path: root/src/cmd/compile/internal/noder/reader.go
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/cmd/compile/internal/noder/reader.go')
1 files changed, 1970 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/cmd/compile/internal/noder/reader.go b/src/cmd/compile/internal/noder/reader.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..18ecbff3cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd/compile/internal/noder/reader.go
@@ -0,0 +1,1970 @@
+// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package noder
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "fmt"
+ "go/constant"
+ "strings"
+ "cmd/compile/internal/base"
+ "cmd/compile/internal/deadcode"
+ "cmd/compile/internal/dwarfgen"
+ "cmd/compile/internal/ir"
+ "cmd/compile/internal/typecheck"
+ "cmd/compile/internal/types"
+ "cmd/internal/obj"
+ "cmd/internal/src"
+// TODO(mdempsky): Suppress duplicate type/const errors that can arise
+// during typecheck due to naive type substitution (e.g., see #42758).
+// I anticipate these will be handled as a consequence of adding
+// dictionaries support, so it's probably not important to focus on
+// this until after that's done.
+type pkgReader struct {
+ pkgDecoder
+ posBases []*src.PosBase
+ pkgs []*types.Pkg
+ typs []*types.Type
+ // offset for rewriting the given index into the output,
+ // but bitwise inverted so we can detect if we're missing the entry or not.
+ newindex []int
+func newPkgReader(pr pkgDecoder) *pkgReader {
+ return &pkgReader{
+ pkgDecoder: pr,
+ posBases: make([]*src.PosBase, pr.numElems(relocPosBase)),
+ pkgs: make([]*types.Pkg, pr.numElems(relocPkg)),
+ typs: make([]*types.Type, pr.numElems(relocType)),
+ newindex: make([]int, pr.totalElems()),
+ }
+type pkgReaderIndex struct {
+ pr *pkgReader
+ idx int
+ implicits []*types.Type
+func (pri pkgReaderIndex) asReader(k reloc, marker syncMarker) *reader {
+ r := pri.pr.newReader(k, pri.idx, marker)
+ r.implicits = pri.implicits
+ return r
+func (pr *pkgReader) newReader(k reloc, idx int, marker syncMarker) *reader {
+ return &reader{
+ decoder: pr.newDecoder(k, idx, marker),
+ p: pr,
+ }
+type reader struct {
+ decoder
+ p *pkgReader
+ // Implicit and explicit type arguments in use for reading the
+ // current object. For example:
+ //
+ // func F[T any]() {
+ // type X[U any] struct { t T; u U }
+ // var _ X[string]
+ // }
+ //
+ // var _ = F[int]
+ //
+ // While instantiating F[int], we need to in turn instantiate
+ // X[string]. [int] and [string] are explicit type arguments for F
+ // and X, respectively; but [int] is also the implicit type
+ // arguments for X.
+ //
+ // (As an analogy to function literals, explicits are the function
+ // literal's formal parameters, while implicits are variables
+ // captured by the function literal.)
+ implicits []*types.Type
+ explicits []*types.Type
+ ext *reader
+ // TODO(mdempsky): The state below is all specific to reading
+ // function bodies. It probably makes sense to split it out
+ // separately so that it doesn't take up space in every reader
+ // instance.
+ curfn *ir.Func
+ locals []*ir.Name
+ funarghack bool
+ // scopeVars is a stack tracking the number of variables declared in
+ // the current function at the moment each open scope was opened.
+ scopeVars []int
+ marker dwarfgen.ScopeMarker
+ lastCloseScopePos src.XPos
+ // === details for handling inline body expansion ===
+ // If we're reading in a function body because of inlining, this is
+ // the call that we're inlining for.
+ inlCaller *ir.Func
+ inlCall *ir.CallExpr
+ inlFunc *ir.Func
+ inlTreeIndex int
+ inlPosBases map[*src.PosBase]*src.PosBase
+ delayResults bool
+ // Label to return to.
+ retlabel *types.Sym
+ inlvars, retvars ir.Nodes
+func (r *reader) setType(n ir.Node, typ *types.Type) {
+ n.SetType(typ)
+ n.SetTypecheck(1)
+ if name, ok := n.(*ir.Name); ok {
+ name.SetWalkdef(1)
+ name.Ntype = ir.TypeNode(name.Type())
+ }
+func (r *reader) setValue(name *ir.Name, val constant.Value) {
+ name.SetVal(val)
+ name.Defn = nil
+// @@@ Positions
+func (r *reader) pos() src.XPos {
+ return base.Ctxt.PosTable.XPos(r.pos0())
+func (r *reader) pos0() src.Pos {
+ r.sync(syncPos)
+ if !r.bool() {
+ return src.NoPos
+ }
+ posBase := r.posBase()
+ line := r.uint()
+ col := r.uint()
+ return src.MakePos(posBase, line, col)
+func (r *reader) posBase() *src.PosBase {
+ return r.inlPosBase(r.p.posBaseIdx(r.reloc(relocPosBase)))
+func (pr *pkgReader) posBaseIdx(idx int) *src.PosBase {
+ if b := pr.posBases[idx]; b != nil {
+ return b
+ }
+ r := pr.newReader(relocPosBase, idx, syncPosBase)
+ var b *src.PosBase
+ fn := r.string()
+ absfn := r.string()
+ if r.bool() {
+ b = src.NewFileBase(fn, absfn)
+ } else {
+ pos := r.pos0()
+ line := r.uint()
+ col := r.uint()
+ b = src.NewLinePragmaBase(pos, fn, absfn, line, col)
+ }
+ pr.posBases[idx] = b
+ return b
+func (r *reader) inlPosBase(oldBase *src.PosBase) *src.PosBase {
+ if r.inlCall == nil {
+ return oldBase
+ }
+ if newBase, ok := r.inlPosBases[oldBase]; ok {
+ return newBase
+ }
+ newBase := src.NewInliningBase(oldBase, r.inlTreeIndex)
+ r.inlPosBases[oldBase] = newBase
+ return newBase
+func (r *reader) updatePos(xpos src.XPos) src.XPos {
+ pos := base.Ctxt.PosTable.Pos(xpos)
+ pos.SetBase(r.inlPosBase(pos.Base()))
+ return base.Ctxt.PosTable.XPos(pos)
+func (r *reader) origPos(xpos src.XPos) src.XPos {
+ if r.inlCall == nil {
+ return xpos
+ }
+ pos := base.Ctxt.PosTable.Pos(xpos)
+ for old, new := range r.inlPosBases {
+ if pos.Base() == new {
+ pos.SetBase(old)
+ return base.Ctxt.PosTable.XPos(pos)
+ }
+ }
+ base.FatalfAt(xpos, "pos base missing from inlPosBases")
+ panic("unreachable")
+// @@@ Packages
+func (r *reader) pkg() *types.Pkg {
+ r.sync(syncPkg)
+ return r.p.pkgIdx(r.reloc(relocPkg))
+func (pr *pkgReader) pkgIdx(idx int) *types.Pkg {
+ if pkg := pr.pkgs[idx]; pkg != nil {
+ return pkg
+ }
+ pkg := pr.newReader(relocPkg, idx, syncPkgDef).doPkg()
+ pr.pkgs[idx] = pkg
+ return pkg
+func (r *reader) doPkg() *types.Pkg {
+ path := r.string()
+ if path == "builtin" {
+ return types.BuiltinPkg
+ }
+ if path == "" {
+ path = r.p.pkgPath
+ }
+ name := r.string()
+ height := r.len()
+ pkg := types.NewPkg(path, "")
+ if pkg.Name == "" {
+ pkg.Name = name
+ } else {
+ assert(pkg.Name == name)
+ }
+ if pkg.Height == 0 {
+ pkg.Height = height
+ } else {
+ assert(pkg.Height == height)
+ }
+ return pkg
+// @@@ Types
+func (r *reader) typ() *types.Type {
+ r.sync(syncType)
+ return r.p.typIdx(r.reloc(relocType), r.implicits, r.explicits)
+func (pr *pkgReader) typIdx(idx int, implicits, explicits []*types.Type) *types.Type {
+ if typ := pr.typs[idx]; typ != nil {
+ return typ
+ }
+ r := pr.newReader(relocType, idx, syncTypeIdx)
+ r.implicits = implicits
+ r.explicits = explicits
+ typ := r.doTyp()
+ assert(typ != nil)
+ if typ := pr.typs[idx]; typ != nil {
+ // This happens in fixedbugs/issue27232.go.
