path: root/misc/boring/README.md
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+# README.md
+This directory holds build scripts for unofficial, unsupported
+distributions of Go+BoringCrypto.
+## Version strings
+The distribution name for a Go+BoringCrypto release has the form `<GoVersion>b<BoringCryptoVersion>`,
+where `<GoVersion>` is the Go version the release is based on, and `<BoringCryptoVersion>` is
+an integer that increments each time there is a new release with different BoringCrypto bits.
+The `<BoringCryptoVersion>` is stored in the `VERSION` file in this directory.
+For example, the first release is based on Go 1.8.3 is `go1.8.3b1`.
+If the BoringCrypto bits are updated, the next would be `go1.8.3b2`.
+If, after that, Go 1.9 is released and the same BoringCrypto code added to it,
+that would result in `go1.9b2`. There would likely not be a `go1.9b1`,
+since that would indicate Go 1.9 with the older BoringCrypto code.
+## Releases
+The `build.release` script prepares a binary release and publishes it in Google Cloud Storage
+at `gs://go-boringcrypto/`, making it available for download at
+The script records each published release in the `RELEASES` file in this directory.
+The `build.docker` script, which must be run after `build.release`, prepares a Docker image
+and publishes it on hub.docker.com in the goboring organization.
+`go1.8.3b1` is published as `goboring/golang:1.8.3b1`.
+## Release process
+Development is done on the dev.boringcrypto branch, which tracks
+master. Releases are cut from dev.boringcrypto.go1.X branches,
+which are BoringCrypto backported to the Go 1.X release branches.
+To issue new BoringCrypto releases based on Go 1.X:
+1. If the BoringCrypto bits have been updated, increment the
+ number in `VERSION`, send that change out as a CL for review,
+ get it committed to dev.boringcrypto, and run `git sync`.
+2. Change to the dev.boringcrypto.go1.X branch and cherry-pick
+ all BoringCrypto updates, including the update of the
+ `VERSION` file. If desired, merge release-branch.go1.X into
+ dev.boringcrypto.go1.X. Mail them out and get them committed.
+3. **Back on the dev.boringcrypto branch**, run `git fetch`,
+ `make.bash` and then `build.release dev.boringcrypto.go1.X`.
+ The script will determine the base Go version and the
+ BoringCrypto version, build a release, and upload it.
+4. Run `build.docker`, which will build and upload a Docker image
+ from the latest release.
+5. Send out a CL with the updated `RELEASES` file and get it
+ committed to dev.boringcrypto.
+## Building from Docker
+A Dockerfile that starts with `FROM golang:1.8.3` can switch
+to `FROM goboring/golang:1.8.3b2` (see [goboring/golang on Docker Hub](https://hub.docker.com/r/goboring/golang/))
+and should need no other modifications.
+## Building from Bazel
+Starting from [bazelbuild/rules_go](https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_go)
+tag 0.7.1, simply download the BoringCrypto-enabled Go SDK using
+`go_download_sdk()` before calling `go_register_toolchains()`.
+For example, to use Go 1.9.3 with BoringCrypto on Linux, use the following lines
+load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl", "go_rules_dependencies", "go_download_sdk", "go_register_toolchains")
+ name = "go_sdk",
+ sdks = {
+ "linux_amd64": ("go1.9.3b4.linux-amd64.tar.gz", "db1997b2454a2f27669b849d2d2cafb247a55128d53da678f06cb409310d6660"),
+ },
+ urls = ["https://storage.googleapis.com/go-boringcrypto/{}"],
+**Note**: you must *not* enable `pure` mode, since cgo must be enabled. To
+ensure that binaries are linked with BoringCrypto, you can set `pure = "off"` on
+all relevant `go_binary` rules.
+## Caveat
+BoringCrypto is used for a given build only in limited circumstances:
+ - The build must be GOOS=linux, GOARCH=amd64.
+ - The build must have cgo enabled.
+ - The android build tag must not be specified.
+ - The cmd_go_bootstrap build tag must not be specified.
+The version string reported by `runtime.Version` does not indicate that BoringCrypto
+was actually used for the build. For example, linux/386 and non-cgo linux/amd64 binaries
+will report a version of `go1.8.3b2` but not be using BoringCrypto.
+To check whether a given binary is using BoringCrypto, run `go tool nm` on it and check
+that it has symbols named `*_Cfunc__goboringcrypto_*`.
+The program [rsc.io/goversion](https://godoc.org/rsc.io/goversion) will report the
+crypto implementation used by a given binary when invoked with the `-crypto` flag.