path: root/doc/go1.1.html
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- "Title": "Go 1.1 Release Notes",
- "Path": "/doc/go1.1",
- "Template": true
-<h2 id="introduction">Introduction to Go 1.1</h2>
-The release of <a href="/doc/go1.html">Go version 1</a> (Go 1 or Go 1.0 for short)
-in March of 2012 introduced a new period
-of stability in the Go language and libraries.
-That stability has helped nourish a growing community of Go users
-and systems around the world.
-Several "point" releases since
-then—1.0.1, 1.0.2, and 1.0.3—have been issued.
-These point releases fixed known bugs but made
-no non-critical changes to the implementation.
-This new release, Go 1.1, keeps the <a href="/doc/go1compat.html">promise
-of compatibility</a> but adds a couple of significant
-(backwards-compatible, of course) language changes, has a long list
-of (again, compatible) library changes, and
-includes major work on the implementation of the compilers,
-libraries, and run-time.
-The focus is on performance.
-Benchmarking is an inexact science at best, but we see significant,
-sometimes dramatic speedups for many of our test programs.
-We trust that many of our users' programs will also see improvements
-just by updating their Go installation and recompiling.
-This document summarizes the changes between Go 1 and Go 1.1.
-Very little if any code will need modification to run with Go 1.1,
-although a couple of rare error cases surface with this release
-and need to be addressed if they arise.
-Details appear below; see the discussion of
-<a href="#int">64-bit ints</a> and <a href="#unicode_literals">Unicode literals</a>
-in particular.
-<h2 id="language">Changes to the language</h2>
-<a href="/doc/go1compat.html">The Go compatibility document</a> promises
-that programs written to the Go 1 language specification will continue to operate,
-and those promises are maintained.
-In the interest of firming up the specification, though, there are
-details about some error cases that have been clarified.
-There are also some new language features.
-<h3 id="divzero">Integer division by zero</h3>
-In Go 1, integer division by a constant zero produced a run-time panic:
-func f(x int) int {
- return x/0
-In Go 1.1, an integer division by constant zero is not a legal program, so it is a compile-time error.
-<h3 id="unicode_literals">Surrogates in Unicode literals</h3>
-The definition of string and rune literals has been refined to exclude surrogate halves from the
-set of valid Unicode code points.
-See the <a href="#unicode">Unicode</a> section for more information.
-<h3 id="method_values">Method values</h3>
-Go 1.1 now implements
-<a href="/ref/spec#Method_values">method values</a>,
-which are functions that have been bound to a specific receiver value.
-For instance, given a
-<a href="/pkg/bufio/#Writer"><code>Writer</code></a>
-value <code>w</code>,
-the expression
-a method value, is a function that will always write to <code>w</code>; it is equivalent to
-a function literal closing over <code>w</code>:
-func (p []byte) (n int, err error) {
- return w.Write(p)
-Method values are distinct from method expressions, which generate functions
-from methods of a given type; the method expression <code>(*bufio.Writer).Write</code>
-is equivalent to a function with an extra first argument, a receiver of type
-func (w *bufio.Writer, p []byte) (n int, err error) {
- return w.Write(p)
-<em>Updating</em>: No existing code is affected; the change is strictly backward-compatible.
-<h3 id="return">Return requirements</h3>
-Before Go 1.1, a function that returned a value needed an explicit "return"
-or call to <code>panic</code> at
-the end of the function; this was a simple way to make the programmer
-be explicit about the meaning of the function. But there are many cases
-where a final "return" is clearly unnecessary, such as a function with
-only an infinite "for" loop.
-In Go 1.1, the rule about final "return" statements is more permissive.
-It introduces the concept of a
-<a href="/ref/spec#Terminating_statements"><em>terminating statement</em></a>,
-a statement that is guaranteed to be the last one a function executes.
-Examples include
-"for" loops with no condition and "if-else"
-statements in which each half ends in a "return".
-If the final statement of a function can be shown <em>syntactically</em> to
-be a terminating statement, no final "return" statement is needed.
-Note that the rule is purely syntactic: it pays no attention to the values in the
-code and therefore requires no complex analysis.
-<em>Updating</em>: The change is backward-compatible, but existing code
-with superfluous "return" statements and calls to <code>panic</code> may
-be simplified manually.
-Such code can be identified by <code>go vet</code>.
-<h2 id="impl">Changes to the implementations and tools</h2>
-<h3 id="gccgo">Status of gccgo</h3>
-The GCC release schedule does not coincide with the Go release schedule, so some skew is inevitable in
-<code>gccgo</code>'s releases.
-The 4.8.0 version of GCC shipped in March, 2013 and includes a nearly-Go 1.1 version of <code>gccgo</code>.
-Its library is a little behind the release, but the biggest difference is that method values are not implemented.
-Sometime around July 2013, we expect 4.8.2 of GCC to ship with a <code>gccgo</code>
-providing a complete Go 1.1 implementation.
-<h3 id="gc_flag">Command-line flag parsing</h3>
-In the gc toolchain, the compilers and linkers now use the
-same command-line flag parsing rules as the Go flag package, a departure
-from the traditional Unix flag parsing. This may affect scripts that invoke
-the tool directly.