+ // TODO(mdempsky): Explain why/how this happens.
+ return typ
+ }
+ // If we have type parameters, the type might refer to them, and it
+ // wouldn't be safe to reuse those in other contexts. So we
+ // conservatively avoid caching them in that case.
+ //
+ // TODO(mdempsky): If we're clever, we should be able to still cache
+ // types by tracking which type parameters are used. However, in my
+ // attempts so far, I haven't yet succeeded in being clever enough.
+ if len(implicits)+len(explicits) == 0 {
+ pr.typs[idx] = typ
+ }
+ if !typ.IsUntyped() {
+ types.CheckSize(typ)
+ }
+ return typ
+func (r *reader) doTyp() *types.Type {
+ switch tag := codeType(r.code(syncType)); tag {
+ default:
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected type: %v", tag))
+ case typeBasic:
+ return *basics[r.len()]
+ case typeNamed:
+ obj := r.obj()
+ assert(obj.Op() == ir.OTYPE)
+ return obj.Type()
+ case typeTypeParam:
+ idx := r.len()
+ if idx < len(r.implicits) {
+ return r.implicits[idx]
+ }
+ return r.explicits[idx-len(r.implicits)]
+ case typeArray:
+ len := int64(r.uint64())
+ return types.NewArray(r.typ(), len)
+ case typeChan:
+ dir := dirs[r.len()]
+ return types.NewChan(r.typ(), dir)
+ case typeMap:
+ return types.NewMap(r.typ(), r.typ())
+ case typePointer:
+ return types.NewPtr(r.typ())
+ case typeSignature:
+ return r.signature(types.LocalPkg, nil)
+ case typeSlice:
+ return types.NewSlice(r.typ())
+ case typeStruct:
+ return r.structType()
+ case typeInterface:
+ return r.interfaceType()
+ }
+func (r *reader) interfaceType() *types.Type {
+ tpkg := types.LocalPkg // TODO(mdempsky): Remove after iexport is gone.
+ nmethods, nembeddeds := r.len(), r.len()
+ fields := make([]*types.Field, nmethods+nembeddeds)
+ methods, embeddeds := fields[:nmethods], fields[nmethods:]
+ for i := range methods {
+ pos := r.pos()
+ pkg, sym := r.selector()
+ tpkg = pkg
+ mtyp := r.signature(pkg, typecheck.FakeRecv())
+ methods[i] = types.NewField(pos, sym, mtyp)
+ }
+ for i := range embeddeds {
+ embeddeds[i] = types.NewField(src.NoXPos, nil, r.typ())
+ }
+ if len(fields) == 0 {
+ return types.Types[types.TINTER] // empty interface
+ }
+ return types.NewInterface(tpkg, fields)
+func (r *reader) structType() *types.Type {
+ tpkg := types.LocalPkg // TODO(mdempsky): Remove after iexport is gone.
+ fields := make([]*types.Field, r.len())
+ for i := range fields {
+ pos := r.pos()
+ pkg, sym := r.selector()
+ tpkg = pkg
+ ftyp := r.typ()
+ tag := r.string()
+ embedded := r.bool()
+ f := types.NewField(pos, sym, ftyp)
+ f.Note = tag
+ if embedded {
+ f.Embedded = 1
+ }
+ fields[i] = f
+ }
+ return types.NewStruct(tpkg, fields)
+func (r *reader) signature(tpkg *types.Pkg, recv *types.Field) *types.Type {
+ r.sync(syncSignature)
+ params := r.params(&tpkg)
+ results := r.params(&tpkg)
+ if r.bool() { // variadic
+ params[len(params)-1].SetIsDDD(true)
+ }
+ return types.NewSignature(tpkg, recv, nil, params, results)
+func (r *reader) params(tpkg **types.Pkg) []*types.Field {
+ r.sync(syncParams)
+ fields := make([]*types.Field, r.len())
+ for i := range fields {
+ *tpkg, fields[i] = r.param()
+ }
+ return fields
+func (r *reader) param() (*types.Pkg, *types.Field) {
+ r.sync(syncParam)
+ pos := r.pos()
+ pkg, sym := r.localIdent()
+ typ := r.typ()
+ return pkg, types.NewField(pos, sym, typ)
+// @@@ Objects
+var objReader = map[*types.Sym]pkgReaderIndex{}
+func (r *reader) obj() ir.Node {
+ r.sync(syncObject)
+ idx := r.reloc(relocObj)
+ explicits := make([]*types.Type, r.len())
+ for i := range explicits {
+ explicits[i] = r.typ()
+ }
+ return r.p.objIdx(idx, r.implicits, explicits)
+func (pr *pkgReader) objIdx(idx int, implicits, explicits []*types.Type) ir.Node {
+ r := pr.newReader(relocObj, idx, syncObject1)
+ r.ext = pr.newReader(relocObjExt, idx, syncObject1)
+ _, sym := r.qualifiedIdent()
+ // Middle dot indicates local defined type; see writer.sym.
+ // TODO(mdempsky): Come up with a better way to handle this.
