, 5)
+ and versions.webengine < utils.VersionNumber(6, 5, 3)
+ and config.val.colors.webpage.darkmode.enabled
+ )
+ ):
+ # No patching needed
+ return None
+ log.misc.debug(
+ "Copying webengine resources for quirk patching: "
+ f"{resources_dir} -> {work_dir}"
+ )
+ shutil.copytree(resources_dir, work_dir)
+ return work_dir
+def _patch(file_to_patch: pathlib.Path) -> None:
+ """Apply any patches to the given pak file."""
+ if not file_to_patch.exists():
+ log.misc.error(
+ "Resource pak doesn't exist at expected location! "
+ f"Not applying quirks. Expected location: {file_to_patch}"
+ )
+ return
+ with open(file_to_patch, "r+b") as f:
+ try:
+ parser = PakParser(f)
+ log.misc.debug(f"Patching pak entry: {parser.manifest_entry}")
+ offset = parser.find_patch_offset()
+ binparsing.safe_seek(f, offset)
+ except binparsing.ParseError:
+ log.misc.exception("Failed to apply quirk to resources pak.")
+def patch_webengine() -> Iterator[None]:
+ """Apply any patches to webengine resource pak files."""
+ if os.environ.get(DISABLE_ENV_VAR):
+ log.misc.debug(f"Not applying quirk due to {DISABLE_ENV_VAR}")
+ yield
+ return
+ try:
+ # Still calling this on Qt != 6.6 so that the directory is cleaned up
+ # when not needed anymore.
+ webengine_resources_path = copy_webengine_resources()
+ except OSError:
+ log.misc.exception("Failed to copy webengine resources, not applying quirk")
+ yield
+ return
+ if webengine_resources_path is None:
+ yield
+ return
+ _patch(webengine_resources_path / PAK_FILENAME)
+ old_value = os.environ.get(RESOURCES_ENV_VAR)
+ os.environ[RESOURCES_ENV_VAR] = str(webengine_resources_path)
+ yield
+ # Restore old value for subprocesses or :restart
+ if old_value is None:
+ del os.environ[RESOURCES_ENV_VAR]
+ else:
+ os.environ[RESOURCES_ENV_VAR] = old_value