-For example,
-<code>go tool 6c -Fw -Dfoo</code> must now be written
-<code>go tool 6c -F -w -D foo</code>.
-<h3 id="int">Size of int on 64-bit platforms</h3>
-The language allows the implementation to choose whether the <code>int</code> type and
-<code>uint</code> types are 32 or 64 bits. Previous Go implementations made <code>int</code>
-and <code>uint</code> 32 bits on all systems. Both the gc and gccgo implementations
-now make
-<code>int</code> and <code>uint</code> 64 bits on 64-bit platforms such as AMD64/x86-64.
-Among other things, this enables the allocation of slices with
-more than 2 billion elements on 64-bit platforms.
-Most programs will be unaffected by this change.
-Because Go does not allow implicit conversions between distinct
-<a href="/ref/spec#Numeric_types">numeric types</a>,
-no programs will stop compiling due to this change.
-However, programs that contain implicit assumptions
-that <code>int</code> is only 32 bits may change behavior.
-For example, this code prints a positive number on 64-bit systems and
-a negative one on 32-bit systems:
-x := ^uint32(0) // x is 0xffffffff
-i := int(x) // i is -1 on 32-bit systems, 0xffffffff on 64-bit
-<p>Portable code intending 32-bit sign extension (yielding <code>-1</code> on all systems)
-would instead say:
-i := int(int32(x))
-<h3 id="heap">Heap size on 64-bit architectures</h3>
-On 64-bit architectures, the maximum heap size has been enlarged substantially,
-from a few gigabytes to several tens of gigabytes.
-(The exact details depend on the system and may change.)
-On 32-bit architectures, the heap size has not changed.
-This change should have no effect on existing programs beyond allowing them
-to run with larger heaps.
-<h3 id="unicode">Unicode</h3>
-To make it possible to represent code points greater than 65535 in UTF-16,
-Unicode defines <em>surrogate halves</em>,
-a range of code points to be used only in the assembly of large values, and only in UTF-16.
-The code points in that surrogate range are illegal for any other purpose.
-In Go 1.1, this constraint is honored by the compiler, libraries, and run-time:
-a surrogate half is illegal as a rune value, when encoded as UTF-8, or when
-encoded in isolation as UTF-16.
-When encountered, for example in converting from a rune to UTF-8, it is
-treated as an encoding error and will yield the replacement rune,
-<a href="/pkg/unicode/utf8/#RuneError"><code>utf8.RuneError</code></a>,
-This program,
-import "fmt"
-func main() {
- fmt.Printf("%+q\n", string(0xD800))
-printed <code>"\ud800"</code> in Go 1.0, but prints <code>"\ufffd"</code> in Go 1.1.
-Surrogate-half Unicode values are now illegal in rune and string constants, so constants such as
-<code>'\ud800'</code> and <code>"\ud800"</code> are now rejected by the compilers.
-When written explicitly as UTF-8 encoded bytes,
-such strings can still be created, as in <code>"\xed\xa0\x80"</code>.
-However, when such a string is decoded as a sequence of runes, as in a range loop, it will yield only <code>utf8.RuneError</code>
-The Unicode byte order mark U+FEFF, encoded in UTF-8, is now permitted as the first
-character of a Go source file.
-Even though its appearance in the byte-order-free UTF-8 encoding is clearly unnecessary,
-some editors add the mark as a kind of "magic number" identifying a UTF-8 encoded file.
-Most programs will be unaffected by the surrogate change.
-Programs that depend on the old behavior should be modified to avoid the issue.
-The byte-order-mark change is strictly backward-compatible.
-<h3 id="race">Race detector</h3>
-A major addition to the tools is a <em>race detector</em>, a way to
-find bugs in programs caused by concurrent access of the same
-variable, where at least one of the accesses is a write.
-This new facility is built into the <code>go</code> tool.
-For now, it is only available on Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows systems with
-64-bit x86 processors.
-To enable it, set the <code>-race</code> flag when building or testing your program
-(for instance, <code>go test -race</code>).
-The race detector is documented in <a href="/doc/articles/race_detector.html">a separate article</a>.
-<h3 id="gc_asm">The gc assemblers</h3>
-Due to the change of the <a href="#int"><code>int</code></a> to 64 bits and
-a new internal <a href="//golang.org/s/go11func">representation of functions</a>,
-the arrangement of function arguments on the stack has changed in the gc toolchain.
-Functions written in assembly will need to be revised at least
-to adjust frame pointer offsets.
-The <code>go vet</code> command now checks that functions implemented in assembly
-match the Go function prototypes they implement.
-<h3 id="gocmd">Changes to the go command</h3>
-The <a href="/cmd/go/"><code>go</code></a> command has acquired several
-changes intended to improve the experience for new Go users.
-First, when compiling, testing, or running Go code, the <code>go</code> command will now give more detailed error messages,
-including a list of paths searched, when a package cannot be located.
-$ go build foo/quxx
-can't load package: package foo/quxx: cannot find package "foo/quxx" in any of:
- /home/you/go/src/pkg/foo/quxx (from $GOROOT)
- /home/you/src/foo/quxx (from $GOPATH)
-Second, the <code>go get</code> command no longer allows <code>$GOROOT</code>
-as the default destination when downloading package source.