+ if strings.Contains(sym.Name, "·") {
+ r.implicits = implicits
+ r.ext.implicits = implicits
+ }
+ r.explicits = explicits
+ r.ext.explicits = explicits
+ origSym := sym
+ sym = r.mangle(sym)
+ if !sym.IsBlank() && sym.Def != nil {
+ return sym.Def.(ir.Node)
+ }
+ r.typeParamBounds(origSym)
+ tag := codeObj(r.code(syncCodeObj))
+ do := func(op ir.Op, hasTParams bool) *ir.Name {
+ pos := r.pos()
+ if hasTParams {
+ r.typeParamNames()
+ }
+ name := ir.NewDeclNameAt(pos, op, sym)
+ name.Class = ir.PEXTERN // may be overridden later
+ if !sym.IsBlank() {
+ if sym.Def != nil {
+ base.FatalfAt(name.Pos(), "already have a definition for %v", name)
+ }
+ assert(sym.Def == nil)
+ sym.Def = name
+ }
+ return name
+ }
+ switch tag {
+ default:
+ panic("unexpected object")
+ case objStub:
+ if pri, ok := objReader[origSym]; ok {
+ return pri.pr.objIdx(pri.idx, pri.implicits, r.explicits)
+ }
+ if haveLegacyImports {
+ assert(len(r.implicits)+len(r.explicits) == 0)
+ return typecheck.Resolve(ir.NewIdent(src.NoXPos, origSym))
+ }
+ base.Fatalf("unresolved stub: %v", origSym)
+ panic("unreachable")
+ case objAlias:
+ name := do(ir.OTYPE, false)
+ r.setType(name, r.typ())
+ name.SetAlias(true)
+ return name
+ case objConst:
+ name := do(ir.OLITERAL, false)
+ typ, val := r.value()
+ r.setType(name, typ)
+ r.setValue(name, val)
+ return name
+ case objFunc:
+ if sym.Name == "init" {
+ sym = renameinit()
+ }
+ name := do(ir.ONAME, true)
+ r.setType(name, r.signature(sym.Pkg, nil))
+ name.Func = ir.NewFunc(r.pos())
+ name.Func.Nname = name
+ r.ext.funcExt(name)
+ return name
+ case objType:
+ name := do(ir.OTYPE, true)
+ typ := types.NewNamed(name)
+ r.setType(name, typ)
+ // Important: We need to do this before SetUnderlying.
+ r.ext.typeExt(name)
+ // We need to defer CheckSize until we've called SetUnderlying to
+ // handle recursive types.
+ types.DeferCheckSize()
+ typ.SetUnderlying(r.typ())
+ types.ResumeCheckSize()
+ methods := make([]*types.Field, r.len())
+ for i := range methods {
+ methods[i] = r.method()
+ }
+ if len(methods) != 0 {
+ typ.Methods().Set(methods)
+ }
+ return name
+ case objVar:
+ name := do(ir.ONAME, false)
+ r.setType(name, r.typ())
+ r.ext.varExt(name)
+ return name
+ }
+func (r *reader) mangle(sym *types.Sym) *types.Sym {
+ if len(r.implicits)+len(r.explicits) == 0 {
+ return sym
+ }
+ var buf bytes.Buffer
+ buf.WriteString(sym.Name)
+ buf.WriteByte('[')
+ for i, targs := range [2][]*types.Type{r.implicits, r.explicits} {
+ if i > 0 && len(r.implicits) != 0 && len(r.explicits) != 0 {
+ buf.WriteByte(';')
+ }
+ for j, targ := range targs {
+ if j > 0 {
+ buf.WriteByte(',')
+ }
+ // TODO(mdempsky): We need the linker to replace "" in the symbol
+ // names here.
+ buf.WriteString(targ.ShortString())
+ }
+ }
+ buf.WriteByte(']')
+ return sym.Pkg.Lookup(buf.String())
+func (r *reader) typeParamBounds(sym *types.Sym) {
+ r.sync(syncTypeParamBounds)
+ nimplicits := r.len()
+ nexplicits := r.len()
+ if len(r.implicits) != nimplicits || len(r.explicits) != nexplicits {
+ base.Fatalf("%v has %v+%v params, but instantiated with %v+%v args", sym, nimplicits, nexplicits, len(r.implicits), len(r.explicits))
+ }
+ // For stenciling, we can just skip over the type parameters.
+ for range r.explicits {
+ // Skip past bounds without actually evaluating them.
+ r.sync(syncType)
+ r.reloc(relocType)
+ }
+func (r *reader) typeParamNames() {
+ r.sync(syncTypeParamNames)
+ for range r.explicits {
+ r.pos()
+ r.localIdent()
+ }
+func (r *reader) value() (*types.Type, constant.Value) {
+ r.sync(syncValue)
+ typ := r.typ()
+ return typ, FixValue(typ, r.rawValue())
+func (r *reader) method() *types.Field {
+ r.sync(syncMethod)
+ pos := r.pos()
+ pkg, sym := r.selector()
+ r.typeParamNames()
+ _, recv := r.param()
+ typ := r.signature(pkg, recv)
+ fnsym := sym
+ fnsym = ir.MethodSym(recv.Type, fnsym)
+ name := ir.NewNameAt(pos, fnsym)
+ r.setType(name, typ)
+ name.Func = ir.NewFunc(r.pos())
+ name.Func.Nname = name
+ // TODO(mdempsky): Make sure we're handling //go:nointerface
+ // correctly. I don't think this is exercised within the Go repo.
+ r.ext.funcExt(name)
+ meth := types.NewField(name.Func.Pos(), sym, typ)
+ meth.Nname = name
+ return meth
+func (r *reader) qualifiedIdent() (pkg *types.Pkg, sym *types.Sym) {
+ r.sync(syncSym)
+ pkg = r.pkg()
+ if name := r.string(); name != "" {
+ sym = pkg.Lookup(name)
+ }
+ return
+func (r *reader) localIdent() (pkg *types.Pkg, sym *types.Sym) {
+ r.sync(syncLocalIdent)
+ pkg = r.pkg()
+ if name := r.string(); name != "" {
+ sym = pkg.Lookup(name)
+ }
+ return
+func (r *reader) selector() (origPkg *types.Pkg, sym *types.Sym) {
+ r.sync(syncSelector)
+ origPkg = r.pkg()
+ name := r.string()
+ pkg := origPkg
+ if types.IsExported(name) {
+ pkg = types.LocalPkg
+ }
+ sym = pkg.Lookup(name)
+ return
+// @@@ Compiler extensions
+func (r *reader) funcExt(name *ir.Name) {
+ r.sync(syncFuncExt)
+ name.Class = 0 // so MarkFunc doesn't complain
+ ir.MarkFunc(name)
+ fn := name.Func
+ // XXX: Workaround because linker doesn't know how to copy Pos.
+ if !fn.Pos().IsKnown() {
+ fn.SetPos(name.Pos())
+ }
+ // TODO(mdempsky): Remember why I wrote this code. I think it has to
+ // do with how ir.VisitFuncsBottomUp works?
+ if name.Sym().Pkg == types.LocalPkg || len(r.implicits)+len(r.explicits) != 0 {
+ name.Defn = fn
+ }
+ fn.Pragma = r.pragmaFlag()
+ r.linkname(name)
+ if r.bool() {
+ fn.ABI = obj.ABI(r.uint64())
+ // Escape analysis.
+ for _, fs := range &types.RecvsParams {
+ for _, f := range fs(name.Type()).FieldSlice() {
+ f.Note = r.string()
+ }
+ }
+ if r.bool() {
+ fn.Inl = &ir.Inline{
+ Cost: int32(r.len()),
+ CanDelayResults: r.bool(),
+ }
+ r.addBody(name.Func)
+ }
+ } else {
+ r.addBody(name.Func)
+ }
+ r.sync(syncEOF)
+func (r *reader) typeExt(name *ir.Name) {
+ r.sync(syncTypeExt)
+ typ := name.Type()
+ if len(r.implicits)+len(r.explicits) != 0 {
+ // Set "RParams" (really type arguments here, not parameters) so
+ // this type is treated as "fully instantiated". This ensures the
+ // type descriptor is written out as DUPOK and method wrappers are
+ // generated even for imported types.
+ var targs []*types.Type
+ targs = append(targs, r.implicits...)
+ targs = append(targs, r.explicits...)
