path: root/src/cmd/compile/internal/typecheck/subr.go
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1 files changed, 539 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/src/cmd/compile/internal/typecheck/subr.go b/src/cmd/compile/internal/typecheck/subr.go
index 9ee7a94b1f..e86c4c6bca 100644
--- a/src/cmd/compile/internal/typecheck/subr.go
+++ b/src/cmd/compile/internal/typecheck/subr.go
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
package typecheck
import (
+ "bytes"
@@ -352,9 +353,10 @@ func Assignop(src, dst *types.Type) (ir.Op, string) {
return ir.OCONVNOP, ""
- // 2. src and dst have identical underlying types
- // and either src or dst is not a named type or
- // both are empty interface types.
+ // 2. src and dst have identical underlying types and
+ // a. either src or dst is not a named type, or
+ // b. both are empty interface types, or
+ // c. at least one is a gcshape type.
// For assignable but different non-empty interface types,
// we want to recompute the itab. Recomputing the itab ensures
// that itabs are unique (thus an interface with a compile-time
@@ -371,21 +373,24 @@ func Assignop(src, dst *types.Type) (ir.Op, string) {
// which need to have their itab updated.
return ir.OCONVNOP, ""
+ if src.IsShape() || dst.IsShape() {
+ // Conversion between a shape type and one of the types
+ // it represents also needs no conversion.
+ return ir.OCONVNOP, ""
+ }
// 3. dst is an interface type and src implements dst.
if dst.IsInterface() && src.Kind() != types.TNIL {
var missing, have *types.Field
var ptr int
+ if src.IsShape() {
+ // Shape types implement things they have already
+ // been typechecked to implement, even if they
+ // don't have the methods for them.
+ return ir.OCONVIFACE, ""
+ }
if implements(src, dst, &missing, &have, &ptr) {
- // Call NeedITab/ITabAddr so that (src, dst)
- // gets added to itabs early, which allows
- // us to de-virtualize calls through this
- // type/interface pair later. See CompileITabs in reflect.go
- if types.IsDirectIface(src) && !dst.IsEmptyInterface() {
- NeedITab(src, dst)
- }
return ir.OCONVIFACE, ""
@@ -722,13 +727,23 @@ func ifacelookdot(s *types.Sym, t *types.Type, ignorecase bool) (m *types.Field,
return m, followptr
+// implements reports whether t implements the interface iface. t can be
+// an interface, a type parameter, or a concrete type. If implements returns
+// false, it stores a method of iface that is not implemented in *m. If the
+// method name matches but the type is wrong, it additionally stores the type
+// of the method (on t) in *samename.
func implements(t, iface *types.Type, m, samename **types.Field, ptr *int) bool {
t0 := t
if t == nil {
return false
- if t.IsInterface() {
+ if t.IsInterface() || t.IsTypeParam() {
+ if t.IsTypeParam() {
+ // A typeparam satisfies an interface if its type bound
+ // has all the methods of that interface.
+ t = t.Bound()
+ }
i := 0
tms := t.AllMethods().Slice()
for _, im := range iface.AllMethods().Slice() {
@@ -874,3 +889,515 @@ var slist []symlink
type symlink struct {
field *types.Field
+// TypesOf converts a list of nodes to a list
+// of types of those nodes.
+func TypesOf(x []ir.Node) []*types.Type {
+ r := make([]*types.Type, len(x))
+ for i, n := range x {
+ r[i] = n.Type()
+ }
+ return r
+// makeGenericName returns the name of the generic function instantiated
+// with the given types.
+// name is the name of the generic function or method.
+func makeGenericName(name string, targs []*types.Type, hasBrackets bool) string {
+ b := bytes.NewBufferString("")
+ // Determine if the type args are concrete types or new typeparams.
+ hasTParam := false
+ for _, targ := range targs {
+ if hasTParam {
+ assert(targ.HasTParam() || targ.HasShape())
+ } else if targ.HasTParam() || targ.HasShape() {
+ hasTParam = true
+ }
+ }
+ // Marker to distinguish generic instantiations from fully stenciled wrapper functions.
+ // Once we move to GC shape implementations, this prefix will not be necessary as the
+ // GC shape naming will distinguish them.
+ // e.g. f[8bytenonpointer] vs. f[int].
+ // For now, we use .inst.f[int] vs. f[int].
+ if !hasTParam {
+ b.WriteString(".inst.")
