diff options
authortoofar <>2022-11-10 08:21:43 +1300
committertoofar <>2022-11-10 08:42:18 +1300
commitdae50ef5afadc3c853fe63ebdba7f914efeb7873 (patch)
parent4e39f9a8ce8c2fc13f1f95e08fd8e71a7b35accb (diff)
Some basic stats on which PRs merge now vs after black
One of the main issues remaining about the 3.0 release is what autoformatters we can introduce to the codebase and how badly that'll conflict with the open PRs. #1455 This is an attempt to provide some numbers to support that decisions. It runs black and friends then tries to merge all the PRs. The script needs updating to try some different merge strategies to see if we can help people keep their PRs inline with the upcoming changes without all having to be updated manually. TODOs are at the bottom of the script.
1 files changed, 209 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..ef99194fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+# How to run:
+# * Install the gh cli and run `gh login`:
+# * install black isort usort pyupgrade and whatever other tools you want to
+# play with in your active virtualenv
+# * move to a new folder for the script to work in: `mkdir pr_mergability && cd pr_mergability`
+# * ../scripts/
+# It'll clone the qutebrowser repo, fetch refs for all the open PRs, checkout
+# a branch, run auto formatters, try to merge each PR, report back via CSV
+# how badly each merge filed (via "number of conflicting lines").
+# For details of what auto formatters are ran see the `tools` variable down
+# near the bottom of the script.
+# If you've checked out a branch and ran auto-formatters or whatever on it
+# manually and just want the script to try to merge all PRs you can call it
+# with the branch name and it'll do so. Remember to go back up to the work dir
+# before calling the script.
+# If it's been a few days and PRs have been opened or merged delete `prs.json`
+# from the working dir to have them re-fetched on next run.
+# If PRs have had updates pushed you'll have to update the refs yourself or
+# nuke the whole clone in the work dir and let the script re-fetch them all.
+# requires the github binary, authorized, to list open PRs.
+command -v gh > /dev/null || {
+ echo "Error: Install the github CLI, gh, make sure it is in PATH and authenticated."
+ exit 1
+# requires some formatting tools available. The are all installable via pip.
+all_formatters="black isort usort pyupgrade"
+for cmd in $all_formatters; do
+ command -v $cmd >/dev/null || {
+ echo "Error: Requires all these tools to be in PATH (install them with pip): $all_formatters"
+ exit 1
+ }
+[ -e qutebrowser/ ] && {
+ echo "don't run this from your qutebrowser checkout. Run it from a tmp dir, it'll checkout out a new copy to work on"
+ exit 1
+[ -d qutebrowser ] || {
+ git clone
+ cd qutebrowser
+ git config --local merge.conflictstyle merge
+ git config --local rerere.enabled false
+ cd -
+[ -e prs.json ] || {
+ # (re-)fetch list of open PRs. Pull refs for any new ones.
+ # Resets master and qt6-v2 in case they have changed. Does not handle
+ # fetching new changes for updated PRs.
+ echo "fetching open PRs"
+ gh -R qutebrowser/qutebrowser pr list -s open --json number,title,mergeable,updatedAt -L 100 > prs.json
+ cd qutebrowser
+ git fetch
+ git checkout master && git pull
+ git checkout qt6-v2 && git pull
+ # this is slow for a fresh clone, idk how to fetch all pull/*/head refs at once
+ jq -r '.[] | "\(.number) \(.updatedAt) \(.title)"' < ../prs.json | while read number updated title; do
+ git describe pr/$number >/dev/null 2>&1 || git fetch origin refs/pull/$number/head:pr/$number
+ done
+ cd -
+python3 <<"EOF"
+import json
+from collections import Counter
+import rich
+with open("prs.json") as f: prs=json.load(f)
+rich.print(Counter([p['mergeable'] for p in prs]))
+# Counter({'MERGEABLE': 29, 'CONFLICTING': 45})
+summary () {
+ # Summarize the accumulated report CSVs
+ # Should be the last thing we do since it goes back up to the report dir
+ cd - >/dev/null
+ python3 <<"EOF"
+import csv, glob
+def read_csv(path):
+ with open(path) as f:
+ return list(csv.DictReader(f))
+for report in sorted(glob.glob("report-*.csv")):
+ rows = read_csv(report)
+ succeeded = len([row for row in rows if row["state"] == "succeeded"])
+ failed = len([row for row in rows if row["state"] == "failed"])
+ print(f"{report} {succeeded=} {failed=}")
+prompt_or_summary () {
+ printf "$1 [Yn]: "
+ read ans
+ case "$ans" in
+ [nN]*)
+ summary
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ *) true;;
+ esac
+generate_report () {
+ # checkout a branch, try to merge each of the open PRs, write the results to
+ # a CSV file
+ base="${1:-master}"
+ quiet=$2
+ git checkout -q $base
+ report_file=../report-$base.csv
+ [ -e $report_file ] && [ -z "$quiet" ] && {
+ prompt_or_summary "$report_file exists, overwrite?"