+ typ.SetRParams(targs)
+ }
+ name.SetPragma(r.pragmaFlag())
+ if name.Pragma()&ir.NotInHeap != 0 {
+ typ.SetNotInHeap(true)
+ }
+ typecheck.SetBaseTypeIndex(typ, r.int64(), r.int64())
+func (r *reader) varExt(name *ir.Name) {
+ r.sync(syncVarExt)
+ r.linkname(name)
+func (r *reader) linkname(name *ir.Name) {
+ assert(name.Op() == ir.ONAME)
+ r.sync(syncLinkname)
+ if idx := r.int64(); idx >= 0 {
+ lsym := name.Linksym()
+ lsym.SymIdx = int32(idx)
+ lsym.Set(obj.AttrIndexed, true)
+ } else {
+ name.Sym().Linkname = r.string()
+ }
+func (r *reader) pragmaFlag() ir.PragmaFlag {
+ r.sync(syncPragma)
+ return ir.PragmaFlag(r.int())
+// @@@ Function bodies
+// bodyReader tracks where the serialized IR for a function's body can
+// be found.
+var bodyReader = map[*ir.Func]pkgReaderIndex{}
+// todoBodies holds the list of function bodies that still need to be
+// constructed.
+var todoBodies []*ir.Func
+func (r *reader) addBody(fn *ir.Func) {
+ r.sync(syncAddBody)
+ // See commont in writer.addBody for why r.implicits and r.explicits
+ // should never both be non-empty.
+ implicits := r.implicits
+ if len(implicits) == 0 {
+ implicits = r.explicits
+ } else {
+ assert(len(r.explicits) == 0)
+ }
+ pri := pkgReaderIndex{r.p, r.reloc(relocBody), implicits}
+ bodyReader[fn] = pri
+ if r.curfn == nil {
+ todoBodies = append(todoBodies, fn)
+ return
+ }
+ pri.funcBody(fn)
+func (pri pkgReaderIndex) funcBody(fn *ir.Func) {
+ r := pri.asReader(relocBody, syncFuncBody)
+ r.funcBody(fn)
+func (r *reader) funcBody(fn *ir.Func) {
+ r.curfn = fn
+ r.locals = fn.ClosureVars
+ // TODO(mdempsky): Get rid of uses of typecheck.NodAddrAt so we
+ // don't have to set ir.CurFunc.
+ outerCurFunc := ir.CurFunc
+ ir.CurFunc = fn
+ r.funcargs(fn)
+ if r.bool() {
+ body := r.stmts()
+ if body == nil {
+ pos := src.NoXPos
+ if quirksMode() {
+ pos = funcParamsEndPos(fn)
+ }
+ body = []ir.Node{ir.NewBlockStmt(pos, nil)}
+ }
+ fn.Body = body
+ fn.Endlineno = r.pos()
+ }
+ ir.CurFunc = outerCurFunc
+ r.marker.WriteTo(fn)
+func (r *reader) funcargs(fn *ir.Func) {
+ sig := fn.Nname.Type()
+ if recv := sig.Recv(); recv != nil {
+ r.funcarg(recv, recv.Sym, ir.PPARAM)
+ }
+ for _, param := range sig.Params().FieldSlice() {
+ r.funcarg(param, param.Sym, ir.PPARAM)
+ }
+ for i, param := range sig.Results().FieldSlice() {
+ sym := types.OrigSym(param.Sym)
+ if sym == nil || sym.IsBlank() {
+ prefix := "~r"
+ if r.inlCall != nil {
+ prefix = "~R"
+ } else if sym != nil {
+ prefix = "~b"
+ }
+ sym = typecheck.LookupNum(prefix, i)
+ }
+ r.funcarg(param, sym, ir.PPARAMOUT)
+ }
+func (r *reader) funcarg(param *types.Field, sym *types.Sym, ctxt ir.Class) {
+ if sym == nil {
+ assert(ctxt == ir.PPARAM)
+ if r.inlCall != nil {
+ r.inlvars.Append(ir.BlankNode)
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ name := ir.NewNameAt(r.updatePos(param.Pos), sym)
+ r.setType(name, param.Type)
+ r.addLocal(name, ctxt)
+ if r.inlCall == nil {
+ if !r.funarghack {
+ param.Sym = sym
+ param.Nname = name
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ctxt == ir.PPARAMOUT {
+ r.retvars.Append(name)
+ } else {
+ r.inlvars.Append(name)
+ }
+ }
+func (r *reader) addLocal(name *ir.Name, ctxt ir.Class) {
+ assert(ctxt == ir.PAUTO || ctxt == ir.PPARAM || ctxt == ir.PPARAMOUT)
+ r.sync(syncAddLocal)
+ if debug {
+ want := r.int()
+ if have := len(r.locals); have != want {
+ base.FatalfAt(name.Pos(), "locals table has desynced")
+ }
+ }
+ name.SetUsed(true)
+ r.locals = append(r.locals, name)
+ // TODO(mdempsky): Move earlier.
+ if ir.IsBlank(name) {
+ return
+ }
+ if r.inlCall != nil {
+ if ctxt == ir.PAUTO {
+ name.SetInlLocal(true)
+ } else {
+ name.SetInlFormal(true)
+ ctxt = ir.PAUTO
+ }
+ // TODO(mdempsky): Rethink this hack.
+ if strings.HasPrefix(name.Sym().Name, "~") || base.Flag.GenDwarfInl == 0 {
+ name.SetPos(r.inlCall.Pos())
+ name.SetInlFormal(false)
+ name.SetInlLocal(false)
+ }
+ }
+ name.Class = ctxt
+ name.Curfn = r.curfn
+ r.curfn.Dcl = append(r.curfn.Dcl, name)
+ if ctxt == ir.PAUTO {
+ name.SetFrameOffset(0)
+ }
+func (r *reader) useLocal() *ir.Name {
+ r.sync(syncUseObjLocal)
+ return r.locals[r.len()]
+func (r *reader) openScope() {
+ r.sync(syncOpenScope)
+ pos := r.pos()
+ if base.Flag.Dwarf {
+ r.scopeVars = append(r.scopeVars, len(r.curfn.Dcl))
+ r.marker.Push(pos)
+ }
+func (r *reader) closeScope() {
+ r.sync(syncCloseScope)
+ r.lastCloseScopePos = r.pos()
+ r.closeAnotherScope()
+// closeAnotherScope is like closeScope, but it reuses the same mark
+// position as the last closeScope call. This is useful for "for" and
+// "if" statements, as their implicit blocks always end at the same
+// position as an explicit block.
+func (r *reader) closeAnotherScope() {
+ r.sync(syncCloseAnotherScope)
+ if base.Flag.Dwarf {
+ scopeVars := r.scopeVars[len(r.scopeVars)-1]
+ r.scopeVars = r.scopeVars[:len(r.scopeVars)-1]
+ if scopeVars == len(r.curfn.Dcl) {
+ // no variables were declared in this scope, so we can retract it.