+ }
+ i := strings.Index(name, "[")
+ assert(hasBrackets == (i >= 0))
+ if i >= 0 {
+ b.WriteString(name[0:i])
+ } else {
+ b.WriteString(name)
+ }
+ b.WriteString("[")
+ for i, targ := range targs {
+ if i > 0 {
+ b.WriteString(",")
+ }
+ // WriteString() does not include the package name for the local
+ // package, but we want it for uniqueness.
+ if targ.Sym() != nil && targ.Sym().Pkg == types.LocalPkg {
+ b.WriteString(targ.Sym().Pkg.Name)
+ b.WriteByte('.')
+ }
+ // types1 uses "interface {" and types2 uses "interface{" - convert
+ // to consistent types2 format.
+ tstring := targ.String()
+ tstring = strings.Replace(tstring, "interface {", "interface{", -1)
+ b.WriteString(tstring)
+ }
+ b.WriteString("]")
+ if i >= 0 {
+ i2 := strings.LastIndex(name[i:], "]")
+ assert(i2 >= 0)
+ b.WriteString(name[i+i2+1:])
+ }
+ if strings.HasPrefix(b.String(), ".inst..inst.") {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("multiple .inst. prefix in %s", b.String()))
+ }
+ return b.String()
+// MakeInstName makes the unique name for a stenciled generic function or method,
+// based on the name of the function fnsym and the targs. It replaces any
+// existing bracket type list in the name. makeInstName asserts that fnsym has
+// brackets in its name if and only if hasBrackets is true.
+// Names of declared generic functions have no brackets originally, so hasBrackets
+// should be false. Names of generic methods already have brackets, since the new
+// type parameter is specified in the generic type of the receiver (e.g. func
+// (func (v *value[T]).set(...) { ... } has the original name (*value[T]).set.
+// The standard naming is something like: 'genFn[int,bool]' for functions and
+// '(*genType[int,bool]).methodName' for methods
+func MakeInstName(gf *types.Sym, targs []*types.Type, hasBrackets bool) *types.Sym {
+ return gf.Pkg.Lookup(makeGenericName(gf.Name, targs, hasBrackets))
+func MakeDictName(gf *types.Sym, targs []*types.Type, hasBrackets bool) *types.Sym {
+ for _, targ := range targs {
+ if targ.HasTParam() {
+ fmt.Printf("FUNCTION %s\n", gf.Name)
+ for _, targ := range targs {
+ fmt.Printf(" PARAM %+v\n", targ)
+ }
+ panic("dictionary should always have concrete type args")
+ }
+ }
+ name := makeGenericName(gf.Name, targs, hasBrackets)
+ name = ".dict." + name[6:]
+ return gf.Pkg.Lookup(name)
+func assert(p bool) {
+ base.Assert(p)
+// General type substituter, for replacing typeparams with type args.
+type Tsubster struct {
+ Tparams []*types.Type
+ Targs []*types.Type
+ // If non-nil, the substitution map from name nodes in the generic function to the
+ // name nodes in the new stenciled function.
+ Vars map[*ir.Name]*ir.Name
+ // New fully-instantiated generic types whose methods should be instantiated.
+ InstTypeList []*types.Type
+ // If non-nil, function to substitute an incomplete (TFORW) type.
+ SubstForwFunc func(*types.Type) *types.Type
+// Typ computes the type obtained by substituting any type parameter in t with the
+// corresponding type argument in subst. If t contains no type parameters, the
+// result is t; otherwise the result is a new type. It deals with recursive types
+// by using TFORW types and finding partially or fully created types via sym.Def.
+func (ts *Tsubster) Typ(t *types.Type) *types.Type {
+ if !t.HasTParam() && !t.HasShape() && t.Kind() != types.TFUNC {
+ // Note: function types need to be copied regardless, as the
+ // types of closures may contain declarations that need
+ // to be copied. See #45738.
+ return t
+ }
+ if t.IsTypeParam() || t.IsShape() {
+ for i, tp := range ts.Tparams {
+ if tp == t {
+ return ts.Targs[i]
+ }
+ }
+ // If t is a simple typeparam T, then t has the name/symbol 'T'
+ // and t.Underlying() == t.
+ //
+ // However, consider the type definition: 'type P[T any] T'. We
+ // might use this definition so we can have a variant of type T
+ // that we can add new methods to. Suppose t is a reference to
+ // P[T]. t has the name 'P[T]', but its kind is TTYPEPARAM,
+ // because P[T] is defined as T. If we look at t.Underlying(), it
+ // is different, because the name of t.Underlying() is 'T' rather
+ // than 'P[T]'. But the kind of t.Underlying() is also TTYPEPARAM.