-To use the <code>go get</code>
-command, a <a href="/doc/code.html#GOPATH">valid <code>$GOPATH</code></a> is now required.
-$ GOPATH= go get code.google.com/p/foo/quxx
-package code.google.com/p/foo/quxx: cannot download, $GOPATH not set. For more details see: go help gopath
-Finally, as a result of the previous change, the <code>go get</code> command will also fail
-when <code>$GOPATH</code> and <code>$GOROOT</code> are set to the same value.
-$ GOPATH=$GOROOT go get code.google.com/p/foo/quxx
-warning: GOPATH set to GOROOT (/home/you/go) has no effect
-package code.google.com/p/foo/quxx: cannot download, $GOPATH must not be set to $GOROOT. For more details see: go help gopath
-<h3 id="gotest">Changes to the go test command</h3>
-The <a href="/cmd/go/#hdr-Test_packages"><code>go test</code></a>
-command no longer deletes the binary when run with profiling enabled,
-to make it easier to analyze the profile.
-The implementation sets the <code>-c</code> flag automatically, so after running,
-$ go test -cpuprofile cpuprof.out mypackage
-the file <code>mypackage.test</code> will be left in the directory where <code>go test</code> was run.
-The <a href="/cmd/go/#hdr-Test_packages"><code>go test</code></a>
-command can now generate profiling information
-that reports where goroutines are blocked, that is,
-where they tend to stall waiting for an event such as a channel communication.
-The information is presented as a
-<em>blocking profile</em>
-enabled with the
-option of
-<code>go test</code>.
-Run <code>go help test</code> for more information.
-<h3 id="gofix">Changes to the go fix command</h3>
-The <a href="/cmd/fix/"><code>fix</code></a> command, usually run as
-<code>go fix</code>, no longer applies fixes to update code from
-before Go 1 to use Go 1 APIs.
-To update pre-Go 1 code to Go 1.1, use a Go 1.0 toolchain
-to convert the code to Go 1.0 first.
-<h3 id="tags">Build constraints</h3>
-The "<code>go1.1</code>" tag has been added to the list of default
-<a href="/pkg/go/build/#hdr-Build_Constraints">build constraints</a>.
-This permits packages to take advantage of the new features in Go 1.1 while
-remaining compatible with earlier versions of Go.
-To build a file only with Go 1.1 and above, add this build constraint:
-// +build go1.1
-To build a file only with Go 1.0.x, use the converse constraint:
-// +build !go1.1
-<h3 id="platforms">Additional platforms</h3>
-The Go 1.1 toolchain adds experimental support for <code>freebsd/arm</code>,
-<code>netbsd/386</code>, <code>netbsd/amd64</code>, <code>netbsd/arm</code>,
-<code>openbsd/386</code> and <code>openbsd/amd64</code> platforms.
-An ARMv6 or later processor is required for <code>freebsd/arm</code> or
-Go 1.1 adds experimental support for <code>cgo</code> on <code>linux/arm</code>.
-<h3 id="crosscompile">Cross compilation</h3>
-When cross-compiling, the <code>go</code> tool will disable <code>cgo</code>
-support by default.
-To explicitly enable <code>cgo</code>, set <code>CGO_ENABLED=1</code>.
-<h2 id="performance">Performance</h2>
-The performance of code compiled with the Go 1.1 gc tool suite should be noticeably
-better for most Go programs.
-Typical improvements relative to Go 1.0 seem to be about 30%-40%, sometimes
-much more, but occasionally less or even non-existent.
-There are too many small performance-driven tweaks through the tools and libraries
-to list them all here, but the following major changes are worth noting:
-<li>The gc compilers generate better code in many cases, most noticeably for
-floating point on the 32-bit Intel architecture.</li>
-<li>The gc compilers do more in-lining, including for some operations
-in the run-time such as <a href="/pkg/builtin/#append"><code>append</code></a>
-and interface conversions.</li>
-<li>There is a new implementation of Go maps with significant reduction in
-memory footprint and CPU time.</li>
-<li>The garbage collector has been made more parallel, which can reduce
-latencies for programs running on multiple CPUs.</li>
-<li>The garbage collector is also more precise, which costs a small amount of
-CPU time but can reduce the size of the heap significantly, especially
-on 32-bit architectures.</li>
-<li>Due to tighter coupling of the run-time and network libraries, fewer
-context switches are required on network operations.</li>
-<h2 id="library">Changes to the standard library</h2>
-<h3 id="bufio_scanner">bufio.Scanner</h3>
-The various routines to scan textual input in the
-<a href="/pkg/bufio/"><code>bufio</code></a>
-<a href="/pkg/bufio/#Reader.ReadBytes"><code>ReadBytes</code></a>,
-<a href="/pkg/bufio/#Reader.ReadString"><code>ReadString</code></a>
-and particularly
-<a href="/pkg/bufio/#Reader.ReadLine"><code>ReadLine</code></a>,
-are needlessly complex to use for simple purposes.
-In Go 1.1, a new type,
-<a href="/pkg/bufio/#Scanner"><code>Scanner</code></a>,
-has been added to make it easier to do simple tasks such as
-read the input as a sequence of lines or space-delimited words.
