diff options
1 files changed, 209 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..ef99194fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+# How to run:
+# * Install the gh cli and run `gh login`:
+# * install black isort usort pyupgrade and whatever other tools you want to
+# play with in your active virtualenv
+# * move to a new folder for the script to work in: `mkdir pr_mergability && cd pr_mergability`
+# * ../scripts/
+# It'll clone the qutebrowser repo, fetch refs for all the open PRs, checkout
+# a branch, run auto formatters, try to merge each PR, report back via CSV
+# how badly each merge filed (via "number of conflicting lines").
+# For details of what auto formatters are ran see the `tools` variable down
+# near the bottom of the script.
+# If you've checked out a branch and ran auto-formatters or whatever on it
+# manually and just want the script to try to merge all PRs you can call it
+# with the branch name and it'll do so. Remember to go back up to the work dir
+# before calling the script.
+# If it's been a few days and PRs have been opened or merged delete `prs.json`
+# from the working dir to have them re-fetched on next run.
+# If PRs have had updates pushed you'll have to update the refs yourself or
+# nuke the whole clone in the work dir and let the script re-fetch them all.
+# requires the github binary, authorized, to list open PRs.
+command -v gh > /dev/null || {
+ echo "Error: Install the github CLI, gh, make sure it is in PATH and authenticated."
+ exit 1
+# requires some formatting tools available. The are all installable via pip.
+all_formatters="black isort usort pyupgrade"
+for cmd in $all_formatters; do
+ command -v $cmd >/dev/null || {
+ echo "Error: Requires all these tools to be in PATH (install them with pip): $all_formatters"
+ exit 1
+ }
+[ -e qutebrowser/ ] && {
+ echo "don't run this from your qutebrowser checkout. Run it from a tmp dir, it'll checkout out a new copy to work on"
+ exit 1
+[ -d qutebrowser ] || {
+ git clone
+ cd qutebrowser
+ git config --local merge.conflictstyle merge
+ git config --local rerere.enabled false
+ cd -
+[ -e prs.json ] || {
+ # (re-)fetch list of open PRs. Pull refs for any new ones.
+ # Resets master and qt6-v2 in case they have changed. Does not handle
+ # fetching new changes for updated PRs.
+ echo "fetching open PRs"
+ gh -R qutebrowser/qutebrowser pr list -s open --json number,title,mergeable,updatedAt -L 100 > prs.json
+ cd qutebrowser
+ git fetch
+ git checkout master && git pull
+ git checkout qt6-v2 && git pull
+ # this is slow for a fresh clone, idk how to fetch all pull/*/head refs at once
+ jq -r '.[] | "\(.number) \(.updatedAt) \(.title)"' < ../prs.json | while read number updated title; do
+ git describe pr/$number >/dev/null 2>&1 || git fetch origin refs/pull/$number/head:pr/$number
+ done
+ cd -
+python3 <<"EOF"
+import json
+from collections import Counter
+import rich
+with open("prs.json") as f: prs=json.load(f)
+rich.print(Counter([p['mergeable'] for p in prs]))
+# Counter({'MERGEABLE': 29, 'CONFLICTING': 45})
+summary () {
+ # Summarize the accumulated report CSVs
+ # Should be the last thing we do since it goes back up to the report dir
+ cd - >/dev/null
+ python3 <<"EOF"
+import csv, glob
+def read_csv(path):
+ with open(path) as f:
+ return list(csv.DictReader(f))
+for report in sorted(glob.glob("report-*.csv")):
+ rows = read_csv(report)
+ succeeded = len([row for row in rows if row["state"] == "succeeded"])
+ failed = len([row for row in rows if row["state"] == "failed"])
+ print(f"{report} {succeeded=} {failed=}")
+prompt_or_summary () {
+ printf "$1 [Yn]: "
+ read ans
+ case "$ans" in
+ [nN]*)
+ summary
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ *) true;;
+ esac
+generate_report () {
+ # checkout a branch, try to merge each of the open PRs, write the results to
+ # a CSV file
+ base="${1:-master}"
+ quiet=$2
+ git checkout -q $base
+ report_file=../report-$base.csv
+ [ -e $report_file ] && [ -z "$quiet" ] && {
+ prompt_or_summary "$report_file exists, overwrite?"