+ r.marker.Unpush()
+ } else {
+ r.marker.Pop(r.lastCloseScopePos)
+ }
+ }
+// @@@ Statements
+func (r *reader) stmt() ir.Node {
+ switch stmts := r.stmts(); len(stmts) {
+ case 0:
+ return nil
+ case 1:
+ return stmts[0]
+ default:
+ return ir.NewBlockStmt(stmts[0].Pos(), stmts)
+ }
+func (r *reader) stmts() []ir.Node {
+ var res ir.Nodes
+ r.sync(syncStmts)
+ for {
+ tag := codeStmt(r.code(syncStmt1))
+ if tag == stmtEnd {
+ r.sync(syncStmtsEnd)
+ return res
+ }
+ if n := r.stmt1(tag, &res); n != nil {
+ res.Append(n)
+ }
+ }
+func (r *reader) stmt1(tag codeStmt, out *ir.Nodes) ir.Node {
+ var label *types.Sym
+ if n := len(*out); n > 0 {
+ if ls, ok := (*out)[n-1].(*ir.LabelStmt); ok {
+ label = ls.Label
+ }
+ }
+ switch tag {
+ default:
+ panic("unexpected statement")
+ case stmtAssign:
+ pos := r.pos()
+ names, lhs := r.assignList()
+ rhs := r.exprList()
+ if len(rhs) == 0 {
+ for _, name := range names {
+ as := ir.NewAssignStmt(pos, name, nil)
+ as.PtrInit().Append(ir.NewDecl(pos, ir.ODCL, name))
+ out.Append(as)
+ }
+ return nil
+ }
+ if len(lhs) == 1 && len(rhs) == 1 {
+ n := ir.NewAssignStmt(pos, lhs[0], rhs[0])
+ n.Def = r.initDefn(n, names)
+ return n
+ }
+ n := ir.NewAssignListStmt(pos, ir.OAS2, lhs, rhs)
+ n.Def = r.initDefn(n, names)
+ return n
+ case stmtAssignOp:
+ op := r.op()
+ lhs := r.expr()
+ pos := r.pos()
+ rhs := r.expr()
+ return ir.NewAssignOpStmt(pos, op, lhs, rhs)
+ case stmtIncDec:
+ op := r.op()
+ lhs := r.expr()
+ pos := r.pos()
+ n := ir.NewAssignOpStmt(pos, op, lhs, ir.NewBasicLit(pos, one))
+ n.IncDec = true
+ return n
+ case stmtBlock:
+ out.Append(r.blockStmt()...)
+ return nil
+ case stmtBranch:
+ pos := r.pos()
+ op := r.op()
+ sym := r.optLabel()
+ return ir.NewBranchStmt(pos, op, sym)
+ case stmtCall:
+ pos := r.pos()
+ op := r.op()
+ call := r.expr()
+ return ir.NewGoDeferStmt(pos, op, call)
+ case stmtExpr:
+ return r.expr()
+ case stmtFor:
+ return r.forStmt(label)
+ case stmtIf:
+ return r.ifStmt()
+ case stmtLabel:
+ pos := r.pos()
+ sym := r.label()
+ return ir.NewLabelStmt(pos, sym)
+ case stmtReturn:
+ pos := r.pos()
+ results := r.exprList()
+ return ir.NewReturnStmt(pos, results)
+ case stmtSelect:
+ return r.selectStmt(label)
+ case stmtSend:
+ pos := r.pos()
+ ch := r.expr()
+ value := r.expr()
+ return ir.NewSendStmt(pos, ch, value)
+ case stmtSwitch:
+ return r.switchStmt(label)
+ case stmtTypeDeclHack:
+ // fake "type _ = int" declaration to prevent inlining in quirks mode.
+ assert(quirksMode())
+ name := ir.NewDeclNameAt(src.NoXPos, ir.OTYPE, ir.BlankNode.Sym())
+ name.SetAlias(true)
+ r.setType(name, types.Types[types.TINT])
+ n := ir.NewDecl(src.NoXPos, ir.ODCLTYPE, name)
+ n.SetTypecheck(1)
+ return n
+ }
+func (r *reader) assignList() ([]*ir.Name, []ir.Node) {
+ lhs := make([]ir.Node, r.len())
+ var names []*ir.Name
+ for i := range lhs {
+ if r.bool() {
+ pos := r.pos()
+ _, sym := r.localIdent()
+ typ := r.typ()
+ name := ir.NewNameAt(pos, sym)
+ lhs[i] = name
+ names = append(names, name)
+ r.setType(name, typ)
+ r.addLocal(name, ir.PAUTO)
+ continue
+ }
+ lhs[i] = r.expr()
+ }
+ return names, lhs
+func (r *reader) blockStmt() []ir.Node {
+ r.sync(syncBlockStmt)
+ r.openScope()
+ stmts := r.stmts()
+ r.closeScope()
+ return stmts
+func (r *reader) forStmt(label *types.Sym) ir.Node {
+ r.sync(syncForStmt)
+ r.openScope()
+ if r.bool() {
+ pos := r.pos()
+ names, lhs := r.assignList()
+ x := r.expr()
+ body := r.blockStmt()
+ r.closeAnotherScope()
+ rang := ir.NewRangeStmt(pos, nil, nil, x, body)
+ if len(lhs) >= 1 {
+ rang.Key = lhs[0]
+ if len(lhs) >= 2 {
+ rang.Value = lhs[1]
+ }
+ }
+ rang.Def = r.initDefn(rang, names)
+ rang.Label = label
+ return rang
+ }
+ pos := r.pos()
+ init := r.stmt()
+ cond := r.expr()
+ post := r.stmt()
+ body := r.blockStmt()
+ r.closeAnotherScope()
+ stmt := ir.NewForStmt(pos, init, cond, post, body)
+ stmt.Label = label
+ return stmt
+func (r *reader) ifStmt() ir.Node {
+ r.sync(syncIfStmt)
+ r.openScope()
+ pos := r.pos()
+ init := r.stmts()
+ cond := r.expr()
+ then := r.blockStmt()
+ els := r.stmts()
+ n := ir.NewIfStmt(pos, cond, then, els)
+ n.SetInit(init)
+ r.closeAnotherScope()
+ return n
+func (r *reader) selectStmt(label *types.Sym) ir.Node {
+ r.sync(syncSelectStmt)
+ pos := r.pos()
+ clauses := make([]*ir.CommClause, r.len())
+ for i := range clauses {
+ if i > 0 {
+ r.closeScope()
+ }
+ r.openScope()
+ pos := r.pos()
+ comm := r.stmt()
+ body := r.stmts()
+ clauses[i] = ir.NewCommStmt(pos, comm, body)
+ }
+ if len(clauses) > 0 {
+ r.closeScope()
+ }
+ n := ir.NewSelectStmt(pos, clauses)
+ n.Label = label
+ return n
+func (r *reader) switchStmt(label *types.Sym) ir.Node {
+ r.sync(syncSwitchStmt)
+ r.openScope()
+ pos := r.pos()
+ init := r.stmt()
+ tag := r.expr()
+ tswitch, ok := tag.(*ir.TypeSwitchGuard)
+ if ok && tswitch.Tag == nil {
+ tswitch = nil
+ }
+ clauses := make([]*ir.CaseClause, r.len())
+ for i := range clauses {
+ if i > 0 {
+ r.closeScope()
+ }
+ r.openScope()
+ pos := r.pos()
+ cases := r.exprList()
+ clause := ir.NewCaseStmt(pos, cases, nil)
+ if tswitch != nil {
+ pos := r.pos()
+ typ := r.typ()
+ name := ir.NewNameAt(pos, tswitch.Tag.Sym())
+ r.setType(name, typ)
+ r.addLocal(name, ir.PAUTO)
+ clause.Var = name
+ name.Defn = tswitch
+ }
+ clause.Body = r.stmts()
+ clauses[i] = clause
+ }
+ if len(clauses) > 0 {
+ r.closeScope()
+ }
+ r.closeScope()
+ n := ir.NewSwitchStmt(pos, tag, clauses)
+ n.Label = label
+ if init != nil {
+ n.SetInit([]ir.Node{init})
+ }
+ return n
+func (r *reader) label() *types.Sym {
+ r.sync(syncLabel)
+ name := r.string()
+ if r.inlCall != nil {
+ name = fmt.Sprintf("~%s·%d", name, inlgen)
+ }
+ return typecheck.Lookup(name)
+func (r *reader) optLabel() *types.Sym {
+ r.sync(syncOptLabel)
+ if r.bool() {
+ return r.label()
+ }
+ return nil
+// initDefn marks the given names as declared by defn and populates
+// its Init field with ODCL nodes. It then reports whether any names
+// were so declared, which can be used to initialize defn.Def.