+ // In this case, we do the needed recursive substitution in the
+ // case statement below.
+ if t.Underlying() == t {
+ // t is a simple typeparam that didn't match anything in tparam
+ return t
+ }
+ // t is a more complex typeparam (e.g. P[T], as above, whose
+ // definition is just T).
+ assert(t.Sym() != nil)
+ }
+ var newsym *types.Sym
+ var neededTargs []*types.Type
+ var targsChanged bool
+ var forw *types.Type
+ if t.Sym() != nil {
+ // Translate the type params for this type according to
+ // the tparam/targs mapping from subst.
+ neededTargs = make([]*types.Type, len(t.RParams()))
+ for i, rparam := range t.RParams() {
+ neededTargs[i] = ts.Typ(rparam)
+ if !types.Identical(neededTargs[i], rparam) {
+ targsChanged = true
+ }
+ }
+ // For a named (defined) type, we have to change the name of the
+ // type as well. We do this first, so we can look up if we've
+ // already seen this type during this substitution or other
+ // definitions/substitutions.
+ genName := genericTypeName(t.Sym())
+ newsym = t.Sym().Pkg.Lookup(InstTypeName(genName, neededTargs))
+ if newsym.Def != nil {
+ // We've already created this instantiated defined type.
+ return newsym.Def.Type()
+ }
+ // In order to deal with recursive generic types, create a TFORW
+ // type initially and set the Def field of its sym, so it can be
+ // found if this type appears recursively within the type.
+ forw = NewIncompleteNamedType(t.Pos(), newsym)
+ //println("Creating new type by sub", newsym.Name, forw.HasTParam())
+ forw.SetRParams(neededTargs)
+ // Copy the OrigSym from the re-instantiated type (which is the sym of
+ // the base generic type).
+ assert(t.OrigSym != nil)
+ forw.OrigSym = t.OrigSym
+ }
+ var newt *types.Type
+ switch t.Kind() {
+ case types.TTYPEPARAM:
+ if t.Sym() == newsym && !targsChanged {
+ // The substitution did not change the type.
+ return t
+ }
+ // Substitute the underlying typeparam (e.g. T in P[T], see
+ // the example describing type P[T] above).
+ newt = ts.Typ(t.Underlying())
+ assert(newt != t)
+ case types.TARRAY:
+ elem := t.Elem()
+ newelem := ts.Typ(elem)
+ if newelem != elem || targsChanged {
+ newt = types.NewArray(newelem, t.NumElem())
+ }
+ case types.TPTR:
+ elem := t.Elem()
+ newelem := ts.Typ(elem)
+ if newelem != elem || targsChanged {
+ newt = types.NewPtr(newelem)
+ }
+ case types.TSLICE:
+ elem := t.Elem()
+ newelem := ts.Typ(elem)
+ if newelem != elem || targsChanged {
+ newt = types.NewSlice(newelem)
+ }
+ case types.TSTRUCT:
+ newt = ts.tstruct(t, targsChanged)
+ if newt == t {
+ newt = nil
+ }
+ case types.TFUNC:
+ newrecvs := ts.tstruct(t.Recvs(), false)
+ newparams := ts.tstruct(t.Params(), false)
+ newresults := ts.tstruct(t.Results(), false)
+ // Translate the tparams of a signature.
+ newtparams := ts.tstruct(t.TParams(), false)
+ if newrecvs != t.Recvs() || newparams != t.Params() ||
+ newresults != t.Results() || newtparams != t.TParams() || targsChanged {
+ // If any types have changed, then the all the fields of
+ // of recv, params, and results must be copied, because they have
+ // offset fields that are dependent, and so must have an
+ // independent copy for each new signature.
+ var newrecv *types.Field
+ if newrecvs.NumFields() > 0 {
+ if newrecvs == t.Recvs() {
+ newrecvs = ts.tstruct(t.Recvs(), true)
+ }
+ newrecv = newrecvs.Field(0)
+ }
+ if newparams == t.Params() {
+ newparams = ts.tstruct(t.Params(), true)
+ }
+ if newresults == t.Results() {
+ newresults = ts.tstruct(t.Results(), true)
+ }
+ var tparamfields []*types.Field
+ if newtparams.HasTParam() {
+ tparamfields = newtparams.FieldSlice()
+ } else {
+ // Completely remove the tparams from the resulting
+ // signature, if the tparams are now concrete types.
