path: root/src/cmd/vendor/golang.org/x/arch/arm/armasm/objdumpext_test.go
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/cmd/vendor/golang.org/x/arch/arm/armasm/objdumpext_test.go')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 259 deletions
diff --git a/src/cmd/vendor/golang.org/x/arch/arm/armasm/objdumpext_test.go b/src/cmd/vendor/golang.org/x/arch/arm/armasm/objdumpext_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 033e923d1f..0000000000
--- a/src/cmd/vendor/golang.org/x/arch/arm/armasm/objdumpext_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,259 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// Copied and simplified from ../../x86/x86asm/objdumpext_test.go.
-package armasm
-import (
- "bytes"
- "debug/elf"
- "encoding/binary"
- "fmt"
- "io"
- "log"
- "os"
- "strconv"
- "strings"
- "testing"
-const objdumpPath = "/usr/local/bin/arm-linux-elf-objdump"
-func testObjdumpARM(t *testing.T, generate func(func([]byte))) {
- testObjdumpArch(t, generate, ModeARM)
-func testObjdumpArch(t *testing.T, generate func(func([]byte)), arch Mode) {
- if testing.Short() {
- t.Skip("skipping objdump test in short mode")
- }
- if _, err := os.Stat(objdumpPath); err != nil {
- t.Skip(err)
- }
- testExtDis(t, "gnu", arch, objdump, generate, allowedMismatchObjdump)
-func objdump(ext *ExtDis) error {
- // File already written with instructions; add ELF header.
- if ext.Arch == ModeARM {
- if err := writeELF32(ext.File, ext.Size); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- } else {
- panic("unknown arch")
- }
- b, err := ext.Run(objdumpPath, "-d", "-z", ext.File.Name())
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- var (
- nmatch int
- reading bool
- next uint32 = start
- addr uint32
- encbuf [4]byte
- enc []byte
- text string
- )
- flush := func() {
- if addr == next {
- if m := pcrel.FindStringSubmatch(text); m != nil {
- targ, _ := strconv.ParseUint(m[2], 16, 64)
- text = fmt.Sprintf("%s .%+#x", m[1], int32(uint32(targ)-addr-uint32(len(enc))))
- }
- if strings.HasPrefix(text, "stmia") {
- text = "stm" + text[5:]
- }
- if strings.HasPrefix(text, "stmfd") {
- text = "stmdb" + text[5:]
- }
- if strings.HasPrefix(text, "ldmfd") {
- text = "ldm" + text[5:]
- }
- text = strings.Replace(text, "#0.0", "#0", -1)
- if text == "undefined" && len(enc) == 4 {
- text = "error: unknown instruction"
- enc = nil
- }
- if len(enc) == 4 {
- // prints as word but we want to record bytes
- enc[0], enc[3] = enc[3], enc[0]
- enc[1], enc[2] = enc[2], enc[1]
- }
- ext.Dec <- ExtInst{addr, encbuf, len(enc), text}
- encbuf = [4]byte{}
- enc = nil
- next += 4
- }
- }
- var textangle = []byte("<.text>:")
- for {
- line, err := b.ReadSlice('\n')
- if err != nil {
- if err == io.EOF {
- break
- }
- return fmt.Errorf("reading objdump output: %v", err)
- }
- if bytes.Contains(line, textangle) {
- reading = true
- continue
- }
- if !reading {
- continue
- }
- if debug {
- os.Stdout.Write(line)
- }
- if enc1 := parseContinuation(line, encbuf[:len(enc)]); enc1 != nil {
- enc = enc1
- continue
- }
- flush()
- nmatch++
- addr, enc, text = parseLine(line, encbuf[:0])
- if addr > next {
- return fmt.Errorf("address out of sync expected <= %#x at %q in:\n%s", next, line, line)
- }
- }
- flush()
- if next != start+uint32(ext.Size) {