+func (r *reader) initDefn(defn ir.InitNode, names []*ir.Name) bool {
+ if len(names) == 0 {
+ return false
+ }
+ init := make([]ir.Node, len(names))
+ for i, name := range names {
+ name.Defn = defn
+ init[i] = ir.NewDecl(name.Pos(), ir.ODCL, name)
+ }
+ defn.SetInit(init)
+ return true
+// @@@ Expressions
+func (r *reader) expr() ir.Node {
+ switch tag := codeExpr(r.code(syncExpr)); tag {
+ default:
+ panic("unhandled expression")
+ case exprNone:
+ return nil
+ case exprBlank:
+ return ir.BlankNode
+ case exprLocal:
+ return r.useLocal()
+ case exprName:
+ return r.obj()
+ case exprType:
+ return ir.TypeNode(r.typ())
+ case exprConst:
+ pos := r.pos()
+ typ, val := r.value()
+ op := r.op()
+ orig := r.string()
+ return OrigConst(pos, typ, val, op, orig)
+ case exprCompLit:
+ return r.compLit()
+ case exprFuncLit:
+ return r.funcLit()
+ case exprSelector:
+ x := r.expr()
+ pos := r.pos()
+ _, sym := r.selector()
+ return ir.NewSelectorExpr(pos, ir.OXDOT, x, sym)
+ case exprIndex:
+ x := r.expr()
+ pos := r.pos()
+ index := r.expr()
+ return ir.NewIndexExpr(pos, x, index)
+ case exprSlice:
+ x := r.expr()
+ pos := r.pos()
+ var index [3]ir.Node
+ for i := range index {
+ index[i] = r.expr()
+ }
+ op := ir.OSLICE
+ if index[2] != nil {
+ op = ir.OSLICE3
+ }
+ return ir.NewSliceExpr(pos, op, x, index[0], index[1], index[2])
+ case exprAssert:
+ x := r.expr()
+ pos := r.pos()
+ typ := r.expr().(ir.Ntype)
+ return ir.NewTypeAssertExpr(pos, x, typ)
+ case exprUnaryOp:
+ op := r.op()
+ pos := r.pos()
+ x := r.expr()
+ switch op {
+ case ir.OADDR:
+ return typecheck.NodAddrAt(pos, x)
+ case ir.ODEREF:
+ return ir.NewStarExpr(pos, x)
+ }
+ return ir.NewUnaryExpr(pos, op, x)
+ case exprBinaryOp:
+ op := r.op()
+ x := r.expr()
+ pos := r.pos()
+ y := r.expr()
+ switch op {
+ case ir.OANDAND, ir.OOROR:
+ return ir.NewLogicalExpr(pos, op, x, y)
+ }
+ return ir.NewBinaryExpr(pos, op, x, y)
+ case exprCall:
+ fun := r.expr()
+ pos := r.pos()
+ args := r.exprs()
+ dots := r.bool()
+ n := ir.NewCallExpr(pos, ir.OCALL, fun, args)
+ n.IsDDD = dots
+ return n
+ case exprTypeSwitchGuard:
+ pos := r.pos()
+ var tag *ir.Ident
+ if r.bool() {
+ pos := r.pos()
+ sym := typecheck.Lookup(r.string())
+ tag = ir.NewIdent(pos, sym)
+ }
+ x := r.expr()
+ return ir.NewTypeSwitchGuard(pos, tag, x)
+ }
+func (r *reader) compLit() ir.Node {
+ r.sync(syncCompLit)
+ pos := r.pos()
+ typ := r.typ()
+ isPtrLit := typ.IsPtr()
+ if isPtrLit {
+ typ = typ.Elem()
+ }
+ if typ.Kind() == types.TFORW {
+ base.FatalfAt(pos, "unresolved composite literal type: %v", typ)
+ }
+ isStruct := typ.Kind() == types.TSTRUCT
+ elems := make([]ir.Node, r.len())
+ for i := range elems {
+ elemp := &elems[i]
+ if isStruct {
+ sk := ir.NewStructKeyExpr(r.pos(), typ.Field(r.len()), nil)
+ *elemp, elemp = sk, &sk.Value
+ } else if r.bool() {
+ kv := ir.NewKeyExpr(r.pos(), r.expr(), nil)
+ *elemp, elemp = kv, &kv.Value
+ }
+ *elemp = wrapName(r.pos(), r.expr())
+ }
+ lit := ir.NewCompLitExpr(pos, ir.OCOMPLIT, ir.TypeNode(typ), elems)
+ if isPtrLit {
+ return typecheck.NodAddrAt(pos, lit)
+ }
+ return lit
+func wrapName(pos src.XPos, x ir.Node) ir.Node {
+ // These nodes do not carry line numbers.
+ // Introduce a wrapper node to give them the correct line.
+ switch ir.Orig(x).Op() {
+ case ir.OTYPE, ir.OLITERAL:
+ if x.Sym() == nil {
+ break
+ }
+ fallthrough
+ case ir.ONAME, ir.ONONAME, ir.OPACK, ir.ONIL:
+ p := ir.NewParenExpr(pos, x)
+ p.SetImplicit(true)
+ return p
+ }
+ return x
+func (r *reader) funcLit() ir.Node {
+ r.sync(syncFuncLit)
+ pos := r.pos()
+ typPos := r.pos()
+ xtype2 := r.signature(types.LocalPkg, nil)
+ opos := pos
+ if quirksMode() {
+ opos = r.origPos(pos)
+ }
+ fn := ir.NewClosureFunc(opos, r.curfn != nil)
+ r.setType(fn.Nname, xtype2)
+ if quirksMode() {
+ fn.Nname.Ntype = ir.TypeNodeAt(typPos, xtype2)
+ }
+ fn.ClosureVars = make([]*ir.Name, r.len())
+ for i := range fn.ClosureVars {
+ pos := r.pos()
+ outer := r.useLocal()
+ cv := ir.NewNameAt(pos, outer.Sym())
+ r.setType(cv, outer.Type())
+ cv.Curfn = fn
+ cv.Class = ir.PAUTOHEAP
+ cv.SetIsClosureVar(true)
+ cv.Defn = outer.Canonical()
+ cv.Outer = outer
+ fn.ClosureVars[i] = cv
+ }
+ r.addBody(fn)
+ return fn.OClosure
+func (r *reader) exprList() []ir.Node {
+ r.sync(syncExprList)
+ return r.exprs()
+func (r *reader) exprs() []ir.Node {
+ r.sync(syncExprs)
+ nodes := make([]ir.Node, r.len())
+ if len(nodes) == 0 {
+ return nil // TODO(mdempsky): Unclear if this matters.