+ tparamfields = nil
+ }
+ newt = types.NewSignature(t.Pkg(), newrecv, tparamfields,
+ newparams.FieldSlice(), newresults.FieldSlice())
+ }
+ case types.TINTER:
+ newt = ts.tinter(t)
+ if newt == t && !targsChanged {
+ newt = nil
+ }
+ case types.TMAP:
+ newkey := ts.Typ(t.Key())
+ newval := ts.Typ(t.Elem())
+ if newkey != t.Key() || newval != t.Elem() || targsChanged {
+ newt = types.NewMap(newkey, newval)
+ }
+ case types.TCHAN:
+ elem := t.Elem()
+ newelem := ts.Typ(elem)
+ if newelem != elem || targsChanged {
+ newt = types.NewChan(newelem, t.ChanDir())
+ if !newt.HasTParam() {
+ // TODO(danscales): not sure why I have to do this
+ // only for channels.....
+ types.CheckSize(newt)
+ }
+ }
+ case types.TFORW:
+ if ts.SubstForwFunc != nil {
+ newt = ts.SubstForwFunc(t)
+ } else {
+ assert(false)
+ }
+ case types.TINT, types.TINT8, types.TINT16, types.TINT32, types.TINT64,
+ types.TUINT, types.TUINT8, types.TUINT16, types.TUINT32, types.TUINT64,
+ types.TUINTPTR, types.TBOOL, types.TSTRING, types.TFLOAT32, types.TFLOAT64, types.TCOMPLEX64, types.TCOMPLEX128:
+ newt = t.Underlying()
+ case types.TUNION:
+ nt := t.NumTerms()
+ newterms := make([]*types.Type, nt)
+ tildes := make([]bool, nt)
+ changed := false
+ for i := 0; i < nt; i++ {
+ term, tilde := t.Term(i)
+ tildes[i] = tilde
+ newterms[i] = ts.Typ(term)
+ if newterms[i] != term {
+ changed = true
+ }
+ }
+ if changed {
+ newt = types.NewUnion(newterms, tildes)
+ }
+ default:
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("Bad type in (*TSubster).Typ: %v", t.Kind()))
+ }
+ if newt == nil {
+ // Even though there were typeparams in the type, there may be no
+ // change if this is a function type for a function call (which will
+ // have its own tparams/targs in the function instantiation).
+ return t
+ }
+ if t.Sym() == nil && t.Kind() != types.TINTER {
+ // Not a named type or interface type, so there was no forwarding type
+ // and there are no methods to substitute.
+ assert(t.Methods().Len() == 0)
+ return newt
+ }
+ if forw != nil {
+ forw.SetUnderlying(newt)
+ newt = forw
+ }
+ if t.Kind() != types.TINTER && t.Methods().Len() > 0 {
+ // Fill in the method info for the new type.
+ var newfields []*types.Field
+ newfields = make([]*types.Field, t.Methods().Len())
+ for i, f := range t.Methods().Slice() {
+ t2 := ts.Typ(f.Type)
+ oldsym := f.Nname.Sym()
+ newsym := MakeInstName(oldsym, ts.Targs, true)
+ var nname *ir.Name
+ if newsym.Def != nil {
+ nname = newsym.Def.(*ir.Name)
+ } else {
+ nname = ir.NewNameAt(f.Pos, newsym)
+ nname.SetType(t2)
+ newsym.Def = nname
+ }
+ newfields[i] = types.NewField(f.Pos, f.Sym, t2)
+ newfields[i].Nname = nname
+ }
+ newt.Methods().Set(newfields)
+ if !newt.HasTParam() && !newt.HasShape() {
+ // Generate all the methods for a new fully-instantiated type.
+ ts.InstTypeList = append(ts.InstTypeList, newt)
+ }
+ }
+ return newt
+// tstruct substitutes type params in types of the fields of a structure type. For
+// each field, tstruct copies the Nname, and translates it if Nname is in
+// ts.vars. To always force the creation of a new (top-level) struct,
+// regardless of whether anything changed with the types or names of the struct's
+// fields, set force to true.
+func (ts *Tsubster) tstruct(t *types.Type, force bool) *types.Type {
+ if t.NumFields() == 0 {
+ if t.HasTParam() {
+ // For an empty struct, we need to return a new type,
+ // since it may now be fully instantiated (HasTParam
+ // becomes false).
