diff options
authortoofar <>2022-11-16 20:07:05 +1300
committertoofar <>2022-11-16 20:34:36 +1300
commitfa7b7ee72c95690e9a3cf50ebd204bf7d70429eb (patch)
parentdae50ef5afadc3c853fe63ebdba7f914efeb7873 (diff)
Add initial attempt at applying formatting to PRs
See the comments in the script for more details. We are trying to see if we can migrate PRs to be based off of a master branch that has had autoformatting applied to it. Doing this via a merge is very difficult because once you have conflict markers you can't really do much. So you need to apply the autoformatters to the base branch and the PR branch and then try to point the changed PR branch at the changed master. I tried doing it via a rebase first, which necessitates re-writing the commits transparently when applying them. It seems to work well enough. An initial one shows all of the PRs that applies successfully to master applied to the changed master after going through this process. I tried doing it via a rebase first because I find rebases easier to reason about than merges. I did add a merge strategy too but it performed poorly. I haven't put much thought into it and are probably doing something wrong. There's some duplication and hardcoded stuff. The tool "aliases" I moved up because the re-writing is done in two places now. I'm hardcoding the master report for excluding already-failing PRs, that might end up being fine. Next steps: * verify this rebase strategy some more * see how many fail when rebasing on qt6-v2 too * look at the merge strategy again * clean up the script more, consider porting it to python if the results are anywhere near acceptable
1 files changed, 158 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
index ef99194fe..3ef77b605 100755
--- a/scripts/
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -109,15 +109,30 @@ prompt_or_summary () {
+# format tool "aliases", where needed
+usort () { env usort format "$@"; }
+black () { env black -q "$@"; }
+pyupgrade () { git ls-files | grep -F .py | xargs pyupgrade --py37-plus; }
generate_report () {
# checkout a branch, try to merge each of the open PRs, write the results to
# a CSV file
- quiet=$2
+ quiet="$2"
+ rewrite_strategy="$3"
+ cmds="$4"
+ pr="$5"
+ report_file=../report-$base.csv
+ # prefix for working branch when we are going to re-write stuff so we don't
+ # mess up the pr/* branches and have to re-fetch them.
+ [ -n "$rewrite_strategy" ] && {
+ prefix="tmp-rewrite-"
+ report_file=../report-$base-$rewrite_strategy.csv
+ }
git checkout -q $base
- report_file=../report-$base.csv
[ -e $report_file ] && [ -z "$quiet" ] && {
prompt_or_summary "$report_file exists, overwrite?"
@@ -128,9 +143,37 @@ generate_report () {
jq -r '.[] | "\(.number) \(.updatedAt) \(.title)"' < ../prs.json | while read number updated title; do
- [ -n "$quiet" ] || echo "trying pr/$number $updated $title"
+ [ -n "$pr" ] && [ "$pr" != "$number" ] continue
+ [ -n "$quiet" ] || echo "trying ${prefix}pr/$number $updated $title"
head_sha=$(git rev-parse HEAD)
- git merge -q --no-ff --no-edit pr/$number 2>&1 1>/dev/null | grep -v preimage
+ case "$rewrite_strategy" in
+ rebase|merge)
+ # Only attempt branches that actually merge cleanly with master.
+ # Theoretically it wouldn't hurt to do all of them but a) running
+ # black via the filter driver is slow b) rebase_with_formatting needs
+ # some work to handle more errors in that case (the "git commit -qam
+ # 'fix lint" bit at least needs to look for conflict markers)
+ # I'm hardcoding master because of a lack of imagination.
+ grep "^$number" ../report-master.csv | grep failed && {
+ echo "pr/$number succeeded already in ../report-master.csv, skipping"
+ continue
+ }
+ rebase_with_formatting "$number" "$base" "$cmds" "$prefix" "$rewrite_strategy" || {
+ report $number $updated "$title" failed 999 999
+ continue
+ }
+ ;;
+ '')
+ true
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Unknown rewrite strategy '$rewrite_strategy'"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ git merge -q --no-ff --no-edit ${prefix}pr/$number 2>&1 1>/dev/null | grep -v preimage
if [ -e .git/MERGE_HEAD ] ;then
# merge failed, clean lines staged and conflicting lines in working
# tree
@@ -149,16 +192,124 @@ generate_report () {
+rebase_with_formatting () {
+ number="$1"
+ base="$2"
+ cmds="$3"
+ prefix="${4:-tmp-rewrite-}"
+ strategy="$5"
+ # We need to apply formatting to PRs and base them on a reformatted base
+ # branch.