-It simplifies the problem by terminating the scan on problematic
-input such as pathologically long lines, and having a simple
-default: line-oriented input, with each line stripped of its terminator.
-Here is code to reproduce the input a line at a time:
-scanner := bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin)
-for scanner.Scan() {
- fmt.Println(scanner.Text()) // Println will add back the final '\n'
-if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil {
- fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "reading standard input:", err)
-Scanning behavior can be adjusted through a function to control subdividing the input
-(see the documentation for <a href="/pkg/bufio/#SplitFunc"><code>SplitFunc</code></a>),
-but for tough problems or the need to continue past errors, the older interface
-may still be required.
-<h3 id="net">net</h3>
-The protocol-specific resolvers in the <a href="/pkg/net/"><code>net</code></a> package were formerly
-lax about the network name passed in.
-Although the documentation was clear
-that the only valid networks for
-<a href="/pkg/net/#ResolveTCPAddr"><code>ResolveTCPAddr</code></a>
-are <code>"tcp"</code>,
-<code>"tcp4"</code>, and <code>"tcp6"</code>, the Go 1.0 implementation silently accepted any string.
-The Go 1.1 implementation returns an error if the network is not one of those strings.
-The same is true of the other protocol-specific resolvers <a href="/pkg/net/#ResolveIPAddr"><code>ResolveIPAddr</code></a>,
-<a href="/pkg/net/#ResolveUDPAddr"><code>ResolveUDPAddr</code></a>, and
-<a href="/pkg/net/#ResolveUnixAddr"><code>ResolveUnixAddr</code></a>.
-The previous implementation of
-<a href="/pkg/net/#ListenUnixgram"><code>ListenUnixgram</code></a>
-returned a
-<a href="/pkg/net/#UDPConn"><code>UDPConn</code></a> as
-a representation of the connection endpoint.
-The Go 1.1 implementation instead returns a
-<a href="/pkg/net/#UnixConn"><code>UnixConn</code></a>
-to allow reading and writing
-with its
-<a href="/pkg/net/#UnixConn.ReadFrom"><code>ReadFrom</code></a>
-<a href="/pkg/net/#UnixConn.WriteTo"><code>WriteTo</code></a>
-The data structures
-<a href="/pkg/net/#IPAddr"><code>IPAddr</code></a>,
-<a href="/pkg/net/#TCPAddr"><code>TCPAddr</code></a>, and
-<a href="/pkg/net/#UDPAddr"><code>UDPAddr</code></a>
-add a new string field called <code>Zone</code>.
-Code using untagged composite literals (e.g. <code>net.TCPAddr{ip, port}</code>)
-instead of tagged literals (<code>net.TCPAddr{IP: ip, Port: port}</code>)
-will break due to the new field.
-The Go 1 compatibility rules allow this change: client code must use tagged literals to avoid such breakages.
-To correct breakage caused by the new struct field,
-<code>go fix</code> will rewrite code to add tags for these types.
-More generally, <code>go vet</code> will identify composite literals that
-should be revised to use field tags.
-<h3 id="reflect">reflect</h3>
-The <a href="/pkg/reflect/"><code>reflect</code></a> package has several significant additions.
-It is now possible to run a "select" statement using
-the <code>reflect</code> package; see the description of
-<a href="/pkg/reflect/#Select"><code>Select</code></a>
-<a href="/pkg/reflect/#SelectCase"><code>SelectCase</code></a>
-for details.
-The new method
-<a href="/pkg/reflect/#Value.Convert"><code>Value.Convert</code></a>
-<a href="/pkg/reflect/#Type"><code>Type.ConvertibleTo</code></a>)
-provides functionality to execute a Go conversion or type assertion operation
-on a
-<a href="/pkg/reflect/#Value"><code>Value</code></a>
-(or test for its possibility).
-The new function
-<a href="/pkg/reflect/#MakeFunc"><code>MakeFunc</code></a>
-creates a wrapper function to make it easier to call a function with existing
-<a href="/pkg/reflect/#Value"><code>Values</code></a>,
-doing the standard Go conversions among the arguments, for instance
-to pass an actual <code>int</code> to a formal <code>interface{}</code>.
-Finally, the new functions
-<a href="/pkg/reflect/#ChanOf"><code>ChanOf</code></a>,
-<a href="/pkg/reflect/#MapOf"><code>MapOf</code></a>
-<a href="/pkg/reflect/#SliceOf"><code>SliceOf</code></a>
-construct new
-<a href="/pkg/reflect/#Type"><code>Types</code></a>
-from existing types, for example to construct the type <code>[]T</code> given
-only <code>T</code>.
-<h3 id="time">time</h3>
-On FreeBSD, Linux, NetBSD, OS X and OpenBSD, previous versions of the
-<a href="/pkg/time/"><code>time</code></a> package
-returned times with microsecond precision.
-The Go 1.1 implementation on these
-systems now returns times with nanosecond precision.
-Programs that write to an external format with microsecond precision
-and read it back, expecting to recover the original value, will be affected
-by the loss of precision.