+ }
+ echo "number,updated,title,state,clean,conflicting" > $report_file
+ report () {
+ echo "$1,$2,\"$3\",$4,$5,$6" >> $report_file
+ }
+ jq -r '.[] | "\(.number) \(.updatedAt) \(.title)"' < ../prs.json | while read number updated title; do
+ [ -n "$quiet" ] || echo "trying pr/$number $updated $title"
+ head_sha=$(git rev-parse HEAD)
+ git merge -q --no-ff --no-edit pr/$number 2>&1 1>/dev/null | grep -v preimage
+ if [ -e .git/MERGE_HEAD ] ;then
+ # merge failed, clean lines staged and conflicting lines in working
+ # tree
+ merged_lines=$(git diff --cached --numstat | awk -F' ' '{sum+=$1;} END{print sum;}')
+ conflicting_lines=$(git diff | sed -n -e '/<<<<<<< HEAD/,/=======$/p' -e '/=======$/,/>>>>>>> pr/p' | wc -l)
+ conflicting_lines=$(($conflicting_lines-4)) # account for markers included in both sed expressions
+ [ -n "$quiet" ] || echo "#$number failed merging merged_lines=$merged_lines conflicting_lines=$conflicting_lines"
+ git merge --abort
+ report $number $updated "$title" failed $merged_lines $conflicting_lines
+ else
+ [ -n "$quiet" ] || echo "#$number merged fine"
+ #git show HEAD --oneline --stat
+ git reset -q --hard $head_sha
+ report $number $updated "$title" succeeded 0 0
+ fi
+ done
+cd qutebrowser
+# run as `$0 some-branch` to report on merging all open PRs to a branch you
+# made yourself. Otherwise run without args to try with a bunch of builtin
+# configurations.
+if [ -n "$1" ] ;then
+ generate_report "$1"
+ usort () { env usort format "$@"; }
+ pyupgrade () { git ls-files | grep -F .py | xargs pyupgrade --py37-plus; }
+ clean_branches () {
+ # only clean up tmp- branches in case I run it on my main qutebrowser
+ # checkout by mistake :)
+ git checkout master
+ git reset --hard origin/master
+ git branch -l | grep tmp- | grep -v detached | while read l; do git branch -qD $l ;done
+ }
+ # pre-defined auto-formatter configurations. Branches will be created as
+ # needed.
+ # format: branch tool1 tool2 ...
+ tools="master true
+ tmp-black black
+ tmp-black_isort black isort
+ tmp-black_usort black usort
+ tmp-black_pyupgrade black pyupgrade
+ tmp-black_isort_pyupgrade black isort pyupgrade
+ tmp-black_isort_pyupgrade black usort pyupgrade
+ qt6-v2 true"
+ #tools="tmp-black_isort black isort
+ #tmp-black_usort black usort"
+ prompt_or_summary "Generate report for all tool configurations?"
+ clean_branches
+ echo "$tools" | while read branch cmds; do
+ echo "$branch"
+ git checkout -q "$branch" 2>/dev/null || git checkout -q -b "$branch" origin/master
+ echo "$cmds" | tr ' ' '\n' | while read cmd; do
+ $cmd qutebrowser tests
+ git commit -am "$cmd"
+ done
+ generate_report "$branch" y
+ done
+# todo:
+# * see if we can run formatters on PR branches before/while merging
+# * do most stuff based off of qt6-v2 instead of master, not like most PRs
+# will be merged to pre-3.0 master anyway
+# notes:
+# after merging qt6-v2 would merging old PRs to old master then somehow merging
+# the PR merge commit up to the new master easier than rebasing the PR?
+# there is a filter attribute you can use to re-write files before committing.
+# For this use case probably the same as rebase -i --exec then merge?
+# >See "Merging branches with differing checkin/checkout attributes" in gitattributes(5)