+ # I haven't looked into doing that via a merge but here is an attempt
+ # doing a rebase.
+ # Rebasing directly on to a formatted branch will fail very easily when it
+ # runs into a formatting change. So I'm using git's "filter" attribute to
+ # apply the same formatter to the trees corresponding to the
+ # commits being rebased. Hopefully if we apply the same formatter to the
+ # base branch and to the individual commits from the PRs we can minimize
+ # conflicts.
+ # An alternative to using the filter attribute might be to use something
+ # like the "darker" tool to re-write the commits. I suspect that won't
+ # help with conflicts in the context around changes though.
+ # Checkout the parent commit of the branch then apply formatting tools to
+ # it. This will provide a target for rebasing which doesn't have any
+ # additional drift from changes to master. After that then we can rebase
+ # the re-written PR branch to the more current, autoformatted, master.
+ # TODO: It might be possible to skip the intermediate base branch.
+ git checkout -b tmp-master-rewrite-pr/$number `git merge-base origin/master pr/$number`
+ echo "$cmds" | tr ' ' '\n' | while read cmd; do
+ $cmd qutebrowser tests
+ git commit -am "dropme! $cmd" # mark commits for dropping when we rebase onto the more recent master
+ done
+ git checkout -b ${prefix}pr/$number pr/$number
+ # Setup the filters. A "smudge" filter is configured for each tool then we
+ # add the required tools to a gitattributes file. And make sure to clean
+ # it up later.
+ # Running the formatters as filters is slower than running them directly
+ # because they seem to be run on the files serially. TODO: can we
+ # parallelize them?
+ # Maybe just adding a wrapper around the formatters that caches the output
+ # would be simpler. At least then you just have to sit through them once.
+ git config --local --get >/dev/null || {
+ git config --local "black -q -"
+ git config --local filter.isort.smudge "isort -q -"
+ git config --local filter.pyupgrade.smudge "pyupgrade --py27-plus -"
+ git config --local filter.usort.smudge "usort format -"
+ }
+ printf "*.py" > .git/info/attributes
+ echo "$cmds" | tr ' ' '\n' | while read cmd; do
+ printf " filter=$cmd" >> .git/info/attributes
+ done
+ echo >> .git/info/attributes
+ # not sure why I had to do the extra git commit in there, there are some
+ # changes left in the working directory sometimes? TODO: change to a
+ # commit --amend -C HEAD after confirming overall results
+ # TODO: look for conflict markers before merging
+ git rebase -q -X renormalize --exec 'git commit -qam "fix lint" || true' tmp-master-rewrite-pr/$number
+ exit_code="$?"
+ [ $exit_code -eq 0 ] || git rebase --abort
+ git branch -D tmp-master-rewrite-pr/$number
+ rm .git/info/attributes
+ [ $exit_code -eq 0 ] || return $exit_code
+ if [ "$strategy" = "rebase" ] ;then
+ # now transplant onto the actual upstream branch -- might have to drop this
+ # if it causes problems.
+ EDITOR='sed -i /dropme/d' git rebase -qi "$base" || {
+ git rebase --abort
+ return 1
+ }
+ fi
+ git checkout -q $base
cd qutebrowser
# run as `$0 some-branch` to report on merging all open PRs to a branch you
# made yourself. Otherwise run without args to try with a bunch of builtin
# configurations.
+while [ -n "$1" ] ;do
+ case "$1" in
+ -s|--rewrite-strategy)
+ shift
+ [ -n "$1" ] || {
+ echo "What strategy?"
+ exit 1
+ }
+ strategy="$1"
+ ;;
+ -p|--pull-request)
+ shift
+ [ -n "$1" ] || {
+ echo "Which PR?"
+ exit 1
+ }
+ pull_request="$1"
+ ;;
+ -*)
+ echo "Unknown argument '$1'"
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ *)
+ break
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift
if [ -n "$1" ] ;then
generate_report "$1"
- usort () { env usort format "$@"; }
- pyupgrade () { git ls-files | grep -F .py | xargs pyupgrade --py37-plus; }
clean_branches () {
# only clean up tmp- branches in case I run it on my main qutebrowser
# checkout by mistake :)
@@ -191,7 +342,7 @@ else
$cmd qutebrowser tests
git commit -am "$cmd"
- generate_report "$branch" y
+ generate_report "$branch" y "$strategy" "$cmds" "$pull_request"