-There are two new methods of <a href="/pkg/time/#Time"><code>Time</code></a>,
-<a href="/pkg/time/#Time.Round"><code>Round</code></a>
-<a href="/pkg/time/#Time.Truncate"><code>Truncate</code></a>,
-that can be used to remove precision from a time before passing it to
-external storage.
-The new method
-<a href="/pkg/time/#Time.YearDay"><code>YearDay</code></a>
-returns the one-indexed integral day number of the year specified by the time value.
-<a href="/pkg/time/#Timer"><code>Timer</code></a>
-type has a new method
-<a href="/pkg/time/#Timer.Reset"><code>Reset</code></a>
-that modifies the timer to expire after a specified duration.
-Finally, the new function
-<a href="/pkg/time/#ParseInLocation"><code>ParseInLocation</code></a>
-is like the existing
-<a href="/pkg/time/#Parse"><code>Parse</code></a>
-but parses the time in the context of a location (time zone), ignoring
-time zone information in the parsed string.
-This function addresses a common source of confusion in the time API.
-Code that needs to read and write times using an external format with
-lower precision should be modified to use the new methods.
-<h3 id="exp_old">Exp and old subtrees moved to go.exp and go.text subrepositories</h3>
-To make it easier for binary distributions to access them if desired, the <code>exp</code>
-and <code>old</code> source subtrees, which are not included in binary distributions,
-have been moved to the new <code>go.exp</code> subrepository at
-<code>code.google.com/p/go.exp</code>. To access the <code>ssa</code> package,
-for example, run
-$ go get code.google.com/p/go.exp/ssa
-and then in Go source,
-import "code.google.com/p/go.exp/ssa"
-The old package <code>exp/norm</code> has also been moved, but to a new repository
-<code>go.text</code>, where the Unicode APIs and other text-related packages will
-be developed.
-<h3 id="new_packages">New packages</h3>
-There are three new packages.
-The <a href="/pkg/go/format/"><code>go/format</code></a> package provides
-a convenient way for a program to access the formatting capabilities of the
-<a href="/cmd/go/#hdr-Run_gofmt_on_package_sources"><code>go fmt</code></a> command.
-It has two functions,
-<a href="/pkg/go/format/#Node"><code>Node</code></a> to format a Go parser
-<a href="/pkg/go/ast/#Node"><code>Node</code></a>,
-<a href="/pkg/go/format/#Source"><code>Source</code></a>
-to reformat arbitrary Go source code into the standard format as provided by the
-<a href="/cmd/go/#hdr-Run_gofmt_on_package_sources"><code>go fmt</code></a> command.
-The <a href="/pkg/net/http/cookiejar/"><code>net/http/cookiejar</code></a> package provides the basics for managing HTTP cookies.
-The <a href="/pkg/runtime/race/"><code>runtime/race</code></a> package provides low-level facilities for data race detection.
-It is internal to the race detector and does not otherwise export any user-visible functionality.
-<h3 id="minor_library_changes">Minor changes to the library</h3>
-The following list summarizes a number of minor changes to the library, mostly additions.
-See the relevant package documentation for more information about each change.
-The <a href="/pkg/bytes/"><code>bytes</code></a> package has two new functions,
-<a href="/pkg/bytes/#TrimPrefix"><code>TrimPrefix</code></a>
-<a href="/pkg/bytes/#TrimSuffix"><code>TrimSuffix</code></a>,
-with self-evident properties.
-Also, the <a href="/pkg/bytes/#Buffer"><code>Buffer</code></a> type
-has a new method
-<a href="/pkg/bytes/#Buffer.Grow"><code>Grow</code></a> that
-provides some control over memory allocation inside the buffer.
-Finally, the
-<a href="/pkg/bytes/#Reader"><code>Reader</code></a> type now has a
-<a href="/pkg/strings/#Reader.WriteTo"><code>WriteTo</code></a> method
-so it implements the
-<a href="/pkg/io/#WriterTo"><code>io.WriterTo</code></a> interface.
-The <a href="/pkg/compress/gzip/"><code>compress/gzip</code></a> package has
-a new <a href="/pkg/compress/gzip/#Writer.Flush"><code>Flush</code></a>
-method for its
-<a href="/pkg/compress/gzip/#Writer"><code>Writer</code></a>
-type that flushes its underlying <code>flate.Writer</code>.
-The <a href="/pkg/crypto/hmac/"><code>crypto/hmac</code></a> package has a new function,
-<a href="/pkg/crypto/hmac/#Equal"><code>Equal</code></a>, to compare two MACs.
-The <a href="/pkg/crypto/x509/"><code>crypto/x509</code></a> package
-now supports PEM blocks (see
-<a href="/pkg/crypto/x509/#DecryptPEMBlock"><code>DecryptPEMBlock</code></a> for instance),
-and a new function
-<a href="/pkg/crypto/x509/#ParseECPrivateKey"><code>ParseECPrivateKey</code></a> to parse elliptic curve private keys.
-The <a href="/pkg/database/sql/"><code>database/sql</code></a> package
-has a new
-<a href="/pkg/database/sql/#DB.Ping"><code>Ping</code></a>
-method for its
-<a href="/pkg/database/sql/#DB"><code>DB</code></a>
-type that tests the health of the connection.