+ }
+ for i := range nodes {
+ nodes[i] = r.expr()
+ }
+ return nodes
+func (r *reader) op() ir.Op {
+ r.sync(syncOp)
+ return ir.Op(r.len())
+// @@@ Package initialization
+func (r *reader) pkgInit(self *types.Pkg, target *ir.Package) {
+ if quirksMode() {
+ for i, n := 0, r.len(); i < n; i++ {
+ // Eagerly register position bases, so their filenames are
+ // assigned stable indices.
+ posBase := r.posBase()
+ _ = base.Ctxt.PosTable.XPos(src.MakePos(posBase, 0, 0))
+ }
+ for i, n := 0, r.len(); i < n; i++ {
+ // Eagerly resolve imported objects, so any filenames registered
+ // in the process are assigned stable indices too.
+ _, sym := r.qualifiedIdent()
+ typecheck.Resolve(ir.NewIdent(src.NoXPos, sym))
+ assert(sym.Def != nil)
+ }
+ }
+ cgoPragmas := make([][]string, r.len())
+ for i := range cgoPragmas {
+ cgoPragmas[i] = r.strings()
+ }
+ target.CgoPragmas = cgoPragmas
+ r.pkgDecls(target)
+ r.sync(syncEOF)
+func (r *reader) pkgDecls(target *ir.Package) {
+ r.sync(syncDecls)
+ for {
+ switch code := codeDecl(r.code(syncDecl)); code {
+ default:
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("unhandled decl: %v", code))
+ case declEnd:
+ return
+ case declFunc:
+ names := r.pkgObjs(target)
+ assert(len(names) == 1)
+ target.Decls = append(target.Decls, names[0].Func)
+ case declMethod:
+ typ := r.typ()
+ _, sym := r.selector()
+ method := typecheck.Lookdot1(nil, sym, typ, typ.Methods(), 0)
+ target.Decls = append(target.Decls, method.Nname.(*ir.Name).Func)
+ case declVar:
+ pos := r.pos()
+ names := r.pkgObjs(target)
+ values := r.exprList()
+ if len(names) > 1 && len(values) == 1 {
+ as := ir.NewAssignListStmt(pos, ir.OAS2, nil, values)
+ for _, name := range names {
+ as.Lhs.Append(name)
+ name.Defn = as
+ }
+ target.Decls = append(target.Decls, as)
+ } else {
+ for i, name := range names {
+ as := ir.NewAssignStmt(pos, name, nil)
+ if i < len(values) {
+ as.Y = values[i]
+ }
+ name.Defn = as
+ target.Decls = append(target.Decls, as)
+ }
+ }
+ if n := r.len(); n > 0 {
+ assert(len(names) == 1)
+ embeds := make([]ir.Embed, n)
+ for i := range embeds {
+ embeds[i] = ir.Embed{Pos: r.pos(), Patterns: r.strings()}
+ }
+ names[0].Embed = &embeds
+ target.Embeds = append(target.Embeds, names[0])
+ }
+ case declOther:
+ r.pkgObjs(target)
+ }
+ }
+func (r *reader) pkgObjs(target *ir.Package) []*ir.Name {
+ r.sync(syncDeclNames)
+ nodes := make([]*ir.Name, r.len())
+ for i := range nodes {
+ r.sync(syncDeclName)
+ name := r.obj().(*ir.Name)
+ nodes[i] = name
+ sym := name.Sym()
+ if sym.IsBlank() {
+ continue
+ }
+ switch name.Class {
+ default:
+ base.FatalfAt(name.Pos(), "unexpected class: %v", name.Class)
+ case ir.PEXTERN:
+ target.Externs = append(target.Externs, name)
+ case ir.PFUNC:
+ assert(name.Type().Recv() == nil)
+ // TODO(mdempsky): Cleaner way to recognize init?
+ if strings.HasPrefix(sym.Name, "init.") {
+ target.Inits = append(target.Inits, name.Func)
+ }
+ }
+ if types.IsExported(sym.Name) {
+ assert(!sym.OnExportList())
+ target.Exports = append(target.Exports, name)
+ sym.SetOnExportList(true)
+ }
+ if base.Flag.AsmHdr != "" {
+ assert(!sym.Asm())
+ target.Asms = append(target.Asms, name)
+ sym.SetAsm(true)
+ }
+ }
+ return nodes
+// @@@ Inlining
+var inlgen = 0
+func InlineCall(call *ir.CallExpr, fn *ir.Func, inlIndex int) *ir.InlinedCallExpr {
+ // TODO(mdempsky): Turn callerfn into an explicit parameter.
+ callerfn := ir.CurFunc
+ pri, ok := bodyReader[fn]
+ if !ok {
+ // Assume it's an imported function or something that we don't
+ // have access to in quirks mode.
+ if haveLegacyImports {
+ return nil
+ }
+ base.FatalfAt(call.Pos(), "missing function body for call to %v", fn)
+ }
+ if fn.Inl.Body == nil {
+ expandInline(fn, pri)
+ }
+ r := pri.asReader(relocBody, syncFuncBody)
+ // TODO(mdempsky): This still feels clumsy. Can we do better?
+ tmpfn := ir.NewFunc(fn.Pos())
+ tmpfn.Nname = ir.NewNameAt(fn.Nname.Pos(), callerfn.Sym())
+ tmpfn.Closgen = callerfn.Closgen
+ defer func() { callerfn.Closgen = tmpfn.Closgen }()
+ r.setType(tmpfn.Nname, fn.Type())
+ r.curfn = tmpfn
+ r.inlCaller = ir.CurFunc
+ r.inlCall = call
+ r.inlFunc = fn
+ r.inlTreeIndex = inlIndex
+ r.inlPosBases = make(map[*src.PosBase]*src.PosBase)
+ for _, cv := range r.inlFunc.ClosureVars {
+ r.locals = append(r.locals, cv.Outer)
+ }
+ r.funcargs(fn)
+ assert(r.bool()) // have body
+ r.delayResults = fn.Inl.CanDelayResults
+ r.retlabel = typecheck.AutoLabel(".i")
+ inlgen++
+ init := ir.TakeInit(call)
+ // For normal function calls, the function callee expression
+ // may contain side effects (e.g., added by addinit during
+ // inlconv2expr or inlconv2list). Make sure to preserve these,
+ // if necessary (#42703).
+ if call.Op() == ir.OCALLFUNC {
+ callee := call.X
+ for callee.Op() == ir.OCONVNOP {
+ conv := callee.(*ir.ConvExpr)
+ init.Append(ir.TakeInit(conv)...)
+ callee = conv.X
+ }
+ switch callee.Op() {
+ // ok
+ default:
+ base.Fatalf("unexpected callee expression: %v", callee)
+ }
+ }
+ var args ir.Nodes
+ if call.Op() == ir.OCALLMETH {
+ assert(call.X.Op() == ir.ODOTMETH)
+ args.Append(call.X.(*ir.SelectorExpr).X)
+ }
+ args.Append(call.Args...)