+ return types.NewStruct(t.Pkg(), nil)
+ }
+ return t
+ }
+ var newfields []*types.Field
+ if force {
+ newfields = make([]*types.Field, t.NumFields())
+ }
+ for i, f := range t.Fields().Slice() {
+ t2 := ts.Typ(f.Type)
+ if (t2 != f.Type || f.Nname != nil) && newfields == nil {
+ newfields = make([]*types.Field, t.NumFields())
+ for j := 0; j < i; j++ {
+ newfields[j] = t.Field(j)
+ }
+ }
+ if newfields != nil {
+ // TODO(danscales): make sure this works for the field
+ // names of embedded types (which should keep the name of
+ // the type param, not the instantiated type).
+ newfields[i] = types.NewField(f.Pos, f.Sym, t2)
+ newfields[i].Embedded = f.Embedded
+ if f.IsDDD() {
+ newfields[i].SetIsDDD(true)
+ }
+ if f.Nointerface() {
+ newfields[i].SetNointerface(true)
+ }
+ if f.Nname != nil && ts.Vars != nil {
+ v := ts.Vars[f.Nname.(*ir.Name)]
+ if v != nil {
+ // This is the case where we are
+ // translating the type of the function we
+ // are substituting, so its dcls are in
+ // the subst.ts.vars table, and we want to
+ // change to reference the new dcl.
+ newfields[i].Nname = v
+ } else {
+ // This is the case where we are
+ // translating the type of a function
+ // reference inside the function we are
+ // substituting, so we leave the Nname
+ // value as is.
+ newfields[i].Nname = f.Nname
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if newfields != nil {
+ return types.NewStruct(t.Pkg(), newfields)
+ }
+ return t
+// tinter substitutes type params in types of the methods of an interface type.
+func (ts *Tsubster) tinter(t *types.Type) *types.Type {
+ if t.Methods().Len() == 0 {
+ return t
+ }
+ var newfields []*types.Field
+ for i, f := range t.Methods().Slice() {
+ t2 := ts.Typ(f.Type)
+ if (t2 != f.Type || f.Nname != nil) && newfields == nil {
+ newfields = make([]*types.Field, t.Methods().Len())
+ for j := 0; j < i; j++ {
+ newfields[j] = t.Methods().Index(j)
+ }
+ }
+ if newfields != nil {
+ newfields[i] = types.NewField(f.Pos, f.Sym, t2)
+ }
+ }
+ if newfields != nil {
+ return types.NewInterface(t.Pkg(), newfields)
+ }
+ return t
+// genericSym returns the name of the base generic type for the type named by
+// sym. It simply returns the name obtained by removing everything after the
+// first bracket ("[").
+func genericTypeName(sym *types.Sym) string {
+ return sym.Name[0:strings.Index(sym.Name, "[")]
+// Shapify takes a concrete type and returns a GCshape type that can
+// be used in place of the input type and still generate identical code.
+// No methods are added - all methods calls directly on a shape should
+// be done by converting to an interface using the dictionary.
+// TODO: this could take the generic function and base its decisions
+// on how that generic function uses this type argument. For instance,
+// if it doesn't use it as a function argument/return value, then
+// we don't need to distinguish int64 and float64 (because they only
+// differ in how they get passed as arguments). For now, we only
+// unify two different types if they are identical in every possible way.
+func Shapify(t *types.Type) *types.Type {
+ assert(!t.HasShape())
+ // Map all types with the same underlying type to the same shape.
+ u := t.Underlying()
+ // All pointers have the same shape.
+ // TODO: Make unsafe.Pointer the same shape as normal pointers.
+ if u.Kind() == types.TPTR {
+ u = types.Types[types.TUINT8].PtrTo()
+ }
+ if s := shaped[u]; s != nil {
+ return s
+ }
+ sym := shapePkg.Lookup(u.LinkString())
+ name := ir.NewDeclNameAt(u.Pos(), ir.OTYPE, sym)
+ s := types.NewNamed(name)
+ s.SetUnderlying(u)
+ s.SetIsShape(true)
+ s.SetHasShape(true)
+ name.SetType(s)
+ name.SetTypecheck(1)
+ shaped[u] = s
+ return s
+var shaped = map[*types.Type]*types.Type{}
+var shapePkg = types.NewPkg(".shape", ".shape")