-The <a href="/pkg/database/sql/driver/"><code>database/sql/driver</code></a> package
-has a new
-<a href="/pkg/database/sql/driver/#Queryer"><code>Queryer</code></a>
-interface that a
-<a href="/pkg/database/sql/driver/#Conn"><code>Conn</code></a>
-may implement to improve performance.
-The <a href="/pkg/encoding/json/"><code>encoding/json</code></a> package's
-<a href="/pkg/encoding/json/#Decoder"><code>Decoder</code></a>
-has a new method
-<a href="/pkg/encoding/json/#Decoder.Buffered"><code>Buffered</code></a>
-to provide access to the remaining data in its buffer,
-as well as a new method
-<a href="/pkg/encoding/json/#Decoder.UseNumber"><code>UseNumber</code></a>
-to unmarshal a value into the new type
-<a href="/pkg/encoding/json/#Number"><code>Number</code></a>,
-a string, rather than a float64.
-The <a href="/pkg/encoding/xml/"><code>encoding/xml</code></a> package
-has a new function,
-<a href="/pkg/encoding/xml/#EscapeText"><code>EscapeText</code></a>,
-which writes escaped XML output,
-and a method on
-<a href="/pkg/encoding/xml/#Encoder"><code>Encoder</code></a>,
-<a href="/pkg/encoding/xml/#Encoder.Indent"><code>Indent</code></a>,
-to specify indented output.
-In the <a href="/pkg/go/ast/"><code>go/ast</code></a> package, a
-new type <a href="/pkg/go/ast/#CommentMap"><code>CommentMap</code></a>
-and associated methods makes it easier to extract and process comments in Go programs.
-In the <a href="/pkg/go/doc/"><code>go/doc</code></a> package,
-the parser now keeps better track of stylized annotations such as <code>TODO(joe)</code>
-throughout the code,
-information that the <a href="/cmd/godoc/"><code>godoc</code></a>
-command can filter or present according to the value of the <code>-notes</code> flag.
-The undocumented and only partially implemented "noescape" feature of the
-<a href="/pkg/html/template/"><code>html/template</code></a>
-package has been removed; programs that depend on it will break.
-The <a href="/pkg/image/jpeg/"><code>image/jpeg</code></a> package now
-reads progressive JPEG files and handles a few more subsampling configurations.
-The <a href="/pkg/io/"><code>io</code></a> package now exports the
-<a href="/pkg/io/#ByteWriter"><code>io.ByteWriter</code></a> interface to capture the common
-functionality of writing a byte at a time.
-It also exports a new error, <a href="/pkg/io/#ErrNoProgress"><code>ErrNoProgress</code></a>,
-used to indicate a <code>Read</code> implementation is looping without delivering data.
-The <a href="/pkg/log/syslog/"><code>log/syslog</code></a> package now provides better support
-for OS-specific logging features.
-The <a href="/pkg/math/big/"><code>math/big</code></a> package's
-<a href="/pkg/math/big/#Int"><code>Int</code></a> type
-now has methods
-<a href="/pkg/math/big/#Int.MarshalJSON"><code>MarshalJSON</code></a>
-<a href="/pkg/math/big/#Int.UnmarshalJSON"><code>UnmarshalJSON</code></a>
-to convert to and from a JSON representation.
-<a href="/pkg/math/big/#Int"><code>Int</code></a>
-can now convert directly to and from a <code>uint64</code> using
-<a href="/pkg/math/big/#Int.Uint64"><code>Uint64</code></a>
-<a href="/pkg/math/big/#Int.SetUint64"><code>SetUint64</code></a>,
-<a href="/pkg/math/big/#Rat"><code>Rat</code></a>
-can do the same with <code>float64</code> using
-<a href="/pkg/math/big/#Rat.Float64"><code>Float64</code></a>
-<a href="/pkg/math/big/#Rat.SetFloat64"><code>SetFloat64</code></a>.
-The <a href="/pkg/mime/multipart/"><code>mime/multipart</code></a> package
-has a new method for its
-<a href="/pkg/mime/multipart/#Writer"><code>Writer</code></a>,
-<a href="/pkg/mime/multipart/#Writer.SetBoundary"><code>SetBoundary</code></a>,
-to define the boundary separator used to package the output.
-The <a href="/pkg/mime/multipart/#Reader"><code>Reader</code></a> also now
-transparently decodes any <code>quoted-printable</code> parts and removes
-the <code>Content-Transfer-Encoding</code> header when doing so.
-<a href="/pkg/net/"><code>net</code></a> package's
-<a href="/pkg/net/#ListenUnixgram"><code>ListenUnixgram</code></a>
-function has changed return types: it now returns a
-<a href="/pkg/net/#UnixConn"><code>UnixConn</code></a>
-rather than a
-<a href="/pkg/net/#UDPConn"><code>UDPConn</code></a>, which was
-clearly a mistake in Go 1.0.
-Since this API change fixes a bug, it is permitted by the Go 1 compatibility rules.
-The <a href="/pkg/net/"><code>net</code></a> package includes a new type,
-<a href="/pkg/net/#Dialer"><code>Dialer</code></a>, to supply options to
-<a href="/pkg/net/#Dialer.Dial"><code>Dial</code></a>.