+ // Create assignment to declare and initialize inlvars.
+ as2 := ir.NewAssignListStmt(call.Pos(), ir.OAS2, r.inlvars, args)
+ as2.Def = true
+ var as2init ir.Nodes
+ for _, name := range r.inlvars {
+ if ir.IsBlank(name) {
+ continue
+ }
+ // TODO(mdempsky): Use inlined position of name.Pos() instead?
+ name := name.(*ir.Name)
+ as2init.Append(ir.NewDecl(call.Pos(), ir.ODCL, name))
+ name.Defn = as2
+ }
+ as2.SetInit(as2init)
+ init.Append(typecheck.Stmt(as2))
+ if !r.delayResults {
+ // If not delaying retvars, declare and zero initialize the
+ // result variables now.
+ for _, name := range r.retvars {
+ // TODO(mdempsky): Use inlined position of name.Pos() instead?
+ name := name.(*ir.Name)
+ init.Append(ir.NewDecl(call.Pos(), ir.ODCL, name))
+ ras := ir.NewAssignStmt(call.Pos(), name, nil)
+ init.Append(typecheck.Stmt(ras))
+ }
+ }
+ // Add an inline mark just before the inlined body.
+ // This mark is inline in the code so that it's a reasonable spot
+ // to put a breakpoint. Not sure if that's really necessary or not
+ // (in which case it could go at the end of the function instead).
+ // Note issue 28603.
+ init.Append(ir.NewInlineMarkStmt(call.Pos().WithIsStmt(), int64(r.inlTreeIndex)))
+ nparams := len(r.curfn.Dcl)
+ oldcurfn := ir.CurFunc
+ ir.CurFunc = r.curfn
+ r.curfn.Body = r.stmts()
+ r.curfn.Endlineno = r.pos()
+ typecheck.Stmts(r.curfn.Body)
+ deadcode.Func(r.curfn)
+ // Replace any "return" statements within the function body.
+ {
+ var edit func(ir.Node) ir.Node
+ edit = func(n ir.Node) ir.Node {
+ if ret, ok := n.(*ir.ReturnStmt); ok {
+ n = typecheck.Stmt(r.inlReturn(ret))
+ }
+ ir.EditChildren(n, edit)
+ return n
+ }
+ edit(r.curfn)
+ }
+ ir.CurFunc = oldcurfn
+ body := ir.Nodes(r.curfn.Body)
+ // Quirk: If deadcode elimination turned a non-empty function into
+ // an empty one, we need to set the position for the empty block
+ // left behind to the the inlined position for src.NoXPos, so that
+ // an empty string gets added into the DWARF file name listing at
+ // the appropriate index.
+ if quirksMode() && len(body) == 1 {
+ if block, ok := body[0].(*ir.BlockStmt); ok && len(block.List) == 0 {
+ block.SetPos(r.updatePos(src.NoXPos))
+ }
+ }
+ // Quirkish: We need to eagerly prune variables added during
+ // inlining, but removed by deadcode.FuncBody above. Unused
+ // variables will get removed during stack frame layout anyway, but
+ // len(fn.Dcl) ends up influencing things like autotmp naming.
+ used := usedLocals(body)
+ for i, name := range r.curfn.Dcl {
+ if i < nparams || used.Has(name) {
+ name.Curfn = callerfn
+ callerfn.Dcl = append(callerfn.Dcl, name)
+ // Quirkish. TODO(mdempsky): Document why.
+ if name.AutoTemp() {
+ name.SetEsc(ir.EscUnknown)
+ if base.Flag.GenDwarfInl != 0 {
+ name.SetInlLocal(true)
+ } else {
+ name.SetPos(r.inlCall.Pos())
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ body.Append(ir.NewLabelStmt(call.Pos(), r.retlabel))
+ res := ir.NewInlinedCallExpr(call.Pos(), body, append([]ir.Node(nil), r.retvars...))
+ res.SetInit(init)
+ res.SetType(call.Type())
+ res.SetTypecheck(1)
+ // Inlining shouldn't add any functions to todoBodies.
+ assert(len(todoBodies) == 0)
+ return res
+// inlReturn returns a statement that can substitute for the given
+// return statement when inlining.
+func (r *reader) inlReturn(ret *ir.ReturnStmt) *ir.BlockStmt {
+ pos := r.inlCall.Pos()
+ block := ir.TakeInit(ret)
+ if results := ret.Results; len(results) != 0 {
+ assert(len(r.retvars) == len(results))
+ as2 := ir.NewAssignListStmt(pos, ir.OAS2, append([]ir.Node(nil), r.retvars...), ret.Results)
+ if r.delayResults {
+ for _, name := range r.retvars {
+ // TODO(mdempsky): Use inlined position of name.Pos() instead?
+ name := name.(*ir.Name)
+ block.Append(ir.NewDecl(pos, ir.ODCL, name))
+ name.Defn = as2
+ }
+ }
+ block.Append(as2)
+ }
+ block.Append(ir.NewBranchStmt(pos, ir.OGOTO, r.retlabel))
+ return ir.NewBlockStmt(pos, block)
+// expandInline reads in an extra copy of IR to populate
+// fn.Inl.{Dcl,Body}.
+func expandInline(fn *ir.Func, pri pkgReaderIndex) {
+ // TODO(mdempsky): Remove this function. It's currently needed for
+ // dwarfgen for some reason, but we should be able to provide it
+ // with the same information some other way.
+ fndcls := len(fn.Dcl)
+ topdcls := len(typecheck.Target.Decls)
+ tmpfn := ir.NewFunc(fn.Pos())
+ tmpfn.Nname = ir.NewNameAt(fn.Nname.Pos(), fn.Sym())
+ tmpfn.ClosureVars = fn.ClosureVars
+ {
+ r := pri.asReader(relocBody, syncFuncBody)
+ r.setType(tmpfn.Nname, fn.Type())
+ // Don't change parameter's Sym/Nname fields.
+ r.funarghack = true
+ r.funcBody(tmpfn)
+ }
+ oldcurfn := ir.CurFunc
+ ir.CurFunc = tmpfn
+ typecheck.Stmts(tmpfn.Body)
+ deadcode.Func(tmpfn)
+ ir.CurFunc = oldcurfn
+ used := usedLocals(tmpfn.Body)
+ for _, name := range tmpfn.Dcl {
+ if name.Class != ir.PAUTO || used.Has(name) {
+ name.Curfn = fn
+ fn.Inl.Dcl = append(fn.Inl.Dcl, name)
+ }
+ }
+ fn.Inl.Body = tmpfn.Body
+ // Double check that we didn't change fn.Dcl by accident.
+ assert(fndcls == len(fn.Dcl))
+ // typecheck.Stmts may have added function literals to
+ // typecheck.Target.Decls. Remove them again so we don't risk trying
+ // to compile them multiple times.
+ typecheck.Target.Decls = typecheck.Target.Decls[:topdcls]
+// usedLocals returns a set of local variables that are used within body.
+func usedLocals(body []ir.Node) ir.NameSet {
+ var used ir.NameSet
+ ir.VisitList(body, func(n ir.Node) {
+ if n, ok := n.(*ir.Name); ok && n.Op() == ir.ONAME && n.Class == ir.PAUTO {
+ used.Add(n)
+ }
+ })
+ return used