- return fmt.Errorf("not enough results found [%d %d]", next, start+ext.Size)
- }
- if err := ext.Wait(); err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("exec: %v", err)
- }
- return nil
-var (
- undefined = []byte("<UNDEFINED>")
- unpredictable = []byte("<UNPREDICTABLE>")
- illegalShifter = []byte("<illegal shifter operand>")
-func parseLine(line []byte, encstart []byte) (addr uint32, enc []byte, text string) {
- oline := line
- i := index(line, ":\t")
- if i < 0 {
- log.Fatalf("cannot parse disassembly: %q", oline)
- }
- x, err := strconv.ParseUint(string(trimSpace(line[:i])), 16, 32)
- if err != nil {
- log.Fatalf("cannot parse disassembly: %q", oline)
- }
- addr = uint32(x)
- line = line[i+2:]
- i = bytes.IndexByte(line, '\t')
- if i < 0 {
- log.Fatalf("cannot parse disassembly: %q", oline)
- }
- enc, ok := parseHex(line[:i], encstart)
- if !ok {
- log.Fatalf("cannot parse disassembly: %q", oline)
- }
- line = trimSpace(line[i:])
- if bytes.Contains(line, undefined) {
- text = "undefined"
- return
- }
- if bytes.Contains(line, illegalShifter) {
- text = "undefined"
- return
- }
- if false && bytes.Contains(line, unpredictable) {
- text = "unpredictable"
- return
- }
- if i := bytes.IndexByte(line, ';'); i >= 0 {
- line = trimSpace(line[:i])
- }
- text = string(fixSpace(line))
- return
-func parseContinuation(line []byte, enc []byte) []byte {
- i := index(line, ":\t")
- if i < 0 {
- return nil
- }
- line = line[i+1:]
- enc, _ = parseHex(line, enc)
- return enc
-// writeELF32 writes an ELF32 header to the file,
-// describing a text segment that starts at start
-// and extends for size bytes.
-func writeELF32(f *os.File, size int) error {
- f.Seek(0, io.SeekStart)
- var hdr elf.Header32
- var prog elf.Prog32
- var sect elf.Section32
- var buf bytes.Buffer
- binary.Write(&buf, binary.LittleEndian, &hdr)
- off1 := buf.Len()
- binary.Write(&buf, binary.LittleEndian, &prog)
- off2 := buf.Len()
- binary.Write(&buf, binary.LittleEndian, &sect)
- off3 := buf.Len()
- buf.Reset()
- data := byte(elf.ELFDATA2LSB)
- hdr = elf.Header32{
- Ident: [16]byte{0x7F, 'E', 'L', 'F', 1, data, 1},
- Type: 2,
- Machine: uint16(elf.EM_ARM),
- Version: 1,
- Entry: start,
- Phoff: uint32(off1),
- Shoff: uint32(off2),
- Flags: 0x05000002,
- Ehsize: uint16(off1),
- Phentsize: uint16(off2 - off1),
- Phnum: 1,
- Shentsize: uint16(off3 - off2),
- Shnum: 3,
- Shstrndx: 2,
- }
- binary.Write(&buf, binary.LittleEndian, &hdr)
- prog = elf.Prog32{
- Type: 1,
- Off: start,
- Vaddr: start,
- Paddr: start,
- Filesz: uint32(size),
- Memsz: uint32(size),
- Flags: 5,
- Align: start,
- }
- binary.Write(&buf, binary.LittleEndian, &prog)
- binary.Write(&buf, binary.LittleEndian, &sect) // NULL section
- sect = elf.Section32{
- Name: 1,
- Type: uint32(elf.SHT_PROGBITS),
- Addr: start,
- Off: start,
- Size: uint32(size),
- Flags: uint32(elf.SHF_ALLOC | elf.SHF_EXECINSTR),
- Addralign: 4,
- }
- binary.Write(&buf, binary.LittleEndian, &sect) // .text
- sect = elf.Section32{
- Name: uint32(len("\x00.text\x00")),
- Type: uint32(elf.SHT_STRTAB),
- Addr: 0,
- Off: uint32(off2 + (off3-off2)*3),
- Size: uint32(len("\x00.text\x00.shstrtab\x00")),
- Addralign: 1,
- }
- binary.Write(&buf, binary.LittleEndian, &sect)
- buf.WriteString("\x00.text\x00.shstrtab\x00")
- f.Write(buf.Bytes())
- return nil