-The <a href="/pkg/net/"><code>net</code></a> package adds support for
-link-local IPv6 addresses with zone qualifiers, such as <code>fe80::1%lo0</code>.
-The address structures <a href="/pkg/net/#IPAddr"><code>IPAddr</code></a>,
-<a href="/pkg/net/#UDPAddr"><code>UDPAddr</code></a>, and
-<a href="/pkg/net/#TCPAddr"><code>TCPAddr</code></a>
-record the zone in a new field, and functions that expect string forms of these addresses, such as
-<a href="/pkg/net/#Dial"><code>Dial</code></a>,
-<a href="/pkg/net/#ResolveIPAddr"><code>ResolveIPAddr</code></a>,
-<a href="/pkg/net/#ResolveUDPAddr"><code>ResolveUDPAddr</code></a>, and
-<a href="/pkg/net/#ResolveTCPAddr"><code>ResolveTCPAddr</code></a>,
-now accept the zone-qualified form.
-The <a href="/pkg/net/"><code>net</code></a> package adds
-<a href="/pkg/net/#LookupNS"><code>LookupNS</code></a> to its suite of resolving functions.
-<code>LookupNS</code> returns the <a href="/pkg/net/#NS">NS records</a> for a host name.
-The <a href="/pkg/net/"><code>net</code></a> package adds protocol-specific
-packet reading and writing methods to
-<a href="/pkg/net/#IPConn"><code>IPConn</code></a>
-(<a href="/pkg/net/#IPConn.ReadMsgIP"><code>ReadMsgIP</code></a>
-and <a href="/pkg/net/#IPConn.WriteMsgIP"><code>WriteMsgIP</code></a>) and
-<a href="/pkg/net/#UDPConn"><code>UDPConn</code></a>
-(<a href="/pkg/net/#UDPConn.ReadMsgUDP"><code>ReadMsgUDP</code></a> and
-<a href="/pkg/net/#UDPConn.WriteMsgUDP"><code>WriteMsgUDP</code></a>).
-These are specialized versions of <a href="/pkg/net/#PacketConn"><code>PacketConn</code></a>'s
-<code>ReadFrom</code> and <code>WriteTo</code> methods that provide access to out-of-band data associated
-with the packets.
- </li>
- <li>
-The <a href="/pkg/net/"><code>net</code></a> package adds methods to
-<a href="/pkg/net/#UnixConn"><code>UnixConn</code></a> to allow closing half of the connection
-(<a href="/pkg/net/#UnixConn.CloseRead"><code>CloseRead</code></a> and
-<a href="/pkg/net/#UnixConn.CloseWrite"><code>CloseWrite</code></a>),
-matching the existing methods of <a href="/pkg/net/#TCPConn"><code>TCPConn</code></a>.
-The <a href="/pkg/net/http/"><code>net/http</code></a> package includes several new additions.
-<a href="/pkg/net/http/#ParseTime"><code>ParseTime</code></a> parses a time string, trying
-several common HTTP time formats.
-The <a href="/pkg/net/http/#Request.PostFormValue"><code>PostFormValue</code></a> method of
-<a href="/pkg/net/http/#Request"><code>Request</code></a> is like
-<a href="/pkg/net/http/#Request.FormValue"><code>FormValue</code></a> but ignores URL parameters.
-The <a href="/pkg/net/http/#CloseNotifier"><code>CloseNotifier</code></a> interface provides a mechanism
-for a server handler to discover when a client has disconnected.
-The <code>ServeMux</code> type now has a
-<a href="/pkg/net/http/#ServeMux.Handler"><code>Handler</code></a> method to access a path's
-<code>Handler</code> without executing it.
-The <code>Transport</code> can now cancel an in-flight request with
-<a href="/pkg/net/http/#Transport.CancelRequest"><code>CancelRequest</code></a>.
-Finally, the Transport is now more aggressive at closing TCP connections when
-a <a href="/pkg/net/http/#Response"><code>Response.Body</code></a> is closed before
-being fully consumed.
-The <a href="/pkg/net/mail/"><code>net/mail</code></a> package has two new functions,
-<a href="/pkg/net/mail/#ParseAddress"><code>ParseAddress</code></a> and
-<a href="/pkg/net/mail/#ParseAddressList"><code>ParseAddressList</code></a>,
-to parse RFC 5322-formatted mail addresses into
-<a href="/pkg/net/mail/#Address"><code>Address</code></a> structures.
-The <a href="/pkg/net/smtp/"><code>net/smtp</code></a> package's
-<a href="/pkg/net/smtp/#Client"><code>Client</code></a> type has a new method,
-<a href="/pkg/net/smtp/#Client.Hello"><code>Hello</code></a>,
-which transmits a <code>HELO</code> or <code>EHLO</code> message to the server.
-The <a href="/pkg/net/textproto/"><code>net/textproto</code></a> package
-has two new functions,
-<a href="/pkg/net/textproto/#TrimBytes"><code>TrimBytes</code></a> and
-<a href="/pkg/net/textproto/#TrimString"><code>TrimString</code></a>,
-which do ASCII-only trimming of leading and trailing spaces.