+ }
+ echo "number,updated,title,state,clean,conflicting" > $report_file
+ report () {
+ echo "$1,$2,\"$3\",$4,$5,$6" >> $report_file
+ }
+ jq -r '.[] | "\(.number) \(.updatedAt) \(.title)"' < ../prs.json | while read number updated title; do
+ [ -n "$quiet" ] || echo "trying pr/$number $updated $title"
+ head_sha=$(git rev-parse HEAD)
+ git merge -q --no-ff --no-edit pr/$number 2>&1 1>/dev/null | grep -v preimage
+ if [ -e .git/MERGE_HEAD ] ;then
+ # merge failed, clean lines staged and conflicting lines in working
+ # tree
+ merged_lines=$(git diff --cached --numstat | awk -F' ' '{sum+=$1;} END{print sum;}')
+ conflicting_lines=$(git diff | sed -n -e '/<<<<<<< HEAD/,/=======$/p' -e '/=======$/,/>>>>>>> pr/p' | wc -l)
+ conflicting_lines=$(($conflicting_lines-4)) # account for markers included in both sed expressions
+ [ -n "$quiet" ] || echo "#$number failed merging merged_lines=$merged_lines conflicting_lines=$conflicting_lines"
+ git merge --abort
+ report $number $updated "$title" failed $merged_lines $conflicting_lines
+ else
+ [ -n "$quiet" ] || echo "#$number merged fine"
+ #git show HEAD --oneline --stat
+ git reset -q --hard $head_sha
+ report $number $updated "$title" succeeded 0 0
+ fi
+ done
+cd qutebrowser
+# run as `$0 some-branch` to report on merging all open PRs to a branch you
+# made yourself. Otherwise run without args to try with a bunch of builtin
+# configurations.
+if [ -n "$1" ] ;then
+ generate_report "$1"
+ usort () { env usort format "$@"; }
+ pyupgrade () { git ls-files | grep -F .py | xargs pyupgrade --py37-plus; }
+ clean_branches () {
+ # only clean up tmp- branches in case I run it on my main qutebrowser
+ # checkout by mistake :)
+ git checkout master
+ git reset --hard origin/master
+ git branch -l | grep tmp- | grep -v detached | while read l; do git branch -qD $l ;done
+ }
+ # pre-defined auto-formatter configurations. Branches will be created as
+ # needed.
+ # format: branch tool1 tool2 ...
+ tools="master true
+ tmp-black black
+ tmp-black_isort black isort
+ tmp-black_usort black usort
+ tmp-black_pyupgrade black pyupgrade
+ tmp-black_isort_pyupgrade black isort pyupgrade
+ tmp-black_isort_pyupgrade black usort pyupgrade
+ qt6-v2 true"
+ #tools="tmp-black_isort black isort
+ #tmp-black_usort black usort"
+ prompt_or_summary "Generate report for all tool configurations?"
+ clean_branches
+ echo "$tools" | while read branch cmds; do
+ echo "$branch"
+ git checkout -q "$branch" 2>/dev/null || git checkout -q -b "$branch" origin/master
+ echo "$cmds" | tr ' ' '\n' | while read cmd; do
+ $cmd qutebrowser tests
+ git commit -am "$cmd"
+ done
+ generate_report "$branch" y
+ done
+# todo:
+# * see if we can run formatters on PR branches before/while merging
+# * do most stuff based off of qt6-v2 instead of master, not like most PRs
+# will be merged to pre-3.0 master anyway
+# notes:
+# after merging qt6-v2 would merging old PRs to old master then somehow merging
+# the PR merge commit up to the new master easier than rebasing the PR?
+# there is a filter attribute you can use to re-write files before committing.
+# For this use case probably the same as rebase -i --exec then merge?
+# >See "Merging branches with differing checkin/checkout attributes" in gitattributes(5)