-The new method <a href="/pkg/os/#FileMode.IsRegular"><code>os.FileMode.IsRegular</code></a> makes it easy to ask if a file is a plain file.
-The <a href="/pkg/os/signal/"><code>os/signal</code></a> package has a new function,
-<a href="/pkg/os/signal/#Stop"><code>Stop</code></a>, which stops the package delivering
-any further signals to the channel.
-The <a href="/pkg/regexp/"><code>regexp</code></a> package
-now supports Unix-original leftmost-longest matches through the
-<a href="/pkg/regexp/#Regexp.Longest"><code>Regexp.Longest</code></a>
-method, while
-<a href="/pkg/regexp/#Regexp.Split"><code>Regexp.Split</code></a> slices
-strings into pieces based on separators defined by the regular expression.
-The <a href="/pkg/runtime/debug/"><code>runtime/debug</code></a> package
-has three new functions regarding memory usage.
-The <a href="/pkg/runtime/debug/#FreeOSMemory"><code>FreeOSMemory</code></a>
-function triggers a run of the garbage collector and then attempts to return unused
-memory to the operating system;
-the <a href="/pkg/runtime/debug/#ReadGCStats"><code>ReadGCStats</code></a>
-function retrieves statistics about the collector; and
-<a href="/pkg/runtime/debug/#SetGCPercent"><code>SetGCPercent</code></a>
-provides a programmatic way to control how often the collector runs,
-including disabling it altogether.
-The <a href="/pkg/sort/"><code>sort</code></a> package has a new function,
-<a href="/pkg/sort/#Reverse"><code>Reverse</code></a>.
-Wrapping the argument of a call to
-<a href="/pkg/sort/#Sort"><code>sort.Sort</code></a>
-with a call to <code>Reverse</code> causes the sort order to be reversed.
-The <a href="/pkg/strings/"><code>strings</code></a> package has two new functions,
-<a href="/pkg/strings/#TrimPrefix"><code>TrimPrefix</code></a>
-<a href="/pkg/strings/#TrimSuffix"><code>TrimSuffix</code></a>
-with self-evident properties, and the new method
-<a href="/pkg/strings/#Reader.WriteTo"><code>Reader.WriteTo</code></a> so the
-<a href="/pkg/strings/#Reader"><code>Reader</code></a>
-type now implements the
-<a href="/pkg/io/#WriterTo"><code>io.WriterTo</code></a> interface.
-The <a href="/pkg/syscall/"><code>syscall</code></a> package's
-<a href="/pkg/syscall/#Fchflags"><code>Fchflags</code></a> function on various BSDs
-(including Darwin) has changed signature.
-It now takes an int as the first parameter instead of a string.
-Since this API change fixes a bug, it is permitted by the Go 1 compatibility rules.
-The <a href="/pkg/syscall/"><code>syscall</code></a> package also has received many updates
-to make it more inclusive of constants and system calls for each supported operating system.
-The <a href="/pkg/testing/"><code>testing</code></a> package now automates the generation of allocation
-statistics in tests and benchmarks using the new
-<a href="/pkg/testing/#AllocsPerRun"><code>AllocsPerRun</code></a> function. And the
-<a href="/pkg/testing/#B.ReportAllocs"><code>ReportAllocs</code></a>
-method on <a href="/pkg/testing/#B"><code>testing.B</code></a> will enable printing of
-memory allocation statistics for the calling benchmark. It also introduces the
-<a href="/pkg/testing/#BenchmarkResult.AllocsPerOp"><code>AllocsPerOp</code></a> method of
-<a href="/pkg/testing/#BenchmarkResult"><code>BenchmarkResult</code></a>.
-There is also a new
-<a href="/pkg/testing/#Verbose"><code>Verbose</code></a> function to test the state of the <code>-v</code>
-command-line flag,
-and a new
-<a href="/pkg/testing/#B.Skip"><code>Skip</code></a> method of
-<a href="/pkg/testing/#B"><code>testing.B</code></a> and
-<a href="/pkg/testing/#T"><code>testing.T</code></a>
-to simplify skipping an inappropriate test.
-In the <a href="/pkg/text/template/"><code>text/template</code></a>
-<a href="/pkg/html/template/"><code>html/template</code></a> packages,
-templates can now use parentheses to group the elements of pipelines, simplifying the construction of complex pipelines.
-Also, as part of the new parser, the
-<a href="/pkg/text/template/parse/#Node"><code>Node</code></a> interface got two new methods to provide
-better error reporting.
-Although this violates the Go 1 compatibility rules,
-no existing code should be affected because this interface is explicitly intended only to be used
-by the
-<a href="/pkg/text/template/"><code>text/template</code></a>
-<a href="/pkg/html/template/"><code>html/template</code></a>
-packages and there are safeguards to guarantee that.
-The implementation of the <a href="/pkg/unicode/"><code>unicode</code></a> package has been updated to Unicode version 6.2.0.
-In the <a href="/pkg/unicode/utf8/"><code>unicode/utf8</code></a> package,
-the new function <a href="/pkg/unicode/utf8/#ValidRune"><code>ValidRune</code></a> reports whether the rune is a valid Unicode code point.
-To be valid, a rune must be in range and not be a surrogate half.